In the issues of time & truth, there are consequences to all things. I cannot deliver this message to you without acceptance of the prices involved. YOU cannot hear it, UNLESS you are willing inside your heart, to accept the price of its truth. Failure means the order already in place, that rules the current destiny of life on earth, shall prove the consequences of your lies, and behaviors. "That's how it is"/ take it to heart, mind, & body: or accept the truth, "that even the blind can plainly see/ you are going to enter Armageddon"!

I cannot make your decision/ & you cannot make mine. PLAINLY my decision is to do whatever truth allows, honor & honesty provide, & respect understands as LOVE/ these guide my ways, not the interests of men & women; or their morality or expectations. GOD IS FIRST / you are not. Neither is there ANY other sacrifice in me, reality and truth decide. Because this is true, and does not conceive of want, WHATEVER truth builds in spirit, CAN honestly participate in life as reality.

In the complexity of this message, are the two prophecies in Revelation: chapter 1 conceives of the first messenger coming "as a man"/ his purpose is held within the 2-edge sword: "it cuts, no matter which direction humanity turns". His job, is quite simply to declare what is wrong in humanity. The weight of the evidence says: the documents before you, are this message. I ask you to decide: if a weightier or more significant message is coming/ if you can afford to wait? My own expectation as "the deliverer of the message", was to enter confrontation with you, and become MUCH more detailed in these matters; but I was wrong!

Instead Revelation 12 HAS begun/ to your benefit. Here the second messenger is a woman, the difference in the message, from the first messenger is COMPASSION, and she brings NO weapon at all. Even so the evidence she brings is very similar to the first/ but it comes only with the purpose of MERCY, for life and for earth. Therefore YOU ARE "Greatly Blessed", that GOD , has removed "the man"/ and replaced him with woman. Otherwise, you would go directly to trial, & be judged UNWORTHY.

YOU are now given the opportunity to judge yourselves, & decide WHAT shall be done to, or for humanity; as your own ways, now threaten to exterminate you. YOU MUST CHOOSE A NEW LIFE/ or you will end this one as the hell called Armageddon. This decision clearly and deliberately now resides with and in you/ and this world, SHALL INDEED DECIDE for life/ or for Armageddon, by your apathy and failures.

The spiritual interpretation of Revelation 12, allows for your decision to include "a completely new life"/ But only if you do very well: it is described in Revelation 21. Here where RESPECT, HONOR, & LOVE, BLOOM in the true flagrance of life, Miracles will occur many times/ but only one of "these". The first miracle will be: the male body I inhabit shall turn female/ the second miracle shall then be: "Although NO MAN shall ever touch me/ lest you be CURSED" a pregnancy shall occur. This is the one who shall then lead you into Revelations 21.

I am simply "A sign & a tool/ my body, my life, & my eternity, BELONG to GOD ! Therefore only HE can change my reality, or my destiny/ I can not: this is given away. "With love".

The alternative to doing very well/ is to do extremely poor: which then by the demands of balance makes the 1261st day, "Your judgment day", if not cursed before. If this is to be, on the 1261 day, you will know for sure, hell is coming. What is critical and true is simply "the last days of earth, are decided by the eco-system of life"/ what is simple and real, is this is coming quickly. What is then real, is the honesty of what you will know and believe: PRAY ALWAYS, because YOU are important, even if the world itself is cast adrift and will die.

As you contemplate the validity of these things, I do remind you plainly of JESUS DEATH : "Was it what humanity expected"? I also expect you to recognize that Revelations is a prophecy of "grand descriptions" of what are now known to be "common things". The prophet had NO other way to receive or recognize the understandings necessary for this day/ nor any other way to talk about them. Therefore DO NOT get stupid "about adjectives"/ be wise about knowledge instead. Understand simply, there is NO "Infallible word of GOD", because we are not able/ and it is not within our ability to understand" such things. BECAUSE there is NO language, or understanding, or possibility of wisdom that man or woman have, that could make this possible. Neither do I say anything of my own in this message or these documents, I have no threat to make to you/ NO instruction/ I will do you NO harm: Rather THE SPIRIT INSIDE GIVES TO ME, THIS MESSAGE TO GIVE TO YOU! The SPIRIT OF JESUS TEACHES ME WHAT TO SAY/ irregardless of how you believe or disbelieve this statement it is true. If you wish, you can wait until the time has passed or the realities set into place here have occurred. Expecting to ridicule and assault me as you wish! But if you are wrong, then you are DEAD. Make your decision.

It is noteworthy or necessary to mention that we HAVE passed Revelation one, and its prophecy of a messenger who is both first and last of those who will find eternal life with GOD . We are "walking within Revelation 12 today; although you will decide for yourselves if this continues or not/ by your prayers & your apathy/ by your failure or RESPECT. The question of "first" as to the messenger of Revelation one, cannot be proven/ therefore it is irrelevant to you: "I do not know, it is unimportant to me". But because it is part of the prophecy, I will include this description. {at or in one journey within SPIRIT, I appeared in a small empty courtroom/ except for a very large vulture on a perch in the shadows: I passed by all without a sound from anything. Suddenly beyond the witness area, everything changed to become a table in front of me holding a communion service of individual communion cups in a server, "a very large number, I have no idea how many"/ all were filled. Behind this table was an extremely long line of people waiting for their turn/ I could not see the end of it, very long. There were two empty cups in front of me, all others were filled, I drank the third. This then changed, and I was placed in an extremely immense field of golden grain, ready to harvest. I was given a scythe and told to harvest the field/ therefore I worked diligently for a time/ but it soon became completely evident and real: If I worked for a thousand years, I could not harvest this field. Then I PRAYED: PLEASE SEND WORKERS, for I cannot do it. The journey then ended.} This harvest is humanity on earth, and YOU are the grain/ YOU must also be these workers, for life on earth now depends upon YOU.

I leave it to you, to decide for yourself: if these things of this message are real and true/ no one can choose for you, or keep you from your choice.

I PRAY FOR YOU, pray for me as well.

As the messenger of Revelation one, HAS been replaced/ the woman of Revelation 12 has no claim of "First or last". Therefore whether I die or not/ it is not an evidence of your judgment: UNLESS that death comes as a result of how you have already been warned.

Instead my own death during this time, means Revelation 21 HAS disappeared/ as well as all other consequences that could assist you from this life provided to you. It means you were not worthy, to receive that help!

Since the "man" did not die in me/ the possibilities of the first messenger could return/ BUT ONLY If GOD Directs that it shall be so. THIS WOULD, be bad for humanity, as it indicates "prosecution" would then begin: this is the putting forth of ALL evidence to prove you UNWORTHY. NOT to convict you/ BUT to find among all humanity, those who DO REPENT and are SORRY in truth, for all the sins of this world. It is these who go forth as the last survivors of humanity, who may enter eternity with GOD .

PRAY it shall NOT be so!

Because that means, ALL THE REST, go to hell/ and then hades!

As for me, I will never ask to go back "as a man spiritually". I HAVE given my decision, my life, & my eternity To GOD ; and only HE can change it/ I will never ask.

LOVE IS CLEAR within this entire message for you: From GOD TO YOU! NO where, is there a desire for your death as humanity or the earth! Instead even though you have been horrible children, "raping, pillaging, and with every intent plotting to kill all future generations for gluttony and selfishness"/ EVEN WITH ALL THAT, you are still given the opportunity to change. Even an invitation to "Unbelievable wealth and happiness" as described by Revelation 21, to be here on earth is allowed for you. IF, RESPECT, HONOR, & LOVE ARE FOUND IN YOU/ These are MANDATORY, or you fail, and go to hell & hades.

This is then your warning and your decision: The time HAS come, to choose life or death/ for and as all humanity on earth.

If you have questions or comments: GO TO GOD !

If you have "money or other bribes"/ go to your own false god.

If you have LOVE, RESPECT, or the honest desire to help: then PRAY to OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN AND BEYOND.. Let spirit, soul, truth, & life lead you in the ways and methods of RESPECT, that you should then go. PRAY MUCH.

BUT if you believe in the ignorance, foolishness, plain stupidity, and fundamentally "brain dead" examples of your "smart people"/ Then consider very carefully exactly where you are. Can't see death coming: then OPEN YOUR EYES! Can't believe all your lies will fail/ then look at your pensions, and your numbers (for you have no money). Can't believe the world will sink into war quickly/ then look at your terrorism, your future needs, your demands on resource, and ask yourself: "Just how many weapons of mass destruction does it take to turn away 7 billion people: 4 million miles of people touching people?" Can't believe genetics will turn with VENGEANCE AGAINST YOU: your odds of being alive, are 6 billion bits of information arranged in just the right order, multiplied by trillions of other instructions and needs, including food. Since you are betting a minimum bet of your life, your world, and your eternity: "Bring your property, your slavery, and your children and I will give you a better bet "lets double your odds/ 3 billion to one"/ that you will die a horrendous death and soon. CHANGE OR FACE ARMAGEDDON. There is no turning back.