Another attempt, at dislodging the male composition: which is/ “you must accept the evidence, and behave within the parameters of what keeps us all alive”. What keeps us alive is truth!   The critical reality being, whether you like it or not; truth decides the future for us all/ not you.  That truth regarding threats that can easily make us all extinct, is nothing to turn away from; we must understand it to change it/ we must change it, to survive.  Because that, is what the evidence proclaims; prove it is wrong/ because if you don’t  the truth of this day, shall make you extinct.  My distinction as to “female influence” stems from the recent understanding, that unlike male, IT IS necessary for female to “sell the presentation”/ rather than just expect content is enough.  That is an extension from the question; “what is the value of sex”?  Thereby I do come to the conclusion, that value consists of understanding “this one, is everything I need to complete my life and experience/ my expression in humanity”.  As to me and this work, the expression of value is life and planet/ the need is, every life is involved in this decision, want it or not/ and my participation is limited to the truth of who I can be; rather than just stating: you must change yourselves.  My truth is, I am more interested in life on this planet remaining alive, with a future that is not horrific;;; than anything else.  Simple as that.  At this point, whatever that then requires shall simply be paid.  IF there is any hope provided, by the true involvement of people who do care, and are willing to share in this work.  If not, you are lost.

 That evidence being: the point of no return in livestock or fish, our living, breathing food supply;   is the moment our own population covets and consumes so much of these living creations/ that their own breeding stocks, fall below the possibility: “even if we so choose it/ unless people die, by the millions. There is no reality, past the point of no return,  that will allow the recovery of these populations (this food we eat) so they, and we can be sustained as life on earth.”  Apart from a true pandemic to remove the necessary billion or so people.  Because we need livestock/ and fish, because we eat them to survive: their survival is critical to our own.  Once you begin eating the breeding stock of these creatures,  or it simply dies:  either by mutilation, disease, or human disrespect: the end result is every year there shall be less/ ending in extinction, for us all.  Cannibalism and war are certain to come.  We are 7,000,000,000 people all “hands out”/ wanting to eat, every single day.  You do understand that: eat the seed required for planting, that you need for next years crop/ so you can survive this winter.  Simply means the future is dead, even though you survived a couple more days. What is worse is, you took every future with you.   But even so, you cannot hear reality/ you cannot conceive of anything beyond want/ power/ or pride.  And that is utterly insane to me.  I have used all the various methods of communication and conversation available to me, including; “pay attention he could be dangerous/ laugh and ridicule he could be entertaining/ look this is something new/ listen this is worth knowing/ find your heart, it’s a map/ we have a legal right/ we own our destiny/ we can attain our freedom and protect our liberties/ learn what is true/ be careful what you believe/ even a trail of tiny pieces”; and so on.  Media, political, and legal releases as well.  All fail the test, is this enough for people to wake up, or grow up/ no, it is not.

 The consequence is I must find a different way of talking to you, communicating the foundations of every life, are threatened and in jeopardy of complete extermination.  You must help, because if you have managed to read this far, you do have superior courage to most/ who simply run away as fast as possible.  I find I just don’t have the patience for “little things” anymore; life is too important.  You need to do that, I simply cannot.  “No small talk left”.
What is male in me, will not tempt you into understanding without a direct and determined decision for fight for life first on this planet/ we will soon be extinct.  Temptation means: “I lured you to believe, to accept what I want you to be”.  I never have, & I never will.  What is male in me, will not “buy you” so that I get your attention for a time/ to tell you either stop destroying this world or you will die.  Because it is your decision, your own demand within yourself, to do what life needs you to do;   not mine that matters. I have made my choice.  What is male in me, cannot tolerate the insanity/ cannot believe giving you any further opportunity in choices beyond life first will help, because you are too insane to choose wisely.  Or more simply what is male in me, no longer believes in you; because you constantly fail life first.  You constantly choose want, power, or selfishness before the needs and demands of an entire environment or what keeps us all alive.  Should I not say shame on you?

BUT, That leaves what is female in me to decide what else can be done, with an entire planet at the brink of extinction.  Until the point of no return is actually known to be past/ life on earth is over, whether you know it to be true or not:   all who can, MUST participate in an effort to keep this creation alive.  Simple as that.  Its not complicated.  Although the idea or reality of completely abandoning male in me; is honestly considerably more complicated than I expected.  Not an easy thing to do. However, what is spiritually female in me, can change me in an instant, “shockingly so”/ without the slightest opportunity to complain.  That too is a complicated story, listed herein if you look.
To be heard, it is apparent that I must give you what you want, in exchange for “the hope”, that somehow or in some realistic way you will grow up/ and not just use that kind of influence to dig a bigger grave.  Anything less, and you just run away and hide.   Abandoning life, in search of more consumption/ mutilation/ or absolute disrespect for all life, planet, and creation.  What is male in me has lost faith in you, although it is absolutely certain a large percentage will fail life, and turn to complete selfishness as is the evidence of your long term greed;  the complete disembowelment of your economic systems due to that greed, the endless lies, the corruption in every possible corner of society, “to steal more”.   I could say to you, that everything I tell you regarding the future or more specifically the threats which endanger us is true/ and you will learn that as you comprehend “we have become the living dead/ every foundation of life is missing”.  But what good is that/ pointless and without sense or sanity.

What is female, argues “every child needs another chance/ every child needs forgiveness, and without both no one could ever survive being human”.   Or more simply she argues:   this life, must have the support/ rather than the condemnation; even if they fail.  You cannot make them survive, or make a better choice;   you can only hope to help, as best they will allow themselves to be educated and aware.  Like all forms of growing up, personal decisions cannot be escaped.   Like all forms of beginning adulthood, there must be time to accept the realities of life, and accomplish the treasuries of what can be found here, for me and you.  Not want/ but reality.  Not pride, but respect and the dignity of being “the best we can be”; even for each other.


Supporting humanity, not because it is right/ not because it is educational;   but because you cannot find any courage.   That is, Enough of that; I try again.

You want to be rich, end of the story for well over 90% of Americans in particular.  The purpose is to stop being slaves and have everything you can possibly thing to have;   going to die, want it all, for free.  The reality of rich, “I want to make the others my slave instead”.  Or “I succeeded because they could not stop me, from stealing their own lives”.

My support for that would have to include at least a minimal amount of research to identify the near term future, for the sake of playing games;   because nothing else can make you as rich as you believe you want to be/ nothing else can rule over people  or create slaves for you, because that is what rich is.  I am not going to do research so you can make slaves.  That leaves us with this reality:    The critical question of currency is, with numbers that are strictly a fantasy and delusion of wealth/ it is only a matter of time (not long), before the fantasy dies; making the numbers worthless.  That does not mean the physical dollar dies immediately thereafter/ but it won’t be long, 6 months roughly: must use something.  That IS NOT, “money in the bank”/ because those are not physical, and they will be lost.  Federal deposit insurance is irrelevant, because the monopoly game will end/ therefore the money too.  The evidence is clear and certain.  Property will be an “unfortunate reality due to taxation”.  Gold and silver will be confiscated within a year/ because it must.  Even so, certain values will remain in what is physical if you are smart enough to know when and what.  “When is, buy the best”, at the moment you believe the price is as cheap as it will be/ if you can keep it.  Because unlike fantasies, there is real value in certain properties, commodities, and so on.  One bad buy, and your done/ so be aware of what you can sustain for yourselves or not, and why; where will the money come from and so on.  Just remember this, its called an investment/ because you don’t get your money back for a long time.
People want to have everything they can possibly think to eat, drink, and so on.  But that too is fast becoming a fantasy.  There were a billion people hungry last year/ more shall come with each approaching year, because that is what you chose.  Even in America hunger shall dramatically increase;   because you are bankrupt, the credit is gone, the debts “you must pay” tremendous; and every indication today is a reduced crop in all manner of food products before another year goes by.  All is fine today, if you are lucky/ but crops are late, millions of acres are lost to flooding/ millions of acres are experiencing drought/  the livestock herds are being liquidated due to high feed costs and drought.  The fish population is being attacked in their very last sanctuary for a sustainable catch, and we are growing as a population by 2 million more per week, over deaths. 

To support you, expresses the need to help you recognize, that starvation is coming for a world/ because as we lose the breeding populations;   we lose the “food” population necessary to recover the losses we require to survive ourselves.  There is only one suitable plan to intervene on a more personal basis to this type of reality; simply stock up/ but only with items in a can: they commonly have a two year last sale date/ but if the can is good, it will easily remain edible for twelve years or more.  DON’T eat a can that is swelled up.  Or it is entirely possible to stock up with frozen foods, but YOU MUST rotate your stock, and keep only what is realistically less than a years worth of frozen food supplies.  Although if you fill the freezer a little at a time/ until completely full, so as to slow the cycles down, thereby protecting the food somewhat you can hold it for over two years if wrapped good.  Too long in the freezer means the quality deteriorates/ rather than molds or other, unless you fail to keep it at around zero.   If you look fat, when every one else is thin/ prepare for thieves.

Real support for society includes the simple truth: that  considerable food, is thrown away.  That means, IF YOU demand as soon as it is possible to clearly see:   we are going to be short of food to eat.  That everyone must work for, and establish zero waste; then we all get to eat, we all can hope for better next year.  If you do not/ then the wealthy shall continue to throw away food, and you can eat their garbage.  The simple way to do that is:   to change the money for food.  Or more simply a very deliberate exchange as a percentage of income/ for the base level “different money”, that can only be used for food.  A percentage of income is fair/ for the same amount of food, to each one:  because in the end we are all equal as people.  Whether you like it or not.  It is rationing, by money/ to assure all use what they get, without waste.
I DO NOT tell you “the end of the world is coming”/ and never have.  Rather I do tell you, that if you don’t support the livestock and fish supplies as or how they need your support: then that food will disappear.  Same as the water, same as the oxygen, same as the resources, same as the environment/ climate/ ozone/ ocean/ etc.  Its just that simple. EVERYTHING is under attack, right now/ and we can no longer wait.

I can support your desire for happiness IF its not coupled to greed or lust.  Happiness is assembled in peace and truth, the basis of friendship and the desire to participate in this world with or for something that means more to you, than just self.  If you choose only yourself/ then everything else becomes worthless, unless it gives to you what you want: “the reward is attached”.  That “makes you god in your own eyes”/ and eventually because it assaults every other living thing, you become disappointed with life, and lash out. Ending happiness, because if you can’t have it/ nobody else gets it either.
If you choose something or someone that is truly beyond self, passions (the opportunity to believe I can contribute) ignite and there is the promise of love and being “alive, in the essence of that discovery. The purpose, and desire” to be what life itself, gives you the opportunity to be; establishes your acceptance of value as life.  Grants to you, the disciplines necessary to prove not only can I contribute, I have.   The difference is immense.

 The reality requires respect, an acceptance of discipline, a measure of balance as is required of you, and the decision to build within your own identity a life worth having.  A living  creation worth being alive by your own heart and soul;  and a truth of life,  that none can honestly deny.
Happiness, requires life.  While it may seem that various intricacies of time, space, mass, and energy are substantial enough to take the place of a living creation/ it is a guarantee, that these will lose their value in terms of happiness, and you will be lonely regardless of your surroundings.  Life is essential to happiness, because participation is elemental to self worth.  Without self worth, it is impossible to be happy/ not because something is lacking in you;   but because the relationship that is more than I can be alone, is missing.  Self worth recognizes that I do have value/ therefore I am fully able to recognize and accept the love, truth, and joy that would be possible; if someone else cared.  Even so, it is not enough to simply care/ we must share, to encourage and identify the creation that is love between us.  Love is a creation/ because it is not a reality unless more than one participate.  Because we must join each other’s lives to create love, the path between us becomes “the heart we share”.  Happiness is the messenger, that reveals what truth calls;   the essence of our joy.

I can support that we all need a job/ but that job is no longer simple and plain, because we are too many people with too few resources now, and too much competition especially from machines.  If we don’t stop the destruction, and participate as friends/ we go to war, and soon.  Its not a hard concept.  The rich man never shares/ that’s how they get rich.  Those who give a little do so, because the tax collector will take it if they don’t/ so instead of being like the rest, we don’t get a say; the rich man simply controls that aspect of society as well; nothing has changed.  If they give a little more, its because they want the accolades for themselves from the money spent, that is absolutely irrelevant to them.  All that simply means is: THERE MUST BE LIMITS as to what any person, corporation, etc can control.  Or more specifically “limited capitalism”/ this much, and you shall get out of the way, so the rest have their chance too.  No more “ excessively rich man”/ no more excessively poor.  Limited by vote.
I can support democracy, the opportunity to choose our own laws, to establish our own government of the people by truth, investigation, education, and limiting all outside influences EXCEPT FOR WHAT IS TRUE.  Limiting the politician, to behind closed doors (can’t see who is talking) discussions of the critical decisions that we need to resolve.  Letting the people see, only in the last three months of campaigning;   so that truth can be recognized.  Then vote.  Nobody gets a second term without full disclosure of the facts prior to being allowed the opportunity to run again.
I can support a legal system that is literally:   “The law decides/ NOT the judge”.  No more play time/ no more whims/ no more excuses, the law we the people make;   shall rule.  End of the story.

I can support a military system that is fair to all, which means from the beginning NO “large deployment of troops (requiring more than one tour of duty) shall ever be allowed/ WITHOUT a draft.  We go to war together/ or we stay home.  No more pride; the use of force can only be accepted when there is a true value to the action that results in THE HUMAN LAWS, OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE SHALL RULE.  If you cannot accomplish that/ then you can’t do anything beyond destruction and death.  These are unworthy of life or death, by respect.  All intervention in foreign affairs begins and ends with:  “Protecting the women in cities that will be set aside for them”/ IF the men wish to go to war.  It’s a choice/ not an opportunity for rape, etc.  In terms of homosexuals and the military;   its do what you want beyond “the job”/ BUT THERE AIN’T NO “playing house”, anywhere inside the boundaries that include our lives; KEEP IT, to yourself.  Those caught in the act within the boundaries of military duty; shall be tried and convicted of rape, each one/ unless truly innocent.  It’s a choice.
I can support an education that is simply IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD, OR STUDENT: FOR LIFE/ no more damn bastard’s using lives like bait, to steal a little more. 

I can support, a realistic percentage of income regarding any and all major complications of healthcare/ because ten percent for instance is as fair as it gets.  Society pays for the buildings, tools, and maintenance;   private properties no more.  Only the human element, actively involved in healthcare is private/ BUT THEY CANNOT control the business.  They can only control their individual time and opportunities.  Healthcare lawsuits are controlled by society: same compensations for all/ no trial beyond did this happen.  No attacking the doctor unless it is criminal in nature/ although if there is cause, a medical and community review board shall decide if they continue practicing medicine or not. No more long term educations/ they are useless.  Dedicated short term “SPECIFIC trade school” environments/ want to learn more; go back.  NO refusal, into medical schools for “finishing work”/ if they passed the trade school environment, and need a short time more: they will be accepted.  Schooling starts, in eighth grade, and remains offered throughout.  It is the community that shall pay the additional expenses/ it is the student that will assign a specific amount of work to the community that pays; beyond that, he or she is free.  Pharmaceuticals patents, shall all be owned by society itself.  You DO have to deal with end of life issues/ as well as the fact, without feeding the ocean, it will die;   and all we got to spare is,  dead human bodies.  I can support social securities for the elderly/ BUT NOT by stealing from the young; live within the means this nation can and will choose to provide.  Simple as that.
I can support social economic realities that allow for realistic wants/ coupled with real life renew/ reuse/ recycle/ don’t pollute/ and so on.  You cannot assassinate the children just because you’re a damn liar/ thief/ whore/ failure/ and fool.  You must stop the insanity/ and the killing by your lack of caring, respect, or honor.  No exceptions.
These are basic things, listed with the least amount of confrontation I can muster.  They are not hard to understand. 
The foundation requiring a listing is simple:   IF YOU FAIL to prepare at least with the most minimal understanding that is possible/ when faced with fear and panic, only bad choices will come.  Every possibility MUST be dealt with prior to its conception by reality, or you fail/ because there is only fear and lies to be dealt with, if not truth.  Those who refuse, simply refuse.  Life or death, a future and every child, depends upon those who do more than simply run away and hide.