There must be hope.  It is an essential reality in every life that has not failed to enter hate.  Hope is the existence or belief, in an opportunity beyond this moment in time, wherein we will be happy. Wherein we will be granted the possibilities conceived of as “our decision, to try”/ our freedom to believe in a world and a relationship where we belong. The journey is a simple one: treat others only in the ways you would choose to have them treat you.  Respect this world, and every life in it.
Believe in eternity, the miracle that is your life; knows why.

The functional difference between those who are healthy and fit/ and those who are not:   is the simple truth, “the body that is critically cared for, belongs to the people who have plans or hopes for a future which includes, a body to be used.  Those who allow themselves to be “too thin”; assume there is no purpose in life, therefore no reason to care for the body today.  Those who allow themselves to be “too fat”/ believe the purpose of life “is today”; and the reality of this moment is better than what will come. So they spend their bodies now.  The fundamental difference is thereby seen as hope.  The reality established not by desire itself, not by merit or ethics or morals, not by will power, etc; but by the more powerful design of a future that will be cherished “in me”.  A possibility, that our/ my happiness will extend beyond this time.  Our, because without love, there is no happiness.   Therefore it is love, acceptance, truth in the disciplines of human order (life is a decision), and hope that all combine to form a future desired.  The will to survive, is literally: I don’t wish to die/ because of the happiness I have known.  Thereby all terrorist bombers, and more are known to be unhappy with their lives, because humanity has not afforded them a future they can believe in.
A society which supports life, IS A SOCIETY that does not judge each other/ does not fear each other/ does not allow greed, power, or pride to separate each other/ does not present selfishness as an answer/ does not assume control/ does not manipulate/ does not tempt or ridicule or gossip/ does not allow “the rich” to be beyond the limits granted by the people themselves/ does not allow destruction or devastation/ does not accept gambling with our lives, or nature, or this world or nation/ does not choose liars/ will not accept fantasy or delusion/ refuses numbers as rulers/ refuses slavery, to demand equality and fair play/ lives for justice for all; and gives each their place under the sun (in other words, you CANNOT own everything), as the population grows, you must accept less.  Just a fact of life/ or we war.
A society that will survive, shall dismantle the massive machine created by university greed: wherein they claim superiority, and demand “MORE, for me”/ to slavery with you. Money is not a game/ more for you, literally MEANS significantly less for others: because this world is limited in resources, and the demand for time and labor;  as is the truth called money.  Exists as the intent to make slaves for yourself/ “YOU work, I will play.”  We are equal, because we are life/ and NOTHING is equivalent. We are equal! That means, unless you risk your life/ or unless you are granted an exception by society, for clear “blessing to all”; you deserve the same.  Balanced and true, for the benefit of all.  The gambling as is wall street/ stripping an entire nation of its business framework, shall end.

A society which reduces itself to genocide/ is a people who believe they are being overrun/ and about to lose control, and have no choice but to assume control by murder.  This is a destiny of hate/ it will result in selfishness, chaos, and failure: because trust is the essence of every society, and when trust fails, all that is left:   is anarchy. As life becomes “more challenged” in every society; the minority will believe we are abandoned and rise.  The majority will then fear, and want control.  It is a recipe for disaster. To alleviate this from escalating;   IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, to put in place a plan for the future, that includes us all.  We CAN do a great many things to prepare/ WE CAN REBUILD NATURE, by granting what we can do, to bring back its ability to survive.  We can build greenhouses and distribute livestock back to individual farms, stop disgracing water, or using it for less than life.  We can INSULATE EVERYTHING by more than triple what is considered enough in this day.  We can stop destroying the forests, the oceans, and everything else.   But we must end the delusion that money is everything/ and life will go on regardless of what we do.  It is simply not true.  This is not the same world as it was one hundred years ago, or fifty, or even twenty.  This world today is assaulted and attacked by over populations of people/ genetic mutilation/ physics experiments intended to gamble with every living thing/ and a degraded environment/ a failing eco system/ growing hatred/ etc.  Either we begin to see ourselves in reality, AND CHOOSE A FUTURE WE WILL SURVIVE.  Or hope will end, and insanity take over.  Its not a game/ its not a theory/ its not “fifty years in the future”.  Today, we are deciding what our future will be/ because soon we will overrun every possibility nature needs to survive, and thereby keep us all alive.  When that happens, our only choice is to kill each other in the hopes some will survive.  BUT KILL A BILLION PEOPLE, and there are still 6 billion living on earth.  Kill a billion people, and it is not enough to make a difference for long.  Refuse to comply with reality and truth; and you will live no more.  The planet dies too.  It is that serious, because we are so many/ and greed, selfishness, and want have taken so much.  Hate will soon bloom, without end/ and then no one listens.  Because the blood will run beyond your wildest imagination. 
Stop trying to kill or control, the microscopic world/ it is absolutely essential to your life.  They are a direct link, in the chain of creation. You are becoming insane.

When I lost hope for you as a man/ because of the leadership of men, and their absolute refusal to accept the evidence of reality or truth; force and confrontation became an answer to demand you will listen, before life is dead.  The intervention of “a spiritual woman/ created unintentionally, by opening the spiritual door that belongs to women”;   became the difference, that allowed hope to rebuild. BUT it is not without cost, “I literally feel almost disassembled inside; what was male a lost cause”. Even so, life on earth needs this message of change or die: and this spiritual woman became “the leader” of how that shall be done/ not the writer. It is “a strange experience”/ I know not how it ends, or what happens from here; I have lost control. NOT in perverted ways, but as if I was married (like some men do), and this spiritual woman owns everything about me. I don’t know why, or why me. I have become in her terms, “a woman’s woman”. And required to write that, it is yet unclear why.  Women are different/ therefore they will choose differently, if left to themselves as an organization which decides by vote.  They are, your last hope.  Honor them, women will decide life or death for this world/ MEN have already made their commitment to death.  WHICH MEANS,  Either women will save you:   or hell (complete insanity), Armageddon (nature in absolute descending chaos), or HADES (the proof, you are not gods/ & the punishment for killing   GOD’S CREATION will be dispensed), will come.

HOPE IS ESTABLISHED BEFORE, tragedy and catastrophe have ended it.  In other words, the possibility to intervene in chaos:   STARTS NOW!  Not when all are terrified, but NOW. 
Population control is decided by women/ men have no say. You can pay them, or reward them, or whatever you can think of/ BUT YOU MUST NOT control them, it is their body.   GOD IS WATCHING YOU!     And you can be abandoned.
Man has had his chance on earth to lead/ and YOU CHOSE extermination and extinction, because that is where the evidence of this day leads.   WOMEN WILL NOW LEAD LIFE ON EARTH, because men have failed completely.  It is not a guess/ this is not a game/ this cannot be a theory (we have the evidence):   women will lead, it is your only chance.  No one knows if they will do better/ but we do know what men can and did do.  They chose to kill us all/ and lie about everything.
We CAN STILL SURVIVE,   but there must be CRITICAL AND REAL  change.  Simple as that/ LIFE MUST BE DIFFERENT, in terms of direction and decisions that do accept the terms:   “Life first/ NOT money”.  It’s a choice!


A warning to women;   “It is the hope of every human organization,   WE WANT MORE”.  But that is a sign of failure because today, there is only enough for us all.  If you refuse to be fair/ if you do not understand women and men and children must be respected.  If you choose greed, and want true power or pride; an entire world dies with you.
Abortion is NOT birth control/ allow it under the conditions women themselves will choose by vote;   but DO NOT accept this will be done “time and again”.  Do not believe “vasectomy is the answer”/ because it takes away the chemicals which drive the desire for sex with you.  Not the passion/ but without the chemicals, sex has no reward/ it is literally “just hot sticky work”.  And no, I have not had a vasectomy/ but in the past could control the reality sufficiently to know.  Stop the liars, and investigate for truth among yourselves. The evidence is plentiful.  Understand this as well/ just as your body is your own, and men must not invade it: their body is theirs alone as well, and you are not allowed to invade it either.  Each must choose themselves/ unless the law says, in this one castration is better than execution.  It is women who have children, man can do nothing on his own.  But it is a single man who can impregnate even thousands of women;   which means plainly and without doubt:   THERE IS NO SOLUTION in making men sterile.  Only women are now in charge of:   “population control”.

IF you begin and improvements are noted, a SWARM of people will arise to demand:   things are better now/ lets all go back to the way it was.  You will crush them, or you will fail as a world.  The tragedy of what men have chosen will demand decades of work, before it is eradicated. There will never again be a time, when nature is not vulnerable to human beings. You must protect reality with truth.  You must accept, want will die/ so that life itself can rise above survival, or death. The rich worship their money/ and care nothing about life.  Therefrom we know, beyond any doubt, that an end must come for those who have excess far beyond the others.  Not an end to the reward for work/ but an end, to the tragedy of selfishness, power, and pride:  The demand “be jealous, of me”.

Whether I am dead or alive in this world/ the threats that exist remain, UNTIL you dismantle them yourselves. If I am attacked/ ONLY women may intervene; not even the law, only women. Do not fail in this, or the world is at risk; because women must lead, they must choose/ there is no other way. There is no place to hide. There is no place on earth to which you can run.  Either you face your reality, and work within your truth:  or you refuse your life in time. Killing all future generations with you.  Accepting the truth: “a mass murderer, you will be”.

It is your responsibility to keep these sites open/ it is your duty to inform, educate, and create the possibilities of life, and a future that will survive.  It is NOT mine.