The tragedy of human want, unfolding by the simple statement: in California the sixth largest user of federal express (a shipper of packages):   is the sperm business.

That is a horrible statement of potential fact/ multiplied across this nation.  Or more simply women in droves, are abandoning men; and saying to themselves and their government/ this society, “let the men pay us/ while we shop for happiness, without them”.  Because you can produce a child in this way/ but you cannot support a child in this way, without society.  It is a terrible thing to do:   NOT because those women who want a child, are essentially wrong.  But because it invades and is at war with the entire relationship that is family.

Family IS, the most significant and real form of respect available to us all.  The critical truth, we are joined here, by our reality; does establish a critical bond whether you like it or not.  Not a choice, past the point of a child being born/ being conceived.  Therefore, to accept the simplistic statements of so many people in this day, “that sex, is just a game”/ DESTROYS or seeks to destroy, the truth that a child may arise; from this single decision.  How is that a game!

The sexual reality of this day, “for too many” is: an extreme behavior of failure/ the disease of believing what the sexual mob says, and reacting to that leadership.  As is true of every mob, BAD THINGS then occur/ once the flow of humanity begins to attack the truth.  Doesn’t matter which side you are on/ bad things are going to happen: because of the insanity released.  You cannot buy a man with sex/ you can only use him for awhile.  Neither can you buy a woman with sex.  The chemicals used in sex are addictive/ but they fade over time, which means that method of attraction will fade as well.  Not going to work “for life and family”, although for some it will provide the necessary time to get to know each other at least a little.  BUT FOR THE VAST MAJORITY, these relationships are only about sex, the demand for lust, and the failure to respect; because they do not provide that real opportunity to accept each other as human beings, cooperating as male and female; on the path to life itself.  Its just sex/ just sex, will make you sad: because its NOT you they want, just your body; as is lust.  Some will in fact “marry you”/ but its just for sex;   “You’re easy”.

So let’s discuss the truth about relationships and love/ the disciplines of what it does take to produce a family that exists in peace, harmony, and the values of life itself. 

The failure of relationships, the devaluing of friendships, the end of trust, and the beginning of “just me, and my desire are all I need”:   does establish the reality of so many women choosing a sperm bank.  IT IS necessary to understand: that I do agree with the reality of NOT perpetuating a disease of any kind/ so then rather than risking the life of a child, it MIGHT be better to find a donor.  That is a major decision, that needs truth and knowledge as best you can as a couple.  The reality of women that have been passed by/ have been attacked/ have been so badly disabled by relationships they cannot conceive of another:   is something only women can decide.  But I DO believe you must do it as a group, rather than an individual: BECAUSE we the people WILL BE ASKED TO PAY.  That does make it “our choice too”.  Enough of that.
We turn to the truth of relationships: what is it, that you must achieve before the reality of a bond can be formed/ thereby the beginning of family itself?   The answer is, there must be a distinct decision which literally describes respect.  NOT the endless temptation and lust/ manipulation or control/ not bribes or want or relationships which are paid for.  But simple and plain respect for the life you are.  Respect does NOT view the body or mind as “you”/ rather respect DOES accept, the decisions you have made, in my presence have transformed the reality of your life from a body or mind, into the presence of you as life itself, accomplished in my world (body, mind, and life).  The difference is:   instead of the eyes or mind/ you must use heart.  Heart is, the literal choice to believe you do have an opportunity to share this existence with someone else, by the truth of who you, and who they are.  Joined, not by sex/ which is not functionally joined (by hearts) at all, unless there is truth, trust, and love.  Sex is just sex/ unless your heart lends your soul. 

In addition to respect, the reality is: TO BE AN HONEST FAMILY, there must be trust.  Without trust, you have nothing described as a bond.  It is that simple.  Respect is an agreement, that we are individuals, equal/ with equal rights, and equal expectations for a future by our own design.  Heart is a decision, to believe in the possibilities of shared expression, the experience of a life joined by the hope called love, the reality described as friendship, and a destiny because we care.  But trust itself examines the truth of every relationship to decide if in fact: what is real, can be accepted or not.  If there are things which refuse acceptance (as there always are)/ then these things must be discussed in honest, complete, and literal truth; to understand clearly what is or is not correct in my own interpretation/ what is your purpose and desire here.  If you do discuss your concerns (no matter what these are), and find a resolution/ then you can bond, because you know what the future will be.  Liars are VERY unwelcome here.  Consequently, when you know someone lies to anyone;  no real trust can be formed until that has honestly, and permanently  changed.
LOVE enters, through acceptance.  Not “shopping”.  You cannot shop for a true mate for life/ you can only shop for want;  the decision, “nothing else matters, but me”. Life is not a barter system/ that is merely survival.  Life is about the truth of who you desire to be, and how best can we both understand a relationship that will become our path to that destiny.  Thereby love demands a shared destiny/ but life understands, it may become a different path.  Love exists in the soul/ life exists in time as a creation of what we did not do; it extends into eternity as a creation of what we did do.  Love is the essence and element which becomes, our participation in shared thought.  Or more simply, a creation between the lives who chose to belong together as one.  Love is neither simple or blind/ rather it discovers the truth, and understands the cost; thereby love is an experience revealed by the price you are truly willing to pay.  Love is, the essence of a choice, that believes you are worth “my life”.  Love is, the element of a decision to exclude the world, and become a relationship called soul.

Soul understands and creates the critical truth, that becomes a pathway into our own thoughts shared as one.  Soul, establishes the discovery of “doors”/ so that life itself can enter, and be found participating in the destiny of who we are to be, as one.  Soul becomes “the ascension of truth”, as it defines our relationship and designs the reality which we will become.  Soul is, the method of shared thought, that is an environment all its own. Consequently we live therein, as life shared together;  or not at all.  Because no other method exists, to share thought.  Purity decides the levels available to each one/ because anything less corrupts the whole.  Soul values truth, because it conceives of life.  Family then exists, by the peace created in trust, as it conforms to the shared existence of love, and provides the harmony of what can only be truth; as we each search for the path that will become, “the essence of ourselves”.  Without another life shared, we are alone.  Therefore forgiveness is essential in all families; so that our opportunity as life, “happy, because of you”/   may not be lost. 

The education of every child, should then include: how best to understand, every life has possibilities beyond what are common and constant in body or mind.  We are not simply bodies/ neither is the mind capable of greater things than measurements. Rather the essence of every human being is built upon the decisions that they make for themselves/ the reality of choice that discovers and chooses “the value of life itself”.  A destiny chosen, in eternity;   as only love can provide.

The disciplines necessary in a search for relationships and family include:   when you are young, the blessing is “an innocense”/ or lack of understanding about how much, another human being can affect your life: OR you can affect theirs.  It is, a harsh lesson, because when young “everybody experiments”;  doing their best to understand what works for themselves.  Consequently a true education must include the basic means for that experimentation in real life situations/ so as to provide the education without the harm. 
As people grow, so do desires; the possibility to change my life, because of you.  Or the possibility to share my life, with you.  Or the possibility to use you, for what I want.  Are all realities that will occur/ the variation of degrees, are the difference in people.  A possibility is not a decision/ a decision is the difference between what will be, and what will not.  Rape is a decision, made only by one.  An assault (you attacked me) is a decision that changed, but you refused to hear it.  A battery is by force/ you chose to use or abuse or defeat me; or make me fight.  The elemental right of every woman to protect and defend her body is without question.  The critical role of male in protecting that body is: that you must control yourself.  Not a game/ not an ownership/ not a “rodeo”/ not an opportunity just for you/ etc, etc, etc.  Be fair with each other, BE HONEST.
Grown up, means you do understand, because you have lived the reality and the consequences of what people do to each other/ good or bad.  Grown up means you know: that sex will NOT buy you a relationship to be valued.  Grown up means you understand: sexuality has a price, and sometimes it can be very high.  Grown up means you have accepted:   that bodies are realities of time, with needs/ the mind a composition that recognizes loneliness as a true threat/ and love, or at least its beginnings as a potential that cannot be met; simply because life itself “has other plans”.  Want is irrelevant, life is a reality today, and a decision that will become “tomorrow”.

 Morality is a decision of society, to distinguish what the majority believe is in their best interest/ thereby restricting individuals, by the rules of conduct that do not interfere in their own lives.  In common practice, it is generally a useful tool for society/ but it can be a disaster for the individual, freedom does not know rules.  It knows, or believes: in what happiness might be.  Happiness is elusive to all but those who do truly know love, its trust, its respect, its value, and its desire for a purity that continues to grow relationships for life.  Because that is something few attain, there are people so jealous; they turn to violence “its like I am dead, or dying inside; because of these”.  The end result is a criminal element, that becomes integral to society itself.  Or more simply “I am unhappy/ therefore you cannot be happy either”/ so there!  Morality therefore seeks to compensate the unhappy, with rules to make those who are happy “less so”.  By taking away their freedoms.  The disciplines of rules are very simple: someone must or will attain the power, to influence or control your life, all our lives/ unless we obey their rules.  The consequence is unhappiness, because all power is a description of loss, to our individual human reality of time and freedom.

More simply:   we cannot avoid the consequences of society upon our lives, therefore we must do the best we can to influence society in ways that do appreciate and respect every life.  Thereby opening the door for greater peace and harmony amongst us all.  We cannot avoid our own individual desires, by “producing a child”; to end loneliness for yourself/ that is using the child, NOT loving him or her.  We must each accept the responsibility of creating ourselves, by the decisions we personally do make (even if influenced by another/ you did, or did not accept, by the decision you did make and the reality of what you did or did not do).  Therefore it is, your choice/ your reality as life exhibited for all to see: “for GOD to see”.  No excuses, every decision is either designed to accomplish love or hate/ because survival is the only other real choice.  Survival is what it is.  Love or hate are, the decisions that you do make; even when confronted by abuse.  When you measure people, you lose the possibility of sharing life.   A measurement is strictly related to time/ time is a description “of steps”; not life itself.  Life is defined and created by thought, thought is the elevation of soul by the experience of love; the expansion beyond ourselves, into an existence beyond simply me.  Consequently whatever people say about you, measure you as either good or bad/ the truth is clearly affixed by what has value beyond yourself.  The decision and the discovery of life.  NOT “just you”.

The understanding of life, brings with the influences of every decision that is corrupting or gracious to life/ that means “the good with the bad”; because what influences our society as a whole/ our lives as an individual, is built upon what influences us all.  A journey unto itself, that is both good and less than desire-able. It is conceived by an endless array of “BUT WHY”/ I DO NOT recommend it!  Learn here instead. The development is consistent with reality/ the design is influential with growth. Consequently as a child I do say to you:   you cannot understand the full or even real compositions of life; because you do not or have not experienced what corrupts or blesses us all.  Therefore you just don’t know, and must depend upon “the best we can do, for you”.  That becomes morality, governed by the fact society moves together, rather than individually.  Whereas individuals move within the grace and duty, which will honor their lives/ “or the other side”, which then destroys, both themselves and others.  It’s a choice.
The critical difference between who to believe or trust with the information that competes for your decision is NOT, “who delivers the message”/ BUT rather what is the truth of that message, in terms of its contribution in understanding and knowledge; so that you may decide for yourself.  We do not live based upon the decisions of others/ WE LIVE as defined by the truth of what we did or did not decide within ourselves.  When you follow, you gain or lose according to where you are led: as is consistent with this day in time/ your leaders have led you to extinction.  Either stop following lies and fantasy or die.
The critical path establishing WHAT IS THE TRUTH MOST APPARENT, that we may in fact be certain of our future/ is developed by the concentration of realities, until you discover the assembly called WHY.  Why displays the cause/ reality displays the effect: wisdom understands, because knowledge allows it to be so.

 The confrontation of society upon itself: WHY DID WE GET HERE?  Must seek the elevation of steps:  which becomes the evidence of decline or the destiny we seek.  That relationship is discovered through the disciplines assigned to prove or disprove this particular participant (something that changed society) in truth;   did this, without frills or excuses, it did do this.  Therefore as we rely upon the evidence of what can be proven as a fundamental change in society because of a particular event or purpose, hidden or revealed: we then become aware of what has established itself over our own decisions.  That is commonly associated with an image, or “fake god/ etc”.  Or more simply, when you simply believe regardless of the truth involved saying to yourselves “this one, or these are correct/ without assembling the critical knowledge and understanding for yourselves to prove or disprove that as a fact”/ you do simply allow them to be “as gods over you”.  This one knows everything/ or as is an image:  “these, are greater than us”.  LIFE REQUIRES YOU, to make your own decision about everything!  OR, accept the consequences of following others.  Which can be as severe as an eternity in HADES (eternal punishment for destroying creation itself).  Therefore why are you so lazy, wake up, and be yourself. 
To that most will say, I simply cannot determine what I need to know on my own/ therefore I must believe; the end result is, or has been that religions were born, and established by common consent. “I believe that too”.  But belief is not truth, and truth is not subject to what you do or do not believe; therefore you do surrender your life to that religion, and its opportunity to lead you wherever it goes.  The question called truth is not open to discussion/ rather the reality of truth is closed to the single decision: “I CANNOT avoid this truth, it exists/ until proven otherwise”.  Therefore the path forward is gained by the understanding of what cannot be dismissed, it is real/  except by liars and fools.

The question of life, revolves around our participation in truth/ our eternity is determined by the truth within our soul.  Therefore it is important, that you care for yourself.  Not simply believe what you are told.  To care means: I am involved because this is more important to life itself, than just to me.  To share the evidence of what I understand to be true: examines both me and truth to seek the message, of what binds us all together as life itself.  That we may all benefit from the relationship love identifies in each one/ we are born with love inside: but we must find it for ourselves, or it can die, if you simply don’t care. 
As a mother to a child, the most critical gift beyond existence itself, is that you can be given the knowledge to search within yourself AND beyond yourself, for the evidence that is life itself.  Hidden by survival, it shall be the difference between love and hate in you.  Hidden by the evidence of corruption in humanity, it becomes the difference between what has value in you, or more correctly to you.  Revealed, by the knowledge of life itself; our reality conceives of eternity itself, and your own participation therein.  Truly, what has more value than that! 
The discovery of thought is not a prison, but a distinction created in the summary of value.  The difference assigned by love or hate/ and the value called life itself.  Thought is then by its definition in survival as the foundation upon which we live/ a reality of choice.  Family is, the destiny or life, we choose together.
But reality is: that unless human population stops growing immediately/ this entire ecosystem shall collapse, because nature itself,  can no longer sustain us all, as we are.  A choice, life by understanding and acceptance of the facts/ or death, the cost of a continual human disease called: want, without responsibility.  What you “think is fair” does not matter/ truth decides.  Truth knows, we are dead/ without true change.  As a mother to a child, “toys and trinkets” cannot keep you alive.  The cost of life, is understanding the difference between truth and lies.  Want is irrelevant.