It is clear and simple and plain

That we cannot continue to borrow money at roughly 153 billion per week!  Divided by 50 million workers, that adds $3600.00 of new debt per each and every worker, fifty million of us/ to what the USA leaders suggest “will be paid”.  Of course they don’t mean it/ but they do call it debt, so that the specter of inflation can be buried by media propaganda. The reality is, your money deflates by 3600 additional dollars added to the economy every week, per worker/ SOMEONE, is getting these dollars, for free! (Because it is made up money, borrowed but without the ability to pay back/ therefore a lie).  Is it you?
It is propaganda to believe or be told otherwise, or there would be a respect for reality:     that is clearly missing. Consequently the charge of contempt, against the american people does arise/ whereby all who have had an active hand in discrediting the american people/ fraud as is clearly true throughout the financial industry against the american people/ and the conspiracy by government employees to LIE to the american people by hiding the facts, running away from the facts, or pretending that truth and fantasy are the same, & deluding themselves and the american people that reality is not real.  It is!  But that is true of so very many things:   we cannot continue over fishing the ocean/ using more water than what can be sustained/ burning more fuel than the oxygen regeneration of the planet can sustain/ cutting more wood, than the entire planet can sustain/ poisoning everything on earth, ETC, ETC, ETC!

WE CANNOT continue to attack any resource on earth without regard to the future.  WE CANNOT continue to attack any aspect of our environment, where the price of being WRONG is death to this world.  WE CANNOT continue to attack nature with mutilations, and people who deliberately intent to not only play god, but be god themselves.  WE CANNOT continue to attack energy, balance, disciplines of life with science/ because it will result in our deaths; an extermination of life on earth. WE CANNOT continue to threaten life on earth with anything, because it will be our destruction, our extinction and hell on earth.  WE CANNOT continue to attack each other, with population explosion/ because we all have needs, and there is simply no place, “for any substantial amount more.  WE CANNOT fix any problem with war/ because even if you killed a billion people, there are still 6,000,000,000 more to go: think about it. 
In other words, we cannot continue to live by the laws, the rules, the order, disciplines, or balance that men have imposed upon this earth/ because THIS IS, “the best they did do”.  And we are literally on the edge of extinction, by more threats than can realistically be counted across this earth.  That is our situation as a world;   and if you won’t deal with this reality honestly/ you simply won’t live much longer. 

WE MUST have a different way, a different method, and a different reality!  That means literal and real change for an entire world, or death will come.   The only possibility of real change is WOMEN as leaders on earth/ because they are different!  And to let men remain as leaders, would NOT BE DIFFERENT.  This is NOT a complex thought, it is plain, simple, and easy to understand.  What women can do, is create the laws that we will live by as society here on earth.  One person one vote, if they vote as “women united”; they will rule the vote.  Consequently the issues of      “Women cannot” are muted by the reality of   “We the people”/ where justice, equality, and opportunity must rule.  If women fail “fair play, honesty, or truth must lead”/ then the world is abandoned.  But if they work for truth in life, peace and harmony on earth through law, decided upon by WE THE PEOPLE ourselves.  Then a new and different world shall emerge, with hope for the future of us all.  That is what is at stake, in this day, and with this trial discovering reality/ and the decisions that will become the future of this planet.

The endless rhetoric that suggests, “we don’t have to obey truth or reality/ but may continue in fantasy and delusion”;   has no basis in fact.  The endless rhetoric that suggests:   “We don’t have enough information to make a decision that is obvious/ BECAUSE TO BE WRONG, is to lose the planet itself;   “Is little more than a devils whim”.   We CANNOT be wrong, when it comes to life or death of this planet, its nature, its energy balance, or any other aspect of HELL AND DAMNATION, that we would enter into, “if the bastard’s are wrong”.  In other words, it does not matter what they say/     WE CANNOT BE WRONG.  Therefore what is in the best interest of nature, planet, energy, life, ocean, etc MUST BE CARRIED OUT as best we can.

The fool’s who suggest we cannot afford anything but what they want/ are liars.  The simple fact is, the USA, and nearly every other country, are all bankrupt/ which means the money here in particular no longer matters about anything.  The dollar, is dead/ destroyed by the fantasy “we won’t have to pay”.  Deluded by the assumption: that the numbers you hold as the elderly in particular have meaning/ when all that rests as a foundation underneath them is debts that cannot be paid.  Every dollar you have is worthless/ when compared with the debts you did not pay.  Which the elderly causally and simply said: LET THE CHILDREN PAY.  Game over, you pay your own debt/ with what you call money today.  Poor women and men first/ the rich man gets whatever is left over/ he or she is last.  You had your good life at their expense/ now it is time they took back something from the slavery you imposed: BECAUSE YOU WOULD NOT SHARE, OR CARE.  Greed is a liars game/ truth belongs to we the people, if they choose to work for justice.  If you will honor the truth, then know: that WE ARE THE BANK (it is our lives they promise)/ WE ARE THE CREDITORS (it is our time, labor, ability, and work they demand we pay)/ WE ARE THE OWNERS (there is no money apart from natural resources, that is not “of the people/ by the people/ and for the people”.) OF THIS ENTIRE NATION (who is greater than any other one of us: EQUAL says, “no one”), AS ONE PEOPLE (one vote/ one citizen for the law, ourselves; NOT a vote for someone to vote for me anymore);   not as individuals, except by what the law allows.  And we are the ultimate authority, over constitutional law/ there is no other than WE THE PEOPLE OURSELVES.  But constitutional law exists for the singular purpose of containing the majority, so that the individual may know the same freedom and justice as the majority; and consequently the means to alter constitutional mandate is retrained unto the purposes agreed upon by those who did pay the most, to create this country.  They agreed to die, be mutilated, lose much, and pay more with their sacrifice than anyone here today;   and their agreed upon purpose for this price was summed up in the constitutional preamble, and then modified by constitutional amendment as time went on.  That purpose is quote:    “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the USA.”.     THIS IS, the purpose of the union, called the United States of America. 
And from it we understand, that what we choose for ourselves that fundamentally creates or provides these particular demands for ourselves, and the children and the nation:   is absolutely OUR RIGHT as we the people under law.

The base foundations are in place.  The simple means to survive while you separate out what is fair for an individual, useful, true, necessary, balanced, disciplined, respectful, and justice for a nation are available for discussion and use. This time for this earth, will never come again/ consequently there is no going back.   With your brain/ with your heart/ with your soul/ and with your wisdom you must answer and create the tools, the discovery of knowledge, the understanding of life or death/ peace or war, and the decision to follow truth as humanity on earth:   or not.  Either way, change is coming: in one direction or the other/ the choice is yours. Not a game, the consequences of failure are horrific and beyond grim or grave, they extend into Hades (eternal war with energy).

YOU ARE NOT asked to believe anything I write or say!  Rather YOU ARE REQUIRED to examine the truth, investigate the evidence, and choose for the sake of life on earth: either to CHANGE, and respect life and reality/   or gamble that you can play god, without being anything like god at all.  So says the fantasy and delusion with which men have ruled your world.
I STRONGLY SUGGEST, you discard your fantasies and delusion/ and CHOOSE TRUTH.

The rule of money is OVER!  I strongly suggest, you begin to accept and understand LIFE FIRST must take over.  BEFORE THE WARS, begin.  The old ways of men are over/ because there are not enough resources, not enough nature, not enough world, to continue fighting to control.   Today we will balance our needs, with what this world can provide.  Today, we will bend to the power of reality, that proves MANY CHANGES MUST BE MADE.  Today, it is the women who will lead, by creating laws that define society, and create tomorrow; BECAUSE WE MUST HAVE DIFFERENT, than today.  Men have had thousands of years/ and this is the best, that they did do.  Believe it or not, we do stand at the edge of extinction/ and they continue to play games, and will not stop;  unless their leadership ends.

The elemental task of life first, is to create the foundations together, that do represent justice and fair play for all.  THAT DOES NOT include, wealth for a few/ and the rest to be slaves. That does include an opportunity for all to care for themselves and contribute to society successfully/ within shared relationships of work, skillful acceptance of decisions meant to improve and sustain society in peace, honest limits governed by the people themselves through law, honorable discoveries in freedom that will blend harmony with freedoms.  And a true respect not only for life, earth, and nature:

   but for      GOD    IN TRUTH.  No more games.

No more games means:   want will be discarded, and reality through the basic truth it provides as identified by common sense (the lessons of reality, assigned by levels of pain).  Such things as energy conservation/ energy efficiency/ energy compliance/ energy alternatives/ energy restrictions/ energy reductions/ energy usage/ and the end of useless or minimal value manufacturing (an energy and resource waste) are all fundamental definitions for a future we will inhabit as humanity/ or die from.  Therefore no more games/ no more gambling/ no more pretending “let the children pay”/ no more lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving, or creating diversions to let you escape during the confusion.   We will deal with our truth as an environment called earth, and this humanity that is literally destroying a planet, TODAY, not tomorrow, when it will simply be too late. 
There will be NO endless discussion/ there will be critical conversation and discussion, by examining the evidence and then separating what we do know/ from what we don’t.  Then separating that further to determine if we can indeed accept this risk/ or there will be consequences that we simply CANNOT be wrong about.  Then separated farther, to determine the basic laws that will govern the rest of time here on earth.  Because if we do not do that, life on earth will die. 

There will be countless people who come to declare, “EVERYTHING they can think of”, to disguise reality/ BUT if you contain every possible discussion:    to the listing of what we know to be true/ what we know, “we simply CANNOT be wrong here”/ to what is clearly correct and in defense of life”; then justice, fair play, respect, life, truth, and happiness will find a way to be strong enough to stand and say no:   we choose life first!  Not endless chatter, defined statements that prove “this is, what we believe to be true”! There will be battles, but there need not be wars:   because in the end, a leader is just a leader/ and if you remove them, then the people will decide for themselves.  If the majority of  people do not decide for their own lives first/ then you have failed to communicate/ or they have failed to listen; which makes death their own fault.  You did the best you could.

The critical dimension, establishes the singular question: will humanity rise above its wants?  Because regardless of reality, human want has been the determining factor in every human tragedy that has plagued this earth from its beginning as a society.  Even when the majority are happy and at peace/ it is the few;  the people of want, who plot, plan, deceive, tempt, lie, manipulate, and intend to control that leads to hate, and then violence and every form of human calamity known to exist.  Consequently want in its every form, MUST be dealt with by law/ and the reality of punishment for jeopardizing our lives as a world.  Want means:   I will take/ regardless of the harm it will do to any other life or planet: MINE, because I don’t care!  Therein to want something in reference to peace and harmony for society, is not a description of “coming tragedy”/ instead it is a desire to share what you can do, to persuade or help people be “in love”, or in harmony with life.  Whereas to want something for the distinct purpose of pride, or power, or selfishness/ leads to hate, and it is not allowed, because that has consequences for us all.  We live together as roughly one person PER EVERY SINGLE ACRE of green earth on this planet/   with RESPECT!  And a clear purpose for peace and harmony with each other;   or you will fail, war, cannibalism, and terrors beyond the possibility of your own comprehension will occur.  This is not, “the same earth” as it always has been!  Today, we are so very many people/ that WE MUST CHANGE, because this earth cannot sustain us all, unless we do.