Dating, living, and life

The critical truth is: these (above) are creations of “our bodies/ ourselves; in relationships with other life”.  The simple truth is: that men and women are different/ JUST, because they are different.  True change requires an honest difference in the direction of leadership/ nothing less will do.  Just a fact of life.
That said;   I have become “something unique”; without my consent/ “but that has been proven to be irrelevant”. It nonetheless has changed my perspective. The life and dating of a man of “common decency” is: that women are equal, thank GOD different, and a happy addition to life, because that fact makes life better.  The common relationship with women, that used to be my life was “plain/ simple/ and sure”.  Some women are plainly interested, and some are plainly not.  The possibilities of a relationship of any kind is dependent upon the three simple rules:   listen to her, understand you are not in control, and be a man which fundamentally means you WILL help and defend her, with honesty.  The simplicity of sex is either yes or no/ but the reality of sex is: if you don’t respond correctly in her mind, the invitation is over.  The consequence of sex is; once you open that door, it is very hard to close/ unless you are awful, just plain unpleasant, or too greedy (forget this is a woman/ and use her as a toy) at it. 

The reality of actual dating, is the assertion that “I want more from this relationship, as in friendship”.  Sexuality commonly gets in the way of that/ ending the conversations and meanings that establish the relationship; thereby allowing sex to form an immediate but undisciplined relationship that provides no anchors for the present, or purposes for the future, other than sex. Easy is NOT the means or method to attain, truth or happiness.  Its just simple and lazy.  All is NOT fair in “love and war”.  WAR IS NEVER FAIR/ and love is only respected and established by truth, and the value of your friendship, your gift and mine which gives us trust.         Liars, are never welcome/ because the end result will be at least part, of the destruction of what has been built.  Only truth survives, time or eternity.
Most men are lazy (sex is enough for me, a percentage will say; “you will do”), as are many women.  But if you want more, such as happiness, and a future with hope beyond survival:   TRUE friendship is required.  That tends to be why sexuality can be very difficult as well/ situations which come up to prove, “who you will be, to and with me”.  But beware, when its important/ people can go insane, make severe and serious mistakes, establish a path and future that is hard to change, and so on.  IT IS FAR BETTER, to work honestly, with friendship, a purpose called heart, and a true desire expressed by the words “we are alive”.

Aggressive men are not interested in women/ THEY are interested in trophies.  Trophies collect dust after a while/ and some will lose “their shine”; that ends as “need another game/ another trophy/ another excuse to play”.  If you as a woman then try to leave or take away their “other trophies”;   consequences can be grim. Leave them alone, unless all you want is a trophy too.  Are they not winners?
There are a lot of men who are simply passed by; women don’t want them, because they don’t know them.  They don’t know them because if you are not selected in the common places single people go/ both men and women tend to stay away; causing isolation, thereby increasing the problem.  If you are a man that commonly fails with women: LOOK IN THE MIRROR AGAIN!  Because you are obviously not being realistic.  There are plenty of women who “want a man”/ just like there are plenty of men who want a woman: BUT YOU DO, have to pick each other, ask each other, & accept each other flaws and all.  Or you get to be alone.  It’s a choice/ make your decision.  Be honest with yourself/ your body and face/ and with people who are just like you: valued and valuable inside.  ACCESS is the single determinant to understanding who someone else is: or more simply the time to know and accept this person is, someone I can like/ someone I can be friends with/ or someone I could love, if I chose to do so!

Babies are a different matter entirely/ no man should be forced/ no woman should be forced either: the world cannot support any further increase in population, but you do have a right to “replace yourself”.  Be kind: if there is a true flaw in you/ then don’t pass it along to another child.  Isn’t once enough?  Children are beyond a blessing, if you are true enough to life, to know this.  Children are not a blessing, if you have failed to be honestly prepared/ but that does not mean, they are not loved, accepted, and cherished.  Do so, this is your choice, not theirs; as best you can.  If you have a child with someone who then leaves, DO NOT include sex, or any other part of “sexual behaviors” until they absolutely prove they do now intend to stay, in an honorable and helpful way.  Many times people come back for sex/ if they get frustrated, and expect you to be “easy”. They then come back for sex/ NOT you or the child.  Don’t use children for a “paycheck”/ neither they, nor you have a right.  Children are not “material goods, or work, or slaves”.  YOU did NOT create them/ they are NOT your property.  They are your duty, and that means doing what you can do (demand society shall provide a job)/ NOT begging for someone else to help.  To those who find themselves without children, and say “GOD, this isn’t fair”!  I ask you to remember the very simple fact: that orphans exist/ and they will tell you with more tears, than yours, “this isn’t fair”.  Can you not understand?

There are three other basic things you should know about men (those strong enough, to be disciplined/ respectful/ and honest) and dating: when young, most have their own plans, and it does not include marriage/ family/ and babies.  They have “been told what to do, say, and think”, therefrom simply want to prove what they can do for themselves.  But even so, if the woman has found a way, to open the door to his heart/ she may at least try, to come along.  “Boys, to men” are more interested in proving they can find a “girl, to woman”; than simply sexy. Marriage requires both “to be ready”.

When a young man finds himself alone, “sexy” turns his head/ but access turns his heart: in other words you must find a way to spend time with him, so that your ways of life and love, become identified with your body and mind.  His opportunity to understand, “you are a woman, a blessing added to his life; better, than just a friend”.  Sexy is, “none can deny, this is woman”!  Any other description is tied directly to sex/ not love, but some type or version of sex, using the body of a woman.  Lonely will turn confidence into desire/ desire will turn indecision to the ability and intent to commit to a woman.  The difference between commitment and none is simply: today, I am happy;   if that does not include you as in, “I am happy because you are here with me”/ then there is not, and will probably never be, a true commitment for you.  Lonely stares at a woman’s breasts, because it is in male terms, the most clearly visible sign of “women (what he is missing in his life).  If its loneliness, its not about you entirely: its about women missing in his life. You can tell the difference between lust and loneliness/ don’t want him, then give him to a friend, or acquaintance. WHY not?  Be aware, that loneliness is not love, need comes and goes, dependent upon a lot of factors.  Love is not a loneliness fulfilled/ it is the decision to participate in a truth that fills you both with honesty and happiness, through trust, truth, and hope.  Sexual needs, require boundaries!  What you are willing to commit to, or not.  YOU DO NOT, have to participate/ it’s a choice.  There are always liars.  True respect, does not lie.

The disciplined man: NEEDS TIME!  Time means, that life cannot be “disassembled” so easily as to make commitments quickly, for a lifetime.  Discipline respects order/ and order is an element of steps.  In other words, if we are climbing together, for a life to be shared.  Then we must walk the same path, so that we can depend upon the same securities that give both the right to trust each other with what is clearly valuable:   my, and your, future together!  It is not a simple, or easy thing to decide.  Rushing in can work, but it can also crash, and do serious harm to one or both for life.  That means the man who does not rush in, if you offer sex; should be considered again.  Those who do rush in/ should be considered again, but in a different way, as well.  The undisciplined man cannot be “fixed”/ he has no structure or foundation to build upon, no steps or conception of duty or honor; therefore no inborn honesty.  Those in-between, will share the costs of living,  if you will. The disciplined man can be “fixed”/ but if you change him with emotional force, he may regret it, and wonder why should this relationship continue.
The disciplines of sex are simple: 
1.  Never believe, this is a toy; we are both human beings, with rights, hopes, a desire for happiness, and the need to believe you do care honestly.
2.  Never believe you own the other’s body/ YOU NEVER WILL!  Each individual owns their own body, and whatever rights you are allowed is a gift; NOT to be confused with ownership/ because it is momentary, or more simply “YOU CAN’T keep it”.  Its mine!

3.  Do understand, there are three distinct stages of sexual activity:   just plain lust (want without the dignity of  respect; if you agree however, then both participate, and it is your freedom to do so), or the lack of desire “he or she is here/ but there is no passion for it”.   (Two),   the measured reality of this is fun for us both, & I am happy to be with you.  (Three), we have come together “searching for souls”, the trust that binds, the reality that shares without a price, the disciplines that prove we care for each other: and the honesty proven true, our bodies are simply the key; our lives are born to be as one.   Anything less than the first one, is abuse. All lust is using you.  Rape is the violence of turning life into hate.  Use the law/ forgive yourself, its not your fault (even if you are naked and running down the street/ its still NOT your fault) and forget/ do what you can do, to stop another assault on anyone. 
4.  Never fantasize about another while having sex with this one (be fair and forgiving)/   instead understand the miracle of our creation as a living expression of life: both of us, experiencing the possibilities that increase our chance to become more than simply self.  Love can never be, “simply self”/ therefore be grateful to each other, kind and respectful to the life and opposite gender you each are.  Love is not a game.  Sex is not a fantasy/ it is reality.  It can be enemy or friend/ because of what people do.

5.  Sex is a personal decision, with personal rights, and personal ownership.  That means, if the other person has had sex with multiple partners/ it is not your right to complain; it is their choice.  SO LONG AS, they are willing to pay the price for their own actions/ and are old enough to know honestly, what those costs could be.  It is their body, not yours; even if married/ YOU have the right to leave.  That literally means: you cannot control each other/ you can only control yourself.  There should be full disclosure prior to any legal contract such as marriage is.  You cannot legally bind sex in any contract.  JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN/ DOES NOT make “some decisions, a good idea/ they just plain aren’t”. 
There are however situations in life, that simply have no good solutions/ you do have to make choices based upon the honesty of life.  There are situations, if no one else can be found, where it is wrong to let someone else deteriorate into thoughts of suicide/ or depressions to deep/ or a wide variety of “I need help today”.  But do understand needs are not commonly resolved in “a moment or two”: be fair/ be honest/ be respectful as best you can/ make a decision that you can live with, and are HONESTLY willing to pay the price for.  Because if you proceed/ you will, and perhaps more!  More often than not, “it is a quagmire, that will help/ but with costs”.  It is neither good or bad to help; but there is no going back. Don’t sacrifice/ make your decision and be willing to pay that price, or more; because you probably will.  Always “try everything else first”/ sex can heal, but walking away after that (for the sake of your own life: I have rights too), brings a true flood of tears.  If you are in a true loving relationship, these are mutual realities, and decisions.
These are base level male opinions or beliefs

For understanding; a lesson from experience, love is not limited by whether you can live together or not/ love is an acceptance of the grace and beauty we CAN be together.  My marriage failed, after two years, not for the lack of love/ but for the reality we had two distinctly different desires for how to live our lives.  She wanted “a normal life, like everybody else” so to speak.  I needed a “different life”/ because the most important thing desired, was to help and aid the removal of threats that truly did and do endanger our world.  And the search for life itself, unbounded by the beliefs of people or religion.  Not the same! The living just didn’t match our needs, for either one.  The lesson is then, “love isn’t always enough”/ sometimes both need to respect the reality of our own desires.  Or more simply: to love and be loved is beautiful/ but we do still have to live our lives, even if that means, “couldn’t do it together/ at that moment in time”. The price of living together goes up/ if you believe “I am paying too much”, either side.  Consider it before you commit, the tears can be harsh.


My life today is “different”/ beyond all expectation.  Couldn’t have dreamed it, if I had tried forever.  None the less, my reality has changed; my desires are fulfilled.  I have searched/ and I have completed what I can do, to aid your lives for survival of this planet. 
The one additional unexpected cost; I needed to understand or participate with female to help life on this  planet.  “It’s a surprise”. 

I can tell you this: that everything about breasts are different than anything about being male.  They are completely different experience, without comparison/ just plain different.  I can tell you, that I never considered age prior to this time/ but now it is a part of my life, and I consider it important because reality states at 57 the choices are narrowing.  The reality of my own little existence is changing.  Some other things are beginning to appreciate unto knowledge/ but nothing that can be exacted to reveal anything; “its seems to be restricted, that understanding just disappeared”.  This is clearly a very different living experience and expression/ although on the inside as life, it is much the same, but different, because base foundations have been changed. Strange, but getting use to it.  Somewhat anyway.
I AM aware of all the “thousand threats” writing in a manner that allows people to delude themselves into thinking whatever they want is dangerous to me.
I AM aware preparing words and methods for the removal of power/ pride/ greed/ hate; etc,  from our lives by changing society and more,  is a true threat to me.
I AM aware “collateral damage” is a possibility/ but I have done the best that I did do.  Just couldn’t, or didn’t do better/ not so much a fault as just plain the truth.
I AM aware a lot of people will declare me wrong/ BUT THE EVIDENCE will not let them or me run away, without reality.  Reality says we are truly in trouble as life on earth.  Change must come.

I AM aware that male or female could present a sexual trouble for me, if not more/ throughout whatever life is left.  Won’t go away, but it is the price.  Life on earth is worth the consequence.  NOT your savior, its just a plain fact. 

I am aware, its up to you:   to decide what to do next/ because I cannot enforce the law, or democracy, or justice by myself.  I cannot survive the probable threats of those who will lose their power, be choked by the loss of their arrogance and pride, or will contend “liar/ fool/ failure/ and the rest”.  These are all your problems not mine.  Women are allowed to help me, if they so choose/ men are not.  Don’t do it (you can, help the women), its ok, “I am prepared to die”/ its just a matter of time.  Not entirely sure why it has to be women; but I am sure it does. IT IS very unlikely that I will not survive if they do not/ simply because hate is an enemy, as is every other want, that I have proven to be against; with enough knowledge to make them suffer or become extinct.  This work is not about making everyone equal/ we are not, some deserve more/ some less.  BUT THIS IS, about limited capitalism/ which simply put demands: “leave some for us”/ you can’t have it all; and give us our nation and our future back.  This is democracy, proving we the people have power of our own/ we own as a people, and we decide by our vote under the constitution and founding documents of our agreement as a nation.  While that might not sound like open rebellion to you/ it is literally a war against the rich/ powerful/ proud/ hateful/ and all that is not fair. In other words it’s a war to prove who does or does not have the power to change our lives/ a war to regain our democracy as truth, from those who stole it.  Which does include pension fraud (you DIDN’T earn it)/ etc.  Which does include: educational salaries dependent upon your individual effectiveness.  Not a raise for the best/ a REDUCTION in salary, commensurate with the level of failure; no benefits allowed. The children who refuse to let the others learn, will be transferred to military schools/ as needed. Its not a complicated concept. It is liberty, as democracy designs truth, and justice to be.  Or in other words, “we the people”/ instead of you who try to enslave, control, and threaten.  Its not the humanity, its what they made out of themselves.

 This is not begging women/ its not fear/ its not temptation, manipulation, or in any way control: its just the most probable scenario. Its just a choice/ but too little too late, proves there is no going back.  What is important to you?   I CAN think of any number of reasons why this could be “not good for me”/ but that too is absolutely irrelevant.  This is more like being drafted, for a war that must be fought; like it or not, we cannot look away.  I am probably ok, until clear communications make this a public possibility/ not a threat until then:   because its your decision!  However after or if that becomes real, it is hard to tell how long before trouble comes/ it could be very fast, or not.  I simply don’t know.  I have committed my lifetime to this work (that too, is a surprise; but greed was pandemic, no possibility existed before reality came).  Mine, is a life spent for the removal of all these threats (more now than expected too): but it is your decision. Not mine, because only as we the people; can this become real. That makes it OUR decision/ OUR work/ OUR TRUTH as a society and nation; one way or the other.  Life or death does not listen to want, only truth and reality.
I have no clue, why me/ it just turned out this way.

NOT your leader, because this is a decision YOU MUST make for yourself; life or death for a world, requires YOUR decision/ I have made mine!  Your turn now.  I am not your enemy, this fight is for life on earth;  prove it is not/ that is impossible.  I am NOT your religious anything (there are no rules here/ no hierarchy to obey or deny: just life or death for a world, and YOUR decision to believe in, or investigate, examine, and decide for reality and truth) or not!  I am,  just a messenger/ telling you, if you do not change; all the evidence points to the extermination of life on earth. It is that simple.  I do regard the severity of that consequence as an intervention by   GOD   , the reality being:  simply teaching (access granted to me/ beyond anything I could have done for myself), and then using me to deliver a message to you, isn’t unrealistic.  “Its not fantasy”/ RESPECT THE THREATS, that can exterminate you, and will.  Not a game.
The whole female thing, is a complete surprise/ but in all honesty: THAT became, what made the difference, between hope, and no hope for life.  It is that simple.
I could be wrong; prove it is so/ don’t guess or be lazy; this is life or death for planet earth! Because the evidence of threat is very extensive, the reality of not changing certain. FIND YOUR TRUTH, BEFORE it kills you all!  Believe whatever you wish/ but remember, its your future, and there is no going back!  Your eternity:  not mine.
YOU Do not, need to believe me/ INSTEAD SEARCH/ INVESTIGATE/ EXAMINE/ AND REVEAL, exactly what the truth is, so that knowledge and understanding can enter your heart and mind: hopefully bringing wisdom and soul to your lives.  Then make your decision.
But first DEMAND AND ENFORCE a moratorium on every single true threat:   so that you do not die, while investigating these threats before an entire world.  Its important!  We cannot be wrong/ unless dead. How is that not important enough to care?

Everything is at stake with genetic mutilation; how our bodies look/ act/ communicate/ hold together/ function;   ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, because DNA or (what they mutilate) is nature itself.  They think they are gods, and will redesign every creature and plant to be “man’s creation”/ using   GOD’S WORK!   It will never be; they are “satan’s/ the destroyers of life and world” instead!  We cannot put anything back together, we are not gods’.  How can you deny that?  WAKE UP.

And so much more.  The universities build you HORROR/ TRAGEDY/ TERROR/ AND HELL.  And you worship them/ or let them (universities) be religions in charge of your lives.  Shame on you.  THEY AIN’T going to tell you, they are a cancer and a disease/ the destroyers of a world!  That would ruin the game of playing god over your lives!   IT WOULD TAKE AWAY THEIR POWER TO CONTROL, their absolute ARROGANCE to decide.   Instead you must recognize what is proper and real, and what is liar, fool, and destroyer of life.  Because none help you, but me.  Your religions are controlled by diploma’s/ your media is controlled by diploma’s/ your governing employees are controlled by diploma’s/ your business is controlled by diplomas’, education, and everything else.  IN OTHER WORDS, the entire leadership of this nation, is controlled by what the universities teach and preach and brain wash. They WON’T be telling you:   we were wrong/ we cheated you/ or lead you to failure.  Like an army, they will march until death consumes them too.  Too proud to stop.  DON’T WANT TO BE EQUAL OR FAIR/ AIN’T NO DAMN WAY!

That leaves the rest of us, with a simple decision: either we too, can become an army with our educated vote/ or we can die, at the hands of fools (debts don’t matter to us/ only THEM), failures (THREATS of extinction, surround us all), and the disease of arrogance (I/we can be gods).  This leadership has proven to be a disaster, at every turn. Liars/ thieves/ failures/ and fools, cheating every life on earth: BECAUSE the university leads with fantasy and delusion, no common sense at all.  They have surrendered as cowards, live in delusion.  they have chosen NOT to work for life, but cower in greed, selfishness, and hate instead; a coward.   Because they don’t want to pay the price of survival/ which is to surrender the game, and the arrogance of playing god: to let truth decide/ to share the decision as equals/ to respect life, and NOT play god. Just too DAMN proud.

Educated means, I do actually understand; I was not told, I was not forced to accept;   I actually understand the truth of what is important to life, to the future, and to me in this decision for all life on earth.  Therefore I make my voice heard, by submitting: I WILL do my part, to make this change we voted upon, a reality; NOW!   Since women have never fully had their own say throughout history: YOU MUST become a true voice unto yourselves.  By the numbers women are half the population or more. That is a very powerful force, if organized!  YOU MUST find what is most important to you, and enforce that decision with your organized vote.  That CANNOT be done unless you educate your members, and bring in all the men to vote in unison, with you, as best you can as well.   

But remember this very clearly:   YOU CANNOT BE EDUCATED BY “THE EXPERT”; telling you what to think!  That is the university, government employee, and media way, it has become a disease, rather than a benefit.  RATHER YOU MUST LEARN by the evidence/ by examining the truth of what can or cannot be found.  Or MORE SIMPLY, we demand facts; as easily understood and clear as possible.  NOT opinion or theory/ just facts.  We will decide for ourselves! Investigating its impact or purpose or intent for this world, is up to us.  And looking beyond all the LIES and promises which DO NOT illuminate the threats; as is so prevalent everywhere, is required.  TO FIND WHAT IS REAL, what reality these things possess for our future/ and what truth will not be denied as a benefit or curse to life.  Because being wrong, destroys chains of life/ environment/ nature/ the  world/ and everything else: we must have to survive!   They, the leaders through university,   are ending,    life on earth.  Look at all the threats!  Make up your mind, to say NO!  But do it legally, because war removes the ability to think/ and without that, there is no future for anything.   Anyone who comes lying about the facts that must be learned:   IS A TERRORIST.  Anyone who refuses to establish the facts of what they know or do in relation to our knowledge that we require to defend our own lives: DISRESPECTS YOU ENTIRELY/ that means either they are a traitor, or a deserter: throw them in prison, and forget them.  OR if you need their knowledge: prove it is either death, mutilation,  or talk.  No mercy is required: life or death for this world decides: your decision to be “without value” (the refusal in a time of crisis, when you can make a difference, to help us all:  is hate/ you are then worthless.)  Not a game.  The body and mind, decides if life is over/ the reality of ability decides if the body is worth salvaging: because it must function at a distinct level for maintenance and work to sustain itself/ REQUIRED functions. Or it is worthless/ just a fact of reality, not a judgment.  The life inside has value/ until it discards that value for the sake of hate: “A LIAR” who states, by some form or function, he or she can play god with our lives.  That too is worthless to life and its function or sustain-ability here.  Another fact of life and living.  DON’T be simple!

By vote we remove every threat.  By vote we remove every power that stands in our way.  By vote we become a true democracy, but unless you are willing to accept that responsibility with truth, INSTEAD of want;   you will die anyway.  Truth, allowed and chosen by reality must decide: for the singular purpose, “all life on earth must come first”.  Simple, as that.

There are some issues unresolved with “segregation”  the assumption that people will do better in the near term future ahead.  NOT segregation demanding separate/ but the clear grouping of peoples by their various descriptions, for the sake of harder times ahead.  When things begin to go bad, one of the first consequences is: the majority look for any version of “NOT the same”/ to throw them out; “somebody has to leave or die”.  If you are bunched together, then nobody is not the same. Safer for all.

 THAT HOWEVER leads to armies/ and the invention of excuses either to war, steal, invade, enslave, or swindle.  Clear and critical military force will be necessary/ which means, the military itself MUST BE integrated entirely with the various minorities working together in a near equal percentage of all parties; so that none have a clear advantage.  Until sustain-ability returns, the fact of life is:   people will try to take advantage of the others. That is an historical fact/ whether you like the reality or not, is again entirely irrelevant.  This is the only way, and I highly recommend you all find a way to invite the various military entities that must be involved in your area: to help each one understand and feel, “we are people too/ equal in all ways”. 

Our combined effort, makes the lives and people work.  Leaders rarely help/ and generally are a constant hindrance to the realities of life.  Because they want/ rather than think.  Leaders create NO JOBS!  Not a single one, except the military.  That is because, we cannot yet trust the other leaders or our own. 
Our combined effort, lets the lives and people create jobs for themselves: IF THE RESOURCES are available/ because they have their own needs and desires to fulfill.  What I CAN do for myself/ then determines, the reality of my life in time.  That is not formed by leadership, unless the truth of an education “I CAN USE”, IS given to me. 

Our combined effort, generates the will of the people to consider and create their own future, by designing the functional cooperatives that become business and industry.  When these are confiscated and removed, by those who contend money is better than the value of our work/ THEY STEAL FROM US, our decision to work for ourselves.  Money is NOT the maker of jobs or business or industry.  Resources are!  The protection of those resources has been called supply and demand/ but leadership removed that, to become communism: “they know better”.  The end result became: the removal of shared cooperation for the gain of all/ and the sacrifice of all/ for the gain of a few.  WHAT IS NOT FAIR, about that?  Money stole it/ because money promised more!  Greed came in, as it always does, and said: I MEANT JUST MORE, FOR ME/ get the hell away, I want it all!  To end the greed/ we must control and limit the money, the resource abuse, and the property: thereby WE GET OUR LIVES BACK!  Or more simply, we WILL force you to share with us.

It ain’t money, that built or sustains this or any nation.  Money is just the tool, that makes excess possible.  Money is just the means, of taking things away thereby enslaving people.  To rule over money requires four simple things: limited capitalism/ resource control, by society with respect for the future/ democracy to transfer power to ourselves/ and the laws WE MAKE, to enforce our rule, over them; “those who would enslave us/ and take it all”.   OUR RIGHT, to share honestly in this world where nature is the only thing that provides: CANNOT BE DENIED.  Therefore the right to work/ the right to minimum standards which cannot be denied/ the right to a future/ the right to equal or respectful opportunities:   have nothing to do with money.  They are the decisions that we make/ the laws we enforce/ the reality we choose for ourselves.

If you continue to believe in greed, you will die/ because greed cannot sustain anything; take a look at your reality.  If you continue to WANT every damn thing you can touch, you will die/ because we are 7 billion people, and that is enough to cover every single “green acre of land” on earth with one human being.  This ain’t the same world,   we have become ALL THE HUMANITY this earth can support.  Without decisions that respect this truth, you are dead. It won’t be long!  There is no going back/ fight now, or die.  Just because you don’t want or believe that is true:    Is absolutely irrelevant, because what is true, when the excess is gone;   SHALL decide.  It’s a fact of life.  The allowance for lies and liars; all the rest; is nearly gone.

The right to a sane life “I can see, or believe in a future” is nearly gone.  The right to a beautiful world, where nature provides because it knows how/ is nearly destroyed; simply mutilated & crucified with true arrogance, ignorance, and absolute stupidity.  The right to a body and mind as has the entire human race with only tiny exception; is all but over/ because nature will soon be in chaos; people playing god, will prove to be satan unleashed!  The right to flowers and plants and fruits and everything else has been nearly destroyed, because we NEED the pollinators, now facing extinction.  Due to your poisons and mutilations of nature.  The birds and reptiles and amphibians will all soon face extinction because there is a price for destroying insects relentlessly;  THEY ARE “here for a purpose”.  Too many fires are sucking all the oxygen out of our atmosphere, “think about it, we have records/ and we can easily figure up how much oxygen just the fire needs;   before you get a breathe for yourself.  Our oceans and all its life are nearly destroyed, over-fished/ over polluted/ the incubators of life destroyed/ currents and temperatures altered; a long list.  We are too many people/ IF WE TRY HARD, maybe we can survive/ IF we stop growing.  Maybe not!  Your leaders all run away/ because they don’t want to pay this price for survival.  Your elders all say: I DON’T WANT to believe/ I WON’T believe, because that means I have to change; and I don’t want to, even if it kills my child.  An endless series of “I WON’T/ I WON’T/ I WON’T & I WANT MORE” instead!  They have convinced themselves:   let us buy trinkets and toys for the children, we owe them that for sacrificing their lives for our own.  Assassinating them, for a few more chances to shout   “I am a winner”.  Shame on you!

Time is literally running out.  This is not a game. There are no second chances.  No yelling or screaming at  GOD, its all your fault.  THESE ARE CHOICES HUMANITY MADE, these are choices humanity refuses to stop making;   because they want more everything.  NOT discipline, NOT respect, NOT a future for life.  Instead:   the elders demand “more trophies for themselves/ so they can throw it in the garbage, and find another way to say:    WINNER”!  YOU are liars, cowards, and fools instead.  Losing an entire world of life, because you didn’t care enough about life or truth, to do what reality needs for you to do.  Killers, “but not to worry” eternity has a place, for you!  Oh wait, I know; “in a flash, all the good church people are going to heaven”/ cause they are so special!  Isn’t that right/ sure it is.  After all, why wouldn’t they after all their contributions to the destruction of this entire creation.   Who could possibly fault them for going along with the crowd, or leading it.  HELL, what could go wrong!  Give “an extra dollar”/ HELL that will buy your way in;   the church, or mosque, or whatever;   can guarantee it.  Isn’t that right?

The religious can and do accuse me of everything they can think of/ good or bad.  I find that completely irrelevant!  The simple truth of this message is:   “Apparently all the good people were too busy” to do this work/ because somehow (not a clue why, unless its just plain determination);   I am given the work to deliver this message of change or your going to die.  Wake up and fight, or this entire world shall end.  Did you want the job?   Start doing it.  ITS YOUR TURN!

As to the various descriptions of “female and me”/ the foundation relationship that is clear simply is: I cannot understand how women think without living the life they have lived.  Exactly where that dividing line stops for me, I don’t know.  But trading places has begun the simple truth, that I am being informed to some extent of what it means to be a woman.  I have been to the extremes of being a man.  The reality of living in some form at the opposite extreme, DOES create a better view of how best the middle ground can be achieved.   That allows some minimal understanding of how best to proceed in an effort to help women achieve their new place in this world/ men have failed.   We MUST have different!  I have no idea why my help in this way could be necessary; but I do have some “usefulness, in this fight”?  It seems excessive/ the truth however is, that women will be competing with men; and the more they know about men, the more able they shall be.  But that is not my choice.  Regardless whatever is going to be, will be, it is not my decision.  Trading places means: women can treat me, like men have treated them.  I cannot defend myself against them any better than women have defended themselves against men, all the aspects and realities of what women feel under these circumstances have been entering in; and I literally cannot defeat them.  Spiritual woman has defeated me.  Its not for chaos /life is the purpose here; that has not changed at all.  Its not bad (rather I am at the edge of “a woman’s life”/ rather than my own).  She absolutely insists; I don’t know what, how, or why it is that I am apparently of some kind of value to women.   She absolutely insists I tell you this.   The reality is so different, I never knew/ never considered women (they DON’T like to be studied): “I man/ you woman”; we are who we are.  That is absolutely not tolerated today, understanding is required, NO excuses: “learning SHALL occur”.  Is my reality.  Like it or not is completely irrelevant. 
All spirit IS TRUTH,   the greater the purity, the greater the power.  Hate cannot enter, even though it is a truth unto itself/ it has no purity; therefore it descends into chaos instead of life.  To enter into the spirit world of life, you are required to be “true to life”/ the level of purity achieved, allows “doors to open”.  But unless you do understand, it is impossible to leave: these are steps.  I do not understand women, as a consequence, I have become trapped in a relationship with “spiritual woman”, that will not end unless I do.  Its not a game.  I have no rights beyond what is free and fair to women, I just have to live it; no excuses. “I, am literally; not me anymore”; life is different, changed.  I did complain “unfair”/ and was told:   “Women have been treated unfairly too, throughout history”. End of discussion.  Don’t know how it ends.  Just life.  Don’t know why me.

The list of things people can and will say about such writings as are consistent with my descriptions of female spirit and me/ will be from absolute ridicule and disrespect, to complete fear: he is controlled by the possibility of “terrible things”.  This is not my debate, its yours/ but only if you refuse to remember: I am NOT the important aspect of this message called change or die.  You are!  Or if you refuse to remember: I cannot make you do anything, only you can choose to make the necessary decisions and change yourselves.  I cannot take your government employees to court beyond what they will do in fear of you and the laws of this land.  YOU must complete that job, because I cannot.  Its your life, not mine.  Consequently no right or reason for fear exists. The reality of spiritual woman and me, is now hers to decide; I just plain lost that battle to remain the same. She won........    Its not perversion!  Its much more like slavery/ but still not unfriendly to this date.  My rights are gone, she decides whatever she wants to decide.
I am not the important part of this message “change or die”.  Try to get by it, and discuss your future and lives; not me.  I suspect, that this writing is simply for women to understand, “he is NOT a threat”.  But it still seems excessive, I do not understand why I would be needed in this way.  So surprised/ perhaps everything returns to normal after whatever it is women need, is done.  I doubt it, but who knows; its complicated. 

I cannot save a hair on your head.  I cannot lead you to life or death/ ITS YOUR DECISION!   I am not your enemy proven by the fact I fight for life, and justice;  all life on earth/ it is you, that proves death, terror, and threats of extermination; failure and cowardice:    NOT me.     My job, is to explain to you, as best I can; NOT PERFECT/ as best I can!  That you need to change the realities and decisions of your life/ because if you don’t: THE EVIDENCE PROVES, YOU will not survive much longer.  Everything is on trial;   to live or die/ because of what your leaders, and their followers want.  And what they will not do: take responsibility for their lives and their children and future.  Instead they whine/ cry/ blubber/ throw tantrums/ cheat/ steal/ lie/ fail/ and live in fantasy and delusion to pretend this is not so.  Truth does not care: YOU WILL DIE/ unless you do change!  AND SOON, whether you like it or not.   Don’t want to listen/ ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to investigate, examine, or let the truth regarding evidence decide:   go ahead, assassinate your children for another day in time.  Its just an eternity/ its just the destruction of all    GOD’S   CREATION here on earth !      HELL, why should HE judge you for that?  Answer the question, and instead of hiding in your temples or whatever;   GO DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE.    For life/ instead of your greedy damn self;    For a change!

In all these words that have been written, THERE IS something you can use for the sake of life/ something of value or importance to you, that you can share.  The failure is yours, if you refuse.  Life or death is not a game. WE CANNOT BE WRONG!   PROVE WHAT IS THEN TRUE.     GO TO COURT, DEMAND THE EVIDENCE, AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF!