The structures of business and government/ our decision to cooperate for the purpose of ourselves.

Some would argue these are completely different things, but they are not.  Without business there is no government/ without government there is no peace or harmony in society, therefore no business but war.  Without people and their needs to create business and government, there is neither.  Consequently for all three to establish themselves and produce the desired result which is our own security and value as a society/ they must be considered inseparable.
Structure means: supported by these typical developments, the whole stands together.  Or, at the extremes, supported by individual members, an opportunity exists to “be a little different”/ as in artistic or engineered for effect.  For the sake of society itself, all things are considered typical.  Because that designs reality/ entertainment is a separate issue, but important in its own right.
What is critical?  Or more simply what can be said to bind the entire structure of a nation together is: FAIR PLAY AMONG ALL MEMBERS/ and the establishment of JUSTICE for the sake of all.  Given that, there is equality/ when freedom proves it is so.  There are 7 absolutely critical participants in building a society that works, and lives in harmony with itself.
1.  Access works for all people, to create the foundation upon which we do “feed ourselves”/ if nature provides (we don’t destroy it).

2.  Opportunity using access to create and control our own decision, which then becomes our participation within this society or world.
3.  TRUTH, the element most necessary in determining what the future, present, or past decides for life today.  WE ARE limited by our reality/ the essence of resource, work, and education for life.
4.  Work, the demand, I have needs too.  You are responsible just like me, for taking care of yourself.  Don’t take/ contribute.
5.  SHARING the elemental task determined by justified decisions, to limit one/ so that another can live and work and do what is necessary for them to do.
6.  FREEDOM, our ability to search for and within ourselves, without concern for the others/ so long as we do no real harm; beyond ourselves. 
7.  THE AGREEMENT, which forms our relationship with society as people united to decide who we shall be.

These structural considerations together with the binding that is fair play and justice, prove to be the critical relationship between members of the same society/ that then will govern business, create peace, and prove a governing authority with honor enough to become at harmony with its people.
The foundation of all business is the control of access in one form or another/ thereby creating competition. The control of money and jobs.  To change this foundation, incorporating limited capitalism; thereby the freedom to work, but the responsibility to share; gives to society “its jobs”. 

The function of all government employment is, to control the opportunities of all groups/ so that each one finds within itself the ability to work and thereby share the freedom belonging to life in this humanity.  We are not meant to be slaves/ therefore an agreement must exhibit the truth: “we have rights too”.
The reality of society itself is: every truth defines us/ every reality creates the world we are about to live within/ every decision is our responsibility to the future/ and every need, is a reality that we either share, or war against.  Because a need, a right, and a truth conceives of society itself.  Every decision is our participation within that society for its future.  Every government, is our version of what it takes to control those who would control us instead.
Control means: WE have the power to make you do things/ take things away regardless of your right or concern/ and the pride to choose against you, regardless of its cost to life or society.

The alternate, called control of government employees which is democracy;  the rule by law.  Depends upon the single truth, fail us, and we will replace you.  As has been proven true in America this day/ that IS COMPLETELY insufficient to rule over government, when liars/ thieves/ and cheats have taken over by the control of our money; establishing debts to enslave.  Democracy has failed America/ because the leaders have refused to obey the law, and honor their oath.  Consequently simply removing a few is completely irrelevant/ the money has control.  Therefore reality states, without exception: instead of relying upon a simple uneducated vote/ presented to us by “the money of a few, alone; thereby controlling both government and the courts”.   OUR CHOICE IS, TO CONTROL THE POWER INSTEAD OF the politician as our primary means of governing ourselves.   Thereby we choose to govern ourselves, by voting on the law/ the money/ the taxes/ and the work for ourselves.  Liars will come and tell you “that is impossible” too many decisions must be made.  Thieves will come to tell you:   “Its not your right to control government/ we have the power as elected officials”.  Cheats will prove they are the government, because they are “so much smarter than us/ we are just like animals instead of people”.  But reality itself knows:   contrary to all conversation against governing ourselves by the law we create.  Is the fact of how we are governed today; by liars/ cheats/ and thieves, surrounding us all with money and debt, thereby stealing every possession and purpose we worked for throughout life.  For no better reason than; “they want our money for themselves”.  Simple as that/ do they not pay themselves extremely well?
Our constitutional agreement as a nation is: what is best for the nation itself, shall be the choices we must choose to make.  That agreement guarantees us critical relationships which cannot be denied between ourselves and our employees/ without the demise of democracy following the invasion/ rebellion,  clearly seen today.  Money rules/ not people.  Guarantees are crushed/ not power.  Freedoms are limited, democracy silenced; because the rich,  own the money press: not free anymore.  Without the money and the press; a politician must beg or be refused/ that is not honor, although some try. It is however the money, that truly holds office in this nation/ doesn’t matter whose money, it is simply “the money”.

The reduction of power to return our democracy to ourselves:   REQUIRES that we own the law, which governs our lives/ our business/ and our nation.  Contrary to the law libraries which hold “millions of books”: we literally ONLY NEED less than one hundred honest and real, very simple laws which will then determine what happens in society, in business, as we go forward in life.  The constitution controls government: the very first act of a democracy returning to its agreement is, that the federal reserve shall no longer make financial decisions/ THESE WILL be returned to the house of representatives as the constitution decrees.  The reality of a federal reserve is: they are only in charge of printing and distribution of monies.  When Reagan and the politicians of his day removed control of currency/ sold all the American people’s gold to raise their money; so as not to deal with reality. They gave the federal reserve its power to counterfeit as desired.  The result, the rich gave themselves counterfeit money/ and handed all the debts to the people themselves; stealing a nation from we the people with “monopoly money/ property controlled by lies, liars, and thieves.”   THE SECOND ACT of democracy itself, is to return the courts to OUR way of living/ rather than letting disgrace continue to disrespect us.  Instead of the “rich” owning the judge, buying the law, and burying the rest with arrogance:  All must obey the law/ ALL the judiciary shall undergo review to determine who is or is not a criminal in the court.  Society itself DEMANDING justice and fair play/ ending the anarchy which is judiciary immunity.  There is no such thing for “bad behavior”/ or decisions against our constitution itself.  That is open rebellion.  THE THIRD DECISION is: that we can and will control all spending, by simply choosing through public voting: WHICH PERCENTAGE of our taxation shall go to this or that.  Accompanied by completely open accounting to all members of the public (every single transaction established, with names; on the web).  Or more simply WHO got our money/ and for what.  Liars and thieves go directly to jail.  People who participate in theft go directly to jail.  People who stand up and say, “let them steal, lie, cheat, etc”/ go directly to jail.  Whereas the people who do deliver justice for society/ protection for our democracy/ honor to our judicial system/ and happiness to this people shall receive an “appropriate reward”;  generally assigned to FAIR AND APPROPRIATE;  retirement issues.  THE FOURTH REALITY IS; that truth is our most important ally; through understanding as a society we do become informed so as to choose and respond to our democracy ourselves.  The FREE press is necessary/ which means NO ADVERTISEMENTS are allowed in the transmission by any form of what can be called the news or political campaigns of any candidate.  We want the truth, only the truth as best you can/ and the facts of our reality, so as to determine the future with honesty rather than by money.  Thereby protecting ourselves, the children, and life on earth.  We the people will pay/ and decide what the news can be; no more editors/ we select.  THE FIFTH PART of truth is the discovery of what is or is not true in and of itself.  To establish that as fact before ourselves, WE NEED:   a listing of simple statements that define and control our understanding of the problem/ the solutions available/ the options we can consider/ the possibilities of each choice/ and the foundations of work and life that will be affected by each and every decision: including not doing anything.  We need to know, in ITS SIMPLEST FORM, what is the decision that we must make, and why this is so.   NOT YOUR DECISION/ OUR DECISION.

 We need to know what happens if we make this decision, or fail to make this decision;  and who will carry it through.  We require the understanding of knowledge.  And we demand the ability to be directly involved on a personal level, with the solution.  INCLUDING the work itself.  No more experts only.  They shall NOT participate as an individual/ rather these shall participate by the words used to create a clear and certain understanding, established by knowledge.  At the end of the process only then/ can you know the name of someone who participates in claiming to be “the expert”.  At that time you will exclude them from further participation/ throw them in jail/ or promote them to greater authority in the translation of our reality into our decision for life. 
Do these and democracy erupts into “life”/ rather than the current game of pride, selfishness, power, and money.

The element of taxation has come up.  The removal of hidden fees must be accomplished and the truth of taxation must be known.  No more opportunities for “government entities” to create their own taxes/ no more bonds without a public vote, and the precipitation of a clear down payment (collection from the people=25%) prior to the expenditure of monies.  No more independent monies of any sort/ all of it assigned by percentage,  to specific categories by the people themselves. No more separation of taxes/ unless they are distinct and included in every form of “what we do pay as a tax”.  One tax for federal  government, which is income derived; NO separation of social security; all the same tax so as to prove what is or is not being paid by the individual.  Or more simply NOTHING hidden from the people.  One tax for each state, which is derived from “manufactured sales”, a tax based upon business: all you get.  One tax for the cities, etc which is derived from a tax based upon utilities tax/ or natural resource usage “it will help you conserve”.  Taxation for road and bridge construction comes from cars/ gas/ trucks; etc, tied to that usage.  You will find “an acceptable reality of tax”/ as time goes on.  Corporations, business, etc are all taxed based upon profit/ no profit no tax, for any business/ corporation, etc that is owned and operated in this nation.  Business income SHALL report their entire balance sheet to the communities wherein they live, giving all information when requesting a deduction; so that the people themselves shall be aware of what is or is not acceptable as a deduction.  Without absolute PUBLIC clarity there is no deduction possible, the tax shall be paid.  LIARS shall forfeit their company, should we find substantial cause to believe you have cheated, lied, or stolen.    Any business that conducts itself outside of the nation, shall be taxed based upon the jobs lost to this nation/ because of their decision.  However, there can be “NO hallucinations” regarding what is owed; on either side.  Reality chooses.
The current ridiculous excuse, to believe a “flat tax solves everything”/ is beyond stupid.  The truth of every flat tax is simply the rich get more/ the poor become saddled with more grief and failure; slavery intensified.  If you have limited capitalism to establish boundaries that are fair/ only then can you have a flat tax, if you are careful.

The most serious thing in time, “a mother can do for a child, is give them a society and the tools,  in which to grow honestly, as a contribution to life itself”.

Therefore understand this: that the current US economy is a thief.  Nothing here is about reality or truth.  Instead the fantasies of a few, have made slaves of the rest through the use of power to made agreements, or more simply demand this people will be a slave to what I say (the leaders, spending your life, for their interests).  They have proven themselves to be not only wrong, but so completely arrogant and unwise as to threaten this entire earth with extinction/ and still they call themselves “gods” over you.  Greater fools, have never existed/ but they have an excuse: instead of one “great enemy as was hitler (many over the years)”/ they all joined together as a university education to build an army, and control the population “with experts and propaganda” (can’t stop us all).  But alas, they fooled themselves/ because armies do not build, they take; and as the war continues, society and life in general simply dies.  The impact of this property war, too great.  The consequence a war of bloodshed, beyond imagination.
They are liars, fools, and complete failures;   because the common cancer of humanity is an “endless sea of want”/ and if they cannot get what they want for free: then as the entire history of human behavior reveals, those who call themselves leaders “WILL take your possessions/ your future, to pay themselves”.  Stealing “hearts and lives”, for selfishness, pride, and the power to make you slave. That ends in war, and the cycle under male leadership repeats every few decades as the very same delusions continue to return, and deny life.  Life under male leadership is defined VERY SIMPLY: just continually repeat “I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT; until a few have gathered it all, and the rest turn to revenge and war.  Sell life, to fools:  Rebuild society and do it again/ constantly degrading nature or destroying it, because men know better (can’t be gods, unless you do).” End of the story, called human history.

The tools required today for survival, have nothing to do with want.  They are built only upon truth.  Which means simply the old ways must be discarded/ which means women do have to lead.  Not because they are better/ but because they are different, and we absolutely must have different.
HUMAN Stability requires a nature that can support us.  Today that does mean more than at any other time, we must choose for the sake of all life on earth, environment first, and more; thereby accomplishing the task of making it possible that we will survive ourselves.  Life first/ no excuses.

Social stability requires not only resources/ which thereby demand conservation, recycling, insulation, and much more.  But also a fair and distributed sense of justice among all participants so as to keep the peace and create harmony through shared experiences and honest expressions that do benefit us all.  Fair begins with a stable currency so as NOT to let the liars and thieves collect and use counterfeit money against you (this is an endless problem, and will never fully go away.  There will always be thieves).  With a stable currency you know, who has been cheated/ and who did steal: thereby able to protect yourselves.  Social stability requires, that NONE shall make decisions for us, that involve huge expenditures or change/ rather we shall learn:   to accomplish a large project work must be done.  To support that work being done, others must provide for their needs: therefore society itself MUST establish a real and sustainable right/ MUST create for itself, the foundations of work that clearly present an opportunity for the rest to say, “yes, it will benefit us all”.  Thereby participating as state or nation, etc.  And when it is appropriate and the timing is fundamentally correct, only then shall the money (decision to help, the others) come forth for such things as materials, or other “can’t do that ourselves” resources to change our reality as a community or society or nation. 

HUMAN stability arises on the clear and certain distinctions of truth, as it applies to reality itself.  Or more simply:   NO MORE LIES/ NO MORE TEMPTATIONS/ NO MORE MANIPULATION/ NO MORE “SOCIAL ENGINEERING”/ NO MORE FAVORITISM; ETC.  Or more plainly, no liars allowed.  An environment of trust assembled from the decision to carefully review and punish those who demand to assault and steal from us by any method not considered fair.  That simple statement DOES require a reality of “social agreement”:  commonly construed as “morality”/ but in this instance changed to understand.  The reason we have nations is: different people want different things (different moralities) in their lives.  MANY CHOOSE FAILURE, which then causes them to find poverty and death; consequently war on the others.  Therefore a functional choice is to be made:   the critical difference between all people is, THIS SIMPLE: some live for love, and some live for hate.  “FOOLS” try to live on both sides, jumping the fence back and forth/ believing they can have both.  It is not true, one is entirely opposite of the other/ therefore they do not exist together: you must choose!  Living with truth, has a price! Those who choose love can live together in peace and harmony.  Those who choose hate, always end in war/ which is why they hide among the people who do choose love, because they cannot sustain themselves without war. Which means in a relatively short time, they will kill themselves; if they cannot come to kill or more correctly enslave you.  A division is necessary:   a reality served by the truth, if you prove to be a liar in this regard, you will not survive here.  The punishment for those who fail society without true violence is then: we will send you “into the desert (so to speak)” at a distance, and in an area, which proves not all will survive the trek back to us.  Thereby instead of prison, you will learn the cost of “warring against us, is the potential death of yourself”.  If you do it again, the trek shall be harsher/ the death toll higher.  Those who choose violence, shall be carefully reviewed: to determine if hate is real/ therefore death is warranted, or not.  Prison shall not be incarceration alone, rather it shall be a place that demands the creation of your own society inside this environment/ the sustainment of your own lives, or death, if your decision is severely flawed; no more games.  We will not support hate, remember that.

When the appropriate laws are in place, currency is stabilized and fair, the stock market is dissolved as an inherent failure contributing only to counterfeit and theft. The question becomes:   what if we don’t WANT, to live within our means/ particularly considering nature now has needs, and resources will soon run out entirely without change!
“So, in reality: this is a question of life or death for humanity and this earth”/ but we both know, you WILL ask it anyway.

As a mother to an unruly child, subject to continual tantrums and the failure to listen.  This question is more properly confined too:   if you do not “take your medicine child”/ then you will die, and there is nothing I can do to stop that process past the point of no return.  It’s a choice.  The method of making a child who refuses to listen, actually stop what they are doing long enough to actually listen and be attentive:   REQUIRES, that the child experience sickness to the point of fully knowing “he or she is literally in danger”. [where you are today].  Only then does a child comprehend want is not enough.  Even so, some children will die/ some children will survive, only through harsh lessons/ and some children will honestly change, and return to a better life.  Who then are you?  Are you wise enough to change, even though you believe in your heart “I DON’T want too”.  Truth is not a choice/ it’s a reality.  Want is irrelevant to life itself, as every “true grownup honestly knows”:  Only truth will decide.