There are assumptions built upon the ideology of “the fan”/ we are winners, when they win;   they are losers, when they don’t win.  This same technique is applied to every aspect of life in america, with very few exceptions.  Life is then a game/ and reality is then a delusion based upon whether you like the outcome of any irrelevant truth (don’t matter for nothing) or not.

Of the various levels of intoxication and drunkenness that is “the american way”;   one of the most bizarre is very simply the belief, that all things will be better with genetic mutilation and testing.  That somehow men shall improve nature.  That somehow men shall make sickness go away.  That somehow men will or will not play god in ways that destroy, ridicule, humiliate, rape, ravage, or extort.  That somehow what is to be gained, compensates us all for what is certain to be lost.  The constant reality and truth is aligned with the proof of what men have always promised, and then delivered.  As is true of your money in this day; for a decade especially, you were promised “to be rich”/ but in reality, they stole, they lied, they cheated and they gave you the debt/ and you gave your children debt, because that is the truth compiled as your reality. You were promised, didn’t need no more manufacturing/ let the others, because america would be “bankers”; hell, didn’t need no damn work or workers, cause they were “rich”/ and sold your businesses to foreign nations or decay, stripping them of everything of value, taking away your jobs and bankrupting the country.  You were promised, housing for all/ didn’t need no real asset, because they had “special financing for you”.  You were promised, “no new taxes”/ but that was applied to the very rich, and their gain was your debt.  You were promised social security, medicare, etc/ but it is now over 52 trillion dollars in debt, that is over one million dollars of debt per US worker;   and you will lose it all, because your employees of government failed.  You were promised the US gross domestic product was roughly 14 trillion dollars at its peak (can’t remember exactly).  But at 14 trillion, divided by 50 million workers, each one had to produce a value of $280,000.00 two hundred and eighty thousand dollars each.  Every janitor, welder, carpenter, nurse; every single worker, had to average a yearly output of that much money to equal 14 trillion dollars.  If not an entire fantasy/ think about how big the pyramid scheme really is, was, intends to be again!  You were promised, going to stop terrorism in Afghanistan/ but instead went to Iraq.  You were promised “no child left behind”/ but at the end of that fiasco, comes the reality of so many dropouts it is hard to comprehend.  You were promised healthcare, but the tragedy of antibiotics in animal feed and more, are ending all forms of medicine for a world; no antibiotics means no surgery as well as no means to fight infection.  You were promised new insecticides, “safer for people”/ but these are destroying the pollinators of a world; no more flowers, fruits, vegetables, perhaps even trees shrubs grasses and more; because we don’t know the full extent of interdependence.  You were promised ethics, an end to lobbying influence, accountability, etc; didn’t get any of it, ever.  You are promised healthcare reform, but the single true issue of the medical business over charging us all;   doesn’t get a peep/ not a sound/ not a single penny removed.  You were promised, hurricane Katrina would be dealt with properly/ more corruption would be harder to find, unless you look directly at washington dc.  You are promised the economic stimulus plan is a good thing for you; but in reality this is a flood of money for the rich/ who will use the debt promised to you, and money given to them for free/ to buy every foreclosed property, then every property for sale, so that the middle class will end within two years.  12 trillion dollars to be spent before 2012, given to banks so they can multiply it by 10; and loan it out to the rich EQUALS,   2.4 million dollars of money, per worker/ GIVEN to the rich to buy your things “and keep you employed” (aren’t they special).  Welcome to slavery/ unless you can compete with someone who is given 2.4 million in your name.  Oh wait/ YOU can’t, because its YOUR DEBT.  Too bad you will never see the money/ just the work.  And since its all inflation, those who believe they will be alright/ will wake up broke; before 2012 is over.  Sudden and immense inflation will take everything/ no nation is going to continue funding this. Instead they will take your machines, strip your resources, own your lands, and leave you destitute and at war.  How can it not be so? You are promised, that nothing will go wrong with experiments in energy or fusion that are beyond the limits of men.  AT EVERY JUNCTURE, where absolute insanity does not become an instant death for this world, there will be those who say; “see the world didn’t die”.  Like the game called russian roulette, wherein a loaded revolver, to the head, with only one bullet is used to play “chicken”/ when that bullet goes off, your world is dead.  And the absolute arrogance of a fool, has destroyed this world.

 You are promised, the world dies only once; just like you.  Any assertion, “didn’t die today”/ has nothing whatsoever to do, with will not die tomorrow.  Because the tools, the arrogance, the failure, the disrespect, and the possibility to destroy an entire world exists in the hands of many men; with many ways/ from a lake of fire/ to absolute chaos in nature/ to critical atomic alterations in structure and dimension/ to loss of water, food, oxygen, resources, and more/ to a world of men at war because of all the cheating, lying, stealing, and tragedy of their chosen disgrace/ to a world of weapons of mass destruction, waiting no more.  And even that, is not all the threats we face.   Failure is everywhere/ chaos is coming, because you as leaders of this world chose money, power, & pride over life.  The game is:   we can play god/ we can tempt, manipulate, control, and propagate whatever we desire to do, because the people are enslaved and cannot complain”.    Life says to the people of this earth: WAKE UP, or die. Like the man who plays russian roulette, and loses;   once dead/ you will not get back up and say “oh hell, shouldn’t have done that”.  There is no middle ground in these experiments;   either life or death.  Anything less, was a chamber without the bullet/ your “luck” will run out.  It is a guarantee. All, the verifiable, real, and provable evidence says it is so.  Only a complete fool continues on (the literal interpretation of “satan”)/ gambling with every life on earth. It is to your complete and utter shame, you must be told this. It is to HADES’ eternal death, that you will go.  Without true and literal change quickly.

In america, everything is a game, except terrorism/ and that is a matter of religious beliefs.  Terrorism is the intentional creation of a situation whereby multiply lives are lost/ because YOU hated, or didn’t care; played the enemy in a game the others were not even aware of.  There are many acts of terrorism created by government and university right here, right now. They intend to create fusion/ they intend to play god with energies that cannot even be found in exploding stars/ they are playing with atomic environments that can be altered to form a completely different set of laws in the foundations of this world/ they have created diseases by genetic manipulation which would kill over ninety percent of the people on earth if released: within two years (its called a biological weapon of mass destruction)/ they have nuclear weapons, only twenty five of which are necessary to change this world, and kill it/ they have targeted chemical factories, and made chemical bombs for the purpose of pain, misery, death, blindness, and mutilation. They are playing god in secret little places throughout this world, with genetic crucifixion.  They are changing nature in its every composition, even though they know not a damn thing about the consequences other than:   “What a horrific failure” that was.  They are presenting you with nano-technologies, that could be worse than a pandemic.  These people present you with “trinkets; promises without merit”/ and say give us your heart, your food, your body, your mind, & your soul.  And people do! Because you are believers, in your new gods called the university;   don’t they present you “with the wonderful theories of all that, they as god will do for you”.  Don’t they ask for your monies, your time and effort;   so that they as god, will make you happy (all you got to do is believe).

 But if we look carefully at what they actually do/ what we KNOW to be true:   we find devils instead of gods/ we find threats from every direction, which will destroy us, not save us from anything.   Nature is our friend, even when disease takes a few.  Without nature and disease, we would never have lived.  Nature because it defends our life with the balance of all things necessary to survive, because none are left out of the equation/ and nature itself knows what is needed for all to survive.  Humanity wants control, and with the help of antibiotics (they helped me survive too), and the exploitation of resources by machine/ we now have a world with more than twice as many people in it, as at any other time in history.  But with that population, the whole world is dying/ resources shall soon be gone, everything water, food, oxygen, etc. 
So now, if we are to survive:   the foundations of balance in terms of humanity MUST arise.  The foundations that carefully help and sustain environment & nature itself, MUST be found.  Not as some damned afterthought, as soon as every resource is plundered, and every part of nature is dead or dying,   BUT NOW.  Or it will be never! And you, your children, and your future will be dead, even a whole world.  This is not a game.  The threats are primarily catalogued/ ready to be investigated, examined for truth/ and held to account by a courtroom, wherein to lie intentionally, is to be executed because this world is at risk. Not a game, our reality in truth; like it or not!
For humanity to assemble itself for life, means you must choose to participate in truth.  There is no truth in much of their  stories/ there is no truth in an assumption or theory/ there is no acceptance of reality, just because you want to believe.  There is only the facts which evidence can bring, which then fundamentally create a support; which cannot be denied.   Or there is faith, that your story, theory, etc is correct/ even though you cannot justify its acceptance with facts that will not be denied. 

A case in point is evolution; the most asinine excuse for violating genetic disciplines ever conceived by men.  They have theories/ they have “facts, its billions of years old”; even though the end result is, alterations in the nuclear fabric of an environment can be changed in more than one way.  They have assumptions, “accident upon accident/ built ourselves one piece at a time”; without a brain.  They certainly have “high priests” who go around university and government demanding WE ARE GREAT/ do what we say, cause we are gods priest.  And so on.  Not one piece of evidence worth mentioning.  Not one detail in fact that cannot be deluded into nothing of value.  But a story, and the authority of government employees who accept:   this is how we play god, and destroy the very limited discipline and care of religions that were built upon something faith knows as true.  Such as WE DID NOT, “build ourselves”/ and this life, these bodies/ mind/ nature, is no accident.  Because we know the intricate design, the attention to detail, the reality of balance and adaption and survival of all species is a testament to CLEAR AND REAL THOUGHT, far beyond anything we know as humanity.  That is both faith and truth.   Like it or not/ because the intensity of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom on display in this earth is so far beyond ANYTHING men can approach; it is asinine to even suggest there is a comparison to be made.  Can you make an arm, build a body, make the blind see?  Can you do anything in comparison with a human body/ NO you cannot, and yet the evolutionist says “the little microbe without a brain, built everything on earth”.  How blind can you be!   THOUGHT came first/ because without thought there is no possibility of design/ balance/ life/ or body.

But a sizeable percentage of men WANT TO PLAY GOD, and they hate being told:   you cannot/ even though you are unable in every possible way!  And violence erupts, because men in particular (although it is seen in women and children, as lesser wants) choose to believe:   If I sneak into “the treasure zone”/ I can steal anything I want; so long as I lie, cheat, and kill those who would reveal this traitorous act.  So people believe, “if they steal or lie about one little thing”/ they can then be “like god”; because manipulation, temptation, flattery, bribery, or gossip is all they need to make you a slave. “God over you”/ is enough for most. But when that fails, it is power/ abuse/ revenge, or violence that takes its place. We are threatened on every side.  We are threatened in every way. And we are only able to compete as WE THE PEOPLE, with one single action: a redress of grievances by the first amendment/ and bankruptcy, which takes their power to decide away.  And presents reality and its truth to us.  One person, with thought and understanding through knowledge and truth, equals one vote for a new and different world.  It is the only way, everything else will fail.

The media has proven worthless, with minimal exception.  If you look at most of the news it is geared to make you fear, or provide you with gossip (judge them/ ridicule them/ humiliate them; cause we like to talk).  A tiny bit is allowed for truth and facts, but equal time is given to lies, stories without merit, and innuendo without support.  Making every story about something true/ trodden down by unending lies by the expert liar, and those who seek power over you. BUT, its not journalism anymore; “its business”/ and that business is too control you, and make you believe anything they say.  Do you not see the commercials, the only purpose of the program is to make you spend your time and money in pursuit of what they present.  Doesn’t affect you; reality proves otherwise.  When the rich own the news/ they own what you hear, what you believe, and what you say in regard to their display of experts.  Can you defeat an expert?  You will never be given that chance/ and even if you were, the army of diplomas would come to drown you out. Right or wrong is not an issue/ power, pride, and tyranny is. They will not even advise you one trillion dollars is equal to every full time worker in this United States, being in debt; an additional $20,000.00 apiece.  That is news/ and they avoid it like the plague.  They will not advise you, the intent of fusion is to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth/ BUT there is no possibility that we can control it, use it, or extinguish it; because it is the burning of atomic bonds.  And that means, everything here on earth is fuel.  “Let you burn, in a lake of fire instead”. Is that not news/ when the machine that can and will bring this fire to earth exists in this very day; national ignition facility in a suburb of San Francisco.  Instead of facts, instead of reality or truth;   they bring gifts of lies, to you/ just as they did with your money, and every other failure, that has become a threat of extermination to life on earth. Do they not say how great fusion will be/ endless fire without pollution.  BUT if the fire cannot be controlled, and the only real evidence they have to support their theory “it takes immense gravity to sustain fusion” is the sun. they assume it takes gravity/ they know nothing at allWrong, and this earth is dead!  Absolute and complete failure, because the very thing most valuable: LIFE ON EARTH/ is abandoned to the whim of those who call themselves “the smartest people who ever lived”. And those assigned to protect you, are worshipers of “these devils”. Simple as that.

  You will die/ taking this world with you. Would you stand in a pool of gasoline with a match/ it is the same basic thing. Without true change, stopping the insane, ending all the terrorist plots that are laden with university pride and arrogance;  you are dead..