In the discussion of disciplined perceptions, as are these documents, the relationship cultivated is: one of separation/ the intent simply to separate those who will work for life/ from those who will work only for want, power, pride, or selfishness. The critical explanation of my own behavior is to be found at Ezekiel 33: it reads simply, if you know of impending disaster/ then you must tell the others, or their death is on your own shoulders and life. If you tell them/ you are dismissed of wrong doing. Therefore I DO believe the words written are critical to your survival/ not because of my input but more simply because of the consequence of their truths.

Like you, we all make decisions/ I have made mine in these matters, and now it is your turn: if you are unprepared, then certainly YOU need to educate yourself in these things. This is written as a warning, or reprieve from simple action and reaction/ which brings a consequence we do not control. Control here is applied to the knowledge of doing something that truth shall respond to, in a positive manner for the earth. There is no control apart from truth/ there is no control of truth; only of ourselves. Those who choose control over others, are applying the truth; they have dismissed their lives, and chosen death. Therefore reality says it is a decision we can make, as to changes which will protect our lives. Like you, we all make mistakes/ "are stupid" sometimes/ cause accidents and so on: but if we do the best we can/ then I am personally certain we will survive and do well. Of simple things, what is also constant in humanity is fears. The result of fears allows people to believe in such things as "Drug addiction"/ in the prescription world, the older people are believing in pills as if they were GOD. I ASSURE YOU they are not. Instead it is their intent to control whatever they can, and the result is failure for many/ instead of faith, they believe in "rotting in their chairs", and sucking the life out of the children to support them/ while they support no one. It is unfair. Truth says: it is the intent of human control, the demand of human intervention "to tweak it" as the lies unraveled, and so on that brings us to the edge of extermination. It is the lies of weapons of mass destruction "our saviors"/ that demand and insist you will be extinct. Every decision that you must make today, INVOLVES REALITY! Every decision DEMANDS TRUTH! Therefore as a society, every aspect of human behavior/ every expectation or human greed/ every possibility of human selfishness shall be examined for what is true, "As to its benefit or harm to society". And you WILL DO, what life expects you to do/ NOT what you humanity wants to lie about. YOU WILL CHOOSE REALITY. As reality changes/ then you may change with it.

As to the certainty of this message of coming disaster/ I ask you clearly, can you honestly afford to gamble with all life on earth? Are you so vain and proud and arrogant, that you cannot see the potential and the end. Humanity from its beginning (so says the bible) has fought for freedom and independence to do whatever it wants to do. Thereby they assigned all truth be confined to the terrors of "how did GOD let this happen to us". The fact that human beings have honestly chosen to "live their lives", however they please/ truth or lie/ harsh or blessings/ whatever it is DOES apply to this day. You have chosen your destiny, for good or for bad/ irregardless of the outcome; you didn't care. The future has arrived, and if your refuse truth again, then all you have left is death. Men and women will both say: "leave us alone/ we like the world just like it is: and don't tell me what to do". Because they have fought for, sacrificed for, worked for, planned for, and wanted what they believe they deserved or could have. BUT what you refuse to understand is simply the earth itself is changing, because of you. The resources required by 7 billion people, much less 8 billion people cannot be met by your methods. Soon even the few efforts you have made to protect some things will vanish as population pressures multiply and it becomes life or death. Therefore the de-stabilization of nations will consume you and the earth. And that is only the beginning of the future you have chosen.

There are always a number of people who refuse any truth presented to them, they don't want change/ the lies are working for me. But reality never allows lies to continue, and if they win/ you will lose your life. The question of eternity is applied to life by the very simple reality: do you believe in your own heartbeat? IF you do, then you understand the discipline that is life. If you accept discipline/ then you must accept order, they are linked together and inseparable/ because discipline is order commanded by truth. If you accept truth, then you must know, that we are miracles, and nothing less. Therefore if you refuse miracles/ then you refuse life, and distrust your own mind. But if you believe in miracles/ then you do understand the validity and purpose of JESUS CHRIST As HIS portrayal of love gives witness to the whole world of what life could be. Eternity simply asks the question: are we invited into HIS WORLD, of love, duty, honor, life, and more? HIS ANSWER was yes.

Sharing will support you/ caring will defend you/ respect shall sustain your lives/ LOVE SHALL bring you happiness/ truth will show you the way/ honor will give to YOU the possibility called eternity, IF you truly desire it. Therefore the decision is not hard/ BUT ONLY YOU can make it. Only you can defend the future of life on earth/ because it is here and now, and it is your decision to live or die.

In closing, I have suggested the possibility of participating as part of the prophecy of Revelations in the bible. I leave it to you to decide, if this is real/ it is not my job to convince you. It is your job to search for truth.

There is a passage in the Hebrew bible (old testament) of prophecy, that applies to this very day: it is about the nation called Israel, gathered in the desert and very thirsty. "Moses, strikes the rock", and water comes forth for all. If you can hear it:

Water is the power that gives time on earth/ JESUS "is the rock", and the water today, is this message: a story a little hard to believe/ but it is not hard to believe that a large group of people wondering in the desert, would run out of water one day. The people did survive/ I do believe the story. What is important about the old testament itself is primarily the historical account, as written by this writer or group of writers. Like me, their words do ring true/ like me, the desert is a place or description involved, that simply defies human logic: very few words are simply selfish or vain/ neither are they proud or arrogant : but do appear as accurate as humanly possible to make them. As history continues ,Their lives are a struggle, they constantly get lost in ease whenever life allows. They are clearly just like humanity today/ simply working with different things and understandings.

As to this message, I am the writer of these truths as best I can do it/ no intent or desire exists to intervene or change anything. Neither do I defend the words or myself, that is not my job/ GO TO GOD .

I do make mistakes, repent as best I can / as life and opportunity allows.

I DO LOVE JESUS And it is true in my soul, that HE loves me. This is my honor and my way. YOU are important too, GOD LOVES YOU.

Do not continue to be idol worshipers! There are NO images that represent GOD or any one of HIS prophets, here on earth: not one image, not any words can harm HIS LIFE: we are completely devoid of anything that could alter GOD or anything HE might wish to do. But we may pray. Therefore understand clearly and with certainty: You do not defend GOD OR any prophet / By asserting blasphemy or violence or whatever. NO image exists that defiles GOD or HIS prophets. Those who do blaspheme/ are liable themselves for their words or work, and hell is more than capable of punishing their lives. YOU, WORSHIP GOD / and let HIM take care to any humanity that HE desires to punish. YOU ARE NOT NEEDED/ YOU take care of yourself. Your job, is to prove them wrong/ by your belief and by your ways: by your honor and your respect and honesty and purpose in life!

As human beings, on a personal level, we each face one over-riding consequence of living in time: "What about my body/ my mind"? "I need it/ I don't want to die!" The relationship we share as people is simply: "I/we know this is true".

The reality of complex disciplines therein reveals the question: when 2 opposing forces constitute a critical challenge, as to the honor of one/ versus the respect for the other/ then only truth and all involved can hear and answer this question/ to find a decision. It shall NOT be forced! The consequence of a human life demands respect! The reality of damage to all human & other life constitutes an HONOR worth fighting for, because the integrity of the structural " whole that is life/ cannot be less than true respect." You cannot pick and choose. Therefore the side of honor & respect wins: over the value of personal human identity. What is dangerous or deadly to the whole of life/ CANNOT be given to the individual or gambled in any way: NO EXCUSES. ALL ARE more important that a few! The consequence of genetic failure, "NATURE ITSELF"/ IS every life dies/ that simple, nothing you can do! Thereby every genetic structure IS LITERALLY SACRED! YOU SHALL NOT TOUCH IT! THERE ARE NO EXCUSES: SACRED!

What is less clear, & thereby of critical interest to truth, is the repair of genetic structure: To return what has been damaged/ to what is, the human life meant to be. There are no issues of cloning: SACRED! There are NO ISSUES OF GENETIC ALTERATION/ only natural breeding programs that do not perform any human intervention beyond natural selection. There are NO ISSUES OR QUESTION OF INTENTIONAL MUTILATION in any biological structure of any kind! ONLY the opportunity defined by its absolute definition of repair/ the return to normal is strictly that: repair means nature intended, NOT man/ woman intervened.

Reality then expects critically premature babies shall be allowed to die/ if their statistics cannot sustain a 95% chance of a honest NORMAL adult life "like the rest". SET YOUR PARAMETERS, and let them decide.

Reality expects old age, beyond 65 years shall be allowed as fundamental to new life/ and shall NOT be given "extreme care" for anyone.

Reality understands the relationship we share with society, DOES NOT include or allow "extreme care or expense for anyone": WE are more important, than you or I. Death is the answer, because we all do die/ when it is necessary to society: then it is your time. Necessary to society means: society has not only chosen the parameters that allow it/ it has agreed the money can be spent: HONESTLY/ NOT as the common and consistent lies of this day.

BUT, those who fall between these disciplines as a humanity/ but no other life not facing critical extinction/ shall achieve a most cautious/ and deliberate care: IF humanity itself VOTES to accept the risk of repair. That risk is to the genetic structure, and it involves everyone/ it is the consequence that life could really end! HORRIBLY! This is a world decision, and DOES NOT APPLY to individual nations. IF CHOSEN, then you as a world shall elect to establish not more than 3 individual sites and laboratories/ which would then carry out the experimentation. They would be world funded/ NO patents, NO hero's / NO experimentation outside the confined "not physical world" laboratory environment. The price of experimentation is: if it fails, when tested; each individual creature dies, and is burned. Including human test patients. If it succeeds, the individual shall receive a reward entitling him or her to 3 years of peaceful rehabilitation: no debts of any kind/ new.

Take it or leave it/ by vote.

Or prepare for complete genetic failure/ and a horrendous death: simply dig your own grave now while the "pieces of body" still work.

It is useful to add, there are people who do honorably believe it is wrong to take the life of another creature for food. This is a level of respect for life that is rare in humanity, as most consider other creatures & their lives, as merely tools or money. The problem with this as a reality simply; it does not establish a critical truth that functions in both predator & prey. That truth is BOTH benefit from the arrangement/ wherein population counts are controlled and simple realities determine who lives & who dies. One of the functions we benefit from as "top of the food chain" is a list of complex & critical chemicals being created by these creatures/ which then benefit us, because our bodies can use them without significant work on our part in preparations. Blood is exempt in this because it can be absorbed too readily, and therein cause mutations to occur, or interactions that become disease.

While my life approves of "no prey for me"/ our reality does not. Therefore honesty refers to respect all creatures and give them appropriate time & benefits. But because MOST of the creatures we use for food would not exist/ if we did not use them for food: they benefit as well. Even if reality proves humanity will use that life/ instead of "setting it free" to die by other means. We honestly have few choices in this/ it is necessary.

If discipline, respect, & compassion rule/ then we are not predators, but more simply as "nature has given us to be". As is true in all matters of life, the reality REQUIRES: disciplined understanding, fundamental respect for all participants, & functional wisdom to survive in honesty & courage. Rather than the relationship of " superiors to lesser things, thereby filled with options"/ it is more clear & certain, that we are equals in the form of creatures as time. Our existence as humanity therein represents simply: WHO WE ARE To


Respect is mandatory. Life is important/ even all life. BUT nature knows best, irregardless of how we measure the pain or suffering to ourselves or another. It IS NATURE, that has established our existence in time. Therefore it is sacred/ and superior to us.