THE GUARANTEED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, AS, WE THE PEOPLE:   to call for, a jury to do their sworn duty, and protect ourselves, our state/ nation, and our world;    As if soldiers on the front line.  Anything less is a desertion of duty.  The only other option to duty, when the enemy is in sight;  is "desertion": your world, your nation, our very humanity needs you, to stand up and be counted.

REDRESS MEANS: that we the people, when confronted with realities that are simply too severe for "our group/ our platoon" to fight.  We ARE GUARANTEED the right to call for others, so as they may come to help us guard our world/ our home/ our lives.   This trial is redress, because it identifies threats of such a horrendous reality, that even one of the thirty two primary threats to humanity:   goes wrong, or proves correct/ as a world we die. 

REDRESS IS NOT;   a call to assemble the people "to believe like me, or us"!  Rather redress is a legal demand to FIND THE TRUTH, before it is too late/ and we then lose everything, or so much it makes life not worth living.  To understand, while we still have time to make the necessary changes:   THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES/ WE MUST NOT LET THEM BE WRONG!  Because as is the case of fusion:   to bring the same fire here as is on the sun, CAN CERTAINLY bring the same result here as is the sun.   HOW IS THAT NOT, a gamble with ALL LIFE on earth, therefore every nation as well.

Redress gives me the right to demand a jury trial, to hear the evidence of threat;   that I believe must be addressed today.  Redress is the right of a jury to demand of their judicial district if they agree:   "We simply cannot be wrong".   Thereby the legal demand is created: to bring together this group, of which we belong/ and say in the next IMMEDIATE trial:   let us find the truth, as best we can.  The call to arms, is a demand: our legal system MUST intervene, AND STOP THOSE WHO THREATEN US ALL;    So that we the people may in fact make our own decision if these gambles/ these ways, shall be allowed, or stopped, and change demanded on them; from us.  That is the essence of redress trial:   the truth established by democracy, "that we are the owners here, and this shall not go on: we will change it/ because this is ours"!

The judicial district if agreed, then actual redress trial for this district calls the state to trial, and if the state does so agree/ then we call the nation itself.  Everybody MUST pay attention and decide for themselves; one person/ one vote:  Majority rule.  This is common practice/ HOWEVER we do face an extreme and immediate threat:   which requires the court, to establish ALL THAT IS REQUIRED TO INFORM A NATION OR WORLD.  To place a moratorium on ALL "energy experiments/ all genetics/ and as the jury itself decides.  So as to give the rest of humanity their due right:    TO DECIDE, if these "university diplomas" can gamble with our very lives, our nature, our futures, and indeed the entire planet itself.  There is no going back, from bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to this earth/ when they are proven wrong, just one time: we all die, literally in the biblical prophecy of a "lake of fire"/ as is the sun itself.  There is NO ESCAPE, from being wrong.   Absolutely our right as humanity on earth: 

 TO DECIDE FOR OURSELVES,   if this gamble can go on.