Musings, “the place where reality and time decide what the future can be.”

Your future is however less complicated to discern.
YOU HAVE only two choices: either you will accept the limits and boundaries of this planet and its nature/ or you will continue on in absolute stubbornness, and find yourselves suddenly facing starvation and a horrendous mix of terrible consequences from which there shall be no hope of survival.  That is the future: either sanity and respect for our reality mixed with discipline and a dedication to truth/   or every prophecy of horror and hate will come true;   in less than twenty years/ probably within less than ten years, half this world shall be dead.  Because that is the consequence of choices that have been made. 
Can’t see it now/ don’t believe it PERIOD;   “He’s a damn liar and fool”!

Well, you are clearly able to believe anything you want/ that is up to you.  I on the other hand have spent decades demanding YOU MUST INVESTIGATE, EXAMINE, AND HONESTLY DECIDE:   what the evidence of all these threats can mean to our future as life on earth.  That is the choice too/ just in a different way.   You believe?   Prove it is true, examine the evidence fully knowing:   IF YOU ARE WRONG,   horrific consequences kill you all.  It’s a choice today/ but once nature cannot survive itself, or the impact and needs of humanity, or the ocean is dead/ oxygen gone/ etc IT IS, ALL OVER.  Doesn’t matter if you repent then/ cry/ whine/ pray/ etc; life on earth shall be over.  The point of no return, is not a fantasy;   it is reality, that will not bend or change just because your lives will be lost.  It’s a choice/ until that day has past; then you simply become the “living dead”.
DO NOT believe me/ that is foolish.  Believe the evidence and establish the very best you can do, to understand that evidence and define WHAT IS THE TRUTH, about life and this earth.
 If you do, I suspect you will come up with the same conclusions as me.  If not, that is your decision.  Mine is simply:  we absolutely CANNOT be wrong.  Simple as that!

As to the american debt crisis; the reality is simply this:
1.  That the people who could, stole everything. And are continuing to steal by demanding that a debt that cannot be paid, is not inflation.  It is inflation, and when you don’t get any of the numbers/ it means, someone else is.  The end result is, the few privileged;  get free money, and we get to be slaves.
2.   Every single dollar is claimed by a human being/ which means nothing actually costs money except the humanity; think about that. someone is charging too much.
3.   Every single resource is critical to our survival, and we are 7 billion people on earth: IF WE DON’T conserve, we all die.
4.   A job is what we are owed, “just because we are human beings” / the right to work and take responsibility for your own life belongs to each one of us.  The right to take all you can get/ leaving the rest behind does not.
5.  Our machines are the new competitors for our jobs/ it is that simple; many have simply been replaced; and unless we the people design our future ourselves/ those jobs will never return.

6.  Fair and balanced means:   you cannot take more than you are honestly worth to society.  Doesn’t matter who you are.  Limited capitalism; which is the enforcement of that reality is the only way to stop “insane consumption.”
7.  America and the world goes broke, because that is what you chose with your greed/ and it does not matter what you do, it is coming.  “The rich won/ the people are tapped out, and until they get to start over again: the future holds little more than depression.  Because the rich don’t need you/ and you have already promised everything you could”.  Go to court, declare bankruptcy to return to a beginning that will serve you for life/ be as fair as possible (limits applied); and begin again.
8.  The complete tragedy that is the money controlled press/ has proven to be worthless at preventing anything.  Just like your politicians who are bought with money, because that is the situation you chose.  Both must be freed, to work for life, rather than beg for money, and pretend how powerful and proud they are.  Their power and pride are real; to bad it only destroyed.
9.   The money must be changed.  No more “you can have as many numbers as you want”.  As was proven in the past; the only way to be balanced with government is to prove the money is tied to something they cannot lie about easily.  Such as “the entire amount of currency in this nation represents “so many numbers (lets say $30,000.00 per citizen)” that is all there is.  Which means everybody then knows, just how much money we are talking/ someone else is taking/ and where they stand in relation to fair play.  In this fantasy world, built by the university, they say, “just because I get more money what’s that to you”.  But in the real world, all money is human time, effort, and our own relation to resources/ which means in the real world, someone only gets more: when someone else gets less.

10.  There are greater issues than money; life or death for a world. NOT a game.  It is like the story of a man who borrowed money from another/ the lender said:   “The money is in the dresser, just go get what you need” so the borrower did; more than once.  Then it was empty, so he went back to the lender and said: I need to borrow more.  The lender said, go then to the dresser and get a little more/ but the borrower said, there is none left there!  Amazed, the lender said:   did you not put anything back?  The borrower said no!  Then the lender said:   HOW could you expect to borrow more, if you never returned anything?  Did you not realize, “when its all gone/ its all gone”?  How could you be so blind, and stupid!  Now we both are in need.  And the borrower left, believing he will just go find someone else.  But in the real world, this is a finite world; and the day comes quickly when there will be nothing left.  Doesn’t matter how much you cry, pray, whatever:   gone is gone.  Look in your garbage dumps.

So I have searched with everything male could find/ NO answer, because men are men; history proves its back to the same old ways just as fast as they can.
So I have searched within the female spiritual existence of woman/ and found an answer;   because they are different than men.  Simple as that, different means different/ and with true change there is then hope.  It’s a choice.  Unexpected consequences for me however/ but worth the price; “its life or death on earth”. Female influences are not “bad”/ mostly its just really different; don’t know how to live it.   We/ I needed an answer.  This is all, that I found/ but it is enough to have hope, and truth says “its enough for now”. 

So then what will the world be like if women find their strength, and fight for life?  That is pretty much up to them/ but some things are clear.   All the excess consumption must stop/ all the threats must end/ all the insanity must GROW UP AND FIND RESPECT.   All the resources must be recognized with the future in mind/ every disgraceful thing, redesigned for life must come first.  People must learn to share, to care, to find and be friends.  Competition must nearly end, and reality decide by the limits and boundaries of democracy/ the consequence of limiting capitalism so that all have their chance.  Smaller houses, or more specifically less resources used; because we are just too many people for any other way.  Simple and plain; live within our means or die.
Economies have or will collapse/ because that is what you leaders have chose.  Nature will collapse into horrific tragedy, because you are not gods; and millions mutilate “everything they can touch every single day”; stop them or die soon.  “Small town” realities of the past,  must come back everywhere. Insulation must be tripled or more in everything.  Or more simply the future has needs too.  Climate change cannot continue/ it is your additional heat release that is mostly to blame; which does include air conditioning. 
You will have to decide if you can truly live together as one humanity/ or must divide into “smaller groups of like individuals”; as all nations have done.  Because as time goes on, and reality presses all:   the tendency is to pick on the ones who can be identified as different than us.  Not fair/ but that is, just how it is.

Bankruptcy for nations require 3 distinct needs to be cared for:   a courtroom to decide what is fair, as best we can/   the means to continue working, so that these decisions can be made (everybody gets the same wage [new money, like a link card] everybody has a job, for society if not private)/   and everybody needs basic necessities until times get better: that means we share.  The simplest way to share is: to have two types of money, one that buys only the basic necessities of life; while the other allows for buying less demanding possibilities.  Control the base money more, it makes us equal.  Because “toys and trophies” really don’t matter to life.  Do that, and you will get by until the solutions are found.
As to the current situation wherein this nation may have to choose what debts will be paid.  It’s a very simple choice:   start at the salaries of highest paid government workers and remove their pay:   fifty percent for the top people, plus an additional ten percent for every election won/ on down the way until you get to the average government worker shall collect no more than the average private worker/ or ten percent less, because you contributed more to this mess.  No benefits/ confiscate their pensions; they took yours.  Remove benefits paid, services rendered to past employees.  Stop military spending for overseas bases, within four years.  Stop the Iraq war completely and come home: TELL THEM, it is the law that decides peace or war/ it is sharing and caring that build bridges to the future.  Stop the Afghanistan war as it is:   but because the women there are in desperate straits.  Give the women an opportunity to separate from the men in one or two cities you will protect with the world (all men out).  Until the women invite them back; so as to establish, “these women are important to you/ TREAT THEM BETTER”.  Let the women decide.

Create world law, and world policing.  Let a world court decide what to do with terrorists.  WORK FOR LIFE FIRST, and stop the destruction now.  Because this is serious:   at 7 billion people we stand on roughly one acre of growing soil per human being; and that must support every other land life on the planet as well.  Every green leaf gives oxygen/ and your fires, burn the oxygen you need.  Which means:   RESPECT “the leaves and plants and organisms which keep you alive.  Respect  THEM ALL, or you won’t breathe.  Can’t believe it? BIOSPHERE 2 was a human experiment with 3.5 acres under glass and lots of plants; see the results.

Why aren’t we dead already then? Simply because we are using the oxygen stored over thousands of years by excess plants and organisms here during that time/ without significant human impact.  You must make a choice: “to breathe, or not to breathe”/ not a game.  It is our reality.  Every fire matters.  When you turn on the air-conditioning: not only are you adding the energy and putting the heat back outside/ you are putting roughly twice as much heat back outside as you are controlling.  The end result in very large cities: YOU cause a temperature rise in that city of roughly 4 degrees or more, and affect rainfall, etc.  Americans are driving 3 trillion miles a year?   Do you want to breathe?  Look at the results of biosphere 2 and understand at this moment it’s a choice, “we hope”.  There ain’t no place to run or hide, and this is just one of our major problems; simple as that.  Think about it.  But don’t panic/ don’t commit suicide:   just understand, nature can no longer defeat us.  We now must commit to keeping nature alive instead of nature keeping us alive.  IT IS a very different world.  Like it or not, is absolutely irrelevant.  That is our choice.   LIFE FIRST/ never “the damn money first” again.