I am directed to the book of Daniel in the bible, chapter 12/ and NO, I do not constantly or commonly or ever, read the bible;   it exists on a shelf, and from time to time the spirit inside simply suggests I open it, and wherever it opens/ that is where I read, either a tiny few words, or perhaps an entire chapter if that is to be interpreted.  I do not search, I do not choose, I simply let the book show me, what it would say.  You then, decide if the prophecy and its interpretation have any value to you.  Its NOT my job, to convince you of any thing: ONLY to make you aware.

Michael, is unknown to me. But then it begins a time of distress among nations as has never been known before: how can that not be today, and this will soon intensify.  Because the money is gone, and your leaders no not how to lead without money.  They DON’T want to/ it requires work.  The prophecy says, “with the money gone/ the people who can, will turn to GOD”.  As they usually do;  others will come, because they lost hope in their greed and governments: these meet “life beyond money” with varying results.  Those who have true wisdom, so as to understand what is wrong will be appreciated/ but those who can then lead society to “a better peace and security” will stand out, because the people look for them.  That is the end of this prophecy: aside from knowledge will increase over time.

It now changes to a vision; the elemental increment of spiritual awakening, that visits when truth arises in you.  It begins with one who stands with Daniel/ and the other separated by the “power of water”.  One image of a man in linen stands above it all.  What is astonishing, is not revealed.  However, a time is given, by the image of a “representative from GOD”.  He begins by establishing the two halves of man: as represented by the right side (a spiritual side)/ and the left side (a physical side) are both lifted to GOD for HIS decision.  And    GOD says, through this representative:   that it will be for a time, times, and half a time. When those here on earth have lost their way so badly, that time runs out.
The first time is the period on earth before NOAH’S flood.  A flood clearly in evidence today, because without it, there is no possibility that the reserves of coal, oil, and gas could exist.  The numbers available prove: a world FILLED with life/ ended by water.  The second “times” records the period between that flood and the event called    “JESUS”/ whereby a true and real attempt is made by    GOD    : to rescue humanity from themselves, by teaching what love truly is. 
The “half a time”/ is then the period which follows JESUS;  and roughly translates as it will be measured in time by about half as long as the period which preceded it.   Since this “half a time” is now 2012 years old/ that would mean, the time preceding it is roughly 4000 or a little more years old.  Although numbers are nearly meaningless, or there would be some type of reference exhibited.  How it all ends is forbidden to know, OR it is entirely dependent upon the people of that day.  Governed by what they do, or do not do; in defense of this world, and its life.
As to the individual people of the end times: as always, some will turn to   GOD and correct their ways, following truth , love, respect, and apply honor to life.  While others will follow only greed, power, pride, want, hate, and selfishness/ etc.  As to the majority of people: it all depends upon their thirst for wisdom.

Verse 11.  The daily sacrifice abolished is, a respect for life on earth, thereby the “inner decisions” of humanity that do not allow or become cruel/ because life is a miracle.  The greatest test of whether that has stopped is: the crucifixion of all nature by genetic mutilation.  Therefore it has indeed stopped. 
      THE DAILY SACRIFICE OF LIFE, which is CREATION BY NATURE ENDS, “when the ability to play god begins. Not because they are wise enough to stop/ but because it begins the end of nature itself. There is now the possibility to take bits and pieces of life DNA, and cause horror, and disease beyond imagination to exist. No respect for life at all! May 20, 2010, by their calculations and insistence has occurred.: “that rearranging nature into Armageddon/ these believe, makes them: equal to god (satan)”. They can now destroy, balance/ discipline/ structure/ thought/ hope/ and life itself, far more effectively.
    The abomination that causes desolation is clearly a world wide event: the two experiments already in place and running.  One at NIF to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth, where everything is fuel, and cannot possibly be controlled or put out.  The other at CERN; where the intent is as simple to understand as their own statement:   they intend and have built this machine to “recreate, the single most destructive event in the history of the universe” the BIG BANG.  An explosion so violent it changed everything/ reducing all mass to dust and gas.  The 1,290 days is a period set apart:   for the people themselves to arise and stop this horror from happening/ by stopping these terrible decisions “by satan (the destroyer (arrogance and pride) of worlds)” from ruining everything on earth.  If the people fail this test.  When that day is done, and all hope for humanity is gone: then it will be only an additional 45 days to time is over, here on earth, for life or planet.  The people who belong to GOD are simply told:   do not fear, continue to do what you can/ and YOU will be remembered.  Even though the rest are lost.


DO NOT LET THEM KILL YOU, AND ALL CREATION.   FIGHT TO STOP IT.  Take their electricity away/ take their tools, and make them stop destroying all life on earth.  The law is on your side.   Do it, or die.  NOT, “a hard concept”.  Rise up, and demand to know the truth/ the whole truth/ and nothing but the truth:   regarding these horrible HUMAN-MADE    threats against us all.

The national ignition facility began its first experiment on October 8, 2010/   1290 days (3 years and 54 days) later equals December 1, 2013
The machine at CERN, in Europe began its first real  experiment on March 30, 2010/ 1290 (3 years and 54 days) later equals May 23, 2013 
Add in 45 days for the reality or process  of complete destruction, to all life and planet: “the next experiment or everything dead or gone or on  fire, and you get the end of time;  by biblical prophecy.  Past the point of no return, there is no going back.

That is the prophecy of the book of Daniel 12 chapter unsealed/ the reality of promise as is made concerning by its description   “GOD”.  Not my prophecy.  IF YOU, accept that as true, then it is no longer a guess as to when all the earth, and all its “participants” will be dead. 
But even so, it is clear from the prophecy that the end is to be determined by the people themselves, which means:
The alternative to finding out, if this shall be true or not:   IS THE REMOVAL OF THESE MACHINES/ this destruction of all life and nature and planet: because of what men chose to do. There is not “a good cause” in any of it.  Rather it is pure arrogance, and absolute insanity.  The trademark of men: we will be “gods”.

If you choose to fight for your life/ then Every day matters.  Being wrong is death for this planet.  If they are correct, at NIF: their theory is fusion cannot be sustained for more than a second or two;  by any method or process here on earth/ therefore an absolutely worthless experiment.  If wrong, the earth becomes another sun, “a lake of fire”. There other purpose is to detonate a few kilotons of nuclear explosive and contain that explosion in a suburb of San Francisco, by lasers.  However if a single laser fails, the energy escapes (all of it, in a single beam, of pure destruction).  How is that worth the price?
At CERN you have the people who have sworn, to “recreate the big bang”/ single most destructive event in the history of the universe (all mass turned to dust and gas).  Explain to me, how that abomination= risking all life and planet/ for either of these experiments is not beyond insane so much so:   as not to be “satan himself”.  Preparing to make you dead?  Nothing can be gained, it too is a worthless experiment, strictly for the purpose of absolute arrogance, and defiance against   GOD   HIMSELF.

The geneticists, continue to mutilate/ continue to crucify/ continue to mix species, in a deliberate attempt (KNOWN TO CAUSE) or create a pandemic to destroy you.  Their primary goal, is to cause the complete collapse of genetic disciplines and structure/ so that then they believe “we will be gods/ and as a result be able to make: anything living they desire”.  Such as men joined to horses/ fish joined to cows/ insects joined to women, or whatever “satan himself” desires in a blatant demand to curse   GOD, and destroy   HIS CREATION.  Even though they promise great things/ their only reality is the end of nature itself.  Because nature is, the genetic disciplines, design, boundaries, integrity, etc.  Or more simply: nature is everything they intend and do work deliberately to destroy.  When was the last time you saw someone without arms or legs and said, “I wish I was him”/ or diseased and dying from cancer or other, and said “I wish I was her”; or born with birth defects and said, “I sure hope my child has the same”.  Genetic mutilation merely makes all these worse/ its what they do, apart from lying, stealing your money, and propagating fools. Once past the point of no return/ there is no going back to health or wholeness or bodies that work, or a mind that is not filled with “sand”.  How dare you be so blind, as to risk every living thing on earth:   to the sewer of human propaganda, arrogance, and absolute shame.  HOW DARE you care so little, the entire future of life on this planet, IS NOT WORTH DYING FOR.

 Not caring enough to learn what is or is not true about the horrendous gamble these people are taking with this entire earth/ crucifying its life:   means you die as one of them.  Into eternity, as the destroyer of    GOD’S   CREATION.  That is your choice, not mine.

I do, suggest you work, and do whatever you can; to stop these shit-hole dregs of delusion and utter disgrace: “devil or satan by any other name”.  By biblical prophecy, they have set your time of death: by the demand, upon this day,   “GOD will no longer intervene” to stop them from killing you.  Or if he so desires, then you WILL “fall off the cliff”/ and descend into HELL.  Once past the dates above.  Simple as that.  That is the prophecy of the book called Daniel.  You choose: either true change, because you must to survive/ or death, because that is what you wanted more: “to pretend you could be gods”.

I do, recommend you look at the other biblical  prophecies interpreted here, www.justtalking3.info.  and understand HOW TREMENDOUSLY UNLIKELY IT IS, that anything written thousands of years ago, could become relevant or prophetic in this day. Clearly they are, not only prophetic but eerily true.

I do suggest, as it is proven to be so: the prophecy is then,  NOT a guess/ NOT a mistake/ and NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY.  But the true prediction:  our world can, and will end;  on or about these days.
Scoff at your own death?  Go ahead, but:  Each of these experiments, clearly with the power to destroy life or planet:   do exist/ are operational/ and will soon test the truth of “the bible” as the word of   GOD.  This prophecy established in the  Jewish version and refined in the Christian version.
Believe whatever you will, but you cannot escape death/ truth will conquer life, or sustain it.  Want, like your belief:  is  absolutely irrelevant.  Only what is literally true, will decide. What is true today is: that you have been led to your slaughter, by fools, and hatred of you, and all Creation itself.  Are they not willing to risk an entire world, this nation, all of nature, sea, water, oxygen, resources; “etc” just to prove they can be gods themselves.  To prove “we are greater than you”.   Indeed it is so.

Should you have no interest in the reality of threats against you even now/ then it is always possible, that the end can come sooner: because you just didn’t care enough, to be accounted as valued, “enough to wait”.  But that is highly unlikely, after all each of these can kill you (past the point of no return)  at any time.  Which means we easily could have already been dead.

  No more guessing, the time is set, because the prophecy is proven true, critically correct, and fundamentally valued as “the word of   GOD”.         Think for yourselves.   CHOOSE.  If life and planet are not more important than these worthless experiments which can easily destroy us all?  They DON’T HAVE TO EXIST/ you allow it to be so. Then in truth, ask yourself:   is NOT this planet, nature, and life;  worth the breath you breathe, to fight for it?  How is that not true?

As for me:  I contemplate this “new information”/ as a change from having to remember the future comes “ready or not”.  Instead, the question arises:   is this, by any part;  punishment or the loss of love for an entire planet of life,   by    GOD   ?

The answer is NO.  Rather as we look beyond the future dates provided by these experiments:   even if they were not allowed to kill you/ without TRUE CHANGE IN HUMANITY, it is bleak indeed!  Every decision, every action or reaction or reality of men and the university which leads them all/ HAS BEEN,  TO BRING US TO EXTINCTION.   Our water is under attack, and soon gone.  Our oxygen supply is disappearing, along with every creation that replenishes it.  Our ocean will soon be dead.  The entire livestock food supply is dependent on antibiotics that will soon lose their effectiveness/ causing tremendous devastation: with absolutely no chance of letting the remainder of these living organisms to recover.  You must eat them or starve.  Your plants, and food supply are being mutilated everyday/ your demand is to create “just one perfect plant”.  Which then kills you with just one disease.  You are changing the planet/ just adding one inch of water to the ocean depths, MOVES A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF WEIGHT, from one place to another; shifting tectonic plates.  Which then becomes tsunami’s, as is the proof found in Japan recently/ there will be new volcano’s, etc.  (THIS IS, absolute proof of global warming: the end of glaciers that have been here for thousands of years.) AND YOU KNOW THAT IS TRUE, regardless of the propaganda by liars & fools. When the ice is gone, “how will you cool the glass? Same for the planet.” You are death to all the pollinators that present you with other food supplies.  Already one person per acre on each and every growing acre of ground on the planet, and growing at 2 million more each week.  ETC/ ETC/ ETC.   Because you don’t care enough to think about anything but what you want.  Or more simply LIFE doesn’t matter/ only you.  And what you want controls everything you do by that GREED, and demand for more.  Take a look at America: just spent one trillion dollars since July or so/ got to borrow another trillion dollars ($10,000.00 per each of 100,000,000 people), “because the rich man wants more”.  Can’t feed the people/ go to steal their homes/ force them to beg: “because the rich man wants more”.  Can’t fix it, because the rich man owns the propaganda machines/ the courts/ the government/ and the religions: and he wants more.  The common cry:   LET THEM ALL BE SLAVES, because I have the worthless paper, called “money”.  While all the people say:  “The price is too high”/ anything but that, its not fair: even though it is “all greed/ particularly from the university diploma:  we are better/ we get more” that caused it.

Anyway, enough of that.  Ending with simply, allowing either of the extreme experiments to end your lives, and all life on earth quickly:   is in fact the most merciful outcome for us all/   WITHOUT REAL and PERMANENT CHANGE.   Because if it doesn’t happen that way, HELL ON EARTH is coming.  Cannibalism/ catastrophe/ mutilation throughout all life/ endless war/ absolute hate/ extinction and extermination of every living thing/ rape as common as breath;  man, woman, and child alike:  and worse.
Can’t believe its true?   GO TO GOD,   this is a biblical prophecy unsealed. Search for truth.
It is not mine/ but I do believe it.
Consequently now with dates in mind, the reality of a future is limited.  The decisions that govern life, then change.  If you fail to accept your responsibility/ fail honor/ fail respect/ fail duty/ fail life/ and fail creation itself:   WHY do you believe “I, will be saved”.   When: You chose to do nothing, for life or Creation? When you clearly ran away to hide, in fear.  How is that worthy of mercy: you “deserted” life.  You chose, “to let life die, and do nothing to help/ not even tell others about this site, or these words so perhaps they might.  So they could know, what you do know.

As for me, I have spent 3+decades trying to talk to “a random mixture of humanity” about anything and everything  important.  Regardless of the approach, the words, their content or purpose or reality or truth or evidence clearly in hand: only the tiniest few could stop long enough from drowning in greed, being consumed by want, or cursed by selfishness and pride to hear anything/ or could care less;   even if they did. Disrespected, ridiculed, and rejected at every stage or step of the way.  “All wanted more, than me; someone special/ someone with a BIG diploma and lots of money to bribe with: OR more correctly, they just didn’t want to pay the price for choosing life first.”.  I, for my part, brought only the evidence of extinction, the reality of debts and depression to come,  the search for truth, without compromise; or more.  Without compromise, Today, I am done.  MY JOB was to present to you this information/ this warning either change or die, because the evidence is overwhelming: then done.  I have completed that work.
My job is then over/ yours, is to make each other listen for your life and theirs. To work for life or not/ as it is in your soul to do: your decision not mine/ I cannot help you with that.  The evidence or warning now being completed, it is entirely up to you to search your own heart for “the truth in you”/ and apply that to your existence in this time. You CANNOT wait for the media to “tell you what to think”.  You CANNOT depend upon “the flock” to tell you what to think: did they not participate in getting you here!  This is your decision, and it is your eternity.

  I will help ONLY, from this point on:  as I decide to do/ it is not required of me.  Apart from the agreement with spiritual female, made for the answer: how can we survive, if men cannot do it?  That spiritual reality has a price: is not up to me to decide what that is, nor do I know how it ends/ or what will be required, OR: if any assistance at all, will be demanded by women.  That is Not my decision.  NOT “a deal with the devil”: a reality that woman demands her say, and her way: since it is her answer! How is that not fair?

 Strictly as the  man born to this life, I AM done, with his work: if you don’t carry it through/ the fight for life on earth, is over. The relationship created within the spiritual world of female, with me, as a necessity for life; searches for its own truth.  Not as “clowns and costumes”/ but life and thought as a destiny recreated or redefined, or “something”.  A reality mixed with as many problems as exist between male and female relationship (even more)/ that must find a solution within themselves, as me.  Female leads, it is the only way I can survive. I know not how this ends.  It was necessary, it is a price I am willing to pay: not forced.  As I did for a fact,  search for a decade, desperately trying to find a way men could keep us alive as a planet.  IT IS NOT possible, as every avenue or path leads right back to where we are today.
  We are threatened, because the majority of men, want or demand our existence/ the methods and ways of society:  shall be this way. It is their way. That cannot be changed by the continued leadership of men.  Which leads us all, “to women” like it or not.  DIFFERENT IS REQUIRED, and the only solution for different is female. This is not a game. THERE IS NO OTHER possibility.  PERIOD! It’s the truth.  The choice is, a potential to survive with women/ Or to let this earth die in HELL, with men in charge.  Take your pick.

As a man, I have refused every distraction for the purpose of this work, for fifty years or so/ because it did literally begin with the “cuban missile crisis”. [we can become extinct]!  I have literally refused to let any other person, be threatened because of me; as best I could: therefore none can stay long.  Because hate, violence, and revenge is real: the people with power and pride will refuse to surrender it.  If you find your soul, and work: they WILL look at me. Because those who want power and pride: WON’T surrender it without a fight, and the historical record proves/ they will choose to make you fear, as best they can.  The intent is: you must then scatter, all organization against them, then fail.
The demand, NOT to be distracted by anything else,  fundamentally ends here.  Apart from female, I AM HEREBY FREE!  Although the risk of violence or revenge remains real, unless you simply insist on falling into hell; thereby doing nothing to save this world.  As you have so stubbornly done for all these years. 
As for me, it is woman in charge; and I don’t understand the parameters of that decision, or what I should or should not do.  It is “a different life”.  The fact that is a spiritual statement, and is beyond your understanding: IS NOT my concern.                     Neither is it yours, my life/ my choice: NOT yours.  Its called freedom.  That includes the demand to consider what you will do, with more information than you deserve, or can handle.  The end is scheduled in; those concerns are now dead.  But will be remembered as I desire.

As for you:   You do, have your chance to survive.  IT IS LITERALLY YOUR DECISION NOW.  No one can force you to work for life, its your own choice.  No one forced me, it was a decision of heart, spirit, mind, and soul: all agreed, “I must”.  Never an intent to save you: “You chose this”.  But the children did not/ the rest of life on earth did not/ and the reality of “a flock” is now over: YOU SHALL choose for yourself.  Its your own eternity/ NOT mine.

If you surrender yourselves into chaos and even worse “human behaviors”:  HOW will that aid your eternity?  WORK FOR LIFE!   And remember this:  in the book of Isaiah 32: the description of a man is “a shelter and a refuge for those in need”/ how is that not appropriate?  Do you best;   my work is done. Don’t believe in eternity?  Who cares but you/ life is a miracle: but no one can stop you from being blind/ stupid/ insane/ deaf/ dumb; etc!  Go ahead, be who you want to be.
The spirit inside of me:   does not allow for “less than your involvement”/ in the spread of this message.  Or more simply I am refused, to participate beyond an allowed “point”.  YOU MUST    “Save yourselves”: BECAUSE YOU AS A PEOPLE COMBINED, AND LED MY MEN AND UNIVERSITY.     Did in fact cause these extreme threats to exist, by “playing god”, and devaluing life; so you could say, “we don’t have to care”/ let evolution fix it.  Let “the superior people” think for us, so we don’t have to take the blame either.  You gave them their authority/ you let them do whatever they would do: THAT MAKES IT YOUR FAULT TOO!  THIS IS, the best men did do! THIS IS their description of society, they chose/ by the majority and their work. No exceptions, unless you worked for life, LITERALLY.

It is YOU, that must change: FOR LIFE TO SURVIVE.  It ain’t too much to ask, WORK FOR LIFE/ do your best.  Whether you succeed or not, is irrelevant in    “GOD’S   eyes”.  What you choose however, to do, or not to do for HIS CREATION:   does become your truth!  And only truth can survive in eternity.  It’s a choice, today, BUT the point of no return is now defined.  The day when your decision no longer matters is approaching quickly.  Think about that/ because wrong is dead.  And worse.

PROVE this, or these words,  are not the true interpretation of that biblical prophecy/ (show my error).  OR accept, thereby its correct interpretation of that biblical work.  Which has literally been sealed for thousands of years, where none could open or understand.  Today you can.  Consider the truth of what that literally does mean!  For us all.

TODAY, these prophecies are no longer “a game”.  You will choose, instead of play.

DO remember this:   that there is no possible reason to be depressed (its meaning: your life is out of control/ you don’t like your options, there is no purpose).  Rather here in these words, or in this prophecy: your decision is clear, your opportunity to work for life and planet, OR HIDE and run away (to where?)are absolute. None can stop you, from doing your best.  Rather than depressed:  at no time in your life, in any life: is the direction and purpose for life and living,  MORE CLEAR.  At no time is your decision to work or surrender everything:  MORE CLEAR/ the price of failure more distinct.  Because everyone can do something!  And if nothing else: THEN AT LEAST do something specific,  to direct other people here to these sites so they can understand, and do what you could not otherwise do.   The directive to every soul here, is simply: DO SOMETHING, as best you can/ but by no means do nothing!  How is even the potential for:  “the life or death of this planet, NOT enough for you to believe and accept: THIS IS worth my life”!   There are NO second chances, this is it; according to biblical prophecy at any rate.  Given the evidence/ I will believe (it is not an absolute, because I am not perfect: but it is clearly the evidence that locks all other truth and threats together; at a time when our own extermination could easily come at any time.)  Choose for yourself/ its life or death, even eternity, for a world.  Being wrong about these experiments that gamble with our world, means you didn’t care enough to survive, when they prove to be your death.  Whereas, I tell you true: by taking away their toys, “you lose nothing important at all”/ just their expense.  Pride is a TERRIBLE enemy; and these are about nothing more than pride and arrogance (they want to prove, “we are gods”).  I tell you, they will indeed prove that:   but as satan, the destroyer of worlds.

No, SECOND CHANCES means no place to hide/ no chance to run away!  This is for everything.  Like it or not.  This is your chance to choose a different path, to live or die as life on earth/ by the price required.  Which is respect/ let truth lead/ let women decide for society/ MAKE LIFE FIRST, the foundation upon which we all rebuild a future that will survive.  IT’S A CHOICE.  Don’t believe:  Search every threat, and prove this is not so!  Like it or not, want is absolutely irrelevant/ that day is over.  This is now life or death, by the price that must be paid.  That price simply put is:        LIFE COMES FIRST, in every decision. For the purpose of peace, harmony, love, and respect. 
Never money again: FOREVER.  No exceptions.

In summary of all things that could have, or would have, or should have been done: I offer your own example of reality.  The primary “leaders or designers” of this time/ is my generation, or the baby boomers.  They stole/ they lied/ they cheated/ and they destroyed the future just for their own selfishness and want.  Their pride, to play god with life.  As the leaders of this group were nearly all college graduates/ IT IS THEN absolutely clear:   “The best of the class” were those who went to Vietnam, or got a high lottery number as did I, or did anything else but participate in the death of this world.  A few college students did try to help/ but a couple of gunshots, at kent state; and they all disappeared forever.  Same is true, with everything else, the diplomas’: left you for dead.

 Threats everywhere, can only mean “fools were in charge/ they didn’t care enough”.  Toys, trophies, and trinkets, we never did need.  Peace, love, friendship, and tomorrow: everybody needs.  LIFE needs a massive effort today, because time is running out/ nothing else will do.  Like it or not, that is true; the date given here, linked directly to biblical prophecy in both the Jewish and Christian “bibles”.  Is a very strong indication, that the end is near. Only true change, critical change; can stop anything so set in stone as this.  Wallowing in greed, won’t save you.  The evidence is real.  The reality in conjunction with biblical prophecy is very clear: tragedy is coming in very many ways, each of which can easily cause our extinction.  The leaders of today, the media, all of them RUN the other way; leaving you to die.  You must change yourselves, to attain a different outcome: its not for free.  You must put life first forever, as the single greatest change that MUST EXIST/ or you will cease to exist, ALL the evidence says so.  Search for yourselves/ but remember this:   the bible should not be taken lightly.   JESUS, no matter what else you believe: DID in fact change this world/ without doubt the original “bible” used by the Jewish religion changed that day too.  Therefore things that do in fact alter and rearrange our society: IN FACT, for the better, over thousands of years: are literally serious matters indeed.