Changing power 2

The endless rhetoric is, “that you need to change”/ as a world to survive.  While that is absolutely true, because of the threats that now exist to remove all our lives, it opens the door to those who would suggest, “he thinks he is perfect”/ it is not so.  I too have made very many mistakes, in countless ways; I have repented and learned better over the years; but that cannot erase the simple truth of failure, more times than I would care to admit.  That too, is irrelevant/ because our future depends upon what we do today; the past is over.  What is important for us all is to learn from our mistakes and choose to do better because we now know why, that is important.  Therefore endless words have been written in a direct effort to educate and inform.  A repetition exists, because there is no alternative.  A continuation of writing has occurred, because something new is necessary; until you take over the job.  That is true, because all but a few read only tiny bits and pieces/ therefore to insure some of those bits and pieces read are “most important”, it is necessary to reincorporate them.
You want to be lead, because it is the simple way to get something done.  That however is impossible, because the foundation of change is: that we become responsible for every decision that we make ourselves.  No more blaming the others:  I/ you chose for ourselves, and this is the result.  Because we are so many people, even a small percentage can end life on earth.  We do have that much influence on nature, at this moment in time/ on each other as well.  Boundaries be damned, we have become a single nation as this world:   because of what we will, or will not do for life first. 

To be educated means:   I HAVE, received the knowledge, that makes me understand, the truth of what reality can and will do/ what humanity does and did do/ what are the choices I may make, and the demands I cannot refuse.  To be wise means:  I have learned, that freedom has its price, NOT simply as in war/  But as a critical truth upon life itself. 
The foundation of our combined education and experience must become: a relationship with our world that cannot be denied.  We are absolutely dependent upon this earth/ who can deny it!  We are, growing at two million more mouths to feed every week/ and we already stand as one human being on every single acre of “growing green earth” on this planet.  How can you not add this up, as disaster?  We have survived, by stripping everything of its ability to renew/ and throwing it away to provide jobs.  We have ate, by consuming the ocean and destroying its various incubators of life, so that it can renew itself/ BUT NOT for much longer.  WE WILL FACE the fact soon:   “Some of us must die/ or the rest shall go extinct”/ and war will then destroy us all.   OR WE MUST CHANGE!  As best we can/ right now.  It is not a game.  Life or death will result, for us all.

Power is the distinction of a purpose without regard for freedom of choice/ truth/ or law.  Rather power is the decision to apply actions or reactions that will inhibit or demand the consequent control of people or life or resources,  through these decisions. Power is then the purpose of playing god/ the reality of choosing what you want, rather than letting life, law, resource, or truth  itself decide.  Power is the purpose of “governments”/ to MAKE things happen.  Rather than allow truth to discover its own methods.  Power is the desire to prove, I am the winner here; because I am superior to you.
Truth is the reality of life, by the foundations clearly at work, participating as potential directions, which  govern our lives for the better.  In other words; as is true of supply and demand: when you understand, the long term needs of life;  BEING WISE and RESPONSIBLE to the future, REQUIRES that these resources shall be shared with honesty and hope.  That is a truth, thereby NOT really a choice!   Or if not respected: the reality of your decision, is a distinction, or determination, to assassinate the future for your greed and gluttony. Or in extreme simplicity: if you do not respect the supply of integrated life resources required throughout the chain of life/ the demand of your lives fail; and you die. 
So then, responsible people ask of power, WHAT can we do for life?  The proper answer is respect life, all of it;  with honesty, truth, and hope.  The deliberate answer is:   define the laws, and create the democracy, through law that makes us equal.  That equality under the law/  gives us control of this world/ so that power cannot fall into the hands of a tiny few; thereby controlling us!

The power of law is simple: these are the boundaries, within which you can prove your right to freedoms (individual rights), as you wish to use for yourself/ BUT WITH THEM, these are the boundaries of our liberty (combined voices for society), declaring that we have rights too, and your freedoms go only this far.  Governing ourselves, requires a mediator/ the agreements that justify how far any law can go.  So that equality and fair play, attain justice;   thereby confining power, to only what MUST be so. 
The power of enforcement; through the law visits the courtroom to establish what is or is not fair.  Although ideally this would be accomplished by viewing each trial, as a society/ so that we know, what is happening in our courtrooms.  The reality is: what we can do is require, a written brief about each case to identify its relationship to the law/ and then demand each participant, judge/ lawyers/ police/ public/ defendant/ plaintiff/ or other shall all fill out a critical form defining what and why they believe justice was or was not accomplished here, in this trial, on this day.  Published and completely open to the entire public/ with only the names of juveniles/ or victims that need not be revealed:   kept secret.  Everybody else is revealed/ it is our courtroom, and if you come seeking justice/ or justice comes seeking you:   you will tell the truth as it exists. For all to see.
The power of enforcement over our authority to govern ourselves:   is controlled by access to the law.  As is constant in the cases I have brought before the judiciary, revealed in these sites:   those who act with the intent to be rulers, rather than employees/ change the rules of law into a game, which they then can control.  That game must be revealed/ and then removed to access the law, and prove democracy:    WE THE PEOPLE OWN THIS COURT, exists.  There does come a moment, when the court and our employees MUST DECIDE, if they are going to serve democracy or war against it/ because the game will end. That means: THEY MUST decide, traitor or duty!

The power of enforcement as a democracy/ is established by taxes, and war:   who owns the right to decide where those taxes shall be spent/ owns the nation.  Whosoever decides if there shall or shall not be a war/ decides our fate, or destiny.  The authority to rule over taxes, is then a primary element of power.  Whosoever controls the definitions of tax, and money;  and how it shall be spent/ does rule over our lives.  History proves, whenever there is great prosperity/ the liars, cheats, and thieves will come, changing the rules within “governments” so they can get more.  Because GREED, SELFISHNESS, GLUTTONY, AND WANT control their lives.  To control them, our reality MUST BE: first, that the money supply cannot be changed without our direct consent and vote of the people, in a larger percentage, than did choose for this day.  In other words, if 70% of the people voted for this reality of value in their money as a society/ then it will take 71% of the citizens by public voting in affirmation to make that change.  No more letting others change the money supply for us.  If the employees spend beyond their means: the very first change will be a reduction of not less than 25% in their pay and any other compensation.  You pay/ you made that choice, it is your debt;   not ours!  We decide by vote, what your income shall be/ WE are the owners, as a nation:   individual freedoms, do not compensate or decide an entire society.  We decide the limits of capitalism, consumption, and how you treat us or this world/ because it is our nation, as a society:   not your right to decide for us!  Our right, to decide together/ for the benefit of all!  By the use of percentages/ and the reality of demand that limits all taxation to specific dedicated purposes which CANNOT under any circumstance be shared:    We become, the people who govern ourselves.  If you let tax collection be shared/ YOU WILL LOSE CONTROL:   simply do not do so.  Raise the tax/ or lower the tax/ but do not let your employees declare they will decide for you.  DON’T lose control. 

War is the elemental battleground, of a people in trouble/ the foundation throughout history proven to be “the answer of men/ whenever trouble or want expand beyond their means or desire to share, or care”.   War is a fundamental fountain of “work and money”/ because it visits all households and demands payment without mercy.  Thereby proving power/ and demanding fear.  It is a fundamental of men/ because it has cured their problems, about how to take/ how to move/ how to destroy environments and survive/ how to employ the rest/ how to control each other/  and how to change governments.  They prove money can and will rule, with war.  They prove, don’t challenge me, with fear.  They fail endlessly, because peace is less important “THAN MORE”.  The consequence of all these things is: that men cannot rule any longer.  There is no place else to move/ there is no more environment to destroy/ there is no more resources that can honestly be lost for war/ employment shall change, because we have no choice; the resources and environment are being destroyed, that means the future is lost, without change.  Law must rule, or we die/ weapons and war must end, or we die/ care and sharing must extend not only to humanity, but all of life on earth, or we die. These are not decisions not of the majority, in men/ these are things attributed to women.  The reason being for men, to have more/ someone else must have less; thereby the game is born, and pride exists.  Whether women can control themselves and this world without a game, depends upon truth and reality!  If you cannot accept the limits and laws that will be necessary to survive, and enforce them/ all will be lost.  Because there will remain those who “absolutely want” to return to a previous life/ where stealing/ killing/ violence/ and hate;   gave them MORE.  THEY WILL fight, to prove they MUST have more/ and war to make you give what they demand.  You will defeat them, WITH LAW/ and the understanding of reality, as truth demands it must be.  But even so, until you separate the hate from among you/ it will not completely end.
The power of WE THE PEOPLE, is not hidden within a vote.  It is not derived from elections.  It is not bound with capitalism or denied by any other form of economic governing.  The power of democracy is not found by leaders.  It is formed through the building & enforcement of laws, that gain truth, liberty, and freedom for all.  Thereby we all have a stake in its preservation.  That means JUSTICE must be evident and true; nurtured and cared for;   or it all fades away.  Fair play is not a game.  Equality is not just for “these”/ fail to accept that, and there will be war!  The enforcement of law upon those who enforce it upon us is:   that we will do the hiring and firing for ourselves/ no more “up to you”/ no more unions, none of it; the public decides, for themselves in tiers of authority, under constitutional law (foundation agreements) and guidelines
The power of our humanity as a world, is decided by world law!  Nothing more or less, than our agreement on how/ why/ when/ what/ and where OUR LEADERS shall be brought to trial, and judged by this world.  Simple as that/ let the people, and the world:  come forward with their evidence.  Law decides.

The power of our humanity to survive, is governed entirely by what we decide to do for ourselves, in support of nature, environment, and peace.  We CANNOT allow any more mutilation of nature.  WE CANNOT allow experiments that are plainly risking this world.  WE CANNOT accept weapons of mass destruction to remain.  We CANNOT continue destroying the resources, oceans, land, water, air, etc!  You MUST stop poisoning everything; and everything else men have chosen to do, that defeats “LIFE FIRST”!  Including the games for money! This is now, “our finite world”/ because we are so many people; there is no choice, we MUST make decisions that protect, defend, and support nature as equals with us, or when threatened with extinction, a fair and balanced understanding these shall be treated “better”.  We MUST protect what is left, and REBUILD/ or we will die as a planet.  From what men have done.  It is that simple/ prove it is not so: DEFINE the future, and prove you are not murderers of your children.  
Change or die, assassins/ facing eternity as   “Satan”.  That is a choice/ that you will make; and face the consequences of life as a planet, or death as a world, for all eternity.  It is your choice/ none, can make it for you.  BECAUSE YOU have a duty to defend our planet, just like me, and everyone else.
There is no going back!  Nature, will not allow it/ too much has been lost!  Rebuild FOR LIFE, or die.  Not a game, NOT said to frighten, manipulate, or control you;   this is literally what the evidence proves to me.  This is literally WE CANNOT BE WRONG, because the consequence to that is death for this planet.  Past the point of no return, life cannot survive.

The power of media is simply this: hypnotic suggestion allows for the manipulation of thought, even if it is not intended.  Because the power of suggestion conceives of fantasies that were not there before/ or had no means of expressing itself, until that suggestion was initiated.  There is failure and value in media.  Beyond the foundations of honest investigation and examination of the facts as they exist/ for the sake of life and society;   what we are fed is merely the suggestion of “what these people think, or expect/ want or hate, from their own lives.  This becomes more than conversation, “when the expert” arrives.  “Accept/ you can’t defeat him or her”; thereby what they say does influence how you think/ how you respect the decision you would have otherwise made.  If you believe, “I am just an ignorant uneducated fool”/ then you have discarded your life, or a piece of it; and become “a little” empty inside because of it.  This causes people to quit listening to others, and define themselves by fantasy or delusion, “to fill in the gaps, where they feel insufficient”/ it is an aspect of jealousy. But more importantly it is both the power to delude or disgrace or disrespect yourself/ or present images and expectations through want, to your life.  None of this is good/ fears can arise.  But media is also a powerful tool, to make you feel less alone/ to make you believe, that life is somehow more fulfilled than it is.  To participate in life, means you must be involved in something useful to you, and to life.  The failure to do that, lets life fade from existence/ by passing by, the passions that would identify the reality called you.  The specific point of this discussion is the media frenzy that is the congresswoman shooting.  The reality of so very much media consumption of the very same instance; as it is intended to be:   seeks to make you fear, “the world is coming apart”/ the politician is not safe/ therefore the people are not safe, “one step behind”.  The media frenzy has made a simple “human sewer rat”, exactly what he wanted to be:   “Your worst fear”, of the moment.  The target selected because she was valued by people/ no one would care, if hate dies.  School children “are old news”.  The hypnotic suggestion is:   that terrorists of any kind, can influence this world, with death.  The reality is the human terrorist is irrelevant/ it is hate that influences this world by death.  Therefore it is hate, that needs to be addressed. The human being that chose to express it/ is simply a disgrace to us all.
Because the media has gone so far as an absolutely insane “feeding frenzy, without regard to any other life”:   got to talk about something/ don’t they.  They have created a disease, “just too damn lazy to work”.  Regardless, the damage is done/ hatred is informed, and now believes “they found the way: to do the most damage, and make you fear/ cry/ and faint from fright”. Congratulations, isn’t easy “wonderful”.
To remove this blight, which could easily become a plague.  The words “an eye for an eye” do serve justice: NOT right, but justice, what you have decided to do to me/ is suitable, that I should return to you.  BUT ONLY, where hate is absolutely proven, and there is NO DOUBT, about the guilty. Not about the humanity, this is about the decision, called hate/ and extrapolation of that decision into an action, with consequences.  The reward for that should be clear!
Let the guilty be brought to public media.  Chain his neck to a wall with an electric winch, for control.  Pull him in and shoot off his penis: “to prove, the last friend on earth” is gone.  Shoot off his foot, the next day, not going anywhere/ a knee the next, no mercy:   and so on until dead.  Fire will stop the bleeding.  If 9 people are dead or severely injured/ then on the ninth day/ the ninth shot;  you may kill him.  Hate will get the message.

 But the people will fear too/ unless it is absolutely clear: only proven/ deliberate/ and extensive hate can be dealt with in this way.  NO OTHER crime, only proven hate,    ONLY where there is absolutely no doubt.    An “eye for an eye” applies ONLY to hate/ wherein the damage that has been done, is so significant and extreme:   THE PROOF, we won’t tolerate this, is needed.  There is no insanity defense: the decision was made/ plain and simple.  There is no room left on this earth, “for him”.  There is no room left on this earth for a mass murderer regardless of the cause/ unless it is justified, or legitimate war.  No trial is needed/ the evidence is sure.