In every question, there is a heartbeat/ because only life can search for why. The question of meanings, designs a destination of life.  The dimension of desire identifies the truth of what and who you are.  The compensations of purpose, create and define the essence of our existence.  Because life demands participation. Like it, or not.
We live with the truth, that at some unpredictable moment for most/ our life here in time shall end. We live with the possibility of eternity as is predicted by the truth and evidence of miracles which exist/ a life called JESUS which offers the evidence or possibility, “that we are not simply forgotten”. Time is an ending, because all things are measured with time. If measured, then a beginning and an end.  The same is somewhat true of measuring each other, there is a beginning/ and there will be an end: unless love changes living, into a relationship that remembers the truth of who you were.  Only what is true survives/ only what is love actually cares. 
The question of heart, assembles the disciplines required to be alive/ and yet be free, to choose your own destiny because you could.  The question called a heartbeat, understands the difference between life and death in time, happens “one moment” at a time.  We are the delivery of time, packages and transported to the experience our own expressions can create.  Some do well/ some do horrible/ some never will care; but many are interfered with simply because WANT can.  Pride is an enemy, it interferes with everything called love.  Love is a relationship shared through trust;  so that freedom is real, and alive is a meaning shared because you do care.

The quality of life and living, are directly proportional to the foundations which support and anchor your life in time.  If you understand work is required of you/ then it is easier to accept, “I MUST do my part”.  Rather than, “I want slaves”.  The value of life and living is then discovered simply, by understanding: my life, I accept/ my work, is the method and measure of my relationship with society/ but my time as best I can be, is of my own soul: the descriptions of who life in me desires to be.  Acceptance of this desire, provides the journey called purpose.  Rejection of this desire/ aids the discovery of hatred, and all things which detract, or design death,  from the  living. The elemental truth of religion, every religion is: “that we want to be, MORE than what we are”.  That in itself is the concept of a lie/ because we cannot be, “more than what we are;  we are, what we are”.  But reality also states: if we have that control/ then we also have the right to change “our truth” in time; because we are free to think, find, and accept different ways and means for living life.  Time is then a measured freedom, a place in existence where trial and error expand the meaning of boundary and cost.

The risk of living, is that we might fail to survive.  The reality of survival is, unless you find truth and happiness; it lacks meaning.  Thereby love rescues us all, because it is simply the treasure that builds an eternity.  What then is love?  The answer is, the very essence of all that is worth being alive.   Not because human love has not a multitude of faults/ but the relationship called trust builds strength, releases hope, discovers the possibilities called you & us, and finds honor in every discipline kept, simply because you cared.  There are many who will never know trust or love, because too many fools exist (people who believe want, selfishness, power, and pride, are more important than life).  There are many relationships driven by lies;   “They share only to gain control and receive a reward/ they care, until you stop giving them more than they deserve.”  The critical question being WHY, did you not care enough to love, honestly?  The critical answer being;   because “I want more, than you offered me”.   And then will hate you, abuse you, use you or them;  If I do not get it! In other words, so very many people believe life is a game of trophies, and a chance to prove “I am superior, to you”.  Or with more clarity, they then descend from equality, into the abyss of power & pride.
Equality is the essence of truth, a relationship formed by the distinction that we are life, here in time: as a gift we cannot possibly return or repay/ we are simply unable.  That makes us equal, because we begin without a single decision of our own. What makes us unequal, is the truth: you do not want to be life/ you want to be more, “a god/ compared to those, or that one”.  The critical dimension of existence is spirit, the relationship we share with the truth we have chosen to become: when you choose a lie, you fail the life inside which gives you time.

The quality of every life, and every living is called truth.  Without truth, there is no essence of life.  Without the disciplines that develop honesty as the means to understand what is true, and what is the compassion of a life defined by its love, leads to helping; simply because we care.  And mean you no harm/ no cause of concern, beyond a life shared with hope for all.  Truth is NOT “shove it down your throat/ I am like a god compared to you; I am great”. Even when the evidence is clear/ unless the law needs to know.  Rather truth is compassion, because it remembers the essence of life is a fragile connection to the happiness we know, as our dignity, and integrity of existence/ by our own purpose and desire.  If that purpose is love, then your own truth acts in love, compassionately remembering to be still, if not for value or good cause.  If your desire is love, the elemental dimensions of the environment you create as the destiny inside of you;   will be shared happiness, because love only owns happiness, through mercy applied to truth.
If your desire and purpose is hate/ then your words shall be: demeaning and cruel/ or lies, working for the means to get inside and thereby steal, kill, or devalue.  Much is done in sex, with the clear reality of LIES/ for the simple purpose of lust (using your body as my toy; simply put; you mean nothing as life/ only body, a trophy because it is a game: or its rape.  The difference between them is not great).
Life is a journey that must be treasured/ or it will be measured. Those who measure it, need a game to believe they are alive. Those who fail to respect the boundaries both body and mind impose/ will be forced to measure; or must accept limitations on the possibilities that are called happiness. The question of happiness is simply described by, access to freedom, the quality of being whoever it is that you desire to be; without restraint.  The element of truth however that resides over life instructs: be careful what you choose. There are hidden costs, to very many truths/ risks that prove simple freedoms are not enough.  Therein we begin the journey to wisdom, because we are forced. Pain and truth/ life in the balance;   insist.

 Wisdom speaks to the soul alone/ it demands attention, critical and real; accepting no excuse.  Either you belong to this environment, or you do not.  Wisdom seeks in thought the grace of being able to understand the difference between need and want/ thereby separating the base pathways of life, into those who travel by truth, and those who simply accept want is enough.  Want is never-ending/ because if you do attain that which you desire/   then the game is over; life is left unbalanced and alone.  Truth as is the opposite of want; establishing what can be built/ because reality allows us to make that choice; honors existence with the essence of hope, the outbreak of happiness when proven true, and the possibilities which bring liberty to the home here in time we call family. Truth demonstrates what trust can do, illuminates the possibilities thought can recognize, admits and accepts the destiny is worth the price, if we are wise enough to understand and participate as life allows. Thought begins the trial of freedom, with the ascent honoring your decision as to definitions truth can provide. Thought becomes the vehicle, transporting both soul and spirit into what only freedom can provide/ but it is trust, that makes the journey possible.  It is value called love, that makes the relationship cherished with thought, an essence of the life we are to become.  Wisdom provides the foundation/ we provide the discovery of ourselves. Learning asks: find in me, a fountain of hope!  Hope delivers us from ourselves, by expanding the dimensions of time into eternity.  Hope understands within thought, the discovery time creates, but only life itself can live. The difference is: time measures, but life is born from truth. Spirit searches the soul, our connection with that truth as life/ but it lives only within the dimensions that define and create a distinct relationship with life or death.  Spirit is then a foundation created for the interrelationship of   “Our CREATOR” within ourselves. The possibilities born into life, trust, and truth through love. Faith is the message of trust/ life is the definition of truth applied to freedom.  The difference is, while truth and time can build you/ only trust can set you free.  Eternity is the movement of thought itself, beyond the boundaries called life in time; to create an acceptance of identity.  The essence of reality bathed in truth.

The religious “see” eternity as a gift, much like life itself/ just grab a-hold of a belief and make it your own; presto, “you won the prize”.  Reality does not grant that as true.  Rather to survive, you must accept specific relationships as truth, or you are going to die early.
I have studied only one religion as it is clearly to me: the only one that I have the ability to believe in/ Christianity.  JESUS makes it possible to believe we are not simply “created and abandoned” to our own devices.   Rather through HIS TEACHINGS, I find it on faith (acceptance within the truth of my own life), that eternity belongs to those who do belong to   GOD!    “OUR CREATOR”.

As such, I am spiritually directed once in a great while, to open the bible and simply “let the page determine itself”.  In this particular occurrence it opens to Revelations 17: 5-8 the question is asked why, and what is the translation of this passage. The title recognizes: that humanity although intoxicated with the possibilities, remains without a clue as to how this person can be here. The text is written about a place called “babylon the great”/ clearly America in today’s world.  It describes the time to come as “the mother of prostitutes (someone who uses or sells, her body for things “more important to her”) , and of the abominations (things that must not be done/ because they endanger all life) of the earth”.  Translated, that becomes “women decide to use sex to get what they desire, in terms of life first and society at peace rather than war; rather than simply for men”.  Other choices which then become NOT what men desire for them to do”.
The bible is written by men; defining  strictly a book about what men want/ and use, to control women; and how they fail or succeed to attain the life they want.  Consequently the men are appalled at women who go beyond the control of men to do what women believe is necessary.  It is a prophecy that looks directly at:   “Men can be controlled with sex/ if you take more sperm than they want to give: it weakens them, dramatically”/ making them vulnerable to women.
As to the religious, the 6th verse establishes that religion itself will be fighting to prove, “this one CANNOT be correct, sex cannot be used against men. Surely this is drunkenness, or insanity, or against the will of GOD,  and cannot be/ even if life on earth is at stake.  But this prophecy predicts “they lose the battle”.  Proving instead that only truth and reality, in concert with the current environment;  can decide what is fundamentally the right thing to do.  I do not know why the writer is greatly astonished?  The angel (what is spiritually true), explains to the people, or testifies to the truth;  when that moment comes, her decision/ your chance to believe; doesn’t say what.
The beast is sexuality, the seven heads are the excuses for using sex, rather than loving each other; through caring and sharing and relationships that do have value. Both sexes do this to themselves/ but only women are allowed here, it is their prophecy. The ten horns, are the realities that gore or harm us all, within that relation to sex without honor, honesty, truth, or value.

 Verse 8 recognizes, that this kind of sexuality existed within the past of human existence.  The only historical account when that would have occurred has to be “Adam and Eve”; populating the earth requires women, one man can have many children.  Thereby women by their numbers, ruled. That was removed, when more men came.  Is now destined to return because of pride (the abyss).   It cannot survive, because that kind of sexuality is unbalanced/ therefore this will pass away again. The question is: WHY should this be so? The answer suggests either to establish within women a mind which believes they will be saved, if they lead this world/ OR, that men will die and they will repopulate this world; because the men were unworthy to stay.  Even so, the people will be amazed “this” has anything to do with life, in the presence of   GOD .  That;  because they believe “the past proves it cannot be for good/ too much sex is bad, it hurts people”.     But this is a prophecy about the end of this world/ OR NOT, dependent upon what women do. There is also the suggestion of “a second round”/ rather than just once.

Verse 9; suggests the woman described at the center of this shall deal directly with the excuses and obstructions,  that make it so hard for people to participate and believe life can be better. The kings described are those foundations in human behavior that cause the excuses, and hardships to exist; or more simply what can be done differently, to establish love as caring and sharing appropriately.  The five foundations which have fallen (from where they belong), are honor/ honesty/ openness/ trust/ and compassion.  The one that is recognizes love still exists. The other one, is respect: what has been missing particularly for women. Men shall find respect for women;  but not for long. Verse 11 the sexuality that used to be, but is removed “in Christianity” is the selling of women, for marriage or any other. There is to be a war on this. Verse 12 recognizes the things that harm and create fear particularly for women: will be aggressively used against them for just a very short time. The purpose is, men intend to reduce women into submission/ by commanding that sex shall return to its place of “fear men”.  Verse 14, because this is a Christian prophecy is: men from across this world will be angry with Christianity for upsetting their dominance over women. This prophecy states, the hour of decision has past/ the reality of who belongs and who does not WILL be determined.
Verse 15 “an angel; is always a distinct truth, applied by the environment within which that truth becomes real. Waters, represent the power of life in prophecy.  The description calls for world wide reality.  “The beast of sexuality is: the violence and destruction caused by sex; particularly to women”/ this fact of men, combined with the reasons they choose to apply hate instead of love, to life: isolate and refuse those men who do not treat women fairly.  Thereby the warning comes: “either give us what we want/ or as a group they intend to do horrific things, to the woman central to this prophecy.”  Verse 17 suggests the pride in their hearts shall not die out/ until killed.  After these are dead, then women shall rule.     
The question for you then: what is your belief, “DO YOU KNOW, what     GOD   allows”?   DO YOU KNOW, what    GOD   will judge and condemn?  DO YOU KNOW, the difference between what is necessary for the sake of life on earth, even though it is otherwise “unconscionable”.   As was JESUS death, by crucifixion?  If you know, then are you   GOD, or is   HE    Your, “extra special confidant”?    

I for my part, would have found it very hard to believe that crucifixion had anything to do with “saving life on earth”/ back in that day.  Saving means, “to prove love is real, to give it a value beyond all other things/ to prove, life is more than want, it is a desire that builds and proves respect, truth, discipline, and courage/ JESUS presents, eternity is a true possibility”.  Without HIM, how would we know?  JESUS did that, literally because HE did die/ proving in fact, there was cause for even crucifixion; because it removed all doubt as to proof “love, respect, dignity, value, everything worth being as a man; existed in HIM”.  And the others killed him, because he threw their money away.  HE wrote the story that became our guide into the spiritual world.  As to Revelation 17;  every prophecy is based upon the consequences of what people have proven they will do, “given a defined set of circumstances”.  But it is still, their own decision.  This one is a prophecy about women/ the men are simply witnesses, or failures. Therein the question belongs, “to what women need, and will do;  rather than men”. What, where, why, how, are not answered.  But this much is true by the evidence of this day:   WE ARE SEVERELY THREATENED from all sides.  The future is absolutely bleak, as defined and exists by the leadership of men: they built endless threats we cannot survive.  They have selected to make the children their own sacrifices, in a last battle to prove HOW PROUD AND ARROGANT men can be.  How else can you explain all these threats?  Our reality, is their past decisions/ our future, is the best men did do.  Without change: only HELL, ARMAGEDDON, THE APOCALYPSE, “THE LAKE OF FIRE”, and HADES (eternal damnation) are all lined up, and ready to go.  All it takes, is complete indifference or women to say NO, “we won’t care”.  It is a decision/ and there are NO second chances.