The realities of a courtroom ARE: 

That judges are selected because they do, and rule as the men in powerful positions want them to rule, over you.
That means they are NOT chosen for honor, courage, respect, or democracy.  Rather MONEY gives the judge his or her position in federal or state realities.   Its how you steal a democracy, and bend every rule or law to achieve superiority as a direct rebellion against the people of this or any democracy.
One such example of that looks directly at the newest member of the supreme court: the solicitor general who came from nowhere, to get a prized position.  One asks the question, since US supreme court case 08-1339 required everybody working for the defense to deny the constitution, since it was a docketed case.   Was this a reward?  And if so, who offered?  A question that does point to the presidency, due to the fact he was a defendant.

Nonetheless anyone who thought that a supreme court case would be heard just because it was a constitutional law/ a guaranteed right of the people/ or a foundation of democracy itself which enables WE THE PEOPLE to rule ourselves in times of crisis.   Was just plain uneducated in reality.  Rather reality is: WHAT WE MAKE REALITY TO BE. 
Of the various opportunities available for that reality to be a clear and distinct trial for the sake of democracy and we the people as a nation:   LOOKS DIRECTLY AT THE CONGRESS OF THIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

And remembers this distinction:   according to article 3, section 3 paragraph 2.  Only the congress has the power to determine treason against this people.  THAT IS, “the balance of power” over the judiciary, as is built into the constitution!  The question before congress is then:    Does a judicial act of war, describing corruption/ collusion/ and conspiracy:   against the GUARANTEED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!   Refusing by all means, excuse or ridicule;   and in every court of this land, through a series of trials that cannot be denied the evidence of said claims: to grant  the first amendment to this US constitution; for REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.  So claimed by the plaintiff Osterbur!
Constitute an act of open rebellion against this people and their own democracy called the USA or not?  I demand it does!  Because the truth is not democracy, unless the guaranteed constitutional law that is applied to us all:   is granted by its reality.  NOT by a judge/ but by our democracy and its rule over the judge, in all aspects of a courtroom in this USA. 
Had this act been limited to one trial;   cause would not be consummated by the evidence.  The fact there are many trials, both state and national, clearly establishes collusion/ defines and defends the word conspiracy/ and alters the will of this people by open rebellion, creating the anarchy of a judiciary that is opposed to the law, and in open defiance of the rule called democracy:    WE THE PEOPLE RULE/ not you. 

These simple facts, produce and establish the need for this congress of this USA to investigate and examine in open trial, the judiciary of this USA.  More specifically the appellate judges of the seventh circuit are to be arrested and thrown into jail for subversion and treason against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  Because they chose to war against this people by refusing them their most basic right:   a foundation of democracy, its first amendment law.  There is NO IMMUNITY from warring against the constitution/ from turning the people away from their last and greatest authority to correct what is wrong in government, and set this democracy back aright: by redress, the accounting and determination of the people to prove what they shall decide for themselves.   That is an act of war in times of crisis, as are these.  Their superiors as is the US supreme court, have now had their say.  They refuse to make them obey the law, by the excuses:   surrendering our need, for their desertion of duty.   It is no mistake that the judiciary chose not to create an order within the court/ so that no means of due process can be obtained “so says the supreme court”.  Another act of complete defiance against this people:   because the LAW DEMANDS the constitution shall be upheld, and no act of a lesser judge can deny that reality.  IT’S THE LAW.  There is no discretion, and there is no immunity from failure to obey their sworn oath.  There is no excuse for the pro se clerk: because this is a judicial matter/ it is constitutional law, which overrules every procedural matter in any courtroom at any time, throughout this nation.  WE THE PEOPLE did not pay for excuses/ we pay for obedience to our law, by the courtroom.  Which means we do not owe any taxes until this matter is resolved with respect and honesty toward our democracy.

YOUR OPTION is to write and present copies of the supreme court case to your representatives in both state and nation:   because it TAKES ONLY ONE, SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE TO BRING THIS UP ON THE FLOOR FOR A VOTE.  THAT VOTE THEN DESCRIBES, who will or will not honor their oath to obey, protect, and defend this constitution of this United States of America.  That all by itself, moves this trial of treason:   into the hands of your congress here and now.  OR determines if they are participating in treason,  against WE THE PEOPLE, too!  They have the right to call the judiciary for questioning.  They have the right to demand the constitution shall be obeyed.  They have sworn to protect, defend, and obey the constitution themselves.  And if they refuse, that means they too are in open rebellion against WE THE PEOPLE.  IT IS NOT a right to refuse/ it is a duty, to enforce the constitution of this USA.  THAT IS THEIR JOB.  Even more so than any other truth.
If you want this decided:   ITS YOUR JOB, to find that one senator or representative.  Enlist your state government to help, political parties, etc.  If you can’t do this small thing/ then why should I help you?

My option, as it is a clerk who stands in the way with a rule book;   that is intentionally,  an impediment to law.  Grants that the trials coming after this one shall be given precedence at this time/   until I choose to press this further.  One such trial is 10-MR-853: I NOW HAVE the “required decision”.  This trial proceeds as, its first installment in federal court.  First chance to enforce our constitution: belongs to the congress of this USA, and to you for insisting that they provide the democracy YOU PAID FOR.  THE TRUTH, that was promised to you and me.  It’s a right/ not an option.
Make no mistake this is a legal war:   I stand with the democracy as written in the constitution of this nation/   by the evidence, it is the judiciary that stands against the constitution and this nation called we the people. 


I AM NOT, “the mouse that roared”/ I am irrelevant, apart from the fact like any other citizen might: I demand the rights guaranteed to me, by this nation.  THE LAW OBEYED, by the official, just like us.  THIS IS about the constitution of the United States of America: THE LAW of this nation.  THIS IS about the democracy called WE THE PEOPLE, and our authority as owners here.  This is about, the sworn oath applied by its penalty, “either obey/ OR impeachment, imprisonment, or as the people themselves decide to do: with criminals”.  THIS IS about us as a nation, and who we are for real!  That makes this your decision, not mine.  That makes the law and the reality that is democracy in this nation: the power that decides, placed  in your hands/ not mine.  My vote, is here on display!  Want to or not:   “Yours, is coming”.   This is:   do you the people own this nation OR did you surrender that too?  Answer the question!

BE AWARE: the price of enforcing your democracy is NO MORE EXCUSES, not for anyone.  The reward for enforcing your democracy is:   WE WILL rule ourselves, one citizen equals one vote, for our future, our nation, and our world.  Live or die, by your own hand, our own choice/ majority rules, through the constitution.
“It WON’T be pretty”!  But if you refuse, everything collapses and there WILL be civil war.

There will be consequences:   as the rich man tries to protect his money, power, and pride from retribution as in TAKING BACK, the money he stole from us and redistributed to themselves.  He will threaten us all/ but scattered in the sites I provide are solutions for that.  It all comes down to wether we eat, drink, and find a minimum of what we need to survive; to determine if we all have the resolve to fix these troubles or not.  The congress can provide, if the people support them in that temporary fix, while WE THE PEOPLE straighten this mess out.  It’s a choice, to accept the truth and be responsible for our own reality as a nation.  Its cowardice and desertion/ the act of a traitor to deny what is so blatantly plain: THIS cannot go on.  We will lose our future, our nation, even our world.  Simple as that!  Not a game.
This is reality/ by removal of the damn dreamers, and so called experts;  that fantasize about how great they are.

This is the truth:   bankruptcy is the answer/ because it redistributes the money from those who stole it, back to ourselves.  This is every social program will be given a percentage of the nations income to use as we the people provide it: but as they choose to run it for themselves.  This is the end of public unions, and the beginning of democracy (we decide) again.  This is the end of million dollar healthcare visits/ because that is unfair to the rest: the children have needs too, and I ain’t your slave/ nor are you mine.  This is reality telling you: that it is people alone, that charge money for themselves/ and that means when you are told “this is extremely expensive”;   ITS BECAUSE THE PEOPLE INVOLVED,   ARE STEALING, LYING, AND CHEATING US!  No more playing, this is no more hiding or running away;  GROW THE FUCK UP!       Save our nation, their future,  and our world.     It’s,    your choice.