This trial of life, filed ___2/11/05_ in the United Stated Federal court in Urbana, IL 61801 defined as trial #___05-2038__ examines in depth, the problems facing humanity/ and then conducts an investigation of the possibilities from which we may assemble our own decision as life or death. The consequence of trial is not, simply the burden of proof: it is also the respect for knowledge, the honor of wisdom, and the clarity of basic acceptance called reality that determines the purpose of our desire for living. Therefore as you read and assemble the compositions of your own beliefs, you are reminded, that this is not a game/ and too wait any longer, means survival may be lost.


In the basic analysis of a simple lawsuit, the triumph or tragedy exists not in the basis of function or the foundation of knowledge or lack thereof/ but within the dimension of simple desire. Desire is the decision, that expands the purpose of a life, within the direction and definitions of environments and expectations that conceive the critical values of life itself. Therefore the foundations designed within your own mind, lead you into the valleys or peaks of happiness or exist as the embodiment of your own experience and the fears of your own self. The experience of eternity magnifies desire, into the new dimensions of destiny, just as life magnifies the expressions SOUL into the creation of thought. The direction chosen produces the "new creation as you". In this simple sense then, the destinies which you are creating in this day, exist within "the roots, or places of absolute reality", where they are developed as the expressions of your strength. A tree does illustrate a fundamental structure "which bends when the wind blows strong, but need not break. The branches and leaves transform the light of our lives as the expression of moments/ into the blessings & paths of courage, & the messages of life!

We ARE an experience of balance/ meaning movements occur, that demand our physical, mental, & spiritual recognition. These expect the learning sequences of our lives to design, engineer, and compensate as necessary to sustain the integrity of critical freedoms. Those who fail, descend from the experience of life/ into the reactions of self, and end as descriptions immersed, to varying degrees, within the fundamental concepts of an environment separated from life, and engaged only as survival. This breeds FEAR, as then, life begins to describe "you are" the beginning & end of yourself. From here, the message of life becomes VERY simple: get whatever you can/ take whatever you want/ destroy the others before they destroy you.

In the opposite, those who "tilt" the other way, descend from the experience of life, as the slaves of a constant threat, and the hope of a reward, they cannot possibly earn. These thereby separate themselves from life, to establish "superior self", and then become immersed withing descriptions that demand compliance or else. This fundamental failure of life, as the freedom to be alive: breeds contempt for the rest/ seeks to establish power over the rest/ and consumes those who can be controlled. These are certain, that their "superiority" gives them these rights, therefore such rights cannot belong to the others/ they must be controlled.

BALANCE means: a relationship achieved between all participants, as equality allows, and the function of thought provides. Therefore thought precedes balance, thought identifies fundamental harmony and the experience called peace, & thought applies life, to the freedom of thought and initiates TRUST. These things begin as the ascension beyond simple self/ and assert the constant: LIFE, is the environment of our souls, therefore the expression of our destinies. The message of the SOUL is BELIEVE in the miracle of who life is, "for we are not alone as life/ but even now as this experience of time, do approach the dimension of joy/ if only by the slightest effect of it/ this reality is still within us, in every moment of awe, beauty, and truth. Happiness is an understanding, but joy is the expression of a journey beyond all expectations. LIVE means "beyond expectation/ ALIVE means, "TOGETHER, we shall go". This is the blessing of spirit as it ascends with our lives, into the expansions of thought.

The question of this day, explains: that WE NEED THIS PLANET/ there is NO other option/ therefore ALL the threats & ALL the human decisions which selected disaster, instead of life, MUST NOW be reviewed, investigated, & defined. The purpose IS SURVIVAL, the means are "APPROPRIATE law" as defined and sanctified by the fundamental realities of truth, & the avenue is a courtroom "without walls"/ wherein all the people shall decide their fate, & as its consequence, their own future. Majority rule, means the influence of a clear & convincing purpose, voted upon and developed as the "heart & human soul" of our participation in each others lives. Therefore the environment of our lives shall change, because humanity shall change or die! There shall be NO OTHER OPTION to come, there shall be NO other decision of importance as to the life or death of this world, there shall be NO person who shall interpret for the others or lead : YOU shall define and choose for yourself/ as a humanity, you shall decide by vote/ And YOU SHALL KNOW GOD IS WATCHING YOU, liars shall only determine their own fate. IF you choose life, then there SHALL be harmony, because life will become educated to honesty, honor, respect, the boundaries of love, and the courage necessary to sustain happiness.

The message of life is: that experience teaches by the definitions of freedom & the reality of boundaries/ that fundamental discipline explains order & grants the definition called wisdom: here, at the threshold of what is to become "ourselves", the relationships called honor, honesty, love, hope, & thought are all conceived as the decisions of life. The "door" through which we pass therefore establishes destiny as either "the focus of a distant goal (a place of the mind, without a relationship to other life) OR the expansion of your own life to include the opportunity of a life without closed boundaries called self. This is called love, as it grows from "the roots of caring, to the structure of sharing, to the blessing and courage and decisions of life/ as it changes and grows into the paths of miracles". Love expresses the definitions of your life, but miracles reveal the "treasury of your soul". This is NOT an expectation of "doing miracles"/ but an appreciation of life as the miracle that it truly is [are you a rock, think about the difference and explain why you are not a rock? If that is not enough, then you make the rock alive?] Then remember the simple truth, that nothing exists without the fundamental "roots" that explain its existence/ the fantasies of humanity such as evolution, exist only to create the excuse to play; the want of humanity to play god, such as genetics are merely the excuse to cry and carry on as a tantrum, because you didn't get your way; the reality of weapons of mass destruction merely displays you lack of sense!

This United States federal lawsuit, is regulated by the constitution, and determined by its various demands, particularly the 1st amendment: as a WE THE PEOPLE, RIGHT of interdiction/ the officials have inherited or chosen , by intent or stupidity, to endanger all our lives/ WE HAVE NO CHOICE, as a society or an individual, but to demand an investigation, & the RIGHT of censure or change as necessary/ to protect our lives, our future, and our world.

. The court will charge: THIS is not according to their rules/ however the CORRECT response is: their lives face extinction or the blunt force of every consequence you shall make! Therefore they DO have this right.

It is fair to assimilate the illustration of "the leaders of this day are simply children, playing games and throwing tantrums" FEAR has invaded "their world" & fear has caused the many serious threats to life as do currently exist. The "children, who devised a concept of shock and awe"/ are merely "little boys" intent upon proving they DO have the "best toys"./ The clear & certain response "from the other little boys" will surly be "WE CAN hurt you too"! This critical reality applied to the consequence of weapons of mass destruction and a world, which fears too many things: critically confronts humanity with the certainty of a simple question {will you remove these weapons or die from them/ because NO human is worthy of making a decision to use them/ BUT THEY WILL, if you don't take them away}! EVERY SINGLE WEAPON, and every means to make these weapons destroyed throughout the world: the people involved WILL receive a CLEAR AND CERTAIN WARNING of torture and disease and the attack that never ends. NOTHING LESS will keep you alive.

In the demands of this day, the removal of any leader, exists as the method of law! It is "a united nations constitutional issue [LAWS]/ that has yet to be created/ which shall determine ANY FORCE! There shall be no security council, the law decides. This is to be debated, written, and voted upon: the military force necessary, will come from a 25% contingent of every joined nations military, as will be under the direction of these laws/ the united nations vote will be for evidence and investigation. The united nations demand will be for change "by the agreed upon laws". The united nations penalty shall be: REMOVAL of the leadership of any country, as is necessary. This shall NOT include an attack upon the nation itself/ this is an attack upon the leadership. A leader may "walk away" without ANY undue possessions of the country! A leader who refuses to surrender shall be personally attacked by the united nations policing force/ UNTIL such time as death or surrender occurs. ANY person, military or otherwise who confronts this policing effort for harm SHALL be dealt with efficiently and with lethal effect, as is reasonably necessary [therefore those soldiers without bravery, need NOT apply]. NO HARM, is the purpose of this action: not to their military, the civilian population, the resources of that nation or its sovereignty over itself. The leadership will be removed, and the united nations shall present to that people an opportunity to vote, to determine HOW the people of that nation desire to proceed! THEY WILL CHOOSE, the united nations shall enforce/ BUT IN NO WAY, shall any portion of that population be degraded or left out, women, children, & men SHALL BE EQUALS/ because we are all human lives.

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This lawsuit is the beginning of your change. The work necessary to complete your survival depends upon you/ and you must succeed at this work quickly or you shall fail. The decision is simple: reality has come, and your fantasies NOW seek to destroy you/ therefore you must choose LIFE OR DEATH? This is not a game/ if you fail, you are certain to experience all the tragedy that you have produced for yourselves.