September 15, 2010
The development of laws
An outline, created to help
Relationships exist, because we bind ourselves together with discipline and balance/ or the desire to participate outside the environment we know as our lives. Discipline is: the development of basic and real evidence associated with life/ that establishes truth through the common sense of cause and effect.  Discipline is not an intellectual grasp of life/ but a physical reality transformed into the foundations which do influence life and time, thereby completing the cycle of learning truth exists: by the demands of pain, conflict, deformations, catastrophe, and simple tears.  Tears are simple, because they illicit the means to compensate our experience, within the single reality “our body tells us, to be sad”.  When the mind agrees, lessons will be learned; even if some fail to understand what is true.

Balance is: the physical and mental demand, to be isolated from pride/ thereby able to conceive of critical reality as a lesson learned & earned, by the presence of truth as it exists between the extremes of what discipline says “it could have been otherwise”.  Balance is:   the foundation arranged by life, to assess and assign and associate truth, with the realities of living, body, mind, hope, courage, respect, and the dignity of being free/ as it transforms existence into the freedoms we recognize as an individual identity. Without an understanding of participation beyond the distinction of self/ there is no “world but you”.  With the recognition, that all are not like you: reality transforms and translates life, by an entirely different dimension/ elevating it to a participation beyond ourselves.  The envelope we cherish, as “the womb of self; or more simply, the enclosure of I”:    MUST then deal with extremes nothing else can describe.  Balance understands then, that life is not simply the reality of one/ but the existence of all.

The fundamental choice of society, any society IS: to deal honestly with their own reality/ OR choose to hide reality in the constant disgrace of politics and failure.
A fundamental choice is one which eliminates all discussion apart from those things which identify/ create/ distribute/ define/ or respect the truth that presents itself as our decision to make. Every decision in reality is governed by: THE VERY SIMPLE illustration of what we need to know/ what we must understand, both for building a better life and for NOT destroying what has been valuable.  What is wise, is determined by the respect we generate in creating value, through the decision we are required to make/ what is wise, is discussed through the parameters of what our futures shall hold/ what is wise instructs us all in the simple discipline of sharing our knowledge, as is balanced by the understanding of different voices: so that each one may gain unto their own strengths and courage, by choices made:   for all life.  Life is not dedicated to the individual!  Life is dedicated to the whole planet, and every living creation.  That said, balance proves “the young children, and their parents; must come first”/ the old are first to be left behind. It is that simple, whether you like it or not/ but remember this, if young someday you do hope to be old.  If old, reality knows, eternity comes: what then do you leave behind/ what then is the truth of your “gift to GOD”, AS RESPECT, for HIS Creation.  If you are nothing but selfish/ then you will be left behind, extinguished, or sent away.

TO ESTABLISH, a proper discipline for discussing the basic truths which must then govern our nation or world, the reality is very simple.  We begin with the simple sentence that defines our discussion/ and remain entirely within that truth as a fact of life, time, and future until resolved.  NO, alternate endless discussions about excess everything, just to hear yourselves talk.  Rather actual fact, evidence, basis of knowledge, understanding of reality/ predictions of the future; and so on. 
OR, more simply: the various laws that need our input, because leadership has completely failed this nation are listed as simple sentences {much like the constitutional amendments/ or the ten commandments if you prefer: SHORT AND SIMPLE, so as NOT to be misunderstood/ and dedicated to one individual specific topic, per law.  No “mix and match/ No add it in, or soup it down”/ No belittling the purpose of law:  facts, not fiction.
Once the base law is in place as “law 1, etc” then its assumptions, the beliefs assigned by human desire must appear as the topics for discussion that are intended to clarify and describe the boundaries of “law 1".  The realities are applied:   upon which these boundaries are described as facts, are developed and assigned importance to the discussion of what we DO, have to gain or lose, by passing these things. Only then does the true discussion open up, so as to recognize what is or is not true, by our own ability to distinguish and decide what is real/ thereby allowing humanity to redesign or accept the future that will come. 

LAW #1

THERE CAN BE NO, gambling with all life on earth/ that means: NO experimentation/ NO MUTILATION of nature/ NO theories or science at all, which jeopardizes or risks life on this planet.
 "The tears or desires or decisions;  of a few, SHALL NOT jeopardize everything!"  All life, and every future, shall always be:  MORE important, than just a few!  Simple as that.

1.  the functional debate here is to distinguish between what is, or is not the right of us all to decide for ourselves.
2.  the critical reality here is to understand, the consequences of an action or reaction as is possible:  do to the decisions of others.  Thereby determining, if this is a criminal assault endangering us all.
3.  the potential reward, in terms of HONEST reality shall be established/ with the complete and true acceptance:  this is what failure shall mean to us all.
4.  there are no excuses allowed, these are decisions with life or death consequences or liabilities that cannot be avoided if the decision is wrong.  Thereby ONLY WHAT IS TRUE matters.  Only respect for reality decides.

    the functional discussion:  WHAT ARE THE FACTS!
(COLUMS inserted instead:   "believed true, for and against" with a distinct emphasis, on the cost of being WRONG )

as to the development of basis facts with regard to the national ignition facility, genetic mutilation, energy extremes, threats which can exterminate us literally, and a variety of slightly lesser issues (do to a small amount of time must pass before they are proven true);  all of these are provided particularly on this site  variations also exist on,  and



LAW #2

There can be NO THREATS generated against the people of this nation by its own military or government decisions.  That MEANS SPECIFICALLY: that any and all,  weapons of mass destruction are to be viewed as a threat/ BECAUSE THEY TECHNICALLY AND REALISTICALLY CAN, end the world for this entire planet.

The alternative to war is peace/ the foundation of all peace is LAW, and its enforcement!  The technical demand is then WORLD LAW/ AND WORLD ENFORCEMENT OF THAT LAW, by all nations participating/ and NO nation being allowed “special treatment”.  Therefore democracy and the constitution of this USA demands EVERY CRITICAL MEANS NECESSARY: to provide, sustain, declare, define, and create a foundation of world law and enforcement WITH that purpose and demand: your job, as leader.  AS one PEOPLE to another:  we must say; “you remove the weapons of mass destruction and so will we; same time, with verification (all means all, for each, including the facilities and means to make or deliver)”.  EVERY last one/ or by vote and control through a multi-nation law enforcement (whatever might be considered prudent in terms of an asteroid)!  Law rules instead of weapons:  Whatever the people of this world decide, for themselves by vote.


LAW # 3

EVERY LIFE, on this planet is determined by natural  resources/ every life, by nature itself: can you take the food you eat and turn it into a living creation? CAN you work without resources? Can you survive with nothing, OR without every last resource that is absolutely necessary to keep you alive? NO!
 THEREBY IT IS A THREAT TO LIFE ON EARTH, when resources are not fundamentally protected;  as is realistic to life in time.  EVERY FUTURE LIFE, on this planet IS DETERMINED/ by whether ALL the necessary  resources shall be available or not for them!  THEREFORE every resource shall be understood as a life living or dying. Because we did or did not do, what we needed to do/ so they could live.  Murder is a deliberate act, to rob someone of their life in time/ destroying resources is comparable.  Because this is every life/ this is every nation: the primary foundation for governance is then under world law.  The critical reality is truth, NOT want shall rule.


LAW #4

OUR ENVIRONMENT, as a planet is being threatened! There is, “no place else to go”!  Which means some are threatening all.  The foundation for our survival as life on earth is:   not only must the use of nature, energy, war, and resources be balanced and fair to all life/ THE REALITY of our decisions as human beings MUST NOT threaten to exterminate our time, our future & every child; by destroying our environment.
Our environment is: everything we depend upon as a planet, to remain stable and alive.  An exploding supernova volcano, is NOT a stable environment for life on earth: therefore we must intervene, as best we can.  The liberty to intervene, for life, CANNOT be dismissed, in any of the parameters such as rising temperatures/ ocean levels/ oxygen depletion; etc.
  LIFE, for the planet and all its life FIRST:  IS THE LAW.  The individual comes, only after the future will survive, for real, and without question .


LAW #6

THE EXTERMINATION of life species, or such threats, as extinction does mean. The introduction of “foreign species” into alternate area’s, such as create unsustainable conditions for previous life and habitat is not acceptable.

 This:   is a threat to ecology, “the foundations of sustain-ability, that give us diversity in all living things, on this planet”.  The balance necessary, to have a functioning eco-system, or natural cycle and circle;  between life and death in time is dependent upon each active member as nature, by its own process and methods.  These natural designs, create and establish “living”: the relationships required to survive.  In the reality of ecology, the foundation of truth exists as: NATURE BROUGHT US THROUGH ALL OF TIME, unto this day.  THAT MEANS literally, nature DOES know best/ because it is a proven fact, as the evidence is real.  NOT human beings!  Whose current participation is, to threaten/ mutilate/ exterminate/ and destroy: methods and purposes of men,  as have proven time and time again: that their own ways are fraught with peril and war/ proven throughout all of history. As has also been proven time and again: “the human science of the day”/ will be discarded; as  largely wrong; should the future survive.
Life first, NOT gambling/ or you die!


LAW #5

WATER RIGHTS, are governed by sustain-ability. NONE have a right to destroy, contaminate, abuse, or use water, more than will be necessary for the others, for the future, to have access and hope for this resource as well.

 LIFE for the planet COMES FIRST: under all threat of water discussion/ plans/ purposes/ or decision. The protection of this resource shall not be diminished: NOT more, than fair to all!  Water rights include, the potential threats, that do exist under any agricultural/ industrial/ business/ municipality or other comprehensible failure such as is fuels:   as may jeopardize water quality/ quantity/ value/ or use.  LIFE FIRST, no exceptions; water is fundamental to our existence/ our living without war.


LAW #7

THE OCEAN, exists as a necessary and NEEDED food reserve for humanity/ apart from other realities in truth.  Our human population REQUIRES: LIFE IN the ocean to survive/ so that we can survive, and NOT war over starvation, by cannibalism.  Simple as that!  OUR RESPONSIBILITY to that food source is very simple:   HELP THEM SURVIVE/ DO NOT DESTROY.  That reality includes all realistic opportunities to provide a safe habitat, clean incubation area’s, fundamental sharing with the ocean inhabitants themselves (let nature have its meal), NO process or method which does not respect the integrity and value of every ocean life shall be used.  AND A DISTINCT DEMAND:   you shall not use, or consume, entire ocean colonies (or any reality that jeopardizes their own sustain-ability) for any cause.  That would include factory ships, which do destroy entire colonies: this very thing. EVERY nation is required to do their part, to protect and defend our oceans/ not yours.  Fail to protect, or sustain; as best you can/ and you open your waters to the world.  Find help if you need it.


LAW #8

WE FACE EXTINCTION, because the population is now too extreme to continue growing! It is that simple. No matter what “the experts” tell you/ we MUST stop growing as a human population NOW!
 The foundation REQUIRED, for life to survive/ even all life, because humanity is going to consume everything:   IS RESPECT FOR REALITY!  No whining, no tears, no excuses: NO MORE THAN one child per adult (two per couple) can be allowed for us all to survive/ and NOT face cannibalism!    That does mean birth control.  That does mean, NO extreme measures to get pregnant.  That does mean, NO EXCUSES religious or otherwise.  NO  invetro-fertilization or any other method, for anyone over thirty five years of age: NO multiples,   JUST ONE CHILD. That does mean NO picking the gender, as nature decides; for balance.  Punishments and double or greater taxes for those who “find a way”; for life.  And so on.

Abortion is NOT birth control, it is “taking a life, that would otherwise exist”.  BUT “MOTHERS” have rights too; particularly under rape/ or clearly proven “something truly, went wrong with the fetus” clauses: YOU want and need a healthy body too.  And there MUST be allowances for the young, or clearly needy/ within the first forty days: NOT because it’s the right thing to do.  But because this is reality and two lives are at stake, not just one.  Prior to forty days (or thereabouts), it can be considered: individuality (humanity defined) has not yet appeared.
That does mean: WHEN IT IS TIME TO DIE, it is time to die/ and society will let you go.  Decide your own terms, and carry them out:   because we now live in a time of “either this one, or someone in the future will die: ONE or the other/ not both may live”.


LAW #9

TRUTH DECIDES, but reality must lead.  TRUTH, because it keeps us alive.  Reality because we are human beings rather than simply alive by truth/ and the consequence of that is:  mistakes will be made/ choices will be made/ & people will demand selfishness, therefore truth will from time to time be dismissed. Even though, the future will die sooner because of that decision.  It is better, than war! Truth is largely the evidence declared by the description called “common sense”.  Common sense IS THE REALITY, described in living, working, and being human; as pain and death, developed within the descriptions “don’t do that/ or do, do that” because we can foresee the future here.  Because we recognize from the past, or an ability to think: how this will end.  Just as you know winter is coming, with just a chill in the air/ so it is with truth and your future.

WE NEED TRUTH, NOT politicians/ NOT “the story tellers of university experts”/ NOT media propaganda or business greed, OR lawyers!
   LIFE FIRST, by the development of knowledge, establishing understanding: thereby the decision of the people themselves, through a vote.  That means survival is dependent upon what is fundamental and literal truth in reality/ by the evidence: according to the people.  NOT “religious truth”!  As best we can understand truth, because it is the living, which gave us this knowledge to survive and do well, or at least be at peace.



LAW #10

Freedom, is the elevation of individual life, to the consequence of their own decisions/ their choice, & their own failure or success. Freedom is the basis of identity/ the creation of life, beyond time.
  Even so, the essence of freedom is the happiness it creates by the assertion: I AM, what I choose to be, and will pay with my life for! Freedom is then a strictly individual decision. 
Freedom is not only essential, for happiness/ but absolutely necessary to a balanced and justifiable, at peace, society. Because the individual is granted personal choice, he or she is given the choice, “for me/ or for you” .  The fabric of society is then woven by this result.

  LIBERTY IS: the ascension of society, to the participation within freedom of an individual right.  Liberty admits to say:   “THE VERDICT OF ALL OF US IS”;  that some things MUST NOT be done/ some things can be restricted, to behind closed doors, or boundary lines/ and some things are clearly individual only; we cannot interfere.
 It is NOT YOUR RIGHT, to bring freedoms into the public view, in every instance.  Even though it is a right individually to choose them.  Your individual property and rights; not ours:   is freedom.  Our property decisions and rights; as a society, not yours:   is liberty. The primary foundation for all liberty begins with “as nature itself designs”. Carefully these must be chosen.

NO ONE, owns or earns the right to indoctrinate, brainwash, abuse, use, manipulate, tempt, control, or sell (either bodily or through advertizing) children. A crime, NOT A FREEDOM!  YOU WILL LEAVE THEM ALONE.  The parents will decide, within clear but minimal boundaries as is needed to insure their health and safety/ their own freedom to be the life they will choose to be.  A happy and successful society learns to defend itself, by insuring JUSTICE is a dimension created: when freedom is separated from liberty.  When liberty is distinctly the decision of a nation for itself/ and freedom is distinctly the decision of man or woman within the environment that is self; and allowed to be independent, without inflicting significant damage on society.  Freedom is you.  Liberty is us.  And they are NOT the same.  Even so, the maximum amount of liberty, recognizing happiness is a goal for all society:   is required; as best we can.  The primary function of a division between liberty and freedom in society is boundaries; or by its effect “zoning or communities” isolated as “THIS” may go on here.  The necessary “space”; is delegated by a percentage vote: those in favor, representing half the vote/ get half the city, and so on.  NOT your right to decide/ BUT they will pay their own price for freedom; should that be necessary.


LAW #11

THE LAW, that governs the courtroom: IS THE PEOPLE’S LAW.  Therefore they must make it themselves, by determining the foundation laws that WILL govern their nation. DEMOCRACY IS:   my vote, on the laws and realities that govern me.
 DEMOCRACY IS NOT: my vote cast, for someone else to vote for me, and decide for me what my life, or my government shall be.  Democracy is then a decision of the people, to govern themselves by becoming involved in the actual participation that is government.
Government is the honesty, even a poor governing body is better than none: because majority rule, can be destroyed by weapons and hate.   Therefore HATE, and weapons: are then the deciding factor for true peace, harmony, and happiness in society.
  HATE is then the identifying characteristic between those who choose peace and harmony through justice, fair play, and equality: and those who don’t. Thereby we KNOW: the removal of hate in one form or another (anger is not hate)/ establishes all things “good”.


LAW #12

THE CRITICAL RELATIONSHIP WE SHARE, as a humanity living together on this earth is: THAT WE, are now so many people, with machines that can defeat (cause life/ environment/ species/ oceans/ ecology/ resources/ etc;  to die) causing nature itself to surrender.
THE REALITY OF THAT TRUTH IS: that we have become one world, & one humanity.  Not because we want to be/ but because this entire planet can die, due to a few people almost anywhere on this planet.  Making us all vulnerable, to what people anywhere else on earth decide to do!
  THAT IS NEW, that is: a change in the history of both planet and human beings.  THAT IS LIFE OR DEATH, for an entire planet based upon;   OUR DECISION to work together as protectors and defenders of life/ or the decision to simply say “we don’t care”, and let those few, who now can;   literally exterminate us all.  This is a new decision/ and it demands CHANGE!

Being responsible for a planet, as we now all are/ REQUIRES the acceptance of limits: REQUIRES the acceptance of respect in all its compositions: REQUIRES duty and discipline and purpose beyond simple selfishness, want, or greed: REQUIRES truth and understanding, justice and fair play among and for, each individual; requires the directional choices that build a future; requires equality and the equity of honorable exchange between all parties. Negotiations rather than war.  Requires fair and deliberate distribution of wealth and resources; so that none are trampled by wealth/ and all have access to their own freedom and decision for life and living with nature and humanity.
Limited capitalism respects these needs: by defining an economic  range, fair to all.   Respectfully submitted as “no more than 3 times more” for the highest paid worker/ than the lowest paid worker.  With all currency based upon what can be defined and determined as real/ stable/ and true, for life. Your decision/ your reality/ your future.
But remember this, as WANT grows to demand more:   we stand on as little as 1 human being per acre of (food) growing  soil/ that acre not only has to support a human being, but every other creature on earth as well/ that is not fed out of the ocean.  “It don’t, all produce well”!  Think/ because time is running out, and there is no going back.


THESE are you initial laws, to conceive of and translate into the values and purposes of your decision as human life on this planet. They WILL determine if you are to live or die!  Be wise, and understand: CHANGE IS REQUIRED, but there can be no change without a change in leadership. There is NO other choice then, apart from women;   because men DID bring us here, to the edge of extinction! Like it or not, this is true.

  Fail to accept the demands of truth/ and the reality of death will loom large, very soon.  NOT a threat: the simple facts, as described by the evidence which is our reality on earth in this time, and this day.  It is NOT the same world your parents grew up in/ our reality has changed (because now we must sustain nature/ rather than nature sustaining us): THEREFORE we must change with it our new reality, or die.  Think/ know/ understand/ and deliberately choose by the definitions of your own heart, before you decide.  Work for life first, or lose an entire world.
  For the first time in history, nature cannot save you/ YOU must save nature, so that nature can then save you! Life is not a game/ this is your opportunity to participate BEFORE it is too late to make a difference, “all gone/ we are dead”.   NOT a game/ this is reality talking to you, by the evidence.  NO INTENT is allowed to let you believe/ RATHER, investigate, examine, define, and decide for yourselves through the court or through communication as best you can.  MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION/ but understand, time is now short; too little too late is death.

In the elemental interest of life on earth, the essence of the single greatest lesson in humanity IS:   that sometimes, truth hides in the details.  (The biblical) JESUS was killed, because power, pride, and greed considered him a threat! This was done in the night, so that no great uprise could exist while the deed of liars, proved control.  The lesson however, was “look at who does this; see the hate/ and ask yourselves if that is the life, or the time on earth you desire”?  The price JESUS paid, did prove the difference between: “all things good/ and all things bad”.  A choice, people make for themselves/ none are forced!
That is relevant today, as these words created for you prove that hate has brought the reality of threat here to this earth, and power, pride and greed WILL find their decision; as the possibilities of a “new world” begins to arise. 

You are told, regardless of my own life or death; how and why change must occur for you to survive.  Soon the darkness will arise, as economic depression covers this world/ the true possibilities of world wide extermination, begins to grip your heart.  The question each will face is:   MAKE YOUR DECISION/ life or death for this world.  It is no game. Hate will NOT surrender. Power, pride, and greed WILL seek revenge; as in JESUS time, they have no heart or soul/ or would repent.
If you do not build the law, that WILL protect you; and enforce that law/ they will win. 

These are not religious things/ these are matters of truth.  What is true matters.  What is true, leads to life; even if it proves hate/ because then you can perceive the enemy.  Then you can fight, in ways that bring a new world order to life.

BLESS THIS WORLD, with a new beginning/ and a new time to be alive with love leading all hope, happiness, purpose, and desire.  Learn truth, let it be “the desire of your heart/ but give true love, the very best of who you are inside; to your soul”.  Where    GOD   resides, in you.  Be at peace in your truth, even if the world is lost.  Be alive in love, even if you are the very last one.  Love is not a surrender/ love is a decision, to build and protect what     GOD   has done for life.  It’s a choice.