For the sake of Haiti

Again, it is necessary to do only what is important or catastrophe will increase, as people become despondent about their situation and turn to violence instead.
That MEANS, you MUST put them to work!  That means there must be incentives to work.  And that means that some form of money must be used. 
The work is
1.  The people of Haiti must accomplish the distribution of food supplies for themselves: you bring it to the port/ they distribute it.  Sell them a truck/ by grouping the people (give them a name) and letting those people decide who is responsible for the food when it gets there/ who gets it/ where it will be put and so on.  Get out of their way!
2.  There must be sewers and water/ find something usable and hook it up; as simple as possible.
3.  Some type of agreement must exist for ownership of a plot of ground/ get it done.  Therefrom whosoever gets ready first/ gets resources to complete their house or whatever as reality allows.
4.  The primary construction method is concrete; give them sledge hammers and pry bars and wheel barrows and let them work.

5.  With concrete crushers and cement that material is then turned back into a house.  The proper building begins with a flattened piece of ground and a slab.  No foundation necessary for a home/ because there is no frost cycle.  Let the building move to give it protection from an earthquake.  Every concrete building should be constructed with no less than 4 “L shaped precast corners, measuring not less than 5 feet per side with a rounded bend.  (For structural stability) these same corners can be arranged in the center of the floor back to back in an X pattern (either 2 or 4) dependent upon the size of the building.  If 4 either bolt them together, or pour concrete into the middle area between them to establish a bond for stability.  Tie the upper corners together with whatever you got, including “glued together materials, such as is common with fiberglass”.   The building needs a roof/ but after that the wall sections that have not yet been dealt with can be filled at any time (its warm)/ or the people can collect concrete debris to use as “block filler” and cement their walls together/ change it later; plaster over perhaps.
6.  There has to be gas or electric somewhere, “for a restaurant”
7.  There should be communications, such as radio played on loudspeaker for the community with hours of the day dedicated to information, and hours dedicated to music.
8.  There needs to be public meetings for the purpose of deciding the fate of the nation/ and what WILL be better after we rebuild.  Do not let the foreign contractors run away with the money collected for you.
9.  The people with contagious, dangerous diseases MUST be quarantined outside an area of population/ keeping the spread of that disease to the least harm possible.  Just how it is.

The first one

The reality and consequence of all major human disasters is the same.  Every society that honestly shares the rewards and responsibilities of life, heartache, and hope/ finds peace and happiness when that time is real.  Every society that divides itself into those who have, and those who have not; finds hate. Every person that demands: I will control, I will make this decision, I will be “the owner here, and the rest have no say”; will find themselves abandoned.  Unless they are in fact correct/ and do accept the responsibility of being wrong, when not, and then change. As has been constant in life: jealousy will erupt, if the others are not allowed their say and their own decisions; even if wrong.  But it is not acceptable when wrong; to then say: “I/ you should have made me do this”/ when nothing in fact would have made you listen, because pride or power stood in the way. Rebuilding a nation, REQUIRES the heart of that nation to say:   we will, because we know life is worth this price.  Look to all the people for answers/ listen to all the people for sharing/ let reality lead, but do not forget time is required for life as well as work.  Don’t forget the people who are asked to give. It is of paramount importance that every person make their own decisions for their own life.  But in the case of catastrophe, where the devastation is bad: it is absolutely necessary that the interests and needs of the whole society shall come first. When that society by vote or other consensus states that we are now “ok”/ only then do the demands for personal investment or desires find an ear or material substance.  Community comes first/ NOT the individual.  Until an economy, a harmony through government and courts is found, and base needs are met, or at least the opportunity for all to find their own way has been honestly conceived.

As in Haiti today, when massive disaster strikes the end result is people are cut off from their food and water supplies/ common situations, family, and friends/ transportation and communication links are broken/ and base utilities simply disappear.  All of these combined produce an immediate demand for assistance, that cannot be delayed:   with the consequence of death, dismemberment, anger rising, or hope fading, if you do.  Neither can you separate the people, into groups that do or do not get what they need/ including women and children only;   rather than men.  It will leave them asking “why are they more valuable than me/ and that leads to measuring the women and children with hate: I NEED THIS TOO”.  All aid must be equal/ until such time as each has enough.  Only then can you pick and choose, a little.

As has been proven true in Haiti, the common methods of “convoys to the rescue”/ are of little value, as they are insufficient by every means of measure for the first few weeks.  That leaves the main immediate relief available MUST come by air.  That means parachute drops with food, water in particular, medical supplies, and tools for use in excavating trapped people are required.  The alternate method in this situation is by numerous small water craft/ something that needs no large dock to deliver around the island.  To eliminate critical fights over the food supplies, simply deliver “useful food”/ but with little sellable value; until you are ready to guard and distribute.  That means without a clear monetary value for later/ the need or desire to steal will evaporate, yet the people will be fed.  As to water, dropped in fifty five gallon drums with simple pumps, the ability to steal drops considerably/ whereas the ability to control escalates.  But here too, those who do try to control and profit/ WILL BE identified and criminal charges brought; thereby if clearly informed the desire to do this drops considerably unless “real trouble” exists. The need to reestablish accessible water wells, by whatever means necessary, is a first order of business more so than rescue.  Medical supplies such as antibiotics, bandages, splints, antiseptics, and means to treat blood loss as best you can are fundamental to keeping people healthy.  These are dropped with pamphlets using pictures and words to help describe how to use them/ let the people try, because it is their lives, and having the option to do something, as best they can/ is FAR better than being able to do nothing.  Send help to instruct the people, not simply do the work for them: TEACH HOW, AND GATHER HELP! Even though some will be done wrong/ it is better than nothing.  There are fundamental tools that are useful in concrete and wood structures;   a gas powered jackhammer comes to mind/ picks/ shovels/ large hammers/ hydraulic jacks/ pry bars/ and so on.  A few people to control the jack hammers and teach the people how to use them would be useful.   When you add these things to the disaster zone, there is hope, appreciation for a chance to make things better on your own (saved my wife or child) etc.  When you fail to deliver on time, the alternate comes true: and the people begin to say, “they delayed/ and we died”.  Keep it in mind.  Trying to control a disaster zone is “a complete idiot” in charge.  What you can do is help the people help themselves; IS THAT NOT BETTER?  Or more simply empower the people to help themselves.

In the days to come, if order does not disintegrate into chaos.  After water the first order of business is again the main distribution of water so that the people can scatter into diverse area’s and not find hatred.  With water, drop some plastic piping on top of the ground where needed:   sewage becomes at least possible/ and it is likely that some “usable” working pipes can be found: build a “shed of many toilets on top”   And allow for a line of showers that functionally drain helping to flush the mess.  The brushes used in Europe, are much simpler than toilet paper in this case; a little chlorine to go with it.  If there are functioning gas lines, use them to create restaurant style,  food distribution centers, and hire and pay the locals to “run the soup kitchen for the others”.   Looting is irrelevant/ that is up to the people themselves if they want to protect or defend anything but life. Some MUST occur to find tools/ to find food or water/ to find soap or clothes: do you see a store?   A courtroom is necessary, as time goes on: be prepared to settle disputes, with reasonable simple solutions.  Criminals are chained and put to work at hard labor, on something useful.

The functional reality of disaster is simple: “its your home/ your house/ not mine”.  Therefore you clean it up, fix and build, and we will help you succeed by supplying food, some tools to start, some supplies equivalent to what you have scavenged (those who scavenge,  are the workers/ those who build something of value, with the scavenged materials, are the leaders); and some type of loan for rebuilding realistic shelter.  DON’T let the college grad decide who gets help or loans, etc/ they live in a fantasy world without knowledge of life.  Let either the people themselves choose/ or let the military or some other version of people with actual common sense (the understanding of reality, created by living what is true) pick and choose.  Or perhaps churches, and so forth.  The reason crisis and catastrophe comes time and again/ and yet few are better prepared than the last time is because you have “college diplomas standing in the way”; collect the knowledge from living it, and produce the results that are taught.  NOT from a book/ from life.  In that regard, all medical students as can be found and transported shall be drafted into each and everyone of these situations: they will learn more in a week here/ than in a year at “school”.  Teaching clinics MUST BE EMPLOYED to establish best practice methods, in construction, first aid, etc  among all people;   no complete the course (in three weeks or less), no loan.     Clear examples of construction techniques, plans, and so forth available for all to understand.  In earthquake prone area’s, it is necessary that the structure be able to move/ NOT fixed in place, but contained, within a few inches. Cables strung through the floor to support the floor if it fails/ and anchored into the walls will help, if you do it correctly. Steel builds quickly if you have the tools. Haiti is not a country in jeopardy of “killing cold, or monsoons”/ therefore immediate shelter is not the most critical factor. 
Building a food supply is critical/ and needs to be addressed with all available means to plant crops and tend livestock so that they can be independent.  Simple tools, suitable  seeds, access to water and transportation for the crop; and a site to sell, are all fundamentals.  Buses, can be used to transport the people to their work sites; the USA throws away city buses that are still completely usable.   Feeding fish along the island to attract them for fishing will be useful if there is something like corrupted food to feed with.

Building a job base is simple and plain: plenty of work for everyone/ including the disabled; select and specify jobs that they can do, and let them do so.  Everyone else is applied to cleaning up and rebuilding.  Paying for that employment is a choice! It is simple and plain, to create a monetary base by establishing a new currency and dividing that out among the people themselves.  They will then pick and choose what is valued, and what is not. 
The orphans NEED help, and that is best left to world wide organizations if they are willing/ until it is clear, after three years; yes, there can be some time and effort for you among their own people.  Children over ten years can work effectively if care & respect exists for them. Even younger/ but you rob them of childhood.

After a week or more, the consequence of dead bodies in the street and everywhere becomes a blight, that the people begin to understand MUST be dealt with as quickly as possible. As a consequence, they become willing to stop looking at dead, as the life it was/ and begin “picking up the refuse” so life can go on. A dead body is not life, it simply becomes disease and tragedy to the living if not removed.  Even so, for foreigners to assume they can do whatever they please with these bodies is a complete mistake.  It is instead necessary to bring in, trucks/ trailers, whatever can be used for transport; brought in by landing craft to this site;  or whatever you have available. It is not necessary to bring new/ look to rental business, to see what they wish to replace; etc.  And hire the people themselves to load the bodies. In this case/ likely taken out to sea, far enough so the bodies cannot float back.  Piled into one of the dredging ships, that have an opening bottom for allowing dirt to escape will work, if you collect “dirt” off the bottom floor to put on top and force them out.  Either that or bulldozers are needed on shore.  Payment for the people who help do this work, will be in construction equipment for the people; but those hired, who did the work with dead bodies;  will be the leasing agents (people who decide). There are other styles of ships such as those used to float entire ships as was used with the USS COLE.  Wherein dead bodies are temporarily fenced in to keep them on board/ and then the ship is lowered into the water so that the bodies will float off by themselves. Or with bulldozers bodies can be moved off an aircraft carrier.  Tell the people what you will do with these bodies do not let there be confusion.  Even though it is unkind, to the memories/ it is necessary for life to move on.  In all cases of work, hire the people themselves, so they can be functioning and producing for life, community, and nation without you as much as possible.

Either, as a “world bank” you can establish materials including food as needed;   available for use, with a no interest loan to be paid back by the Haiti government at some point (unlikely to be paid, but needed to be plain).  The people rebuild for themselves or die/ or turn to anarchy and chaos.
Or, you can pay the people who do the work,  per site that is cleaned up, correctly:   with enough money to make them believe it is worthwhile.  That presents a paycheck to be used for their personal decision.  In exchange, there can be “leased ground (twenty years, unless it provides suitable employment to these people, and then not more than forty years: NO tax exemptions.)” available to the financial backers for their usage:   BE FAIR, not greedy. Let the people themselves decide.

Or, you can create consortiums among the people, to grant loans for larger projects, so that their paying the rest by employment for these jobs, or as a result of these jobs; becomes an economy for the city.  These consortiums would then become responsible for major tools, such as concrete crushers, food packaging or preservation, excavators, trucks and so on.  BUT LET IT BE REAL, if you bring in anything that is not critically necessary, the people will give up the hard work and expect the machines to do it; wanting welfare instead of work or money. When a machine proves it can do in a day what you cannot in a month: people ask “why me”:   because their own work with hand tools, cannot compete with the machines. It takes determination to continue, and most are unable. The end result is “a few rich people, will exist, because they own the machines”/ all the rest will be poor: because the opportunity to do for yourself, will disappear.  Therefrom, it is in the best interest of all, to accept that it must be the government itself, that controls all large machinery.  So that all the people can pay for it, and benefit by it, as a population.  And when twenty years have gone by, and it is no longer needed and considered worthless by many; the government doesn’t have them either.  And they return to limited capitalism. Limited capitalism is based upon having enough resources or opportunities to allow functional “make your own job”.

Or,   every functioning society must have work for its people/ that means finding the available resources/ isolating the fundamental need so that efficiency and effectiveness identify what to do with that resource/ and establishing the infrastructure required to use it wisely; rather than give it away to greed, power, pride, selfishness, and the inevitable hate as men have always done.  What we know of Haiti at this very moment is: they have a lot of de-constructed concrete/ a lot of it in slabs.  That means if the slabs are broken apart into manageable  pieces  those pieces function as bricks to establish a suitable building block that can be used for rebuilding.  If not a permanent structure, or part of a permanent structure, or fireplace for cooking/ then certainly a temporary structure built at intervals to provide short term housing or storage facilities while the rebuilding occurs.  With a few simple tools, the piping and wiring can be redone to assemble new works.  This is not a rich land/ nor it is a rich world anymore; consequently unless you use what you have/ you will have little or nothing.  As is true of New Orleans;   let the people believe someone else will do all the work/ and nothing gets done, except for con artists, thieves, government failures, and the work of people who did do for themselves. Solar cookers will soon be useful.  Wind turbine generators (if winds are steady enough) so that no dependency of fuels will reoccur/ adjust how you live, rather than what you can use, with credit.  One of those adjustments must be birth control/ and it is fair and reasonable that women be paid for that purpose;   not because it is fair or reasonable to ask women/ but because “fixing men” will not work.  Therefore money given to women for this choice, IS A GOOD THING TO DO/ because this world is full, and every child represents the potential of one hundred years of needs.  Not abortion/ not children/ preferably not women under the age of twenty five, who have not had one child.  But regardless the women themselves will have to decide what they can or will do, and what they will ask for in payment. This is a casualty of over-population for an entire planet, not just this place or these women/ but must be repeated time and again;   or life on this earth will simply end: “all gone/ nothing left”.

Every person WILL have to adjust to what has been lost/ and forget what they would have been able to have;   if this situation did not exist!  That is my life too, tears won’t help; what needs to be done, simply needs to be done.  Like it or not, is absolutely irrelevant.  The simplest way is simply do not be tempted to think about what “might have been”.  That does not exist, for you.  We MUST all live the life we are given, each day; regardless of what that is: want is irrelevant.  If you run away, the odds are things can even be worse/ because few if any will be available to help you.  If you hide from the truth/ lies are all you have, and they will hurt you.
Regarding the future of every disaster area, it is necessary to assemble what you believe this place can be for you, and everyone else/ and then assess if it is worth rebuilding.  In this world today, where will you go?  Which essentially means, we absolutely must take care of wherever we are/ because there is no other real place to go; all are taken, which allow for an easy life. The functional reality of every disaster area, IS NOT how much foreign workers can do for you.  IT IS, how many people can be put back to work, as fast as possible.  No lawsuits allowed until such time as everything is functioning again/ and order can be allowed to rule.  For the time being, it is survival, within the disciplines of :   no violence allowed, as best we can.  Of necessary work in Haiti is the port, wherein large ships can come for the sake of helping. The opportunity for men in particular to find work here is useful/ let them be in charge, with all they can do; take charge and do what they cannot do.  IF the sea is deep enough outside a protected port, close in/ a temporary docking system would aid considerably.  Every successful intervention, where a life hangs in the balance is determined by the level of honesty created in kindness, whereby the life in jeopardy believes, “at last, I can be safe here, heal, and carry on”.

There will be a desire to turn away from concrete as a building structure/ but it is the most suitable for hurricanes, and this is a place with strong weather from time to time.  The forests of this world are ruined, and will need a long time to rebuild if they survive.  That means, from the “dirt” you will build/ or by recycling the old.  Which leaves this nation with a need to use concrete.  The question that erupts is, even though another major earthquake will not be expected for a time, even if it is possible over the next two years: what is the best method of concrete construction available?  Freed from the foundation to “dance like a rock on the table”, is only a beginning. That alone will not help unless critical corners, and functional joints will support the weights that will be applied.  One such change is then a rounded corner throughout construction, and small pillars, built into the walls at frequent intervals to add sway support to the walls. Even though they will break at the seams, if it is substantial enough, it will not allow the structure to collapse.  Double walls, are clearly useful, establishing a wider base/ and letting the heat remain on the outside for a more “delicate living environment” inside. Instead of solid slab floors/ the need is for honeycomb floors creating fault lines so that if the crush of weight movement is too great, the entire floor won’t fall/ but break at prearranged area’s to reduce stress. Structurally round, window framing would be best.  Steel roofing/ framing, is likely the most desirable; it will bend and twist more than wood/ rather than break and collapse; but mostly wood will become scarce. 

There are a variety of factors that fundamentally determine what needs to be done, when critical change has occurred.  One such factor is community involvement in what the people believe is in their best interest, and what they are willing to do with the resources that are available.  What they hope to have when the work is through.  All necessary venues to the creation of a new experience in society, as that is what critical collapse means.  For the sake of survivors, a computer networking system needs to be in place immediately; so that families can find each other.  Computers so that names can be listed alphabetically and inserted as such/ various information collected;  such as children:    used to search where the people are, and who is lost, injured, or in true need (please come).


In its most simple sense: The same is functionally true of me, the erosion of male has produced an absolute demand to find a new way to survive under different “environmental conditions” ; its hard, but there are benefits. Every new experience has both loss and the potential for gain. This experience has produced a gain for you, for life on earth in terms of an opportunity to learn what must be examined and investigated by you, to survive without destroying all life.  This experience has been a very valuable gain for me, in that you did receive this message in time for yourselves, and I work for life on earth. Thereby well worth its price.  I write this, because it is necessary for me to order my own life, and it is helpful to write things down so there is the least confusion possible. 
Haiti can be rebuilt better than before/ by its own people, it’s a choice, if they are willing to do the best they can.  We all  must accept, what environment insists upon, and just do the best you can/ but with thought, understanding, and determination.

 Time and space combined are an element of existence/ a creation born to be envisioned by the structural integrity of what time can bring, within the space allotted.  Effective management, creates what truth will allow/ NOT what want will lie to you about.  For me, my breasts have grown a little/ and my life has changed with the invasion of more “kindness, gentleness, a demand to be nicer to people, with a softer touch”.  But that has also presented a new experience; the bond with men “same” has now disappeared;   not a bond with women either, but somewhere in between.  I have found balance, but it is a new and different experience, strange in many ways distant from everything, yet tied to everything.  The spiritual woman keeps me company.  Different, hard to describe, but   “With love, that much I know”.

As to the constant threats of catastrophe for this entire planet, the elemental task is the building of laws by the people which will protect life and planet.  Not the “billions of pages” like politicians, lawyers, and the university produce.  BUT REAL LIFE LAWS, that are fundamentally known, taught to all the people, and able to be memorized so that each one knows what is the law, and what is not the law.  This is an immediate need/ as there is an absolute assault on every form of environment, resource, and life on this earth occurring at this very moment. It CANNOT wait!  That means today is the day for working for life, not tomorrow/ we do not know, upon what day the point of no return will pass by, and it will be too late for life on earth.  But clearly it will be soon, without true and real change called LIFE MUST BE FIRST!  Not money ever again.  Without the law leading, every demand for adherence to life, will simply erupt into violence as men defend their greed, pride, and power/ by making other men and women and children starve, or fear for their lives in other ways.  With law, the acceptance and demand of all the people, for the sake of life/ even though CHANGE will be required.  The law can and will control, IF YOU ENFORCE IT.  No government leader/ no court/ no military commander/ etc is above the law.  We are all responsible to the demands for life first from all the people; or at least its true majority.  Nothing else will do.  Change is coming, either as catastrophe, or as a new life in society; through the reality and truth of what we choose as the basis, purpose, and desire for the nation within which we live.   It’s a choice, but it is also a work that will not quit until you prove this must be so.  The courtroom provides the opportunity to understand WHY. The people themselves decide if there will be change.  There are no second chances;   once past the threshold where nature can in fact provide for us all.  Nothing is left but murder/ cannibalism/ and hate, as more and more people learn:   we have nothing left but ourselves.   The machines which made life easier for all humanity/ now threaten to consume you, by taking more than nature will allow.  Common sense, honesty, discipline, RESPECT, truth, and fair play through justice for all are essential to any type or form of future life can be, here on earth.  Without them all, you will not survive much longer. 

This is a truth, that cannot be made “gentler”.  This is a reality of our time, here on earth in this day.  And it is up to us as human beings to determine what is true, and make decisions that will support and defend nature, and therefrom us.  It is up to us, to accept this environment has limits/ because we are now so many people there is no other choice, but to limit ourselves. This is in essence a function and purpose of war, as there are many who will literally refuse change.  But the war MUST be waged with law, and world law; truth, and majority intent: “we are the owners here”.   Or it will simply turn to hate, and all will be lost anyway.  That too, cannot be made “kinder”.  It is a simple fact.
In the essence of being nice to people, the very simplest truth is:   that love will provide a solution for harmony/ law will provide a solution for peace/ happiness will be found in friendship and hope/ and disciplines through order and balance will dislodge fear.  Therefore it is fair and kind to say, search inside your own heart to establish these things for yourself, so that then you can share, what you created, inside your heart.  If you care, you will find a way.
Tragedies will come, “terrible choices have been made”. But they will not defeat you/ unless you simply surrender, or refuse to care, until it is too late. 
I remind you of this simple truth: what is life without someone to love, without another life to share yours with, without someone or some other living creature to live for or with?   The answer is, extremely lonely and without purpose or desire.  It would be as if you were deserted on the surface of the moon alone.  While that may sound like an adventure/ I assure you, it would end in tragedy for you.   Consider that, as people come insisting “money first”.  What will you buy, when everything is gone?  The answer is death/ who will you be “somebody” too, then. Be somebody now, help save life on earth!  We do sit at the edge of complete destruction.  There is no kind way to say that/ it is simply the truth. 

Try not, to be like america today; wherein too many people, with too much pride, too much power, and too much selfishness get in the way of what WE THE PEOPLE can or would do for ourselves, and for life.  They love to talk/ they love to get in the middle and confuse, so that they can be “leaders”.  Do only what I tell you to do/ be the perfect slave.  The people of power, pride, and selfishness are a failure. “They know/ rather than each situation must teach me, what it needs in this day.”  This nation is dying, because of you/ and a long list of others to arrogant, too careless or apathetic, too much hate or fear,  etc/ etc/ etc.  And too much, no one will listen to me/ there is nothing I can do, it is useless.  You are wrong/ you can do whatever you can do, and it will always make a difference to life. Let truth decide.   That may not be kind/ but it is true.

Remember this:   that like Haiti, you do not know when a tragedy is coming/ unless it comes because of your gambling.  In which case it is only a matter of time.  Or your arrogance, such as in weapons of mass destruction.  Or your greed as in depression and poverty across this world.  Or your simple apathy; just don’t care enough to save a life, or a world/ until its too late to make a difference.  Lots of things, all piled up like a big concrete tower, or two/ that surely no one in their right mind would fly a plane into.  Indeed, no one in their right mind did/ but insanity ruled that day.  Tremendous amounts of insanity, playing god with all life on earth, arrogance all but beyond belief, and absolute stupidity are approaching “world flood”.  If we don’t stop them, this entire world, will look like Haiti, only far worse. Desperation will greatly exceed that in Haiti today.  And so on, because terrible decisions have been made by the leaders of men, and those who follow.  Men have set this entire world up for catastrophe.  Either we change that, or we live that until dead.  Again there is no nice way to describe that, it is a simple truth/ requiring a courtroom to teach what is our reality and its consequences.  Don’t believe, SEARCH FOR TRUTH.