CHANGING COLORS, will we survive?

Of constant disgrace & shame in humanity is the abuse of "the other people" by every description possible. As a humanity the current "color" of your ways is black. Meaning simply; hidden from sight, the common expression does not respect any life at all: not even your own/ a few are different. It is simple to declare: ALL the lies, ALL the tragedy & failure of lairs and thieves, ALL the behaviors intent upon producing fear, apathy, or violence shall end/ because it must, or you will not find peace among yourselves: but WAR.

Reality says: even if these end/ the fundamental breakdown of discipline & honor/ the expressions of truth & honesty WOULD NOT be evident in human life, they would still be lacking. Of critical consequence & composition is the essence of failure & fear, that give cause to basic animal behavior, rather than humanity. The question therein modulates from the meaning of life, all the way down to the critical distrust of every life, that is found in deviant sexual behaviors.

The question; how does life get so very lost, that is chooses animal/ rather than human existence?

The answer is established in the complex disintegration of honor, that expresses competition as the basis of my existence in this life. This is the moments of measurement, & thereby judgment "a reference without balance" that becomes an experience surrounded by selfishness rather than purpose. Fear is the fuel of human compliance, & enslavement/ these generate behaviors and abuse that funnel the distinction of "being alive" into the disgrace of being less. Therefore the value of life, can then be turned into the disrespect for all life; and all the failure that represents. The power of disrespect is, to instill the fear of ridicule, and therein control the descriptions of another human being by becoming "as a predator, and its prey". Predator means: to sustain your life, "by ripping & tearing the flesh of another creature Of GOD/ Even if that prey is defenseless against you. These animals prefer a surprise attack, "from behind if possible, from area's of darkness to catch unaware, and many attack as a pack."

The difference between human & animal IS your ability to tolerate the humiliation of being "out of sync" with your own destiny & purpose in life. We are all pushed, "beyond the rhythms of happiness & peace". When that happens it is up to you, to find balance/ and then journey within the continued purpose of your life: to expand the depth of more correctly the density of your own environment, as a life conceived by your own freedom & thought/ NOT what energy would make of you. More simply, as humiliation or humility comes, the reality of our own truth must find treasure in the honesty & honor of "who I am". If you do not/ then you fail, & the others will control you with fear. These are mental states, that then compose the basic elements of our personal defense, our chosen barriers against those who do or would attack our lives. As to bodily attacks, the only real defense is either strength & courage, OR preferably the law. The reality of law can mediate and mitigate many circumstances "that are unkind in all walks of life", by coming together as "a group/ society"/ reviewing dedicated and voted upon disciplines in truth and order that apply to us all/ and then letting these "laws" decide. The reality of law as it exists in the darkness, where the threat completes the description of predator as violence, is much more simple. Order determines the outcome, whereby the first defense is being aware & alert, to avoid the problem. The second is to be properly prepared, to do the best you can. The third is to understand a predator has no respect for anyone that cannot harm him or her/ therefore no amount of conversation will change the outcome: only strength and quickness matter. If the outcome IS altered by conversation, then he or she was not a true predator/ unless they were facing death at the time themselves. If reality does not respect your life/ then RESPECT YOURSELF, & die knowing "I did my best, for life". (Ain't nobody perfect).

The question of living HAS suddenly changed for me, this is January 23, 2006, reality has set in: instead of a job, and the work being over when this presentation of a message is given. Suddenly I have come to recognize this is NOT a job, it is the possibility of a new life for you/ but you, don't know yet how to use it: I am or will be then, "A mother". I have suddenly realized my life is going to change as much or more than yours. As a job, life was always get the work done, and go back to whatever I chose. As a mother, I cannot. Therein my life is forever changed, and the instant response is: "What about me/ what about what I wanted or needed my life to be, what about my future?" I am a touch depressed/ but do understand if "I can grow you up"/ and don't die, there is still some freedom left. I NEED a nap!

There are now two distinct consequences that I must face. The easier one is: we have to have an understanding! YOU must quit playing the most prolific game in humanity: GUESSING what someone else really means, or what is hidden, or how can we manipulate, or use, etc/ etc/ etc. I am plain, simple, and direct: it is whatever I tell you it is! If you don't understand, then ask, DON'T assume. Second, I need a "little room, to shock you/ if necessary", because you barely hear at all. Third, the price of discipline is letting truth and reality decide. Fourth, is you will be punished, if you won't let truth & reality decide. Your lies will be allowed to hurt you.

The hard part for me is, although I am completely committed "to being female spiritually: as HAS been described in the chapter passions/ and for those reasons only". My own mental reality expects "Spiritually, or a little more". Truth however is pointing now, at a "lot more". Here on earth, you/ we must live the gender you are born with/ it is asinine to believe differently. HOWEVER as to my own life, I neglected GOD REALLY CAN DO whatever HE DESIRES. And I DO freely give HIM this body to do with as HE PLEASES, this is an honor to me, to do anything for HIM. The complexity is however: "a little change in disciplines, behaviors, thought patterns, & I don't know what else." Only time will tell/ but I am learning too.

Your lesson for this day is then: about fundamental existence and critical traits.

As children, the common behaviors of little girls playing together includes: grouping as "in a herd of prey animals"/ therein the desire is to push someone to the outside, as prey animals do/ when predators are near. Because they know somebody is going to die/ therefore let it be that one: they can't get us, in the middle of the herd.

Little boys commonly play together as "pack animals, not really predators but similar." these demand to know from each other "who can help us defend and survive/ and who cannot". The poorest defenders are cast aside. This is VERY BASIC existence, and does not rise as a true human activity. Humanity is the essence of an individual decision, to find/ be/ & accept love. the purpose of existence is thereby NOT simple survival/ but the complex integration of life & survival by the definitions of love. Hate and all such endeavors are CLEAR animal behaviors. Knowing WHY we love each other is strictly human, as to this earth. The 3 platforms of ascension beyond the choice to be human: to know, to understand, & to be wise.

Humanity is NOT, "A level of intellect"/ which is clearly proven today: by your worship of intellect, is exactly why life is facing Armageddon today. This is a description of intellect/ not wisdom: the difference is "in intellect humanity choose whatever they wish to believe, and let the lies lead until they fall apart/ OR in wisdom truth decides all things, and reality will follow as best humanity can achieve, by decisions governed by truth: irregardless of want. Intellect, is a level of disgrace below the composition of humanity, because it seeks to remove truth and become the lie that you believe/ even if you don't believe you are at Armageddon's door, you cannot deny there are many easily discernable threats "just beyond the horizon". Very big threats to human life, with a "big brush" many have been painted for you/ but not nearly every one! Instead of "listening to the voices inside your head"/ examine the evidence and investigate the reality. Instead of believing "its all good/ we are great"! Look more carefully at what you have destroyed and what you are about to destroy. Instead of believing weapons of mass destruction are your saviors/ or will kill you instantly: BELIEVE in the reality of life, IT IS NO ACCIDENT/ and that means HELL IS REAL, and you will not escape it: YOU have chosen it.

Instead of choosing life: which means, to ascend beyond base interests, to accept the life you will become by participating as if you are already there. If you desire LOVE, then you will ascend past the desperation of lesser things, and learn of the value & treasure that is life itself: this is humbling. YOU must now choose instead, between life or death! NOT by the simple means of a "gun to your head"/ but by understanding the relationship between truth and lies/ between love and hate/ between respect or abandonment: that relationship is as enemies of each other! Either you WILL choose the "Power, selfishness, want, pride, violence, hate, and jealousy: which then you cause you to descend into the maze of lies, manipulation, deceit, theft, death, and Armageddon. OR YOU WILL CHOOSE LOVE, HONOR, HOPE, LIFE, RESPECT, AND SO MUCH MORE/ and accept the work and the life that is required of you! Each is a distinct direction opposing the other. Thereby YOU now see the critical decisions that separate humanity from the animals/ and the reality that changes our identity, as we declare who we choose to be. NO more is there a "middle ground"/ innocense is removed, NO excuse of ignorance is valid; now you must choose for life: or the other/ and pay the price accordingly, or be lost to hell.

LOVE reminds me, its just a different life that I face, all freedoms in love are not the same, but happiness exists in them all. I do "feel" better. BUT this is a warning to you/ that the "freedoms of lies, are over"/ now you will pay, if you do not repent of them. EACH will extract its payment from you/ each will cause you to descend more steeply into hell. This is not a threat from me/ this is as I am told. This is not my message to you: It is from your CREATOR!

Today is January 24, 2006, and I have been examining the complexity of my situation, the realities that have presented themselves; and asked WHY?

It is my true desire, my real decision, my life, & my eternity ARE about HONORING MY CREATOR! I am not more complicated than that. My eternity CANNOT be changed, but by GOD ; whom I do trust completely. The consequence of my mind however is simply: IF I had been asked to "write one million things down, predicting how or what my life on earth would become through this journey: in one million predictions/ NOT ONE OF THEM would have been anything like the reality facing me today. And that's the truth.

I am prepared: to become a woman, to potentially have a baby, to endure being a sexual slave to women/ and even potentially cursing the whole earth, if certain warnings are blindly discarded. So much for my ability "to see the future of me". I am a "little shocked"/ because I had thought I was listening. Therefore I turn back to Revelations in particular, back to the sign of Revelation 12, and ask what is "my job"?

The answer is SIMPLY: I AM the sign, that women will rule over man. The consequence and truth that men HAVE brought the whole earth to the door of extinction/ HAS removed them from the decision for life or death, for humanity and the planet itself. "The fifty percent plus one" rule, that decides the fate of humanity, IS NOT "a population count"/ it means WOMEN ALONE will decide! The "plus one" is the entire impact of men/ but remember this "without that one" all are lost even if women choose better. This IS THE PRICE of choosing extermination of life on earth, instead of defending life on earth/ as men have indeed done by their actions. Women are guilty too, but this is mercy: one last chance to do better. This sign of sexuality, is a tool, to show humanity "WHICH DIRECTION" the women are headed; I suggest men do whatever you can to help them choose correctly, and not make them hate men further. Thereby understand clearly, in reality "if it isn't love and respect for me/ then its rape to some degree: did you not teach them this." The purpose: to clearly show without doubt, that women either deserve this chance to do better for humanity with life & respect, love and happiness, for all OR To the judgment that women can do NO better, humanity is lost! That sign is then "what happens to me SEXUALLY, will prove to you, WHO YOU AS WOMEN, want or desire to be/ the reality of your truth, and the purpose your reality would be as love and respect OR lust, selfishness, want, power, and violence. This is then about the critical relationship women, as "the boss" would form with all other life on earth, under your control/ and how you will treat men, when they become under your control as well. If this sounds like power to you/ already "you are sliding down the hill". IF this sounds like a responsibility to you for all life on earth: IT IS. You have no choice/ either women will rise to the responsibility in respect required of them, or you will die. Men have no choice either, women will control you/ or your lies will control you instead: only this time, truth will crush them quickly, and you as well. You are free to choose Armageddon/ and hell if you wish!

I now close the writing of this message for good, the document includes the four web sites listed. Reality considers the various consequences as a foundation to whatever your truth shall be. The compositions & definitions that would help you decipher the confusion & disbelief into a basis for recognizable order, cannot be given/ because it would lead directly to artificial intelligence (in the laboratory, and then beyond) and that would be exceedingly BAD.

The relationship I have with life; is about life, NOT about "I"/ this is an understanding of separation, and where there is separation, all lose. Therefore "I dislike I", as a participant divided. NO purpose therein exists to discuss "I"/ and it will not be tolerated, unless the lies demand it. I SUGGEST STRONGLY you try to avoid these lies.

As to the development of basic relationships in spirit, this is YOUR own decision to expand your existence beyond the limits of mind & body, to experience the destiny called life. Life is a participation in freedom. Freedom is a participation in thought and/ or energy. Thought is the existence of courage, and where life joins thought, they become the expression of HOPE & FAITH. When freedom & energy also join with life & thought, the beginning of eternity arises. Eternity CANNOT exist without purity/ freedom does not exist without purpose/ life does not exist for long without love/ & thought does not conceive of identity without RESPECT ! Therefore our lives here are about a relationship built upon these foundations, so that we may survive as energy attacks us in the reality to come. Energy is as if, it were life or death itself. Because energy is the environment of life/ but it is NOT life itself. Death as we know it is the end of time (body &mind), but life itself is NOT body or mind; instead it is the recognition of self, as a composition in energy: in VERY BASIC terms. Therefore as long as you recognize self/ you must endure the energy that is your environment. We as humanity cannot escape this reality/ WE MUST have help! Period. We must be taught if we are to be free. We must be rescued, if we are to "inherit heaven". Remember this, ALL TRUTHS OF LIFE, return to love. Love is not life or thought, but a "seed" capable of WONDERFUL THINGS in the blessings of a life. Love is everything pleasant, peaceful, JOYOUS, And worthy of being a companion for all eternity!

LOVE IS FAR MORE, than even the beginning of your comprehension or words as humanity.

The distractions of our lives are the decisions other men, women, & children have presented to our existence. These realities explain complex relationships are NOT solved by simple action or reaction interventions or idea's or intellect (the ignorance of trying to rely on lies). But instead of these, complex relationships must first be understood as the integration of simple truths that form either the building & compositions & intent of a structure that will survive/ OR the critical associations that simply exist for a time as destruction.

LIFE IS COMPLEX! "Mostly about building"/ but occasionally failures must be removed! THIS IS A DECISION. Decisions are required of you/ it is the basis of our individual identity. The formation of "a personal freedom & happiness" in you. Thereby a necessary function of true life. LIFE is a consequence in dimension that forms the parallel existence of layers or levels/ I refuse to add more!

The question of order & discipline forms from these dimensions/ question compensates for truth, and therein provides the framework of structure. Thereby we learn. The composition of life changes with knowledge, the composition of freedom changes with understanding, the composition of wisdom EARNS the abilities of RESPECT, AND THEN LOVE. None of these are free: YOU MUST DO THE WORK.

As to this writing & our existence as humanity, a substantial amount HAS been written about sexual conduct/ because it HAS been BADLY abused: so much so, that the human body is no longer considered a "temple of God". YOU have abused ALL gracious and loving gifts, "by selling them" for lessor things/ than love or respect. True sexuality is about the honesty & honor of participating "in a place & a way" that limits our reality of being alone. Therein FRIENDSHIP between man & woman can help us both exist in our world, here in time/ when the environment of "ourselves, seems too much". If it isn't about friendship/ it is about all that destroys. TRUE love that participates sexually between and within the friendship of man & woman explores the barriers & politely "knocks on the door" to ask GENTLY: will you share your life, with me? If the answer is yes, then the decision follows: "How much"/ rather than a measurement, this is a determination in reality of the existence of our lives, and if they do match each other. LOVE is not a prison/ it is an opportunity! Remember that. The body IS a friend, LITERALLY (unless the consequences of your physical environment, or decisions, or decisions made for you allow it to become an enemy): Therefore sex is a friend as well, between male and female: where it exists as friends caring about life, for each other. The purpose or demand of male/ ONLY to female sexually is: ORDER AND DISCIPLINE MUST be observed, and held in respect! Anything less WILL become tragic. "You may think of it in terms of magnetism; opposites attract, like charges repel/ expand on that, I am through".

REPENTANCE is a wonderful thing/ it erases whatever can be erased if you are true: BECAUSE GOD LOVES US ALL!

This cannot be said, it certainly cannot be proven any more clearly than the story of JESUS AS WRITTEN In the Bible. [do you "think" somebody need to be sacrificed for you every year/ ARE YOU really so important? ASS HOLE!]

BELIEVE IN John 3:16 from the Bible, and live your life accordingly! OR refuse/ BUT do try to understand first, death will mean "you are now a god to yourself/ you are aware, in energy with NO means of escape/ terrified with no means to die completely. When you discover this is TRUE, I GUARANTEE TO YOU, It will be a horrendous surprise.

THIS IS " THE LAST SUPPER", As the bible has promised to you.

It is up to YOU, THE WOMEN OF THE EARTH / to decide how the story of human life on earth SHALL "End or be RENEWED"! ONLY YOU will decide/ but men are not free of judgment; if they fail/ their reality shall be WORSE.

As to my own human body, NOT A CLUE/ GOD WILL DECIDE.

The idea of physically becoming a woman, suddenly sounds exceptionally good: but this is not about me, it is a reality to prove to you who you are, to allow a physical reference, because humanity is so dependent upon sight/ and thereby, what you must change to survive. A deliberate sign and question: ARE YOU " going to love/ or like so many men have done to women, are you going to use me as a trophy or a game, or "for a thousand things, without love or respect: just a tool"? This is a question only women can answer/ I cannot. Be aware "I cannot do anything to start or stop this"/ I can't, that's how it is/ BUT you can kill this body, if you fail to respect it at least a little. This too is the message of the SPIRIT inside, and I do not refuse to reveal it. Time will tell, I cannot. I am NOT your savior, priest, or anything like it/ I am strictly a sign to you/ and a tool to see where you are at, and where you are going.

In my twenties, I once explained something to another man correctly/ whose eyes and face suddenly "opened wide" & then said to me: I wouldn't be you for anything in this world". I don't know what he thought he saw, couldn't accept that statement as valid at the time: BUT I CAN understand it as a message now. I CHOOSE HOPE/ have no idea what the future brings or if I am to leave, to die, or what: "it's a desert here (alone, and wandering what I must do)/ no signs at all". Just have to wait. The question is then not complex or simple, it simply asks of eternity; "let me honor GOD !"

Revelations 12:14 says: the "two wings of a great eagle are given"/ the answer is, the 2 wings are the 2 distinct realities of women, as they challenge each other over whether they want to prove dominance over man/ or love and respect for man, and all life: but they do work together for woman as a team. The eagle represents: a great body of life that will climb to new prominence on earth, in the sight of all/ it is woman. It is woman who must then take care of me, so that she may have her chance on earth. If you wait too long, I will be dead/ and life will be much harder for you. I say this not to convince you or hurry you/ but in recognition of how many enemies I have made in these words. How many people would rather kill, even if it means nothing to the reality/ just because they want to do "something" to prove "they can swear and curse at GOD": SIMPLY using me for hate. What women (in respect, love, honor, and honesty) and men (in humility, repentance, and hope), DO prove in these next 3 and a half years, is to be your life, and all future life for humanity. This is NOT a question of me/ I am only a sign or a tool. This is a question that asks of woman: if you are in charge, what will you do for life? If your answer is wrong, you will die. NOT because I say so/ but because the earth is so crowded and so vulnerable and so damaged, that a failure to respect will mean a failure of all things. YOU MUST FIND RESPECT, or life dies. Even if I die, ONLY WOMEN will decide your fate/ but men are not free. If you fail, you will Go to hell immediately, and begin your descent to Armageddon. If you prove RESPECT, HONOR, LOVE, AND DISCIPLINE, Then you will begin your journey into a new life, in peace.

IN REALITY, all life on earth will need ALL the sanity, the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom we can find/ just to survive the next few years. Contrary to all the lies, "the day of murderers" will soon arrive/ if you don't stop them. Whosoever controls the trial for life (the legal battle) will determine the outcome of this trial, that is for your life/ it is not about mine. If you fail/ yoiu FATE WILL be far worse, than What JESUS Endured! The men of value in that day, ran away. The question today is, "are the women enough/ even with the help of men"?

Your lies, ARE going to abandon humanity to its truth/ leaving the clear decision, as each step is taken & every day that goes by: WILL YOU, accept the responsibility and the work and the courage YOU OWE, to justice and life/ or will you run away? If you do, life & justice WILL Be CRUCIFIED : therefore it will be you "On the cross". As your life begins to be consumed by EVERY LIE that humanity has ever formed. It will be, "the genetic mutilations you caused", that will terrify you the most.

Some will argue UNFAIR! Some WILL argue; "We are NOT liars/ even if we are wrong, it is OUR RIGHT"! But if these are many/ then YOU will be granted your request: to be your own god"/ therefore YOU will provide life, for the planet/ YOU will keep the energy from escaping or consuming YOU, YOU will keep the insanity of humanity from consuming itself; And a billion more!

YOU DO cover yourselves in lies, so that you man NOT face the truth: that your life, your everything, IS LITERALLY FROM GOD , YOUR CREATOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is fear, and it is the beginning of knowledge, simply "not only am I alive/ I could die". Therefore initial fear is an opportunity to experience and to realize & recognize CREATION , as a "two-edged sword" : one side is life as it protects you & keeps you alive/ the other side is death, as it attacks you and assaults the critical reality of your existence. Here, RESPECT, & courage decides who will live, and who will die. It is NO different for men or women. Respect & courage remove the fear/ BECAUSE these recognize

OUR CREATOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a sanctuary, a place of HOPE, an expression revealed in LOVE. Those who hide in their fears, find cowardice, hatred, or violence; and turn these traits into the characteristics of death itself. That is simply, "to experience the sword", cutting you little by little, until you are no more.

WHO then are you; a part of truth/ hope/ & love through RESPECT? OR more simply, death with a face! ALWAYS be who you desire to be/ time gives you the right to change; MERCY AND REPENTANCE, allow you to begin again; from where you are.

There are those who will argue & complain; "This sign and/or tool described: that uses sexuality to teach humanity of itself in this day, and for its future; IS WRONG"!

These assume, because the consequences of sexuality can and many times are "heart-break, life-changing, & even death:" that it is evil/ and ought not be done! But these things ARE DUE to the truth that humanity does NOT respect sex/ they use or abuse or sell it instead.

Humanity is the existence, Of a CREATION FORMED BY

GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore every miracle HE instilled in us, is the foundation of a love,

GOD GAVE TO US!!!!!!!!

Sexuality is one of these gifts, and it can easily bring True JOY.

Because the masses have chosen sexuality as their own "measurement of life"/ it WILL be used to prove whether women are choosing love or hate/ respect or violence. Either way, all life will follow woman. Reality HAS become their choice. As a consequence my reality has become their choice too. Women are free to reject me, and say "we don't need any man"/ (organized women for this decision of life or death) are free to use me for their work, and nothing more/ they are free to "fight over me/ or just even use me for sex": I literally have no say. BUT YOU the women of the earth (and their men) have only 3 and a half years/ by prophecy: to put into place, all the truths that will keep humanity alive/ or kill all. I DO STRONGLY SUGGEST, you "think"" before you act.

My life depends on you, if you don't desire its aid/ then I may be led elsewhere to wait, or killed, or whatever: truly, I simply don't know.

To the few, who will accuse me of "just wanting sex"/ perhaps YOU would like to "take my place"/ but know, the terms cannot be changed? If not, then shut up. I DO wish you well/ protect and serve the women, they are "your" life or death: encourage them in respect, talk to them with love, and honor them with your life and your work: They are in charge/ man is not. Arguing will only buy you hell, and HADES for an eternity. PRAY TO GOD / this is not my message, IT IS HIS.


What is fundamental to all life on earth is, that YOU accept your new role in leadership, & understand the responsibility, as a relationship you share with life. These are not true power positions/ it is to be your job to insure these positions of power are changed to positions of honor and respect. NEW leadership means: truth will lead, & reality decide. Those in charge of the happiness of others, ARE allowed to change their world for the purposes of peace, life, justice, & fair play for all. Therefore your JOB is then to refine & mediate & inform the public of ANY threat that presents in opposition to these things. It is the public's job, to secure and protect them and you.

YOU DON'T get to make laws or enforce them. You get to provide access to public participation in all important matters/ participate in every aspect of citizen rights/ enable the public & new agencies & reporters to review, gain access, & know everything: except unnecessary private information. You are to provide leadership to all disbursements of resources/ and operate the federal & public interests abroad and at home, by appropriate bids and primary local contractors for the work. Yours is to be a job of honor, more than discipline/ those who serve you are intended to prove discipline and have honor. The difference is YOU, as an official are in charge of truth, and fair play/ those who work for you are in charge understanding the difference in justice and compromise that is errant and leads to failure: and they shall keep you informed as to who is doing poorly or well. Thereby in need of your attention. The court is in charge of carrying out the purpose and intent of the law/ that is their job. Your job is to keep the people informed about their decisions and the consequence that demands truth shall lead. The hard decisions are yours/ as women of earth: these you alone shall vote upon, as citizens of earth. YOU WILL say no, when it will be easier to say yes: because truth knows/ the reality is not for peace or prosperity or the future, and your decision must be for all three. Want is irrelevant/ and will remain so as long as life is on earth. Your primary job is keeping the people informed/ critical law clearly understood , taught, & displayed; decides all war or conflict resolution: you do not. YOUR JOB, is to heal the world/ before the world consumes itself: this is an immediate challenge, and must be dealt with head on.

The question of how to control men/ and society?

The answer: YOU WILL PROVIDE, Justice, peace, equity, fair play, & freedom worth having. They will take care of the rest/ IF YOU deliberately hide nothing! Your job is again to protect the law/ the right & opportunity of access/ & the limits which give everyone an honest & honorable life. THIS IS a work designed for FAST RESPONSE/ to the impending crisis, clearly defined by this document To be placed on {the enclosed disk is that message to come}. IF you prepare quickly and correctly, everything will fall deliberately into place. This is an invasion of women/ a reality that cannot be ignored: because in crisis, THOSE WITH ANSWERS, are listened and respected. That is intended to be you: it will NOT be me/ I will not lead anyone.

As to me, I simply deliver this message as allowed/ and I do accept the task of helping woman attain your right to lead. I have NO other statement for you or anyone else/ I am NOT against men: I AM AGAINST EXTERMINATION, and they are responsible! Neither am I for women: instead GOD has given me to women/ and made it clear, I am to help you succeed. If you can hear it, I have been provided as a tool to woman {those who DO HONESTLY WORK for peace & life}. Therefore understand this as a reality/ judge whether I can benefit or be used by woman/ and make your decision!

The issues that respect prophecy and faith ARE MY OWN! Just as you accept your own decisions/ I don't interfere or use/ nor do I expect you to change me, so I won't work to simply change you. it is not fair: this is about life on earth, and your new position in the world. However as I am a man/ and you are capable women: I do expect freedom of conversation, without simple taboo's. You are free to make up your own mind/ give your own thoughts, and so am I. DON'T expect me to change.

TO ALL, study the consequences carefully from all sides/ then make your true decision: this is important. As of this moment in time, it is my belief that the first day of spring March 20, 2006 shall be the day of release for this information on the complex destiny site. If so, this would be "a good and gentle sign/ that all will be well on the earth". However it is NOT my right to decide/ this is simply my prayer, and I have come to believe it is correct. As of March 20 WOMAN must be initially prepared and visible with the correct words and disciplines to establish their gender as leaders for life. Be ready.

Wisdom would say to you: prepare the other women to help you/ therefore to read the work on At that time. I give you my personal guarantee, NOTHING about the site will deviate from the disk enclosed. Small changes may continue to be added/ but they will in NO way deviate from the message or purpose provided to you in these words. links all 4 sites that are mine and are in use. I suggest you read them carefully, and understand the message. It is my true statement: once the site on complex destiny is upgraded with this information it will be closed by me/ and no more shall be added at any time: sealed to assert and assure this is the message and no other exists.

YOU WHO ARE THE RECIPIENT OF THIS LETTER, do stand critically linked to life or death on earth/ I DO hope you are worthy, each one.


That date of March 20, 2006 is also important, because those nations who are being cheated, must stand up at that moment: to END the gluttony of the United States. And establish the truth: NO MORE LIES/ NO MORE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! PERIOD.

I have now done my part/ It is YOUR TURN TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN, OR DIE. DO THE WORK. The world, the children, and your souls depend on you.

IF, the site does not change on March 20/ then you are to check the site to be certain the government has not intervened with the site or the provider/ for any reason at all. If they have, then it is you that must put up the message {the information on your own sites/ and proceed from there}. If the site is working/ then you are to investigate to be certain I am not dead/ badly injured/ or in jail: and if so/ then you are to proceed with the information as if it were yours. If all is otherwise well, then GOD has not yet allowed this to occur: YOU are free to do whatever you desire. The sites and the information belong to you: the work is given to women. But I will not defer or remove them for one year/ no matter what the request. It would be best/ to keep the work from men who would not be on your side/ or the side of life: that they too may prepare. Kindly do your best. I DO WISH YOU WELL, May GOD BE WITH US ALL.

The lesson begins

CRITICAL to the composition of change is what women shall work for in the initial moments of panic. Men will be in shock & no one will be listening to them as they were the leaders, and this is the result. Therefore in the catastrophe of moments without direction or purpose, WOMEN will appear as saviors. Women will be new, and different and thereby noticeable and worthy/ because answers are necessary. IF they are strong enough to insist on being heard. Therefore you will stand TOGETHER as a group, and say this to the nation:

1. The first thing we must do, is protect the farmer and other food industries/ they must come first " for fuel or other resources that are scarce: OR WE STARVE". Make it clear, there is NO choice/ but famine. You will also move in government and court to freeze all assets in and out of the country/ so that no one moves what must be paid, to remove this bill that threatens america itself.

2. You will keep the water and sewer flowing, even if it is woman that must pay the bill: THIS is a need, and thereby will gain you a respect/ simply demand it, or make men ashamed.

3. Immediately MOVE TO COURT, over the money, the accounting, & the right to control the reality [show them their failures, and do not accept excuses]. The simplest method to do this is to take one small case & expand it. If you do not wish to use what I have prepared/ then do not. But remember this, the person who must stand at trial, needs to be able and ready for the job.

4. Move as fast as possible to the re-structuring of the economy. Instructions have been provided.

These represent the initial requirements of politics and law.

DO NOT look for "women politicians or leaders"/ you have not been given time for this. GO AS A GROUP, and let leadership stand out. "The jewel of justice, is wisdom": you must succeed in establishing it. The question of justice on a national scale, is simply decided by equity and fair play: is it fair to sacrifice the future for today/ is it fair to kill the young, because you want an easy life/ is it equitable to make other nations pay more for the things america has been stealing: and so on. These are realities that will be coming forth as time continues and truth is known/ therefore it makes no sense to wait, apply the political reality to the consequence of men and their leadership. The question of justice and equity in financial matters is based on determining what to do now/ NOT who to blame; that merely causes a delay in returning to honest reality. The question of fair play on a political stage, comes down to who will defend the constitution and basic demands displayed there for WE THE PEOPLE! Therefore it is wisdom & work that will determine the reality that shall become your truth. Wisdom is an understanding in truth, that knowledge shall bring the evidence which will guide life. Wisdom has nothing to do with a diploma or position/ diploma merely suggests work, combined with the desire to mimic another, and do what you are told to do. Positions are often stolen/ rather than earned. THEREFORE understand that leadership is what you choose to do/ not what you have stolen, persuaded, or tempted/ plotted/ or planned to do. The difference is: "The right reasons/ and the fundamental truth of a disciplined heart." Be fair/ but "I always play the game if forced to/ by the rules already in play": more simply, none of the wrong stuff/ but a mirror to prove this is you, not me. Do your best, and you will succeed, as women of the world.

As to your financial reality: when paper, credit, and commerce all fail/ as they are certain to do. Then all that is left to be called money is the historical security provided by gold and silver. DO put it in safety deposit boxes in the bank/ there is really no other choice. DO collect gold and silver NOW, so that you can control later: property will be taxed to the limit/ jewels and such are not fixed, and will fail; leave them alone. Select when the day comes only those things that will produce an income/ and provide a need to purchase, that you may do well. Want is irrelevant/ or it will destroy all your work. Carefully gather into "women only groups" for the purpose of guiding each other in your investments/ there you will discuss what to buy, and align each other to support your investments, and your needs. HELP EACH OTHER SUCCEED.



To the world, and all nations: America IS A VERY DANGEROUS and deadly weapon/ DO NOT, ridicule or threaten them. Even a very little excuse to make you an enemy/ could easily become all out war. They WILL be wanting someone to blame: they WILL be lying, cheating, tempting, and PANICKING! All are dangerous attributes in the hands of the insane. Their world is going to fall into pieces/ DO NOT push them or provide ANY EXCUSE. Simply let reality prove what they already know: They did this to themselves!

IF the nations of earth do not band together as one/ then EACH will be individually threatened (secretly) but with all the power america expects. However internationally they will be bankrupt/ financially they are bankrupt/ the credit is gone/ and that leaves ONLY the military. Gather your evidence as it occurs/ and band together to prove "America will die too"/ Remembering clearly, this is only a few leaders/ and the stress of failure: stand clear of them, but do not be stupid. BUT DO REMEMBER THIS: not only have I told on the american's/ I have told on the leaders of nations, who have given the wealth of their own nation away to the american's/ and gained nothing. Your people will not be happy, particularly if you abuse this opportunity to make it better.

As to the american's/ They will suddenly try to make Iraq produce their oil/ but it will not work. They need too much/ and they need it immediately. America IS GOING TO CHANGE: Either "she will" be humbled & search for the honor they left behind/ OR "he will" become secretive, "plotting & planning" & determined to take yours. It is one way or the other!

IF the nations of the world say: leave them alone/ they are too dangerous, let them take what they want/ this will be hard on us too. Then the prophecy of Revelation 13 comes true. The first beast is America, and they will do to you as written. The second beast is the sporadic use of weapons of mass destruction, as pride and arrogance begin to inflict damage upon the earth to control those nations who now complain "america takes too much". The number 666 means: america will then control the earth with fear/ until the day of death. When the harvest of life is complete Revelations 14 & 15 occur. This is the beginning of GOD'S REVENGE.

The alternative to these is Revelation 17: where woman comes to control america, BUT she has NO honor, NO justice, & NO respect for life.

Instead she chooses power, and extends herself in want, lust, & greed. This occurs after the punishments & harvest of life. FEAR over-whelms her, and to escape SHE DEMANDS ENDLESS SEX. The beast is male sexuality: the seven heads, all that man has ever done to control woman is used against him/ the ten horns, are all that is deviant in sexual behavior demands submission of men. The seven heads on seven hills are nations that agreed to do american bidding, and control the other nations because the weapons of mass destruction were not removed.

Revelation 18 is an immense reign of weapons of mass destruction upon america, as the world unites to destroy the menace it has become. She is annihilated completely.

Revelation 19 is about the remnants of humanity on earth/ gathered together they attempt to survive and worship GOD IN FEAR. If they are allowed to live/ then "the failures shall be removed"!

It is by no means certain/ that any shall live.