It is “closing time”


          Or more simply, all things forward:   begin or end with you!


          The simple foundation here is: even though case 14SC-2 may be beginning soon/ or ending soon; the reality is either way, my involvement with your future has reached its maximum realistic conclusion.  I am NOT providing any more detailed information regarding things you want, but don’t know.  I have given you the keys to a new world, changed because you must, you will find greater happiness;  and because it is the only means to survive.  That is your choice it is not mine.  I have done my job, you are warned; and have “an option”/ there is no purpose in depression, or insanity, or elation, or any other form of emotion.  This is our reality, and you DO have to face the choices that were made/ correct them, and establish what will be your own choices forward.  Refuse to work, or allow truth itself, by the evidence to decide what can or will be done; and you won’t survive; all the evidence in this our reality will prove that true.  No second chances/ this is it:  because the threats we face, are that serious. 

          I DID try to tell you before they were such/   but absolutely none, were interested.  I want, I want, I want, or I don’t want; and don’t you tell me nothing;   because it ain’t my fault, and I don’t want to work, and I won’t take ANY responsibility for anything; I only want what I want/ and don’t you do nothing to change that.   “Get the picture”. 


          So here we are,   you are faced with trial, and the consequences of failure to respect that truth:   IF, this court produces it.  If they do not/ then it is up to anyone of you; to file another case, or all of you to demand another case or reopen this one;   by standing outside the court/ media/ politicians/ police/ etc; and making them understand:   WE THE PEOPLE ARE, “going to enforce our constitution and authority as democracy granted us as citizens”.  Simple as that; everything else is done in this case 14SC-2.  But they are thinking about it now;   oddly enough it might seem to you, because of the word “ultimatum” .  It means a threat of some sort; and the judiciary has wanted me in jail for years:    So they read that carefully, looking for the means to incarcerate.  But they found the means to incarcerate themselves.  And now they are thinking, for themselves; instead of simply following orders.  We will soon see.


          Regardless, I am now done with this trial/ although I will return to court if called.  The reality is:   that I am not a lawyer/ and as a consequence to that, I CANNOT represent any other person in a courtroom but me.  Which means if it does come back as a class action suit;   regarding constitutional law, money, and tax justification issues:   for the people!   Lawyers shall be hired, and they will represent you; being your friend or enemy in court/ as the case will prove.  I will not be; although alive or dead you are free to use my name, and this case if it occurs.  What you do with the verdict, is up to you; as democracy unleashed:   one person/ one vote; WE RULE OURSELVES, by the laws we create and accept.  Not only a right, but a true responsibility as well.  Within that concept;   you cannot be denied a courtroom.

           Within that reality it is better for me to “get out now”/ so there is no confusion regarding my participation.  In that way, it matters not if I am killed by those who will absolutely want this trial, and all things true to be covered up and denied.

           People who hold “a ton of counterfeit money” DO NOT INTEND or desire to give a single penny back/ and they will war, to keep it that way; so it is a fight, whether you like it or not.  You must not assume “to win”/ there is no winning, the damage is too severe.  This is salvage: to intend, to resurrect our democracy, our nature, sea, water, oxygen, planet, money, etc so that we can survive.  It is not assured. Nothing is more important than the threats we face as a world/ consequently the world is invited to participate in this trial; as these threats prove, the decisions this trial will make, affects us all.  Assuming it goes forward.

          There will be lies in court; which you must investigate and prove; and so on.   “Its your job”/ its your nation/ its your child/ its your world;   NOBODY is going to do this for you.  As every case I have presented will educate you;   so you can discover all the possibilities you will face in court are here;  In advance.


          As for me;   I did do the best I did do, and that’s the end result of it all.  Good, or bad; in your opinion, at least I did do the best life and reality allowed: how about you?  Your turn. 

          In all other concepts, the simple truth of it should be considered this:   I did all the writing, etc/ none helped.  With regard to the sites and web work, to insure they worked correctly;  those who helped over the years, were several, each was paid full price.  The current site manager was not paid exactly;   although he received GIFTS OF MONEY from me.  Since it is not tax deductible for me;   I gave him gifts.   As is the law, up to $13,000.00 .  I leave it to the imagination whether the site manager would have participated otherwise; it is an irrelevant question.  The work is done.  The web distribution company for the last several years,  is likewise paid in full.  Both do their jobs, and did not interfere with my purpose or content; which is the primary description of what I needed in hiring any and all help.  These are  controversial sites; and that means, it is neither wise nor fair, to include anyone else in there fundamental construction.  They attack and identify:   we do not need to obey the powerful any more.  We can rule ourselves as a world.  And I guarantee, there are millions who DON’T want that to be true; and are more than happy to consider ways to “repay me” for this work.  My family also did not help; they refused, as did essentially all others; establishing for forty years, apart from needed assistance in web work:  “I have worked entirely alone”/ always.  And it was necessary, simply because the list of learning required is very extensive; as the sites themselves do prove.

          I am not anti-social, as some believe;   it’s just reality.  As to women, unfortunately, “if you cannot stay in a relationship/ then all you can bring to it is tears”.  There are enough tears in the world, so I quit dating; it is that simple.  Quit marriage after 2 years, in simple truth;   because this work was more important to me.  Not that she wasn’t;   but death of a world does not allow for saying “I love............/ and then letting them die”.  That is the truth/ like it or not.   Not gay, never been gay, never going to be gay: that is the truth.  Issues regarding “the spiritual woman” described ARE:   “Spiritual realities” and I don’t expect you to understand them/ so they are not going to be discussed; end of story.


          I do add, that just because none helped me in the foundations of this work; which realistically “would imply, teaching or helping to pay the price for this work”;   directly to or with me.  Does not mean there are none who failed to try to help you or themselves or this earth.  Doesn’t mean, there weren’t friends along the way; people who provided a necessary reprieve from the work and reality “time is running out/ and things are getting worse, NOT better”.  Or other realities of life and living and family that are consistent with relationships, time, money, other kinds of work and so on.  It just means:   with regard to the base reality of my existence, as identified on these sites:   there probably wasn’t a lot they could have done anyway.  Nothing to memorize, people cannot think for you, its something you must do for yourself;   etc.  As is plainly evident by my own efforts: “it’s a tough job”/ and people abandon you, not so much because of the reality.  But because, facing a truth that means dramatic change or a dying earth: JUST ISN’T what people desire to accept, as their future.  So they run away, some to think about it/ some to hide from it/ some to “sink into themselves and cry”/ some to get angry/ some to hate: some do the best they can “at a distance”.   Nobody wants to face tough choices, its simply a fact of life.  Unfortunately, it’s a fact we must face; because it is our reality.  It is my reality apparently:   that I have ended what is roughly forty years of work, more than “a little frustrated”.  I did expect “better”/ such as a direct decision which proves: “I too, will do the best I can for life”.  I did expect, that of all things clearly visible in this entire work: as is bringing the same fire here to this earth as is on the sun.  At least a few would join me directly and be willing to say: YES, I DO believe we cannot be wrong here in this/ and be visible to the world.  I believe some did choose that;   in some form/ just not with me.  I know some stayed, kind of close/ and didn’t run away entirely:  but who can read minds?  Its not my job.  The job is, “you have to be visible”/ or nobody can join to create what is necessary to achieve this change.  No more shadows, it won’t work.

            I am Not angry anymore, its your life/ its your decision; even its your children; although they do deserve better.  I HAVE achieved my goal:   YOU ARE WARNED, THREATS EXIST/ EITHER FACE THEM, or like it or not; there is no future for life on earth.  Therefore I am done.  Even if I choose to continue in some form, I am done; everything I set out to do for myself, HAS been accomplished.  YOU KNOW, life is in trouble; and there are keys here to change that.  Only truth can lead; by the evidence.  Want is irrelevant.