The functional characteristic of human beings who demand to rule over you, is the intent to conquer and control the masses/ for their own selfish (I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT) purposes.   It is not more complicated than that.
The critical reality of what is TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES, IN THIS OUR REALITY AND ENVIRONMENT CALLED TIME:   does demand to rule over you, if you fail to respect the boundaries it creates.  More akin to supply and demand realities: truth and consequences knows what can be sustained/ and what cannot.  Thereby the future is determined by our respect for these disciplines as are needed to validate and control our own existence because we did, let truth decide.  It is no longer a choice, because we are so many people today: that we will all die/ if we do not accept the limits of what this planet can do for us.  Those who enforce the disciplines necessary for the survival of us all/ are not dictators or rulers; they are the people who care enough, to let the children have a chance at life too! Look out onto your world today/ search in what surrounds you: and measure out, “what ARE you going to eat today/ or drink/ etc”.  Take a true look, at how many people we are.  Remember the fact: we are growing at over 2 million more mouths to feed each and every week/ and already stand one person per acre capable of growing food.  Want is dead/ reality will decide: based upon the choices we make as human beings on this planet.  The day is late/ the hour is near; when no choice we can make will matter!  START NOW!   WAKE UP.  DON’T DESTROY.  WORK FOR LIFE FIRST!

The question of life or death for this planet is not what do you want.  The question is: WILL WE CHOOSE to share and care about each other and this planet, with all its needs as well.  Will we choose to support and defend nature/ thereby insuring our own survival.  Because without nature there is only “cannibalism” left for us/ a few years of complete chaos and hell; at most.  Consequently get over the idea of being rich/ rich/ rich.  And get on with the idea of being equal, so that tempers, hate,  and anguish do not take over our lives.

Given these parameters:   the next question is, “how do we become equals/ with those who believe they are superior to us in every way”?  This critical question divides upon the idea of weapons and war: which are the foundations used by men to prove they are in control/ they are the winner/ and they must maintain the battlefield in their own favor.  The alternate view is:   that by laws we create for ourselves, we find the authority to rule over ourselves/ by a vote, one citizen equals one vote (male or female the same/ one vote each): the foundation for control and disciplines necessary to transform a battlefield into social harmony and peace therefrom exist.
So then the functional question is: do we desire to rule ourselves?  Because if we do, the very first question that must be raised and answered before anything else is done:   IS WHAT SHOULD OUR LAWS BE?  When you have answered this question by vote among the people/ with their input as to how society should function.  The foundation is laid for change. Because soldier/ business/ resident/ young or old then know what this fight is about:   and what their reward shall be. 

Because the rulers NEVER accept that they shall be replaced/ creating the necessary foundation for change means: that, our search for the laws, that we agree upon and will then represent us all:  MUST be limited to “constitutional documents”.  Because these can be written within the limits of time and the ability to distribute and advise a large number of people that will have to be dealt with:   as those who covet power will always,  intend to stop this.  They want control/ but if you want freedom, then you must seek to gain the communications necessary to invite society into their own decision.  The documents of the United States: particularly the bill of rights/ the declaration of independence/ and the constitution:   reveal a suitable means of writing such documents by preparing the bill of rights for yourselves as the means of saying:   this fight will be worth its cost/ because this is what will make our lives better for the rest of time.  The declaration of independence; is a document making it clear/ what we find to be too oppressive for our lives to accept anymore.  The constitution itself seeks to guarantee: that change will come, and we will gain sufficient control so that “our government” no longer is in control of the few:   but remains our government/ under the rule of ourselves.
The US constitution lacks, the necessary words and work to appreciate advances in communication and the ability to educate each other so that we can make the true choice of governing for ourselves.  It was built as the basis for a democracy when these things only barely existed.  Today we can do better for ourselves; and change should reflect that.

Those without these advances in communication and primary education will have less opportunity to vote specifically on the law; and must rely upon representatives to do their voting for them at least somewhat.  The VAST MAJORITY of decisions to be made by any democracy or government of any type: are in fact minimal in quantity and can be resolved simply by the laws we create/ or the percentages we apply to ourselves in the collection of taxes or what they are allowed to be spent upon.  NO MIXING THEM TOGETHER.  A tax is for a specific purpose, and it cannot be used for anything else.
So then after sufficient communications about the kind and type of change that we the people demand for ourselves/ comes the truth of what we CAN ACTUALLY PROVIDE for ourselves remembering the children have needs as well.  Or more simply just because you want more/ does not mean you get more.  What governments can do: is share the burden and the reward far more equally than is done today.  There shall always be “pirates/ people intending through power and surprise” to take more than they deserve/ or everything if they can.  The means to fight them in government is to remove the power of governing as much as is possible and keep it for ourselves.  That means:   we make the decisions in advance about when we allow this nation to go to war.  When we stop war.  When our employees must seek and produce alternate answers for us.  When our employees can or cannot create debts in our name.  When our employees can or cannot experiment with our lives/ our planet/ our nature or environment/ etc.  In other words:   EVERY BIG DECISION that is to be made for this nation/ SHALL be made by us.  As these decisions become part of government: the need to revisit them dies.  And the reality of our rule/ over our nation,  truly begins. We are the owners: proven and true.

Our purpose for employees operating in the functions of governing ourselves is then to investigate/ examine/ and preform the various tasks necessary to insure our decisions are kept, within the intent for which they were made.  Our purpose for our employees is then to create the necessary information and education: by which we can then make our own decisions about every truly important reality of life and society by our own vote.
The courtroom cannot be underestimated as the value and foundation of society itself:   by the function of law, the enforcement of each truth we have assigned to rule over us all, and the creation of justice for each one: male and female alike.  Our society builds and transforms itself/ as best it can, causing the future to be according to our demands/ our respect/ and our liberty to choose for ourselves; what happiness can or will be.
The police do represent the single source of intervention in our lives by the law we assign/ to do just that.  They are, “the help we need” to contain and control those who hate us/ or need a little behavioral modification: so as to understand, why freedoms are personal to you/ but liberties are boundaries we demand for us all.  The police should in fact be determined NOT by diploma’s/ but by the people who elect them to the job/ on a frequent basis; thereby retaining controls as best we can, on those given the right to intervene.

Religion is the creation of two distinct relationships between man and man; commonly used for the control of women/ by placing men as their superiors.  Religion assigns an “irrefutable leader/ who cannot be denied or greatly questioned:  thereby dead for a long time works best”.  That stops the dissension/ so the group can then go forward; good or bad.  The second part is, to discipline each other/ by providing a “blueprint” for life that all can follow;   thereby giving life its step by step meaning and purpose.  Neither of these are bad.  Therefore any religion that conforms to peace and life for society/ without sacrifice has some value.  Women should create their own religion;   because their own lives are different than men/ consequently religion does not have the same value to them.  I am not a religious man.  BUT I DO, believe in JESUS (my teacher)  and in   GOD / CREATOR OF THIS WORLD.  That is not a religious statement, because it is not based in any religion (although I do appreciate the knowledge gathered through Christianity).  Rather this is the completion of the evidence, that I have searched for in life/ and accept as the basis and foundation for my living.  The essence of my future.  The purpose and desire established by the love, so clearly in view: as life and living and spirit teach me what I must know to survive in eternity.  You are free to believe otherwise/ its your choice: I don’t care.  ITS YOUR choice/ this is mine; or more specifically my truth.

Regardless of that: governments are controlled by the people/ rather than overthrown.  WHEN the people find a way to declare what they do truly want for themselves/ and declare THIS IS WHAT WE ALL GET TO HAVE, in this contract we guarantee to each other.  Thereby a reason to fight.
WHEN the people describe for themselves, WHAT must change for society to move forward in peace and harmony; according to what is actually possible for them. 

WHEN the people create for themselves the communications necessary to make this knowledge understandable to the majority; they then do become united/ when the people themselves agree.  Including soldiers.
WHEN the people establish the way forward, without weapons: that vital link between life and government.  Creates their movement  forward. Finding a common goal, that is achievable: creates the opportunities for change.

Military men DO NOT see democracy as their means to obtain and control power/ the purpose of most.  That means where military dictatorship exceeds or controls; the ability of the people to contest.  The foundation for change must be slightly different.  Each of the parameters above must be met, or the people do not participate.  But where too many weapons clearly stand in the way: the function of peace is to remove the organization/ by confronting the hierarchy.  That is done, one soldier at a time.  Or more simply “friends and family don’t kill each other/ IF THEY ARE NOT insane”.  So the question for each soldier is: why would you kill me or us?  Because this is what I represent for you.  Every soldiers life is confronted on a daily basis in many places with: “DO what you are told/ or we kill you ourselves”.  That means clearly: by making his or her own decision possible (I can and will, think for myself), you liberate him or her.  By proving we have a better way that will include you and your family/ your future as well; the possibility he will secretly or openly join you exists.  The opportunity to dismantle the military exists/ when truth confronts their existence, by placing ourselves in the same situation as is theirs.  Don’t ask, for what you would not do; care about each other.  The protection of any soldier caught in the crossfire, is absolutely necessary to prove we are serious/ but do remember “spies” are common.  Do not confront them: teach them, what is better about our way. But do not be a pacifist/ it only encourages aggression.  If you are yet a small group/ DO NOT use names among yourselves, simply use numbers or something else as you desire.  Create a decree “by the people” for what is honorable and true behaviors within the military, when the dispute is civil.  That can come from outside the country; merely imported as “this they believe is fair for the sake of stability and society/  do we not believe the same”?  Are their not punishments for those who go beyond these limits?  Are there not records within the military; about who went where/ who was in charge/ who made the commands? Indeed there are.  DO remind your leaders: that the “secret police” who invade the military/ press/ public/ etc for the distinct purpose of creating mayhem and chaos are responsible to you.  Therefore if we find them failing us/ we will torture you, and them; in accordance with what they do to us. Because it is your fault/ beyond the limits of sanity; it is war.  The most successful champaign will be: to remove the supplies. Remembering those which are most important come first: such as is water/ do not, poison it; as they will do the same for you/ then all die.  “Simply pay attention”.

When dismantling the organizations such as is clearly  being demonstrated in Wisconsin today: the reality is very simple.   They believe they own a grip on the governors neck, they believe they own a right to taxpayer money, they believe a diploma makes them superior (you MUST pay me more)/ and can abuse at will.  Because they are many standing in a place where decisions are made for us, rather than as us; an entire state and every taxpayer who pays.  In the alternative reality:   WE THE PEOPLE, are far more numbers than are they;   and it is our decision to make by our own vote.  BECAUSE THIS IS OUR MONEY, that you demand, this is our state, and we demand to be treated as equals. The difference is, you are not entitled to more or better than are we.  Or more simply: prove we should accept you are superior/ and we should be your slaves.   You want more than me/ then prove I must be your slave!  I tell you right now: IT AIN’T LIKELY!  When people take more than they deserve/ or more than their “employers can pay”: there will be consequences.  When people hired to make decisions go outside their realm of responsibility or true authority: its called crime.  The creation of a balanced budget amendment for the state is mandatory.  The demand no more pensions or benefits is real.  The association of local problems with local solutions and balanced budgets mandatory in every town and district is a critical need/ that cannot be left to chance.  Independent contractors, by bids simple and plain contract negotiations (just money “for today” & nothing else).   Must take over instead of “government workers”: thereby no more state contracts/ very few state workers.  Every debt is a human demand/ not a real demand for survival: debts are promises made; in the case of states, “with taxpayer money”/ and it is time for a tax revolt.  You got your easy money already/ you got more than us for years:   be happy, or you get nothing else.  With reasonable solutions, come the possibility some small amount can be given to resolve expectations, in a one time payment spread out over 3 years:   IF the budget allows, that is all. No more can’t throw them out/ if your retired already, we don’t care: go back to work.  And so on.  Otherwise you are free to sue the people who promised our money/ demanded our debts: that includes both union leaders and political ones.  But they are not free to use our money to protect themselves or pay for what they did do.  Get theirs/ not ours; they made the promise you demanded/ so sue yourselves as well.  YOU KNEW, that you were taking too much/ and didn’t care!  YOU KNEW we were intended to pay, and said FUCK THEM, we don’t care.  Guess what:   we don’t care! 
These groups will then threaten you with “we won’t work/ you will lose”.  And if they do, remind them clearly: then you won’t work/ and we will replace you.  Remind them, either move, or you will lose more.  We the people shall vote!  Upon that decision, we will all be governed.  Upon that decision; governed by one vote equals one citizen and taxpayer/ we will be threatened, no more.  The diplomas will declare “we have a college education” we deserve more!  Yet reality and time prove: for those with a college education the common description is “BEST years of my life”.  Perhaps you owe us more!

Throughout all of history, men have been trying to conquer other men/ to control, use, and abuse women.  It is not “their nature”/ it is their choice.  When we ask why: the answer remains the same, “I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT, and I DON’T CARE”!  That is true of the relationship between men and women in a large percentage of human history/ reality.  Because women are overrun, many learn the same “I WANT TOO”/ but generally not the same things, because they are different.

A recent reality showcasing the brutality of men who simply want, and have no substance called soul: is the rape and ravaging of a woman reporter in Egypt (just one of many throughout history).  A newspaper here wrote “animals”/ but that is NOT true, as no animal is known to exhibit this particular behavior.  It should have read:   “MEN, as they descend into hell (the insanity of believing, women are merely their toys)/ the reality of believing they will not be punished in eternity”.  Their payment will be; according to the damage they did, to this life, and her hopes for eternity.
While it is true, that because of freedom: “cannot give freedom and then destroy just because it is exercised”; not fair either.  The reality of time in our lives is, once beyond this boundary, completely new rules do apply!
In this life called time, what is clear and true about men is simply:   that there are a significant percentage of men who absolutely don’t care/ won’t share/ demand to control/ choose to abuse/ and fail society because they do intend to use.  These will always be found in the military, and any other assertion of power over society; power equals want/ and want equals the demand to play god over you, or someone or something.  Want is an enemy to us all/ because it fails to accept what is valid and true/ what is honorable and disciplined/ what is faithful to the respect we all deserve just because we are living.  What is clear is; after thousands of years in documented time; men have not changed.  What they offer to society is plain and clear: the demand WE WANT TO CONTROL/ and the use, abuse, and failure to respect women is obvious in most.

Or more seriously: if you want a different world/ then you must choose different leaders.  Different leaders are limited to women/ because the only other choice is men.  NOT because they are better/ but because they are different; and different is a clear cause for hope.  The foundations of want does not escape women/ therefore we can expect “new enemies” from their failure to resolve only to follow truth in terms of leadership.  But women do create a completely different solution than do men: that is, they commit to each other far more than do men/ therefore “they are far more likely to decide as a group, for something peaceful and a benefit to society/ than are men”.  In a democracy where votes matter/ this is a very important reality. Women can rule, by their vote.  Women can choose judges and so forth, by their vote.  Women can create laws, by their vote/ and hand themselves the power for change. BUT DO remember this: if a woman literally and truly consents to be used for sex;  or use men for sex;  by one or more/ it is not rape, even if its more than was bargained for.  Women do lie/ keep it in mind; let the evidence decide!
Men gang together for war/ because “its against them others/ and if I don’t they will come back to war against me”.  In strictly a political decision, that does not distinctly war against men: there is no real bond.  The most critical vote women can make for themselves: is to be in charge of all sexual crimes against women: with true and real punishments for those who lie in court, either sex.  Both judge and jury; and punishment!  Get it on the ballot/ write it into law/  and make it happen.  Learn to use “victim defense jewelry”! Thereto, let men be in charge of all sexual crimes against men, by other men; it is their due.  A case of those found to be vulnerable/ being given the opportunity to defend themselves in court, and depend upon each other for fair and deliberate  support.

In the critical test of why does any man join in gang rape/ the definitive answer is: that unlike a team, wherein they work together for a common goal to “win something”.  When in a gang, the men believe this is their opportunity to prove, “I did not lose, in this”.  Therefore rape, even gang rape, is a trophy of what we did/ that the others could not stop, because we PROVED: we were stronger than they.  The reality however, is proof:   of why you are hated or excluded from society/ or should be. 
The method most useful, in debilitating gangs from those who lead them, is to make the leaders responsible for the rest!  Let them absorb or experience, A FAR GREATER PENALTY!  Because the others follow, and would not do it on their own; or more specifically, particularly not in public where others see.  In a world where there are camera’s/ where there are people who know you/ in a crowd:   THERE ARE people who know who the men are, who raped and ravaged this reporter.  Buy their pictures/ prove what punishment means.  Does not some of the Arab religions call for “if they steal/ cut their hand off”?  Did they not steal here/ using their penis?  Indeed they did!  Tell me: can you pick and choose which law to obey/ or is this religion “always correct”: yes or no?  Then do what needs to be done, and make it complete.


For the sake of it, again:   earthquakes can be predicted by heat buildup or deflections far underground.  To measure these tiny movements in temperature.  A laser is placed at the bottom of a hole; mirrors placed if necessary.  On a three leg structure with a motor leveling device of some kind to initiate the correct placement of the device.  Material differences will allow the legs to move differently thereby deflecting the laser beam so you can tell temperature differences.  Other devices can measure and send the outcome of this work.

Again: the single most effective means of transmitting earthquake energy out of a building is to separate it from its foundation.  Or more simply build a sturdy platform for the house to slide around on/ but not escape the perimeter edge. After that structural integrity holds it together.  Bricks require a suitable motion absorbing shock absorber between the foundation and structure.
Again: the simple solution to a tsunami warning system is common sump pump float switches placed in the water so that they go off when the water sinks below the switch level.  That will then set off an alarm based upon the level of the water.  Night or day.