Just some simple things

In every crisis, some basic realities appear.  Even if they should have been learned long ago.  Controlling the people will not work/ they are not the enemy, consequently protecting the initial supplies is NOT “the proper thing to do”.  Give them what they need to survive.  Once that is done, then work more deliberately.
1.  Communication is necessary in any major effort, on the ground, immediate to the reality, and in the midst of work going on. 
A) in Haiti, with a lack of everything; that communication can easily be arranged by hoisting such a simple thing as weather balloons with digital devices, or radio signals/ supplying an airplane with suitable relay capabilities, that simply slowly continues to fly overhead.  Setting microwave stations by helicopter at the most convenient sites/ even low energy devices such as are used for television signals will work. Even generalized stations built around portable satellite phones, in various stations around the area.  Wifi area’s, small generators or solar collectors/ someone to monitor and protect, etc.

2.  The elimination of those who want to control the situation is essential/ because order is not built upon the immediate struggle for life or death, in a crisis.  Order is built upon the ability to consider the possibilities, and design a cause of action or reaction.  And that is not possible in terms of predator (crisis) and prey (wounds, needs, death), where life is determined by minutes not by what is wanted, or desired.  You do have to work within the reality, not your own fantasies. 
B) anyone, who believes this “crisis” will make me a hero/ has already failed. That attitude will cause grief and failure/ because it interferes with reality.  The sustain-ability of relative peace in any crisis situation is based upon hope.  Hope is based upon the possibility of meeting your needs/ so that you or they do not have to entertain thoughts of survival strategies, such as “its me or you”.  Hope allows you to believe help is not only coming, but will get here in time.  A day too late, is simply useless help.  To sustain hope, there must be supplies.  To create supplies, there must be an easily accessible, immediate method to deliver them/ WHERE NEEDED.  If not, transporting the people to the supplies so they can carry or transport for themselves is required; even if by foot/ its still hope, if at all realistic.  The method most likely to resolve all issues quickly is an air drop.  The most usable method of dropping supplies in close, is to send in a small group by parachute to clear an area/ make the people understand, and mark out the intended landing place.  (Electronic devices to help guide the payload or parachute are available).  They then collect the parachute, and return by helicopter. If someone gets crushed in the process/ “that’s just too bad”. 

3.  Obvious need in situations for medical attention, means that to do well/ clear, real, functioning mobile hospital units are required.  To achieve these in real terms for use anywhere needed in a hurry/ they must be built into ship going cargo containers (some should include sides that will turn up to enlarge their imprint on the ground) that can then be stacked around the world or on ships quickly to be carried close in and then established by helicopter placement, or truck, where needed.  To create the necessary immediate impact, some of these should be built as parachute drops/ with air bag landing cushions to allow for ground terrain and potential leveling by independent bags.  Because of the size these should also be provided with small directional rocket motors simply built into the corners (directional controls select which motor is “north”)  and operated by remote control with the soldier on the ground, to help redirect the flight path if necessary.  Again the potential loss of life due to landing this package will be mitigated by awareness/ and the risk is assessed by the need that will be accomplished for the others. Just because a tiny few might be killed/ is not sufficient cause to let hundreds die instead. Simple drags, with a small tractor to be delivered can haul off the dead/ with a loader the end that is pulled is attached to the loader and the drag is emptied. As is necessary to the health of the others.

4.  In every situation where men find themselves in a position to take advantage of a woman/ a few will prey upon women.  Thereby it is fair, literal and necessary to separate women and young children from men/ not because the majority are bad, but because a few are always bad.  The only way to protect in the night against rape, disease, and even death:   is to provide instant diagnosis, this one does not belong here.  Such is the case with separate of the sexes at night.  Throughout the daylight hours, all are free, and must protect themselves and each other.  The single most useful method of dividing is a fence/ the single most effective deterrent to stop over/ under/ or through is the motion activated camera (cheap, collect every night), with audible alarm. Lights require energy/ soldiers can be enemies, if not friends, dogs can go either way.  Consequently there needs to be distance and space between these women and others.  There needs to be a deterrent such as chemical smells (works for the skunk/ and identifies who got sprayed).  There needs to be a back up plan, such as soldiers or citizens  in the middle area, who will wake up and defend.  There needs to be a reward for staying here, so that laziness does not creep in:   food, water, shower, laundry, entertainment, etc.  Day after (no pregnancy here) pills are required to be distributed to all women and girls throughout/ in case it is necessary.  With free resupply, and critical education as to why this would NOT be a good time to be pregnant.  Let the catholic church in Haiti agree/ so that conflict with religion here is minimal; regardless what the pope says. Tell them simply, in this situation we do not want you or your child to become a prey/ where life will be hard enough for an adult already. Be fair, to life.
C) the most successful deterrent to male aggression, is hard  work.  Thereby too tired to be completely stupid.  That means hire them for work/ to distribute supplies/ to clean up debris/ create water resources, and so on.  Give them something meaningful to do/ and instruct them in how if they don’t know/ give them the tools quickly, and teach as necessary so they can.

5.   Every store left standing in a major crisis MUST be bought out/ a realistic price, that can be negotiated later: catalogue it.  But it is materials to be used here and now/ which then eliminates the possibilities of war over “its mine” among all competitors: by demanding this is ours now.  The items of little value to the effort to regain a survival base, can be carried away by the owner; don’t need them/ don’t want them.  You protect them or let them go.   No exceptions/ no refusal.  Stand in the way with a weapon, and you will be arrested.

6.  When the devastation is extensive, the right to claim property disappears.  Instead of “its all mine”/ reality says:   we shall start over.  Those with property claims for business AND for personal housing shall be granted the right to keep that claim if they are alive and rebuild within a realistic time.  But the claim can be adjusted down to an agreed upon “no more property allowed than this”.  Or more simply, if the area supports one acre of property for house or business/ so that the others can have their opportunity to own as well/ then one acre you get.  If less than that and you own more/ then you may choose only what is fair to the rest.  In the case of a crisis, either everyone works together to rebuild/ or there will be constant failure, a flame for anarchy, and the will to be violent in all aspects of organizing a new society causing endless trouble, because “its not fair to me”.  Nonetheless, not all are worthy of having the opportunity to own a business.  Not all are able to share the responsibility of maintaining a house; and that must be dealt with by the people themselves. Creating a new currency that is only useful in this country, during this time is fundamental to establishing a new economy.  Making certain the people get paid “their fair share”/ is up to the international community to help with: their money/ you distribute.  NONE can accumulate  more than the dedicated “years’ salary” allowed to each one.  Accounting identifies who has what/ and if anyone has more, they will be arrested rather than allowed to continue.  At the end of rebuilding crisis/ this money shall be cashed in for property, and whatever supplies are available to rebuild your personal life. The new government then recreates a new currency to begin again.  In this way, you deter stealing and aggression/ limit competition/ and demand for us, not just you.

7.  It is necessary, that the work be divided into sections/ with people being in charge of each section of renewal undertaken.  Due to the varying problems with each site/ these need to be identified/ and then auctioned off to the people who say: yes, we will be responsible for this amount of work.  Payment for that work is divided by the people who are listed as responsible; they must fight among themselves as to who gets most/ but with the possibility of a hearing to determine what is fair.  The lowest biding group gets the site/ and will hold a claim for first consideration to purchase the site when that time arrives. It arrives when there is a clear economy formed.  Until then, if you finish first, individuals can offer their services to others/ or perhaps bid on another site.  Any group who gains the service of a machine will have their bid subtracted by the amount agreed to prior to starting with the machine.  You can fire the machine and operator if they do not work well for you/ with realistic appraisal of work done.  There is a need for utilities/ services/ stores/ and so on.  Consequently there are jobs to be bid on in these area’s of life.  Jobs which include laying pipes, keeping electricity on and so forth.  Jobs including stores, that will purchase goods only through “the government”; because only the government has the right to borrow or create debt during this time.  That means until society is “put back together, in a functioning manner” your own government “of the people”/ will act as the negotiator for creating supplies for the nation. BUT THEY CANNOT simply decide for you.  The people MUST request what they need/ because it is their debt; nothing else is allowed.  There are no store owners, no business owners until the economy is ready to return;   all are paid with “the year’s salary” as outlined for the nation itself/ by what they accomplish, but with a minimum base if you are in fact working realistically.

8.  There are no lack of jobs in Haiti or anywhere else a crisis has arisen.  That is not an issue, JOBS are available.  It is up to the people themselves how much they will set aside from their labor to address the needs of the old and infirm, etc.  It is a choice/ because they must work for you, or you die.  Particularly when you cannot work for them any longer.  Harsh or not, this is reality.

9.  The need arises to create trade with other nations/ because although there is plenty of work in a crisis; the need is for what we do not have, that determines how successful the rebuilding will be.  Consequently every single nation must decide what it can do without/ and what it needs to survive.  They must then decide what can we do, that we can spare,  that someone else wants or needs.  In the case of Haiti, as with many nations around the world:   too many people live in too small an area. The MOST CRITICAL thing you can do for this world is stop population growth.   We are a world at its true critical threshold/ if we do not stop population growth, by literal NO MORE CHILDREN means.  We all die.  Therefrom it is fair to believe the most valuable resource to the world, that you can supply is literal birth control.  Abortion is not birth control/ it is a failure on the part of man or woman; a simple mistake, for the young.  Population control means: YOU cannot simply choose to populate this world with YOUR children instead of ours.  Which again means: one child per woman/ or at least no more than two children per woman.  And permanently done.  NOT because anyone desires this to be so/ but because our world CANNOT sustain more; and half the current population will reach child bearing age, or is at child bearing age in the next ten years.  WHICH MEANS ANOTHER BIG INCREASE, we cannot feed, or provide water for, or work, etc.   Without population control, NOT ONE SINGLE NATION, is safe from the effects of too many people.  Therefore it is truly in the best interest of all, for the world itself, to work together on this problem.  IT IS THE WOMEN WHO WILL DECIDE what can be done/ what the price will be/ who is a candidate; AND EVERY OTHER ASPECT; including the work to do it about what happens from here.  Men have no say, apart from providing “the money, or other safe and peaceful incentive”.  THESE WOMEN DESERVE “to be paid”/   do it, or die.

10.  In terms of a commodity to be used for sustainable sales, reality states there must be a resource available to accomplish this as a foundation for an economy. On such a tiny island with so many people, the only real base of expansion is the sea.  The ability to “farm fish” from the sea is absolutely dependent upon feeding those fish.  The only real food for fish that can be spared is the dead human body.  That means;   ground up, and fed in intervals at a geographical location that makes sense.  It is not necessary to cage fish beyond a small size/ because if you start a colony in deep ocean they have no recourse but to stay with the food supply.  As they grow predators will appear, and with a single trawler “the crop can be harvested”.  A simple automatic ocean going barge, can distribute the “food”.  Gps can keep it identified/ but you will have to protect it from thieves.  I know, that this is NOT a nice thing to think about.  I know you have not dealt with this in the past.  But reality is reality, and you cannot spare the room for graves anymore either/ nor the resources commonly used to bury.  Just how it is.  A dead body is nothing more than a memory: otherwise, it is worm food/ poisoned/ burned/ or left to the animals and birds to eat.  Why not, let the children eat fish instead?   Explain to me, why this is not better/ in this day, when one billion people are already hungry.  And the seas are nearly empty.  NOT a desire/ NOT a decision that is desired for choice:   it is our reality.

11.  It is a complete and utter failure to believe, “we shall be heros” and rush in to rebuild their lives.  Which in the end simply translates as a few will gain all the money given for help, and leave nothing for the individuals who lost their home, jobs, etc.  JUST LIKE KATRINA in New Orleans.  This will be even worse, if you allow “the leaders” to do as they wish/ because leaders always take everything they can, hire only the people who give kick backs, and so on:   its what they do.  Try to control every option or possibility, and remove the people from their own lives.  As in New Orleans. So the people move, whether you like it or not.  Work is what rebuilds an economy and society/ when foreigners, or as in New Orleans people from outside the community rush in to “save the day”.  All the work disappears/ once the money is gone so are the “outsiders”; and then disaster continues, because it is not a building that helps; if the cold is not coming.  Rather it is work, the possibilities of rebuilding life and society for yourselves, AND THE ABILITY TO EAT, OR OBTAIN RESOURCES FOR YOURSELF, AND YOUR NATION that decides what will become of this or any other crisis situation.  Control is not what is needed/ options and opportunities are.
E) in other words, what is needed is stabilization.  That occurs with dead bodies removed/ water available to all who need it/ food resources and distribution as required: control only the most desirable commodities/ push through with machines to open roads as needed, even if its through a standing house/ if you must (only if truly desperate).  Provide simple toilet facilities through mass production of “ship containers” that include these facilities and hook up to any sewer that will allow flow.  Then organize community action groups, and let them decide what they will do/ reminding them aid is temporary.

F) the off loading of shipping containers requires a crane on board the ship; several varieties will work. Loaded onto pontoon craft dedicated to this purpose (with wheels as well as slides; and potentially a motor to drive the container and park it, before returning to the water).  The container is otherwise, then simply drug ashore with winches. A simple U-shape device, with a gate in front for stability. Simple movable hydraulic cylinders on four corners lift for further transport/ or leave one of the pontoon carriers on land for this purpose. Simple dedicated wheel frames can move from container to container;  even a car, can pull a substantial weight. Since there are dedicated anchor points at top and bottom corners, a wheel set that uses these and a cable winch on each side to draw the frame together like a separating scissors; to raise the container on wheels, would work fine..  Dependent upon ocean depth, and the realities involved; some of the big “dedicated crane ships/ hovercraft” can simply ferry them in. Or if looking for dedicated equipment/ a ferry style vessel, with front unloading/ would be equipped with dredging equipment that will create a trench to get in close/  and then disappear back into the ship. Perhaps simply an excavator (uses after this job is done) that operates across the width of the bow (potentially a shelf across the front for excavator operations to continue as needed/ and a dumping scow on the ocean to give debris  transport far enough away. Air bags, make a suitable cushion for positioning large ramps that must then be supported and secured.  Or a modified ocean going barge that can simply be pushed into place/ and so on.
If the coast is already devoid of life under the sea/      Underwater explosives will do the same thing. If it has substantial life, leave them alone. 

12.  Wherever population density is high, the need to generate and appreciate plant life, livestock, water, sea, nature, and crops must be recognized as valuable and taught as such to the children.   That means appropriate gardens must be created, as is suited to this site/ and supervised by those people who have a love for that living existence.  Need food/ must do so.  The elemental demand and creation for all hot water needs to be developed by solar heating, is absolutely essential for life on this planet/ around the equator its simple.  Higher north, a large portion is created by using attic space and appropriate decisions.  Solar hot water can be used for cooking (supplies btu’s) / particularly if you use magnification to help intensify (higher heat) the heat in a particular tube or area.  Insulation means we did the best we could/ recycling can bring a lot of insulation for free.  Simply grind up/ add fire retardant/ sprinkle on or in or glue to dependent upon what you have.

  Lots of appliances are completely unnecessary/ but remember this, as is the case with the energy saver flourescent bulbs:   hype, does not mean its true.  A standard incandescent merely adds to the heat of the house, most of the year when you are intentionally heating the house/ consequently that heat is not wasted, nor is the energy lost. Most of the time, apart from general lighting, these flourescent’s are inadequate for work or reading.  And considerably more energy is used, resource lost in the making of a flourescent bulb, and its destruction.  But there are area’s and ways, where they do work for the benefit of all; just not the majority. Just for the sake of adding it, housing built on a flood plane must either be high enough not to be affected/ or on a suitable floating foundation, which includes the garage, so as to not be inundated by water.  Where there are area’s subject to fire/ the use of ember curtains (found in inventions at www.justtalking.info) to assist in stopping the spread of fire/ along with concrete housing so that it does not burn/ with suitable shutters, and preferably an underground firestorm shelter.  Where there are area’s for landslides/ the addition of “funnels” built like berm’s to direct the flow as best you can are required.  Where mudslide’s are imminent “guttering is required”/ or more simply an arrangement of collectors that keep the rain falling on top, from traveling all the way to the bottom/ by collecting that water in a series of tiers (every three feet, down the hill;  there is another gutter) and forcing it through pipes or other guides to where it must go. Where avalanches are prevalent, a suitable ground ramp-shaped wedge, to divert the snow on each side of the building most exposed is realistic
These things are free/ do not let the others take them away. Use them as you desire.