The collapse begins: by establishing a court case, prior to collapse/ ORDER AND BALANCE can be maintained; so that chaos and anarchy do not achieve the violence that will come without it.  Therefore the court cases of this site serve a distinct function: NOT to force you into depression/ BUT GIVE YOU THE WAY OUT.  It’s a choice/ because bankruptcy is inevitable and very soon; it’s the only real choice you get.  Or more simply, this is a controlled burn/ divided into appropriate pieces, with all personnel in place; to remove the “LIARS/ THIEVES/ FAILURES/ AND FOOLS”.  To reveal the fantasy and delusion and insist only truth and reality can exist here.  The demand to FIND answers now; no more “let the future pay”. The future is broken/ because of what you chose to do.  The alternative is to wait for a massive fire/ a hate and destructive result; that consumes us all, with no one to help put it out.  This is NO MORE PLAYING, time to grow up.

The functional relationship, between our american economy and the numbers being used is: the lies are dying/ because the game has been played to its last limits.  Reality is no longer amused!  Or more specifically, because inflation has been so extensive, and the people here completely ransacked already; there is no point in continuing the game.  When the poor are stripped clean/ the rich are done playing.  Its that simple. It is just as simple; the USA has been selling happiness for the last few decades/ instead of building happiness by electing to work for the future.  The end result is, you owe/ instead of earned.  This is NO more “bleeding hearts/ no more whining/ no more tears that are not absolutely true/ no more temper tantrums/ no more mercy without a true cause/ no more masters and slaves”.  This is TRUTH LEADS, REALITY DECIDES, NATURE IS SACRED, THE EARTH IS OUR ONLY HOME, THE LAW SHALL RULE THIS WORLD, AND OUR FUTURE IS LITERALLY IN OUR HANDS TODAY.  We will decide by the changes we make; if anything on earth shall survive.  Because if we fail, all the threats that men have built will EXTERMINATE US ALL.  No more games, life or death is the decision we are required to make. 

This money run government; “bought and paid for by the rich man”/ HAS already redistributed the wealth of every american into their own pockets.  They did so by buying elections, particularly the elections that have to do with making laws, controlling courtrooms,  and distributing money.  They bought the election of Obama, a man who has clearly learned the university lesson, of how to manipulate the words and say whatever the majority of people needs to hear, (because WE WANT to believe)/ then does the opposite.  Because every real choice he has made has been for the wealthy or powerful/ those unions, and money interests;  which can and did get him elected.  There have been no real choices made which directly participate for the benefit of the poor.  They will offer tax reductions for the majority; but in fact that is just more pandering to the electorate for votes.  These are not decisions meant to build foundations, or honor the worker; thereby respect the contribution of “common workers” for the present or future.  Its just elect me, listen to me, look at me.  NOT a foundation in truth, as life needs it to be.  Both parties are useless;   because for decades now, they have been saying “we must or we sacrifice the children’s future”.  And did, and now its too late to change.  The damage is done/ the only option there is for survival as a nation or world is THROW OUT THE LIARS;    And build from whatever the truth about our reality shall reveal.  Not a game, life or death for a nation/ even a world; ONLY AN INSANE FOOL, turns away.  A complete and utter coward.  STAND UP, and take your medicine; you earned it.  Or more correctly, greed demanded DON’T make me pay from all corners of society and world.  DEMANDED much more than any form of reality could support/ and now truth says, either accept the slavery these have created or fight to survive.  That fight will be: either within a courtroom/ or by a civil war.  Because you stole the work of many lifetimes; and reality admits, “someone is going to pay”.  The rich RE-DISTRIBUTED OUR MONEY TO THEMSELVES/ in countless ways.  It is time to take it back, WITH LAWS WE MAKE AS A DEMOCRACY ENFORCED/  not with a gun.  Because whether you like it or not, this earth cannot stand any more destruction that is not ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL; or we all die.  Not a game, a reality of 7 billion people sharing this planet, and increasing over deaths by 2 million more mouths to feed, EACH AND EVERY WEEK.  Face your fears, and do what needs to be done; or die.  It is that simple.   Find some courage, because anything less can only be called:   “YOU damn coward”.   DEMAND THE TRUTH, and we must all begin again; as reality, NOT want; will describe.  Save your child/ your lover/ your friend/ your life/ and this world.  DO IT NOW.

Everybody makes mistakes/ everybody has to learn/ everybody has to decide for and within themselves, what their true desire and purpose for life will be.  I make mistakes/ I sometimes fail to investigate; that is caused by a decision to “either care too much about the outcome: which becomes a choice or a passion without truth. Because the end result is all that matters to you”/ that leads to hearing ONLY what supports your want, regardless of the cost. This easily transfers to “victim of fraud”.   OR if you care too little about the outcome of this particular knowledge, understanding;   or the wisdom of making a decision regarding some aspect of life not governed simply by truth as best you can.  If you don’t care enough, you can hear what is not true (at least in this moment); and won’t investigate adequately until it is too late; that too can turn into fraud, silly, or just plain wrong.  If you care too much, it will cloud your judgment, and everything you hear will be exactly what you want to hear regardless of the truth.  People simply discard the rest, and listen not.  At the opposite end, where I find myself on occasion, the expectation this does not matter much;  leads to the assumption, “then it matters little if its not investigated adequately to determine a choice (with little impact on me) or a statement or a conversation”. What fails here is the impact that can have on others.  But not caring enough;  makes conversation simple and easy, and that leads to the end result of people being misled without a purpose or intent, just because it wasn’t deemed worth the work to establish what is or is not true in this instance.    We all do it/ because not everything is worth the work involved; or more correctly if its not expected to impact me, its not my work to do.  However that leads to half-truths, and errant conclusions if they are based upon a reference that should have been better.  The end result is, as always: “buyer beware”; not every piece of information is correct, or wrong;  no matter where you find it.  That includes doctor offices, university, politicians, etc.   

With that in mind, let us review our reality;   people are elected, because the voter hears something they want to hear.  It is not more complex than that, rarely is truth involved in anything/ rather people listen for what they want, and vote accordingly.  Thereby those who have educated themselves about what people want, are commonly elected/ while those who do not do this study, are commonly cast aside.  Therefore we get people, who then become determined to achieve the goal of getting you what you want/ so you vote for me again.  That has been sufficient for politicians for decades, if not forever/ until now.  Now, with a world at the edge of crisis and threats describing our extinction in real terms;   we must have truth, in all matters both large and small.  Because we simply cannot afford to be wrong anymore.  That is so, because of the extreme mess WANT AND PRIDE have made out of this world.  It is not more complex.  People want, and therefore discard sharing or caring about life/ which results in decisions carried out that destroy, degrade, and disgrace.  Such as we see today, with society dividing into two distinct sections: slave and master.  The second set of failures comes with pride: life doesn’t matter, only the game matters, and the trophies I claim.  “Winner/ loser” and their results, which are jealousy, revenge, violence, and inequality. The end result: you built hate, in a dying world; killing the future, because you just didn’t care enough to share your life or a future with the planet.  You wanted things and trophies instead/ of friendship, love, hope, courage, and truth.
That is the choice this nation made, as it worshiped greed, and the university way.

Decisions matter.  Because truth has a consequence.  Law has a right.  Life is destined to be equal, or war as hate descends into violence.  Happiness must be built.  And peace on earth is a decision we all participate in. 
In america, and clearly in most if not all nations on earth NONE of these decisions have participated in what we see as our current reality: GREED formed this.  Greed is the elemental demand: “I WANT yours too”.  Mine is not enough, be my slave.  When anyone has achieved enough in the games of men to have an extreme excess over the others/ YOU HAVE become their slaves.  When anyone has achieved enough “success” to control, demean, or manipulate your life; you have become their slave.  When anyone has communicated with you to such an extent that you believe whatever you are told regardless of common sense or reality/ tempting you/ leading you/ giving you the words you will then repeat with your mouth “as if they were gods to you”: you have become their slaves. 

A life called freedom, requires your own mind to make the decisions based upon what you understand by the facts (knowledge) themselves as best you can.  Or more simply while we must all rely upon some degree of revelation about knowledge and its descriptions.  It is still absolutely necessary that we investigate for ourselves, and understand the simple truth of what common sense will reveal.  Common sense is the law of life, teaching us through pain, pleasures, desire, or purposes that prove to be “good or bad”.  Or more simply, an example might be:    When someone tells you, that all your problems can be solved with a gun, by killing another person “HELL THEY WON’T be bothering you again”.  That belies the reality of consequences killing someone else will bring.  Or more simply yet.  Even though it is true, that killing someone will stop their interference into your life.  The fact that you chose an event with even greater consequences later on/ WAS NOT mentioned in the temptation to kill/ the manipulation to believe this was an answer:   even though you should have known.  Because life teaches (common sense) that death is NOT a small or insignificant matter.
So we take this example and move it to society in general; to the political aspirations, or personal trophies of people who want more than life or common sense will allow/ and establish their acceptance of a “weapon, to take what they want by force”.  Such as is the teacher and public unions with their pensions.  The teacher holds up the child and says, “how dare you gamble with this child’s life/ tempting the electorate to choose between the child and his or her future.”  When in fact, that has NOTHING to do with the contract at hand, and it is a ploy deliberately ransacking and raping the community by establishing “we will sacrifice this child/ IF YOU DON’T give us what we want”.  Thereby, when the financial pot went dry/ the unions still received more:   because they said, pay us more in the future then/ and we will let the child and his or her future live.  Common sense knows: this is all we got/ we can’t do it.  But the demand to accept children should not be used as bartering tools by the public pushed the problem down the road, until today, when the expected rewards for “extortion” are being demanded.

Same is true throughout this nation called america.  Those who could extort did extort, steal, and cheat.  Those who could not, were made slaves simply because they had no choice.  Because voting for someone to vote for me, IS NOT THE SAME, as voting for the critical foundations of life and living for myself.  They promise, to more than one; the end result being:   who has the most influence.  And that is always, those who control the jobs, the money, or the power to make changes in my own life.  The majority abandoned, the promise a lie.

In the same way, the current attempts to rein in the growing debts are as they have always been “saddled with the truth/ as is the sacrificing of a child; just because you can” that complaints arise, “you will kill the economy, if you rein in the debt”.  Because that is true; but it is not an economy/ it’s a lie.  Based entirely on the projected expenditure of the federal employees spending 3.8 trillion dollars for the year 2011.  Or more clearly that equals $38,000.00 per each and every one, of one hundred million people.  Just under one in three citizens, both young and old.  Take away the money, and the economy crumbles into nothing.  Refuse to take away the money, and within six months the economy will crumble into nothing; because you are bankrupt, and there is no other way out.  A need to spend thirty eight thousand dollars per each of one hundred million people is a demand to get at least $50,000.00 from each of one hundred million dollars per year, in order to have any possibility of paying it back within twenty years, if your lucky [just federal debts/ doesn’t include state, municipal, county, school, township or other].  And that does not include personal debts (roughly 50-60 trillion dollars)/ business/ industry/ agriculture/ etc. October is the month of financial crisis historically, because it is the end of the fiscal year for america.  Got to give an accounting; even though they lie endlessly about that too.  “Got to keep the machine running”/ because WE DON’T WANT TO PAY.    But that has become the cry of a baby, without any comprehension of the facts.  You hid yourselves from reality and truth/ because that is the choice you made.  America went on a spending spree at the hands of a university diploma, that was without comprehension of the facts, reality, or consequences;   or more simply these “leaders” just plain went insane with our money.  Like thieves, they raided everything/ stole everything/ cheated everyone/ and said to the majority: “You pay this bill”.  Of all the various models of insanity, one of the best is the Uof I football stadium in Urbana IL: put up a box on top of the stands so the extra special people didn’t have to sit with the others/ giving the people of IL the debt for one hundred and twenty one million dollars:   so the special people could sit for six games a year, for six afternoons a season for $121,000,000.00 at our expense, plus maintenance and costs.  How is that not absolute arrogance, and playing “master and slave”:   with our lives? 
Did you not want “the employees” to fix this problem: BUT DON’T make me pay/ lets sacrifice the children?  Indeed you did, but alas the diplomas are in charge; “you have no say/ its all your debt if one of the masses”.  For themselves they asked “to be gods”:   Congratulations is in order, they won:   the future of every child is literally in doubt, you achieved your goal; you are gods over their lives.  Certainly not creators; but clearly destroyers of creation instead.  The reality of what you have done is literally point a gun to their head and say:   “Its you or me kid”/ and I got the gun.   Too bad you did not recognize, “its all of us that are threatened now, and every living creature besides”.

So then what happens in six months, when the lies come to their moment of truth?  Six months because, the fountain of money has ended; and now just like the public unions which face the truth, there is nothing left for you to take/ but our lives.  Truth is going to change reality, and lies are going to die/ or people will. Because you have shoved enough people into the financial abyss; that hatred will soon surface, as will violence.  Nonetheless:   What do we know?  First the simple facts:
1.  We know, that government employees have inflated the dollar with trillions of new numbers over the past two years especially.  They did so with programs called stimulus/ “QE 2"/ bailouts/ welfare for unions/ and so on.  But more important than that is the fact all this money, that did not need to immediately go to foreign nations: WENT TO THE BANKS first.  Because no matter what the government numbers were, by putting it in the bank, the bank is entitled to multiply that number by ten.  So then one trillion dollars (EQUALS=ten thousand dollars per each of one hundred million people) of stimulus etc/ then becomes ten trillion dollars of currency in the nations economy.  Hidden from sight, but there in terms of consequences.

2.  We know, that anyone who wishes too, can take their loan/ or stimulus money and invest it into the stock market; and increase their “investment” by ten times; simply by buying on margin.  Or in other words, the employees of government give the bank one dollar/ they multiply that into ten dollars/ and then go to the stock market and multiply that ten dollars into one hundred dollars.  Or in trillions; one trillion just became one hundred trillion, in simple math; is that not so?  Its called inflation, for the rich/ BECAUSE YOU don’t get to participate.  Do you still not see, how you are being robbed/ how the “rich” redistribute your possessions to themselves?  And its all completely legal, because that is what the law allows.  So whose money,  wrote the laws do you suppose?  These are the two basic laws of greed that cause stock markets, and governments to collapse.  Pensions etc, are the third.  Removing the currency from a recognized and legitimate standard is fourth.   It is the games people play, that cause inflation and depression: the “rich” win too many games/ and that leaves the majority without any money to play with so they go into debt and lose more.  Then to keep the game from stopping, the “government” starts printing money so the majority can play, because otherwise there will be trouble; as losers say to the winners, “not fair”.  And winners say to losers, I don’t give a damn you lost, fair is irrelevant “kiss my ass”.  The games stop for a depression whereas the losers say, “I won’t work for this/ but you better feed me or I will burn you out”.  While the “rich” say; keep your distance or I will hire thugs to kill you/ and society separates.  Setting up the demand to do something, and that always eventually leads to war/ because the rich ain’t giving nothing back; and that means the poor are slaves.  Wars produce so much work, that jobs and reality repair the process somewhat, until roughly twenty years goes by, and men do it to each other all over again.
3.  Because of inflation recognized, and the economic system of a nation collapsing under the weight of its lies/ all commodities, etc begin to rise.  That pushes the slaves into a corner, and shoves them down the path to failure; “because someone has got to pay for this”/ and we all know, “the rich man or woman” pays for nothing.  They want life for free, and get it by playing games (manipulating/ controlling/ tempting/ changing the rules, etc) over the rest.  So then we know, who is expected to pay the debts created by the games of greed.  Those already forced to accept slavery and servitude without compensation, apart from;   stay alive “damn you”/ I OWN your life, see my numbers.

That brings us to the simple reality of what happens next?
4.  Contrary to expectation, “the big garage sale of america” is utterly unimportant, as these are the trinkets, trophies, and possessions that do not matter.  WHAT IS IMPORTANT: IS THE FACT, THAT DURING THIS IMMEDIATE TIME, FOLLOWING ECONOMIC COLLAPSE; every industry/ train/ or business that can be loaded onto a ship or other WILL leave this nation in a hurry.  Which means to the common citizen, if we don’t stop this from happening/ nothing will be left to rebuild with.  It is not a small matter.  Close the ports, because anything less will not stop the outflow.
5.  The critical concentration of what has been going on to get the credit this nation has demanded, WILL be revealed as foreign nations and their citizens come to collect on many other things as well.  Or more simply:   when you know, someone is a bad credit risk/ instead of letting them sign their name and expecting a return:   all people DEMAND COLLATERAL, in exchange for foolish stupidity, and the unwillingness to accept the game is over/ surrender your toys.  We will soon see, what these leaders have promised; because there will be demands hard to ignore or refuse.  BUT YOU MUST refuse the demands anyway, and stand firm in a resolution: “this nation survives, first”.  Then we talk.

6.   The elemental truth of every nation on earth in terms of their own future is:   “its all about resources”.  That means the failure of resources, demands poverty first.  That means when absolute arrogance comes to destroy the last of the resources that every future needs/ because they want money NOW.  You must refuse them, and accept “things will be poor” for a time/ so that we can rebuild and survive as a nation.   To accomplish that, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, “everyone believes that we share this responsibility, as equals”.  Because if you don’t, violence and war begins. 
7.   The reality of every nation in economic distress is: WE MUST do something for and with these people/ or they will tear the rest of us down too.  In other words without equality, in a world so densely populated and facing so many problems as is this planet; you won’t survive.  The only method of achieving equality and the cooperation of the masses is through limited capitalism: because that gives to the people their own control over leaders/ over the wealthy/ over the resources/ and over their own future: as reality and truth allow.  Or they fail as a society, and invade your world.  Consequently world law (law decides/ not nations, in these area’s) and policing (the leaders shall be brought to trial, as necessary) are absolute necessities for the future.  With these two things, we become equals as a world; insofar as reality will allow it.
8.   We now enter society, as a relationship created and defined by the truth of what we want or desire life to be.  Want is a description of “I don’t care/ I won’t share; GET YOUR ASS out of my face”.  Desire is a reality of, “we share this life together, that means our truth is determined by both is us/ therefore we should work together, with respect for all life”.  Do you see the difference?  Society is one or the other/ dependent upon the numbers; we shape our world. 
What is want (the selfishness of my own demand), is in view;  as that, and its ever present greed have brought you to this day.  Much is still hidden/ but not for much longer, when the fight to control begins in ernest.

Desire (friendship revealed), is a possibility most recognize but few retain as their purpose in life.  Primarily because people use, abuse, refuse, tempt, manipulate, control, swindle, cheat, steal, disrespect, disgrace, avoid, hate, become jealous, cowards, violent, or other.  In other words:   we create our own world, by influencing the behavior of others with our own.  Greed fundamentally challenges society to survive; extensive greed as is seen in america and other places/ causes nations to collapse and threatens a world.  Its an historical fact, clearly repeated over and over and over.  Because men in particular like to play games with life.  “I can beat you”!
Even so: today with a world at stake due to the decisions of men throughout history, now leading to a world at the edge of complete destruction.  The result is, NOW YOU MUST CHOOSE for the future you will all share together/ or die.  Everything is under attack, everything to survive as a world, requires cooperation between all people’s.  In other words:   UNLESS YOU CHOOSE NOW TO BE FRIENDS, instead of competitors/ you lose this earth.  Because that is the choice you did make; to destroy until chaos stands ready to exterminate you from the planet.  Congratulations, you are gods, as you always wanted to be:   only your reward is, FAIL to make the right decisions for this planet, and you die.  It’s a choice, based entirely upon truth, NOT money or want.  It’s a decision that cannot be escaped/ because the future is just as bleak if you fail to continue letting truth decide.  We are too many people for any other way, the world, its nature, and consequently ourselves will die.   Believe it or not.  Truth doesn’t care/ it simply makes the laws of life or death,  real.

9.   The critical relationship we now face as a world is: that without nature “complete enough” to provide for us, this entire ecosystem collapses under the weight of human want.  Without enough numbers in livestock or plants to reproduce sufficiently we will not survive/ because people will eat the seed, giving nothing left for even one more year.  As they consume one variation of life to the next/ the possibilities of survival for anything end.  As they become hungry, they WILL eat anything in sight; until they get down to being cannibals/ and that time will certainly come.  Because you have left yourselves with no choice at this time.  With the arctic ocean now opening up for fishing, the very last refuge for sea life will be devastated in a single year.  With no food coming out of the ocean to speak of because there is “no seed for next year”/ the rest of the sea life dependent upon that prey fish will die, leaving an empty ocean in two to three; 2012-2014/ a billion people now have no hope of food, except as cannibals.  Think it can’t happen?  Your wrong.  Nature is being mutilated, by university diplomas so completely insane, they actually believe they are gods;   going to create my own world, by destroying nature, by mutilating our very existence.  Is not DNA and the biological factories that design and build our lives worth protecting?  Obviously not, because the idol worshipers of university as a religion; are so damn blind, so utterly insane and bowed down to the worship of these images called “science”; that they gamble with all life on earth, through fools.  And don’t see the end of all life/ because they had things too good for themselves.  Not to worry, you will be convinced “LOSER”/ AS ARMAGEDDON comes.  It means nature, or life itself on earth;   in chaos and disarray!  No balance/ no discipline/ no symmetry/ no thought/ no parts and pieces as they belong/ no separation of species/ no immunity/ no hope or desire for life/ no anything of value, just mutilation, and its inevitable result which is slime, without a mind.  It’s the choice you made; happy now?  And all the rest, of what “science has done”, to literally threaten us all.  It is horrendous, or more correctly the steps taken to be horrendous, terrorizing, and absolute tragedy without the possibility of repair or return to life.  But hey, “gods/ satan” for a day or two/ so its all worth destroying an entire planet, isn’t it!  Must be, or you wouldn’t do it; ain’t that so!  Just keep your head bowed down on the ground, “so you can’t see a thing”; and pretty soon now it will all be over.  And you didn’t have to use your mind at all.  It’s the perfect religion, “lets all be gods”.  Don’t peek now, just keep worshiping like good little demons;  wouldn’t want you to be afraid, would we?  Hell no, it would ruin everything; you might even start thinking for yourself.  That would be bad, mass hypnosis/ brain washing might even end.  Ooh, one shudders to think.

10.   The relationship we all share over money is very simple: since money is strictly a human development, it is based ENTIRELY on the demand of human beings.  Or more simply, if anything costs money: its because the people involved demanded the money.  No more complex than that.  Or more simply, the only reason an aircraft carrier costs more money than an apple, is because there are more people demanding money for it.  But lets review: if my time is worth the same as your time (time being the equivalent of life in time/ because time stops for us when dead).  Then my hour is worth the same as your hour of work, unless you do something with more risk, dangerous, or demanding than I.  The entire issue of a diploma is discarded, simply because those are called by nearly all, “the best years of my life”/ WHY should we pay you for that?  Where is my fun?  Even so, society, as in business/ etc,  must pay the price of an education if it wants that.  NOT every damn year, but fair and reasonable according to what society needs; nothing more.  We have thereby decided; if the work is equal/ then the pay is equal too.  The work is equal, if and when what is required of you; does not substantially jeopardize your life/ steal your time/ or cause undue hardships.  Therefore one hour for the apple picker, is equivalent to one thousand hours for the aircraft carrier builder: essentially the same rate of pay.  Because the risk is similar, considering the apple picker uses ladders/ bears weight/ etc.  Its all about time/ because time and body are life.
To establish and sustain what is fair: the national currency/  money must be tied too a citizen population count.  Thereby we know, just how much we get in comparison to the rest.  Some are worth more/ some are worth less/ those who will not work, are forced into the fringe where they will live or die; becoming aware, “we are not playing/ do your share”.
To establish an international monetary fund for trading, requires gold or silver or other as the means suitable for establishing a currency standard that cannot easily be fraudulent and a lie as in today.  That means we will confiscate these metals/ but it also means, “no right to steal them: the value will be recognized”.

11.   Economic collapse means: we don’t trust each other anymore/ therefore I don’t work, and you don’t pay.  OR it means the resources are gone, and therefore so are the jobs, the work, the hope, and the opportunity to continue on: DIES.  Kill the resources, and your done/ retain the possibility for a future by aiding nature and doing what is fair and legitimate for all life; and tomorrow lives.

The reality of trust is much the same:   DON’T play games with each other, so that one can be loser, while the other claims winner/ and economic collapse does not come, if resources survive.  But as history proves “too many” men do not like life without games/ they force the rest, by using money to invade and attack all living things, including “your family, friend, future, and environment; or more simply, ANYTHING you care about”.  Therefore “you got to play, attack them back, or hide in hate and seek revenge with violence; if its bad enough to make you the living dead”.  While the game is take all you can get, the battle rages as competition to get all the trophies you can.  When the game is over, because there are too many financial and human fatalities; hate rises, violence consumes, and war is used to create work, thereby a job that cannot be refused, and the elimination of at least some of the competition; because they’re dead.  So it all starts again.  That is the history of male leadership.  Simple and plain.  Established and controlled by money.  Enforced because money can make you starve, take away everything important to you, or cause disgrace and disrespect leaving you without any refuge but hate. Because life’s a game, therefore someone has to lose.  Because unless someone can clearly be shown “as a tragedy to me”/ the others will not slave, but rebel.  The control of humanity, is very easily seen in Libya today:   the one with weapons comes to kill, rape, torture, and enslave.  The others however, being a prey all their lives have learned to fear, and the vast majority run away at the slightest challenge; because they don’t believe in a life without rulers.  Why should I die, for nothing.  Because if they did not think so/ then they would stand and fight to their death; because this is either a fight worth that price, or it is not.  The question is: WHAT are you willing to fight for?  The answer for every prey is, “run and hide”.  The answer for every man is, my heart knows the truth of what is important to me/ and each one answers, or flees. 
Every war is about money, or resources.  Resources force an answer because people begin to die without them.  But money is the enforcement of a few men, upon the lives of all other people, places, or things.  Thereby control, manipulation, and the demands for more than you deserve.  Leaving the majority to ask: SHALL WE NOT refuse them?  But the few always have weapons, and they always enforce with fear; consequently the prey is born & with money the traitor hides among them. Failure and disease, the fundamental elements that money represents; a society lost, because the competition drove them insane; therefore greed arose.  America and others, have drove themselves into poverty and disgrace; so proud, only a civil war or war against the world is left.  Either will be beyond imagination as to consequences upon life.  Yet that is what you chose, because of your money, the deceit of traitors; intentional or not.  Take a look at history, is not the answer of men:   WAR!

12.   So then we round up the reality of our situation in this time with the very simple understanding: essentially everything you do is wrong.  You built an economy on vehicles that burn fossil fuel/ and for america, when the world had only a few; that worked for america.  But now with perhaps a billion vehicles across the planet.  With demands for fuel multiplying across the world;   the expectation that there is enough oxygen for all these fires is futile and blind.  There is not.  Which means soon we will not breathe.  Calculations can be done/ experiments have been done: the reality is, this planet does not produce as much oxygen as all your fires consume; never mind the needs of life itself.  And you are destroying “the lungs of this earth” as fast as you can, for products you then throw in the trash.  You have made confinement agriculture the only option for your future/ and being entirely dependent upon antibiotic feeds: the stage is set for one single pandemic to reduce your breeding stock below the possibilities that it will not be consumed, leaving you starving or cannibals.  You have mutilated the food plants, destroyed the pollinators, dumped poisons by the trillions of pounds, emptied the ocean, are destroying the water supplies,  and polluted everything you could;  beyond recovery without severe work. Intent upon growing another billion people to feed in the next decade alone, and run away from every possible purpose that could examine or investigate our reality with the intent to keep us alive; just as fast as you can.  Because your pride is so extreme, you allow yourselves to care more about arrogance and stupidity/ than life.  Shame on you all.  Where is your voice?  The answer is buried in want, so deeply; you think you’d rather die than surrender such a little thing as greed for instance. 


That leaves us with a single truth: you have done so extremely, insanely poor in all things life/ that we are left with only one last reality.  For over thirty years, I have done my best to find a way to help you survive and change the tragedies you have clearly chosen in this day; but you would not.  The courtroom has delayed so extensively that it no longer represents an answer with any real value, because without an extreme audience in this day; nothing will get done in time to save this planet from yourselves.  We absolutely MUST now have an audience so extreme, that all people’s listen at once/ because unless we change now, it will be too late to matter.  This last moments in time, ARE NOT even close to what I have worked for, for decades.  Instead of an education, as would be consistent with change from the inside out, establishing an understanding, therefore creating an opportunity to be more to life itself, than just time: you choose to run away and hide.  Apparently demanding a leader, rather than an opportunity.  That is insane, to me; its your life, stand up and protect it/ your child/ and your world.  How can you not be called a fool?
Nonetheless;   we are coming to the end of this journey, called life on earth: because of your pride/ the endless want/ and your failure to think for yourselves.  That is a fact of life right now/ and time is running out.  Believe it or not.
These consequences of pride, and your failure to accept even a tiny bit of discipline or respect bring us to the simple truth; all that is apparently left is to allow   “A leader”/ in the last ditch effort to sustain life on earth by representing someone who can be blamed, or praised.  INSTEAD of making a decision on your own!  That is failure in you!

Even so, if it absolutely must be;   then understand this, that to be your leader is little more than to be your target for all manner of emotional outburst, and fundamental belief’s that are wrong, blind, stupid, and without sense.  To be your target for all expectations of sex, because it is driving you insane, and you need relief.  To be your target for hate, because power is an insanity, and the wolves among are dripping with anticipation; because life is a game, to them; consequently kill “and be a winner” is the prize.  That leaves the door wide open to torture, opens wide the doors across this world, particularly among many men who will see me as the enemy.  And makes me completely dependent upon women to survive.  An interview is not necessary/ because being the target is enough. But understand this, I am never going to be the cause of your passion for hate.  It is the evidence you hate, the reality of facing your destiny of horrors, because that is what you chose: and NOW YOU WILL EITHER GIVE THOSE DECISIONS UP/ or you will die.  And you know it.  But pride is not so simple, and the voices inside your heads will not surrender to truth;   which makes you enemies of life.  Therefore we are enemies, and is consistent with all true enemies: should they not die?
All you had to do for the last thirty plus years is participate in the investigation of truth, the realization of a need to change according to what LIFE FIRST REQUIRES for us all to be.  But no, not humanity;   “I don’t remember one, who did not move away/ rather than conceive of following truth, even if the path was a little obscure at times”.  Life is not a game, we cannot play anymore. But if all you need is a target; because the words are already here.

Then;  Consequently if I must be a target/  I will be a target; for life first, as a planet.  Not me first, or you/ life first for a planet.  It is not a reality of leadership; because all followers do so because they want someone else to blame/ they do not trust the decisions they will make.  The consequence of our trouble here in this time, on this earth REQUIRE that you, yourselves shall change; because if you don’t, the planet cannot sustain you.  Therefore no one else exists to blame/ BUT YOURSELF.  Either choose for the planet by choosing LIFE MUST COME FIRST, from now on/ NOT money or other.  If you do not, then your reward for the decisions already made shall come quickly.

 If you still find that life is not even worth, “making me a game”/ so as to communicate to the others that we must investigate for ourselves and make changes:   then you just have to die.  The evidence is not wrong/ threats that can exterminate us all,  are real.  The reality of running out of food, is not trivial.  The consequences of turning this world into hate, because of all the lies, stealing, and cheating that has gone on; just means war you cannot survive, unless you choose court instead.  The foundation of our very existence as a planet of life, is being challenged by death; either you will stand up this last time.  By the evidence that exists in “plain daylight for all, who care even a tiny bit to see”;   or we pass the point of no return, and every tragic prophecy predicted comes true.  That, Has nothing to do with me, I just bring the message/ rather it has everything to do with you, because this is a choice: life or death for a world.  Since it is, a true end of the world message, by the evidence established; and mine is an “unlikely education”/ I do believe GOD “provides” the fundamentals in me, that make the message possible: therefore HIS message.  Just my own belief/ I present the evidence to you instead.  It is still up to you, to decide if life as a planet, is worth your time to investigate the evidence and change; or not.  The evidence does not care what you believe, it only functions by the truth that will bring consequences; whether you want them or not. You will care/ but too late is dead.  I cannot make you do it.  I do not condemn you; you will do that/ or change yourselves as a world,  to survive.  By following what is true/ rather than what you  want.  By accepting life is not a game, and changing that in yourselves, into respect. By working as needed for life.
Its your choice.
Go ahead, make me a ridicule and a fool/ what more do you need; I will remain silent (let these words speak for themselves)/ EXCEPT for trial;   so that you can have your way without fear. Say whatever you have to say.  As the price to be paid, for their lives; because you care not enough to do anything but laugh, as fools do.  Not a temptation/ simply do better, if you can!
I am NOT their savior/ just intent upon providing this single message: if you don’t change/ then the evidence is not wrong, that this planet will die VERY soon.  Prove me wrong; COWARD!  How is a planet not worth such a little price as this?

 Being a target as described above is a consequence, I DO NOT care to endure.  However I do, refuse to let this planet die without some form of a fight.  Simple as that.  Believe it or not.  You are still free, to blindly go into eternity, being completely responsible for destroying the entire planet earth, within the next ten-fifteen years at the absolute most.  Cannibals for most of the time, unless the fire at NIF consumes you first (a fire that will eject the atmosphere within two weeks)/ or the planet simply explodes as at CERN (do they not say, “we want to recreate the single most destructive event in the history of the universe, right here on earth”?  Indeed they do).  Otherwise horrors will never cease until you are extinct/ are you not mutilators of life, crucifying the very existence of nature by discarding the plans and factories of nature with your own intent to play god.  Satan will become a very DESERVED title.  That is the choice of all who participate, including the donors of money.  That is the end of life as we know it, because you ARE NOT “gods”/ unless it is satan; the destroyer of worlds.
Because without change, that is your choice: the extra special smart people led, and you followed; never asking what happens if your wrong. Never understanding this is life itself; how blind can you be???
 If that is not enough, to accept the discipline and required respect to inform the others, that they should understand: even the tiniest possibility that all these threats identified on these web sites and lawsuits; can be survived only through change. By understanding these things are choices being made.
Then accept your fate, as leaders of human life on earth:   YOU CONDEMNED THEM to ignorance/ YOU CHOSE TO ALLOW THE DESTRUCTION OF   “GOD’S CREATION” ON THIS PLANET; BECAUSE OF YOUR PRIDE AND WANT.  Letting the people go free, from their duty to intervene.
And there will be consequences born by you for that fact;  throughout eternity, while many of them go free.  Is this not the job you chose?  Whether you believe or not is irrelevant/ truth decides, how is that not fair. 
MAKE THEM CHOOSE. That too, is the demand of this work/ no excuses, not for anyone. 

What is then offered in exchange for media review, is the reality of more conversation than you can imagine.  That means money/ because that, “is what you sell”.

The conversation is not about me, unless you choose to make it so.  Rather the conversation is about financial realities/ judicial conspiracy proven by irrefutable evidence/ the possibilities of democracy, invading an entire world in need/ the potential to remove weapons of mass destruction.  The ability to understand threats which are, a knowledge essential for humanity to survive.  The invasion of long held secrets that  mutilate nature (DNA is nature, because nature is the building of life and body)/ will light this world on fire/ or blow it up.  How is that not fundamentally a thing people will want to know, even if they don’t! 
The possibility of democracy as a true participation in society and life in this USA; granting through redress that WE THE PEOPLE shall decide our own fate now.  Removing leaders from the decision by declaring it is our own, as the consequence:   we the people own, our nation/ therefore we have decided.  We will choose our future ourselves.
The possibilities of religion, the endless conversation of what is or is not possible; and the reality only truth really matters.
The compositions of elemental thought such as bring to light an interesting array of constructions that give rise to conversations all within themselves.  Including the development of university driven defaults, as to “thinking without thought”.

The primary developments on these web sites, are without doubt critically linked to the education of humanity.  Proving me wrong, while granting to you “free range” over any aspect of ridicule you wish;   is surely enough to defeat anything I wrote:  “Is it not”? Do you not control the media, how can you doubt? Therefore as “bullies in the street (YOU KNOW everything, do you not!)”, how can you resist? Are there not lawsuits against high ranking officials to let you introduce me; and not look bad?  After all, if it ain’t to be ridiculed/ then do you not have to respect it; and participate for the sake of democracy and life?  Not a temptation as much as it is a simple fact of your life, here in america today.  Prove me wrong.
Don’t you want to make money?  “That, is a temptation”/ but it is all I accept as necessary to this work.  The rest is all you.  I will leave you alone, to say and do what you choose; NOT because it is fair/ its not.  But because I considered the truth,  you have proven to be:   “too weak” for any other way.  You have not, been able to defeat your own pride or want;  HOW MUCH LESS, anything of real importance to a world. let the people choose for themselves.
        Have I not stated, “because the evidence is so extensive, proving an end to life on earth without change in humanity; then this message must be from   “ GOD”/   simply because all CREATION is at stake.  Not me, “just the messenger/ don’t know why”.  Have you no ridicule for that?  Of course you do, coward; or do you prefer fool! What is female in me, demands leave the rest alone: is that not open for ridicule/ clearly it is; “like free money, at the art gallery; more conversation than necessary”; isn’t it so?

  Just another fact of life, like evolution is for fools; only an absolute idiot would believe. Or can you grasp;  In essence evolution is:  “we shopped, and picked out whatever we wanted our bodies to be/ just picked it off the shelf for free; without so much as a brain to help”. Critters did it so inferior to us; we cannot even comprehend them: “Aren’t we special”.  Never mind the body cannot exist without all its parts and pieces at once.
Is this not conversation?  Is conversation NOT what you sell?  And its all “free”/ isn’t that so.  Not even a complaint will be offered to the media; “its all yours to use as you wish”.   Because life, needs it to be so.  Even better than being in a war zone/ nobody is shooting, “at you”.

The question that remains: will your PRIDE,  cause you to fail?  Will WANT,  continue to devastate and destroy, so that no real chance of survival be found.

The reality remains to be decided: will you share, and care about life on earth/ creating friendships and hope instead of competition and selfishness?  Will you remember that money is just a promise for the future/ because needs are either filled today, or you die.  Consequently if your true needs match the means to survive; you are probably a slave.  If you have money left that promises to you “an easy life”/ those promises are going to die.  If you believe the wealth you have “earned, regardless of the method” is going to protect you/ you will be sadly mistaken.  Which then identifies the single truth that will develop as your fate or your destiny as humanity on earth: will you forgive each other, for the failures of not being treated as equals, or the fact that now, you must return everything taken that was never fair for the rest?  It’s a choice.

A promise is nothing more than a promise, the reality of money is: ALL FAIL, because some swindled/ some wanted more than life could offer/ some didn’t care/ nearly all would not share, because greed proves exactly that reality.  So now, the money is bad/ the promises are all broken; and you must choose a different destiny for life on earth:   because what men have built, is dying, and will exterminate you (more correctly, everything) in the process.  That too is a choice/ but not for long.
Money is, the tool or weapon of man.  It divides and conquers civilization, by proving with rare exception;  who shall lead men/ and who shall not.  What we MUST now have instead of this competition is friendship and respect for each other as equal human beings.  Not the same/ but equal, discovering “limited capitalism” to share the expression correctly among those who do more, and those who do less.  Limited capitalism removes the extremes at both sides of civilization.  Limited capitalism requires that the business incomes shall be left alone until that reaches a maximum limit chosen by society (dependent upon each type of business and its needs).  What it does not leave alone is personal income of an individual: thereby controlling the competition to allow for other people to achieve their own success, “just like you”.  Equal/ but not the same.  Do it yourself/ but with controlled competition to allow FAIR PLAY. 

Essentially nothing, in the American model of society is functionally working at this point in time; they did it all wrong! And are exceedingly proud and arrogant of that fact, because they believe “we are gods”.  Absolutely wrong.  You built a society dependent upon ravaging resources.  You choose to create jobs by throwing all those resources away.  You created a system of transportation in society dependent upon cars, and endless driving; some 3 trillion individual miles a year.  IT IS NOT sustainable.  You poison the earth and mutilate nature in countless ways and methods.  You have made the university your religion and worshiped with your face on the ground/ because you couldn’t find the words to say: WHAT HAPPENS, WHEN YOUR WRONG.  So they gamble with all life on earth;  with your money and praise, “save us/ the ringing cry, and whine from the majority”.  Take a look at where you are, UNIVERSITY LED/ and the results of destruction are only just barely beginning.  You depend upon fertilizers that are not sustainable.  You depend upon irrigation for a billion bushels that is not sustainable.  You are destroying your water supplies, which will bring you intense and bitter war.  You have elected to subdue nature, and it is dying.  Or more simply, there is essentially nothing NOT going bad; because men believed we will be gods over nature and this planet, over disease and life, creating it in our image by CRUCIFYING DNA STRUCTURE AND BALANCE.  Playing with energy that can and will destroy a planet as well.  How is that not FAILURE, from one end of this nation to the other?  Explain it, by truth and their consequences to you.

Nonetheless; the future is designed by what we choose to do with it, we must choose or we die on this road to destruction men have built.  Money is an irrelevant assumption of power!  It is not so/ because money builds nothing, men and women build.  Simple as that.  Money just gives them cause to believe it is worth this effort.  Consequently it is the belief that people choose to work for/ it is the reason this is WORTH our effort, that decides what will be done.  IF YOU ARE FAIR with each other/ then you can know what has value/ and you can work for society and life on earth, because you believe it is the right & necessary thing to do.  Until life has been reestablished with a future.  Only then can you afford to be more “selfish”.  Refuse, and you die.  It’s a choice/ make your decision.  Do not measure yourself with the others.  LIVE YOUR LIFE, with truth and let happiness flow inside.  Establishing friends and sustaining family, brings happiness outside.  Changing the construction of your dating world, the reality of your sexual habits with truth; will buy you HONEST love and trust.  IF YOU DO IT.  In other words, choose LIFE FIRST.   And pray, that this reprieve from all that men deserve, can last until you are done rebuilding a life/ they tried to destroy from this very planet.  FIND RESPECT.
Literally WHAT have you not tried to destroy/ and change into the descriptions of men?  Take a look at what you have done, and recognize:   you are a damn fool, for being so careless as to understand nothing, and trade everything just to play god.  SACRIFICING US ALL.   Shame on you.

For most:  Life is a “two-way street”;   either you can taste a little as you go, and search the world for what you need to survive.  Or you can “settle in, for a full course meal” and remain where you are.  It’s a choice.  Both will give you pleasures and pain/ but only one will receive your time.  For the last few decades, the mass of people here in america have largely chosen greed, the search beyond what is their heart/ to find what is in their mind.  The received the pleasures, that could bring;  and it is now time for the pain.  The fact you chose nothing for the future but lies.

The future however needs truth to survive, that truth will align with the foundations erected that choose to belong, “to the life you live”.  Which means more simply: that love must choose our paths, respect must guide our ways,  the decision of discipline, the qualities of courage, and the guideposts of honor must become our home.  The reality of so much destruction will make it hard to travel, because there is only enough “for us”.  The truth, that we will choose our future together; demands that we remain dependent upon each other, each earning the right to belong.  You at least in America have chosen a life without concern for anyone, “throw it all away”/ who cares; just go down to the store and get more.  But that is ending, that is no longer going to stand, because we are so many people it simply cannot, or there will be no more tomorrow.  We must share/ we must care/ we must live honorable and balanced lives, because the planet needs us to do so, to live so; while it repairs itself with our help.  Until the tragedy of all this destruction is finished, and “the sun rises on a new day”;   our lives will be dedicated to building a future we can survive.  Some will refuse, it is their right so long as they bring no destruction on the others, or this earth; but they will be separated, so as to reap their own rewards.  Wish them well, but make them prove no destruction has occurred or do not let them back; they made their choice.

A NEW day requires different methods and means.  Requires new laws and forms of governing that are dedicated to the truth about what democracy is intended to be for us all.  Requires new leaders.  Requires women to try; because THIS IS, “the best men did do”/ you chose it, or followed, or let them do it and never once said no.  And we stand at the edge of extinction.  How can women do worse?  It is impossible.  WE MUST HAVE DIFFERENT, that is an absolute necessity; the only possible way is “let women try”.  It is that simple, like it or not.  Just like, the only possible way we can get population control is if women choose to be sterile after no more than two children; because only women can have a child.  While a single man can have ten thousand children or more; because its just a sperm contribution he makes.  But that does not mean, “women must do so for free: PAY THEM”.  But remember this as well, THIS is the body of a woman, which means only women make these decisions for themselves as a group.  No man or set of men get to decide/ you are refused.  No matter what this world needs, what women by vote chose to do among themselves is there decision; even if its wrong.  Because that is exactly what men did too; its their turn now, to make decisions for life or death of a planet.
I do hope for everything wonderful and grand about love, life, truth, and a future you will enjoy.  But for today, even though few can truly understand or see the destruction coming: WE MUST rebuild this earth, the lives so badly harmed including our own “healed”.  IF you find RESPECT in your hearts, and accept a path for life, as a planet; must come first/ thereby changing as necessary.  Then the worst shall pass us by unharmed, and we will see little effect.  But if you do not FIND RESPECT/ then horror and heartache will come; and you will learn the truth about where men have taken us all.  Do they not lead/ is this not the best they did do?  Indeed it is.  Love and friendship are better than greed and selfishness/ regardless of the trinkets and trophies so many of you worship, covet, steal, and even kill for. Fail to accept that fully, and war will come.  It is the choice you made.  But this is a reprieve within which you must learn quickly to do better.  Or you WILL receive your reward due to you.  It’s a choice, and there is no hiding or running or denying what you did choose.  It will be known. 

Sex is NOT a game/ NOT a rodeo/ NOT a bartering tool or weapon/ NOT evil or good.  Sex is the participation of two people, a man and a woman involved in the creation of time between themselves as the proof of love or less.  Sex is a gift, NOT a payment, NOT a debt, NOT something owed, NOT a body owned unless its yours.  Sex is the treasury of human expression, that lives between the stories called your life as one. LEARN TO RESPECT SEX, as a reality of your lives/ so that you can stop hurting each other with lust, failure, or want.  Even if its good, every life has the right to live its own desire.  Sometimes “the best” simply cannot stay.  They have work to do, for life.  Be at peace.  So ends the discussion of time.