The composition of life in society is: that all have needs, wants, and demands.  To sustain “relative peace”, in accordance with these things, men have designed a game; wherein all participate to decide: who does and who does not get what they ask for.  The game works, so long as the resource, environment, and population pressures are sustainable/ but because of a failure in discipline required on all counts.  The game fails/ cheating, lying, and stealing occur; along with temptations, manipulations, and the intent to control, isolate, abuse, and use the others for greed/ that then fails, because too many are injured and then seek revenge/ and war breaks out, to prove “someone has to move or die”!  Throughout history, this scenario is repeated, and never changes.  Because the vast majority of men, “like the games”/ and they remain the same throughout generations.
The power to alter and change that composition of society, occurs with who WILL choose, to live without the games?  Every game has a trophy/ every game has a winner & loser(s)/ every game has a purpose in want or need, and a demand to do your best, or be “run over” and discarded by the rest.  A demand of men by women, either succeed/ or you won’t be accepted by us.  The actual purpose of the game is:   YOU/ WE, need not care or share with anyone.  Let them all compete or die.

The reality of life without a game is: humanity deteriorates into a composition of people who fail to help/ people who fail to respect/ people who take whatever they want, because boundaries are not clear nor enforced, people refuse to participate because they see no trophy for themselves.  And women who choose men/ men who choose women, based upon “looks alone”: stir trouble among the rest; no option to get my own/ thereby leaving out the rest: because these want, “looks alone too”.  When that happens prejudice occurs, &  perversion increases/ because want is a force, that looks for conquest.  Society crumbles, and war results.  Thereby dividing society again, by the consequence of who has, and who has not.

The question therefore becomes:   WHAT can consistently create a society that is FAIR to every citizen, respectfully equal to achieve opportunity, and fundamentally JUST to establish peace and harmony?  The answer is:   WHEN, men and women find each other in “real love”/ then, they understand life is more than a game.  Therefrom, it is love that makes them fair to others and to life.  It is honesty that creates an equal opportunity. And it is truth as a foundation for society, that begets the foundations of all peace and harmony that exist for life in time.  The composite answer is then: FIRST there must be true love shared, by the vast majority, so that they can achieve the relationships which create a society not in vain.   That simple answer requires: each of the participants MUST learn from an early age, how best to get along with the opposite sex.  How best to make friends with the opposite sex and each other.  How best to date (with respect, for the sake of friendship; sex or not)/ rather than play games.  How best to share the relationships you do have so that everyone is happy, as best they can.  How best to conceive of sexual truth, so that none are “heartbroken”/ and all can continue on without significant fears.  Where there is love and respect, through honest friendship:   there WILL BE a society that works for life.  Where there is dignity and grace, so that everyone is considered to be:   alive, in the possibilities and opportunities of friendship”/ no one is measured or judged for the lack or use, of frivolous or irrelevant moments.   Where there is forgiveness, for failure/ because you repented (it means, I understand why/ this must not happen again: no excuses).  There will be, the possibility of love renewed.  When the competition is removed/ and access is granted to understand each other, rather than “play the game against each other”.  The possibilities of life without trophies, will change to “much more fair”. 
The relationship we share with each other and this life is simple:   we have needs/ so does the nature which supports us.  It is unfair and unwise, as your leaders have done:   to ignore these needs, and choose to play games instead.  When there is enough, all can and must participate; methods and means are listed elsewhere.  When there is not enough, by a little/ all must share the burden successfully;   it is your duty.  When there is not enough: the reality is, someone must move on/ or someone must die so that the rest can live.  It is that simple, if you cannot find enough to share.  Nature is simple in this regard, BALANCE shall not be disassembled/ regardless of who has to die: so that all life, and individual species can remain.  Want is irrelevant/ reality proves what is true.

The power of economics in society is: to bring forth unto others, the possibilities which you can contribute to the whole. Some will always be able to do more/ some less.  The critical difference is:   HOW do we sustain our lives, and our future?  The answer will sometimes be, with more OR, with less.  The ability to decide what is necessary for LIFE FIRST/ is debated by “best practice/ and least consequence”.  The reality of what you choose is expected to be, in direct line with the truth of life must come first.  The power of peace through economics is: to create and provide unto yourselves, sufficient “educated persons” to enable all people to experience and express life without being burdened.  So that they can be happy with their lives/ rather than enslaved.  That means, YOU must share the work/ AND care about participating with fair and reasonable discipline so that you do your share.  It’s a choice/ those proven lazy, are to be removed from society; until they prove better.  Sharing the work offers time and energy for romance and children and life’s freedom through time.  Caring about the others provides a platform for friendship that grants to each one, a better place to live, work, and be “alive”.  You must choose carefully now, because the resources will fail/ it is, just a matter of time.  Which means: you are choosing for the future, what generation will live or die.

The power of university, is not knowledge/ but control.  The removal of control, so that all can benefit by understanding;  is as simple as “beginning early in life”/ with an education that works, instead of the current education that merely contains the competition, and provides little or nothing.  In other words, those children at the age of 9 or so, who express an interest in being doctors, or whatever it is:   shall go immediately to classes designed with that purpose in mind, and established by the truth of what is needed to accomplish this fact.  NOT the irrelevant tragedy of college requirements/ USED SIMPLY to gain more money for the university:   but actual knowledge, and the functional gains to use that knowledge for themselves.  In other words: DO create your own competition.  Or more specifically, create the people who will help you do your job/ so that time and space and freedoms can be yours as well.  The economic demand for riches is over!  Plain and simple; because the resource shall not last/ doesn’t matter what you want, resources and nature determine our lives, lose one or the other/ and we all die.  No more throwing it all away.  No more throwing everything away, just so you can create more jobs.  No more throwing it all away, just to prove you can.  No more throwing life away, just because you are too stupid to know, or too ignorant to understand our reality.  WE MUST ALL, be educated in the consequences of what we choose to do.  Prepared to defend our world, from those who do not care.  Let hate be separated/ because it will NOT accept or share, in that responsibility.  Wealth is dead, because you took too much in your greed, gluttony, and selfishness.  Like it or not/ it is true.  That does not mean, all get the same for their work.  Doesn’t mean there won’t be differences in wealth.  It just means, “the limits” have narrowed/ because we must, life and a future are depending on us.  YOUR DECISION for life, DOES matter!  Limited capitalism is the simple way.
We all, need to know exactly where we stand, in regard to resources for this world!  No exceptions/ no excuses/ no hiding or running away from the facts:    WE MUST decide “best practice” for a future we hope to survive.  Want is irrelevant/ or a murderer!  The fight for trophies, is over/ or YOU are a murderer.  The desire for slaves, will be eradicated; or you war.
These, are the base steps to a new world order.  The foundations necessary to survive.  It’s a choice.
Make your decision/
accept the consequences;   because it is your choice.


It is within respect to add: that although there are “No voices” in my life, dictating or whatever you might fantasize.  There is, the singular reality of chemicals that occur from the breasts “given to me”/ that pause or create, a significant change in direction or concentration or consideration or conception; because they overwhelm me.  After that subsides, there is commonly a change in writing, influenced/ but not written by the effects of what is “female on me”.  It is a complex study.