Having lived through the days of discovery, the SOUL longs to be discovered and known. The FREEDOM to be yourself or myself, belongs entirely to the soul and must be found before YOU/I/THEY, can be free within ourselves.

The struggle to be truly alive IS like a desperate man straining to tear open his own chest to recognize and to release whatever is inside, it will not do anything but harm.

Truly alive is NOT defined by the human body, it is defined by SPIRIT.

LIFE/alive, are different within their own definitions, to have life only a biological process must be occurring, in the human definitions. To be alive allows the fundamental description of happiness to be applied, and happiness exists as a measurement of knowledge: AI know, I=m alive@(more than a process). It is common to humanity, to take for granted any/all LIFE, in a short time, as forgotten as an individual rock. Man/woman moves on, always in search of more; until the question becomes, Amore what@. This is the first groan entitled ABORING@, and closes Athe window@ that defines the soul. The search begins for entertainment and it conforms to the request of Life or death.

The majority prefer to tempt death, believing it shall make them brave. The Reality depicts an ever increasing presence of fears; the knowledge death is close and waiting for a mistake. This in turn produces a willful selection of, AWho=s out to get you@: a basic ingredient in racism, and a primary ingredient in Lust@ I will escape, I will control@. The description@ tempt death@ refers to the mental decision & consequence of hatred.

To be human, is to envision the world as a relationship to your own SELF.

To be alive, is to recognize the WORLD and everything in it IS NOT about you, RATHER it IS about LIFE and LIVING. We are a part of that LIFE and as we grow up, Reality reveals the immense complexity of who we are. The body MUST have all its parts, or it dies: can there be blood without vessels or a heart without blood? HOW MANY OTHER ,@REALITIES@ are joined in such a way that neither can come first! A newborn IS the result of everything else that came first.

To be ALIVE, begins as the mind SEALS out the voices, of those who hate or want power, and allows the SOUND and the sensual recognition of NATURE to be your guide.

Have you ever listened to your own footsteps, try it, you will recognize a gentle Aspirit@ resides in the simple rhythm, especially in leaves and snow. The word Aspirit@, assigns a natural expression that can teach, the message of PEACE.

Peace establishes The beginning to a world beyond Asimple survival@. PEACE is LOVE, an acceptance of Life and its needs, that REMEMBERS, AI am a visitor here TOO@.

There are those who BELIEVE: AWe are born only to die@. They have never asked simple questions, AWHY@!

Why is nothing to be gained from living?

Why do virtues exists?

Why do we recognize LOVE and sorrow?

These are many questions, BUT every answer points to the SAME CONCLUSION: That the purpose in Life IS to learn and to chose! If you agree, then the meaning aligned with purpose IS, A a foundation for SOMETHING ELSE@.

What shall YOU build?

What do you want?

Will YOU pay the price?

These are your questions, after you search for WHY. YOU ARE the architect, engineer, materials, supplies, and builder, NO ONE, BUT YOU shall decide.

Many would say ANOT SO@. everything, everyone around us influences the decisions we make! Reality says NO ONE enters the SOUL unless allowed, that decision IS YOURS and YOU WILL except the penalty or the benefit!( as your own) You MUST BE, who you actually are, DO NOT let people control you through hate, FORGIVE THEM THAT YOU may go on!

Our Enviroment on a personal level, is YOUR OWN specific BODY, how you deal with its demands, how you define the level of its need interrelates to produce your own reality. Need and sensual WANT are Barriers, structured to establish LIFE itself, and LOVE (the complete recognition of Awhat IS and WHAT IS NOT MINE) are part of a complex harmony with LIMITS and Values and happiness associated as AI am NOT alone@.

Our fundamental expression between adult male and female IS SEX. The value applied through LOVE IS Respect and Acceptance: YOU are OK, I WILL remember YOU. There are many that believe Sex initiates TROUBLE! They are wrong; sex is merely a tool. There are MANY who believe SEX IS the fulfillment of human Emotion, MORE correctly SEX allows through LOVE, an expression of FRIENDSHIP that exceeds the mental process, and demonstrates a fundamental TRUST.

There are those who believe SEX has RUINED their lives! In truth, SEX is a physical act, the mental consequence of SEX IS determined by the person involved. AYOU can get over it OR You can die from it@! Like it or NOT, alone in anguish, BUT YOU ARE ALONE IF you become the product of hatred (NO ONE else is allowed). CHOOSE CAEFULLY, WORK FOR JUDTICE, NOT REVENGE.

SEXUALITY allows Aa look inside@; it is like asking a question: IF you don=t WANT to know the answer, then don=t ask. Be aware, every person answers as LOVE, OR the desire for power over you. LOVE defines HAPPINESS, power demands slavery.

The question that summerizes physical SEX is simply: AWhose body is it@? Between male and female who define LOVE exists, WHEN it is time, the physical act of sex does produce chemical alterations: IF you are NOT ready for this, YOU are NOT ready. ( It can be very difficult to stop, it is MUCH better NOT TO START).

For those who are READY, and choose a deliberate person to person AI NEED< I WANT@ relationship, the question IS answered by the RESULT. IF you produce expectations, you are RESPONSIBLE and expected to provide! THIS does NOT apply to intercourse: CHILDREN are NOT an Aaccident waiting to happen@, CHILDREN REQUIRE PLANNING, DELIBERATE DECISIONS, AND HOPE! Those who are mentally SECURE, KNOWING that a child IS welcome AND MORE IMPORTANTLY CAN BE PROPERLY CARED FOR are entitled to mutually assume a 20 year decision! ( If YOU can NOT commit 20 years to the upbringing, DON=T DO IT). Birth control DOESN@T mean Emotional control. Abortion is NOT birth control. Which brings up the Realities of Responsibility and Accountability: WHO PAYS, when one or both PROVE to be TOO YOUNG< OR LIARS ( Rape should be followed by SUFFICIENT contraceptive measures WITHIN 30 DAYS: BUT NOT BEYOND).

This question forms a battleground, in other words, AEVERYONE LOSES!@ The choices are VERY LIMITED, because the question occurs: the mother-to-be CLEARLY IS A CHILD herself! The two people responsible HAVE FAILED and are literally asking SOCIETY to make Athis@, go away!

Society in accepting their plea: can say, NO harm done: EVEN THOUGH A LIFE will cease to exist, can say, NO you must except: EVEN THOUGH 20 years of upbringing IS excessive compared to the incident of cause. Can say, YOU MUST SHARE THE COST: meaning that the RIGHT to have children CAN BE taken away ( BE CAREFUL here )! SEX Education PROPERLY TAUGHT, DESCRIBES the realities involved, NOT the physical process itself (ACT, or its part).

MANY will say: What about the UNBORN CHILD, others what about the Women?

Reality dictates a choice IS to be made, Reality decrees until the mental process IS FORMED the child IS LIFE, NOT ALIVE! EVERY LIFE IS IMPORTANT, including the child who thought she was an adult. ( the boy child is to receive according to the same penalty as the girl child; the BILL is HIS )!

A human Problem can NOT be fixed Agently@ it can only be fixed, HONESTLY!

And so the question returns to Responsibility: WHO must pay, for a sexual relationship between male and female consenting Aadults@? The answer is found according to: WHO BENEFITS? Reality WILL ANSWER, Each give, EACH receives, with regard to sexual behavior! What both benefit, irregardless of who supposedly benefits most, there is NO BILL DUE! Consent means A I WANT THIS, TOO@!

The question develops: WHO must pay when one goes farther than initially expected. The answer relies upon: WHO TELLS the TRUTH! If, the cause is great enough and truth be found, then both parties shall agree or be forced to reside in Acells@ separated by a wall that can be talked through and seen through. The conversation shall be monitored, normal human behavior shall initiate and define the relationship. When both parties agree or when the judge (jury) decides the doors will be opened. When it is serious this IS NOT, too much to ask.

Regarding the matter of Aproduced expectation@, IF, you desire to quit; tell the man/woman DO NOT come back for three weeks; at which time everyone=s Abiology must be, reset@.

Sexual behavior IS a tool, its purpose IS divided into 2 distinct categories: Either for NEED, or for LOVE! Need never produces children. As a tool, sex DOES allow ESCAPE, between two male/female people, it provides a quiet refuge for the lonely and the depressed. IF, the person with LOVE to give, IS HONEST, the person in need will respond. LOVE conquers need, AS FRIENDS who accept each other, even if it is NOT to be a long term relationship: BE OLD ENOUGH to understand, AYOU MUST be able to LOVE yourself, and then you can share. Love yourself, and then you can share. (Love yourself means, should NO one choose the same path as mine, then I shall walk alone).

LOVE, HAPPINESS expressed without words, DOESN@T need sex! This is TRUE because happiness IS a mental and spiritual state, SEX is physical. LOVE that is HONORABLE SHARES, is concerned and careful for the other person, defines LIFE as a BLESSING because of your honesty, your friendship, and your happiness.

Whatever man and woman decide together, knowing that neither shall be harmed in any way, is acceptable!

The responsibility of sexual play means, DO NOT harm! The reality of sexual play is dependent upon HONOR (I VALUE LIFE, and RESPECT those things/people, by my actions), Learn and except ONLY HONEST LOVE from those who come near OR be prepared for emotional conflicts, anger, and more later in your relationship.

Those who do not LOVE themselves enough WILL grow dependent, and then EXPECT that need means LOVE.

LOVE IS HAPPINESS, NEED IS (in a sexual sense) the result of many fears LOVE conquers need BUT, as human beings what brings happiness IS hard to let go.

The result of sex is expectation, CAN YOU deal with physical demands, SOCIAL attitudes, and EMOTIONAL desperation? If NOT, stay away! You SHOULD expect the worst problem associated with AFree sex@ that you can think of to occur BECAUSE, IT MAY! You SHOULD expect, the worst problem you can think of associated with SEX and NEED, will occur BECAUSE IT MAY! You WILL know a greater sense if HAPPINESS when true Love adds at the proper time, Sexual sharing, Both male and female MUST, TRUST each other without a single reservation (this comes over TIME).

Sexuality IS a GOOD THING, if you believe it to be BAD: Then in your past you trusted the wrong people, failed to understand human need or behavior, wanted what you could NOT have, and tried to Say it with sex.

As a male, it is clear a vasectomy is a VERY BAD idea. It is the chemicals associated with sperm that produce sexual sensation (about 80percent) remove the sperm and DESIRE will plummet dramatically. The result invariably produces an initial sexual surge (it can=t be) followed by NO SEX (she caused this) followed by a transfer of human emotion in favor of work, ETC>. it is NOT fault of sexuality, this ABad thing@ was caused by a decision expected to produce Aan easy way (and cheap too).

It IS INTERCOURSE that produces children, PLAY TIME DOES NOT have to include intercourse.

Play time among ADULTS (people who provide for themselves) for those who LOVE or provide for as need, may be stated as follows: I give with honesty the parts which you enjoy to your discretion, and I ask the same; INTERCOURSE IS different, Because the result can be different! Trust and happiness and sharing represent honest sexual behavior IF these things are NOT completely OBVIOUS, SOMEONE is Lying.

AFree sex@ DOESN@T EXIST, you can ONLY receive if someone gives, BUT a thief can steal if you leave Athe door unlocked@.

That which can be stolen IS, YOUR OWN HAPPINESS! It is not sex which steals, it is the decision. SEX IS a tool which allows one person to see Athe anchors@ of mental discipline in another. It is this that causes harm, NOT because of SEX, Rather those who are unworthy have found methods of control, IF ALLOWED!

NO ONE can control you UNLESS you are NOT willing to Aaccept the punishment@. Whether that is social, physical, financial, mental or emotional. If you are willing to pay the price of FREEDOM, then you will be free. Freedom means: LEAVE< or let it be said and endure, or change. DO NOT change for someone else, CHANGE FOR YOURSELF that you may be at PEACE with LIFE and find happiness!

Contrary to popular belief, Marriage expects perfection and gives a human security in the form of Alegal financial debts in case if divorce@. The Bible says Amake NO vows. But if you do, keep them@. Reflection doesn=t exist in men or women or children, the result wages the war on AIS@, going to change? Those who survive as a marriage couple LEARN: Our lives agree/have agreed to SHARE, Our lives agree EACH of US, has the RIGHT to be ourselves, EACH of US has the RIGHT to define OUR LIFE as yours, mine, and ours!

Our desire for friendship designs the desire for a permanent relationship. A male/female relationship adds to a permanent relationship, the answers to many of the questions about Awho am I@, by opening different avenues for exploration. The consequences of a long term relationship ranges from. AI LOVE YOU, what a BLESSING YOU ARE Ato@ a simple I don=t care@. Those who develop LOVE, LIVE every day with RESPECT; those who don=t care refuse to forgive!

A long term sexual relationship RELIES ENTIRELY upon pleasing the OTHER person! Finding Pleasure MEANS, to be happy and at peace. It is understanding Athis person@ KNOWS who I am, overlooks my faults, and has HONESTLY chosen to be WITH ME. WISDOM accepts this friendship and knows, Ayou have HONORED ME! Sex is a friend only to those who RESPECT each other, only to those to LOVE each other. Respect does apply to NEED as, AI know INSIDE, YOU are still alive@. LOVE does apply to NEED as, AI have seen INSIDE OF YOU, the gift called LOVE@.

SEX allows GENTLENESS TO ERASE THE FEARS, AND TOUCH TO MEND LIFES HARDSHIP. For THOSE few, who truly LOVE as @the whole mankind is forgotten@ the barriers of the SOUL, Will be seen, THOSE who are TRUE, WILL meet A at the gate@.

BE CAREFUL who you let so close, make them PROVE, their LOVE is HONEST and TRUE, to everyone! FIRST! These never lie, are PATIENT, KIND, FORGIVING, and put people first, ( EQUAL TO THEMSELVES!) THEY RESPECT LIFE!

REMEMBER sex is a tool, NOT a toy! Sex produces a result dependent upon the man and the woman involved. Those who Lust will STEAL from you, those who are Achildren@ will cause you pain, those who LIE will/could make you FEAR, those in NEED will abuse you, those who are SELFISH WILL cause many regrets, those who are Athe living dead@ can destroy ONLY those who turn to HATE!

As a parent LOVE produces NEED. The child BEGINS with a lesson. The teacher IS PAIN, the student is Amom@. The instruction applied, AYOU, the mother have endured much for this child, PROTECT YOUR GIFT A. (This IS maternal instinct). LOVE (I WANT YOU TO LIVE) is nourished through TIME and need, again the Ainvestment@ has grown through the decision AEven though I don=t want to, I WILL DO AND BE according to need@. Being a parent, IS to envision the future and be a part of it! The child WILL carry your influences according to the VALUE with which they are given, DO remember, FREEDOM means to choose.

The needs of a young child are SIMPLE; SOMEONE Ato LOVE me@! (that DOES mean BEING there) and this requires 2 parents or at least 2 adults.

The needs of a youth ASK; Ateach me SAFELY, and then let ME do it@. This requires TIME and EFFORT and does mean Each parent MUST LEARN PATIENCE!

The NEEDS of a young adult demand, AHELP me be a young MAN/woman@. This REQUIRES: DISCIPLINE (it gets the work done), RESPONSIBILITY (you will SOON be asked/REQUIRED to provide for your own needs and desires), and HONOR (you have attained the possibility of ALTERING someone else=s LIFE, permanently: REMEMBER to go CAREFULLY and with RESPECT).

A young man or woman NEEDS sufficient time and opportunity to be young! IF possible a lifestyle of care-free days (meaning NO major bills or responsibility, Rather WORK AND PLAY).

A PARENT NEEDS: RELIEF at certain times in the upbringing of, Aparent and child@ that is allowed when there are 2 adults involved. When there is not Society MUST help. (allowing day care as part of high school curriculum would be a required course)!

An adopted child IS chosen by LOVE and HOPE and becomes VERY SIMILAR to: Aa part of me@. Be Brave and encourage each other as kindred souls, defined by TRUE FRIENSHIP.

It IS TRUE that for a few, there will be NO parent (whether alive or dead). What IS missing, is a Afoundation@ to anchor the hopes and desires of the future upon. Every Journey begins with Awhere DO YOU WANT to go? Every Journey REQUIRES provisions be made! Every Journey requires training and practice in the skills that WILL BE needed. Those who succeed ACCEPT LIFE IS its own REWARD! Remember this: listen to yourself; when you hear a constant series of Awhat=s in it for me@ ETC@, STOP and recognize this IS a deliberate attempt to make Athe world@ so small that YOU are the only one in it, the next step is hatred or depression! CHOOSE TRUTH and ACCEPT REALITY!

In the choosing of a lifelong friend, ONLY one thing IS important: DO they want LOVE (happiness and equality and TRUTH) or DO they want control over you? Remember NO ONE IS PERFECT.

Daily living IS NOT A a measurement of SUCCESS@ RATHER it is A a measurement of the SOUL@. Those who achieve HAPPINESS remember their days as Aa BLESSING irregardless of the Athorns@. Those who achieve SUCCESS remember their days as a Battle that was won or LOST, when the battle is over, SO is Life.

There are many variations of the patterns of behavior. Of men, there are those who believe they will be Asomebody@ as soon as they fulfill a certain goal. They will be disappointed because Athe spectators@ will leave as soon as the game is over. There are those who believe AIF I can be the toughest guy around@, they WILL respect me. Those WILL be disappointed as there will always be another fight, or someone else will call you Acoward@. The crowd doesn=t care ONLY the game is important. There are those who believe Athey WILL prove their Bravery@ by the applause. There are those Awho WORK very hard A believing Society will give me what AI@ want, IF I Ado good@. These WILL be disappointed in most cases, BECAUSE society gives out trophies rather than its own time and effort. Those who do receive will PAY dearly, BECAUSE TIME IS ALL WE TRULY POSSESS! There are those who believe Athey will be greater than the rest, now and in an after@ life@. These WILL reap their own arrogance (taking from someone else to keep for yourself), the price of thievery IS JAIL and separation from Athe rest@. There are those who Asneak and hide@ believing AI will find the week spot, and use it@. These are Aboys in a mans world@, they must be tolerated UNTILL they LEARN, it IS NOT, what other people say or think of you, IT (LIFE), IS, doing as best you can, and Living as if anyone may see at ant time, AMY LIFE, IF there is a reason OR I desire to show it@!

There are also those few who want to be @taken care of@ believing, IF they were woman their problems would be solved by a SIMPLE ORGAN. These are SICK, Society WILL NEVER accept the diseased in the same way as the healthy. Take an HONEST LOOK and see the truth of what has been gained or LOST!

These are the patterns of male behavior, they represent Socially defined criteria to achieve a specified end. Therefore they are Social manipulations of the LIVES of Individuals for Social gains, primarily for entertainment or slavery. Useful behaviors, are human behaviors and do contain cause and effect sequences that develop and contribute to: knowledge, Understanding, and wisdom. These DEVELOP the man and influence TRUE peace and happiness!

Criminal behaviors, are concealed within the concept of Athought@. IF, you must Alisten to yourself think, find yourself agreeing with (thoughts) that seem to occur of themselves, or are constantly reviewing I,I,I,I,ETC@ then YOU are dangerously close to ABeing CONTROLLED@. Remember, If you are listening, you are not thinking; THEY ARE NOT the same!

Mental behaviors UNLIKE the rest, are a mixture of AI want to learn, I don=t care what they think, and I DON@T understand. These SIMPLE things are MULTIPLIED BY A What DO YOU BELIEVE@? The result WILL strengthen the FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFE OR WILL begin to A rock the boat@ so badly that some must be LOST, others shall live in constant FEAR, and the rest will AHIDE anywhere they can A to avoid further conflict. To recognize the patterns of behavior in woman, IS to interpret a man=s point of view, as I am a man.

It can be recognized some women believe Atheir BODY allows them fundamental RIGHTS@ which include: the right to be Ataken care of@ RATHER than a helper or a provider. They are WRONG, WE ALL have to produce according to what we take. To do otherwise is to enslave others! The right to Asexual superiority@: that men alone, want, initiate, hurt, gain, or cause sexual activity! TRUTH would demand, Ait takes 2@. Society itself issues these feelings, saying to woman Acontrol your body, by controlling men@, supposedly leaving Amen free@. Reality DOES state, WOMEN bear the burden WHEN pregnancy occurs, HOWEVER it would NOT be such an effective Atrap@ if men didn=t care! It is wrong, to BLAME either sex for what both sex=s MUST do together. Socially placing guilt, DIVIDES the sex=s into sides, and that brings turmoil! ANY issue of control, generates unreasonable tension and expectation, among 2 people looking for long-term LOVE. IT WOULD be WISE to cast aside ALL the current sexual attitudes and ACCEPT (a male and a female) have a mutual, decision, Each receiving, Each giving. The consequence of Error (pregnancy) can be mitigated ONLY through adoption, any other result, FORCES Society to accept the bill, AND THE CHILD TO suffer. Keep intercourse out of the sex UNTIL it is appropriate. A sexual trap from the woman IS: extortion, A sexual trap from the man IS: THEFT. The result of Aa miscalculated error@ SHOULD include penalties! MUST BE an informed public FIRST (community service is appropriate) child-care Aservices@ are MOST suitable.

Social patterns of behavior are manipulations instituted by a significant portion of the population for the DIRECT PURPOSE of obtaining Asomething for nothing@. It is a subtle change in USEFUL knowledge, that transforms Athe whole picture@ into some small but important Aparticle@. The majority agree and try to A CONTROL that particle@ ONLY to find A nothing fits anymore@. At this point: it must be changed, it must be ignored or belittled, or it becomes the accepted method and other things begin to change as well! REALITY IS EVERYTHING, NOT just one thing.

People EXPECT safely in numbers, for this reason, allowances are made and majority rule is instigated. Quality of Life BECOMES, the perceived value of OTHER people! For this reason Awhat IS visible@, defines and explains@ who has value and who does not@, FOR THOSE who labor to escape from their own prisons. A prison (confinement, instituted and controlled by others), exists in the mind for those who have allowed their Afield of vision@ to be focused no farther Athan the extension of their personal goal@.

The majority BELIEVE, money (the control of others) , establishes personal value, generally not to those Aother people@ but to me. Reality exists as Ato have MORE than the rest, with rare exception, YOU MUST take MORE than your share@. The VALUE in real terms, of those who won=t share IS very limited, Society goes forward in spite of them RATHER than through them. Escape (to cast off the chains others have mentally applied) means literally: to stop and look into the future; to listen, as if your life depended upon it, to your own desires; to remove all concept of material wealth, that your heart and LOVE inside of YOU may have a SAY; and to see with your mind and your SOUL, the PRICE YOU ARE paying and the Reality of it=s COST.

Through time man/woman have grown weary of the Acommonplace@ and sought A excitement through physical stimulation@. This almost immediately, leads to excess, Because the body grows familiar with stimulation and once the experience is over Athe effect@ will soon be forgotten. It is the desire for Aphysical@ stimulation that determines ASocial pressures@. The desire for A Social Equality@, IS simply the WANT, to participate in any physical activity as may be available. AHuman Equality@, is different and applies RESPECT, either self or Social, as crucial to happiness. It IS then the body (physical stimulation) that CONTROLS, the majority of human endeavors. The mental and spiritual processes are commonly disregarded. Our development as an Individual RELIES ENTIRELY upon the mental and SPIRITUAL process. THEREFORE it is TRUE the majority prefer Ato experience living, RATHER than, BE LIFE!@ The statement@ WE are a living creature A follows the theory, Life builds upon Asub-life@, it issues the statement A We are a physical process and nothing more@. The consequence of physical process IS, A like mass production each is identical@.

The statement, AWE are Individuals ARELIES upon the Intervention of a UNIQUE process for determining variations that encompass the entire LIFE. These are mental and SPIRITUAL associations, decisions, and acceptance. The physical world TEACHES, the mental interprets, the SPIRITUAL world DECIDES> Each of these varieties, applied to the human being, focuses LIVING into a three-fold QUESTION; making LIFE a presence between 3 destinations. Our Identity IS this presence, and WE DO Afloat@ between the area enclosed by these 3 points. Our Identity IS therefore ISOLATED unto itself, Rather than becoming Aa world unto itself@. We exist inside the three worlds, until death. Our relationship to these worlds IS dependent upon the destination, WE DESIRE MOST. Because the SPIRITUAL world DEMANDS, AYOU MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE GOAL@, the fewest numbers of people understand it.

We then live as complex Individuals forever faced with A3 sides, to every question@. Each of these Aworlds@ represents a different view of LIFE, Each of these Aworlds@ illustrates a different want, Each of these Aworlds@ demands an action be taken. As we grow these Aworlds@ form definitions that can delude an identity NOT yet fully formed. IT IS LOVE that recognizes TRUTH and guides YOUR IDENTITY through the maze, that YOU may DEFINE your own Life, and choose its destination, and KNOW JOY, PEACE, and HAPPINESS.

The conceptual reality of a Destination, illustrates the Journey, defines the desire, and describes the AExpected Reward@. Herein the methods and the definitions of a man/woman/and child exist. Because, Energy as want, MUST exist before a Reward can be identified, WANT IS the primary motivation beyond survival. What each person WANTS (that which YOU are willing to pay for), takes YOUR identity and MOVES it toward the AWORLD@ of your choice. WANT describes REWARD, therefore REWARD describes the human definition to physical, mental, and spiritual. The physical Reward exists as Sensory stimulation, it RELIES entirely upon Aan approved of experiences@ and FAILS as age reduces the experience, and over-indulgence alters perception, of the occurrence. The chemical controversy which defines a Physical reward is LOST entirely at death. The mental Reward exists as AI CAN control my life and some of the experiences that living brings@. The Mental process RELIES entirely upon Athe exclusion of outside interference Ameaning@ the thought, which IS your own REQUIRES YOU to assemble the knowledge, identity what a decision; WISDOM applies the LEARNING of/from this process to future decisions. The mental/intellectual Reality ISOLATES the individual from the Rest of Society during the thought process and may draw BARRIERS within the minds of everyone involved to ISOLATE the individual throughout the experience of Living. The fundamental description of intellect IS Athe ability to detect and identify a trap@. The human reality from child to old age, WILL deal with ALL manner of traps as individuals Aflex the mental muscles@ and test for the limits of their own influence on the other people, and the earth. These things FAIL the critical tests of PEACE and HAPPINESS, and exists in the human experience as the motivation and consolation of WAR, violence, criminal behaviors, pride ,ETC, ETC! The WISE person will recognize, intellectual gain is merely a tool, it is NOT a form of LIFE; and isolation IS a form of death!

Our Spiritual reward IS the result of Our own IDENTITY, formed by our relationship to TRUTH and LOVE and the desire of the Aheart@ (what you are willing to pay for ), Eternity exists through Energy, therefore Aa creation@ which can combine Energy as part of a GREATER REALITY (if allowed) shall exists and experience NEW LIFE.

In Our relationship to the Universe it may be said, that IS fundamental exerts its influence upon every aspect of the Universe. TRUTH then becomes the Relationship of fundamental consequences to Energy (the freedom to exert change). The primary influence of fundamental Asignatures@ IS exhibited as GRAVITY.

GRAVITY MUST be recognized as a ASOCIAL STRUCTURE@ to begin an understanding of universal principle. WE are a part of this universe and as such do represent the relationship between fundamental Reality and freedom. Social Structure, WHY we desire the company of other LIFE; aligns the primary action/cause which IS, INTERACTON, to the basic which IS GRAVITY: the excitement of the atomic FREEDOM through the interplay of mass and energy. Atomic freedom is the rise and fall of energy through the changing levels of energy associated with electron orbits. This energy formed through the movement of a mass (no matter how small) exists as separate from the atomic energy associated with the specific atom and as such IS FREE. In theory the energy itself exists as VACUUM.

In the Social structure of humans, AVacuum@ exists as a relationship to death. WE are a creation, being born without freedom, cast into a world wherein knowledge, understanding. And wisdom MUST be learned, and being removed without a destination of our design. Each of these things creates a environment where Ainterplay@ replaces doubt/fear with Ahuman problems) control or the possibility of LOVE A. LOVE produces PEACE, PEACE produces HAPPINESS, HAPPINESS produces JOY!