There are 7 basic definitions of conversation: interested in you, listening to you/ interesting to you, about you/ defined by something you did, or wanted to do/ accepted by you, as funny, regardless of content/ knowledge or understanding that you can use for power or control/ wisdom that you can use for greed/ and if you’re in “the mood”, maybe a tiny bit of me, or something that indirectly affects anything including you; or even if it does affect you, right now: “just don’t want to hear it, unless its good news for you.
Can you detect the pattern here?  If not, no sense in writing.
There are three basic elements of friendship.  This is about us/ this is something we need to think or be concerned with/ this is something I can help you with, or I need your help with, because its important.
Can you see a problem, or more correctly why the world is what it is?
There are patterns to successful conversation: you begin with a description everyone targeted for conversation can agree with, and then run it around in a circle until it touches the lives of the various people considered; so that they believe “I am participating” in some form. 
There are patterns to successful comedy: you begin with something everyone in the audience has a connection with, and then turn it around so that they “look at that situation just a little differently”/ not just me.

There are patterns to successful political campaigns: you begin with whatever the people want to hear/ and let them believe you can deliver it.  They will only hear, what they want to hear/ consequently, the rest of the campaign will be about “how terrible” the opponent is.
There are patterns to successful sales campaigns:   you begin with what the people want, and never let them hear how much it will really cost/ unless this is something of actual honest  value to the customer.
There are patterns to successful media organizations: they begin with a mixture of fear and promise.  The fear organizes public sentiment so as to stop the questioning: don’t want to know more.  The promise is, we are protecting you with this information: even though it is completely untrue/ because the  common citizen “just wants to be proven right”.  Thereby create a conversation wherein the majority can be “right”/ wherein the questioning can be stopped: so that they cannot be proven wrong.  And the people call you a god, “because you gave them what they wanted”.  I am right/ I am right we cannot trust those others/ I am right, didn’t they just say so, or “I am like a god”; cause I am so damn right, I know it all!  Even though the content of propaganda only feeds tiny excuses, and produced only mass hypnosis suited to mob rule.
There are patterns to the successful robbery through scams, created by criminals. Its called “MAKE THEM BELIEVERS”.  TO DO THAT, YOU PROMISE GREAT THINGS:  AND LET THEM SEE “LITTLE IMAGES” of the possibility “could happen”. While claiming “its all free, to you; OR give us your money, and WE WILL MAKE YOU RICH”.  Discarding truth, because that will always get in the way.  That demands, in all the big scams:  As in the religion (can’t prove) called evolution, you need to make some “the extra special priests/ or experts, who will lead us”.  Besides believers don’t want truth/ they want, ONLY what they want!  Be damned to the rest.

There are many successful scams in the USA today; so many in fact, I can only point to a few.  There is the stock market wherein they sell you counterfeit numbers, as in derivatives (supposedly 600 hundred trillion dollars worth, before it somewhat collapsed in 2008; completely without support, as a reality) there are stocks themselves, supposedly worth an estimated 100 trillion dollars (that is one hundred dollars per human face on the planet).  There is the US government employees claiming their deficit is a debt/ instead of the reality IT IS “just inflation, that you don’t get to share”.  There are pension funds totaling into trillions: that cannot be paid/ which means they were lies when created, a demand that could not be met; but people refused to relinquish saying “let the children pay”.  There is social security, which cannot in any form be considered solvent or acceptable.  There is healthcare, just another form of extortion.  There is GM, wherein the profits claimed; are really just the result of all the little investors being bankrupted instead of the people at GM.  The result of removing 70 million vehicles (as memory serves) through “cash for clunkers”: the intent to force sales. There is the assertion that the banks were bailed out with large sums of money from the federal reserve: when in fact, the banks were given the money, because they could then increase those funds by TEN FOLD, hiding the inflation before the people; so they wouldn’t understand.  There is the game of forcing the students to believe, “without a college education/ you are nothing”.  Thereby opening the door to long term slavery, without hope of freedom: UNLESS the “diplomas” control the employment (human resources) door/ and force all but college graduates out.  And so on.

  Each of these have been “tremendously successful.  Even though extremely bad for the country and world.  But they are not equivalent to the next set of scams that are literally terrorism in plain sight/ an intent to destroy the planet, and all its life, reducing every single one to destitution and disgrace, therefrom relying on cannibalism to exist, or die.
These are:   the assertions that anything good can come from humanity mutilating all of nature, and trying literally to be gods themselves.  Once the genetic disciplines/ balance/ structures/ and more are gone, literally destroyed by the university which has absolutely no respect for them: life on earth is over.  Because NATURE IS, the genetic stability which builds the bodies we call life.  Evolution is merely the destruction of genetic stability as identified by mutilation itself.  It is a horrendous, utterly insane, and absolutely filled with terrorism reality of stupidity beyond comprehension:   which gives it the only name possible “satan”/ because nothing else fits.   They have convinced you, “we will wipe away every tear”/ have they not?  Of course they have, or you would stop them, from their insanity.  Is that not so?

We then look at NIF, the people most likely (not the only ones trying) to bring fusion here to this planet.  Fusion is the burning of atomic bonds/ just like molecular fires we are familiar with, are the burning of molecular bonds.  The difference is the same as a common bomb, versus a nuclear bomb.  The difference is, with fusion, absolutely everything here is fuel, and it absolutely CANNOT be put out.  It will be “miles high/ millions of degrees” when lit, and nothing can be done, because even the rocks are fuel.  See the problem?  Cannot be?  Consider San Francisco, where this facility is located; and remember their gas main break, which literally consumed blocks with a “big flame”:   multiply that by a million or so.  And we come to a fire in the sky that will be seen from thousands of miles away.  They have convinced you:   “Free energy, it will be great”.  Or you would stop them from their insanity.  Is that not so?
We come to CERN: the people who desperately want to be gods, and pretend “star trek can be real”. Living in a fantasy, their intent is to “recreate the big bang/ the single most destructive event in the history of the universe” right here on earth.  Having failed at their first attempt with a trillion volts created by several nuclear power plants/ they have now shut down to “give it more power”.  The purpose being to completely annihilate mass, thereby releasing all the energy at once.  Or more correctly establishing a state of energy that is beyond the boundaries of “an action results in a reaction: more commonly called time”.  Once done, this too cannot be retracted/ and the last or only real evidence of what this kind of power can do is the reduction of an entire universe of mass reduced to dust and gas.  Or more simply, the process begins to destroy the atomic boundaries of time which hold our planet together: poof, the earth, gone in an instant.  You too.  And yet they have convinced you, “that it is all good science” and will be for your great benefit.   How gullible can you be?  Apparently it is an unfathomable abyss!  Or would you not stop them/ because you can and do understand:the big bang WAS the most destructive event in the history of the universe.
Shame on you, for having to be told, what is simple and plain.  Either grow up and defend yourselves from these terrorists or die.  It is, “a very simple choice”.

Every truth has a consequence.  Every decision forms a path upon which you will walk. Every true thought when combined with a purpose is a journey.  Every honest desire, is a destiny.  Every love is a search, for what has value for both; it is not you or me/ but our reality defined, by an identity we create together.  The difference between those who do complete their own journey, and accomplish their own destiny; is determination, discipline, and truth.  The willingness, or acceptance:   to pay the price required, “forms respect”.  Respect is the responsibility owed, as proof and acknowledgment, for what you cannot do on your own.  “Just how it is”.  Pain is an excellent teacher, it accepts no lies/ allows no excuses/ delivers only reality assigned by “this particular truth”/ and teaches all, “that it don’t matter, who; you think you are”.  Life therefore, begins without illusion or fantasy or delusion, and arrogance melts away.  None should look for pain or establish or accept pain from another.  Rather pain is its own teacher, and you are not allowed to demand it.