The Mind in Turmoil


Turmoil, defined in the dictionary; a state of extreme confusion/ defined as a mental process it is the existence of shame, and the reasons which demand a change in you. Contrary to the majority description of those in turmoil, it is not Aa descent into hell, here on earth@/ rather it is the opposite, your life, your soul Ahas had enough is demanding change that you may come out of the Ahell@ you have chosen for yourself. There are 7 major burdens which people chain to themselves, and 4 minor burdens which they carry to please themselves (so they think). The words begin with the 4 main burdens:

    1. Some type of behavior HAS occurred, which is a horrendous example of something you believed, Acould never happen to you/ you ARE BETTER than that@. This sudden reality or truth exists to threaten your Agrip on sanity@ because if this could happen/ what else might be lurking in the darkness waiting to attack, if you are not alert. Different people have a different reference to life, therefore what may seem terrible to one, may have no effect on someone else. But always, it is a bad thing, on some level of conscious behavior, that should never be repeated. These Achains will not be broken unless repentance, forgiveness, and CONFESSION all take place. YOU must face your shame & then live with mercy, or with repayment (such as jail) for these sins. Take heart, you are NOT alone/ many join, and more suffer from bout=s of depression and various other mental ailments do to the same reason.
    2. For some LIES, have taken over their life, the description of yourself, has become so porous with useless, meaningless, exaggerations that your personal concept of self, has become lost. Gone is the reason for living/ gone is the purpose of happiness/ abandoned is the hope, that only love can give. All for the sake of lies. These then have become a great burden/ it has taken away your life and given it to whoever is listening even for a second. Time and reason have removed Athe listener@ and now without a purpose/ alone and abandoned, even the very small tasks, seem like Amountains that must be moved@. It is real, that when someone does try to listen, that the lies inside intervene when true desperation sets in, and no one can hear your tears, because you know you lie/ and a lie means you are hidden and directing people away from the real truth, thereby creating more lies/ more abandonment/ and the inner threat of suicide. IF you commit suicide, then you die a murderer/ REPENT TO GOD, AND LIVE! The second part of this burden is the insistence: I, don=t need anyone/ I, only want things not people in my life/ I, am everything I need/ I don=t care about myself/ I have goals to sustain me/ I don=t have faith AND I DON=T want it/ I don=t care if I die alone. These are the doors which have kept everyone locked out & now loneliness, Ahas hidden the door@, to allow someone inside. Therefore it is a feeling of loss & being totally lost. YOU CANNOT heal, until the tears overwhelm these barriers! YOU shall NOT heal, until you abandon the goals that are destructive to life, are humbled by YOUR NEED to be loved, abandon your pride (the foundation of your problems) and be Aplain, simple, equal, & REAL@.
    3. The realities of life include the need to survive. Need means Amust do@, therefore to some survival means Achained to the wall/ freedom lost@; the reality is more simply, Achained by the demands of your own want@. The loss of freedom is equivalent to the loss of happiness, and if you view your needs as unacceptable demands for the price of your life, then the descent begins into pity & strife Apoor me, poor me@. Here life begins as a battlefield, a place where the war against life becomes a war against people. Needs exist, because without them humanity proves it cannot survive, BUT instead falls into a pit of excess where pleasure seekers become Amurderers for fun@. Your need exists to help you transfer the questions of life, into understandable truths. The question to you is then simply: will you let the truth decide? Or will you demand to consume your own way through life, that death to you, may in your imagination, be the end of Athe prison, here on earth@. Harmony means simply, what is BEST for every life (do you want this)/ Harmony means honestly, can love, the expression of gratitude for the gift of life become your guide (do you cherish this)/ or are you too bored to be bothered with reality. The chains of this poverty will only be broken if truth is allowed to decide, NOT want. Truth is an expression applied to happiness & freedom, therefore the greater the truth in you/ the greater the happiness and more pure the freedom.
  1. The fear of death/ the fear of hell, takes away the value of life for many. These fears remove the desire and reality of happiness, in these people and make life a desperate experience, confined by the sacrifices of Ajust staying alive@. The reality here, is the decision demanded from you: the question what shall happen to you when you die? The failure to choose, is in reality the illustration of Asitting on the fence/ not choosing a side, in case your wrong and might lose out on something you might want@! Here the longer you sit upon the fence, the more critically devalued life becomes: Aif I ask for this, I lose/ if I ask for that, I lose/ If I don=t ask, I lose/ (this is too much for me, AI want to hide, and make it go away@). Therefore fear begins to consume your life, and you begin to hope it shall so that NO more fears can plague you. This is a decision to avoid/ this decision shall cost you your life. RATHER BE ALIVE and make the decision, that there is something about life that you do desire, and search for it! It is NO ONE=s destiny, Ato die in a hole, wishing you were dead@; this comes only from your own heart. READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY AND REPENT.
  2. Loneliness exists as the burden of every person alive, for some it is an acute experience separating them from Athe whole world@, the reasons are varied/ the reality is the same, that some facet of their life, their wants, their hopes, their body, or their environment separates their life from social interactions which are meaningful to their soul. Do you see all the references to AI@, these realities of loneliness are linked directly to AI want@/ these realities are linked specifically to AI don=t want@/ these realities of selfishness exist as a testimony that love, according to the definition of equality is missing in you (there are many people in true need across the earth/ they would accept you IF you accept them). Love inside exists for the purpose of sharing, search until you find the happiness you seek BUT remember this, your selfishness is the problem and you MUST CHANGE. Do not change and expect immediate results, love is an issue of trust in the beginning, and you must prove (as well as the one who could love you) that you are worthy of trust. READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY AND REPENT, it will teach you that life is more than sex, more than luxury, & more than power or greed. If it does not, then you are not lonely/ YOU are a predator hungry for a prey.
  3. The Aevil spirit or demon@ exists as a description of a purpose, and that purpose is to destroy the life inside/ by removing the soul. The demon is a decision that life if UNFAIR, that love exists ONLY to hurt and create pain, that AI@ am the embodiment of evil (because I truly hurt someone)/ therefore AI@ must act and be Athe part@. This in turn, alters the reality of life into Aimaginings and fantasy@ and later it alters the mind into variations from Athe living dead, to murder shall give me his/ her soul@. These things begin to remove the soul when the decision Adeath would be better@ is made. These ARE CRITICAL RELATIONSHIPS which alter the experience of life, the actuality of a destiny, into the demolition by fire (forced turbulence) of everything that is life. Those who fear death cannot hide, therefore they choose to be in the end Athe embodiment of satan (hidden lies)@. Be careful what you do, because the reality of life is simply small matters, allowed to turn cancerous can turn to death. PRAY UNENDING! AND READ JOHN 3: 16 understanding completely that you are loved/ until the day your soul is dead, RETURN TO THE LIVING!
  4. The thirst for possessions and luxuries and pride, do not exist as a need/ therefore these things are distinct decisions of the mind. The mind does not exist in a vacuum, therefore the reality of destruction to other peoples lives cannot be excused or avoided/ you know in limited definition that YOU damage their lives, and you CHOOSE to do it anyway. Here the reality is a war inside Athe money or their lives@, exists to challenge your soul: Do you want HARMONY or do you want separation? The question is then NOT about the money, rather it is the difference between eternity and you. PRAY !
  5. These simple burdens account for great suffering, each of them are destinies chosen which separate life from you! Life, is the experience which separates you from incomprehensible nothingness/ which separates you from the Arocks@/ which describes possibilities beyond our imagination. When you examine your own life to decide what you do or do not have, then REMEMBER you already have Aa miracle inside@, choose LOVE & RESPECT and Creation itself, will come to your door and visit with you. This is a reality, NOT a myth.

    The 4 minor burdens, are these:

  6. The responsibilities which you select by the decisions of your body & your life DO belong to you. You asked, you received, (with or without prayer) and you were granted the reality of your request. Reality exists not in the imagination but in truth, and truth says Asometimes remove a single support, and the whole structure collapsed@. Therefore understanding is CRITICAL to the decisions which shall affect your life or someone else=s/ BE WISE OR BE PATIENT!
  7. Worry, is the existence of unending measurements, as if we were only time and not alive at all. Worry expects failure, therefore it represents a great fear inside, that you/ we are not worthy of this life/ that you/we exist only be Aour fingernails, and have no anchor in this life@/ that life is the existence of a Asword@ that will come crashing down to slice us into pieces and we have no hope of avoiding it. Therefore we are condemned and only waiting for the hell that is sure to come. This is the extreme definition, most worrying is only trying to climb the hill to get to this point. Hill represents a curious play on words, because the entire definition of worry is about the descent into depths of despair/ Rather the truth about worry is more simple: it begins as a purpose to ensure AI will survive@, becomes a despair when a little something goes wrong , and then turns into a sacrifice Aclimbing the hill@ to buy your way out of trouble. These reactions only illicit trouble and grind away at the fabric of your life, and the security of those around you/ you are your own worst enemy (in most cases)! The definition of life is Asome day we shall die@/ UNTIL that time has arrived, the best you can do, LITERALLY IS the best you can do. To worry it is insufficient is a FAILURE IN YOUR SOUL! Do better.
  8. Death is the loss of someone SPECIAL TO YOU, it is not the end of your world/ rather it is the value of TRUE LOVE, come to show you, the treasure of life itself and the purpose of your soul. Death is a harsh reality, no one considers the loss of a loved one unimportant. But remember this: You too, shall die, in the eyes of those you leave behind would you not say AI never meant to make you cry/ instead remember the blessings we shared and the love which wove an eternity for me and you@. Begin again.
  9. Religions are variations of the mind, separated from the realities of life by the intellect (the definitions of a trap). They vary from intellectually controlled to intellectually unnecessary and everything in-between. A religion is a set of rules/ not what the rules try to represent. A morality based upon the concession & conclusions of a group of people, that this would be a better way to live. Therefore leaders & police & penalties are described, to enable the organization of enforced mass acceptance. These things are both good and bad, eliminating freedoms in exchange for a simple life, where rule can replace thought and understanding/ the unfortunate reality is most people DO NOT want to learn, therefore religion is an acceptable approach to social harmony. By this definition religion has nothing to do with actual BELIEF in anything, rather it is designed to accomplish a task, and it does. Those who ACCEPT BELIEF in Asomething@ accept the consequences of that belief as well, good or bad! Therefore the reality of Agood or bad@ is NO MORE, AND NO LESS than what is true & real! Here the question for every soul becomes a journey inside, and in the world, and within the soul, to ask, knock, & seek that which shall cement their lives in the stability of Peace, the place where the journey has become an ACCEPTANCE OF THE MIRACLE OF LIFE! Here amidst the honesty of order, the reality of discipline, and the truth about a love which cared and cares enough to give us everything we have needed to be happy, an honor appears and we become Achildren of GOD A! NOTHING IN THIS LIFE COMPARES! BELIEVE JESUS OUR SAVIOR !