The work of this day is simply: to find a way, to beat down arrogance and insanity somehow:   so that life can survive! What is arrogance?  The answer is: as has every single generation of humanity, or more specifically men declared; since written history is recorded/ the men have always said “HELL, WE KNOW EVERYTHING/ that’s worth knowing”. Only under extreme duress, could there be considered times when the men did not believe “they could be gods”/ if people would just “LISTEN TO ME/ DAMN YOU”.  What the women believed is unknown, as they were not allowed an education/ or the possibility to write or choose their own history.  The insanity is:   every generation just like today finds the very same thing!  The only change is, HELL NOW WE KNOW THEY WERE FOOLS/ cause we know better. Yet every generation and history book is filled with the fools and their stories/ with fantasies and delusion and absolute confidence “the world is flat; in all its various forms”.  Take evolution for instance: “we shopped/ we chose from the store shelf exactly what we wanted/ and we stole it for free; cause nobody could stop us”.  And you believe them: SHAME ON YOU.  Or, “Noah’s flood” could not exist, its just different layers of dust over long periods of time.  When the evidence of a world proves there was indeed a flood of biblical proportions: because no other possibility exists: to cause the coal, oil, and and gas reserves we know as fact.  Buried all at once/ massive amounts/ under thousands of feet of soil.  Or the grand canyon of USA: clearly a flood water drainage ditch; or the separated layering of soils around the world.  Your universities are a sham, a disgrace, an egotistical (we are great) image (god is whatever we make him to be) for idol worship.  We can believe ANYTHING we want! And of course what is so special for this day:   we can play god with life/ nature/ planet/ resources/ environment/ ocean/ etc: WHO CAN STOP US.   Does that not prove “you are gods”/ HELL YES!   Or, if you stop the march into the abyss for one single instant and even try thinking for a change:   INSANITY is all that can be found.              Oh wait, let us not forget the people who run away and hide, in fear.

I am more tired of your arrogance, than I can describe. Instead of you;  I feel very different today, as if I have lost something/ or more specifically, as if male is “fading away, forever”.  Go to work; am I not an enemy/ make me a laughing stock: after all, is that not better than stopping your descent into death as a planet. Than looking at yourselves, to discover “going to be dead soon/ who the fuck cares; mutilate the children: we’re going to eat them anyway.

 Work, as the presentation of methods and ways, to enforce democracy and fair play in government and the court is functionally over. The continuation in simple reality, as the lawsuits already in place; are prepared and ready.  Final phase of Work essentially done.  You choice not mine anymore/ your work/ your future/ life or death for a nation and world in your hands, not mine.  You, are your own saviors, by the direction and decision which you will make for yourselves as a world.  You have the tools.  You have the knowledge required. You have the information necessary to understand why this must be done. You have the decision in your own hands, it is not in mine.  The lawsuits currently now represent the simple truth of whether enough honor exists within your leaders to support democracy or deny it.  The consequence of their own decision/ simply the reality of what you must or must not do from that point on.  It is a simple decision, requiring the honesty of democracy as this nation called the United States/ is either true, WE THE PEOPLE are owners here!  Or not.  Simple as that.  Every citizen votes by your own action: take back the nation by law/ or let them finish the job of destroying you.  The “three year old children (graduates in life, equivalent to a small child)” who have been leading as if they were inheritors of a candy store, without restraint; have led you to threats so massive and real/ life or death is the decision defined in this day. As if our lives as workers in this society were nothing more than a game/ slaves without a say. Cannot lead anymore/ they have failed, and provided NO REAL opportunity by vote to replace themselves with “better”: refusing to participate in reality or terms of life, work, honor, truth or any other value to society.  The constant rhetoric of “he is worse than I am”/ proves simply “NOT enough”.  The party system failed, and is consumed by greed.   Happy about it or not, the reality is:   WE MUST govern ourselves, to a far more critical and defined degree/ with true participation by law, that we create.   It’s a choice/ its YOUR choice. 

The value of fighting seems lost to me/ the value of providing a “kinder and gentler” method of instruction seems to be taking over.  I don’t know why, it just is. Consequently a less combative style is likely to appear. Thoughts (that can only be described as female; NOT about men). Vivid descriptions, I would never have believed could occur in my mind, seem to be appearing (everything left, that is male in me, suggests a nightmare come true).  But of course it is not/ just different, and strange. Really different. Don’t know why, it just is.  Not a blog/ not for your entertainment/ certainly not for my enjoyment (what possible good could come); just a reality consistent with the price that must be paid. Don’t know why.

A question more concerning is: what is the price you must pay/ to change your world?  To survive!
The answer is: every true threat MUST be resolved in a way that does not end with extinction.  That includes a world court, law, and policing instead of weapons of mass destruction/ NO MATTER how proud you are, they ALL go, or you die. Not a hard concept.  That includes no more gambling with life, energy, or nature in ways that can end life on earth.  Simple as that/ NOT a hard concept either.
That includes a future for the children, something the majority of elders have intentionally discarded/ and denied; bringing the charge assassin, because of the failure and diseases of greed, selfishness, want, LIES, STEALING, and hate.  There is no future without resources, without balance in nature and life and ocean and all that is required to survive.
That includes “pay your own bill”/ no more handing down your debt to a child.  Pay it or die, like it or not/ DON’T assassinate your children, or make them slaves!  That calls you LIAR/ THIEF/ and failure or worse.  There are, eternal consequences for those decisions.  Repent while you can.

Beyond threats that simply cannot be tolerated anymore; there is government to attend to.  Simple laws that all can understand, with few words so the liars and thieves have little to work with/ and many can stand ready to defend the truth.

The payment for services in all government work recognizes that this employee did or did not do their respective job.  If they did their work (consistent with the others) they stay/ if they did not, they are fired for that failure; no union jobs.
There are NO opportunities for “consultants” in government/ not a single job.  There are only contracts for the actual work, and bidding on the proposals provided by these contractors and their company for the work required by government.  Or more simply, OPEN DOORS, to the work society needs/ NO predetermined conditions or requirements for the job.  But there will be REALISTIC STANDARDS (as is consistent with private employers)  required for the work.  Fail to meet that standard and you can be removed from future bidding; and receive no pay in direct relation to what is wrong.
Every tax must be specific: as would be gasoline tax, to road work.  Nothing else.  As would be taxes on cigarettes to cover the healthcare costs of these who participate/ nothing else.  Its their freedom and right to choose to smoke/ its their responsibility to pay for the DIRECT and real costs to society and themselves.   As would be taxes on food, to pay for those who cannot otherwise afford to eat.

 Everything that is not a direct definable tax for a specific reality, is income tax.  That tax is then collected for social needs, problems, and securities.  That tax is determined on a percentage basis by public vote, for what can be spent on the specific programs the public will decide.  That tax will not transfer from one program to another, and there will be a critical accounting provided each and every year to the general public dedicated to understanding every expenditure/ and who caused these expenditures to exist.  HOW WELL did they do? With individual cities to determine who gets to retain their job, and who does not.  That means: HOW the money gets spent, goes to the community, with the funding, and they decide for themselves.  As fair and simple as possible.
Every property is a rental from the nation!  IF YOU DON’T PAY the tax/ it is repossessed, is it not?  That means, “it’s a rental”.  And we have standards as a nation/ state/ or community to impose, on your residency there.  Such as resources consumed.  Same as us; equal as life/ therefore same allowance for resources or you pay “the children” for what you take that is extra (and they want, an excessive amount)! Recycling will present you with considerable more insulation/ USE IT.

Limited capitalism means:   equals under the law, as human life here.  NOT equals by the measurement of possession/ but equals, who have gained the opportunity to get for themselves “a share of better things”/ because greed has been conquered.  And people are limited to HOW MUCH a single individual can control or take.  YOU will decide how wide the spread between those who work well and deserve more/ and those who work less, and therefrom deserve less.  You will create new money based upon population counts (so many numbers per citizen or worker if you prefer) so that ALL will know, “if they got their average share”, or not. Thereby reality that works for stability and security as a community/ or more simply “we can keep these promises to each other”.  You will create new money for international trading based entirely upon something true and NOT easily counterfeited, such as gold or silver, etc (proven to work).  You will educate yourselves on the truth that is your reality and deal with the numbers in ways that are as fair and honest as you can.  Stopping the liars, thieves, cheats, etc.  BECAUSE THAT IS NECESSARY.
You will initiate social security as a percentage of GDP so that reality will take over/ causing those who receive this benefit to decide for themselves how they will divide it.  NO MORE, all you get/ go ahead and die.  Simple and plain/ as is nature itself.
You will cause healthcare to stop being extortion/ and take it out of private practice.  That means a percentage of income with a base tax percentage paid by all to account for buildings and materials. The percentage of tax is then divided by the medical staff/ per unit of work done.  Paid to a central governing authority, and then re-disbursed back to doctors and staff according to their own vote. Central statistics kept in public view at all times as to WHO has been doing the best job/ WILL be used to reward those who do get the job done well.  The training of doctors shall be removed from ALL its current participants:  managing who gets in, and other categories UNFAIR to student and society.  Who shall then be charged with creating an intentional monopoly over society by inhibiting the education of doctors and others: TAKE THEIR MONEY, and prove if jail is worthy or not. They took yours. When the practicing doctors tell you, “we demand more”!  Tell them instead, WE WILL search through your records/ your reality as a doctor ourselves; and if we find any cause to believe “that a life was endangered or lost, simply to provide a surgery or other for the particular purpose of collecting money”.  THEN we will see what FELONY ASSAULT, looks like to you from within a prison cell.  Schooling must be paid for/ a damn greed so extensive that life, health, or body is traded for money is a crime; with consequences.  Be fair with us/ and we will be fair with you; simple as that.

There must be limits to individual healthcare, for the sake of society/ just how it is, same for all. Respect for those injured helping another person, out of kindness or duty. Medicines and machines for medicine shall belong to government; we own the patent/ they make the medicine, but we decide the competition ourselves. Government monies for research in medicine, are determined by a need beyond the current experimentation/ for more.  In other words search the information you have; don’t ask for more experimentation, unless it is truly necessary.   Those who “find the most/ with the least”, shall come first. Those who search in simple honesty, with a valid and proven understanding of the current information; with an actual real theory that can be proven, shall come next. Genetics do not require any more experimentation; study the information already gathered/ IF you can find someone to pay you.  But be certain NO PATENTS are available/ NO experimentation will be allowed/ NO GAMBLING with life on earth will be accepted.  Fail to respect nature and life, and you die/ before you can kill us. Not a game, life or death for an entire planet: which makes this gambling terrorism!  Plain and simple. No discussion/ you shall not.  We are 7 billion people on this earth/ growing at 2 million more each week: like it or not, someone has to die, or we all get destroyed. Let nature decide, where fair and legitimate understands, “its just too much”.  Sorry, but no.

Education moves to reality instead of fantasy land and delusion.  No more trash!  The purpose of education is deliberately to enhance and create competition/ the value of an education so as to avoid traps/ and the purpose to make society an honest and happy place.  None of these is being done.  CHANGE IT, to life first; people have needs first & the world itself must be able to survive, FIRST.  Teach them what they need to know, the rest is irrelevant/ or for “personal studies”. No help from society.  The university shall gain a percentage of income from their students/ IF that student gains a job for which the college honestly proves we contributed to that job. Society shall own the buildings/ thereby society shall control the professor; NO MORE SHIT.  NO MORE experiments without full disclosure of actual and real RISK.  And if you lie, gambling with our lives by any real means: we will kill you.  Be clear/ be certain/ don’t lie, don’t mislead, don’t underestimate, don’t threaten:  and we will protect you.

Jobs are NOT the result of people who have “lots of money”!  They are the people who are stealing jobs by taking their means of access from others. People make jobs, simple as that.  Resources allow work to be done, simple as that.  Access to those resources determines “who gets to be rich” or not/ decides who shall or shall not have a job.  Simple as that.  Thereby protect your resources, or accept desolation is your future/ which means war; thereby it matters “to you too”.  Control natural resources as a society/ not an individual; that you may honor the community with real and successful access as reality and truth and a future, will allow.  Understand WE THE PEOPLE, are the owners here/ and that means we do have the right to say what life in this society shall be.  Regardless of the promises greed made to power/ and pride stole from the masses. WE ARE THE OWNERS, no one else/ by vote per citizen; no exceptions.  We decide.  Which means the right to a job is fundamental and fair.  Which means the value assigned to creating what society needs or wants is dependent upon your decision.  The endless “I WANT MORE”/ must be traded for: reality decides for us all, NOT you!  Currently 2 individual people hold roughly 100 billion dollars in assets or promises, “these people will pay”. That means 100 million workers OWE THESE 2 INDIVIDUALS, one thousand dollars each per worker.  NOT FAIR.  Simple as that.  Which means since everything is NOT FAIR/ we will hold no value to other claims of property or compensation either.  YOU WILL GO TO COURT, and decide among yourselves “what is fair”.  Be plain/ start by giving the poor what they honestly deserve, and work your way upward, until the money runs out.  All done.  Simple as that. Take control of any factory that proves necessary, and redistribute the work to communities that want it.  Because we must all, become self-sufficient instead of beggars at the knees of a tiny few.  No more conglomerates/ no more monopolies/ no more only a few get it all.   DEMOCRACY, WE WILL DECIDE FOR OURSELVES, what is fair/ in this nation, community, or place.  By constitutional law.