TO: Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson

from James F. Osterbur

dated 8/ 12/12


RE: the demand notice reference #23919875   dated 8/ 6/ 12


referencing my previous letter to you:

To the IL IRS;    Box 19006   Springfield IL 62794-9006


2191 county road 2500 E.

St. Joseph IL 61873


dated 7/ 10/ 12


re:   your letter dated June 21, 12/ correspondence from Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson   box 06140   Chicago IL 60606-0140


Having established by previous letter to you: that this tax issue is one of legal constitutional law/ the foundation being that until you hold up your end of the contract that is constitutional decree: there will not be an uncontested payment, without a court appearance.  Thereby demanding court: to establish constitutional law by guarantee, in that letter.  Nothing has changed.  Take me to court!


The constitution of IL/ the constitution of THIS USA is a deliberate contract enforced by oath of office:   the critical assembly of:   "you cannot serve here in leadership UNLESS you guarantee, and DO, these things for us". Corbin contracts 627 (one-vol ed. 1952)    (Second) contracts 224.

That oath has been desecrated/ the law of our democracy cast aside as worthless trash.  As is proven by the simple concepts of   "Redress of grievances refused outright: our right to demand accountability from government employees/ and the values and protections of a guaranteed security for our "homes/ possessions/ and property" destroyed by endless debts; an amendment in both US constitutions and outright in IL constitutional wording; taken from us all, for the deliberate purpose created to reward the few; with pensions/ healthcare/ and other benefits they do not deserve.

The issue of law was, and is established again.  Which means according to the previous letter providing that level of comprehension to you:   YOU have chosen to disregard the law/ the rights established as a framework for democracy itself/ to assume extortion is easily done.  Not so, that is a criminal endeavor/ that mimics organized crime.  Unless you prove a valid and real response to the legal issues presented/ as would be required of you in any true court of law: you have no case.  You must prove that contractually you have done your job/ which then does entitle you to be paid:   or you fail in that collection.  As is true of all contracts:   unless you do what the contract says/ you have little or no claim at all.  What is true, clearly identified is you "the state of IL" have failed consistently in the foundation realities of accountability under redress/ have failed consistently under the securities demanded by the constitution for this people; and in numerous other ways;   such as we are the most incarcerated people in the civilized world.  No "human rights" here/ fundamentally speaking; only rules.  And rules make rulers/ NOT a free people.

Your courts have failed consistently as is proven by the cases presented "James F. Osterbur vs state of IL" demanding accountability and more.  Ridiculing the law and me instead of obeying it.  That foundation MUST be legally established by the facts of the case from you/ because it is "you" that have denied the law with frivolous lies and assertions that are simply not true.  Therefore to court you must go/ the demand for court I DO insist upon: and the reality that we will be discussing is CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES, AND ACCOUNTABILITY TO THIS PEOPLE.   From which all evidence points to the fact, you have failed at nearly "90 percent". Or more.

I do not refuse to pay the tax/ I refuse to allow constitutional law to be discarded.  I refuse to allow thieves to steal and continue to steal from us all.  I refuse to surrender to what is now clearly "organized crime 383 F. Supp.  346, 350. and the intent of extortion model penal code 223.4 see 148 A. 2d 848, 850." which by your law degrees is fully aware to you.  Thereby making this a criminal endeavor, and the absolute disrespect for both democracy and the law of this land.  While at this moment in time I am willing to accept a criminal description limited to harassment   437 F. Supp.  201, 221. You are ordered to stop that illegal activity at this moment or face these charges for real in court.

 Take me to court, or stand down, or simply go away:   because unless we go to court to resolve why the constitution and your duties as employees of this state ( the reality of your employ) the guarantees to our lives & your oath to this people is worthless trash to you; but not us. 286 N.W.  844, 846. There is no merit to your demand. No substance under which the construction of constitutional law/ the guaranteed rights of each and every citizen and the democracy it protects does not rule.  There is no legal cause for which you can hide within.  There is no law that trumps the constitution or its reality which is OUR DEMOCRACY.  140 F Supp 925, 928.  Those are the facts of this case/ whether you like them or not is completely irrelevant to me.

As is plainly proven by the football stadium box on top of the Urbana U of I campus:   the extreme arrogance of $121 million dollars for a few people to sit above all the rest 6 afternoons a year.  Proves without a doubt:   not only is our democracy being stolen/ so is our money. We are NOT your slaves/ YOU ARE NOT "our rulers, our government, our superiors or anything else that is not distinctly equal with you, OUR EMPLOYEES."  That fact is going to be re-taught.

  WE/ I demand redress; the accounting of all that has been done/ and all that has not been done in favor or against me, and as my reality will prove: against this people.  This state is charged with "felony theft".  These state employees are charged with FAILURE to obey their oath, by discarding constitutional mandates and guarantees.  There is NO right to do that.  And there is clearly NO CAUSE to pay for that.   Proof is required, criminal acts have not invaded this state and its government:   the constitution both of IL and this USA.   You, ARE NOT "the government"/ you are employees.  OUR GOVERNMENT IS OUR GUARANTEES TO EACH OTHER/   OUR DECISION TO UNITE AS STATE OR NATION UNDER THE PROMISES INHERENT AND PROTECTED as the contract that is the constitution itself.  These things are the law/ and they are NOT governed by your rules; your rules are governed/ yourselves are ruled by our constitution.  Simple and plain.