Body has taught me, “its not good to be wrong, because long term effects are real”.  Consequently, if it is clear something is wrong, it is also necessary to obtain whatever knowledge can be provided/ then you have a choice.  Do not simply believe; unless you are willing to risk your life in time.
The personal question established by this day is yet to be decided.  But the reality brings the question:   what is necessary, regarding healthcare in this world?
The answer begins with removing business from medicine/ as this is a reality that does not belong in the same environment as care.  Responsibility however requires each one to participate as best they can; “they work for you/ you work in exchange, for them” it is a simple process.  An incremental  step in “fair play” is, the addition of medical resources available “after hours, and over week ends” that is NOT charged at the rate of an emergency room.  If it is not trauma, or other true medical crisis/ then it is not an emergency visit and must not be charged as such.  We are a nation that works 24 hours a day/ the poor cannot afford to take time off, because they are slaves & that means they must go for medical treatment at off hours, because they cannot afford preventative treatments either.  And as we all know, “if its dangerous or unhealthy, go get the poorest of the poor; don’t tell them/ hand them a tiny pittance, and let them die”.   Don’t want to work the hours?  Too important, unless paid beyond anything realistic?  Got news, we don’t want to work them either, but must.  Got news;   WE are just as much “saviors” to the rest as are you/ need heat, need water, need food, need sewer, etc;    Think you can live without them: not a chance, in a world of 7 billion people.  WE, the workers of this society;      SAVE YOUR LIFE,  everyday. 

The answer returns to information and base knowledge to determine if this is a situation which requires “an emergency status”/ or if this situation can simply be ignored, for a length of time necessary to establish less cost.  Again the answer is found in the educational realities of teaching the young in all matters beneath surgery/ and for those interested, that too; in public education instead of trash that will never be used.  Again the answer can be found at a web site, functionally literate for the “common citizen”;   but created, supported, and staffed with online help by “the government”/ a site capable of answering questions.  A site critically able to accomplish a reasonable level of competency through written or verbal answers, to the questions people will have.  Every disease or trauma has a distinguishable pattern of influence, the appropriate communication tests, between caller and site;  WILL identify most levels of need without the intervention of an emergency room/ many will not require a doctors visit.  The site should include, current “transmittable diseases” in your area; and the level of infection specific to your symptoms.  Where it is fundamentally true, that the questions are answered clearly, rapidly, and honestly as best we can understand; simple and plain.  In many situations, where drugs with no current street value are to be used;   there is little use for a doctor or hospital.  The site can be used to order tests in your area, if necessary. Otherwise access to drugs for treatment is fair, legitimate, and to be legal.  This site should include the listing of all drugs capable of being used; their current market price/ side effects listed in the number of people who have had these effects per one thousand people/ and their effectiveness, as the price of one product that is a thousand times more expensive/ as compared to another product that produces the same result in slightly more time: is a personal decision, based upon your means.
WE NEED “a learning forest” of information that allows the evidence or “leaves, identifying symptoms” to present us with the branches a vast majority of the public can follow/ so that the root of the problem does appear.  It is our safety net, when the possibility of a second opinion is not realistic;   WE MUST do it ourselves.  We NEED “a learning forest” of information that grants critical understanding of this is a potential emergency/ this can wait/ or this is unlikely to be important any time in the immediate future.  Clear, plain, and simple information that applies basic understanding, to the need for paying money.  We need information on doctors and their ability to diagnose and treat a patient/ coupled with patient information such as is necessary to help the others decide, if they can.  We need critical evaluation of ANY diagnostic procedure, by more than one or two specialists: open the door, present the mamogram or whatever it is (identified by numbers for privacy) and let people compare.  Pay the people who prove they can accurately predict cancer or not/ this is “a second opinion” developed for safety and effectiveness.  It also takes away the intent to steal; but for safety, remember this:   if a doctor takes away “a new car”/ for an hour of surgery on you.  THEN HOW can you trust a GREEDY world?

GREED MUST END throughout the medical profession.  That does not mean poverty, it means FAIR!  The absolute criminal organizations that now protect the medical industry from being fair MUST BE DISBANDED/ TAKEN TO COURT/ AND PUNISHED ACCORDINGLY.  They are the people who have refused to train more doctors, even though the population has increased by more than double.  They are the people who stole doctors from other nations; by creating a tidal wave of GREED here “come and get rich”.  They are the people who buy and steal governments, to protect their plunder, the foundations upon which they rape, ravage, and destroy the harmony of nations.  Let them be known.  Let them pay accordingly.
There must be MORE INFORMATION available and taught to the general public, either through entertainment, wherein you learn “almost by accident”/ THEREFORE TRUTH in medical drama, not fantasy.  There can be medical “play for a million dollars” games; as there are many games of a similar kind: with the strict purpose of common language/ common illness can you answer the question; while teaching the people in a simple quick format.  Thereby learning, “by almost accident”.  There should be similar games of entertainment, about financial truths/ home ownership/ fraud & liars/ and more.  The common method of treating the poor is: if you present these symptoms and the treatment is less expensive than a test/ you simply start a treatment to see if the results will help you.  While the expensive tests, “look good on tv, where they are enhanced by computer generation/ and lots of manipulating”/ BUT the reality of these tests in real life is a far different reality, and of less value than expected.  Much is a game, strictly for money;   in terms of medicare and the like/ the common methods for the poor, “are good enough”.  If you have “money, and want more” then spend it yourself; ask the questions that identify your need.

The functional reality of our association with risk throughout this nation, is hidden behind many closed doors; all guarded with money, and the pride/ power/ and selfishness of those who do not care.  Considerable health trouble can be attributed to the choices being made for us/ one such choice is aspertame, a sweetener known to be “unhealthy” from the beginning.  A documentary called “sweet misery” applies this assertion for your interest: but broadcast media, the courts, your government, etc has no interest in your life; “money first”.  Yet the money matters even more, because your hospital bills are power too; and your lives are sold to the highest bidder/ bankruptcy and pain to you; but who cares.  Because power, money, and influence exist wherever greed sees a profit to be made.  Like the illegal drug business, ITS MONEY, power, and pride for all parties fighting with it/ and they don’t want to be “without an enemy” it ruins the game.  Aspertame/ nutrasweet or equal,  is consumed in large quantities particularly by women, and is likely the cause (must be proven) of a massive increase in breast cancer; as this product hit the shelves just prior to its increasing presence.  Do you not see, the drugs provided for your use are being sued increasingly: but not to worry, “they are still making money/ even though lives are tragically affected”.   There is consistent liver failure where people who use acetaminophen above dosage limits or for too long “weeks”/ essentially kill themselves, because of the drug.  The people who smoke are far more dangerous to themselves than to you; we live in a world of chemicals, genetic mutilation, poisons, and the altering of biological agents that will attack us, because the cost of antiseptics is higher than you wish to believe.  All of which are adding up to tragic healthcare; the price, of believing “money, or more correctly the people involved in money; wouldn’t kill you, because that is unfair. A government agency or employee is above bribery, just because “they aren’t suppose to be greedy”;    Is for children.   Grow up.
As is consistent with FAIR PLAY;   those industries associated with any specialized illness/ those industries which pollute specialized substances that are contributors or a direct cause of illness or death:   shall pay for the medical services the cost.  In addition, they shall pay for any death or disability attributed to them: let the public decide /by vote.   Do you not do so with asbestos?  Life first/ NOT money first is a doctrine of change.  Change means, IF YOU caused this problem/ YOU WILL change the production, correct the pollution, establish better methods and products:   OR WE THE PEOPLE, will charge you accordingly.  That does not mean “ perfection”/ but it does mean, to a level that will not adversely affect more than one in one million people.  Those who establish “industry standards”;   will be required to eat, breathe, and live within those standards themselves.  In other words, if you are in charge of this/ then you will live in the highest concentrations of “this”;  your home, your work, and your life will be among those proven to be at greatest risk.  
The removal of power, conceives of an opportunity for truth.  The removal of money first, DICTATES that life instead shall be first, as it must.  These are simple matters and have been discussed on the sites I have provided, although I don’t remember where; start at   Power is the decision to manipulate, tempt, control, abuse, use, or in any way alter the environment of another person or society:   for personal gain.  Personal gain is not, “a better, healthier, happier, peaceful and harmonious society where justice, fair play, and equality abide:   that is LIFE FIRST!  Personal gain, is just a blessing that comes with it.

The issues of industry and employment are simple ones:   we employ ourselves!  That means, if we so choose to build for ourselves a better life/ then we shall indeed do so.  The ONLY REALITY CURRENTLY in the way of a true society of hope and harmony;   ARE THOSE WHO CONTROL THE RESOURCES, and extort every penny they can from the people, because they can.  Or more simply, “the rich get richer; because they make you pay/ rather than offer you work”.   The elemental truth to change is:   WE NEED food, water, and basic services/ BEYOND THAT, we need a forum that allows clear, concise, and literal change to be evaluated for WE THE PEOPLE as is a courtroom:   under the law that says.   We do have a right to redress of grievances.  Or more correctly the first amendment to the constitution, that demands: when it is clear, this nation is in trouble and filled with liars and thieves,   WE WILL HAVE A CRIMINAL TRIAL, to evaluate and identify those traitors in government and others, who are trying to steal, rape, kill, and disgrace our nation and world.
That trial is on and it cannot be taken away, “by a clerks command: dismissed”.  That was AN ILLEGAL action taken in the US supreme court/ and it will not stand, not legally, not in any court of justice, and not in a nation which cares about its future.  Make your decision/ time is running out.