Blending reality means:   to take what is real, combine it with sufficient balance, and produce the cause and effect that will be happy.

Our current reality as a nation, in particular; is very simply money rules everything here in america/ greed has consumed every fragment of life, and settled like a snake in government, and banking;  to strike at you when it can.  You are one of the most heavily taxed people on earth, and don’t know it; because it is divided into federal tax, state tax, property tax (its included in the rent), sales tax, utilities tax, and miscellaneous taxes to numerous to mention: ADD IT UP.  The end result is, “the wealthy (they have an excuse)” have stolen democracy/ and the poor have become slaves, with the middle class close behind. The primary tragedy being, university and media used to orchestrate and manipulate this society;   to be blind, deaf, stupid, and proud.  Lost, because fear presents americans with the reality “science has threatened us all/ every life on earth”;   and as a consequence, these people refuse to confront or deny them anything.  Hoping science is their savior/ instead of enemy.  But that is not the truth, science in the simple sense is responsible for every weapon of mass destruction.  It is responsible for mutilating nature/ crucifying genetic structure to play god.  It is responsible for altering our foods, and tragedy will come because of it.  It is responsible today for the massive physics machines that can and will take our lives, our future, and our world away; if they are not literally stopped quickly.  University has filled the entire leadership of this nation with LIARS, THIEVES, CHEATERS, FOOLS, FAILURES, AND IDIOTS; just to name a few.  Becoming the pied pipers of fantasy and delusion/ using media “and the expert”, to destroy any opposition called truth.  “Don’t need no damn truth”/ got to play god instead, and make life a toy:   isn’t university and media “wonderful;   how else could mental insanity and gross negligence fight side by side to ruin and destroy an entire world?    Media produces compliance with what the people are told/ can’t argue with that, “their the experts”; ain’t that right?  But some do, so regardless of composition or content, what is true finds an army against reality composed by “diplomas” filled with greed.  In the history of man;   it is impossible, that more people in any country could have amassed against the majority to make them slaves.  The diploma, is an army of words/ but with few hearts or minds of value; because life itself is nothing more than a game.  You can tell, just look at all the threats your leaders did create/ look at all the disrespect they brought to all life on earth/ all the disgrace their lies, stealing, and cheating brought upon america;   because the propaganda tied this people up in chains.  Can’t complain, they have the power.  Can’t demand truth, their arrogance and control of media means GREED rules this place.  Can’t be heard, because the propaganda and manipulation of people is so severe, they don’t even know it’s a nation called we the people/ NOT them the rulers.  How, the answer is obvious: the university studies you/ they entice you to participate with “consumer groups, polling, just want your opinion, warranties that ask personal questions, and a long list of information gathering”; for the singular purpose of controlling you.  They build propaganda based upon what you are willing “to buy”/ upon the words you actually do listen to/ they search for anything:   for the singular purpose, “now we can manipulate them, and MAKE them do what we say.”  Or more simply we know how to trap them now.  Everything you hear, everything you read, everything you are told through mass media is edited by a very few people;   WHO CHOOSE what you will hear.  You are not allowed to make up your own mind/ you are allowed to agree, or not with what they say: BASED ENTIRELY on the information they give you.  If you go the wrong direction, they will herd you back:  “Come little sheep”, the slaughter house is this way.  Think not?  Then answer the question presented on this site, by the list of threats, not even complete: things that cannot be denied/ by not a word ever finds mass media; even though an entire world is at stake.  How is that not sheep led to the slaughter/ how is that not propaganda with the singular purpose to control you, even though it is your life, even your world threatened with extinction.  How could this be less?  Think there are plenty to keep you informed; even though they all report the very same thing?  They are involved in “making themselves rich”/ when was the last time “a rich man” invited you to be wealthy too?  Keeping the masses stupid and uninformed, is exactly what the wealthy want/ because an educated person for life, rarely falls into the trap, and without traps or control; no one gets to be rich.
Even so, we must pass by “the elders” who led us here/ the people so greedy, they sold a world for “numbers”.  Even though only an idiot would not understand, these numbers they claim are in fact worthless;   because there are so many, well over $2 million dollars of debts per worker in this USA.  If the numbers were all “cashed in”/ give me something besides a number: there is absolutely no possible way;   “Just a fantasy, and delusion; built on the arrogance of pride/ and the dependency of propaganda to keep you still”.

  It can be stated, that the majority of american workers merely wanted “everything they could get for their work”/ what is wrong with that?  Isn’t that the american way?  Indeed it is, anything and everything money can buy: “that’s, the american way”.  But lets look at our reality after population increases have proven this is not only unsustainable/ it is absolutely destructive and the death of a world.  7 billion people (no one argues, we shall not soon be 7 billion/ if not there already); all wanting to build their own fantasies, all wanting to eat plenty, and throw the rest away; “it’s the american way”.  In america, its “JUST THROW THAT DAMN SHIT AWAY”/ we will go get more.  But in reality, where truth actually lives; there is very little more to go get/ and the function and foundation of american life by the terms of those who lead us here, elders/ leaders/ university/ and all:   we will not survive without true and deliberate change.  7 billion people, roughly one person standing on every single acre of “green earth”; the acre that must also sustain every other living thing outside the ocean leaves us all, “no room to play like insane idiots” anymore. 

In reality, the simple truth is:   “The elders” are not going to help life survive on earth, they want/ they need/ and they damn well ain’t going to give everything they worked for/ planned for/ and fought for;   “To no fucking kid/ don’t care if you live or die; they ain’t going to do it.  As a majority.  That leaves us with the simple truth, EITHER those under the age of fifty [you DO want to live to eighty, or at least a while don’t you]?  will take control of their own lives, their future, and this world; or they die.  Its not a battleground, unless your elders make it one/ but it is a fight for survival, and if you fail, life on earth dies.  There is nothing left to throw away; just a fact.  There is nothing left to do; if you want to die, everything is in place, and nothing will be left of life on earth within thirty years at the very most.  Not because I say so/ but because all the evidence of ocean life becoming extinct do to human impact/ the collapse of livestock confinement due to antibiotic failure (a large portion of your food supplies ending)/ the mutilation of nature, do to absolute disrespect and arrogance (you are scared of government taking over healthcare (because you know, greed, power, and pride will fail you)/ BUT YOU ARE NOT AFRAID OF university mutilating all of nature/ NOT of science trying to create “fish humans/ or insect humans/ or animal humans; etc” HOW INSANE CAN YOU BE?  Its unbelievable, you are zombies; completely controlled and without a brain.  Either wake up, or accept you deserve hell and armageddon/ you asked for it, from your gods at the university, and they will deliver evolution in reality (the destruction of life, one piece at a time; slime will be left, “an accident is not order/ a belief in the impossible odds demanded by evolution is not science.  Its religion without sense”.) because genetic discipline will be gone.  How pathetic you are, I actually cannot comprehend the hypnotic trance, of you who are worshipers without a mind. A blind, completely stupid, worshiper of images without the sense of a worm.  Grow up!

And of course let us not forget the economic chaos still to come, as liars and thieves receive their due: people collapse under the burdens of slavery and choose hate/ weapons of mass destruction/ or those who intend to light us on fire as a world with fusion;   etc, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,etc.  Shame on you, for being dead.  Wake up or inherit your truth.  Can’t happen?  Your gods “know what they are doing/ they talk like it don’t they; got stories about anything you want; well, cause their gods ain’t that right”.  How can they not be gods, after all just look at all the threats of extermination they have created.  After all, reality agrees:   our lives can be extinguished at any moment in time, every life on earth gone.  How is that not “satan’s”/ how is that not the will of this people on earth to allow it to be so?  Explain it.  Or know, that swindlers and thieves/ con games and pyramid schemes/ magicians (believe in me) and others who play tricks on you so that you will give them your life as money/ or religions who will take your life as a slave have all been around throughout history.  Do you really think they went away?  What about the extortion of your medical industry; reported to cost 5 trillion dollars a year in america: divided by 50 million workers (roughly the entire workforce)/ healthcare then costs each worker $100,000.00 of support each year; over and above their own expenses, or anything else.  How is that not extortion/ how is that not the game of fools/ how is that not a result of the propaganda of both government and media; or the failure of university “the smart people” to tell you this “just can’t be so”.  Yet all shut up and pretend fantasy and delusion shall last forever/ or at least until they destroy you all, an entire world, because “the people” were content to believe anything, because all wanted GREED, ARROGANCE, and hate to rule their lives.  Hate is a companion to greed and arrogance; because it lives where the lives of others are humiliated and ridiculed. Are you not ridiculed/ will you not soon be humiliated because you believed in fantasy and have been brought to ruin. Whether you like it or not. The question is:   WILL you survive another 7 years/ IF you stop the science that will destroy you in less than 2?  The answer is, not america/ and the world will follow quickly; because the end of everything necessary for life will be complete insanity.  The resultant population explosion as every female is raped will be a fight for life, WITH CANNIBALISM as its focus.  Shame on you, that this is even a possibility/ much less a probability created from the evidence that you have chosen. As your life in time. TO YOUR DISGRACE.

Anyway, for the living; reality must still be searched, just in case the day comes before this world ends/ or the point of no return passes: for things that will help you survive.
If you don’t stop the physics and genetic experiments very soon/ you die.
If you don’t stop the tragedy of war that will be created by economic devastation and resource loss very soon/ you die. 
If you don’t stop the schizophrenic insanity of believing weapons of mass destruction are anything but death to you/ dead.
If you refuse change in real and truthful ways, establishing life first/ instead of money first; you will never survive.
There are more/ but no purpose; you are told.  That leaves us with HOW DO WE THE PEOPLE BECOME,   “The democracy” that our constitution promises?  Or more correctly, how do we remove leaders/ power/ pride/ control/ and threats so that we can properly conceive of a reality defined by    WE THE PEOPLE? 

The answer is: redress of grievances according to the first amendment of the constitution, of this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  It is our voice/ it is our ownership of the nation/ it is our right to examine our employees and take control over our future.  Don’t need to invent nothing else, “the law, IS ALREADY IN PLACE”.
WITH THAT LAW, already prepared for WE THE PEOPLE as a docketed trial within the supreme court and presented in full/ as docketed before the supreme court on www.justtalking2.infoIt is ready to go!  A supreme court clerk CANNOT dismiss a docketed trial/ therefore it CONTINUES to stand, without the slightest right to deny.  Simply find your voice as a nation/ and prove YOU/ WE THE PEOPLE,   ARE THE OWNERS HERE!  It is that simple.  Prove as warned:   that it is a criminal act, an act of treason to deny the law that belongs to this people.  

But understand, nothing is to be gained by simply removing one group and replacing them with another.  Instead remove their power to decide, and establish the laws and the bankruptcy that takes away the power of money, and gives you a second chance to be equal with each other.  The failure to do so, will cause civil war/ because these few “rich” are stealing your world. With your own money, called “economic stimulus”/ but in reality it is not only a welfare program for the rich, with your money/ it is literally the means to destroy the middle class.  So far the numbers have increased by $60,000.00 per worker/ and they multiplied that by 10.   Can you compete, when they come to buy “everything”/ and leave you with nothing?  No, you cannot/ particularly since the numbers increase to $240,000.00 per worker/ multiplied by financial institutions: but nothing for you, “too big a risk”.   BUT REALITY SAYS:   IF YOU DECLARE BANKRUPTCY, AND REDISTRIBUTE EVERYTHING as best you can for honor and truth in work.  Then the rich have nothing but numbers/ and they are worthless.  Which makes you equal.  If you take control of your nation by vote, and understand what you do: then the limits on property that must be created/ the limits on control of resources/ and the rights of every worker;   WILL take away their pride, and give you happiness instead.
WE THE PEOPLE,   is a fact of law.  We the people is the only foundation truly defined as without the slightest possibility of an authority over us.   WE THE PEOPLE, are owners here/ and there is nothing called government, that can remove or limit or change that simple fact: WE DECIDE/ by the constitution.  Because it is the constitution that declares we are owners.  It is democracy that states:   not a leader/ but ourselves will rule.  It is rebellion to fight against the constitutional agreements made, which created this nation/ but it is truth to understand, NO GROUP OF 9 people shall tell us what our own constitution says.   WE OWN, WE CHOOSE, WE ARE THE LAW, AND WE ARE THE AUTHORITY.   None stand above us, by vote we create our decision/ but by law we determine the future and the truth of who we shall be.   We will make our own laws/ and enforce them. It is our right as owners/ when confronted use the law;   “Money rules today, because the law of the wealthy demand it shall be so”.  Truth will rule, by life first: when you prove nothing else shall stand in the way.  Make your decision.

 But do remember this: to sustain any battle, there must be “supplies”.  It is critical and necessary that food and water shall be available/ etc.   It is your nation/ and because this is your trial, as owners of this nation: YOU CAN DICTATE THE TERMS.   Including any failure to support the people will remove all financial compensation from every employee above “ simple worker”.  That means pensions shall be confiscated/ healthcare shall be removed/ the banks shall not only return all money;   but every large bank shall be sold off in small pieces:   and so on.  It is YOUR MONEY/ and that makes the determination of who gets paid your right:   is that not so?  Ask your boss. REMIND YOUR EMPLOYEES:   liars, thieves, swindlers and so on are subject to criminal arrest and imprisonment/ and suggest they behave as best they can.

This is “a woman’s way”; as my life now begins to turn in a new direction. A parallel path, but with the same purpose and desire.   Not war, as is man;   but law and reality as defined by truth, to fight the burdens of a demand to be peaceful, respectful, and honest with each other.  THE REALITY:  Together we are powerful/ together we shape the future we will share; if only you choose to care.  As individuals, our hearts can only touch each other one to one/ as life organized together under the law that is justice, fair play, and equality:   we will be, the force which leads this world.