Foundations exist, because they do provide the stability necessary to remain secured about the future.

The end result of ALL american leadership in this day is: the critical disgrace of GREED, the functional DISRESPECT for the truth regarding democracy and capitalism itself having been discarded into the sewer of absolute arrogance; proven by a university that believes it is god.  Brings us to today: FAILURE everywhere, because these “gods”; are absolutely ignorant as to the needs of life, society, governing, work, education, resources, etc/etc:   or JUST PLAIN  insane.  Discarding the future, because the fantasy and delusion of university;   HAS BEEN working to hide the facts/ run away from reality/ and disguise the truth of everything;   so they can play with our lives and remain as “masters over the slaves”.  Do they NOT take for themselves “enormous amounts of money more”?  Society can’t pay for the university greed?  DON’T MATTER, just make “government” pay us/ let them create debts/ let the children pay/ let the future die.  That IS, the plan.

So, the question is: as a people deceived by the endless manipulation/ countless temptations/ utter tragedy of arrogance and idiocy called a diploma/ hypocrisy of money/ failure of the courts/ imagery of employees who insist they SHALL rule us all/ extortion of healthcare/ idolatry of medicine (we are your gods)/ threats beyond number/ loss of every foundation of life, ecology, environment, chain of the living (which keeps us all alive), food supply by mutilation, ocean life soon dead because this is a population which cannot survive without change; AND ALL THE REST.  WHAT can we do?

The answer is: FACE YOUR TRUTH, LEARN THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR REALITY, ACCEPT THE LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES THAT LIFE AND LIVING REQUIRE OF US ALL, AND CHANGE THE FUTURE, so that it is possible to survive.  That day will now soon pass/ as time and reality have diminished even the possibility you can survive; and the point of no return now appears on the horizon of our lives.  In other words: if you continue to fail, if you the people living continue to walk away from your responsibilities to yourselves and your children and a future/ the end will simply come one day soon, life processes simply collapse/ or a world simply end:   because you didn’t care enough, to even try.  Life is built one second at a time/ your work, your decision, your reality:   is built one decision at a time.  If you did the best you could/ then no one can prove, “you are less than the best humanity has to offer”.  If you did less, then you become responsible for failure, and the end of life on earth.  NO ONE expects you to do more than the “best YOU can do”.  Simply do that, is not life on earth worth your participation; is not your child worth saving;   WHERE IS YOUR SOUL!

The endless human crisis, since the beginning of time is: “you want/ you want/ you want & of course, I DON’T want/ I DON’T WANT/ i HATE YOU, because i didn’t get what i wanted!”   Consequently, if you wish to know who you are, IT IS LITERALLY as simple as looking clearly at “what you want, or don’t want”.  The end result of that picture is you.  Not by the arrogance or pride of what you believe you want or don’t want/ BUT THE REALITY of what you do or do not do, because of your want.  Lies be damned, only truth applies an identity to your life.

So lets review some of the “university ways” that have crept into our lives.   One of the worst is:   “Make sure your children NEVER talk to strangers”.  And the propaganda states:  this is DAMN IMPORTANT, how dare he complain about anything.  Isn’t that “what you know” to be true?  Hell yes, no thinking for yourselves/ let the whole world be damned, because the university leaders “let the fear” go free.
Or more simply: the pride says, we are gods here, demanding YOU SHALL NOT be a friend/ find a friend/ search for a friend/ accept a friend/ know your neighbors/ accept a kindness/ be gentle with each other/ respect a need/ help each other out/ simply converse/ OR ANY OTHER THING as would be common or constant with a society at peace or harmony.   Because “the extra special people who rule us” have decreed that those pedophiles and others who do prey upon children and life can go free.   GEE, LET’S FOR ONE SINGLE MINUTE decide what might be changed here/ so that society NEED NOT fear anymore?  Oh wait, “I KNOW” lets kill the damn pedophile, and any other complete failure that preys upon children.  Or at least castrate them instead.  And let the rest, BE FRIENDS to each other.

Lets review:   what is realistic in terms of redefining the current economic crisis in America/ because the people who brought us here for the purpose of their own selfishness and absolute greed: are NOT going to find a way to give what they stole from us, back.

So, The very first item of business is:   to reduce the paycheck of every government employee, to not more than the average income of the average american citizen/ minus, a minimum ten percent reduction for unemployment caused by their own failures.  From that point, the failure to make decisions that are in the best interest of the nation and its future/ SHALL cause further reductions in their own salary.  The employment goes up/ so does their salary:  down, so does their salary.  No more separate anything for a government employee;  no healthcare/ no pension/ no “social security beyond ourselves”/ NO PERKS, NO EXCUSES, NO ANYTHING besides a job that you were hired to do, “in the best interest of the nation”; and swore, accepting the penalty that would be treason, “if you INTENTIONALLY, did not”.   We the people are judge in that courtroom, and we decide the punishment.  But make no mistake, GREED brought us here/ and nearly every damn citizen demanded MORE GREED, “MAKE ME RICH”!  Even though rich, by the terms of greed means:   “I made the others slave to me”.

In addition, is the reality of bankruptcy itself, and the clear assertion that because you made us bankrupt/ YOU SHALL SUFFER TOO.  Therein we do look at all the “pretty buildings” that our employees have built for themselves: and ask the question, SHALL we sell/ SHALL we lease to other tenants, for not less than twenty years/ SHALL we require at least twenty year old vehicles, (selling the current ones on public auction, for all bidders) & pay one third the current “mileage rebate” on your own vehicle. and any other form of reality as is needed to insure: YES, THE FANTASY IS DISSOLVED, and reality does return.  Let all government employees then work in neighborhoods that were clearly left out of “the rewards”/ by renting buildings (WITHOUT renovation), in neighborhoods that are at the bottom ten percent of incomes for their state. Therein no building of buildings/ no payment of utilities (you want the job/ you pay)/ no allowance for more than 500 employees in any neighborhood/ at least ten miles shall separate you.  No picking a “particular color, or ethnic race or religion”:  rather the sites that are available under the income limit shall bid/ each group gets to move by lottery.    Let them provide for themselves, or find another job; outside of government. If you commute more than ten minutes to work/ then you will be docked ten percent of your pay, for each realistic minute you commute past ten, you will be docked one additional percent.  In other words: bankruptcy has costs/ welcome to reality.

As to social security: the plain truth is again, we are bankrupted, and these are the people who were, primarily in charge of the nation during that period of time; as we the people who did nothing but feed our greed.  The fundamental of responsibility if accepted/ allows only that the masses of retired shall receive the very same, one and all.  With these exceptions:  if you have been collecting welfare for years/ you shall receive a reduction of payment equal to one percent per year you were on welfare.  If you have produced children that were cared for on welfare/ then each child represents one percent, per year in additional reduction that you will receive.  If you “WERE THE RICH”/ making more than twenty percent above average pay for your area.  Then you were expected to save some money of your own.  Consequently your benefits shall go down in accordance with that fact.  Becoming one percent per year/ for each year you gained more than twenty percent above the average for your area.  Above one hundred percent, you cannot collect anything/ unless you are proven to be one hundred percent destitute: NOT having given your possession away “to the children/ charity/ religion/ or other” just to participate for free.  Medicare shifts to the children.  Your healthcare benefit shall be a percentage of income for the nation, which shall be given to separate counties and cities/ wherein ALL RETIREE’S shall vote on WHO GETS THE MONEY, and for what.   IF the public allows you anything/ it’s a gift, if they want to or not.  Because it is a gift for which the retiree’s do not pay/ they have no right to vote, when retired: ITS NOT your money anymore. When it is gone/ your done; go ahead and die!  The price of your failure, is real.  We do not pay if you have any other pension plan at all/ ITS ONE, OR THE OTHER; take your pick. Choose the other, and we will not pay until you are proven destitute/ liars go to prison, as forced labor; “die if you want too”.
The foundation of the bond market is:   that I will be secured here/ BECAUSE THESE GUYS, will be “thugs and mobs and armies beating the others into submission”: therefore I will be paid.  Collecting, because “it’s a government of criminals”.  However capitalism, which is what you claim to want DEMANDS: IF YOU invest in something you knew was broken/ its your own fault.  Fully expecting criminal actions (NOT deserved) would be taken on your behalf so that you would then not lose any money.  PROVES You do participate in a crime or the intent of CRIME: which is to steal the money by any means possible, which does include extortion/ battery/ assault/ threats/ and abuse.  WHY should we pay for that/ you made the investment, you lose.

So begins the adjustment of reality, as it invades the delusion of university driven hypocrisy; the lies of stupidity and greed.  No more university funding/ no more university experiments/ no more payments of any kind to foreign citizens so they may come here/ no more protected debts/ no more allowance for monopolies, such as the refusal to train doctors as needed (a prison-able offense/ a clear and certain massive monetary penalty against all who participated and failed society:  including personal incomes).  No more CEO bailouts or income protection/ the company fails in any form and the CEO income/ perks/ etc are all confiscated in their entirety with interest back to the company or investors:   because you bankrupted the company/ you bankrupted yourself.  Simple and plain.  Etc/ etc/ etc.