The values of a lifetime

Exist not in the accumulation of things, children, or power/ but in the ever present reality of past, present, and future.  The fundamental foundations that express the relationship you share with truth. Truth cannot be defeated, but it can be changed from past to present/ and by distinctly different decisions, what has been true, no longer ceases to exist, but is changed by the relationship you build;  into or as the dimensions that create a life rather than destroy it.  Or more simply, past the gate of simple time, there is the opportunity in identity to replace what has been, with its spiritual existence.  Thereby becoming someone new.
The elemental search is then;   to understand the difference between what has value by its relationship with truth. The critical expression is then; to share the experience of both time and spirit as one; by accepting the value deemed most true, in you.

 That may seem “distant” to the average person reading, but our relationship with time is not unlike each other/ thereby what is fundamentally correct for one, is likely completely possible for all.  What is consistent with spirit, is the building of a relationship destined to be conceived of by the understanding of new and different expression. Spirit is functionally consistent with the “home” called thought.  Whereby we understand thought to be our relationship with body and mind/ in reality thought as is conceived of by spirit is a vastly different potential, created simply by the intervention in time, that is of  our own distinct truth.  Not what we believe or understand/ but what we are by the elements of passion, desire, truth, and its participation in love.  Love is a dividing line in life/ either you are for it, or against it.  There is no true middle ground, one or the other is true for each one; even though the degrees vary immensely, it is still one OR the other/ love or hate.  Love is the dimensional expansion of reality, into its own creation chosen by the gifts of sharing, caring, passion for life, proven responsibility, balanced dignity, and purposeful desire, and the distinct decision that I am not enough to “fill my own world”.  Therefore the respect initiated as love:   is recognized as the truth, “I will share/ I do care”. 
Those who descend into hate decide for themselves that the opposite is true.  Instead of an expanding world, wherein all who are dedicated to love are welcomed, with honesty; even if not equal by an absolute sense.  In a hateful world, life closes down upon you; and the world, all its life, and even the truth about yourself is locked outside/ so that you can be “god, of your own existence/ and if god, then why not control their existence as a game?”  So begins the establishment of violence upon this world, because it takes hate to arm the enemy with cause. 

So then the question means to ask:   “What is, this enemy”?  While the answer searches the fundamentals of time as are described by the mind.  To find the element most responsible for altering the gift of life into “something without true value”.  That element would be;   the distinctive listening, “to a voice inside your head”.  NOT as the mentally insane would describe it/ but as time understands, that people listen to the possibilities of what they believe “could have been/ or was established by the conceptions of what other people have already done, or are doing”.  Consistent with mass hypnosis, is the reality “we hear the words, of the crowd”/ in the distant expressions of ourselves.  Unless we intentionally dismantle and destroy these barriers to our own influence, truth, and ways.  “The crowd says”; I could have defeated them, if I had just done this/ or I would have won, if not for that.  And so on.  Therefore the term “winner” is emblazoned upon the commonality of men and women/ by the terms of human time; as is “loser”.  You are less, and so on.  Because this is constant and real in human life, we must ask the question: WHY does it exist?  The answer returns as acceptance dedicated to the truth, that people choose from an early age, to participate in games.  From these games, the element of winner or loser appears; the trophy presented by the crowd, on those who either win or please them by trying.  The “losers” are also inundated with the disgrace, “you are not enough/ they are better”.  Regardless of truth, beyond the game.

There are three basic stages of games in humanity; youth wants a prize to prove “I will do well”.  Young men and women want the prize of sexual relationships, to prove I can compete.  Older people want, it is their game; how much can I get, for me! There are combinations in all age groups, but these are the majority interest, by far.  They are not hard to understand: the first is a need to believe I will survive and be successful.  The second is a need to understand that I am desirable and will not be forced to be lonely.  The third is, I want something for myself, before I die, and lose everything.  The games people play are consistent with the simple expression “I do NOT, wish to be alone/ and its consequence; I need you”.  That opens the door to the alternate consequence which is: if you need me/ then I may influence you, as I wish, so long as you let me.  This becomes an endless stream of failure in society/ and establishes the foundation event of “a little voice inside, which describes the alternatives of what people do, instead of you”.  That voice then becomes both an element of surprise, and a decision to invite or deny.  An example in me was; “as a teenager, I put sunglasses in a shirt pocket to buy/ had things in hand, and forgot about the sunglasses until checking out.  Was attacked suddenly with an “unfamiliar voice inside” frantically telling me “going to get caught and accused of stealing/ as I realized I could walk out the door without paying/ it was an endless story about how other kids were stealing, etc”.  As I passed through the door it stopped, but reality had not yet returned/ thereby I did not take them immediately back.  Fortunately a friend removed the lies immediately; but I still did not take them back;  but set about thinking instead.  Years later, I went back to correct that as best I could.  The moral of the story is: we are all attacked at one point of another in life, with variations of this  same story.  It is very easy to accept, “the others are doing this/ the cost of being fair is too high”.  But the reality of not choosing for life, by a future that is true: IS VERY high. 

So then lets review: the primary foundation of all influence that is not “functionally true, within you”/ is established by the single experience called loneliness.  Loneliness sets the stage, for competing between all members of society & that competition sets the realities in place that become the games of our lives.  Those games isolate and divide/ functionally altering the concepts of life in time, by conceiving of “winner or loser”;  thereby the trophies and contests/ jealousy and defeats all pile high enough to precipitate into the voices we hear as the crowd influencing me.  Where fear can be generated, even if it is so very little: the elements of composition that either rise to convince yourself of being a god shall exist/ OR the elements of society proven to be a failure can attack/ OR the purposes of hate can be exposed and translated as your own purpose, if you accept them.  It takes a desire to complete each act/ but when the blinders (pay attention to me) of an attack that is fundamentally serious occur.  That in and of itself can lead to a life altering event; many a prostitute/ many a “drug addict”/ many a single decision that was never truly intended all begin in this way.  Many are the people who force themselves to “never forget” what someone else has done/ do so because of this “voice inside” telling them what to believe.  Let the law decide/ is a better way; so that you are not involved in their tragedy.  It will do no good. 
Even so, the true question is then identified or concentrated,  into the singular event:   HOW does the creation of an attack, enter the human mind and change its decision or life; sometimes forever?
The mental aspects are simple: without fear, we elect to dream and fantasize about the life we live so as to tolerate better the days we have lived and transform them all into the days we  want to live.  Or more simply dreams are the mental pathway into believing our lives can and will be different, if we just wait or hope; established “by learning how, or being different”;  in a dream. 

With fear, we do not elect to experience our lives, but are forced to perceive of consequences beyond our control/ thereby the elemental need to reduce the expansion of what must be mentally contained and controlled to defend ourselves becomes real.  That element of fear commonly translates itself into a greater demand for physically control and restraint/ until fear again redefines life as “I kill you/ or you kill me”.  Such as is the element called war/ predator and prey/ etc.   Social control also extends from this same parameter called fear/ and its consequence called “use and abuse of people”.  Fear is a terrible thing.  So we ask the question: WHY, do people fear?  The answer is: they believe what will be lost, is absolutely not worth the price that must be paid.  Simple as that.  Or more deliberately: the question between love and hate now arises as a more distinct participation asking the question to you:   HOW MUCH is love, or life itself worth/ as opposed to the consequences of life, that are defined by fear; such as death, mutilation, violence, etc?  While the body can be attacked outside/ the mind itself can be attacked from the inside, by fear.  Therefore when we open ourselves for love, the consequence is a possibility called hate.  NOT BY LOVE/ but because we put our guard down, and open the door to another dimension we cannot truly control. 
In the variations of humanity; MANY try to open the door to love but then refuse, for even tiny reasons:   closing it like a trap behind those who have entered inside where these then expect complete control, or its derivatives.  The hope of love entered inside/ the reality of hate then revealed instead.  The consequence being: we are not alone, an enemy is here too.  So the question is: WHAT is this enemy?  How does fear release it?  And WHY does this exist?

Let us review:   an enemy is “by its relationship to fear;  someone or something that can harm or kill you/ because it exists, without your control”.  What then exists beyond the limits of your control so as to do this, regardless of what you desire?  The answer is fear.  Fear is released when, we believe that irreparable harm or a distinct pain shall arise; NEVER because we consented, but because we are human beings and not gods.  The consequence or creator of, “greater fears”/ is then the human desire to be god; thereby eliminating fear altogether, because we are more powerful than death then; “ain’t that so”!  According to the mind, that would be so; but the mind measures by the desires of your heart;   and if your heart says, “I never want to fear again”/ it will try to make you god.  Thereby we now know:   that the elemental desire to make fear stop increases the fundamental demand, that fear does exist.  Or more simply, the harder you try to dismiss the reality of our human frailty that is pain, death, etc.  The more it will attack you/ becoming a battleground that exists as “winner and loser” inside until the relationship you have created with fear in this exchange functionally drives you insane.  All should remember;  that fear is a bit like drowning: as you run out of air, filling your lungs with water: WILL NOT save you.  Or more simply, if there is nothing we can do for the sake of ourselves/ then it is simply time to die.  The same is true for lesser events; what can be done is what can be done/ nothing else matters, because the truth is simply: “how can we do better than the best we can do”/ it is impossible.  Consequently no cause for concern; the truth is simply the truth/ accept it, because that is in the end to be our fate, each and every one.  You cannot defeat what is true, if time is granted to you, the work exists, the decisions are made; time allows changes to be made within ourselves.  It’s a choice.  Make your decision.

Love is an exact opposite experience.  It has NO VOICES inside.  Rather love lives between the relationship we allow as soul, the participation of our desires for life and living in harmony with creation expressed and experienced rather than measured:   THIS IS a description fundamentally applied as RESPECT for each other, and the blessings we share.  Caring opens the doors between our true hearts, and love expands our world past the elemental descriptions measured by the mind to create within ourselves, the honesty and honor called trust.  Not an enemy here, we need not defend or protect ourselves from each other; it is called peace, and harmony.
Heart is then described:  here, as the essence of our purpose, established clearly in the desires and identity,  of the destiny life inside our soul would have us create.  
Heart in the alternative/ opposite, called hate is: the willingness to believe whatever you are told, so as to eliminate the fear.  These commonly become murderers and the like/ because they must appease their enemy or be attacked beyond the ability to disguise or control the fear.  Some die quickly/ some die in stages/ some die and become the living dead, by destroying the link they have with life, and choosing to pretend no fear exists, therefore no attack can be made; because they have chosen to accept “being god over you”.  Nothing can change their mind/ even though they will always choose to remain hidden until ready to die.  If you do not obey, the prison door shuts.

 The translation between love or hate is measured by the mind in hate/ but all measurements are refused as a relationship to life by love, in its truth.  The elemental distance that proves what is measured and what is not within you; is a description of your truth/ your love/ and your own ability to hate.  Just a fact of life.  Those who love you do not measure, although disciplines are expected.  Those who do hate, and expect to control you will measure every aspect of your life/ fully intending to control every reality and relationship with fear that they can.  If not enough for their demand to be god over you/ then “you must die, will enter in their mind”.
Sexuality is a participant that shares the distance between love and hate/ by dividing what is life and love:   from death and disgrace;   through the understanding sex can bring.  This particular act between men and women, establishes a candor about love/ want/ passion/ and demand that nothing else can truly reveal. Or more specifically “you get to know the other person, by uncovering what is otherwise being hidden”.  That is determined in a variety of ways, consistent with the reality of each individual.   Consequently, it is particularly unfortunate for either to enter into sexuality quickly; because unless you at least believe respect and trust can be achieved between you.  THERE WILL, “be cleaning” to be done.  Or more simply, if love fails/ the reality is a memory unclean; a time and a need to rebuild what was changed in you, because this other person did not prove to be someone who valued you for the life you are.  Too many times, can be life threatening.  Because without respect for ourselves, we fail the truth of life: that we ARE all not the same/ but equal here on earth.  Nobody gets to be god.  Nobody gets to be “everything or perfect”.  Nobody gets a free ride, ALL must clean as it is necessary/ or lies will come in.  The tragedy of sex is, “someone else believing you can be nothing more than a toy”.  The blessing and purpose of sexual truth, establishing love by honorable and honest trust, because you both do care about each other is; “we are more than friends”.

Thereby the question returns: what is the value of love and life to you?  Because if you do care about love, you will continue to clean throughout all life, as that is fundamentally necessary to achieve the sharing and caring love requires.  If you care about life, you shall share it with ALL other living creations/ working as best you can in their interest as well as yours.  The values of a lifetime, then become yours: because you cared enough to honor them by creating an identity built only upon truth.  A love expanding to reveal possibilities even beyond time.  The essence of who you are, in this creation between life and time, is as simple as the truth of what you desire most.  The value expressed because your soul lives; “I AM ALIVE”.  Treasure it, but don’t worship it.  Life is more than time.

In the understanding of what is necessary for this world to survive comes the simple truth:   without knowledge we know nothing, therefore we do whatever we want and find no discipline in what we should not do.  With understanding and purpose, we gain wisdom and ascend beyond the simple elements of time into participation and responsibilities that represent the life we can be.  With love inside, the destinies of our soul united with life itself, becomes “awesome”.  An awakening in thought, a foundation in reality, and the blessing love exists in me and you; if you choose it to be. 

I have spent a lifetime learning (with very few years given to myself, nor really a choice, a need)/ your needs have grown to be at the edge of tremendous here, the damage is severe.  You must change, you must learn to survive. Even though you do not see it for the most part, because you hide: without knowledge there is no discipline.  Without understanding, there is no chance to survive anymore.  You must investigate for yourselves and find the honesty it takes to become more than just “selfish”.  You must find respect, courage, and the dignity of a life given to love; as best we can.  I know you “want/ want/ want”; but if you fail to care more than simply for self; you will lose everything, you will become a horror and the earth will die.  Not a game, a reality of the decisions that you have been making, or allowing your university and leaders to make for you.  They have created threats “everywhere”, because they want things and trophies,  more than they respect, life itself.  Life is now a choice/ but I tell you true, the point of no return is coming quickly; and there is no going back past that moment in time.  This earth dies only once, there are no second chances, to be wrong in this day;   is to die, as a planet.  Simple as that.  Think, as best you can.

The fundamental foundation of all loneliness is “I”/ without I, there is life and me.  “Together we shape our world is the essence of creation, the values of time and grace and destinies revealed by the truth of what an identity means beyond time.”  That truth is simply this: love has a heartbeat beyond the rhythm of moments.  Love is an identity shaped within the experience called thought, but lived within the soul of another.  Trust shares this home, respect opens the door, GOD is the light “we, are the reflection”.  The intensity of an eternity is then shared by our own creations in love; the freedom to be, exactly as you wish to be.  Everyone who loves, shall be loved; it is an absolute guarantee.  Even so, you must still accept this truth, to make it real for you.  To abide within this truth, the distance we will be, from the source of our eternity is governed by what you choose to do.  Every freedom does have its price.  Time exists, because what is true about your love, and the desires found in freedom;  must be found.  Eternity is not a place for judgement;  it is a place for living the life you chose. Fail to choose, and you simply “disappear”.
Into this simple mix of reality and life; if you cannot get past the measurements of human superiority (whether they be from “expressive styles” of writing, dress, teeth, looks, or other)/ and accept truth is all that recognizes what is honestly important.  You will fail/ because respect is not measured, it is felt, or more specifically understood by the content of your heart.