The development of social responsibilities

Established under the consequence and reality of constitutional mandate for the future or intent of a nation by the people who did provide that very thing/ requires respect for the work that they did do.  Their agreement, their demand, their acceptance of the cost:   by words, action, sorrow, and death are all a testament to the fact, these things are important to every human being in society in that day, and this.
The foundation upon which this nation called the United States of America was born: is not the excuse of every greedy bastard that lives; but the reality that freedom is not free/ and society is not a toy, and the understanding a compromise in liberty and the joy and sorrows, is necessary for life, as a society and hope.  Our relationship with each other is very simple; separated completely into individuals alone, we would spend all our time in the needs of survival.  But established by community, the talents of one, become the talents shared by all/ and reciprocated by many in their own way and talent.
It is power, pride, want, selfishness, disrespect, and hate that come to consume without regard for life.  These, are the descriptions of america today.  Consequently the necessity to expand knowledge, and identify the crisis in arrogance, gluttony, and disgrace is real.

We begin with what the people who built this nation had in mind:   when the reality of what they did to the people already here is set aside.  For they used genocide to steal the land and claim this nation for themselves. A fact of many nations, many peoples, and many religions across history and this world. Regardless, the people who defined a purpose and desire of equality and justice/ were not, “the literal murderers”; and it is assumed as are so many immigrants: that these were merely here for a better life. Having clear knowledge of being used, abused, hated, and destroyed by arrogance and power and pride from the lands, whence they came.
We begin with the most clear assertion of what this nation is expected to be; in a language and words simple and certain/ which needs no further interpretation.  They fought, they died, they were wounded, and they sacrificed their family time and treasure of a life in peace;   even their children’s safety for the following words:
WE THE PEOPLE, of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the USA. 
Within those words, the clear intent is for society, as individuals burdened with the responsibility of participating as necessary to achieve these results:   to CREATE and SUSTAIN a nation wherein all of society benefits by the individual rights of each decision that conforms to “FREEDOM FOR SOCIETY”.  Not simply freedom for the individual.  Therein we learn, the law of this land {its agreement by the people, to be and do for each other in this way} is about us/ not “I”.   Not money.  Not power over the people.  Not pride as is found in greed. Not just this time, but as our future together passed down to the children.  Therein justice is asserted to be, what benefits and protects us all.  A more perfect union is accepted to be:   as the people decide for change, when necessary under redress of grievances by the first amendment.  Where domestic tranquillity is clearly:   DON’T LIE/ DON’T EXTORT/ DON’T STEAL/ DON’T CHEAT;   and DON’T SELL THE CHILDREN’S FUTURE.  All of which has been done by the leaders of this government/ for decades.  The common defense, does not include attacking other nations/ rather it expects that world law is the answer, and pushes all to accept the disciplines of what is called “world policing, under laws all accept as their answer”.   Promoting the general welfare, is an expression used to indicate and understand:   that our responsibility to each other examines the need to care and to share with each other the base reality of our existence in healthcare, in measures of business and income that are in the best interest of this nation UNDER THE TERMS “LIFE FIRST”!  The understanding of “securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves” clearly asserts that every individual freedom that does not punitively damage   another citizen or immigrant shall be allowed. The demand to secure liberty for our children means:   you shall not destroy their world, or their opportunities to choose for themselves.

All these things, every single command of law under the governing agreements of the people who created this nation, have been abandoned/ replaced with GREED, CONSUMPTION, WANT WITHOUT REGARD FOR LIFE, THE DEATH OF EVERY FUTURE, AND A HATE FOR ANY RESPONSIBILITY, DUTY, OR DISCIPLINE as has been particularly noticed since “the university diploma” took over life in america.  They abandoned the future, believing “we are going to die”/ and stripped every possible want, every conceivable treasure from the nation; to play god/ and cause our descent from happiness to hell.  There is a coming firestorm.  There will be tragedy and disgrace.  There will be revolt and war/ unless there is redress of grievance:   whereby all the people are accepted as primary participants in this government.  Because the leaders, proved failure and the disease of power instead of life.  These current leaders are NOT worse than those who came before them; but that does not make them less worse, does not provide a single answer that is not delusional or a fantasy devoid of reality. Neither does it make this people able to contest they know better; as reality has proven GREED, SELFISHNESS, PRIDE, AND CONSUMPTION has swept this land; destroying all it could.  Liars and fools, BUT made by fears and the truth:   we are surrounded by very many severe and extreme threats to our existence.  They were right to assert we shall soon die/ IF THERE IS NOT REAL AND TRUE CHANGE.  Your elders failed to change.  Reality now falls directly into the hands of the young/ because it is literally your life at risk, your time stolen away, and the decision:   to live and fight for life/ or let death overwhelm this earth.  It is a choice/ but time is running out, past the point of no return where none can argue, you are dead. Abandoned to chaos and terrors.  Your “university elders” say, and have demanded: “the price is too high”!  It is these, that managed to extort and control the prices, the lies, the theft, and the destruction of everything this nation used to be.  They chose to hide in fear, they ran away from duty, they are the undisciplined and the traitor.  Because they led us here, in every conceivable way.  Those called common, had no opportunity; but were in fact suppressed as slaves having no real opportunity to advance to the decisions which led a nation/ they were held away, and controlled.  Those called common, build this nation/ fight for this nation/ and die for this nation in ways beyond the scope or acceptance of the university diploma.  Even in the simple truths of working in conditions that rob them of their health or time or dignity.  As the young of this day, you have only one option:    To demand JUSTICE!  Justice asserts: these are your debts/ they are not ours.  Justice asserts, we are just as valuable as you/ our lives are just as important as yours/ our option to survive is not yours to decide, and constitutional law declares that you, the elders shall protect our lives.  And you did not.  Greed consumed you, failure then surrounded you, and the assassination of life began.  Because fear over weapons of mass destruction and more could not be controlled.  Therefore it is these, that represent the primary foundation of failure this world has become.  It is these that must be peacefully destroyed by the introduction and deliverance of world law, and policing; or you die.  All of them.

Social responsibility extends to the critical understanding of what pushed a peaceful and happy society for the immigrants, over the edge; to find war their only solution.  What damage did they endure, on the path to chaos and hate?

In the declaration of Independence we find their answers, and their purpose in war.   WE ARE EQUAL, with inalienable rights.  In this time, “those called tea party protestors” are called inferior by governmental leaders, “just the riff-raft of society, with nothing to say; discarded and ridiculed”.  They asserted all governmental power is formed from the consent of the governed/ not a monarchy, not a political party, but our agreement as one nation.  In this time, all political goals are divided into those who have control, and those who want control; separate and without the ability to understand every decision is about truth as is based in reality, NOT WANT, power, or pride.  There is no ascension of purpose or desire for the people; only the demand to rule. Regardless of the others.  The assertion of these people was: if you cannot do this right/ then we will take over, and rule ourselves. Even if that is not desired, we cannot go on this way.  In this day, it is absolutely clear that change must and will come;   only the direction is in doubt;   because liars and thieves, whore’s and fools made it so. The assertion of these people was: we have suffered enough tyranny and must stop it now.   In this day: as is proven by the US supreme court case 08-1339, when a legal demand was submitted: will you obey the first amendment redress of grievances.  The anarchists in the court not only disobeyed the law and refused:   but they made a clerk hand down “denied” as their own judgment.  Failing not only the law, but the DUTY of a court in passing judgment by “a clerk”; so that each as was handed a certified letter through the US mail, cannot defend “I didn’t know”/ they DID.  AS THE REALITY IS, NO judge denied this US supreme court case, it still exists in full and complete authority to demand DUE PROCESS according to the fourteenth amendment. They denied nothing, but the law, and their own duty.  The neglect of these “government employeestoday, and in decades past to honor the American public and protect the money, and everything else is without doubt; a complete failure.  The elemental issues of governing for the people HAVE BEEN abandoned to lobbyists and money; the passage to government employment as a leader destroyed by money.  As is constant with “the tea party people”; nothing they do, is worth the notice of leaders;   they are abandoned, their right to be heard literally asserted as “a nuisance”.  After discarding the rights and possessions of the people, by allowing greed to take over this economy, and wall street to sell nearly  every job to another country: the people are failing. Because greed consumed your reality of discipline and duty.  The jobs that are left, belong to the monopolies that stole our government and control our world. Having run out of credit, because greed tempted, manipulated, propagated, and diseased this nation; these leaders turn to fantasy and delusion.  When that too ran out, they gave the promises of every future, “to the damned few, who sold us out”.  As is clear in the lawsuits presented by James F. Osterbur; in the web sites provided by him; the reality of the courtroom in this UNITED STATES, is a pitiful excuse, and near complete collapse. The constitution promises NO JUDGE immunity from bad behavior/ promises NO JUDGE a lifetime behind the bench:   BUT INSTEAD PROVIDES FOR THE PEOPLE, an intent that their well being SHALL BE FIRST. The court refuses.  Every governmental program seeks to control this society by providing new employees, for themselves; so that they become numerous, and believe it is in their best interest to simply rule over us, instead of join us in community.  To pay for this debt is raised/ people are abandoned/ they elect to provide different securities for themselves “let the people pay”, and they even sell the land and resources that belong to us all.  No longer is it a military army that controls this nation; but one directly from the university with diplomas as their weapon, and extortion, propaganda, and the “expert”; as their authority to control and deceive.  These are called “the superior ones”/ and it is these who have led us to ruin.   Our nation has been turned over to money, to the greed and hordes of thieves who have bankrupted us all. Controlling every public access, every public means of defense by journalism; whereby fools come every day, to assert fear, or be reduced to idle trivia.   The establishment of money for the banker, and nothing for the individual, clearly asserts, that we are intended to be slaves.  For selling the manufacturing base to others, we find ourselves in peril of losing everything.  For creating a need for taxes that simply CANNOT be repaid;   they lie continually about debt that is not debt, but represents INFLATION, a further sacrificing of the public, as those in power collect and own everything, with the money provided by this government employees.  Without redress as a nation WE HAVE NO CONTROL AS OWNERS.  They say we are not to be allowed our law!   Every aspect of justice has been surrendered to greed, a direct example is the attack on those people who merely downloaded a few songs; and were made indentured servants for life; slaves forever.   Even after all this failure, these government employees contend:  WE know better/ we will decide.  They are wrong.  The power of a vote is determined by education, that educational process has failed in the public schools, and is another branch of extortion in the colleges whereby students are made to believe they must;  while reality proves they work for a debt most can never repay, but will never go away; they are raped, and plundered, and deceived by the propaganda of this day. The elemental truth of government from one end of this nation to another, from small and insignificant to the highest post is simply: they spent our money without concern, they created debts for which they knew we could not pay, they took everything they wanted, and only wanted more.  They despised our relationship with reality, and chose fantasy and delusion instead; to the shame of us all.  We were left with a rampaging army of people holding diplomas’ that captured our nation, and effectively destroyed our world.  We live with threats from every side, a dying environment, pollution, destruction, every possible resource thrown away as if it were worthless, except for money for them, and not for us;  TO HELL with the future and the children.  We are a captured people, held imprisoned by the reality of what a diploma can do:   deceive the multitudes, by controlling the press. We stand at the gate of HELL AND ARMAGEDDON (nature in chaos).  We stand at the gate of absolute tyranny: the gambling with everything at risk we need for life.  By those who play god, or believe we are nothing but toys for them.  When confronted, all efforts are followed by ridicule, and the assertion “frivolous”/ thereby throwing from the courtroom the rights and relationship that we are citizens, we are entitled to understand and decide if someone else is going to risk our world and our very lives.    When confronted with truth, “the experts” come to be the army of power/ to control the people with words they do not understand, thereby giving authority where none is deserved. 
None of these things have been hidden; everything not plain has been revealed in every manner of correspondence available to me. All these things exist in plain sight, and yet none plainly fight for life, few fight for truth, the young wish for “let it not be so”:   BUT FACTS ARE FACTS, and the evidence is plain. Either change must come, reality must be brought back to life, and truth must decide rather than want.  Or the failure of all life on earth will be next.
That means literally, our fate as a nation and world is being decided “today”/ by you, whether you like the responsibility or not.  There is no choice, we must choose what our future will be/ KNOWING, this state of affairs as it exists today, cannot survive.  There will be change/ either as life demands, or as death commands. 
GOD    OUR CREATOR,     Will, give you the time you need for a true decision/ or a true failure.  But make no mistake, if you fail, you will be abandoned to death; by letting men play god over your lives, over this earth, and TERROR will be their name.      Life or death is now a choice/ because men, and their leaders from the university:    made it so.  Judgment day is here, but you are the judge, and you will decide life or death.  Whether you hide, or not/ just how it is. Your life like mine has been, will become:    WHAT ARE YOU, going to do.  Violence will not help, only law, education, and truth.

In looking to a new future for life on earth, the elemental path that has been walked in these last decades has been one of fantasy, delusion, theft, greed,  and lies. No honor, no honesty, no discipline or duty, and no respect in the leaders of life in America.  Consequently we cannot look to them, so we must look into ourselves and into the past, from those who wrote eloquently about what it means to be thankful, for a new chance, and a different life with promise for better.  Those who built this  nation, saw fit to create the bill or rights; a document who clarifies and describes their most basic needs for what a government must do, and a society in democracy must be.  We then do hear, what is real/ what is true for the possibilities called respect; and what is necessary as we move toward change, and the rebirth of this nation.
Section 1; that we are to be free, and shall know it.  To be free understands: if I am not significantly disrupting or damaging your lives/ then I shall not be told what I can or cannot do.  To be free as a society understands: WE THE PEOPLE cannot be controlled or owned by a few.  Consequently there shall be limits, so that all can share.
section 2;   no one holds the power, only the law.  And the people own the law, and shall decide by their own vote how that law shall be interpreted and enforced.
section 3;   government forms the basis of democracy, through law, and what is the greatest benefit for all the people shall be its method and way.  Thereby we understand, not only are we owners of this nation/ we are its true government, under constitutional law; as well.
section 4;   that we are equal, and there are no exceptions.  The law decides for us/ truth leads us through reality, because it alone understands what we need to survive and be happy.
Section 5;   demands that no long terms shall be allowed for any branch of government/ not the judiciary, not any.  Because reality proves this has been a disaster for the nation.  Neither shall there be those who exceed the common age of retirement;   but they shall surrender their position to those who are “feeling and participating in the burdens of the people themselves”.

section 6;   the purpose of government is to understand, WE ARE, in this together.  We do have rights, and shall be heard. 
Section 7; our duty remains, to demand justice and truth from those who represent our decisions, for ourselves as a nation.   You cannot abandon law to a representative/ you must create the law yourself, and establish the government employee as a force to insure it is kept.
Section 8;   prison is reserved for hate, the path to be sure is reserved for justice and fair play;   NOT “your gut feeling”.  The elemental need to demand behavioral change for the sake of society, where hate is not in clear evidence;   shall be as a form derived from work/ whereby that work provides an education, and that education provides an opportunity to learn what is necessary for life, happiness, and hope.
Section 9;   you must be fair, with everyone.  As a reality, the foundation is: what you intentionally did or tried to do to us/ will be measured against what we shall do to you.
Section 10; we are equals/ and whatever you do to me, exists as the evidence of what I then shall expect the law to do to you.  Or more simply, the law is blind to position or color or gender, or religion or heritage or any other: and will choose LIFE ITSELF is equal. The same for all.  Such is the case for all who defy and disrespect our rights and laws for this nation. Not to extremes, because mercy is a virtue granted by all who understand wisdom;   but only where it is proven worthy.
Section 11; let there be a jury, so that only one or the same person cannot decide for the majority, or those in need.  There is no perfection in people/ and that means, we must have others to verify this is a decision that warrants the intrusion of law upon the freedom of life.
Section 12;   the press is necessary to society/ freedom of the press requires an expression of liberty that is not held to money or power or pride.  Therefore a free and independent press requires the release of every journalist to be what they need to be. And prove what they shall do for the nation.  That means only “cooperative organizations” of the people directly responsible for public awareness and social needs shall own the business of what they do.  NO OWNERS outside the group shall be found/ every owner shall have a distinct relationship with the content of that public information, and be responsible for its content as is fundamental to accuracy and life and nation or world.
Section 13;   that the military should defend this nation/ and not be a tool of rulers.  That it is the duty of us all to proceed together as one nation; if called to war/ and that means a draft, a need to establish proper business attitudes for soldiers, and the understanding:    We live or die together, it ain’t no game.   No more playing “superpower”/ no more threatening every life on earth.  We will work for peace, supporting law and life as best we can.
Section 14;   laws define us, just as we define the laws which will control us.  Boundaries are not real, law is law.  Or more simply, no more little shithead rules by little committees trying to influence freedom and liberty with their own version of power and pride.  You can however create area’s designated by a ninety percent approval by vote: this is how we shall be, and pay a n additional tax . And that includes sections craved out by heritage, etc; so long as you are literally working together for the common good/ and do not harm the rest. This is not for “a different language”, every nation is entitled to one language.
Section 15;   we are responsible, for the decisions that we make/ there are no excuses.  Fail and you pay yourselves. No more telling the children they must pay your debts.  “To each, his or her own”/ be it money, or life. Your decision/ is your bill, not ours.  But mercy will allow reality to understand, youth and other factors are not so simple as “this is a rule”/ life is more important than that.  Freedom is the assertion “I will”.  Therefore with that right comes the reality, “indeed you shall”.
Section 16;   religion wherever it is practiced for love, life, hope, truth, trust, respect, honor, courage, dignity, integrity, strength, or discipline;   HAS value to society.  It is not your decision to decide what value a religion has/ it is only your decision to recognize where hate does live, and remove it.  To that end, every religious organization SHALL keep open books, give accounting of itself, answer the questions presented by society or law, and work for peace, happiness, and truth.  This is your duty, to practice in this land. If you are not clearly working for the good of society, in peace and harmony, then you do not belong; and society need not give you peace.

The development of all these assertions by the people who created this nation allows, for the interpretation of our heart in this day.  Consequently I give you the basic interpretation of mine, and ask you to POLITELY exercise a true and real investigation and decision for what you believe is the answers for this nation found in yourselves.
A proper discussion RELIES upon respect.  Respect demands:   that the words themselves shall be discussed/ and no identity shall be attached.  Only the words themselves are important/ only the foundation you accept for our future together is worthy of being the subject of your discussion. Stick to the truth, and define as plainly and as clearly as the preamble of the constitution of the USA does, what you do expect life here to be.  By vote, carried by ninety percent you shall decide. Let the children understand, let the parent vote for those under the age of 13 years.  Citizens only vote/ but all may help decide and build;   what is to be the future of this nation.   The best we can be, is not decided by age, boundaries, or pomp and ceremony.
Your time to work has come.  Do your best!
Pray for this nation.  Pray for yourselves. Pray for time, and truth, and respect.  Are your lives not worth this price.  Be honest.