It is now my time to “fade away”, as is appropriate to the needs of a change called WE THE PEOPLE.  There can be no true leaders with this change; only truth, law, and the direction created by “all women” in charge.  You have been given the elemental structures, methods, and education that will present you with these opportunities of change/ but as is clear and certain:   our world is under attack, and without a world response of humanity;   you will fail.  That means, communication and decisions that establish a framework and basis of changing all of life on this planet must be achieved.  Because we are 7 billion people; enough to stand on roughly one acre of green earth each; and that acre must support every other living thing too/ an ocean that is dying, but feeds a billion people/ resources that we need for any hope of a future; and much more.   You can give up now if you wish/ perhaps instead of the terrors called hell/ and horrendous mutilations of Armageddon to make you wish you were dead and gone; there will be experimental catastrophe, and you die in a lake of fire/ as will be fusion on this earth. [the machine is ready, at any day or time, life can end].  OR YOU MUST FIGHT TO SURVIVE.  You must examine the evidence so that none can discount it/ investigate the possibilities in truth that exist as our reality/ and decide that life is worth the price of our survival/ our work as a humanity united for change.  And then do the impossible “so people say”/ and strip away the power from money and wealth, and take control over life on earth as we the people.  It is not so hard.  But it does require preparations.  To prepare, is to understand: the primary influence of rich and power over poor is food/ water & shelter; there is more, but as a vast majority these are the simple factors that determine how long you can or will resist those who do want power and control.  Consequently, it is necessary to participate with each other within the forms and foundations that will provide these base necessities for a fight called true democracy.  A change from them who govern or rule over us/ TO, WE THE PEOPLE WILL DECIDE. 
To adhere, to each other for the purposes of a new and different nation: THROUGH THE LAW, will demand three separate decisions.  (1) to demand we are equal to you under the law, and constitution of this USA/ therefore your actions to subvert and control the constitution against the oath of office each judge took;   is anarchy, and must be changed.   (2) to organize as women with truth and honesty and the intent to take control of the leadership of this nation by TRUTH AND LAW, and therefrom establish a democracy that is truly “we the people/ and we will decide the law, under constitutional decree”.   (3) there will be conflict, and from its beginning there will be threat.  That threat will settle on me, as it should/ thereby leaving you “the women of earth” to be less visible, and more able to work.  Your organization MUST be sufficient in stature and stability so as to create the trust necessary to accept donations TO THE SINGULAR CAUSE:   we will not be starved out, or threatened in like manner by money!  You must not spend this money unless and until trouble erupts and it is fair to assert: “they are” deliberately and distinctly, trying to defeat this people, through such threats as these.  Developing your “own form of credit”/ which will be payable only if you succeed in becoming leaders, is necessary:   creating the legal demand, if this money is not used for the purpose described/ then it will be returned to the people who gave it, & asked for it back under this circumstance. You will otherwise use every form of legal and political means to assure this does not happen, and transition is peaceful and plain.  That does not mean you take over congress in the beginning/ it does mean, you become such a powerful force, organized and created in such a way: that no political leader can refuse/ because you used the law, as applied by constitutional doctrine and authority.  The law is sufficient/ the guaranteed right, to become a true democracy of the people is clear and certain; as it is necessary to be. 
This is NOT rebellion/ this is elevating government to its true and rightful place:    WE THE PEOPLE!
THIS IS NOT “a road where everyone will walk”/ people commonly hate change, unless it makes them “rich or happy, because they now have power or pride or want (for awhile)”.  This is a path, where life will walk, because it is necessary to preserve our existence in time.  That means more clearly: this is an individual decision/ with individual costs, work, and sacrifices that will be made.  The failure to believe or be passionate about your decision to choose life for earth/ will be cause for consequences beyond your control. Life will help you, only if you are truly honest with this purpose. NO being secretly greedy, or desiring power/ pride/ want/ or anything else less than honor, discipline, or respect. 

This is not a path to consumption, and endless gluttony, laziness, luxury, or revenge.  This is a path, to friendship, honesty, hope, and a “sea of possibilities” to be designed by all  women, for all of life on earth.  But do understand, liars and thieves have made you bankrupt/ and you will not escape the cost of this reality [BUT WITHOUT a nation which turned completely to greed and selfishness/ this would not have been possible. So look to yourselves as well].  If you keep on as you are doing/ within 2 years you will find yourselves overwhelmed and at civil war/ with bloodshed in this country beyond your ability to believe it actually happened here. A nation broken and ready to die.  IF you survive the experiments of men, currently being conducted/ and unless GOD contains them, you have no possibility of escape, even for just two years more.
There are no issues regarding my life/ I am not a “story teller”; and this is not a game.  Let them ridicule me, or whatever is desired and do not fight back over that/ simply because it is a distraction, and thereby allows you more freedom, to do the work that you need to do.  There will be attempts on my life, simply because I do stand at the forefront of change/ “take out the leader/ and the rest will fall”.  So men say/ and it is true, if I led: but I do not lead you, I inform and educate you, and my work is done.  That means life or death for me is no excuse for you.  You have what you need to survive/   GOD WILL give you the time required, if you are true to a decision called LIFE FIRST.  So says the spirit of life in me. Believe or not, its up to you. I have no guarantee for you/ apart from the evidence over time; I am who I have said I am. Although if you read this whole work/ that has changed dramatically, and as a complete surprise,  over the last 4 years.  Even so, the evidence is extensive and real; make your own decision.
As for me, life has literally changed beyond all concept of what life would be for me.  Undeniably different.  Realistically without everything that was “strictly male”.  Given to women for the sake of their work for life, don’t know why/ or why me.  Just how it is. The spiritual woman who lives with me suggests “I am, a woman’s woman”/   DISTINCTLY AND CLEAR something I never wanted or expected to be.  But I am locked in a battle to help you survive, and only what is woman has proven able or possible to do that:   consequently she is in charge, and I have no further say.  It is a strange world, and I am being taught/ not a decision, a price that must be paid;  like it or not. I am so surprised, you just can’t imagine. I AM adapting and adjusting, because it is with relief and honesty, I do know: you do have your chance to create a future for life, through change.  That is enough    For me. It is my gift to you as “a messenger”/ not a savior in any form. This  is all that I can do, apart from some help along the way, if alive.  It is your decision, not mine to survive.
Today the preparations that suggested to women: you will have to keep me alive/ if you desire my help:  do come to their own reality.   I now attack the base foundations of money, power, and pride; creating for humanity,  the means to assemble for themselves a true life called WE THE PEOPLE.  There WILL be many “rich or people who want power” who believe, I am now an enemy/ even if you do not immediately accept the task before you.  They know, I can hurt their desire, “to play god”:  Consequently, “dead men won’t do that again”, so they say. It is not true/ words, life, the force of love go on.   But this site, and the information left behind WILL do, whatever truth allows/ by the law.  Therefore it is up to you, to decide for life or death/ because there is no middle road left.  The threats are a mountain you cannot climb, without truth or law.  You must adhere to both without fail or confusion/ you must accept the changes duty, honor, and respect apply;   if you have love in you, as have I.
Too much for you to pay?  Go ahead and let life die, it’s a choice/ but do understand, there is NO CHANGING YOUR MIND.  Once the point of no return exists for any part, life on earth is over.  No mercy, no grand illusions, no escape;   just death.  That does not mean the end of “life eternal”/ just the end of earth.  But if you enter as an assassin of all life, all future life, and all   GOD’S CREATION:     I would not expect “joy”/ if I were you!
Regardless of the outcome, I do wish all who have love/ a life worth living.   I will always hope for peace and life through truth.  That is my way, it is not “a gender issue”.
May GOD BLESS you.
James Frank Osterbur.