By assertion, this definition of cause is the entitlement of humanity to the reality and truth, of simple liberties sustained as the RIGHT TO VOTE/ upon the issues and catastrophe's awaiting us in this day. The question of life, the declaration of freedom, & the honor of liberty as bravery would decide it all agree, this opportunity: this federal lawsuit exists to provide a true democracy! Do you desire the right to vote against war, personally [and decide as a nation/ NOT an individual]? Do you ACCEPT the constitution of america, as the legal basis of American justice? Do you understand the GAMBLE, we are being forced to take, regarding the weapons of mass destruction/ the reality of genetic crucifixion: as it being done to nature [our only true friend in this body], genetics are nature/ who will fix it when their error is un-repairable: you will be dead. Do you expect that the 100 million more people added to this planet EVERY YEAR, can be feed/ the famine or the war, WILL come to your own door! Do you desire an honest vote, before the problems of common human consumption of resources/ the intensity of pollution [look below the surface]/ the economic devastation of a world that has lived "TOO LONG" on credit, and the simple insanity of so many fantasies and illusions in a world that believes, the university & scientist shall save it: these people brought you here/ to this place at the edge of extinction.

Therefore this lawsuit is about removing the weapons of mass destruction/ that we may survive. This lawsuit is about confronting the true risk involved with genetics. This lawsuit is about confronting the abundance of lies, & the corruption of an ignorance that fails to understand: the world has changed, and the assertion of "these people in government" can control the outcome of what they do. We face weapons of mass destruction sufficient to cause our extinction: this is nothing less than INSANE! We are corrupting the only thing that keeps us alive, genetics: this is INSANE! We are facing economic devastation across the world: only war can be its result unless reality is faced now: FAILURE means INSANITY will rule the earth. We are facing terrorists, any one of which with the add of a weapon of mass destruction COULD initiate Armageddon: this is INSANE, to allow these weapons to exist. We are facing RESOURCE DEPLETION; no resource means you will fight to survive, and even then, only for a little while: this is INSANE. We are depleting the ability of the ocean to survive, for an easy meal: this is INSANE. we are polluting at a rate which can cause our extinction, all by itself: this is INSANE. The universities are tampering with realities of atomic nature, that can easily turn against you and the earth, and cause your extinction; this is INSANE. YOU are allowing the population to increase at 100 million people each year/ this can NOT be survived: it is INSANITY TO CONTINUE, even if family is important/ survival is necessary, or that family dies anyway: therefore to fail here, means you are killing these offspring with your indifference. IF you do not investigate these charges/ IF you do not allow truth to lead you/ IF you do not understand reality DOES have the last say/ IF you FAIL to respect life, and choose a different destiny than the one set upon by your BLIND leaders: then the only question left, IS how much time before we die? I, initially guessed 30 years/ but I will tell you the truth: the spirit inside of me, altered that guess and provided 20 years. Some will laugh at this statement/ because it is easy to scoff. Some will cry because of this statement/ because emotion is easier than personal change. Some will grow angry because of this statement/ because it changes or ruins their plans: and they WANT, more than their own pride can have. NONE of these matter! Because REALITY AND TRUTH do rule the earth and every person committed to life here: like it or not! Therefore, investigate honestly and honorable/ understand the basic truth and identify the foundations which support life or death/ and decide whether life is worth the price of change. IF you fail/ then your destiny has been determined by the decisions already made in your name, and you HAVE by your own vacillation allowed your world to be extinguished.

This lawsuit is then your opportunity to make a change and establish a different destiny. The failure to accept its responsibility, means you have surrendered to the insanity of all these things above and more/ and DO CHOOSE to end the human race, because YOU did not believe: that life was worth fighting for.

This is a simple challenge to you: STOP THE MADNESS, OR you will die because of it. There are to be no other methods for you/ there is not time for another opportunity, because once the last measure is taken/ the last necessary reality destroyed: it has become too late.

Understand me clearly: I am not, a participant in this matter/ my life is already chosen! I am a messenger, given the job to deliver this message: therefore my work is done, when it has been offered to you. Whether I live or die, makes no difference, to this lawsuit: DEMAND IT, and ESTABLISH IT!

Life is not a game/ this is NOT a game/ to prove me wrong means: that none of the insanities mentioned are a plague to you/ nothing they represent can harm you/ the illusion of selfishness, want, pride, jealousy, has made you : your own god/ and you shall NOW "Be in charge" of the world you must survive.