There is no capitalism in america today/ because there is no real money: all is counterfeit.  All the numbers are used by the tiny few as a bribe against the rest.  Work hard, “gain these numbers (the promises of known liars and thieves)”/ but in the end, what you really have is roughly half million dollars each citizen, babies and all if it were divided equally.  And that, is only if you don’t count pensions (numerous bonds), the six or seven hundred trillion promised by wall street, or social security debts: counted separate from federal debt.  Explain to yourselves then, “just how valuable each dollar is”.  Explain to yourselves, how a debt that cannot be paid is anything other than inflation.  Explain to yourselves: how another 1.2 trillion dollars in debt to take america through the next few months is anything other than economic chaos: divided up 1.2 trillion equals $12,000.00 of new debt per each and every one of 100 million people/ one in three citizens. The current federal expenditure for 2012 is expected to be 6.2 trillion dollars, that is just over $20,000 per each and every citizen that your leaders are spending to get through this year. You have no economy.  You have only the lies, that a number has meaning, when in fact it has none at all.  Add in the trillions spent in Europe/ the undercover dealings with “oil and Asia”/ plus the continual spending of the federal reserve to bankroll the failures of large banks with your debts (they just don’t tell you now). The reality:  Rather than, or instead of, collecting numbers/ the very wealthy are collecting deeds to property; to make you beg.  Instead of owning numbers when the crash comes: they will own this nation, and you will be their slave; not a square inch of ground can you stand on, without the penalty of their law, and the indentured servants who will enforce it.  You cannot compete, they simply counterfeit another train load of dollars to pay you with, give away the nation or its resources, threaten or conceal with propaganda unending in media/ as they steal the property and anything of real value from you.  The rich man has extremely low interest for himself/ and forecloses at a pace to keep up with his collection of properties.  The poor man, very few middle; can come up with a twenty percent down payment, therefore excluded.  Just like membership in the country club or other; they use the numbers against you.  If you bid against them: how will you compete with people that have been dissolved of their failures, and not only been given their money back: but have been given your money instead.  When money is given to a bank/ they are allowed to increase those dollars by ten: a trillion becomes ten trillion numbers; promises of organized crime that makes you, their slave.  Without restriction/ therefore they can and do invest in the stock market, including margin buying at 50-to-1. They control it/ they manipulate it with computer stock trading at potentially millions of trades a second: you don’t have a chance.  Or more simply the larger markets have nothing to do with capitalism at all/ but merely represent organized crime, and the stripping of America.  The result of which is slavery for us all.

It is the rich man, who always has his hand out for another “contribution”/ thereby enslaving the rest. IT IS, “the rich man” who pays for nothing; because it is not his life. By controlling access, he destroys the competition/ and with the competition gone, “he controls our world”.  Therefore the rich always push for “bigger is better”/ and they sell for a few pennies less; controlling the advertizing medium so as to force the competition out.  The way of nature is: “the greatest diversity, with specific boundaries for all/ does the greatest good, for life and resource”.   The way of the rich man is: “let everything be for me, let their be no boundaries to what I can influence myself/ let me own it all, and destroy anything I don’t want for me; TO REMOVE the competition.” Nature survives and creates beauty, thought, happiness, love, hope, courage, and respect; “everything of value to life”.  The rich man destroys peace, pollutes everything, demands death, chooses war, and builds only hate beyond the wall that separates himself from life: mutilating/ gambling/ and manipulating life until it dies.  That is not a description of men or women who have honestly worked harder than the rest, and spent their lives in the construction of business that benefits society: by being fair/ sharing/ and caring as life requires.  RATHER, that is a description of grotesque wealth, and its damage to all life on earth/ by its granting of power over humanity, resource, and governments.

So then if we look for enemies of this day, we find two primary realities that exist as the foundation upon which the disease and disaster of this day rests.  The university first, because in its arrogance, utter disgrace, and complete stupidity: as we find them crucifying nature itself/ gambling with this entire planet, “for nothing”/ and stealing everything they can, by turning governments into their own little “piggy banks”: thereby saying to all the other people; “you have to pay me, because I used the government entity, as liar and cheat/ to guarantee my theft”.  Their purpose, “to create civil war”/ their demand, an apocalypse “hate unleashed”/ their creation, Armageddon itself (nature in chaos).   While the “rich man” threatens every government/ destroys every resource, environment, chain of life, species extinction, and life on earth with weapons of mass destruction, which the university created/ BUT “THE RICH MAN” worships and demands must be held.  Because “them DAMN people have to be contained somehow”; & of course, “if they want mine/ I will kill them all”.  The military, therefore becomes “his god”: and he will bribe, sell, kill, or do what power requires him to do.  Want is always a liar/ pride is always a winner (I made them losers): the end result is a government that will always be under attack, by those who want to control us all.
So the question begins: HOW do “we the people” protect ourselves/ because there can NEVER BE, lots of rich people without lies! Millions believe they are rich today: only because the “diploma” through out accountability/ ended currency securities/ inflated the numbers, and stole the possessions of we the people by proclaiming their increase in numbers: IS OUR DEBT, that must be paid, with our lives, and every resource on earth.  Money is: the control over resources/ and the demand, that I shall be KING over the masses.  Because money buys your time, and takes away your access, as a people: so that just a tiny few, can have it all.     
NATURE IS ALWAYS THE KEY!  Nature demands diversity/ accepts boundaries are important/ understands resources are never to be wasted, and honors all who contribute to a “healthy and clean world”. Life that consumes excrement, IS very nearly as important as life that does not.  Because it would be a “very nasty world”/ if nothing did that for us.  Ain’t that so!  Consequently all aspects of life and resource are essentially equal, because each contributes to the happiness of all.  Or, as in the case of human failures, it diseases or destroys us all. 

Diversity accepts:   that we must have MANY BUSINESSES, not just a tiny few who then control everything including us.  Resource protections demand:   that we must live close to where we work, what we need, so as NOT to consume everything; thereby causing our own extinction.  Boundaries are required: thereby every community business, rather than international or large trade is important.  The fact you can make tremendous quantities of something/ does not give you the right to do so, “if it all”: thereby life, now or in the future;  ends in the trash.
The creation of a ruler, IS ESTABLISHED “by the creation of rules”!  It is that simple.  Without the rules, there are no rulers/ only murderers, rapists, and thieves.  The power of rulers is in controlling who shall fear “those who can.....”.  A rule is: the authority to declare someone MUST be punished, or rewarded/ because “those who play god, say it shall be so”.
A LAW is:   “We the people, who rule ourselves” have declared, that this is unfair to us/ and thereby must not be done.  The difference between a rule and a law:   IS WHO GETS TO BE “THE AUTHORITY”.  Religions accomplish this same thing by declaring “the book” is the authority.  Even though none of them can agree fully, on what those books say.  So the leaders, make rules.  What is thought, identifies rather than measures life.  What is thought, desire, respect, and the elements of love; are an independent truth to each and every individual.  What is damned is: “an irreparable harm, created by you”.  Mercy allows, that even though this type of reality cannot be forgiven, it can be covered up: with “repentance, I promise never to do that again; changing myself as needed”.

America achieved prominence by war/ the others destroyed what they needed; and had to buy accordingly.  America achieved prominence through resources, that had not been trashed or abused by the preceding people (Indians  massacred, in order to steal, and then create this nation).  It is a constant throughout human history:   the people took too much, and never gave anything back to this planet or its life.  Consequently the earth became barren, and the people moved to war, rape, and genocide: stealing instead of building.  But added in with this reality is the fact, that sustained levels of freedom due to the resources available, and selling to a world in need; granted a job for decades, to all who would work.  Instead of peace and harmony: world war two created weapons of mass destruction.  Instead of sharing or caring or life respected, pride (we are “super”) and greed (we can do it)/  made America descend into “playing god”; and measuring life as a toy they could crucify. Teaching the world, who clearly said:   LET US DO SO TOO!

The day of decision has arrived: all that has been done by men in charge under the direction of the university, IS CLEARLY pushing the entire planet into extinction.  Everything we value, everything we need for life, everything we use as a resource, everything called food, water, or oxygen; and MUCH MORE is threatened with extermination.  Thereby “us too”/ the future without doubt, an absolute certainty of death.  And we must repent of it, or die.  It’s a choice today/ tomorrow the cancer will have progressed, and consumed you.  Therefore either “take your medicine” or die is the question of this day.  The legions of arrogance/ the armies of pride/ the failure of “let us all do this together”/ the destruction of everything:   ARE NOT “friendly”, and will NOT surrender anything without a fight.  But if we do not defeat them with law/ we won’t survive either; and they will in fact have destroyed this planet with their pride, want, and power.

What is important to the future is truth!    Truth brings us knowledge, understanding, choices, and with the direct participation of thought, an opportunity to live with wisdom.  Wisdom knows, that reality will govern the greatest change in the definitions of humanity for life first, for this planet.  Or we die.  Wisdom is NOT, the identity of a man or woman, but the consequence of what truth and thought can do, when united for the sake of life in us all.  We are one life on this planet/ because now, the entire ecosystem and environment of our world, depends upon us; so says wisdom and thought.  We all contribute to its ability to keep us alive; because we choose to care/ or not.  Wisdom is not an end all, know all, contribution to life: thereby keeping us alive.  Rather thought understands, that merely living is not enough:   we need love, we need to feel alive, a fact that generates itself, based upon the value we share as life.  We need wisdom and thought and truth/ but we live, because love enters our experience, and expresses itself as our environment.  Love becomes the miracle of our existence; therefore we desire life itself.  The essence of life itself is then based upon the singular value:   I live, and choose life/ because I love.

 The liar of humanity is: that I want/ therefore I live.  I win, therefore I am more.  But as a reality, neither can make you happy/ because happiness is not for sale.  Happiness is “the treasury of our love, expressed in the values of our lives”.  Happiness is, “the momentary existence of shared souls”/ the foundation of a purpose beyond ourselves.  Happiness is, “the experience and expression of courage, rather than cowardice; because it is our home that we defend, the people we love that life protects: not for a reward,  because we cherish the miracle and grace of being loved.  Happiness is, a sexual honesty so real, that we touch each other in ways that last a lifetime; memories of love.  Happiness is, a journey completed; a time to gather all that life has meant, all that life became: to understand this is, the best I did do, it is “my truth”.  If you are not happy (I respect, and accept myself, for the desires & truth, of my heart/ NOT for the things I have or have not done.) in the summation of your life and living/ then why do you not change? Eternity only “calls” once!  Love lifts the burden, life shares the soul; “therefore, we walk together/ and are never truly alone”.
Want is a liar/ pride never shares, because then you cannot be “winner/ special/ or superior”.  These, are “the devil” inside.  Satan is, the essence of hate, that allows one life to take or gamble with another. The worst thing you can do to yourself, in time/  or a different life: is measure them.  Because that opens the door, to believing they are worthless/ you are superior: the end result, a belief that you can do, say, or be anything you want to, or with some other life. IT WILL, always end badly.  It is the descent beneath miracles, to become “a predator/ or a prey”.  Life is precious/ only hate is worthless, or less.

Power, pride, want, and hate WILL spend its energy and life on earth trying to convince you:   “NOTHING is wrong today; they cannot fix, if you just give them more/ we will live forever, if you just let them play with nature, energy, resources, and anything they want / we will be gods, and soon wipe away every tear with genetic superiority”; if you just don’t interfere in the mutilation of everything.   All lies of course:  Nothing could be farther from the truth, but they want to do it/ so they lie, to keep you from reality and its truth.  Just as clearly they do work to mutilate the body of life, promising everything/ but in reality only bringing unending disease to this world.  That is genetics/ but the people who are equal to them, experimenting as terrorists in energy; intent or gamble to “destroy the entire  planet”.  Want is a liar, unless it gets what it demands: if it does/ then it always claims “to be a god”.  Pride is a competition, clearly intended to reduce YOU to a slave/ thereby proving “I am your ruler/ your god”.  Both are identified simply, as “playtime, for a fool”.  A child of failure;  who refuses to grow up, or share/ choosing to destroy, because not caring has grown too little, to prove hate.
The question of value is not one of measurement, but our relationship to life itself.  What can or cannot make us happy enough to believe and accept life is worth its price: is a freedom to experience and express ourselves as the foundation upon which we build RESPECT.  Without respect, there is no union called marriage or any other form of alliance; that can be depended upon for life, or struggle, or hope.  Respect is the undeniable reality of letting the truth decide what is legitimate and fair/ balanced, disciplined, or right for life.  Respect does not give anyone the right to decide for your life, just because they say “I am the authority here”.  Rather respect begins as, listening to “their truth” before you decide for yourself.  Respect is not, the assumption of ownership over any other life: particularly between man and woman.  No one owns you, but you.  Rather respect is:   being equal, and understanding how and why your decision will affect their life.  Its not a game, or a trophy!  Respect for the world and this creation itself, IS REMEMBERING THE FUTURE!  So that life goes on.

Respect for this moment in time REQUIRES: the price for a future, will be paid/ the reality of gambling with all life, will be stopped forever/ the consequence of what has been done, will be corrected/ the decisions that no longer can be tolerated will be abandoned/ and the rights of a humanity governing themselves as we the people ourselves, shall be accepted: BY THE LAW, WE CREATE for ourselves.  Not a vote for someone to vote for me; but a law and a reality I choose to vote upon for society itself.  Thereby true democracy, and nothing less.
Respect for the reality which follows: brings us to the truth, that we CANNOT continue as we are, and survive.  Therefore the changes that must be made:   shall be governed by the truth of what we do need/ INSTEAD of what humankind has proven to want, or fall into.  We need air/ water/ food/ environment/ oceans/ nature/ and everything that nature gives us, without the contamination of human pride.  Or more simply WE MUST RESPECT our existence here on earth, and provide a future for life itself to go on: by making choices that will sustain and protect LIFE FIRST, for this planet.  That does include alterations in religion: YOU CAN’T continue to grow the population/ YOU CANNOT continue to use ocean life without helping it survive;   ETC/ ETC/ ETC/ ..............................ETC!
IT IS A CHOICE!   But not for much longer, past the point of no return there is absolutely no possible means to go back.  We are not    GOD .   Make your decision today, or accept the fact, that you just didn’t care enough about life, any life including your own:   to keep this planet alive. 
Our reality is nothing less than that/ your decision and consequent participation is nothing less than that.  The future is then entirely in your hands:    CHOOSE!


As an alternative to the constant that is politics today: the creation of a new method is required.
1.   That all media coverage shall be, at the cost of the taxpayer/ thereby, uses and ownership of broadcast, and/ or mass market  media by the public for that specific purpose shall be the primary method.  The candidates are chosen by: assembling all participants asking to be considered, in a single time/ even if multiple places.  WHERE THEY WILL write in their own words and by their own hand, what they wish to say to the people regarding themselves/ their ideas/ their “whatever it is”.  These “papers” shall then be numbered, & given to public media, where they will be broadcast in their entirety for the next few weeks.  At various times, and in alternating order. By vote, the people choose who gets the greatest percentage of time, to be heard: at the end of “the weeks” established/ those who have the highest percentage of time, become the three candidates for the job. By lottery; there shall be a listing of “prime time” categories for media concentration;  wherein all competing parties shall be given their opportunity to say, describe, or defend.  Or more simply: with four candidates today, the percentage collected in the last vote establishes the amount of time given in “prime time”/ while lottery determines who goes first/ and who follows prime time in the hours that shall be throughout a 24 hour/ 7 day a week period.

 Of public sponsored news.  NO advertizement’s shall be allowed/ NO packs/ NO alternative political rhetoric on paid media.  The work of selecting leaders, or other by vote shall be limited to the reality of what is best for the nation and critical education for the public.  The for profit news media may use the information collecting on public media, as a source for informing the public/ but if one party is paying, then all parties shall be represented, or it cannot be done.  No more advertizing unless all interests appear at the same time, and in context with each other.  No more lying/ no more exaggerating/ no more “negative campaigning”; or you are out.  No more taxpayer funded private campaigns/ what is important comes out, and is distributed accordingly as public media; “free to all”.  That leaves “conventions/ caucus/ and voting” formats as a public need: therefore those cities that will pay for their political process, to invite, and cause to provide;   the necessary means for a candidate to attend.  The candidate need not collect anything/ the public pays.  Therefore the public presents the question, and the candidate answers only that question; in whatever form he or she desires.
2.  The president, or any other already in office; shall run on his or her record/ and shall not be given the opportunity to do other campaigning, until the last month prior to vote, at which time, ONLY the opportunity to confront the ideas presented by the competition/ or defend your record, shall be heard on public media.  You have your record, and that is enough.  It is what you did do.

3.   NO MORE ADVERTISING BY INDUSTRY OR BUSINESS, to sway or influence the direction of society; at any time or in any way.  These are excluded!  Or more simply “NO MORE manipulation/ tempting/ flattering/ control/ bribery/ assumptions/ or less than absolutely truthful methods or means to cause society to be influenced by you.”  What is important for society to decide, SHALL be established as the means and methods MOST LIKELY to identify the ALL the critical and future truth, that will be and is affected by any and every decision:   so that we may choose for ourselves/ WITHOUT interference or greed.  What is in our best interest, what is our own desire, and defense for a child/ for life; which clearly includes environment, etc.
4.  Having a vote, changes next to nothing/ because unless you control the opportunity for someone to become a candidate, only the rich and thereby powerful have the chance to lead. In the rare event that does not occur, and people exercise their vote: it is an absolute certainty that the rich and powerful SHALL do everything they possibly can to jeopardy, manipulate, and control what can be accomplished for the singular purpose of controlling the next election, and thereby agenda to confront and enslave the rest.  The rich man will say, in the exercise of this free speech:  “he is just jealous, etc”.  While the poor man will say “you can’t trust anyone”.  While the middle assumes the worst, so they can complain: I didn’t get what I wanted”.  The answer that is DEMOCRACY:   requires, that all major decisions shall be made by the people themselves.  Nothing else is true democracy.  A vote for someone to vote for me, is little more than delusion.

A major decision shall always translate the law, or create it: as our design upon society itself/ our purpose, and our right to control ourselves.  That is accomplished by NOT allowing “legislators/ presidents/ judges/ or other employees” to alter what we have chosen for ourselves.  Consequently they do become amendments to the constitution/ stripping out all other laws made by our employees:   replacing them, with ourselves.  A law NEED NOT be changed or altered, unless a greater percentage of the population votes to make it so/ therefore at no time shall an employee assume the right of control and take that law, its interpretation, or its claim of ownership away from the people themselves.  OUR LAW/ OUR DEMOCRACY/ OUR RIGHT;   “YOU, are merely an employee sworn to obey, and do your job as required by us, established by constitutional decree”.
Very few laws need to be made to cover and protect all of society/ very few words need to be written to understand what “the message” is.  However it is true, when people themselves are SO utterly proud, absolutely arrogant, filled with extreme greed, and diseased with endless manipulation and propaganda as is “American’s in this day”.  It becomes necessary to use knowledge, accept understanding, and identify the decisions that have been made by the consequent legal trials that MUST BE broadcast to the entire nation:   WHERE, AND WHENEVER an issue of law is presented for interpretation or merited exception.  So that the people see for themselves, if they agree.  Should the cause exist for public vote, upon any interpretation that seems necessary:   the job/ pension/ healthcare/ security/ and potential freedom of the judge “that cannot understand the law, as we the people have decreed” shall also be judged by ourselves/ as a vote: the percentage rules/ over seventy percent disfavor means the judge is removed from all legal rights and opportunities in a courtroom either state or nation.  Over eighty percent and he or she goes to jail, for not less than one year.  Over fifty percent, and the verdict is overturned.  Over forty percent and there shall be a referendum within a year: to discuss and decide what must be changed with this law, so as to make it more clear and substantial to our needs.

5.    Employees ARE NEVER rulers!  They are workers, that we have hired to do a job for ourselves.  That means they have NO AUTHORITY over us/ rather the law rules us all equally!   In more simple terms: everything called power, including the military MUST BE redesigned to remove and reduce this menace to our society and our world.  Peace and harmony require world law, and world policing/ thereby the end of WMD’S.  Power to men is money or weapons or hate.  Therefore the money must be returned to reality, and the people governed by “limited capitalism” as justices for themselves.  Limited capitalism is:   no less than a wage that is fair/ no more than an income 3 or more times as much as the least.  You decide periodically/ by vote, just how much anyone else can take from you.  You decide what business and industry shall control, by vote: then you have democracy.  Then you have capitalism that serves all the people equally.  NOT the same for all/ it ain’t fair.  But NO MORE GROTESQUE wealth, or opportunity for a tiny few to own it all. 

The weapons, regardless of what they are; exist to make the others fear.  Nothing more or less.  Therefore the question exists: WHY must I be expected to fear you?  And the common answer is:   because we want to control your behaviors, and make you obey the rest of us.  So rules are made, and people are hired to enforce the rules on the rest: giving authority to police and military and more.  But the question is WHY?  The search for freedom expands, to understand:   what some find to be “great”/ others find to be “terrible”.  Therefore with liberty, we the people define for ourselves the limits we demand shall exist for us all.  The real problem with this is:   IT AIN’T THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES, who make or enforce these rules.  Which then becomes, “there are those who do demand to be our rulers”/ when in fact, these rules should NOT exist.  The result as a democracy is:   WE THE PEOPLE SHALL, establish our own rules on our own society, and rule ourselves;  with the clarity and purposes, that our own freedom demands.  THE LAW, establishes our foundation, upon which no rule can tread.
The elemental scourge that is hate, is formulated as an EXCUSE in mankind,  from three distinct compositions:   they hate because, “I was forced/ they made me do it”.  They hate because, “I was refused/ they would not let me do it”.  They hate because, “I wanted more/ and I could not do it, therefore unfair to me”.  The degree of hate is elementally determined by a commitment to jealousy or revenge/ until it crosses space and time, wallowing beneath “the dead line”.  (Those who cannot recover).  Hate is a purpose called “death to life and society/ LET THEM FEAR ME”.  Want is its constant companion, and want is “the biggest liar” of them all.  Therefore those who find it impossible to tell the truth about anything important;   are clearly headed for trouble.  While those who insist, by deed and reality:  “fear me”/ are dead.  Let them try, but understand NOTHING IN SOCIETY:   has a place for hate.  Therefore find them their own “society”/ or remove them from life.  Its not a game, when real hate is proven:  these become, “the criminals/ villains/ murders/ etc” who cannot do better.  WHY allow them back in?  Find them, GO search for hate! It is enough.
The disgrace, disease, and disrespect of men toward women and each other, CAN be dealt with by simply removing the women: and letting them demand of their men, “what they must do, for society and law”/ before the women come back. If the men refuse/ then let the women leave to another nation of mutual choice.  This is: “how, to change nations”.

6.  Healthcare is, “the right of equals”/ there is no money to buy a life/ its health/ or its dignity.  Which means WE ALL share the responsibility.  BUT NOT as the extortion that is today.  Rather healthcare SHALL be paid for as a percentage of income, or over the limit set; a percentage of wealth as well.  A small tax for buildings tools and maintenance: the rest entirely dependent upon the treatment received. By vote, NOT extortion.  The money paid to the state/ the state dividing that money up on a per job basis, with all sides involved determining who gets what.  There shall be limits, applied to all!  Because it is necessary.  You will decide if antibiotics shall be sustained as best you can, for humanity/ or finished and done, by the livestock industry “no more surgery, no more help, death with little mercy”.  It’s a choice.  That choice extends to taking over the “colleges of medicine”/ removing their leaders to prison: and requiring a ten fold increase in graduates, WITHOUT all “the extras”. 
7.  The essence of our reality is:   that we live, because other living realities die.  Or more simply, our food dies before we eat it/ our existence is allowed, because those who came before died to give us room as a child to live.  But human life is more complex than that, because the world is filled with human want/ therefore liars are to be found everywhere.  We live with a humanity that demands “I AM, the superior one/ or associated with the superior one/ etc”.  Therefore games must be played to prove “winner”/ to produce trophies/ to demand homage and worship from the others: and to play god with this earth, because that is impossible unless “the other damned, or foolish children who refuse to grow up; do play along”.

Arrogance refuses reality, because it limits their power to its truth;   consequently the lies cannot grow enough, to pretend being god.  Arrogance assumes the companionship of want, and finds an army of want, to assert it has the power to gamble/ control/ manipulate/ destroy/ or enslave every other life.  Arrogance is a deadly disease, that brings war everytime: because it destroys everything it touches, in one way or the other.  Pride wants a trophy/ arrogance wants power, to prove “it is god”.  Arrogance suggests the current american economy is growing again: because pride refuses to admit, the counterfeiting is horrendous in terms of society, security, or life.  Arrogance asserts, “let us take it all”/ as the reality of unfettered inflation and the lies, “its debt” continue.  Every federal reserve buying of “distressed assets” from banks, or other.  Gives that bank the money back, from failed decisions by their leaders/ and those bank leaders then take the money, and multiply it by ten.  Or more simply:   stealing/ lying/ cheating/ and stupidity IS NOT where “the real money is”.  Rather just be a complete bastard, and the “government” will give you ten times more numbers to play with than you lost.  The fool wins/ society loses, and then collapses under its own demand: “leave me alone”.  Which has then proven to be: the worst decision you could make.  There is no growth in anything in america: BUT DEBTS.  There is NO TRUTH in anything employees and media say about america; because they clearly do not care about truth, but prefer GREED and IGNORANCE.  As they DO steal the entire nation, with numbers and inflation that can and does buy the securities/ the properties/ the lives and value of every citizen, and more.  YOU WILL wake up with a nation lost/ greed owns it all, and you will never compete with them again.  THEY WILL wake up with civil war, and bloodshed beyond their wildest imagination.  The world will enter war, as this repeats in every nation: because the truth is, “our leaders/ STOLE our lives; and the propaganda machines LIED ALL DAY LONG.  Protecting no one, but greed alone. 
When the slavery becomes real, as it soon will: THEN the blood will run until there is nothing left, but death.  Because hate will rule.  A game, no more.   WAKE UP, or face your truth.  Work for LIFE FIRST/ never money again:   or 7 billion people will find cause to war.  With weapons, that have no mercy, for anyone, or anything, or any life on earth.   It’s a choice!  But not for much longer.

And the people say: “I don’t want to do NOTHING/ that I don’t want to do.  And you can’t make me!”  I won’t believe ANYTHING, that is not what I want to hear/ BECAUSE I WON’T listen to truth.  But alas, want is a liar.  In this day of 7 billion people and everything threatened with extermination; ONLY TRUTH can keep us alive. 
It’s a conundrum: what happens when billions suddenly know/ THEY HAVE, been reduced to slaves, and will never rise again? The question is: will you, work for life itself, because you must:  and give up what you want;  for the sake of existence, happiness, every living thing on earth including yourself,  and hope/   OR DIE, as a world of humanity suddenly seeks revenge/ suddenly enters a jealousy it cannot control?  Past the point of no return, there is no going back. Not a war/ an ending to life itself, because the simple truth is: “kill a billion people/ and there are still 6 billion more to go”.  Just death, will finish extinction of life, from the planet.  “You going to dig the graves”?

  Such a hard choice, isn’t it?  Actually must think for yourself, isn’t it horrible:   forced to think is like, you died or something, isn’t it; because the answer comes ONLY from you! Alone, and without “the flock or pack”/ without the propaganda or someone else to blame!  Its all you: Isn’t that so?  Or do you suggest, that your death/ the entire end of “your world”;  is somehow joined to the others?  Is it not true, we all die alone/ unless there is a spiritual world?  Without independent thought and therefrom its decision/ there is no spiritual world, for you.  Simple and plain!

The crisis we face as a world, is primarily established by “the drunken whore, called university”/ whose only true desire is to play god.  The crisis we face as nations, is primarily established by “the drunken fools, liars, and thieves of greed”; because their only true desire is to enslave the rest, and control everything for themselves.  The crisis we face as a humanity called we the people, is primarily established by the prophecy come true of “the book 1984" although I have not read it, what is supported is a time:   when the people become zombies (the living dead, who have no mind for themselves/ they must be told, because they are not allowed to think”.  How is that not today?  Have a thought, and the experts are certain to come; “NOT allowed”.  Have an opinion, and the media is certain to come; to “control the cost to greed or pride or power”.  Have a vote, and the politician will be controlled by money: because without it, they whither and die.  Have hope, and “hollywood” will extract that, with fears.  Have love to share, and thieves will surround you.  Have care, and the masses will ridicule you for failing to understand: “your just a bastard too”.  Have a voice, who will not tell you to shut up, “and listen to your master/ the propaganda machines who will tell you what to say: not exceptions”/ unless you’re a fool, for ridicule.  Have a right/ not to worry, the court will refuse; power rules not the law.  Have a need, sign your life away.  Have a purpose, here take credit instead, and learn to be a slave.  Are you angry/ then join the others, because power worships the chance to make you cry!
Your pride assumes the “drunken whore is right”.  But alas, the drunken whore is angry with you, and rampages against the world for not worshiping as before: therefore her work is a list of threats, that will exterminate life and/ or planet.  Her god is satan, because nothing less; would or could be so vile as to threaten every life, every living existence, on this entire planet.  And the people say, “they know what they are doing”.  Indeed they do.  So the question is:   is there a tiny brain left among you/ to help you survive, by finding what is truth?  So far, the answer is no! A reality without honor, justice, or respect for anything.   But hey, what’s the difference!  Ain’t that right, “to hell with the children, literally”/   ain’t that fair; who gives a damn?  Answer the question:   DO YOU?

The summary is: you are the people, even humanity that did not care enough about life to share/ did not respect life enough to learn/ did not think, because you worshiped the university and let them kill you.  Why?  Because you wanted everything, and believed “this is the price”/ to be saved, & to be rich; “like them”.  So they lied, they cheated, they stole, they manipulated, they controlled, they destroyed, and they have begun to bury you with their work.

And MANY of the people say: “It cannot be so/ they are gods”.  But lets review: they threaten the planet with the same fire as is on the sun; the planet dies, when their gamble ignites it.  Millions of degrees/ flames miles high/ and everything here is fuel, absolutely everything.  Nothing is more heinous/ nothing is more evil: than threatening an entire planet of life.  How is that not so?  This is the national ignition facility in San Francisco, whose purpose is fusion and the controlled explosions of nuclear bombs: which if a single laser fails, “all comes out, in a dedicated laser blast to who knows where”.  Think of it, a megaton of explosive all combined, in one single laser beam; in a suburb of San Francisco.  Sound good?

Then there are those who believe Einstein was a god/ who believe they can turn his simple equation for kinetic energy; into their own ability “to create rocks/ mass”.  How great would that be:   enormous amounts of pollution and energy to create a few rocks.  Why hell, they must be gods/ ain’t that right.  But as the  fools, failures, bastard’s, and a consistent disease these are: it is a game of idiots.  E=MCsquared.  Or energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.  Is nothing more than the formula for kinetic energy with speed given a constant.  CERN intends to turn that formula around by inputting great amounts of energy/ taking what is already mass, and making it travel at the speed of light, and then crashing opposing mass traveling at the same speed:   into mass.  They want to create mass, out of mass: what wonderful “thinkers” they are/ ain’t that so?  Instead they watch as “the hammer strikes” and the mass is broken into pieces.  But with enough energy, what they will get is an atomic wasteland/ where nothing has discipline, boundaries, or structure.  Therefore the energy is unleashed to work like a chainsaw at levels where NO reaction can exist against it: therefore it cannot be stopped, until all “organized atomic reality” is destroyed.  The planet, “like the big bang” simply blows up.  How is that not evil too?
HOWEVER in the rush, to see who can be “satan/ the greatest”.  Those who mutilate life, and crucify nature are not to be left behind.  They alter the basis of everything you eat/ every chain of life that exists/ everything alive/ creating pandemic’s all along the way.  Purposely displacing the structure, disciplines, boundaries, purpose, composition, balance, integrity, dignity, possibilities, opportunities, context of thought that is integral to body operations, factory consistency which makes babies, and every other facet or aspect of life itself.  All to prove they too, can be gods/ and MAKE YOU BEG.  Because you give your lives, your bodies, your minds, your food, your nature, and every living thing into these hands.  And when it all turns to slime/ your body parts begin to fall off/ and disease becomes your only friend in the worship of MAKE ME DIE!  YOU WILL remember the evil that existed, and tear them limb from limb.  And worse.
But lets not forget all the people who destroy the water/ destroy the oxygen, and what creates it/ destroy the environment and its balance/ destroy peace and harmony from human existence as money/ destroy the resources/ destroy governments/ destroy the oceans; and that’s just for starters.  Tell me, are they “evil too”/ or just stupid and insane, without the brain of a rat?  Answer the question!

People will of course accuse me or not being “nice enough”/ then they will say, “we would have listened, and done better”.  But I was/ and you held nothing but contempt, worshiping only GREED.  They will say, HE SHOULD have led us/ taught us, THEN we would have listened and done better.  But I cannot make you something you are not/ and the problem “IS YOU”/ and the reality of change is:   YOU MUST change yourselves.  How is that NOT your decision, your work, and your reality of choice.  People will then blame “ANYONE ELSE”/ ITS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT”.  Because after all, we all know:   “Can’t be yours, cause you ain’t responsible for nothing/ just a damn tumbleweed blowing in the wind: ITS ALL THEIR FAULT”.  Because after all, “you didn’t even try: just give me what I want: OR, more simply, MAKE ME RICH/ you damn mother-fucker”. [BLAME THEM, I didn’t do nothing. ] Ain’t that so?

I am not your leader/ I have spent enough of my life trying to keep you alive.  So understand this:   I am not your enemy, regardless what any religion or other suggests/ it ain’t so!  You are NOT my enemy either, YOU ARE YOUR OWN ENEMY.  Because you kill yourselves.  But you are also your children’s worst enemy:   because you don’t care enough to keep them alive/ instead its “JUST MAKE ME RICH”.  Regardless of that reality destroying every life on earth.  You are failures/ but you are free to destroy yourselves and even your own children: because so many want to by the consequence of their actions and yours/ that life on earth shall be lost.  A better choice can be made, but you now teeter on the edge of extinction/ and every day becomes less likely you can or will survive as an entire planet.   Not to worry though, HELL, “with your big brains”/ you can just create a new world; ain’t that right?  Your “gods” aren’t you?   How could there be any doubt/ too bad “its satan” though;   because what comes is beyond description.  But hey, YOU WANTED IT!   Shouldn’t you get what you chose?  Its only fair, but I do recommend you pray for the children: because their souls will burn inside your head.  Not possible you say?  I remind you that life is existence because its environment is energy/ whereas time is existence, because of its mass.  What is truth, remains forever true.  Therefore with time removed, what is true exists so long as life has energy.  The question is: how or what is the energy of life?  The energy of mass as a body is chemical/ but mass thrown together is not life.  Life is something else!  Therefore the question is: WHY does life exist?  The answer is: because we can.  How is that not potentially true, of death: when life itself is governed by energy rather than mass?  The body is nothing but mass, the soul is nothing but energy contained by your own identity.  Therefore we question: what is an identity/ and find it to be “your truth”.  So the question is:   does truth exist as an energy governed by the law of this universe?  Because if it does, then the universe decides when you die, “forever”.
Your reality is VERY simple: lies exist, because they are by/ for/ about/ and of humanity; therefore some work, for a time/ some don’t.  But life, death, planet, survival, and everything of value exist because of truth: you cannot defeat truth/ therefore what is true, shall indeed rule you.  What is true, is you as the humanity in control, the humanity that follows without complaint (except for money) have chosen to exterminate yourselves.  The end.
There is still a chance, you can find your soul and change/ but no later than the end of 2013, if not sooner;   the reality of choice shall end.  Doom and death shall arise; so says the prophecy called Daniel 12 of the bible.  That reality enforced by, prophetic interpretations now apparent, that are real. 

I do not “give up on you” at this time/ rather, the words turn to extinction, because truth demands:   time, is literally running out.  Even if the last day for real change is the end of 2013/ YOU MUST BEGIN, so as to establish that change, and have a chance to survive:  very soon.  Not a game, life or death for a world.  Up to you!  Not me, my work is done.