IF YOU BELIEVE, that truth can or will harm you in these trials; the work that distinctly points you back to your own reality, and the possibilities of a future.  By assuming instead, the lies, etc/  are better; you do accept that you are a LIAR.  Some will argue, I had no choice in all of this/ therefore I could do nothing, am free of guilt.  Today however with the consequence of redress trial/ all forms of excuse have died.  We the people, become responsible for our own reality; the lies we allow/ the work we do/ the future we create.  No more “its their fault”/ they did this to me: today with redress its your own fault, whether or not you let these trials die.  Nothing can stop you from claiming the truth of what democracy means.  Only yourselves.
IF YOU BELIEVE the truth can or will harm you in these trials/  Then you are living in a fantasy world, deluded with propaganda, or hiding your true criminal intent.
 Is truth your enemy?
 Answer the question yourself!  The consequences to this nation for all its lies, stealing, and cheating have nothing to do with a single case here.  I merely stand up for constitutional law, and the investigation of truth in our reality and future time.  To do less, requires me and you to accept “let the children die”.  I refuse, without this fight.  It’s a choice/ make yours!

 The consequences that WILL come, are directly related to whatever is the truth, of what you or your leaders or both have already done.  Demanding the law/ demanding the truth/ demanding accountability for your actions/ demanding democracy/ accepting responsibility for my life and the consequences of this nation, and the children of this world.  The very nature that gives us life.  Are the impact of these trials!  HOW DOES THAT, HARM YOU?
If YOU BELIEVE, that this nation can lie, cheat, and steal/ spending well above its means and its resources,  for the last 40 years and more:   with no cost.  Then you are a fool/ it shall not be.  Even if you believe, “I had nothing to do with that”/ the reality is, the leaders and their followers did do that.  They threw your “blessings in the trash/ and left the nation behind in ruins”; for greed.  They bribed and tempted/ they overran and ruined: they said, “we will sacrifice the children/ and did”. Because the future is truly in doubt; by the evidence.  And there is nothing to show for all those lies, except failure/ EXTREME threat/ coming diseases/ poverty/ and the need to do better.  You DO know better than that; whether its fair or not is irrelevant.  Lost a lot or not is irrelevant.  Only if you care, can we do better.  Think before you answer, because life is going to change; one way or the other.  IT SHALL NOT, stay as it is.  That is a fact you can believe in;   because that is the result, of the choices you & your leaders have made.  That is the reality of following lies/ abandoning truth/ and living in greed.
  I do not say believe me/ I say, let the evidence decide: therefore go to court and investigate, examine for truth, and decide before your dead.  To that end,  I have opened the doors to a courtroom;  so that you may convince yourselves, one way or the other.
Only you can let them close/ no one else, not the supreme court or president or anyone: the law decides/ democracy “we the people rule”.  Is that not so!  That is the purpose here: to let you decide/ rather than simply die.  How is that not, “to your benefit”?

Change does not mean awful or forever/ BUT it does mean different, and not the same.  It means LIFE MUST COME FIRST;  never money, pride, or selfishness again; none of it.  How is that not to your benefit?  But it cannot happen without your work and true acceptance.  Its your decision/ not mine.  I have done, what I came to do/ that, is the truth.
The liars, will tell you every problem that comes, is all my fault/ “if he just hadn’t, revealed the lies; etc, etc”!  Truth replies with the question:   as a common citizen just like you, explain to me, exactly how; I or you could bring a nation to its knees?  It is impossible.  Only the nation itself, in direct combination with its leaders can do that.  One single common citizen can not.  I just ask for constitutional law to be carried out.  Even if, the result of that reveals the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth;  it is still the law, and not me/ that brings consequences for your failure and foolishness,  to you.  Simple and plain.

If you look at the dow jones average and say, “its all good or bad”/ consider this:  one mutual fund holds or invests, one trillion dollars.  Whatever they do, just one person making one decision/ or one tiny group; DOES have an effect.  I am told by someone who would know/ that computer trades occur at speeds greater than one thousandth of a second. Or to you and me, in one single second, one thousand trades can easily occur; think about that, and ask how much control you have. If they want it to go down it will/ if they want it to go up it will/ if they want to show a lot of volume it can. [they simply sell back and forth to themselves.  That used to be called “salting the mine”/ to bring in the fools, and let them discover, “those idiot workers must have walked past this gold ten thousand times; but only I see what they missed”.  Do you really think that ain’t a trap?  Really, is that what you think? Try believing something but the propaganda.]  The only thing they cannot control is how much would be lost, if things go bad or more correctly you refuse to go back into the market, leaving them with their numbers.  The only thing you really cannot control is: whenever they want, they can simply take all the money away; in just a few seconds.  Or more simply, wisdom looks beyond simple things/ and doesn’t play games with those who do not play fair.

I know, the propaganda machines do not play fair with you/ leading you with endless lies and innuendo about recoveries that absolutely do not exist.  IS IT, a recovery if you cannot pay your bills/ and live by pretending you will pay what clearly cannot be paid/ or inflate your income to deceive others as is the GDP of this nation?  IT IS a lie to call debts that cannot be paid anything but inflation which is what this is.  They borrow 1.65 trillion dollars because they have no money to pay their bills with for 2011.  That equals $16,500.00 per each of 100 million people/ or one in three citizens.  It is inflation/ most goes directly into the banks which multiply that by 10.  Thereby becoming in effect a borrowing of $165,000.00 for the year 2011 per each of 100 million people.  And because they are clearing NOT giving much of that to the average citizen: do you not agree?  That means, what does not go to foreigners/ goes directly to buying up all the property in this nation; stealing from you the entire nation, through foreclosure.  Because they will own it all.  And then when they cannot play the game any longer/ all pretense will die and inflation ravage the rest, so that they, the tiny few in charge;   will control it all.  Back in 2004 I believe, according to federal reserve accounts; the american debt from all sources was roughly 100 trillion dollars.  Think about how much inflation that really is!  14 trillion stated by the propaganda machines today;   is just federal debt/ doesn’t even include state debts. Think about communism: because these leaders have stolen democracy/ and chose “they can do better than can we”; therefore they have a right to make our choices and spend our money, and make us slaves, “cause we’re just fools and children too small to understand”.  Do you agree?  Current federal spending is roughly 3.7 trillion although I forget the exact figure (look it up), regardless; a trillion dollars is very easy to understand.  1 trillion divided by 100 million people= $10,000.00 per each one.  Or, the “federal leaders” spend $37,000.00 this year 2011 per one in three of us, in our stead.  How is that not communism?  They choose, we slave. They sell our nation/ we go broke.  They make certain the rich cannot go broke/ we are cast out, dumped in the trash.  They have everything they can possibly think of; we fight for survival. How is that, to our benefit, for them to decide?
Is a job worth “A DEAD, FUTURE”?  Answer the question, because it is real.
We are so many people today, that life on this earth must change.  We are taking or destroy far more than nature can provide, or the future can sustain.  That is the simple truth.  It takes a true and literal decision to change this behavior and accept whatever is true must decide instead.  Its not a game/ and time is running out; which simply means very soon, there shall be no choices left to make, our ability to survive on this planet will be lost.  A dead world, because that is what you chose/ that is the ultimate price of your greed, want, and lies.

To establish a future means: we must survive in this day.  To accomplish survival for this day, we must meet our needs for the moment until the future is aligned with the reality that is required of us.  The failure to do that results in war/ and war simply hastens death to this entire planet.  NOT a good plan.
For survival in this society, we need access to money/ but the american dollar is dead; bloated with so much inflation, that it no longer means anything.  It is still used ONLY because the lies which hide the inflation as debt; still retain some semblance of hope among the people; just don’t want to let go.  There will be a short transition period for the dollar/ but then it is dead, killed by the american officials/ banks/ and wall street through  government.  That means the replacement for the immediate future must be a debit card.  It is the only thing, that we can adequately do.  Everybody gets the same weekly allowance/ until the mess is cleaned up.  Just that simple, president or bum; you get the same; for working a set amount of hours.  Primary work shall be insulating everything that is heated or cooled at least 3 times beyond current standards.  Because that, is an energy policy, that works.  Adding heat exchanger’s to the attic of most housing or other (which is little more than an appropriate length of piping, covered on the cold end with a larger pipe to drain condensation); for the purpose of water heating, and functional attic fire suppression.  MUCH smaller electrical generating facilities within cities/ so as to avoid the power grid, and make use of heated water;  and so on. Other work shall be environmental in all aspects of what this planet needs for us to do for it: you CAN’T continue to take/ take/ take; and NEVER put anything back.  Is that not a thief?  Steal instead of work, and we put you in a chain gang.

All mortgages stop/ all payments stop/ all rent stops: WORK FOR A NEW NATION, returned to democracy and established by limited capitalism.  So that we can go on.  Because the nation is in “limbo”/ so then are all claims, that can be set aside until later.  And then the auctioning begins.  The percentage you have paid on your mortgage, etc is your portion of the ownership of that property.  The usage you got out of anything you bought, is an extra that shall be tacked onto you in the future or now as the public decides.  Stop working, and you lose everything.  By establishing limited capitalism and its limits/ with an established real value per citizen or worker; for the money;   thereby an average salary per each.  You may then again start capitalism, IF you remember SOME real and legitimate debts, must be paid. Therefore that portion of the currency and salaries shall be kept back until reality returns with truth and duty. The foreigners will have to trade, until change is real.
This is about critical and real change, no games.  A distinct part in that is the consumption of fossil fuels; all american’s are said to drive 3,000,000,000,000 miles a year.  YOU WILL change that/ because the oxygen needed for the fire, is more than the planet can sustain.  Work close to home, it is a demand, from the planet.  Want is irrelevant, life must decide for life.  Or, you will fail/ and the planet shall be lost!

Not a game!          It’s a choice, that murders your children/ or will save their lives.          Make your decision.

We must decide, what a new and better society shall be.  Particularly in terms of work/ liberty/ and freedom.  We must decide to protect ourselves from the invasion of money/ by limiting capitalism to a spread in income that is appropriate/ rather than fueled by greed.  3 or 4 times more from the lowest income earner; seems appropriate to me.  There is no freedom allowed for greed in the constitution/ ITS PURPOSE IS, “FOR WE THE PEOPLE”, and what is in the best interest of us all.  There is no allowance for anyone to “own it all”/ rather there is a demand, desire, and purpose within the constitution for “a more perfect union.....and the common defense..”  Which means simply:   we the people;   have the ultimate say, over how much of anything, someone else can control in this nation.  By vote we decide.  By vote we declare what our future shall be.  By a return to any reality or law, we choose in governing our nation; we will not be defeated.  By creating the laws which govern ourselves/ we literally become our own rulers.

These are simple things.  These are fundamentally simple to implement and do.  We are the owners here, and that means we ourselves will decide these questions for our future.  Fail to take responsibility, and because this nation is in true jeopardy of collapse (only the insane, do not know this is true);   YOU,  DESERT YOUR DUTY.  Today is the day, tomorrow is too late.  Find your heart & soul.