January 20/ 2011

I find myself unemployed from this work today, still established with the court/ but what I can do, has been done.  Apart from simply finishing with the courtroom. The foundation of this work is; we must change.  A courtroom cannot do that/ therefore the outcome will be determined by the people themselves; not the law or me.  The lawsuit itself then becomes of minor importance to me;  at this time.  Your opportunity to change is bordered by the laws, democracy, and force you intend to us. Not my decision.  You will make that decision, you will change as a people, you will face your reality as a nation and world, you will decide if the law and democracy rule or not.  You are on trial, good or bad.  Because how you judge your own place in this world, as responsible to truth and reality/ determines your future as a world, for life on this entire planet.

Regardless of that, I must start a new life;   must find a new passion, and purpose beyond the simple truth of desire found in the words:    I/ WE MUST fight to keep this creation alive, to return to respect, and believe again in the value of being human.  YOU, have now inherited this work.
That is your decision now, & you DO understand!

We can conceive of a different world, by asserting that we honestly need very few in government employ.  We can make changes by establishing a critical concept for life or work or transportation or education or whatever it is: discussing the realities assigned by these decisions in direct association with truth and consequences.  Working them down into a very specific and distinct format that all can understand/ and then voting for ourselves if this is significant enough or not to rule our lives.  “A hundred laws” is enough, to rule a nation: the amendments to the constitution/ the ten commandments; are two good considerations about how these “one hundred laws” must be written: SHORT, DISTINCT, ASSIGNED A SPECIFIC PURPOSE/ and not easily misinterpreted by anyone.  Because there will always be people who want to rewrite the law.  By restraining change to any law, to a greater percentage than those who voted to create the law that exists:   few attempts will be made, therefore the plague of people with an intent to change a law, will simply fade away, unless it is important.  Making life peaceful and secured.  Peaceful and secured IS A THREAT, to all the people who want to be rich!  NONE can be “rich”/ without making the others slaves.   Few, will be wealthy (considerably more than the rest) without a tremendous amount of work, risk, knowledge, or ability.  That means there is a price for peace,   “We are equals”.  But there is harmony in being equal as well, it is a place for friendship, family, and love.  Again, this is a THREAT; to all who hate.  Because there will always be those, who fail their lives.  They must be separated, so as to give the life people claim to deserve, to themselves.  THIS IS NOT a light or insignificant decision/ not anger (there is a foundation), not measured (we don’t care).  The removal of hate is the clear and distinct assignment: “all life in your eyes, has become worthless”.  Some can recover from this, and rebuild a life/ some never will.  BE CAREFUL what you do.

As to the simplicity of taxes: if you remove the game/ it then comes down to being fair.  All collections and so on MUST BE LOCAL/ NEVER a “government agency”.  Rather taxes will be changed from “the IRS”;   to a competition bid among local auditors or agents with skills in “accounting”.  The people themselves in that area will decide who best does this job, at the price they are willing to pay.  The actual payment of taxes is also a matter to be discussed, rather than enforced: therefrom we the people decide as ourselves, what is needed or not.  Its not a hard concept:   establish specific details, accept bids/ define just how much money must be collected from each one to do this work, and pay for these resources; and then decide if you can afford it.  NO PUSHING THE PAYMENT AWAY, the children are NOT your slaves.  If you won’t pay, and be specific; it shall not be/ even if   “Grandma dies/ or the snow isn’t removed/ or whatever” as a result.   Demand anything you like/ BUT REMEMBER YOU MUST PAY THE DEBT! NO more fantasy or delusion or pretending/ NO more lying, cheating, stealing bastards; either pay, or accept reality.  One or the other, no more games.
Instead of governing agencies, the reality of competition bids will occur.  Fail to do your job, and you will be replaced.  No more unions in government/ whatever is average pay and benefits in your area in private business or industry is your pay and benefits as a public worker.  Don’t like it, go find a job elsewhere.  No more consultants!  Want that kind of information:  put out the job to be bid on and listen to those who can do the work.  Use your media.  Need input, put out a contest among all the people in an effort to find the best result:   the people then decide/ the reward for winning cannot be more than the average salary for one year for one worker.  Split it any way you like.  Nothing is gained by extreme rewards, it does nothing but destroy society. 

Want better healthcare, EDUCATE MORE DOCTORS!  Simple as that, but do not let the absolute arrogance of current systems get in the way; that is little more than sewer grease.  NONE need the current “thirty years or so” of education/ it is absolutely useless.  Want more heart doctors, then educate more heart doctors; it takes less than two years;   start early!  Want more family practice: THEN ISOLATE exactly what the current doctors do know/ by demanding testing,   AND TEACH THAT!  It won’t take four, or you have the wrong student.  Establish critical construction for diagnosis with computers and the internet.  Which means simply:   sign in your name, then establish your symptoms, identify the possibilities you believe, assemble the various considerations of environment that have been changed or are contributing.  And let the computer help you/ with aid from people who can contribute because they did prove capable computer assistants; through testing.  These factors shall be saved, for review.
Want cheaper healthcare:   own the patents for medicine/ and let bids decide who does the work, or allow all people who comply do the work of making it.  Own the building and machines as a society/ thereby access is what you make of it, or allow it to be.  Want respectable nursing homes, the reality is: there is a point, when it is your duty to die; the body or mind demands it.  Because the children need what you now take, it is their turn/ your time is over, like it or not.

Jobs are the elemental respect for each other as a society.  Plain and simple, the current reality is: “don’t need far too many/ anymore”!  It is that simple.  Robotics, computers, consolidation into large monopolies, or industries; “bigger/ bigger/ bigger” is NOT better!  For life as a human existence in this time.  Bigger means more efficient consumption of resources, with less time involved.  Time is what our work represents, that means less people involved.  The consumption of resources means: life on earth will end, when these no longer exist.  It’s a choice!  Reality says:   WE CANNOT continue to commute long distances to work anywhere; its just a fact of life/ get out of your cars, the earth cannot sustain it.  That means we must return to far more local realities.  The distribution by one truck to a local business, IS FAR LESS resource loss/ pollution etc:   than it is for every single person to get in their car and drive a long distance to get something.  Pretty much everything that society has changed to become in the last forty years is wrong.  Your university education has proven to be dull, dim-witted, and ignorant;   “Like it, or not”.  Because want, is not enough to survive.  Or do anything well!  We are 7 billion people on this earth today; one person on every single acre of “green earth”:   THINK ABOUT THAT, and adjust.  We will either share and care/ or war.  It is that simple.  If you fail to adjust fast enough, then the people discarded by society, will begin to tear it down, with fire, weapons, etc; as is being seen by terrorism today!  These are not “buffoons”/ they are people with a grudge, people who have lost all hope, people society itself has disrespected, and just plain people who hate leading them on.  More of these people are being added to this world population every single day: what then is your prediction of the future, UNLESS you change the composition of “I DON’T CARE ABOUT NOTHING, but me”.

Resource consumption, environmental damage, extinction changing the dynamics of our chain of life, pollution, water & food/ stopping war: ARE THE BIG DECISIONS OF THIS DAY.  Not economics (the promises people made to each other or themselves).  That is irrelevant, because if you are surviving the rest is “trinkets and trophies”.  Its just the endless want of selfishness/ and you will surrender it to survive, or die.  That does not mean economics are not important.  Does not mean, what you have in comparison to the others, or just for the sake of happiness is not important.  BUT what is absolutely necessary for our survival as life on earth, WHICH DOES INCLUDE, nature, environment, extinctions, chains, pollution, population, water, food, air, etc COMES FIRST!  NO EXCUSES.  What is absolutely essential for the children or their children, is NOT A GAME either!   Change is then mandatory, because someone, or everyone dies; before their time!
In america what we need to export is whatever has value to survival for life on earth/ not trinkets and toys.  Exports however must be governed NOT by money as has been proven to be “a holocaust” of shame, by nearly all nations.  But direct trade, as in so much of these, for so much of those; NO more money, apart from a direct gold exchange to keep the numbers within reason. No more playing games.  No one likes competition for themselves, which means in this world, we must stop competing in the sense used by men to control their individual behaviors until war came, using insanity/  to put it back to we have rights too.  Instead we must be sane, from this point forward and recognize the rights   we intend to establish for human existence on this earth.  All of us/ not just a few.

What then, is the law of human behavior; upon which we can agree, this is both necessary and needed to define the existence of our lives, our time, and our law?
1.  First and foremost is: WE ARE EQUALS, absolutely everyone, no exceptions; both female and male, all colors, all sizes, all positions in society, all levels of income, ability, intelligence, absolutely everyone is equal!  LIFE PROVES IT IS SO!  NONE, gave life to themselves, and there is nothing greater on this planet.  We are equal.

2.  ONLY THE LAW CAN RULE, no human being, apart from our vote to create that law which then governs ourselves.  Mercy is allowed in the courtroom, if it is true to the situation.  No excuses, go out and vote/ participate in what those laws are going to be/ establish your truth, as best you can; and govern yourselves, with law.
3.   CONTROL YOUR COURTROOMS AND POLICING.  Thereby establish an accounting, by providing and insisting that everyone who participates shall fill out a questionnaire; creating a composite of what goes on here.  So that day by day, you can understand your world. 
4.   CONTROL YOUR OWN MONEY;   by establishing the value yourselves!  That means you shall take over spending practice, by providing the limits to which the taxes paid can be spent:   “Like a pie chart”/ So much for this, so much for that:  NO ALTERATIONS, make this a constitutional amendment with severe penalties to those who steal.  “Its not, government money”/ its yours, and your employees are not allowed beyond the boundaries you set.  Control the supply of money, by attaching the quantity of numbers available, to the population itself.  So much per citizen: everyone must know/ so that they understand, what is, or is not fair.  Let international trading be done in gold, or some other non-counterfeit item.  No more lending between nations/ trading only, with goods, not money.  No trade shall exist, unless environmental standards are met: fair for the planet, nature,  and the future.  

5.   CONTROL YOUR OWN JOBS; by establishing WE ALL, HAVE A RIGHT TO WORK!  Not a game anymore.  Our right, establishes the law of “limited capitalism”:   your opportunity to do whatever you wish/ BUT WHEN YOU have achieved the limit allowed by the rest.  You will stop gaining income, unless you either teach the competition correctly (they decide your reward)/ or just plain quit working until the next year arrives.  That is democracy in action, or more simply “we the people working; and governing ourselves”!  You may choose a different mechanism, but in the end there must be limits on the individual to protect the resources, and keep peace in society.  It is not an option; greed cannot rule anymore.
7.     The law will remove power and weapons of mass destruction around this world:   by choosing world law, we enforce our rule on our leaders, by taking their power to threaten us,  away.  Replacing that power, with a world court governed by laws.  Establishing as a world, it is not people who will judge you/ it is the law who will judge you.  It is the people who will present their evidence to this court.  THE DECISION applied to any leader, is then by vote among their own people, one of three options given under the law; majority rules.  This is one half of the verdict.  The other half is governed by the evidence presented by the world against this leader; and the vote of leadership from around the world/ represents one quarter of that half of the vote.  While the other quarter of a vote is assembled from the establishment of a “numbered system: grading each presentation of evidence by harm done”.  There are three categories:   harm done to this nation/ harm done to other nations/ harm done to the future of life on earth.  The sum of each category is up to ten, equaling thirty for all three.  A total of more than 15 is a vote against.  The penalty is, whatever the law has prescribed.  No alterations allowed.

8.  MAKE THE LAW YOURSELF: keep it short and simple/ and make it hard to misinterpret or deny or change.  Less than one hundred will cover everything required in society, business, or other.  After that, the courtroom decides by the law: who did or did not obey the people. MAKE THE PENALTIES CLEAR, and enforce them.
9.   Social securities are a reality of your economic truth: all retirees gain from the very same pot.  THERE ARE NO PENSIONS/ NO SEPARATE “POTS”.  ALL ARE THE SAME! And that includes presidents, bums, prostitutes, etc: all are equal, in this.   As a nation you will determine what percentage you can afford/ that money is given to the retirees, and they themselves, by common vote among them shall decide who gets what: in the general categories of income a percentage/ in the general category of medical assistance, a percentage/ and so on.   You WILL live within your means:   this is the reality you created for yourselves/ this is what you left behind;   this is your due.  But once retired, you can no longer vote “on what the people can afford”/ this is up to the workers, not you.

10.   Healthcare is nothing more or less than deciding a percentage of income SHALL pay the billing/ plus taxation to cover the base reality of building, maintenance, and equipment.  The cleaning etc can be done with bidding. You will own the base realities.  You will own the patents for medicine/ just take them, those who claim them have taken enough from you.  Create MANY more doctors, nurses, etc;   start early, in grade school.  Stop allowing the emergency room be an excuse for doctors and hospitals to charge more.  You work weekends, so then shall they; same.  No more doctors asking for a return visit;  just to charge you money.  No more testing when it is clear the only answer is, “distinct, such as taking a pill”/ just take the pill, and forget the hundreds or thousands for the test.  No more dying in the nursing home; either live, or leave.
11.   An education is the understanding of this world, and what you need to know to participate well within it.  One suggestion in that curriculum is then to study patents to learn how things work.  To establish a working language for this entire earth; thereby creating two, “yours and ours”: let the deaf, mute, and blind teach you, what you need to know and say.  They understand better, than you.
12.   Religions are all, relationships created by the men involved/ with some substance devoted to:   the search for life, justice, and truth.  FIND THE SUBSTANCE, JUSTICE, AND TRUTH!  Discard the rest, or keep it secondary; spirituality in time, does not belong to the dead.  Letting people rule you, because the dead said something; is not wise.  LEARN WHAT IS TRUTH, and let truth lead.


The issues of bankruptcy are very simple: bankruptcy is the collapse of the current power structure/ making all leaders vulnerable to change, all aspects of leadership, current culture, & their expectations: to admit to failure.  That fundamentally opens the door to change, as a society.  What change you get is determined by who will fight the hardest and longest, before giving up.  By understanding & remembering, a sneak attack:   WILL happen at least once, before the powerful or proud surrender to the fate you choose;  instead of them.  The worst of society is a coward, waiting, hiding, and running away until the war is done; and you are too tired to do more.  It is then they come out, to ruin the work as much as they can; by creating fear, power, selfishness, or pride. The power and pride, all want you to be slaves/ that is their purpose in life.  They cannot make you slaves, without excess money, the tool of power.  They WILL tempt/ flatter/ cheat/ lie/ steal/ bribe/ promise/ and everything else they can think of, to take more, keep more, or steal more; than you.  Plan on it.

Bankruptcy or its consequence is not, “the nation has failed” directly.  Rather what it means is simply the games men have played for greed and power have come to a stop because too many “rich people” now exist.  In other words, the game men love/ has proven who the winner and losers are.  But that removes the game/ bankruptcy, depression, and its inevitable war (either civil or international) is used to redistribute the wealth/ and start over.  Which is why the history of men always repeats: they love the game; and care not enough about war.  Bankruptcy here today in terms of law is: let the games be dissolved/ let the money be redistributed, because neither life, work, or time is a game: ITS OUR REALITY IN LIVING!  Not your toy.  That means our right!  Money is nothing more than the promises of men to each other/ your promises have been proven LIES/ STEALING/ CHEATING:   or in terms of value;    worthless, as a nation.  Prove what you do owe: in federal debt 14 trillion/ social security debt 60 trillion/ state debt/ personal debts/ business debts/ industry debts/ finance debts/ agricultural debts/ bonds/ pensions/ etc/ etc/ etc!   The american dollar is dead, in terms of reality/ only the fantasy and delusion of “being rich” supports it; no truth!  Bankruptcy as a nation held to the rights of every woman and man is:    “The game of greed ends”/ the redistribution of a promise for the work you do, returns to reality.  Bankruptcy has no meaning in terms of work or life other than what you allow it to be!  Because it is nothing more than a promise that is now broken/ and cannot be repaired.  But money has actually no foundation in business, it is merely the means of exchange.  Business is the foundation of work, and resource, that provides for our survival, and allows for want to exist.  It is greed that demands, “I WILL own it all/ and make you slaves”.  It is freedom and democracy that says:   we will stop this/ and work for ourselves.  Money is irrelevant/ apart from the exchange; it has no other value.  That means:   as a society, if you determine among yourselves to work and continue on until the basis of a real and true exchange can be re-established.  Then the only thing that happens in bankruptcy of a nation is: the rich are not rich, anymore.  Because the game is over.  But to kill this game, requires the laws to be written that prove money shall not participate in destroying a nation/ or the people’s work or rights;   anymore.  Initial work has already been done/ your discussion of merits are required.

  Success means you have prepared yourselves with honorable options for life first/ and used them to your advantage through democracy.  Failure means; you allowed them to control the bankruptcy, and keep what they did not earn, retain what failed entirely, and do whatever they want, instead of what life needs to be done.  As truth describes/ instead of delusion, fantasy, and lies; the current method of governing throughout america at this time; has proven to be errant and wrong.   Along with the constant whoring and prostitution, the worship of greed and the religion of “University” has caused you to fail.  The propagation of media influence a true factor in all threats and failure; it has become a disease.    I am not saying all elected officials, etc;   are bad/ they aren’t.  I am saying, when money buys the ticket to an elected office/ there is a price to pay; “like it or not”.  It’s a bit like opening the door to “spiritual woman” for me/ the answer is real, but so is the price.

To accomplish bankruptcy for the sake of life: four things must be accomplished.  1.  The demand and portrayal of critical accounting on all elements of society; or more simply KNOW THE TRUTH.  Do it in court, the courtroom belongs to we the people: remember that.  2.  Critical negotiations begin with the simple truth, that we the people who gave the most; SHALL receive our due first.  Or more simply, the hardest working people in america are generally the working poor/ they get the least, and work the most hours, putting up with the most grief and least reward.  DON’T take nothing away from them. Give them their due, which is treatment as you would want for yourselves.  The partitioning of money and property, etc; then goes by steps up the ladder/ the rich being last (you had your share already).  Or, a more simple way is all are now equal/ discard the dollar/ begin again with entirely new currency, and establish:   so many numbers per citizen, based upon the population count.  Then while this is taking place use a debit card, to distribute that base over time; same for all/ no exceptions.   With this, you can begin to rebuild an economy.  You will understand what is fair, by this method.  All contracts and loans/ debts/ etc are given a percentage of ownership achieved, and a percentage based upon the new money will determine what is owed; or to be sold at auction.   3.  The foundation of democracy is, the ability to make decisions for yourself.  That does not exist, unless there are options for you to choose from.  That does not exist, unless there is property for you to buy/ businesses or industry, for you to work for or own.  That CANNOT be unless there are limits to what any individual can own, influence, have, or expect.  In other words: immediately make a law: and choose as a people the amount of property anyone can have.  Remembering that amount is different, depending upon the area.  Owning an acre of land in N. Dakota/ is not the same as owning an acre of land in New York City.   Construct it as you wish.   4.  The ability to make changes is entirely based upon your acceptance of the fact:   WE MUST ALL EAT, sleep, drink, and be entitled to a minium of healthcare.  During the transition from greed to reality: share and care as necessary; or the nation dies.  In simple terms, ANYONE who gets in the way/ attempting to control the outcome of this crisis in America with power: is to be thrown in jail.  That refers directly “to the rich man”/ or his flunky or thug.  We must resurrect our truth as a nation: NOBODY gets to destroy that, or try.  This is a search for better, and it requires participation by the people/ NOT answers by any leadership.   WE THE PEOPLE DECIDE/ the leaders have plainly done enough damage.  Be PLAIN, SIMPLE, AND DIRECT with each other/ but remember that does not mean arrogant and stupid, as has been the constant for decades.  LISTEN, and explain.

Remember this: AN INVESTMENT has nothing to do with spending money, other than the exchange:   from being frivolous and foolish, as in this day;   established by the cancer of  spending money and refusing to acknowledge reality, by employees who simply “want”/ rather than work for life.  Instead of failure, as is the reality of these employees:   the reality every investment is about the future, it does NOT exist as an expenditure to “enjoy this day”/ rather every investment is a demand that we must work now, so that the future can be sustained, or better; at least we hope.  This president, and most of your leaders:   believe “the candy store is still open/ and we can have all we want, without paying a dime”.  Lies die!  The deeper the penetration of those lies, the more likely the entire organism dies with it.  Fail to properly address reality, and prove you will survive/ becomes the opposite reality; as proof you will die as a nation itself.  That is not a threat, it is a historical fact.  While I cannot speak directly of Japanese heritage, or the many others over time/ I can tell you that German nazism was not about the people, but their situation over time which resulted in: I DON’T CARE about you/ only us; as a majority; we have needs.  When time, by its reality gets tough; people want an answer, even if its war: because hopelessness ends in insanity and death, the rise of all criminal activities to unsustainable levels.  This nation is poised, at the same place in reality; as was their time.  The game ruined the nation/ as did the game of greed cause nearly every other war in history.  Driven by want/ pushed by population expansion/ caused by destruction of resources: but chosen, because pride would not accept: “WE DID THIS OURSELVES”!  And now deserve the reward, we chose as a population in society.

The next set of problems to be encountered is simply: business and industry leaders will attempt to control the outcome of bankruptcy, by shutting down/ or altering their methods to create havoc.  Instead, “Let the jail cells overflow, IF NECESSARY; with these leaders”!  Because they are using power against you and the nation.  We cannot have that, time is required/ or this nation fails!  The reality of all business is simple: find the resource/  build the product/ sell the product.  It is that simple!   The elements of change requiring new products and labels to continue selling are mute.  These current products will continue to be manufactured, and they will carry the day, as they are.  Until this crisis is on the mend.  That means the leadership is basically unnecessary/ so long as the workers accept their duty, and do not sabotage each other.  It’s a choice.  Simply continue on.  Let the debit cards above continue the pay.  Everybody works a minimum of thirty hours a week for that card.  Everybody has a right to that work, in some form; such as in replanting trees and cleaning up,  every other environmental tragedy that has been. Organize and find what you need to do: particularly starting with recycle, reuse, rebuild/ and above all INSULATE EVERYTHING you intend to heat or cool. That is a true energy and pollution policy/ adding in the need to consolidate and use the hot water or other energies created, for better purposes through integration of processes.  This is a transition period, due to crisis in America!  Because your leaders through university involvement were fools, and the media essentially a traitor (what did they protect you from? Absolutely nothing!
 Treat this time, with respect, because you get a future based entirely upon what you do, or do not do, and choose.   Work for life first!

Individual rights, are formed through liberty, the rights claimed by us all.  Put the nation back together, and then you can discuss “distinctly personal issues”.  Such as freedoms that are beyond liberty, meaning “for us all”.

The fact that crisis in america would come; has been absolutely apparent and without disguise for at least 40 years.  TO YOUR SHAME:   During that time, every method of escape/ every possible excuse to ignore or discard the truth has been used.  Every potential greed, want, power, pride, delusion, selfishness, and failure has been exercised by the fantasy of fools.  Disgrace everywhere! This ain’t a new thing, its reality running out of excuses/ thereby, can’t be hidden anymore.  And a current president that must have been raised on welfare (the government is rich, reality need not apply), because he has no clue what money is/ or just don’t care.  THAT Does not help.   MORE SIMPLY, if you desire this nation to survive/ YOU WILL HAVE TO DO BETTER, and actually face your truth, and live within the reality of your means.  STOPPING ALL THE DAMN THREATS that will make you extinct/ if you fail;    so you can survive.  Its not a hard concept.

Your leaders sold you out;   but you chose to be lying bastard’s who did not care: GIVE ME THE DAMN MONEY.  Was your american anthem, “the reality of your pathetic patriotic  song (we are going to be rich/ fuck the rest, let em be slaves)!”  The media essentially raped you/ but you plainly said to them: DON’T tell me anything I don’t want to know; going to be rich/ I DON’T CARE!  Its not that the media could not investigate and examine the truth for you; its not, the people wouldn’t listen maybe, if the media had tried:   its just plain and simple, in tiny sound bites you can’t do anything important/ AND THE MONEY FROM ADVERTISING is just so much more important, to greed!  Isn’t that right/ or would you prefer to admit to protecting the money, and cursing the people with “trinkets and fool’s gold” instead of working for life itself.  Truth in advertizing is dead; truth in politics is lost; truth in life or energy or work or school or money or the rest; just a game to see who is dumb enough to ridicule, with deceit. A game to prove: we are in charge, and can kill you with our power;  pride is an enemy!  America HAS become failure, on top of failure, on top of failure/ because greed controlled and want decided; and nobody (a tiny few) cared enough to work for life.  The few battles won, became toxic nightmares for other countries instead.  Its not the people as a majority intent upon destroying their world, it is an absolute failure of leadership, governed by the assumption and lies: that anyone can be rich without making MANY MORE slaves.  It is the deliberate intent, “to be a spoiled little child throwing tantrums and complaining no one pays attention to me/ unless I do”; a disgrace at all levels/ a disease to life itself.  How many times have you not heard, “THROW IT ALL AWAY”/ we will go to the store and get more!  Across all lines of society from poor to the rich, and their little worlds for themselves; only the extreme poverty does better.  It is the people with a university diploma that say, “we can’t survive”/ so I won’t try! “Cowards, with a thirst for power/ who fought to rule”; continually saying,  GIVE ME EVERYTHING I WANT;    NOW!  To hell with the rest. They took over, by media propagation of “the expert”.

  I got news for you: you did throw so much away/ you did curse the truth and demand lies; establishing this moment when, “IF WE ARE LUCKY”/ we might survive as a world.  Even if one more child is not born for a year/ your needs will still increase as the children recently born grow.  Even more pressure on an ecology and environment, that cannot support your current ways!  This planet can die/ this human world can slip into insanity and thereby hell/ this nature we absolutely depend upon can be mutilated to absolute horrors.  And why?
BECAUSE YOU ARE FOOLS, lost in the baby world, of give me everything I want!    GROW UP, or die.  It’s a fact of life, this world has changed, because we are 7 billion people, and growing at 2 million more mouths to feed over deaths, EVERY WEEK.  WAKE UP!  It ain’t your leaders that can save you/ THEY BROUGHT YOU HERE!   Only truth can be applied to our reality, only decisions made for LIFE FIRST/ never again money first.   Or more simply NO MORE GAMES.  Life first!
Without the slave, there is no “rich”.  Thereby the aggression for wealth, was your own purpose:   to prove, “I am better” than you. or the intent to make enemies and trouble.  Life particularly in this america, is about mutilating everything called nature, making seed sterile, poisoning the entire earth, and playing god “see, my giant machine/ I am special”: they’re called farmers, in close association with the university.  But its all good, cause you believe “it’s a penny less” this way.  Make no mistake:   you cannot farm thousands of acres, or run factory farms without antibiotics!  Which means: BACK to the two-three hundred acre farm, and rural america to keep them going. And take a VERY close look at the university, or close it down. Simple as that.
  Plain and simple, choose better or you will die/ the evidence of threats is not wrong.  GO INVESTIGATE YOUR FUTURE, and decide if you really want to be responsible for life ending on this planet.  No more hiding.  No more running away.  No more delusion or fantasy.  Strictly the truth, or build your grave.  Because what has been/ in terms of want and greed, will be no more..

  GOD          Did not do this to you!  This entire tragedy is your decision, and yours alone as humanity on this earth, to each nation its own.

FAIL, and What has been in terms of misery, hate, war, and annihilation will return, with even more.  Nazi power arose by concentrating the wealth in the hands of a few/ as is consistent with all rulers.  They take too much/ the people become angry/ and somebody is going to die; “its you or me”.  In every circumstance across many nations, the reality is: the people are becoming angry, and that leads to civil war, OR war with other nations.  Because leaders NEVER choose to admit failure, and step away from their disgrace.  Once entrenched with power, in terms of people who are afraid to disobey an order, because they will be killed/ they then learn to kill easily; and a tiny few control everything, because the threat of death does not go away until the ruler dies.  Any major war, even of short duration and without weapons of mass destruction will kill this earth/ and you with it, because we cannot afford to lose anything more.  But stupidity, disgrace, and disrespect don’t care.  Greed and selfishness will fight/ power and pride will assume a victory, because these intend to make money, and take whatever the dead leave behind. 
The world of man is about money/ the reality of society is about the game of money, and sex.  For most men it is not the sex, nearly so much as the trophy: “I got, what you could not have”!

The world of money says: you are my slave.  The world of society governed by money is: I CAN RULE over you, or take from you whatever I want:  with this!  It is that simple.  The game exists, because men choose to play it/ because men enforce it with death, cruelty, fear, and slavery. These call it power, and the rest call it pride/ if not hate.
The world of life says: together we determine our future, by the things we do together.  Today we survive because our needs have been met.  Tomorrow exists because nature allows this to be, not because we determine it to be so.  But humanity can destroy, and when they do, the environment dies; killing us all: because today, there is no place left to move. 
The world of MORE, says: “fuck you”/ I will take everything I can get;   because I want even more.  I want everything I can get/ I want everything you got, so that I have more in comparison to you/ I want you to be my slave, or sex toy, or whatever it is that proves, “I am your god”.  Worship me, I am rich!


The world of tomorrow says: without respect, your dead!  simple as that.  No excuses, no going back!
The world of tomorrow says: that money (the promises of men or women to each other) are dead today.  You lied, cheated, and stole without end.  You are bankrupt, and in need of everything called life/ because you corrupted yourselves completely; shame on you.

The world of tomorrow says:   that life needs,   not only exist for humanity, but consist of every aspect in living that supports the framework and realities of each creature in the chain of life, that not only supports us, but them too.  That means, we must respect this environment, and every process that allows us all to exist.  That means, NO MORE DESTRUCTION, without very serious consideration of the truth that event shall demand.  Or more simply, “the rule of men” has ended/ because their ways, have destroyed so much, that we are all threatened with extermination of life.  No more games.  No more sex for toys and trophies.  No more money to control and rule over everyone else.  Sharing the burden of life and needs with each other is required.  Sharing the rewards of what we can do as a society.  Respecting the difference between freedom and the right to use or abuse what the future will need.  And so on.  That requires truth more than any other element or essence: investigate, examine, and decide your future here and now.  That requires honesty, or more specifically a new relationship between men and women; that lets women decide, rather than men.  That requires NO MORE THREATS/ NO MORE DESTRUCTION/ NO MORE ARROGANCE OR APATHY OR FAILURE/ NO MORE FANTASY OR DELUSION/ NO MORE PRIDE OR POWER;   GREATLY REDUCED SELFISHNESS AND GREED; AN END TO WANT, without a purpose for society that is accepted by us all.  Or more simply:    Without respect for life and each other/ the gates will open, that men created.  Hell, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, and even more shall enter in.  Once that happens, life on earth is soon over.   It’s a choice.  You don’t have to grow up/ you can die instead.  “Think, it over”!  AND LOOK very carefully at the threats men and their universities have prepared for you.  Its not a game!   It is,   LIFE OR DEATH, for a planet.  Because of what YOU chose to do, or not do! 

Understand very clearly, that is not a threat I give to you/ THIS IS YOUR REALITY, the threats all come from either men, or the university.  They cannot be defeated without a true majority of people who are willing to make the decisions and do the work required.  People who will communicate, so the rest can know.  It’s a choice.

Understand, that playing god with DNA is not going to heal your world, it will crucify it instead.  Because no matter how much you want to “fix the world”/ we simply can never be god.  The probability of chaos in nature/ the reality of people using your money for experiments completely determined to destroy life instead of what you have been told;   doesn’t matter what promises they make, the reality is we cannot undue anything they cause.  We cannot put bodies back together/ we cannot balance anything/ we cannot be god.  They promise you  lies.   Instead look for causes, look at the statistics for troubles that begin with the introduction of specific things; such as is tylenol to liver disease and failure.  Such as is the appearance of  aspartame/ just prior to all the complaints of breast cancer. 
Consider this, that although they promise “new legs” to some/ even if that became reality, it took roughly 18 years to grow the original set.  It is not an answer, even though we all know why this is desired.
There will be those who insist:   I ain’t giving up nothing!  I ask you to consider the simple truth: do you really think the people from the past were less happy than you?  They were not, I guarantee it.  Because they had friends, rather than a competition.