The escalator ride;   compositions in the reality of thought.

The extension of every decision, is a step toward the destiny or fate to which that decision belongs. Destinies do represent the value and distinctions of truth and love.  Fate disseminates, the relationship between hate and war, within the human mind.  Each step conceived by a decision represents your belief, that this is “my chosen path:  what I want in the case of fate; or what I desire from life, in the case of destiny”.
Fate is a distinction of want, because want is the criteria established within the mind that does not think, or does not care about a future beyond this moment in time. Rather want constructs the basic elements of;   “Everything I could want”/ and then designs a set of steps which descend from equality and love, into the dimension of I DON’T care about anything or anyone but me”.  As these descend, they lose friendship/ they lose themselves/ they lose the possibilities of love/ and they discard the essence of truth to declare; not only should I be a god/ I will be a god, if not by master and slave/ then, by violence and hate.  Beyond this point, the mind has lost its ability to distinguish truth, and it assumes the position of death:  an unstoppable descent into destruction of everything valuable to life. 

All other human beings face either the ascent into truth and love, if that is their own true desire.  OR they assert among themselves, “that I am part of this herd/ and I will do, say, and be whatever the herd needs me to be”.  This brings the predators called hate, searching for victims.  This is the “middle, or sitting on the fence” or failure to commit to desire or want as a passage beyond the simple constraints of time, whereby the elements of truth assign value, commitment, and even destiny. The herd believes, whatever it will believe; their values differentiate the “different species” within the same distinct group.  But reality states, pretty much the same throughout.  Each group huddles together/ because they are more effective at turning away predators together than separate.  Those who separate themselves from the herd are often found dead; could not survive, because the cause of fear is real.  The herd searches NOT for steps beyond the boundaries or purposes of time.  They simply live and die, “as nature provides”. It is their choice/ it is their right; leave them alone.

The human element that desires both truth and love, understands that these things are not found in the company of others, but exist within the framework called their own identity first.  Only then can both truth and love be shared, because only then can truth and love be found beyond the limits that nature does impose.  Time is the essence of a moment governing our individual destruction. Time resides within the foundation, of an ending that cannot be denied, no matter who you are.  Time assembles the relationship called fear, to existence/ and calls you to be brave or coward, as it is your decision to make. Facing death, or pain requires bravery/ fearing death, or pain becomes cowardice.  It is that simple.  Therein the steps beyond time assert: if you fear/ you will run away in terror.  But if you are brave, and survive; you will find the boundaries called life.  Life is not a body/ LIFE is a _______________(too much to give, at this time; fools exist).  While you may consider not presenting this information as a game.  I ask you to ponder your own dilemma:   if you succeed in creating artificial intelligence/ its purpose will be to create a mechanical robot army, which only one or a tiny few will control.  DO YOU really want/ an army of machines equipped for war/ under the control of one individual?  Can they not attack you too?  Every contest, every robot war, every computer that can do more; aids in the reality that one day soon, machines will actually rule over war/ if you were to live that long. Do you want a tiny few with the power to attack you/ or is it not better to have human beings, rights, and so on.  Machines can be powerful things, think before you answer. Answer the question: is it wiser, NOT to provide this kind of information/ or is it a benefit to humanity that war shall turn to machines who decide if you live or die. Should one side have these machines and not the other, will not weapons of mass destruction decide the outcome?  Any information that increases the failure of this day: “threats and mutilation everywhere”/ in my view, is a failure of your own.  I do stand at the edge with my own words, hoping not to open any door for worse/ but without the critical respect of knowledge established; the message, “change or die” will fail. It is a risk that must be taken.

A different track.  Or more specifically returning to the steps that transform our lives into the destiny we do cherish, because truth and love commit us to faith: the acceptance of trust, in what we acknowledge is true.  Trust is not dependent upon you; if you are wrong, your trust in what will fail/ shall assault you.  But if what you trust is true, that truth becomes an escalator ride within the dimensions of an environment assembled by that truth.  Or more simply, the value of truth is, that as we learn/ with learning, we understand and with both knowledge and understanding, we then can participate within truth itself.  The more unfortunate reality is: once you have entered within the environment of a distinct truth/ until you do understand and know the reality of this existence; you shall not participate, or you can be destroyed/ cannot leave until you do, because that is a participation.  Because you cannot and will not be allowed to contaminate, a purity or law, distinguishing any individual identity called truth.  That means either: you shall be changed to comply with that truth, or imprisoned by it, because you do not belong.   Such is my existence, having opened the door to the essence of woman, and her spiritual world.  I needed an answer that being male could NOT provide or understand. After more than a decade of searching, female was asked.  Her answer, established the work and web sites primary to these words. Trust in her, JESUS, and   GOD;   returned me to working strictly within the confines of law/ accepting time would be allotted, and you would have your chance to change. Instead of simply die, at the hands of so many fools, failures, and leaders who hate enough to prepare “death for all/ crucifixion for nature/ &  gambling to prove we are gods, of destruction”. The list of failure is long, the possibilities of extermination without doubt. The foundation of that statement is true.  Simple as that.

The critical element of life in truth is: that purity, in you,  determines the environment within which you may participate.  The critical element in soul, participating as your truth will allow: the acceptance of a need to clean out, “everything that does not belong”.  This is done simply by making the decision, to let life and hope be disciplined by love, and truth; but no other.  Religions will say, “that is wrong....”/ and they are entitled to their belief. My description is assembled by the need to be an individual identity, an assignment established by the truth of who I am in reality, a creation of what I choose to be as love allows.  In these things, I turn to GOD;    And say to you, we are free for a purpose: to decide the truth and love of who you desire to be for an eternity.  Want is not invited.  Only truth and love.
The essence of every truth is an environment, that cannot be distinguished in any other way: it is reality, without the encumbrance of anything else/ thereby truth is truth, nothing more or less.  Purity then means to clean out everything but truth. The essence of an identity prepared for eternity is then, to be as pure as you can be; established by love, but defined by truth itself, as your own decisions enable that creation to be.  My own decision, the passion that is clearly in time, more important than anything else:   life on earth cannot die, without a fight.  Simple as that.  Since you are so deaf/ since you run away and hide from everything/ because greed, want, hate, pride, and the rest are so ingrained in your reality;   all that is left to me, is the law.  But the law is an army of its own/ and you are able to comprehend:   WE ALL, must obey the same laws/ leaders, judges, etc; are not exempt. That means the law can create for you redress of grievances/ and that WILL give to you, the right to make your decisions for this future, this time on earth: for yourselves.  Yes:   we will change, because life, and the evidence that surrounds us demands it! Takes courage!  Or no, we just don’t care enough to learn the truth, about what your future will be unless you do change;   lazy/ coward/ etc.

Love is different than truth, love is not an environment.  Rather love is the shared blessing called trust, the ability of truth to allow and invite the essence of one identity, to enter inside the other. Not “physically” although that is the purpose of male and female in time, to share the physical being of trust in ways that identify the truth; that we are different together.  But as spiritual existence:   truth establishes a doorway by trust, when/ where/ how/ and why trust exists, then you can find “the door”. Thereby we know, that spirit means: to understand, and live within the relationship between truth, trust, and love.  But by entering therein, or even opening the door; the possibilities are determined by your own purity of heart.  Heart exists as the path, which brings you to truth/ the decision created in you, that understands “this is a need in me”.  Nobody comes to truth without a need.  That is because the journey is hard, and the way is not easy: few continue on.  Even so, path means: I have chosen to trust, & immerse myself within this destiny, and I choose to participate in whatever time and truth deliver unto my life; no turning back. 

There are questions about life beyond time.  The answer is: life is a relationship governed by the development of freedom as thought allows it to be.  Without thought there is no life, even if it is very rudimentary, thought is required.  Freedom is required as well, because without freedom an identity cannot be created.  Consequently we are free, and required to think for ourselves as best we can/ regardless of intellect; it is the truth found within you that matters to life.  Without truth, there is no love.  Without love there is no respect.  Without respect, you will fail, because there are “things to respect, about energy and life”/ or they can harm, and even kill you.  Life itself, is then proven to be about thought. Thought recognizes _______________ but “not today”. Beautiful, is the distance between freedom and a discipline that shapes what can only be called   “The miracle of creation itself”.  Touch is the message, of a moment designed by heartbeats/ the grace of being alive.   “I will be happy”, is the value accepted, from the gift that is my life/ I will be sad, is the value of life, or its freedom, its purpose, or its hope,  taken away.  The difference is, what we choose to believe or trust!


There are some who would suggest, that I am trying to make women want me/ or in some other way, take sexual advantage over women, by luring them into a situation they do not fully understand.  It is not true.  Rather this story is, exactly as this story is written; it is what it is, and no more or less.  The consequence of interpreting biblical prophecies is simply: I MUST interpret it as it exists, to the best of my knowledge and understanding; as that becomes possible.  There is NO allowance for changing anything/ therefore it is unfair to me, and unwise to you;   to suggest any personal interest exists in these interpretations.  They are, whatever the historical writer designed them to be/ I just interpret, like anyone else who interprets “a foreign language” to you.  Simply choose what you believe, it is not me asking you to believe anything; I am the interpreter/ not that writer. 

There are suggestions, that a request for women to gather and participate as an army, prior to accepting the challenge to find and enter within the truth called “spiritual woman”/ was an attempt to be less than as advertized.  It was not leading them, had women been interested enough to come, it was my hope to learn what they would do; so that I would have the answer of women. They refused, consequently;  in a message to demand people must wake up/ or they are going to die: a need arose.  They did not come, leaving the only door possible to learn their answer; as it is beyond man; was within the spiritual environment called woman.  I had to have an answer/ this has become the passion of my life.  Life cannot die here on earth as a planet, without a fight!  The reality of “male or female” IS NOT, nearly as important; and in fact is irrelevant to the demand, life must not continue to be crucified and threatened; or you don’t survive. Simple as that.  Preparations existed as a secondary influence, to ask women to prepare to defend me;   simply because for this world to survive, tremendous change must come.  Which means simply: the proud, the powerful, the leaders, the money, and more must all be changed.  Hate does not like change, it wants to be god/ it demands control; violence and fear are its tools.   Consequently I will need to hide away for a time, to continue helping you conceive and build a better world.  Or not, if that is your desire; we all die, its just a matter of time.  Not a game, you are free “to work for this world without me”.  That decision is for women/ not for me.  I cannot defend myself against millions, too selfish to understand; this world has changed, because humanity is now about to overtake nature. That means nature can no longer keep us alive/ instead we must choose to keep nature alive, or we die too. 7 billion people is one person per acre of growing ground; we are multiplying at roughly 2,000,000 more human beings to feed each and every week/ over deaths.

   I am irrelevant to the fact:  either people change their relationship as humanity to this world and altering what you do with truth and a decision for life (all life, as a planet) must come first; or reality, and the choices already made;  will destroy you.  I am not irrelevant to the truth, I can help women declare and build a better world.  That is “the price; (a part of, the rest is changing me to understand female)”; let women lead. For having searched, at the door of “spiritual woman”.  It is, a “tremendous change”/ but I am finally learning a little bit about what it means to be “female”; hopefully that will improve my situation in some ways. It is not “terrible”, but it is clearly more vulnerable to everything; like it or not.  Clearly a different situation regarding sex.  Plainly different, in very many ways; different, men honestly can’t imagine. Different, not kidding.
Because change means DIFFERENT: this reality and truth of today;   is the best men did do.  They cannot lead anymore, the result will return to exactly the same.  Which leaves us all with:   “Let women try”.  Good/ bad/ or indifferent, they cannot be worse, than the men who led us all to the extermination of life, from this earth.  The evidence proves it true; Simple as that.  It is a fact however that, “MANY men will fight against”/ but they will fail, because their world is about to find chaos and turmoil; they damaged too much. How many people have you met in your lifetime, who will willingly remove their pride, or power, or share or care honestly, or work for life instead of simply for self?  They are few.

   Nonetheless, the failures of men, will be “Opening the door for women”, if they are wise enough to enter within. But they too face the truth, that courage is required; life is now a choice rather than simply time to be taken and used as you please. This is not a game/ our reprieve from the consequences of what men and the universities have done, will end.  Life dies, if you have not found your voice, or your work, or your passion to protect this earth prior to that moment; when the point of no return exists.  It comes far sooner than you think.  Rise up as a humanity, for law,  for love, for truth, and distinguish RESPECT for every living thing on this planet, with discipline.  That is your job.  Everyone knows “you can do it”/    It’s a choice.
Make your decision now.

As to the reality of women and me; I do not tempt you, nor do I intend to tempt you.  Rather, my life has been overwhelmed by the consequence of a need; a reality that had to be solved, before any real hope for life on earth to continue could exist. The fact that I have traded places with women, pretty much says it all; in terms of the ability to attack you or anything else.  Even if I wanted to, or desire it/ I cannot.  My life is so different, it simply isn’t “me” anymore. Can’t stop it/ can’t control it/ as far as male is concerned “simply defeated”.  Spiritual woman has won.   That is not said to influence you; rather it is said, because something new inside of me requires that it should be so; I don’t know why.  It just is.  Not pretty/ not sexy/ too old/ bad teeth/ lots of things, to believe probably “nothing to worry about” sexually; I was however completely wrong, about opening the door to female spirituality.  But its not my choice; somehow I am owned, or something similar, by the existence of female in my life/ I have traded places.  What is woman decides, her truth controls rather than mine.  Life is the same/ but mind and body are not. I cannot be “made to do something to anyone else”/ but in relation to women, I cannot control what they do to me either. Something is missing, something is completely gone; that determines my right to decide. I have been changed.  It is NOT bad, or terrible or something like that; its just “life, sex, everything important, is not my choice”: its hers.  I don’t know how/ it just is. The battle is over, I lost.    And yes, I do know; in a world full of “everything”/ this makes me far too vulnerable in every way. I do know, no privacy here/ people do what people do: don’t care.  Live or die, or whatever is in-between:  this is destiny I choose:   This fight to keep life on earth alive.  Good, bad, or indifferent;   I will work, until the day comes, when that is no longer necessary, or valid; one way or the other.  So long as   GOD    ,Provides trust in me; love/ hope/ truth/ and discipline shared. The honesty of a purpose, that gives me passion and establishes hope, through truth and love; and possibilities that are real. I do know, you do NOT understand the spiritual world, or can in any way recognize the reality of “spiritual woman” and me.  However, the words I write are real, the evidence and clarity of thought are significant, the foundations upon which I base all my arguments are true/ and the end result of that is: even if you don’t understand, you don’t understand the miracles of life either/ you didn’t understand the threats or recognize the disasters ahead, or critical human behaviors as I have proven to do.  Consequently, reserve your judgment, until you learn. Understand, it is never nice to control a woman/ be her friend instead.  WITH HONOR, and discipline.

It is my hope for these words, that somehow this is enough to put your mind at ease. The information is released, NOT because I need you to understand me/ but because I need you to recognize your own needs.  To understand this world is in grave danger from numerous threats that cannot be denied.  And there is no room, or time, or reality to continue playing.  This is the truth of my own existence, saying to you:   I am not “ a predator” .  Not a religious zealot of any kind.  I don’t hear voices, or the like/ don’t take commands from any religious configuration of worship or fear; etc.  Not out to use or abuse or entice or tempt or flatter or anything else, any female on this planet.  I AM just working for life, believe it or not/  reality says to me:   men cannot succeed, history proves their choice.   That left women as the only potential solution.  Since women do not divulge their secrets openly/ a search in the spiritual environments was necessary.  The price simply MUCH higher, than expected.  Spiritual existence, or the realities of a truth so intimately defined that we become participants therein; as a definition of our own truth.  Are a distinction that you do not understand. The consequence to me, participating within the true intent for woman as life; requires “female participation”/ nothing more, or less. I am otherwise trapped, or at the mercy of what women desire. Plainly, I cannot escape/ or even refuse not to tell you this reality. Just how it is.  Suffice it to say, in this particular instance: ALL you really need to know is: I CANNOT make women do anything. You don’t have to believe that/ unfortunately it can be proven.  Do you not have a mind of your own?  Regardless:   WOMEN must try to save this planet, and I do offer to help you work, for the purpose of LIFE MUST COME FIRST, on or for this planet.  Not your want instead of men: TRUTH about life and living for the sake of love, peace, harmony, happiness, and hope must lead, and humanity must then follow; to survive by changing this future prepared by men.  NOT about sex/ I am about life.  All life must come first/ not simply the individual.  We stand at the door of terrible things.  WE MUST DO BETTER, every single one.  It’s a decision.  How is that not clear?

There is no ulterior purpose in suggesting that women must protect me, to keep me alive for that help/ other than to survive, so that I can help.  There is not, nor has it ever been by my own  desire to be anything but free, in every honorable way.  This is about: Humanity wants an enemy; “someone to kill, so they can say not only we win/ but now that trouble is gone”.  It shall NOT be so/ this is about threats to an entire planet, to us all.  How, can I be the enemy?   With a challenge made to every purpose in power, pride, wealth, hate, and more: we can change the destruction of nature, and establish sharing and caring for all life.   How can there not be many enemies against me/ when this is not want, selfishness, power, hate, or pride?  Are there not many who choose these things?  It is a choice/ I am more than willing to leave as death provides; if you “desire my help, not at all”, its ok, its your choice.  That is honest and true.  But whether I desire it or not, and I do not; the simple reality of human existence proves;   without help the simple reality of “just takes one”, is enough to end “my help for you”.   Someone will decide they can kill me, “and solve their problem, or be a hero, or something; others will tempt them, even others will pay”.  Because change means: different for them too.  But only if this work becomes truly “expanded, so that many will know this decision exists”.   If you disagree with my assessment, that is your right/ but we cannot both be correct; but, dead is dead.

Don’t know what else to say; this is my reality, take it or leave it.  Believe in the evidence of threats and tragedy coming for your own life, or not/ that is not about me.  I am simply here to help; Its up to you.  This is your lives that must change/ thereby it is entirely your decision.  I do not play/ this is not about sex/ this is about life on earth.  Simple as that, LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU!   If you will not work honestly, for life first on earth: then please do not come to me, as there is no further purpose in my remaining here.  If you do choose to work for life first, I can help; if I survive.  It’s a choice.  My choice, is to be honest and free/ to work for life, to understand only truth decides.  Love is a purpose greater than “I”/ or you, love is a decision created for us. Love is the honesty in moments shared, because caring replaced every want, with a desire that cannot be explained without our hearts beating as one. Love is the essence of every truth, because the destiny we create together exists only because out souls have met. Love is, the transition from being human, into the environment that shouts, “I am ALIVE”.  Because joy and happiness, know it is so!  The discovery of moments in love, brings to life, an existence beyond ourselves.  The discovery of souls in love, understands;   there will never be a time, when you do not share my heart.  Life is a blessing, share it with honor!

There are comforts in the blessing of words, decisions which mimic the essence of time, by placing at your own command the discovery of what can be shared, from the purpose of your own life.  They are not the cause of this work.  There are memories of life shared, that reflect the innocense of sex; the honesty that we can be to someone else, a measure so significant it will change their life.  There are treasuries of hope, within which we find the courage to change ourselves, and brave new and complex worlds.  There are relationships cherished, that could not be fulfilled.  There is a lifetime of desire, honest and pure/ that can only be released to eternity; I find no place for love that ends in “true tears” here.  There is not a demand in me, or purpose from me, that expects “sex as a reward or result or a punishment” for this work.  Even though it is not my choice, “everything has changed”/ I lost as male, what is spiritual woman decides. She has taken over control in that “area”; much like I am told many men do to women.  The question of what comes next not even my right to decide. Life has changed/ you can’t imagine as male.  Even so, All honorable and loving sex is, the value of another human being.  That cannot be considered as a relationship with sex; simply because I don’t own the right anymore. But it is apparent that women endure this reality, and find a way to love.  I do not know how it ends/ clearly NEW to me.  Without that relationship, there is no cause significant enough, to ask;   let us trust each other, without love. There is no valid or real trust without true love.  But without control, life and sex is a completely different question. Hard to understand.
Innocense found means: that sexuality completes our lives, when truth, trust, love, and hope exist to fulfill our relationship with the critical belief: I have found, the one I will love, even forever.    Innocense lost means: that sexuality overtakes the truth of who we are together, decides want is more important than love, and suggests hope need only be “mine/ or yours; rather than ours”.  Innocense ends, when the truth reveals;   to give someone enough hope, trust, respect, and life inside themselves to be “alive”/ also demands, “love that leaves is harsh”, a reality best left untouched, because the tears will remember, and lives will change.

I find, that my life has or probably has crossed a bridge, without the possibility to return; into a different experience and change beyond my current comprehension in time.  My first reaction was: “why does this price have to be so high/ so harsh, as to be so vulnerable in so many ways”?  But my second reaction was: if harsh, is the life of woman/ then why should I not accept to understand, and help this world to change?  The question; Why is it harsh/ why can this not be better, and work for that truth; is a decision that is worth its purpose. While this may seem presumptuous, or arrogant; as life was anything BUT “female”/ until opening that door to the spiritual environment of female.  It is clear to me, I have changed to the point some aspects of knowledge begin. It may be, that a new and distinct  knowledge can be found by you as well.  Change is hard.  But clearly not impossible/ as I stand personally so distant from who I was, that it is honestly impossible to measure; life is different. But there is no time to whine or complain; true threats exist that can exterminate us, even on this day; we need to act as a humanity together.  Even so, the cost is high. Time and reality proves, the best that I can do for you personally, for the sake of all life on earth, is nearly up.  There is a moment coming soon, that demands:   THEY/ HUMANITY;  MUST work and communicate, and be honest with themselves;  or life shall not remain on earth. Like it or not!
More simply; having given you enough information to make clear the threats are serious/ the need is great enough/ and the law is powerful enough to at a minimum investigate and examine for yourselves.  Life or death for a planet IS ENTIRELY in your hands; “yes, yours too”/ am I some great politician or other? No, I am not/ just plain and simple in my humanity; like you.  I was given a job to do;  My job is done.  You are given a job to do, to carry this work forward/ as best you can.  Fully knowing, no one is perfect/ if we do the best we can: I DO believe that will be enough.

 Even so, for me, beyond the moments of this reality in time, comes the beginning of a completely new belief (or beginning); perhaps something can be done for women as well.  I now live is a peculiar realm; somewhere between male and female; surely something of value can occur? Regardless of the outcome for either/ my decision/ my life, shall work as best I can, until nothing is left to do, time runs out, or my own desire fails (GOD will decide that; because it is a matter of trust).  Trust is at its essence the rhythm of time, shared with the soul that presents us with life; a heartbeat, that understands, “not my life/ our gift to each other, we share”. Life is a distinction separated from soul by time, but returned to soul, as my gift “to GOD”, through love, truth, and respect.   My life, my hope, my truth, are in HIS HANDS.              It is the choice, I live; the desire I choose.           Not a religious statement, a decision of faith locked within the truth of my own creation; the decision to be an identity built upon truth,  the miracles of life, & the story of JESUS, that I will never deny.  JESUS provided the path, that I have walked/ the love I have believed in throughout my life/ the destiny searched for/ and the purpose of a life in time. That has not changed, only the concept of “male confined by female”/ or whatever this destiny becomes.

Your lives will be different, but that does not need to mean worse/ because your world is changing; like it or not.  The consequence of threats beyond all sanity/ the reality of lies, stealing, and cheating beyond the ability of most to forgive what they have lost in their expectations/ critical truths in resources, critical sacrifices that will consume children/ failures on all sides. IF you survive those who are deliberately trying to destroy this entire world/ must be stopped.  All of this proves, you are going to change/ the only decision is, if you change yourselves/ or allow the forces that cannot be controlled to expand and thereby change you into tragedies, hopelessness, and completely insane. Fear helps no one/ work for life, do it now!  It’s a choice, men have made to threaten everything;  today.  It is not long before that choice ends; I do not know the day/ but it is NOT “far away”.  Men commonly choose life and expectations from work “in big chunks”/ women commonly choose life and expectations in “much smaller pieces”.  The difference of today is:   we need both to survive.
Let truth decide, recognize reality understands the day better than you.  Remember without respect, life will not remain on this earth.  Accept that eternity is the only truly important decision of your life, and believe that thought expresses the foundation of you: therefore keep it clean and pure, as best you can.  Simply remove what does not belong, with care and determination.  Its your job. Its our job, to work for life on this earth, no excuses allowed.  Time is not on our side.

I am instructed to add two more things; not sure why.  When I say instructed, I do not suggest words or voices or images or anything else that identifies with religion. Rather truth can be recognized by the foundations it creates, the moments that made a difference, and the purpose or desire of a heart struggling to be free.  Combined as three or more distinctions shared “within the same light of understanding”, honesty creates the possibility of something new. With very careful investigation, the potential of a new step to take, a slight change in the direction chosen, or the elemental thought required to be alive; the ascent into knowledge or descent into pride or hate begins.

I am reminded; of a moment, when the best I thought I could do/ became a tragedy for a pet, that someone threw out, and wandered over. Clearly abused, it took a lot of effort to make the creature feel safe again. But winter was coming, his health wasn’t good enough to survive it, and I had no place for him where it was warm; so I took him to the animal shelter.  Where arrogance made him cry.  Those too righteous to care, had been burying the animals they killed along the path into the shelter: “proof, have your animals spayed and neutered” so they thought.  But the reality was, this creature smelled the dead/ clearly asked me to recognize that/ and when I insisted on going inside, everything inside him began to fear again.  In less than a minute, these “experts”/ had taken over a years worth of work, and removed everything. My heart could not do it again/ clearly the pet would not trust me again/ and winter was coming.  So I left him, hoping for his sake someone would care.  The expected purpose of the story is: that fear, even well-founded cannot save anyone.  Experts commonly do more harm than good. Sometimes there just isn’t another chance. If I had known trying to save him, would cause his fears would to return.  I would have let the winter take him/ or killed him myself, when that became “more kind.”  We don’t always get a second chance. The moral of the story here is: when time is running out/ you do, I do, the best I can; even if it ain’t perfect, even if it turns out badly. If you have respect or love in your heart, you do the best you can. I have done the best I can for you, I cannot realistically  do more; in terms of life or death for this planet/  its your decision now.  Good/ bad/ or indifferent, this is the best I did do, for life on this planet.  Your turn now.  Make your decision. But remember, “fear won’t help”.

The second reality to be shared is: that pride is an enemy, because it demands life shall be a game.  That winner (just for me)/ is greater than loser (I am greater than you); which simply means, “I won’t, or I don’t care enough to share, or let you be equal.”  Pride hates love, because love both shares and cares; and demands “equals”.  Pride removes love, to demand superior/ therefore you are, in some measure;  worthless next to me. While this sounds as if pride has no measure or place within the human heart, “you are correct”.  But while it has no place in truth/ allowing life to be a game, as all humanity does, will build pride or hate (similar in substance) anyway. Removing all pride turned out to be hard; because to remove it completely requires the evidence: “he or she is worthless/ next to me or us”.  Or more simply: the measurements people make/ the judgments they pronounce cannot matter anymore.  Love, truth, justice, equality, and more (even eternity, and all spiritual realms) all depend upon the honesty that pride cannot achieve. Having tried every other method; the evidence exists from 30 or so years ago:  that I choose love, and not pride (it was worth the price)/ that I choose eternity, regardless of the cost (it was worth the price)/ that I am NOT your leader, rather more like a soldier in the field of battle; choosing to do the best I can.  It is a battle with pride and want/ these things are killing all life on earth.  To overcome them in yourselves, it is absolutely imperative:   that you choose NOT “to play games” anymore.  That you accept the outlines of evidence, investigation, and reality as the truth needed to complete your decision honestly; for the sake of all life on earth.  Rather than want or pride, they are destroyers/ not friends.  I am NOT the decision you are to make; “just a speck of dust” as most would suggest, in that regard.  But, “Life or death for a planet” is a decision we will make together, as all human life; simply yes or no.   Which means like me, your decision “is just one vote as well”; no matter what your pride says.  We will, live or die together.  If you care more about your pride, than life; you will be sorry.  If you care enough about your children at the very least/ YOU WILL work for life to survive.  It’s a choice/ no matter what anyone else says or does; this will be your choice.  Your work will be, “the best you did do”.
Remember this: that I am not a decision here; apart from whether women choose to believe they should try to keep me alive, if this becomes “common knowledge”.  Apart from that, the question for your heart is:   can you accept, the need for you to work for life/ the simple truth, “this time, or from now on; we simply CANNOT be wrong”.  No more gambling!

I do wish you well.
But there is only a little more I can do, in terms of life or death for a planet/ its your decision.  I have made mine.   YOUR TURN to decide if life is worth the price, that must be paid.