The impact of money

Established by the federal reserve, their stated position &  policy is: “to buy back those instruments of debt, that society cannot afford; thereby freeing up the banks/ others’;  to lend money.  What they mean is:   by pumping more numbers into the banking system/ by making certain the “big money players” don’t lose anything in terms of numbers;   we the people can pay, because no matter how you spin it, this is inflation covered over in debt.  They put more dollars into the system/ covering the ass of every “rich person or corporation or other large money concern”/ and we get none.  Hidden by the fact they do their best NOT to allow the price of things we need to go up/ “sounds good” BUT:  thereby expanding inflation to all THE RICH (they get more numbers to spend for free), and we the people are told someone has to pay for this.  Inflation is simply more monopoly numbers in the banking and governing systems.  Necessary because those in charge spent too much on themselves, or for what they wanted to prove; simply “we can be gods”.

  Instead of justice, which is gone.  The rich get “tons more money numbers”/ and we the people get to believe this is all fair because someone is suppose to pay this debt; and we ain’t going to do it.  So the people think/ can’t do it, ain’t got no more/ refuse to do it, we didn’t get nothing.  So the numbers continue to grow, as the rich continue to be paid with numbers that have no real meaning/ BUT DO SPEND, because we the people accept them:   believing we have no real choice.  The rich then consume everything, because they can; in effect stealing everything, because the numbers are “all free” to them/ and since we get none of that:   the reality of our ability to buy and defend ourselves from these fake dollars ends.  We lose/ they win;   the divide between rich and poor establishes the vast majority “are worthless numbers (slaves)”/ and the rich own it all, becoming like gods, here in humanity on earth.  Divided equally, we would all have $495,000.00 (think about that, and how many people have numbers, claiming your work, your property, and our resources as life on earth)Then remember the rich who are deeply imbedded into the stock market, etc.  Can multiply their money by at least 50 times for gambling with a margin bet.  Can you compete with a nation or world that has one half million dollars in hand, for every single citizen in America?  Times 50!  Your politicians and leaders/ your university trained professionals and experts: have literally given the entire nation away; because they refused to accept the limits that we the people could, or would pay.  They just plain wanted more, and they lied/ cheated/ stole/ manipulated/ hid/ and propagated tragedy and mayhem in a vast conspiracy to control everything in this world/ this nation/ and your life.  They want to be “gods”.  They succeeded:   “Satan it is”/   or perhaps selfish satan is more accurate (the SS)/ maybe even selfish shithead satan (do they not ridicule us?).  Not a game, a fact of life;   NOBODY gets to lead here, without a university diploma/ NOBODY gets to propagate anything without an expert (just buy one/ doesn’t matter which side; plenty to go around).  NOBODY gets to complain for real, unless you can be sold/ only then, so long as you are not a threat.  Once trouble starts, its all about proving no matter what injustice was the cause; the propaganda will prove    “The gods, were right”.  Do you not believe them/ how can you question these leaders are not gods, the universities who tell you a story no matter how bizarre; and not a question comes.  Failure, and a disease in society; bankruptcy is just a symptom of even greater distress beneath the surface.  They gamble will your very lives, even the planet/ absolutely everything living: which brings us back to satan (destroyer of everything living).  How can that description be wrong/ even if it is religious by definition?  Answer the question.
Glossing over the simple truth “the rich get free numbers to spend”/ for nothing more than the excuse “they are the job creators/ and lenders”; they are the people who make the nation work.  So they say!
But lets review:   while we on the other hand are nothing more than slaves to be used;  however the rich so desire.  Those who run the corporations have proven to be 90% corrupt, ineffective, disruptive to this society, and a tragedy overall.  Every job in jeopardy/ every resource depleted or in jeopardy/ every asset polluted or controlled, and beyond our means/ every failure multiplied and sustained by government intervention.  All the CEO’s saying;   NOT HERE, the money is over there.  Not the people/ let there be robots instead.  It is endless.  It is a decision NOT to participate as society or its needs/ but the reduction of life into columns of numbers.  You “ain’t human”/ you are a “dollar/ or a debt”.  Get rid of the most people you can/ and collect more monopoly money; buy more property, and force the other players to surrender.  I OWN IT ALL/ damn you to hell!  Or be my slave.

 Do you not understand the federal reserve “prints money”?  When they buy bad debts/ do you not understand someone who owns the debts:  which they failed to dispense in a business like fashion; is now forgiven their failures; because “its all free, for the rich or powerful”.  They don’t have to lose money/ they don’t have to surrender their assets because of a bad decision; in fact: they are given more, and we are given the debt, and told to be slaves (someone has to pay).  Ain’t that so?  Tell me true, did the federal reserve buy up your bad debt?  Or does the banker get to foreclose on you/ strip you of your possessions and take anything he or she wants.  The federal reserve does not have to buy “banker bad debts”/ they could buy yours just as easily; but refuse, because slaves have no real value.  But wait: “its your money”/ oh well, are there not thieves everywhere you look?  The banker wants more/ everyone who can demand it, wants more/ the politician wants more/ the police want more (your just a slave; ain’t no more money for us,  in you).  And so on.  The slaves want more too, but you are nearly worthless so it doesn’t matter unless things get out of hand: [BRING THE ARMY/ KILL THEM].  Which simply means the slaves are not listening anymore, they refuse to work (for money; resources only), refuse to be enslaved by the numbers called dollars; and insist upon their own democracy being realized as the means to return to equal and fair for all. AND THE LEADERS are afraid, and turn to violence; because IN NO POSSIBLE scenario, are they willing to become “one of you”.
In other words, to hell with equality or justice:  let the money be what the numbers demand; “worthless or not, who gives a damn”/ until we war.

The alternative:   Let democracy be what our guarantee and foundation of government law commands:   redress of grievances (we the people want accountability/ truth as best we can!  Then WE SHALL decide for ourselves what the future of our society, nation, and world shall be; by vote of the people themselves.)

No more free ride for the rich.  No more redistribution of our assets to the rich.  No more property consumption by the rich stealing from us.   Redistribution to ourselves, as best reality and justice will allow!  No more easy loans for the rich.  No more debt forgiveness for the rich.  No more money in politics: free access to media as the public allows.  No more taxation that does not represent fair play and equality among us all.  No more power in government: the IRS shall be dissolved, and every community shall have its own, by vote, method of collecting taxes.  No more failure/ foolishness/ gambling with our lives or planet. No more religion as in evolution in government.  No more spending money without our direct consent by percentage vote as we decide/ no more judicial officials that do not obey the first amendment of this constitution/ no more police who believe they must side with power, instead of the people.  No more university or experts telling us what to think/ that’s how we got here.  And so on.  

In other words, let justice find its voice, let democracy find its authority as we the people, let our employees understand WE THE PEOPLE ARE IN CHARGE NOW. 

They will not submit without being convinced they have no choice/ which does mean you must prove:   the money has no meaning without you/ you must prove, that you are the job creators, you are the business, and we the people are the economy that matters.

 To do that requires control of the food and water.  Because without food and water, those who lead die too!   Those who thirst must either surrender their design and decision;  or war/ or die.  Those who starve, are forced to beg, work as a slave, be willing to accept unreasonable risk;   or die/ or war.  The consequence of these two things is then: whosoever controls, holds the key.  Whosoever controls finds negotiations possible, until “the enemy” gets control/ if they do not accept, but merely lie: there will be war.  Throughout history, fear decided many battles.  The quest for justice assigns: either be competent and serious, unafraid and fair so as to get a peace treaty/ or surrender, and accept the abuse, letting violence have its way.  In terms of today, the lesson is serious: if you do not control the food and water/ you do not control the outcome.  Because the rest as a majority; can wait.  So lets review:   if you want something from the leaders, who absolutely refuse to share anything they want for themselves, which is everything/ you do have to confront them.  That means “with a fist/ or with the law”.  If you use a fist/ they use a weapon.  If you find a weapon/ they get more, because they have access, and you do not.  If you gain true rebellion, they will find or search for cooperation from the other leaders; and if they have something of yours to bribe with; will gain even more weapons.   IF HOWEVER YOU USE THE LAW:   THE GUARANTEED RIGHTS PROMISED BY THE AUTHORITY OF LAW ITSELF.  Then the leaders must choose between accepting the law rules (which in no way they would consent too)/ or becoming a lawless society by their own decision.  Because refusing to obey the foundations of law is a violence to any or every society/ a rebellion against the people themselves.  Either way, the die is cast/ and the reality of WHO WILL, OR WILL NOT OBEY THE LAW:   becomes a decision facing this or any society.  The police cannot legally deny/ the courts cannot legally alter or disobey/ the politician cannot refuse:   which means the people will rule the day by their law, or they will surrender themselves letting anarchy and traitors rule instead of themselves.  It’s a choice.


The fact and foundation of every society is NOT “who leads”/ but how do we get along together, in peace and harmony?  Democracy assists that effort by demanding there shall be, “personal freedoms, that cannot be dismissed; because none are truly harmed but myself/ and with myself, the decision of my life for me:  you have no say at all.”   The respect of freedom, and equality: brings peace.  Simple and plain.  Which does mean, whether we aid you in the results of your own failure/ is OUR decision.  Simple and plain.  Democracy adds as well: the expression and experience of liberty.  Liberty is OUR RIGHT to be free within ourselves/ which CANNOT be accomplished if you take everything in sight and leave us “the rest,  with virtually or physically nothing”.  Or more simply, there MUST be limits so the rest can have their own share of what life itself has to offer in this society.  NOT a restriction of you/ an acceptance of us, and our right to participate with reasonable and fair opportunities for everyone.  Because that is fundamentally “harmony”.  NOBODY gets to play god.  NOBODY gets to be powerful or proud (life is not a game/ its being alive in freedom, with honor and respect for yourself; inside).  IT IS not being afraid of the others/ because the law, and honor through duty respected:  protects us all. 
The foundation of economic respect in society is very simple:   our lives are essentially the same/ because we are literally humans, therefore equal.  Your life is NOT basically different than mine/ therefore your time is NOT essentially better or worse than mine: time is life on earth/ therefore how we spend it is the basis of who we are, and what we have or have not done because of it.  Some jobs are more risky than others/ some more difficult/ and so on: which means NOT all jobs are valued the same.  Not all people work the same.  But all people DO have a right to the work necessary to support their own lives; NO exceptions.  In a world of 7 billion people, ESSENTIALLY ONE PERSON ON EVERY ACRE OF GREEN EARTH.  The cause or consequence of how much resource each and every one is entitled too;   is no longer “take all you can get”.  Like it or not, a fact that is true, rules over your want.  And changes our existence as humanity on this earth;   or soon we war/ and all die.  Because that is what you chose instead of peace or harmony.

Every person is a job/ because every person represents a need or a want that is desired or needs to be fulfilled.  The control of resources, IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN/ the means by which people became rich.  Therefore whosoever controls the resources controls the future.  Consequently if you would be free/ as a society of equals:   you must control all natural resources for yourself.  It is that simple and plain.  A job is something you do for someone else/ that you would not otherwise do, without pay.  Therefore money or pay becomes the simple translation of what someone else must do for you in exchange for what you have already done/ or now promise to do.   Every dollar SHOULD THEN represent time, and its relation to a resource that is carefully metered out to all.  Because that is fair. The consequence of fair in society is then a measured currency:   a currency count that establishes “so many dollars” per person/ so that all understand, their own basic position.  Thereby they know if they are being treated fairly or not.  In this situation, as in real life rather than the american fantasy of this day: for one to be richer/ more than one shall be poorer.  Which simply means, there is a cost to wealth.  But there is also a price for not doing your own share, and a reward for doing more than the others.  It is capitalism, with limits; because limits create democracy through justice (fair play)/ and the end of power over our lives by a tiny few (equal, not tyranny).
The consequence of this type of change is monumental: because it removes power and pride and poverty.  The reality of this type of change is judicial:   because we the people MUST CREATE the system by which, this transition can occur.
1.   No change exists if you are forced to surrender instead/ consequently you must be prepared with the necessary authority to insist we shall NOT be starved out or forced out.  That is done by the assertion of critical work stoppage/ prove the numbers, and insist on democracy through justice.  Which means in this case in america:   WE WANT REDRESS/ our right to decide for ourselves, what the future shall be.  NOT voting for someone to vote for me/ RATHER I VOTE on the most important issues and laws, of this day for myself.  THIS IS the power of democracy.  All of us, rather than you for us.

2.  The first offensive measure that will be taken against you is the removal of food, the threat of no utilities.  This is the method of the wealthy, as proven throughout all of history.  Consequently you will take up PEACEFUL position in all the wealthiest neighborhoods.  Letting no one in or out, so as to remind them: they too can have their access to food cut off.  Allowing for the reality their utilities can be removed as well.  Or more simply, in the battleground between justice and democratic rights, the question of who controls our society.  It is MOST SIMPLY recognized: that it is a battle between rich and poor/ nothing more or less.  They hold the resources which make them rich/ IF YOU WANT to be equal, you must legally take control of what is required to be “our resources/ our right to be equal”.
The rich control the courts (judges are chosen for a reason)/ the propaganda/ the government/ much of the police/ the industries and utilities/  and the upper realities in leadership of military might.
You control the work, and you determine by acceptance what will or will not be done in society or nation.  You control the food production.  You control the industry production.  You control the delivery of resources, utilities, etc. 
Both sides sit at the edge of violence, or law.  When it becomes a game, instead of life itself; the intent is to steal the possibilities of peace and harmony for the sake of power/ by either side.  So beware, let none steal your chance to survive and change this world.

3.   The critical decision is:    NOT CONFRONTATION/ but truth!  In other words remove the decision from the hands of men or women as leaders, and confront only the truth itself.  Find the truth, and you find reality and its future.  Find the future, and you will know how to assemble and choose what must be done in this day.   Find the truth, and you will understand what democracy needs, and can do for you as a society called WE THE PEOPLE.

4.  The elemental reality of removing leaders from the decision/ gives YOU the right and the responsibility to choose as a democracy by your own vote:   a new life and society.  The elemental truth of what that means, is entirely up to you/ it becomes “our truth/ our decision/ and our future; as well as every other life and future time will allow”.
5.  The question of leadership is fundamentally defined by: WHO can or cannot perceive what the future shall bring? But, the elemental path of what society can or will do for itself is determined ONLY by what your own truth shall allow.  Therefore although leadership can help, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for what comes next; good or bad.  It is YOUR OWN FAULT/ because that is the decision you have made with your own vote.  Like it or not, we do move as a society together/ even as a world; what we choose, is what we will become, because every action does bring a reaction.  Therefore every choice has a consequence, planned and expected, or not.  No second chances on some things; live or die is all that is left/ because current human damages are so extensive.

6.  The value of law CANNOT be underestimated.  Remember that, because it is important to you.  Those who do control the law, thereby controlling the courts; maintain the reality of what your own society shall be.  Therefore making the laws by which a society SHALL OBEY, and govern itself:   ARE ABSOLUTELY the most important thing any society of people can do for itself.  The making of laws DOES NOT cover or account for “every damn little annoyance”/ GET OVER IT!   HOWEVER, the making of every law does account for the direction and limits of liberty, the expression of freedom, and the rights of authority to decide as is the foundation of democracy called WE THE PEOPLE.   As is consistent with the truth of governing:   ONLY THE LAW that is truly important to us all, is valid or real.  We CANNOT competently know, or understand as a society;   “More than one hundred SHORT AND PLAIN laws” to govern ourselves.  Therefore to maintain control throughout the rest of history, it is absolutely important that every form of governing shall be covered under these critical laws/ and within the constitutional guarantee of our contract with ourselves.  Read the foundation documents of this USA democracy and learn what is important, and guaranteed.  Then simply make it happen, by understanding what law is. 
LAW IS, the recognition: we cannot maintain peace, without a deliberate means of intervention/ because people are NOT always fair, honest, or willing to share the work or resources or life.   Consequently instead of letting thieves, murder, liars, and cheats rule over us all:   WE DO choose law, and the intervention of disciplined evidence and fair trial for the sake of justice, and the intent called fair play as equals.

7.  The value of policing ourselves with law is evident/ thereby we all get to maintain society within the limits of liberty.  The value of policing a world with law is: that we all get to maintain peace and harmony, within the limits of laws; chosen as a world;  that WILL THEN govern primarily the leadership of nations.  No more large military threats.  No more enormous expenditures of resources or money in support of these military threats.  No more leadership that does to the people whatever they wish.  RATHER THE LAW WILL RULE, and the leadership of every or any nation; dragged if necessary before the court of OUR world, and OUR own laws.  As a people called humanity, by what we allow.  Simple and plain.

The question of economic change is much simpler than it sounds: simply because we the people do the work.  Therefore we can continue to do the work/ and if necessary simply as a society remove “ANY impediment to that work”/ by our authority under democracy to declare and produce any law we do demand in our efforts to confront the truth of what is or is not fundamentally treason against our lives.  In other words, in this search to discover what is true about our lives, our nation, and our world:   as is true of any battleground,   we will take what we need to accomplish the end goal of justice for all.  That means you will be particularly careful to be fair as possible/ but let no “wealth or control” stand in the way.  This is about life, not money.  When we discover the truth about our democracy, our future, our lives and our responsibility to ourselves and this world/ THEN we will consider the money, and who owns or owes what will be decided at the end.  As is necessary in any capitalistic society.  It ain’t all free/ not on either side.

The US supreme court has now made its last legal declaration, regarding my legal efforts to produce not only democracy by the terms and conditions of the constitution/ but justice with fair and legal opportunity to choose for the people instead of against the nation and this people themselves.  They choose to fail, removing the clerk, failing to return the money, and producing what we both know at this point will never be docketed because that is just too clearly marked with treason.  Once power surrenders to the idea, we cannot win in this courtroom/ murder usually  follows.  Should the problem persist.  Not an issue to me/ a reality to you the reader (to women in genera/ not because I want women in my life; but because men brought us here, and cannot continue to lead.  It’s the price of failure);  do you desire my assistance or not?  It’s a simple question.
As to the letter from the supreme court regarding certiorari;  by the time I return it to federal appeals the time line they have created for this case at the supreme court will pass/ regardless of a right or responsibility that will end the appeal.  As they did back in 2008 on a different appeal.  No right/ doesn’t matter;  game over.  As to the extraordinary writ, that is defined by the court as strictly discretionary, and consequently they will not elect to repent of their treason and accept the rule of democracy over these judges;  as the evidence clearly shows.  Therefore I am done with the court/ and you are required to make your decisions about who rules this nation.   WE THE PEOPLE OR NOT?  It’s a simple question.
There is still tax court, but I find it unlikely they will do better/ still let the evidence prove the truth.
If you believe the game is over, the “powerful have won”/ you failed to learn the truth of what has transpired in these trial documents which cannot be denied.   Your judiciary and leaders CHOSE   to destroy your democracy/ your GUARANTEED right to redress of grievances/ your right to establish the liberties to which we are all entitled/ Accountability to the people/ and so on;  as all traitors, liars, and thieves do.  It’s a game to them of power and pride.  This is evidence and truth to me, of life, nation, democracy, and justice.  Take your pick, are you not free to believe whatever you wish?  Regardless of murder, or its associated troubles/ the reality of this work is:  that you can clearly go on without me/ you do have the evidence in hand/ you are able and ready to understand the basis, foundation, and fundamentals required to produce change for yourselves and this world.  That is your job, not mine.  My job, is to see that you do get this last opportunity of changing yourselves;  because truth requires it, before time runs out. I have done that/ but do hurry, as time is running out. Tragedies surround you, the opportunity to stop the insanity soon to take over this world will not last much longer.  It’s a choice.  Make your decision, the time has come.
Understand this:  that power does not care, will not share because that is the end of power;  the possibility to play god over someone else’s life.  Pride hates equality and justice, because it ruins the game, and without a game;  there are no winners or losers.  Consequently no one gets to be superior, etc.  don’t expect anything but lies, swindling, manipulation, temptation, theft, or cheating from those who do not want democracy no matter what they say;  it just isn’t true, because democracy in truth literally destroys power, by giving that power to the people themselves.
The common denominator in all human history is:  we want more, the end result of that is war;  consequently the end of justice and fair play.  As time has proven however, that is the answer of men across this world.  Use war/ then want until a crisis of resources appears/ then do a little better for awhile;  but not long, because pride loves the game/ power worships playing god over your lives/ and selfishness is not content with being equal (got to have more).  What women will do, is completely unkown as they have never fully had the chance to find out.  Simple as that, although we do know they will choose differently/; because they are different by nature.