The distance between life and freedom, is not determined by money, or luxuries, or pride/ rather it exists in the simple definition of “being alive”.  The price of freedom can be high;   the price of life or death, can be higher.  But the reality of being alive is a discovery between the places where time no longer rules.  Love is, a passage beyond the limits of self/ a reality of distance beyond the price of time; where truth experiences thought;   and thought begins the journey into destinies and desires that create our soul.  Here, alive suggests:   the value of an individual existence is not measured by time, or love, or life, or freedom.  Rather alive means, “to share eternity, and begin the journey home”.  Consequently time loses it value, and life as time remembers “we shall all die sometime”.  The reality of death requires a discipline.  The consequence of death establishes a date.  But the presence of greater experiences than time, understands the simple truth:   we are alive, only because   GOD   exists.  Home translates eternity, into the place “we join, a journey beyond love”.

As for you: the reality of your lives in time is very simple/ this is NOT the same earth as it was even fifty years ago.  Population growth has changed that fact.  Without understanding the truth:   humanity itself must now change.  There is no future, for life on earth.  Without investigating the threats to all life and humanity listed here (and there are more); without  accepting LIFE ITSELF, for the planet, MUST COME FIRST. You will lose everything soon/ reality comes like an enormous hurricane.  Not a threat, rather it is a fact. An insanity in you, to run away and hide.  Because: There is no place to escape: this is our world/ every child/ every life under attack, by human decision. People, particularly the university, that believe they can be gods.  People who demand to take literally everything, and leave nothing behind for life or future; etc.
While it is true, this message is nothing more than “a whisper in the wind”.  The reality is: every heart can hear it (or you died inside); therefore choose to express it/ every soul will acknowledge it (or the essence of life, has been abandoned); therefore live to defend life itself.  Not a choice/ we must!   Because the essence of life inside us all, knows this is important/ the work fundamentally true.  Consequently if you continue to “have no ears, or eyes, or voice”; choosing insanity instead.  There is literally nothing more of any true value, I can do for you.  Just so its clear:   I will not be interfering in your future/ whatever you do, is; or is because of the choices you have made.  All confrontation and associated anger is abated.  All “gentle as can be” education is established in more than sufficient detail for all your needs.  I need not participate further/ it is not “my job/ or my personal decision to do so”.  All further work is yours.
The work I began roughly 50 years ago, is done.  The reality, that you are still lying/ cheating/ stealing/ threatening/ and destroying not only the earth but the future as well: is clearly NOT my fault.  Your debts/ your threats/ your destruction:   not mine.  Your failure/ not mine.  You gamble with ALL our lives; just to play god, in your continuous fantasies and delusions/ not me.  That is the choice you made, the people who follow and accept/ therefore I accept your decision, is your decision. Pride and want,  the end of your ability to conceive of life, or love, or respect, or value/ etc.  But reality remains, & your fate, remains your fate.

 The trial created here, is yours as well:   to whimper or roar/ negotiate or fall/ war or change: whatever will be, will be.  The sheep remain either frightened or asleep.  It is not my purpose to prosecute you, or for you/ it is my purpose to give you the chance to understand your reality: change must come quickly!  The end:  man in me, is finished with this work.  What remains as spiritual (a fundamental truth, defined by its law) female influence in me: is functionally still, beyond my comprehension, to understand; only time will tell. We both, demand and desire the exact same thing: life for this planet must go on/ her way is simply different than mine. The price of “getting this far” is, she gets to decide the rest; NOT costumes and clowns. The removal of male anger and confrontation (established by: YOU broke the rules of LIFE MUST COME FIRST; and time is running out/ I cannot accept this anymore);  her help essentially, “so the work could be finished, time was  allotted”; without her intervention, it is true, or entirely possible; you could already be dead. The fact is, that “this spiritual woman in me” did far more than just abate the demand it is “too late now”/ she also guided my direction, and established boundaries over time. The experiments of men and university are so extreme and horrific/ they have literally prepared to exterminate us all. Believe it or not/ they do think of themselves “as gods”; which then makes us, little more than trash.  They aren’t gods/ merely fools and killers.

Alternately;  I searched for a decade, and male had no answer; “history repeats; if men continue to lead, they WILL return almost immediately to what has always been; it is, their choice/ this is their way”:   we must have different.  Because this world has changed; we are growing at 2 million more mouths to feed every single week/ a billion hungry now.     I don’t know why me, or what comes next; that’s the truth.  I will live the life I choose, until reality beyond my control  changes it; do not all people, at least try?   Laugh if you want/ ridicule if you must; the truth for life on earth will forever remain, “these moments, are life or death”, for our world!  The consequence of our time is: “this is the best, men & the university,  did do”.  There are no second chances. No mercy either; when you are finished destroying this earth, mutilating its nature, playing god, or whatever terrible other choices you continue to make have crossed the point, where human decision can no longer make a difference (soon): if nature or ocean (food) or environment or whatever it is; can survive.  Men are killing everything/ without change:   You are dead. For instance the ocean will be empty soon/ with absolutely no chance of recovery.  What you want is absolutely irrelevant/ truth decides. I am Not your savior, or anything else: save yourselves;   Choose for life, & change as required.  Its important!  Its your job.

It is, “a day or two later”/ suddenly overwhelmed a bit, with more sympathy for you.  Sympathy is a demand for the removal or more correctly the reduction,  of limits and boundaries; so that the needs and realities of individual life may take “first place”.  Sympathy is a demand to identify value, in others; so the rules can be bent, when needed.  It is life, is more important; when mercy is warranted or possible or at least potentially plausible. It is another “dose of female in me”/ complete with the words stop complaining and help them.  Or simply:  More work to be done/ its too late to worry about anything less.  Honestly, I am adjusting/ I am changing/ I am doing the best I can:   not a blog (the intent of a conversation), this is, just “facts of life”.  A message delivered.  The work adds personal information, simply to remove the “sterility, or austerity” of a message “without the human touch”.  So that you can see it more clearly, as our relationship with life, rather than simply a demand.

Considering all the possibilities; it is perhaps the most important work for you:   to understand, that spiritual realities “live and breathe” in the essence of thought, as described by law.  Entering within them, requires that you understand the parameters of thought, within the environment of energy,  and accept the direct participation within the laws that govern the experience, and the universe:  through a distinct respect for that truth.  The elemental essence of each of these things is an association with energy; it can kill you, but these are also the fundamentals of life itself.  That means it, IS NOT “for the fearful or lazy”/ rather spiritual reality is fraught with dangers, & is NOT for anyone who cannot achieve “a necessary level of purity in their desire for, or direction called life/ the distinction of real truth for their lives”.  Which means it is functionally unavailable for nearly all people, until you die. Those who enter into a spiritual reality,  and fail truth/ but live, are called schizophrenic:  because they lose touch with direction and desire, becoming lost inside: a failure to find the truth when needed.  To return, it is absolutely necessary to find the correct answer to a question that failed/ and accept that truth as real.  I began searching decades ago, and the first encounter was simple and plain: until the issue of false teeth in me occurred.  I did not know, if tampering with the body was “acceptable or not: are we owners of our body/ or renters (don’t touch what is not truly yours)” ? Consequently it turned to failure/ because doubt changed to “better not take any chances here”.  That proved to be completely wrong:   the proper answer, turn back to what you DO understand and trust as truth/ letting reality itself, teach what must be learned. The answer to body is:  We are the owners here,  let there be no doubt. That began the last sequence of “ten thousand life lessons, dedicated to the realities of BUT WHY”.  The reality: so that these educational lessons could be achieved.  Another year went by before I ventured in again: required, to straighten and clean “truth” in me. In other words, preparations because even little things will be tested.  When death occurs,  in fact:   you shall enter spiritual destiny or fate; and whatever is true in you, shall then decide. With mercy/ if that is your destiny.  What you can understand about the relationship you do have with life and death; is this is the price of time.  What you must understand is, that truth governs all things through laws that will not be broken, even for you.  When you intentionally break those laws, the consequent reality follows.  Therefore as you consider what to do with the experiments of men and university, by the extremes and horrors of their insanity:   understand this.  When they break the laws which keep us alive in time and nature/ the consequent reality of death and destruction must come;   because that is how the universe itself lives. That is the choice you made. Truth and law then decide/ not you, or your scientists.  They are about to break the laws of nature/ the laws of energy and mass.  The end result is this planet is dead.  The consequence of that is: there is simply nothing more important that I can do for you, that literally tell you, UNLESS you find enough thought in some form to understand the gravity of being wrong in these experiments.  How can you expect to survive?   It is OUR CHOICE, to let them continue or not.  It is our choice/ YOUR CHOICE, to intervene and demand NO MORE OF THIS, until we the people involved:   OUR LIVES TOO!   Have had our chance to say, yes we will also accept this risk/ or NO we will not.  And YOU WILL STOP.  Of all things on this earth, here and now;   nothing is more important than this.  It is a long list of other threats, that can exterminate us as well/ but nothing is more immediate than experiments which can bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth (out of control fire)/ nothing more immediate than experiments which can cause atomic desecration, the end of balance and time by the destruction of harmony at the atomic scale (it can cause the entire planet to explode)/ nothing more immediate than the mutilation and destruction of balance, dignity, life, hope, respect, disciplines, happiness, and absolutely everything living on earth by removing the integrity of genetic construction in our lives:  and replacing that with the intent of men and university who desperately want to play god instead.   Insanity is too small a word for such behaviors;   therefore we just plain have to use “satan” to describe them instead: the destroyer of life, harmony, and love.  Nothing else fits.

My sympathy here is simply as a friend.  The reality is: since over the decades these things have been created by you, while NO ONE would listen to me, or care/ but ran away instead.  As a friend, I remind you, “one single minute” too late/ and life is over: thereby telling you, care or die.  You are, “we the people”/   not just me.  You are able to rouse yourselves into action or reaction to demand accountability and the right to decide for yourselves IF people you don’t even know; can gamble with all life on earth or not.  It’s a choice they made.  But it is not a choice, that you must allow.  WE DO as a society, have LEGAL RIGHTS, PROTECTIONS, AND MEANS to deny to any and all:    You cannot, do this!

Apart from that, is the question of jobs, economies, and rights:  I will return to work/ sympathy requires it.  But unless you accomplish the reality of understanding within yourselves, that those who are literal satan’s to this world/ MUST BE CONFRONTED and stopped. The threats of extinction and extermination of life from this earth ended; so you can survive.  If that is what you choose, by investigation of the evidence.  There is literally no time left, to make life better here on earth.  Doesn’t matter what I do/ it only matters what you do; unless you do change.  Not a game/ these experiments are running right now;   and they need only fail, “get out of complete control” just once.  Search, and prove this is not true; life depends upon you.  Or, we all die.  It’s a choice.   Not a game/ an extreme and real threat; no matter what they promise or say.   Wrong, means this entire  planet dies.  How is that not:   absolutely beyond insanity?  How is that, less than “your problem too”?  There is no place to hide; simple and plain.  Either work or die.  It is not, “a hard concept”.

The reality here in my work is:   I have applied concepts and concerns beyond your ability to participate, in terms of spiritual understanding.  So it is absolutely necessary that these sites soon be closed to further words, so you can work without someone saying “he continues to be weird”.  So you can have your own say, without my interference or fear of “another damn idiot, who believes he’s an expert”. Just how it is.  Say whatever it is you want to say/ this is simply intended to be “that way”:  without concern by me; its your life/ its your future, etc.
This is not, “the media” telling you what to think; as they constantly do.  Not the media or other illusions fully intending to distract or confuse.  This is a demand to think for yourself/ you decide, it is your life/ your child/ your future/ your world;   your choice.  It is your eternity as well, believe it or not. 
But I do remind you: only truth sustains life on earth/ not your want; or lies!  Therefore “wash your evidence down”, until you see the reality that was covered up/ then decide, by the truth known to you as valid & real, or accepted by you through the evidence and understanding of learning itself.  Learn, what wisdom is; so that life will survive.   This is not a game.  This is not a religious anything, it is merely the message: 
 threats of extermination to all life on earth abound/ change that or you will die, an entire planet of life, lost!
How is that not your problem too?  Prove the evidence is wrong/ not to me.  To yourself, to your child, to life on earth.

I am faced with more compassion today, the need to recognize realities too important to simply ignore.  The famine in Africa being one.  With extremely little information or knowledge about what is possible in this region of the world; a truly composite description of what might be done is limited.  But there are a few things that are simple and plain.  One immediate need is sanitation: the most immediate fix is to send them a small tractor, with fuel and other requirements/ WITH a single bottom moldboard plow;  a loader bucket, and suitable wagon; for burying.  The tractor is used to dig a furrow, for latrine purposes, at various places inside the camps (because if its too far away people won’t use it).  When appropriate the tractor comes to close in the furrow, by running the plow next to it again as is common to farming.  This area then becomes cultivated and fertilized for planting; as best you can.  The absolute need for water does require piping for sanitation, with spigots that cannot be left running. Various methods exist for lifting water for distribution.  The immediate need for housing MUST be tied to “suitable methods of permanent birth control”/ a better house, in exchange.  This is a woman’s choice/ a woman’s home: ANY MAN who intervenes or attempts to overrun and take control shall be castrated.  No exceptions; it is your duty to apply and establish this: “the woman paid”.   The simple truth is overpopulation, is the root cause/ previous attempts to feed too many people has simply taken trouble,  to catastrophic levels.  They solved nothing/ instead of a cure, they simply multiplied the problem.  The environment cannot sustain this number; extremely harsh/ but like all of nature;   its either reduce the numbers, or everybody dies.  Bringing people to other lands DOES NOT solve the inherent problem facing our world: that is simply evading the truth, and hiding from the problems that exist.   The earth can no longer support us all, unless we help/ unless we care/ unless we respect our reality.  What you want, is absolutely irrelevant; life is, what life is.  Its too late for absolute compassion/ these are the choices you have made.  To be a sustainable settlement: you must find resources you can use, for long-term purposes.  If you do, a simple “light rail” set of tracks common to carnival rides: with, push the cart along;  will help them.  If not, then you must prepare the weapons and define an army to return and retake what was rightfully theirs/ from the predators that took over their lives.  It is the only way, because this earth is full. Faced with the end of “people to prey upon; an army in revolt against anarchy”/ governments are formed; although the bloodshed can be significant.  Teach limited, drip irrigation, when necessary.
Materials for the extreme poor, can be all the plastic trash for instance: with minimal heat and tooling;  it can be recycled into something useful.  Coupled with a suitable sandwich of cardboard, plastic encasement makes a useable wall & roof structure, in an arid land.

Because you are so “hard-hearted (proud and without sense)”; the writing continues, because the work still has not produced enough roots to grow as it must.  That is to your shame/ the realities of life, the descriptions of threats, the consequence of failure; and the evidence surrounding you could not be more clear, to anyone who can think for themselves; than it is today, and in this work.  Or more directly, YOU wait to be told what to think/ by your media.  “Don’t want to be wrong/ people will laugh”.  Never mind your entire world is threatened with extinction:   YOU are concerned, someone might think “your weird/ or insane/ or whatever it is”.  The consequence is of course:   “Let the world die”/ YOU, just don’t care enough!

So the question is: is this just preparations, which are required when you know that complications are about to come into your own life/ from outside sources?  Or is it failure from me, to properly identify and create an understanding these things are real, and necessary to bring to your attention?  Or is it just you, and the failure to recognize, that you must think for yourself?  Or is it my own insistence that you shall learn more than is “within your comfort range”/ thereby demanding the mind shall grow beyond simple time?  Or are you zombies, that can no longer think for yourself, beyond the incessant “me/me/ me/ me & the eternal I want/ I want/ I want/ I want”?

Confronted with a reality that is NOT what people WANT to hear:   requires all necessary preparations, so as to be able and prepared to endure the consequent ridicule, degradation, indignity, and disrespect from those who will deride and threaten.  People who don’t get what they want/ or are required to think beyond what they want/ or are attacked by their own pride.  Are people who get mad, and lash out.  Simple as that/ it’s a mental game of:   “Kill the messenger/ because we don’t want to hear this, at all”.  Sometimes turning violent, as insanity lurks behind every proud face.  Not a simple decision, it’s a bit like going in the army: the complications are NOT generally “oh happy day”.  Determination and disciplines must be found.  That is entirely up to you/ I do wish you well.  It is worth the fight.
I consider it true, that sufficient information has been dispensed in a number of ways to establish what is real/ or at least necessary to investigate on your own.  Clearly not perfect/ but that is simply how it is.  You ain’t perfect either.  Simple and plain.

Being able to think for yourself, requires that you actually think for yourself/ which means you simply CANNOT wait for the media to tell you what to think, or present you with the only information upon which you shall choose.  That gives them all the power, and makes you less than who you are.  Separate yourselves from “believers in media”/   and understand, power/ pride/ and want are terrible things.  Which refuse reality, and always lie about the truth to protect their wants/ pride/ and power.   It is their game, but this is about your life, future, and planet.  Is that not worth your own version of investigation as best you can?  You cannot hide/ you cannot simply believe whatever it is you believe/ you cannot run away from threats that can exterminate life on earth:   you must think.  It’s a work, rather than a choice.  Do your best, its important.
As to pushing you outside your comfort range/ that is perhaps “a little too much”/ tied to the exception:   if you did begin to think I could be your savior for whatever reason.  That would be a disaster as well.  Consequently it shall not be done.  Even so, what has been provided to you is real, and functionally literate to your own understanding of this world.  Thereby I do accept:   even though it is more than you want to know/ it is less than enough to simply drive you away.  Thereby a suitable method employed.  Added to that is the truth: I am greatly indebted to the spiritual woman described/ because even now, what is left of male is still angry with you.  For threatening this entire world!   Even so:  I am not “the question of your life or death on earth”; that is just plain ridiculous.  Each and every threat is!  They do, override any consideration of me.

As to your inability to learn, I find that simply untrue.  Instead this is related to the consequence of what is called “being sheep”.  You cannot act or react as of yet/ because the others have not acted or reacted to the parameters of these threats.  Which means you could be “separated from the flock” and then targeted by all manner or methods of predator attacking the prey.   As is consistent with why you do not initiate a legal tax revolt on your own/ and much more.  The common denominator is:   I DON’T have to do this until the media gets involved/ because they are our voice; they are our protectors; these are the scientists we worship/ the religion of power and evolution which controls the mind.  This is everything:   HOW can I react or act to all that?

Which leaves us all, to understand: time is running out for your decision to matter.  Fail to accept:   proving the stories or theories that gamble or pretend to know what they clearly do not know.   Is not demanding you disbelieve “your gods”/ your religion is irrelevant to me, university or not.  This is simply demanding:   THERE MUST BE PROOF.  There must be LIFE FIRST FOR THE PLANET,   not just a damn bunch of shit-heads leading to death for a world.  Before you gamble with all life on earth/ it is absolute as insane as any human being can be;  joined by a list of followers, that are equally insane for letting them do so.
 The investigation of clear and plain threats to our very existence/ to everything alive:  IS NOT too much to ask.   Think for yourself.  Find your heart and soul.  That is reality/ not the stories of fools.  Choose for yourself, its your death too!


Happiness, is the creation of time encapsulated into the moments that matter most to you, because someone special exists for your life.  Freedom, is the essence of your own creation, the foundation upon which you build the identity called you.  Discipline means:   I have become, a participant in life beyond myself.  Value understands, it is the relationships we share that give life its treasures.  Love exceeds them all.
And still:   I must remind you/ scold you; that life must come first, and no one has the right to gamble with life or an entire planet;   because they are so damn arrogant, they believe they can be gods.  No greater fool exists/ no sicker society, than one that chooses to throw everything away, because some damned fucked up priest from any university or other claims “to be great”.  As do each and every single person who participates in clear and certain threats against all life on earth.  Evolution is, a brain dead religion.  The mutilation of all life, nothing less than satan on earth: the destroyer of a world!  Wake up, or receive your reward.  Without mercy/ and without any possibility of a second chance;   because you are so incredibly insane it is impossible to believe.  How can anyone be so blind and arrogant as you?  Surely it cannot be true. 

Nonetheless, alternate methods must be employed to get your attention; “using thought and disciplines to educate you in value or design”.  YOU simply cannot destroy this world, without all possible legal & absolutely necessary methods being used.  The fact you are SO DAMNED ARROGANT AND PROUD;   literally insane and your scientists without the sense of a jackass at best:  does make what remains as male in me (perhaps ten percent or so), IS still angry.   But he has completely lost control, can’t go back/ that relationship honestly doesn’t exist anymore.   That you would and are threatening to destroy an entire world is why/ because you want to play god: with experiments that are fundamentally pointless, IS TRULY,  A vile and useless thing/ to your shame.  Mine is a walk, that pushes away anyone unwilling to choose beyond want or simplicity as in pride; by whatever means is most efficient.  Not evicted/ simply not enjoined, separate OR you must choose for life, through true respect to walk with me.  Forgiveness requires your participation too!  Yours where gambling with all life on earth exists: is nothing more than a trail of dysentery, spreading disease and death to a world/ that can easily die, because of you.  No greater depth of hades (eternal punishment exists); even hitler, will be above you; if this world is lost.  Where greed rules, society itself joins in that judgment/ because you didn’t even care enough to save an entire world.  That is, a horrendous reality,  impossible to stop; unless this world will care for you.  To date, you are sentenced to death/ your media and other leaders bearing your judgment for themselves.  Because they are so proud; they won’t say a word, even with a world at stake.  The religious are like that/ priests of the university church the most rabid of all: “we are great/ WE ARE gods”.

 That is not judgment/ not superiority;  that is the law, which governs human life in its relationship with this world called reality and nature, as time.  That is:  life or death for this world is the cause and question devoted to this time and this reality; because nothing less than the truth will do.  Every child depends upon us, every life on earth nothing more than a gamblers pot, filled with nothing more than numbers:   to those who risk us all.  Belief is the acceptance of what cannot be proven, until it is too late to change it.  Trust is a reliance on proven facts that do not change over time.  The difference is, the university church and its faithful; cannot conceive of reality, have storybook facts and fantasies, and fail all forms of responsibility or respect for the value of life.  Their leadership bankrupted a world.  Their leadership threatens us from every side with death and horrors.  Their leadership manipulates, controls, and destroys the fabric of society itself.  As has been proven in this time without exception: they failed.  But like all religion, that simply isn’t accepted or revealed;   because they are “believers”.  Any delusion will do!
The simple truth of my life demands, and I am grateful for:   the reality of spiritual female in me: a walk that specifically tries to include everyone, but hate. Whether you understand or not is completely irrelevant to me.  Even though the simple possibility “of female” ;  is a complete and utter surprise, that I could not have imagined in a thousand years for myself.  It is still, the absolutely only way:   I can accept a need to continue trying to work with you/ rather than fighting (a completely useless endeavor) or just leaving you to death (you are GOD’S  CREATION/ I cannot). Female is massive change; “not costumes and clowns”/ rather the demand; aggression nor confrontation shall help , in many ways, only education matters;  because it is your choice if this world survives/ not mine.  However, participation in that survival for a world requires; must be done.  What is female must rule, it is not a choice; because without truly different/ you will be abandoned.   WHAT IS TRUE, FOR LIFE/ NATURE/ WORLD/ AND ENVIRONMENT:  must decide the future, or you will die.  It is not a hard concept: simply investigate and understand the evidence against you.

I do pray for you, but unless you participate in saving yourselves and this world/ there is literally nothing left to do, of honor.   Bribing you to pay attention to the evidence that threatens all this earth;   with knowledge is left/ but I do find that pathetic on your part.  Absolutely deaf, unless I pay you to listen.   Shame on you.  Nonetheless, the question turns to how many thieves will there be?  To steal from you, the very last chance for life.  Because the evidence is that severe/ it is nothing I can or will do.  Life or death for this world;  is up to you.  Simple as that.  How can it be more plain?