The Balance essential, in all definitions which challenge current conventions is created by viewing alternatives, of a type and function created for the discussion of significant change and its various, and subsequent costs and benefits. Therefore the following is added to this lawsuit, for the express purpose of balance and ANY attempt to question other methods are expected to be presented in like manner.

The social realities of change create clear & distinguishable choices, consistent with social needs these choices are hereby referenced as a beginning to establish a relationship between understanding the differences and being aware of the choices/ not being controlled by them or someone seeking power. Therefore the primary purpose of this writing is to assemble an honest alternative for the methods of this day, and accomplish a debate as to the validity of the truth as proposed herein.

The relationships of society are classified into 4 specific needs: the need to survive, the need to co-exist, the need to understand and clarify, & the need to participate.

These 4 express the actions which in turn create reactions, which then mold society into the consequences that shape life, as our humanity. Therefore the basis of any civilization is confronted & conformed to these needs/ as needs surmount the social relationships of life-to-life, a battleground erupts and war becomes the method of "its you or me/ mine or yours". This historically has limited the population to manageable numbers before those numbers dramatically destroyed the environment which supports human life. War is then, a basic tool for the enforcement of environmental realities. History has used this method for thousands of years/ history is over! The repetition of past realities can not be repeated because transportation and other political and economic factors have altered the basic environment of "personal property", to a reality based upon "world property". The old checks and balances no longer apply (by the methods, that isolate one population from another). The new reality is world war of a more complete and permanent relationship to revenge/ the critical development of weapons of mass destruction, the insanity of building these weapons in nearly every land, the EASE of their use and the minimal structure either as knowledge, chain of command, or money: deliberately states pride and arrogance shall rule the day.

The alternative to this new reality (of being humanly capable of causing our own extinction with only a few people actually making this decision/ you shall not survive even a 10% release of all the weapons held) IS DISTINCT DECISION, supportable truth, & fundamental realities. The world trade twin towers CLEARLY AND DELIBERATELY reveals these things are more than a threat, the reality of their use would be millions destroyed in a single second. LOOK at the towers, in reality 20 or so people undertook the purpose of destruction/ the result of millions of hours of work destroyed, and thousands of lives lost: and these were not even classified as destructive weapons. If you think you have "plenty of time/ feel safe and so on"/ you are reminded of the warning given in these towers: the public had none! REMOVE THESE WEAPONS/ ALL OF THEM / OR DIE!

This is your choice based upon the evidence & the fundamental realities of human beings/ once it begins: within 3 hours it could easily be too late to survive anywhere on earth THIS IS INSANE!!!!!!!!! AND IT WILL PROVE TRUE.

Returning to social needs, WE ARE, a civilization as the world, because we now have no choice. The evidence of destruction by economics, the CERTAINTY of resource depletion, the mutilation of genetics, and the environmental factors which are confronting the ability to survive/ are all facts any one of which will create war, by the human decision "you are responsible/ revenge or outright murder". The common citizen of the world will say: NO it can not be, we are doing fine! This does seem an obvious "on the face of it" conclusion: never before has there been more money/ however the evidence asserts, the facts assemble, and the truth knows, "these numbers are nothing more than fantasy, and all fantasies die"/ the United States is bankrupt, and like it or not; as the United States goes in this world economy so goes the world. STILL many will not believe their eyes or their heart and begin to demand: "we are rich"! Such is the state of the lie. Others will believe "trillions of tons of raw materials can be used every year/ consumed without thought or merit/ and this will never run out, "(we will die first/ let them pay the price)/ or be used up: we are rich, BUT ONLY because of the abuse of credit/ (and every debt always comes due). Such is the state of the lie. Many will believe in the university, that nothing BAD will happen just because humanity has invaded life itself ( and waged war against it)/ the insanity of selfishness, makes their focus so small that life itself is simply worthless "without the possibility to be ,famous and important". YOU have NO HONOR for while the lie is sustained by evolution/ the reality is CLEARLY within your grasp; of possibilities and tragedies beyond comprehension! While the tears are real, the reality of gambling every other life for any reason, is a TRAGIC MENTAL FAILURE. Nothing is more STUPID AND ARROGANT THAN THIS, NOTHING!!!!!

These lies and many more have been ingrained into american society not by truths, and not by rights but by the consistent intent of university participation in political, legal, and social controls. The university purpose is to find ways to manipulate and control, at the request of public and politics and business/ the end result of this power is the manipulation and control of society itself. The public says NO IT CAN NOT BE, because "we would want this anyway", the reality and truth "left behind" is simply, but you wouldn't pay the price! But the evidence of billions spent on advertising doesn't lie/ they do direct you, because you let them, they and you have conceived of the consequences which face you, and now the question is: what will you do? IF you continue to lie, the truth will consume you. Therefore the question is why do you let them, control you? The answer is, because they have convinced you by repeated exposure that this is normal, this is necessary, this is wise, we are THE EXPERTS and you simply do not understand the intricacy of this decision/ and whine, GO ALONG! The decisions have been made without your knowledge of the consequences/ therefore this lawsuit exists to determine if; you truly desire to follow lies or you are willing to accept truth? In the courts, rules and procedures and treasonous laws have undermined and thrown out justice in favor of power, it is a war against truth, and the abuse of law. In politics money has become their savior, their method of survival in the games of power, but life is NOT A GAME, and these choices do explain the future and its consequence to you..

SURVIVAL does ask, what can be done? Therefore the beginning of your discussion among yourselves is provided. DO UNDERSTAND, this is your decision, you may NOT follow/ you must stand upon your own distinct decisions, being prepared to live or die according to the decision you make: FIND UNDERSTANDING FIRST, or there can be no wisdom! Find truth, or there can be no life.

Assembled within this demand the answers exist in 7 parts: We ALL need food & water/ therefore the mechanisms which feed us & supply our thirst MUST be given priority: BUT NOT as government or corporate entities; parceled out to as many as possible : the claims of efficiency neither feed or clothe or honor the need for work! Efficiency has become the DISHONEST mechanism for excess, the subtle traitor which consumes the life & the land beneath your own feet. When many people independently control, then the opportunities for power subside, and dependency upon a very few disappears/ WHY would you want kings or queens to steal from you or control you: you must learn to do for yourself, otherwise you will have very little. Controlling the chemicals is the proper method of controlling the output. Controlling the pollution based upon the silt content/ chemical content of water is appropriate for agriculture: help them by buying the buffer strips & sediment ponds and so on. In the case of Corporations, the damages done must be stopped/ NOT because "I or anyone else says so" because the water and the earth are full of your sewage, and little more can be tolerated : look at the numbers and remember you only get one chance/ when its too late you move or die: and the whole country is guilty. The consequences that are necessary MUST be moved to environmental sites of least damage such as the salt flats/ workers can be moved by train. It is certain, abuse will be heaped up due to these words: I will remind you only this once: it is not me (I have made my decisions), it is you that will die an untimely death/ if your wrong! As you ridicule and demand this shall never happen: do write these things down, because the weight of them will be with you into eternity, as the people who destroyed the earth.

We ALL need a decent job/ EVERYONE! This becomes a reality of real money, therefore the control of money by limiting greed/ the control of minimum numbers of people who make the decision by controlling natural resources as a people by vote of the people, does establish a beginning. Applied to this understanding is the necessity to realize "supply & demand" economics DOES NOT substantially conform to the requirements of a society/ they recognize greed and power instead. In a "perfect world" the supply of various materials and products would match the demand of the people/ that demand would then simply translate into a fair & reasonable job for every person. In the REAL world, as soon as a demand is recognized, someone is trying to control the supplies or the products or other needs, by methods of money or power or violence/ the rest must then accept the violence of a "enslavement to the job"/ the poverty of a lack of freedom or control over your own life due to violent men & women/ the frustrations created by people with power to demand "the very food you need, and take it". This is the past, as seen in america, the labor movements clearly show the truth of simple supply & demand. The other extreme is : as soon as a product proves sellable, the whole world becomes your competition, this drives the price lower, until it becomes impossible to make a living/ therefore mergers & acquisitions & simple betrayals become the method of controlling the price, over very large areas. Initially the common citizen says "its OK for me/ I get it cheaper" HOWEVER reality will prove, the efficiency of job removal dictates an end to opportunity and where once anyone could become a participant in anything/ VERY SOON because the markets are controlled, EVEN A HINT of real trouble reduces the possibilities of work, to the handful of then VERY ARROGANT "college graduates" personnel directors who will accomplish a rape of the fundamental values & lives of your world (They have the power/ what WILL you do for them?) History proves in every sense, and every time: power corrupts all but the SMALLEST portion of the people. The schooled evidence in america is found in such documents as the chicago stockyards ; read them as to employment and reality. Or the nazi or the japanese or even the jewish state against the palestine at this time/ power decides to control, and when it does; rights and liberties and freedoms all disappear.

This is supply & demand "I have what YOU want or need/ what will you do for me"!

This is survival "I NEED what you have, what must I do"!

This is power: I will use, abuse, or promise and you have NO say, accept or die.

This is also power: I will make you a victim, I will make your family or your friend dead or mutilated, I will strip from you your living or your body or your life/ DO WHAT I SAY.

Supply & demand therefore portrays the basic reality if supplies are fine (resources are plentiful) and markets abound, then the demands for work and products will be filled without cause for concern. IF the resources are scarce, then control and power and manipulation determine the day, and people will be SACRIFICED. Every possibility power represents will be used against every possible person that can be controlled: the reality being "DO you want to live or die". The end result is war/ the weapons of mass destruction will ensure extinction/ because REVENGE will rule the day. The actual expectation of revenge is NOT SELF-EXTINCTION/ the actual reality IS your death too! The DEMAND to survive, establishes war OR the need to "co-exist". It is hatred forced by the power of being controlled that expects revenge.

Consequent to these truths, the understanding needed to accept one another is as simple as: DON'T interfere in my life, DON'T make decisions for me, DON'T make me do anything I would not choose/ this is freedom, but it is NOT LIBERTY . If you fail to accept responsibility/ you fail to survive.

Therefore freedom creates a relationship which creates an absolute right to live as you desire/ while LIBERTY DEMANDS WITHOUT HARM TO ANY OTHER LIFE! Liberty adds, DO NOT endanger others, DO NOT force the others, DO NOT become jealous of the others, DO YOUR part, as a respectful member of society & accept your duty to contribute & your duty to participate in the direct society goes.

Control & power are the solutions of government, and many people/ it IS NOT a solution, instead control & power are the seed of strife, the contributors of jealousy, the establishment of revenge, and the confrontations of insanity/ therefore the birthplace of hatred. Arguments will arise "people cannot be allowed"! This in turn is a slavery to submit to your decisions/ people will argue many things, because they expect RULES to be "the steps necessary" to achieve their own personal reward. In this reality truth replies "your own focus is SO SMALL, that you have believed a goal of your mind is equal to the lives you intend to change"! YOU are foolish, a goal is not "worth" the enslavement of a life! These SPENT LIVES, for your purposes, result in critical choices/ the people you betray, DO become shaped by the power you exert. Therefore that power does exist as a reason for revenge/ YOU therefore have shaped the result of a society in turmoil based upon the degree of power being exerted. Every historical society fails because the "accumulation of power" into fewer and fewer hands, became the impetus for abandonment of society by its people. In america the lies of wealth, as numbers without reality, has kept society entranced while the critical foundation of trust was raped and pillaged/ the court, irregardless of the justice has kept the people from abandoning society (americans believe, so far)/ the vote is held as an alternative to power, thereby quieting their fears, even though the basis of the vote, as an actual personal vote of consequence has been stolen by power and money. All these needs have been abandoned, not because "politicians are bad, or even the court is corrupted/ but simply because the ability to manipulate the people exists through mass media. The public believes, therefore the lies succeed. The university influence in manipulation CANNOT be overlooked/ knowledge exists in its own right, however the evil that exists (the intent to control) can only be stopped by truly FREE PRESS. A free press exists as personal members being heard in reasonable and consistent forums of participation/ the owners (a very few) control the press and we hear only their truths, as designed by college and political leaders who believe they know best/ or who simply want the power over you.

WEALTH is about the resources/ NO resource, NO wealth( or more correctly no ease, no food, and no work): that simple!

Money is about, an HONEST willingness to work, it is not numbers! Money is the promise that work shall have its reward.

Justice is about HONOR, RESPECT, & HONESTY, NOT rules! Justice is about the critical respect necessary, to conceive of values beyond simply "what can you do for me".

A vote is useless unless, if it is not your own! The reality of assigning your own vote to another, when any other option exists is AN ABANDONMENT OF DUTY! A vote, is truly about the law or the life itself; therefore your duty is clear, to your future and to your world, and to your eternity!

The evidence insists, america uses its resources, "to fill the garbage dump". People can & will quit working "for money/therefore a "billion dollar bills" is just so much toilet paper. The rich will try to force acceptance/ but WORK is the true money, and violence alone can enforce that/ violence reaps violence.

When there is no honor, no respect (clearly visible), & no honesty IT IS time to remove the court official and find another.

Life gives each of us, the RIGHT to participate. Reality states the only possible method of participation is by an "educated vote"/ informed from all sides. On the issues themselves, & that vote being governed by an HONEST acceptance of constitutional laws: a constitutional law is established ONLY as a society vote, accepted by a majority of 97people out of every one hundred voters. These laws then govern ALL LAW & ALL official actions. The enforcement of constitutional law is as necessary, not as revenge. The enforcement of "simple law" in compliance with constitutional law is through justice NOT rules. The enforcement of official actions is through honor. The enforcement of the demands against violence SHALL BE as the honesty of a true respect for all life shall dictate: death for death exists ONLY for those who are convicted by insurmountable evidence, undeniable witness, and only then as described by circumstances to vile to be excused in any other way: true repentance for such a crime, shall NOT result in execution!

For all other crime/ you shall not take more than 25 years or the punishment is death: BE CERTAIN AND WITHOUT DOUBT OF ANY KIND. REMEMBERING you shall not take years for revenge/ instead you shall take years for punishment when it is absolutely necessary; and you shall educate beginning in grade school! You shall NOT abandon these people, who are released from prison but shall give them a life of reasonable work & the experience of a community at work in that prison (long term prisoners), and beyond. YOU shall provide a job at a fair living wage, to any long term prisoner, that he or she may experience a fair & honest opportunity to be part of society, and you shall provide some type of meaningful reward for honest work done, in the society to which they shall enter.

The TRUTH OF ECONOMICS is in ACCESS! It is the opportunity and the freedom to participate that governs social economies NOT "people with money"! Therefore access IS the only criteria to a successful society UNTIL, "the resources die". To achieve access NO ONE is entitled to excessive rewards! NO ONE is entitled to substantially control the natural resources, therefore governments of the people, by the people must control. NO ONE is allowed power/ instead critical relationships are to be formed to take power away and distribute it to society. If you fail in this, the resources required by life will also FAIL, can you live without them? Share the work, & understand LIFE IS ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE OF LIFE! It is not pride or the saying "look at me, listen to me, or do what I say". LIFE is about the miracle, that exists in you.

The quest for HAPPINESS cannot be bought/ this is pride that is pursued. Understand the "rich" who insist they are happy because of the money, are only telling you, that you cannot share with them/ therefore it is the exclusion of you, that makes them content. LOVE alone, through the building of friendships, designed by respect for each other, & committed in the honor of true actions for the purposes of a true desire achieved only through RESPECT, does establish freedom, therefore the honesty of friendship conceives the relationship of happiness: true love has nothing to do with money as wealth/ therefore rich or poor can be equally happy. IF you are rich and watch others be poor/ then you are no friend: this is the reason of classes "if I don't see it, I don't have to deal with it!" Eternity says: if you desire power/ then power in its every reality IS "waiting at the door, and you will know its true presence".

Violence is mitigated by food & water, and minimum needs & hope/ therefore whosoever controls these, DOES control the lives dependent upon those staples of existence. Other dependencies exist between tragedy and peace, such as NEEDED medicines which are life changing, heat to keep from dying, and so on. SOCIETY MUST CONTROL each of these! Fair & honest access means, sufficient knowledge (such as more doctors, etc). It does mean healthcare defined as a percentage of wealth and or income (a rich man's life is worth no more to him, than a poor man/ therefore the difference in numbers is truly fair, OR more correctly the rich man/ woman pays more because the same percentage of income does not do the same damage to life, to a rich man): medicine accounts and shares! "large life problems", such as transplant needs, must not bankrupt society for the sake of a single life! To establish solutions to tragic situations, society must control patents/ inventions so that "EXTREMELY EXCESSIVE PROFITS" shall not control the outcome of life or death! Rather truth dictates society owns, and pays for patents to the person(s) responsible according to value. This is not a "piracy of invention", this is a certainty of value and every citizens relationship to society and the world/ this will not diminish invention, instead alternative funding is the appropriate method, designed by society not government. They have proven incapable.

Our critical relationship with resources, DOES demand conservation, on all fronts/ compliance is generated by resource control (so much & no more/ so says society). Insulation; only highest efficiency furnaces allowed; HONEST transportation, and "rewards for hiring close to the job" and so on/ every resource you use, truly is a "lost day" to another generation; are you thieves and liars or are you honest and true? The earth is changing, NOT because, anyone would choose it/ but because we are so very many! You want to be entertained, you want to purchase happiness, you want to BE VERY PROUD!

WE ARE 6 BILLION PEOPLE, and growing very quickly!

And unlike any other time in history, "what we do, does become the truth of what our future holds for us all." Population pressures CANNOT survive another 1 billion people added, yet over half of all people are at or will be at child-bearing age. Truth will allow a small increase IF reality can be confronted and changed: OTHERWISE the constant need, the constant want, & the constant power, will soon create chaos "beyond the descriptions, the world has ever known. THIS is a choice/ it does not have to be!

All these truths and more define our futures. It is clear & certain humanity designs and proceeds with a focus so SMALL, that reality & truth are commonly cast aside for lies (you can have EVERYTHING), for lust (you ALONE are important), for greed (I WILL, take theirs too), and for power (DO what I say): understanding thereby surrenders to jealousy & wisdom (the little there is), simply becomes a tool for exploitation & control; the results are commonly hatred, depressions, and all the problems society displays. YOU AS A SINGLE PEOPLE, will make the decision to allow the consequences of truth, be your guide, by the evidence which confronts you/ YOU will choose RESPECT to be your justice/ LOVE to be your honor/ or the future which awaits you will establish the certainty of abuse upon you, followed by the fear within you, becoming HATRED (THE SOUL is dead, or dying), which then establishes violence & revenge as extinction.






You ARE going to die, and the earth dies with you!

These words, DO ruin the "plans for power, luxury, fame and more"!

Therefore the liars among you WILL bind together, as an army of one! You can easily defeat them/ but to do so MEANS, truth has become your relationship with life/ not any man or woman/ simply truth and the reality it demands. YOU WILL CHOOSE, because you have no choice, this is life or death! This is not a game!

The question of religions arise: WHO IS GOD?

The question of power is addressed: will these religious leaders accept the truth that confronts them, or will they turn to power and to murder?

The answer: ALL EVIDENCE allows CREATION, "TO BE THE WORK OF ONE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The evidence asserts, truth is the path that leads to GOD!

The evidence asks WHY are we here: the truth replies LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!

The evidence of the GREATEST LOVE, surrounded by the greatest testimonies of MIRACLE, does become the PATH TO GOD!

YOU DECIDE, for me JESUS IS THIS PATH/ THIS TESTIMONY! It is written that ALL humanity is included in this LOVE, therefore power is abandoned.

Love is not "god".




The interpretation of other truths is truly BEYOND our simple comprehension's.

Therefore religions are asked: if you cannot establish simple understandings, then should you not "simply BELIEVE"?

LOVE is the evidence of design in this creation, therefore love is the path/ prove this is not so, by establishing some other evidence. JESUS MADE MIRACLES HAPPEN; the evidence is "the companion called SOUL". If you truly believe, you WILL understand this saying. As to other religious questions, those involving many religions, and conclusions, I provide no evidence for or against you/ I have found the truth, that is my life; eternity demands, that you must find your own truth, and accept the consequences, whatever that might be/ just as I must accept the consequences of my own life.

Rest assured, "I am not anyone's savior". My errors and life, have assured me, "my own responsibilities, for my own decisions are more than enough/ WHY would I add yours; I REFUSE!" OUR CREATOR HAS PROVIDED A SAVIOR!



Do you not have that right?

Critical to every living creation IS the desire for life. Therefore an experience becomes a message, and that messages LIFTS or damages the life inside. The expression called HAPPINESS is the visible sign of a life lifted "from the expressions called dust (just a chemical body, and no more), to become the HONOR of being a MIRACLE". WE ARE TRUE MIRACLES!

The damages of depressions and the variety of other human disorders, are the evidence of lies having created the illusion, that we are simply dust. These ARE SINS, against our CREATOR: these sins pressure your presence in life, into the wasteland of your being (the intellect has confronted you, and you lost)/ this is evil. This was never intended to be so! However humanity itself DID become insistent, "that they were capable and ready to be gods themselves/ therefore the environments & the relationships they form/ have form into eternity have become their universe". This was the human demand! The truth revealed says clearly, nothing survives eternity that is not true! Therefore you MUST BE TRUTH. Pray for MERCY, as do I!

Respect for the MIRACLE that ALL life is, decides and decorates the happiness that we are! No respect means NO happiness! The human destiny is then created NOT by "fate", but by respect! The lack of respect initiates all types of "chaos", chaos, strife, & outright punishment from the reality becoming the instructor, and without significant mercy. "chaos: is given to mean, the internal insanity of a mental condition which understands suddenly, that death shall not be, the expectation of your mind". Each of these then assembles you relationship to FEAR, in very specific exaggerations. Fear is "the voice inside" confronting the life you are, with a focus intended to isolate & confuse, the result or panic explains: IF you can be ISOLATED, then you can be destroyed/ either here or in eternity! Fear then explains the relationship that exists between GOD AND HIS CREATION us! IF we are isolated away from GOD, then we can be destroyed! The "inner voice" is caused by the destruction, that changes "miracle to dust". The SOUL, which gives us life, becomes the evidence of our failures, and this voice becomes "the reaction, what else could go wrong" which then EXPECTS an assault which will end the relationship and cause death. Therefore EVERYTHING is dependent upon the choices you make/ & history does say "we can be wrong"/ prayer (I ask for peace) and forgiveness (I do make amends), reside in TRUST!

The mind allows for the composition of various mental destinies, by "pictures and words"/ this is common & normal. The difference is explained as the focus which removes the choice, and becomes instead a need for reaction! More simply, "there is no other way for you to go, you are trapped".

The "words & pictures" that I have used in these documents DOES demand a choice, DOES demand thought in the presence of evidence & truth, DOES demand that "the focus of selfishness", be removed long enough, to "see, the destiny you have selected for yourselves".

The PROMISE of a life of happiness, in social harmony and peace is consequently detailed in these very simple truths:

1. We must ALL have food, water, and minimum needs/ therefore your governments must supply accordingly

2. We must ALL have reasonable sustainable work/ therefore limits and sharing will become normal.

3. We must share the responsibility by understanding future needs, that are taken "just because you can, is if fact a murder, in a future generation". The responsibilities of want allow product generation/ but only those of significant value to the future: NOT simply trash.

4. We must HONOR the environment which sustains our lives, creates our possibilities, and is our home.

5. We must understand each other & the miracle of who we are through RESPECT.

6. We must allow time to EXPAND our relationship to life in ways beyond our current comprehension, so that the true miracle of thought conceives us into eternity.


If humanity accepts these ways by the certainty of truth and the realities of life / then life has really just begun for us all.

If humanity refuses these ways, then the reality of human ways & the tyranny of human truths SHALL quickly begin to consume all the earth!

This is "the time of the CROSS" it means humanity shall not proceed much farther as history declares it to be. RATHER to the right or to the left, the choice will be made, to life or to death, because by the evidence, the realities of this day, shall not survive!

Violence explains: that your own FAILURE to appreciate YOUR LIFE, has led you to the door of your destiny (REPENT OF THIS). To walk through into violence DOES mean, that you have declared WAR with GOD, against HIS OWN CREATION! Pray that you do NOT receive JUSTICE/ because if you do HELL WILL seem "as a child's playground".

Apart from the evidence, the difference between a truth and a lie is the purpose or intent. A truth exists only to identify the disciplines & order NECESSARY to build a life and sustain it.

A lie, exists ONLY to disrupt order & confuse discipline so that thefts & vandalism can occur. Therefore consider your SOUL before you lie about yourself or others or to yourself/ because lie(s) ARE the removal of your soul.

Accept yourself, or change what you can (if you prefer), either way ACCEPT THE LIFE, that you are! DO NOT allow any type of failure (yours or another) to condemn you/ you are NOT judge! Instead remember the Miracle/ REMEMBER ALSO JESUS DIED TO SHOW YOU, just how much every human, even every life does mean to GOD OUR FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hatred grows, "from the dust" therefore if you hate, it is because YOU no longer respect life. People WILL demand "its their fault/ they did this to me", or these are not worthy or me, or I am more important than they are. Miracle IS, "the sign of a gift", therefore the question is never of value, the reality is never a measurement/ instead the equality of EVERY GIFT is NOT to be questioned. Rather the law, that is JUST AND FAIR, and the truths of what is honor and RESPECT does determine what society can do for you. Respect for yourself, determines what "your soul, can do for you". Therefore understand the difference between a SOUL which only you can harm/ and a body which only society can honor. Society must seek equality, and define law, by the destruction actually caused. Respect determines destinies/ therefore repent honestly & forgive yourself truly, always be FAIR.

It is known and beyond question, that humanity chooses dishonor amid the lies, and jealousy instead of honesty, & revenge instead of life, at various times throughout many lives. The purpose of such things as these is POWER/ and the reality of power is death. Humanity instinctively knows this/ therefore the question DOES arise: WHY, do you tempt death? The answer is "life, your life is not very important to you". The lack of respect, makes gambling with life a reason to BOAST, "I am the winner/ pride and arrogance grows". The dust extends this growth by interpreting "I am more than the others" and the relationships with other people changes into "the dishonor of losers, and the lies of winners. NOW you have intervened into the life of others with the simple-minded purpose to make them "envy you, & hate themselves (jealousy)". Reality proves we are all equal: NO ONE, "created themselves", the only difference is the choices we make, and SOUL IS THE ONLY TRUE TREASURE! When pride fails, revenge asserts "they deserve whatever retribution they get/ they caused this themselves/ therefore its all right for you to play god/ because they caused this to happen". THIS is a "fools' game".

HAPPINESS again comes from RESPECT, & understanding builds the bridge, from knowledge to wisdom. It is not wrong to search for knowledge or wisdom/ it is wrong to want control and power, instead of passion and law. YOU must be truthful and fair, "to encounter your soul", if you fail, your soul dies & happiness escapes. Pray and accept the discipline and order and LOVE that is necessary to be ALIVE, WITHIN YOUR SOUL. Do not judge, PRAY.

The dishonor of drugs IS very similar, to the purposes of power: the drug excuses the person from responsibility, therefore know for sure, "the game is the same as winners & losers". By choosing drugs the purpose is to avoid the game by creating a new one "you must work, while I scoff and make fun of you, and call you loser" (the prize is the drug/ they win). The lie is you have entered into drugs "because of the other people"/ your attempt to "use them" is simply your simple-minded jealousy. Pride fails! The drug takes revenge upon you, & your soul is lost to you, creating despair & hopelessness. REPENT AND HONOR YOUR LIFE AND LOVE. Love is the true blessing of life! If you do honor life as love, the miracle of your soul shall come ALIVE in you, and BE YOUR TRUE FRIEND FOREVER!


JESUS HIMSELF HAS been my FRIEND, for as long as I can remember! That did not mean a simple & easy life/ instead EVERYTHING NECESSARY for my survival in eternity has been my constant need to learn! That reality HAS opened "every door inside" and "CLEANING" really is the job, given to me! Understand this then, that truth is an identity called eternal in you/ YOU MUST CLEAN, you must learn (by whatever method works for you), you must ACCEPT your soul and then YOU MUST RESPECT GOD



Love is the only door, into eternity or life.

Do not "hate your body"! Your body "loves you", your body does for you everything it can! Your body is a friend to you, and a slave to your choices/ sexuality confirms to you, that you are indeed alive and wanted, it is not an enemy.. Your body lives because of you & you also in this world, because of it. Respect your "friend/body" and be kind to it. Your body is a living organism "truly designed and lovingly provided to you", care for it.

Disease & all manner of tragedy does exist to "explain to the rest", the sanctity, and the miracle "that we are alive". The loss, the damage, the hurt & pain and more are lessons in truth, or lessons for life to you and to others. The genetic truth says, our body malfunctions, and so on are RANDOM! Therefore the responsibility assigned to you to encourage, and to change humanity by the loss you do represent will never be forgotten. Humanity NEEDS LOSS because they "think, life is easy", and THEY ARE VERY WRONG!

The reality of life is WE ALL DIE/ therefore neither the time, nor the method truly matters, for these cannot change eternity. We shall all enter therein.

Therefore understand YOUR CREATOR KNOWS YOU:


Try not to love your life/ if you do, on the day eternity comes for you, you could be lost


And be alive.

Your life DID NOT "magically appear" you were honored with life, your body given to you! Even though your body fails, your LIFE still exists.


The second part of any economic discussion regarding the assertion of access IS the ability or avenues available to "get the job". This entitlement is accomplished through the stepped progression & competency testing of the various professions & trades, that constitute skilled work. Dentistry for instance, consists of 90% work, involved in "find the small hole, drill it to destroy the decay and establish a suitable area to hold the filling in place". That's 90 percent of the work a dentist will do, simple cleaning and x-rays the dental assistant already does/ establishing a proficiency with the tools, and a ability to understand the work, all without a dentist degree. The technical skills required for pulling teeth, were common to all "old school" dentists for 100 years or more/ only recently has this been relegated to surgery and a $1000.00 dollar billing per tooth. I have had a tooth pulled in the dentist chair for well under $100.00 as have others I know/ now I'm told "it simply can't be done". The inspection for cancer, to feel for lumps/ look for discoloration's, is also a minor technical skill taught in hours not years. Every different level of expertise, should accommodate the reality of a skills and proficiency test/ each is limited by the steps they accomplish. The "degree is abandoned"! Therefore the inclusion of all manner of workers who successfully demonstrate these skills, without a degree of any kind, MUST BE ALLOWED to work up to their limits and so on throughout the professions and trades. The test will be LITERAL to the reality of the job/ unsuitable tests shall be held liable to the test giver/ and challenged by the public as too little or too much. The burden of proof is upon the profession or trade to critically reveal every technical skill necessary and then pass their own test, as a measure of its worth. A fully understandable manual "of test facts" will be produced and applied as information available to the applicant at least 30 days prior to testing. For public safety a "WORKING public access bulletin board" SHALL be in place/ and shall be required of every customer to fill out, indicating important or necessary opinions of proficiency, pricing, professionalism, and honesty. THIS IS ACCESS/ not the blatant control of people in powerful positions "sucking money" for worthless studies or degrees or time. OUR RESPONSIBILITY to each other is simple, "get out of my way/ so long as, NO intent to harm exists, and NO accidental harm should be expected."

The professions & trades will SCREAM NO! This because it is their profit, & their means to hold prices higher than they are entitled, not all but certainly many. They will SCREAM, "they don't like this, & threaten to quit"! Tell them "the flood is coming, & soon the price will go way down/ if you truly wish to be left out; you may do so/ BUT if you retire or semi-retire or refuse to work, YOU will lose your license, your name will be added to a list of people who also refused to allow equality and honesty to determine the public cost, and you WILL retake the test, & start your career from the beginning IF you pass, you begin again from new/ your diploma is VOID! The universities will SCREAM, "incompetency", because this is their money & their influence/ TELL THEM, begin teaching in the new way or LOSE ALL government funding/ NO EXCEPTIONS, NO FUTURE FUNDING NOT EVER, AND NO governmental student or otherwise loans forever.

The government will express doubts, the people "WILL wander, could we really", and the reality will prove, YES YOU CAN! Government is reprimanded to understand the constitutional requirement for them IS "to develop EQUALITY FIRST". Business will soon express joy/ because more hands mean more business.

The 3rd critical access area to an economy is EDUCATION! Therefore the current system IS WITHOUT DOUBT, TO BE SCRAPPED! As insufficient, and irrelevant to the task.

This is to be replaced by a system of steps, access is granted from the 3rd grade on by ability/ reading, writing, & arithmetic. These minimum 3rd grade requirements allows access to the profession of your choice, many choices are expected to be made. The teaching of a profession, along with the technical skills and understandings of the job REPLACE, all generalized learning. The student will be bused to the various learning facilities including factories, businesses, etc. The teacher will be anyone who demonstrates by THE WORK, sufficient skills to train another person. College, along with the trade schools, is thereby integrated into the school network as well; and high school is canceled in its entirety. A diploma or tenure is NOT a right to teach/ rather a skill that is demonstrated as necessary to a job will grant you a per person redemption in money for your efforts as teacher. At the end of the year, one test shall reveal if your students demonstrate a true proficiency in the skill or profession you taught/ that test shall determine YOUR SALARY above a minimum level, if they fail your salary fails/ select your own number of students/ but if you need the school district to provide tools for the purpose, you accept a reasonable amount of students from them as well. The past requirements for "brick and mortar buildings or any other such immaterial action, as a requirement to an education/ is a blatant lie and shall be discontinued forever". A storm shelter may or may not be required by parents/ parents rule, but parents also pay for this. Arguments as to safety are irrelevant beyond a simple storm shelter and common business safety attire. There will be an extensive emphasis upon physical fitness/ relationships/ the requirements of life (including medicine and doctor related skills), and the abilities required to be happy individuals within society. The "money" comes from the college funds no longer necessary! The work day is now the same as business, the vacation schedule equivalent to business.

The abandoned child or adult exists as a refugee from the war against fears!

The consequence of fear establishes EVERY abuse & derivative or power that claims the life of people in "lost love" positions/ the reality of personal strife as it lingers & confuses the mind, becomes the basis of fear, and thereby the eventual questions of hatred. Violence as assigned by fear strikes out "at the enemy" to exclaim "stay away from me", until that enemy consumes the soul and becomes the visible expression of a hatred which has achieved "a surrender within humanity". This is for lack of a better expression, "devil". This illustration identifies religious qualifications to the reality of life, and as such lacks substance within the terms of simple human problems. The reality is FEAR HAS DEFEATED that one. Therefore "the time for living" now exists only as the darkness of an energy "without a life", to guide or comfort, or control the reality of living. PRAY, that this is not you.

Our relationship as society, as humanity, as a life to life creation, and A MIRACLE, are ALL completely dependent upon "our lack of fear". The critical reality of society, of humanity IS THEN LOVE!

LOVE IS THE BLESSING OF LIFE/ fear is the curse of life: and your life is held within this balance by the decisions you make. The question begins: WHY is fear allowed/ to what degree could it impact a NECESSARY knowledge, in relation to the damage it actually does?

The answer assert: LIVING IS NOT, the simple & easy experience humanity believes it to be! This is "the evidence associated with pain & fears/ the conclusion which exists because of them". Therefore IF the freedom of energy (the existence of life beyond your physical experience) IS DANGEROUS, WHY would we want this?

This answer grasps the reality of truths that compliment our lives & translates discipline, order, & peace into the relationships that we recognize as LOVE! Love therefore allows by its true definitions, an environment without fears/ governed by truth/ & complimented by peace to establish our lives in harmony with our "universe". Fear CANNOT come here! Therefore love lives/ & fear dies!

The foundation of freedom is the RIGHT to decide! Therefore to experience energy & freedom is to encounter the reality of that energy & choose. Destiny exists within this, your choice. Again, loves lives/ fear dies. Here the physics of life, as a destiny conceived as energy ASK: HOW can we be life, and energy, and not mass?

This question crosses MANY boundaries/ which will NEVER be discussed here on earth! The relationship it presents with your death, also presents powers to consume you! Therefore the question is modified to ASK: please explain the dimensions of an identify conceived by energy but BUILT by life?

This answer allows the composition called thought to create expressions called LIFE/ just as thought (the true existence of your life) is NOT a mass, but an association with energy. Energy establishes the thought, which then sustains its borders and controls its functions. LIFE is then your distinct participation in these boundaries, and in this freedom to control. Love establishes the strength & courage required to sustain an Identity created as energy/ love allows a joined relationship where harmony extends love to encompass new & different environments.

WE EXIST AS THOUGHT, not simply as bodies!

A rock has mass/ you are not a rock; without recognition, participation, freedom, choice, HONOR, RESPECT, & LOVE, you would be little more than "a rock". Therefore these 7 dimensions of the soul exist to transform you: into the living creation of your destiny/ fear dies!

There are NO measurements, BUT there are levels/ steps established throughout every dimension. These levels exist as your relationship in "harmony", to these places which you may go, and NOT exceed your own definitions of fear/ fear dies. Therefore freedom allows your discipline to exist as your RESPONSIBILITY! And life compliments the order of your responsibility with FRIENDSHIP! These are the very basic expressions of a "living" created by thought and expressed by energy. Love asks: do YOU wish to be encompassed as life itself? The difference is: LIVING is an experience, LIFE is a relationship with all "things". Happiness and JOY reside in both, and as both/ LIFE adds, "everything else"!

The question arises: WHY would we not be provided with every proof, & every possibility from the beginning of our lives to its ending as a body of time?

The answer replies: read the book of Genesis in the bible, and you will recognize a "personal relationship" WAS established in our beginning as humanity. Humanity become enticed by the possibilities, and began planning HOW to "be god", themselves/ (has anything really changed?) This reality removed "humanity" from a personal relationship. The consequence of separation became the proof of abilities they did possess, and as a result the EASE of their lives DEVALUED, "the possession of their souls" and they became BORED, INTOXICATED BY SEX, & VERY ARROGANT!

GOD destroyed all, but a small family.

Humanity began again, in a world of realities & truths which WOULD teach them, "the value of their life". Humanity again sought EASE, and then power over others, BUT A FEW would understand the possibilities and turn to LOVE, to RESPECT, and to GOD!

JESUS came to explain "to the rest", that WE ARE LOVED, and destiny would allow eternity through, "the MERCY of that LOVE"!

Therefore only those who BELIEVE can become invited, because only those who believe TRULY ACCEPT that life itself is our treasure, and love is our answer.

The world quickly approaches "an arrogance, a devaluation of life, and a complete DISRESPECT for GOD"/ IF humanity refuses to learn, then humanity dies! This time to extinction (these are, very sad words). PRAY, BELIEVE, AND DO YOUR BEST!

The severity of that end REQUIRES an alternate discussion, illuminating the basis of boredom, the transgression of ease, and the collapse of love as "arrogance/ then pride, then hatred, & then war". These human truths have been discussed, HOWEVER the reality dictates, "again"!

BOREDOM IS s clear & certain barrier to friendship/ instead of being open & considerate, instead of being polite & kind & helpful/ boredom seeks "to be entertained/ WHAT can you do for me"? this becomes the predecessor of all human emotion, the subsequent ruler of jealousy and tempers, AND the formation of barriers used to close society and life OUT. All because YOU are too lazy to participate.

EASE or the expectation of being "king or queen" illustrates the assertion of power/ as it displaces friendship, power seeks to control the various choices which others make/ thereby breeding LUST, GREED, TEMPTATION, & PRIDE. Ease therefore assembles the "parts and pieces" of the following demand: GIVE ME, what I want! This demand establishes an arrogance over love, "as if it had NO place in life at all". Then pride becomes powerful in the presence of arrogance and commits HATRED, "you didn't do what I want"! That hatred in direct confrontation with other people, & their hatreds will then become war.

The critical acceptance of a life without boredom, then seeks to understand WHY do people turn away from friendship?

The answer is: "hinged like a door" it swings open or closed dependent upon who "is knocking". The question: WHO ARE YOU? The answer explains life "on both sides of the door". Love answers with love/ hatred with temptation or control. The human dilemma; who is acceptably true? LIARS make this fact of life, as difficult as possible/ therefore failures occur and power, hatred and control enter within; MANY people surrender their love, but MOST "hide it away" so as to "keep it from being stolen". Those who do not hide away their love, give courage to others, and they return to a life of love, as best they can. Therefore the underlying cause of boredom "are the lies that destroy friendships"! YOU CAN stop this if you choose to!

Your relationship with EASE, establishes the critical link, that lies place upon our lives. Discovering that "people cannot all be trusted", the SEARCH begins; for something more reliable. Religions occur to fill this void, they begin by asserting "THERE ARE RULES". And they end by claiming the rules are delivered to us, "by means which we cannot touch, & being which we cannot control". Therefore we MUST obey these rules, or the consequence of failure is "a hell" of some type.

Here the question created by this statement with regard to my own discussions and represented as a warning established through my "hand" to you by "the lessons taught to me within the miracle of my own existence and by the GRACE OF GOD! Are then subjected to the test of a religion: are these rules or warnings? They are warnings. Do they require your participation? NO, you are free to murder yourselves if you so desire. Do they require you to believe? NO, you are free to die even eternally. Do the warnings exhibit a consequence to your behaviors? YES they do, just like all other physical relationships, an action will generate a reaction. Does the evidence support the words as fact based upon reality? YES it does, study the details and ask questions. Do the "religious aspects" of this lawsuit or discussion or warning constitute an attempt to lead or obtain power in any context over you or anyone? NO IT DOES NOT! And so on!

Therefore by critical deduction a lie, transforms society by destroying confidence in freedom & liberty and establishing RULES AND CONDEMNATION. Humanity faced with these realities begins the journey which confronts each one with love or hate. Therefore asking the questions WHY, and then WHO AM I. Here begins the sudden & critical step IF I am judged "to hell" then why should I care/ what would it comfort me to share/ & I MUST hurry, if I want pleasure in my life. The internal war begins: to stop and SEEK MERCY/ to ask for guidance, and accept truth/ to KNOCK through PRAYER, and the miracle of life as RESPECT , and then ask for FORGIVENESS! Each of these is a declaration of HONESTY: that we DO NOT know, from where our lives became life or body/ therefore we must ask! This is a CHOICE.

Every choice creates a consequence, therefore every choice involves a courage. When you fail, humiliation teaches "life does not belong to you/ you did not create it". When love invites you, an understanding of family is created in you PRAISE GOD!


The alternative to courage is, a frantic expression of WANT, as it explodes in a series of betrayals, & culminates in the expressions of excess & wanton disregard for life and property. These then become a battle of words & actions which always result in the reactions of war. Pride plays a very important part in each of these results.

Amid all these human truths, the possibilities of fear & pain traverse the experience of living with the reality of dying. Therein humanity learns: "that goals are transient, & shall be surrendered/ that life is BLESSED BY LOVE, beyond all expectation/ that only TRUTH matters in the end; and that GOD DOES RULE THIS UNIVERSE. The cost of staying alive is thereby to quit lying/ quit being lazy in life/ let TRUTH and reality lead/ & accept the MIRACLE that exists as your life and RESPECT LIFE, AND OUR CREATOR!

If you do these/ you WILL do the rest of what is necessary. If you do not, then ALL evidence correctly points to extinction; within 30 years!

This is a warning/ BUT NOT a threat! As that would indicate some type of participation by me: instead reality threatens you, and truth agrees with the time declared.

UNDERSTANDING is critical to eliminating fears, and establishing structures which can withstand time and even eternity/ therefore the conclusion of this trial is developed within the definitions of social inequalities, as a method capable of introducing change and the relationships which they cause.

The simple truth, "that looks do matter/ behaviors create consequences/ and people do form groups for the purpose of control." These are assembled into the most basic of variables consisting of identifiable foundations which can then be viewed by conceptual review of the possibilities. Do NOT expand these simple variables into designs and judgments, instead consider the complexity of life itself and ask yourself: WHY do you need encouragement to BELIEVE IN GOD?

We begin, reality as applied to social distinctions, expects 3 separate forms of applied expectations to govern the basic interactions of people, and judgments occur simply because of anticipated results. Society means: the decision to live among the others, to be affected by them, and to realize YOU as well will affect their life, by the choices you make. There is considerable ignorance regarding the responsibility of each citizen to society, therefore the following seeks to address relationships and the reality of simple truths, intending to create an honest respect for life. The influences of people upon one another may simply be translated as follows: revenge translates to MORE revenge/ arrogance & pride develop into "winners & losers" instead of honesty & courage/ power becomes the "measurement of life, the destruction of values, the poverty of loneliness/ greed fills the VOID, by mistaking possessions & luxuries for happiness/ lust completes the picture by altering selfishness as sex, into a drug, that can be USED rather than RESPECTED! To aggravate these truths, the media has developed to exploit the various weaknesses of humanity for prides & powers/ fears are added "to herd the opinions held" & news exists to verify "the problems of humanity" have not gone away; fear them. This is society at large, sprinkled with the various personality characteristics that are NOT "easily confused, controlled, or educated (whether they are right or wrong, does not matter)""

The question then considers how are the most basic truths of society REFINED to express the HONOR OF LIFE, rather than the moments of selfishness? This question asserts, that selfishness does rule the reality of humanity and ponders the simpler question; WHY does selfishness become confused with honor? WHY does selfishness become success?

The answers selfishness produces an immediate reward, "like food or sex"/ NO waiting, applies this process to definitions of "I am better than you".

HONOR the opposite of selfishness, by definition, exists as the understood acceptance of life, as the treasure of living, and the equality of life as the basis reference of living. The relationship of honor to life IS then one of RESPECT!

The reality of immediate reward explains: the truth assigned as our basic reference called FLOW, begins the explanation of human developments as a consideration of math. Flow or the prediction of flow (this is math), is NOT a critical definition of discipline or order, but the existence of flow as it recreates the variation of energies & relationships influenced by that flow. The definition of flow is then comparable to liquid flow, as it defines human consequence. The relationship of human flow to mathematical models exist then according to the "mass of humanity involved". Here the realization of our inherent desire "to stick together (because we need each other) creates "our liquid state". The energy applied IS the preference of society to ascend or descend together. The relationships assigned by ascension are explained by the decisions required to become enlightened, and respectful to all of life (this is happiness). The descent from valued & happy becomes the destruction associated "as a type of rapids/falls" wherein everyone involved is moved or jostled or sucked along. Mathematically the person is either multiplied into compositions of various intensities and then combined by the FORCE of order into disciplined alignment, as the method most suitable to reveal the process and pitfalls of life. OR, a person becomes divided by the various disciplines of the earth and the force of destruction establishes a fundamental fear, that focuses self-preservation into the meanings of darkness (to hide from the truth). It is NOT only useless to describe working mathematical models/ it is dangerous: none will be provided.

The relationship of HONOR to RESPECT, and then to LIFE, is the purpose of LIVING. As these become the relationships which exist into eternity. Whatsoever that can be eternal IS TRUE! There is NOT ANYTHING false, that shall survive eternally/ therefore each & every discussion concerning eternity or its possibility, does rest upon the certain principle, "that only truth matters". The discussion of a relationship is then applied to the exact reality of any situation, and "spun, if you will" to examine and identify compositional details of the various attachments and bonds, held "by the mass". Atomic forces indicate the truths involved. Questions, identify the need to explain atomic forces, as fundamental social influences upon humanity itself. These critical relationships as they exist within primary truths, create the reason basic influence allows a delicate balance to be established due to flow. Therefore a need exists to analyze fundamental flow at an atomic scale.

The simplest flow to be analyzed is electro-magnetic radiation. Density & activity create a disturbance in static resistance by forming a flow of atomic forces/ when these forces are spun, the flow of electrons produce opposite poles, by distributing electron mass according to centrifugal forces/ flow produces opposite poles as a critical dimension of mass and shape (the earth rotates). Atomic force is "too dangerous" to discuss/ therefore only basic considerations will by discussed.

To establish a more useable description, the rotation of the earth provides electron flow (the magnetic field) through centrifugal actions. This rotation moves electron mass/ electron migration toward the fastest area of spin occurs and creates electron pressures. Mass and atomic forces hold the electron movement in direct relation to the mass, & pressure indicates and creates a direction for electron flow. For clarity, because electron DO contain mass, they are influenced by rotation, and as rotating mass these electrons generate pressure and flow. As pressure builds at the equator of the earth whatsoever hemisphere contains the most mass or electron density controls the flows and volume of flow by that mass (in appearance on a globe/ the mass is greater in the north). The consequence of greater northern mass did establish electron flow emanates from the "north-pole artery" and re-enters through the "south-pole porthole" to obtain the magnetic field we know. Passage through the center of the earth, intensifies the electron flux and causes greater pressures to occur.

The atomic signature of humanity explains, that we are very similar in many respects to the concept of electron magnet geometry (as the human experience) in its relation to the earth itself (as life itself). Analysis begins: in the human experience as the presence of circles of conduct or behavior (what has been, tries to be again). The pressures applied create moments of release & freedom (north-pole experience)/ these are certainly tied directly to the life experience (earth/or main mass)/ and the human experience cycles by pressures applied to become a darkness called selfishness & want (south-pole experience)/ wherein the consequence becomes the demand to examine everything inside the life (earth) itself, amidst those things which create "an isolation by fire". This cycle is never ending/ HOWEVER as the human experience is transformed into a TRUE life experience, for those NOT trapped in selfishness & want, the alteration begins as peace and becomes HAPPINESS.

This is a VERY generalized description of basic human environments and does NOT reflect or mirror atomic force at all/ rather this was an attempt to establish some type of understanding. The purpose as a presentation of flow characteristics, & the critical experience of cycles, as it demonstrates the human experience allows us to continue.

Here we may begin with the question of atomic signature without critical resolutions of force. Atomic signature is; the reference given as our response to the functioning forces, integrated into our lives. The body explains mass as an energy composed of physical definitions in continual motion (the heartbeat for instance). Therefore the DRIVEN energy (potential energy in motion/ the body at rest) exists in both a kinetic & potential state where the body is otherwise at rest. LIFE drives the energy (and it IS NOT, open for discussion). The body in motion displays an "electrified state" as it overcomes the barriers created by mass and establishes motion, as the energy which identifies life. The barriers of potential energy (mass at rest) explain; it IS more complex, to attain motion, than to keep a mass in motion/ therefore life is defined by continual energy in motion. The hibernation principle, develops within the critical values of unnecessary motion and are then subject to the rules of the genetic clock. The question of "an electrified state" explains the experience of motion in the physical environment, which alters the atomic equilibrium by the proximity of various reactions in their relation to the density of the atomic structures involved (chemicals). This motion or energy is UNLIKE any other found within the body and it exhibits "a light/shadow/darkness" in its definitions of influence.

Complexity illustrates the conceptual destiny called existence/ complexity will then be assigned as "reflections in mirrors" [NO details provided]! The conceptual argument begins as an experience/ which is then the knowledge & capacity of an environment/ and that reflection is the beginning of mental development. Life as "atomic force" provides the impetus to continue on & expand. Image is the first major understanding, WISDOM is the first inclination of perpetual thought, and the dimensions which create it.

Here begins the basis of mental flow, the variations of desire, & the purpose of reason/ the development of an image IS AN immediate reward! Therefore it does present the definition of selfishness. IF development stops at this simple first boundary, jealousy erupts, as the search (jealousy demands a reason) initiates a descent to find MORE! The "mirrors of images" which initiated with the journey of the past (to get to this moment) are now the detailed "information" which can be manipulated (reason) and control adds that which can remove or extinguish the image stolen. Images are not real/ therefore they cannot represent life for long (they are lies)/ therefore life has been actually stolen to become instead an image. The barrier between living as the image and finding the image to steal is the existence of reality, that governs your life. This reality can be lost in the abyss of lies or carried by pride to the edge of loneliness/ a thirst for power begins here. The ONLY exit from this dimension demand TRUTH/ that you are LIFE, and not simple image! This is the beginning of the second dimension/ where thought participates in the fundamental design of life, & understanding grows to encompass a relationship based within the environment of SOUL. SOUL IS the value of life, as opposed to "the reflections of mirrors". This basic 3rd dimension, wherein SOUL BECOMES ALIVE, and selfishness dies: explains the purpose of life as FREEDOM and the expressions of an experience, without boundaries. The reason for LIFE , allows "that WE ARE CREATED, NOT a random chaos which accidentally became life/ but an ordered discipline. Therefore reason sustains the existence of a CREATOR!

LOVE demonstrates the TRUTH, that life is PRECIOUS! Therefore the building blocks of the 3rd dimension are SOUL, LIFE, FREEDOM, ORDER, DISCIPLINE, CREATION, TRUTH, LOVE, AND HONESTY! These treasures expand the human experience to incorporate a 4th dimension called SPIRIT/ spirit exists in a separated realm, as the interwoven definitions of LIFE, THOUGHT, ETERNITY, and COMMUNICATION within the definitions, "Creation, has left for us to find". RESPECT: the understanding & acceptance realized as the HONOR "of your presence", within this dimension, determines ALL possibilities therein.

The constant battle of the human experience, represents the relationship of human flows or destinies, with the TRUTH, that an individual journey IS REQUIRED!

The consequence of individual recognition (your own), does initiate a reaction from the human flow (society, the group) it is; "together as one, stay in line/ there are rules". That consequence, becomes "selfishness can represent a human success" and honor is asserted as a human "within the group" designation. Therefore the social implication becomes "us or them". These are choices!

The application of these choices, attempts to control the group by demanding rules & laws, & morals sufficient to "pen the others within a group structure"/ thereby the expectation & experience of the group, certify this behavior is to be acceptable or not. Variations slightly beyond the norm are considered to be intrusions upon the group, as an influence NOT prescribed by the group. The demand "to watch for" any aberrant behaviors, demands leadership/ therefore the purpose of control does establish basic formations called governments & these governments become the conflict resolution between being FREE and feeling SECURE/ CAN'T be both. So governments fail, because they can't be both/ governments then seek to solve their problems by transferring the burden to others/ governments seek to spend money they do not control/ governments produce large armies to substantiate "we will control anyway"; and governments are periodically removed; because they cannot fix the basic problem of how to proceed beyond the 1st dimension, because of FEAR.

Truth states you MUST abandon fear, because it interfere in all that can be trust/ only MERCY can invite you, into the destiny you were created to be, and mercy DEMANDS TRUST! People DO understand this as a basic reality/ consequently "they look", for those who appear to be stable, and able to secure "a good life". The emulate them, particularly among the young, and they fear rejection & failure & the instability of those things. All these push pride into arrogance and arrogance, alters EVERY relationship by stealing the sanctity of life, from those who are trampled by the arrogant. Each of these results are predictable, each of these reactions are



To the whole world: PRAY AND BELIEVE!

For me, "just so you know", my life was/ is filled with MANY errors. I have started over so many times, I truly have no idea how many times. This is the basis of my NEED TO LEARN.

Behaviors, not honored b society, have occurred because they teach me clearly/ without the experience, it is impossible to be specific. The reality of my life is VERY simple; "I am a plain man, no frills no accessories, just as life provides for me".

Do NOT "wait for your experts" to decide for you/ they could not even comprehend the lies of evolution. DO NOT "wait for your experts" to proclaim good or bad: they could NOT even comprehend "E=MC squared is not energy/ but merely the formula for kinetic energy, with speed as a constant. It is simply mass in motion produces a predictable reaction.

INSTEAD the realities of life, all your weapons, the crucifixion of life by genetic genocide, and all the rest indicates CLEARLY: you MUST decide as individuals.

The warnings of failure means death; are not meant to make you afraid/ it is simply the truth, and I cannot put such things in non-threatening words.

Revelations in the bible, begins with a messenger. I have been taught, therefore the duty to deliver this message applies to me/ this too, is NOT said for fear or pride or any other influence of power upon you but exist instead; in the certainty of biblical ways.

JESUS WAS NOT, whom the people expected, BUT HE WAS TRUE!

The religious expect "wizardry & grandeur"/ but the book of revelations was written, as best a man of that day, might see and interpret the future as today, and relate it to the people of his time. That does NOT mean you may discard the words or predictions BUT you must seek to understand them within the realities of this day/ as you would expect a person of that time to be able to describe them.

Efforts have been made to determine what is sufficient; to describe a warning and a prediction, that may be considered relevant & worthy in this day. RESPECT FOR LIFE does demand limits! Therefore questions left unanswered, are truly "for your benefit". The question of prediction resemble the parables described in the bible/ therefore be it known, "I have no crystal ball"/ and have been frequently wrong, at "reading the time table of events, in the recent past". That is not to say, I was wrong, rather, at each stage the reality forced a look at a BIGGER picture, until at last EVERY life was involved. The 30 years mentioned is "from the spirit/ if you can hear it", therefore I do regard it as accurate/ not as an ending in 30 years, but as a truth that VERY distinct predictions of the book of revelations SHALL occur within that 30 years. The true ending of life MAY come much sooner, IF that is your choice as humanity.

DO NOT say to yourself "I am safe for 30 years, I will die before then/ IF you DO: then HELL awaits you, for you knew, and did nothing. YOU TOO, are given the DUTY, to defend life! NOW!

A handful among you WILL think to kill me/ therefore you ARE TOLD, that I am NOT "your savior"! MY LIFE BELONGS TO JESUS! Therefore the ending of it, or even its description, is not up to me or you.


Assigned by the critical truths about surviving or dying. Common to the human experience is GLUTTONY/ If there is plenty for this moment, then plenty means of such little value, that "wasting can be a game".

Throughout the world, what has been plentiful is now approaching the edge of rapid annihilation. The ability to process greater amounts HAS resulted in sufficiency for the moment, but soon even poor deposits will no longer exist. Wisdom & specific use, for long term goals & recycling is, your only hope.

The over-fishing to "fill every plate possible with leftover waste"/ the pollution & disregard for the incubators of the sea, as well as ozone depletion & global warming HAS turned the sea into a desolate environment/ NOT yet destroyed BUT severely endangered, because of disruptions in the food chain. You will stop world fishing, for not less than 3 years/ you will begin in earnest "farm fishing".

The demands of 6 BILLION people have allowed genetic mutilation to be introduced as the answer "to all your problems". So far the genetic barriers in place since the beginning of time, have sustained life, & NOT simply surrendered to death, BUT FOR THE MOMENT have encompassed the mutilation and survived. THIS SHALL NOT continue for much longer/ genetic encoding is only a SMALL, but VERY IMPORTANT part of life as body & humanity IN FACT "IS less suited to genetic alterations, than a bunch of monkeys is suited to running a nuclear power plant" the end result CANNOT be in doubt. Only the day is in question! Therefore STOP ALL genetic mutation and agricultural manipulation apart from breeding/ demand a full and accurate accounting of all genetic research/ understand THE CONSEQUENCES of all their LIES/ account for EVERY machine, & every chemical used in these processes/ and VOTE upon whether your lives, even the life of all the earth, is in fact, worth this TREMENDOUS GAMBLE.

The pollution & flagrant destruction of ALL the basic realities of life MUST STOP, because they are truly at maximum levels. IF you fail, you die.

Each of these and so much more has engineered the human dimensions of this day/ therefore to discard them MEANS, to discard the realities that have been chosen by social humanity. Governments/ scientists/ & business WILL ALL SCREAM NO!!!!! this is their power! Society itself WILL SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!! This is their livelihood & the expectations called their future! Therefore ALL that stands between you and the reality of your ways is TRUTH, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM, HONESTY, RESPECT, & PRAYER! Everything the human dimension currently has attained was built from the VERY SIMPLE intent: "we WILL take whatever we want/ the consequences BE DAMNED". This is leadership in action (because it solved the problem, & the people did NOT want to accept any responsibility.)

YOUR CRISIS is coming quickly, the truth says that we are 6 BILLION people. Think of this in terms of "one meal @ one pound of food times 3 meals a day times 6 billion people is 18 billion pounds of food a DAY! Or 6.57 trillion pounds a year of food! Every year! In less than 20 years, population growth will probably exceed 7 .3 billion people; YOU WILL STARVE!

Your leaders will tell you "genetics are the solution"/ IN TRUTH genetic manipulation IS going to be your extinction. Consider A.I.D.S. a small genetic abnormality/ millions dead/ millions infected/ NO cure. Almost certainly caused by genetic manipulations, CERTAINLY only the smallest evidence of what is to come: do you want MORE?

Your leadership tells you whatever you DO want to hear, as the majority. Therefore the people DO rule/ until weapons & warriors without honor, are able to control them. Then anarchy starts, because control fuels jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed's & lusts and power always becomes a destruction of basic values. For this reason ONLY TRUTH can lead/ NOTHING ELSE WILL DO.

The result of change WILL be: you will share & care for each other or you will fight & die. You will experience and share some small hunger, because of your excesses OR you will be starving in a very short time. You WILL stop genetics or "UNBELIEVABLE" TRAGEDY will soon greet your every footstep. You will learn quickly, the earth is NOT your "playpen" and FINALLY GROW UP or want will hunt you down, "like a lion upon a mouse". YOU WILL CHANGE and accept RESPECT for life, as the MIRACLE IT IS, or you will be abandoned, & nuclear war, with every other "savior weapon" you have built WILL come calling for YOU!


You may cast the choice aside/ wherein the predictions based upon the evidence & truth which YOU CAN understand are simply accepted and reality will prove.

You may believe "we will do just a little bit"/ wherein the predictions based upon the evidence and truth, which YOU DO understand are only slightly delayed.

You may believe, that if you kill me, these things will go away/ THIS IS A FOOL'S DREAM/ but the choice to "hide your head in the sand, & hope the reality is simply a dream as well.

You may be angry WITH GOD, that all your plans are ruined, and your money is gone! IF you do wish "to war against THE CREATOR OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE", THEN you will get your wish; this is a clear & certain promise.

You may believe, "this is a bad dream & it will go away". But if you do, REALITY WILL TEACH YOU TRUTH.

YOU will not "follow me"/ you must search for truth, RESPECT THE TRUTH, and allow truth within reality to govern the method and the way! PRAYER IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!

YOUR CHOICE IS to use your mind to live, OR allow your want & selfishness to kill you. YOU do not have a choice beyond this one/ believe or do not believe/ the evidence, viewed within truth, agrees with me.

Remember the simple words: truth doesn't care what you think or feel, it does not hear your tears or feel your pain, it has NO mercy and NO SYMPATHY at all/ truth applies the reality, to the energy & demands the outcome. ONLY wisdom can change or alter this outcome, therefore you must be WISE.

Understand me clearly: "I CANNOT save you"! no one has that power, PRAYER ALONE IS your answer/ not temptations or demands, BUT RESPECT committed with love, to honesty & honor & life.

I can help you/ BUT I do belong to


Therefore do not come to me/ GO to JESUS HIMSELF!

Here, pride & arrogance will demand to ridicule, to call you fool, to "take over, because you have lost your mind". LEAVE THEM ALONE! Do not defend GOD, he doesn't need you!

YOU either belong through MERCY to ETERNITY or you have refused to belong to eternity through mercy.


It is necessary to explain the "messenger of revelations", therefore the description starting at verse 13 (this is the messenger) is as follows. The robe indicates a lack of detail regarding this particular man/ the gold sash indicates he carries something of importance/ descriptions of the head indicate "a cleanliness", while the eyes depict a very serious mind. Verse 15 reveals his place upon the earth during this time will be "above the anger" or more clearly many will assume & assert all these problems were merely the means to upset people unnecessarily/ the voice represents power being lost, from the human governments and other places of power. Verse 16 is about the information revealed, they are mysteries which humanity has long desired knowledge of. The sword is a "tongue or mental ability" which can defend itself from the human onslaught. The face represents "a messenger from GOD HIMSELF! Verse 17 is about fear & the coming of the end of time [YOU CAN REPENT INSTEAD], the hand describes a gentle soul, the first means "first to enter the 5th dimension, as a man, where thought, as the essence of life, gives birth to eternity. The last means no other human shall enter here, while alive in this world. It is a unique gift." The keys of death & hades are the words given to you, that you may choose between life & hell & death; these words.

DO NOT expect to test me/ DO NOT expect an immortality of this body/ DO NOT expect me to defend every word, these things shall not be. Instead understand the words given to you, throughout the years, DO indicate a level of thought, not seen in humanity before. Whether you agree with the words or not, the conceptual realities of thought do exist within them. The message provided to you of life or death, IS THE ONLY IMPORTANT part, that message is RESPECT & UNDERSTAND, share & care, or die. The evidence provided is YOUR PARTICIPATION in determining the outcome of your lives/ MORE will be added by members of society, until there can remain NO doubt at all. It is then, in your repentance and desire to change or your arrogance & blatant pride & selfishness, that the direction upon which life shall live or die WILL be decided. There are many possibilities, but not for nations or even continents/ "we the people" of the world shall determine the fate of this world, because what you as an individual decides times 6 billion more decisions, is the reality of the world. Truth says: change or be consumed.

One final word on death, it is the ending of the body/ your SOUL, an energy which can and does "turn dust into humanity" DOES extend beyond this simple life. Do you understand energy? Do you believe we are somehow batteries? Do you still believe 6 billion individual instructions are just a random coincidence? Do you understand LIFE? Eternity awaits your answer to these questions and VERY MANY MORE.

Do NOT say to yourselves "let us go now", rather remember ALL whom you would leave behind, remember also that it is your duty, to do what you have been prepared by GOD to do.


This lawsuit is then divided into 3 parts; the simple understanding of evidence and truth, the simple compilation of facts into a predictable future, & the simple truth that humanity MUST confront itself and decide whether to live or to murder itself and face extinction. YOU MUST CHOOSE!

These are NOT small issues/ these are NOT about any individual including me/ majority will rule the outcome, as the world itself: these ARE then, about the critical reality "we the people DO rule the world", not as leaders or nations, but as the truth that defines our ways, the hope that participates in our lives, and the reality that destinies are earned NOT simply provided.

The "religious" aspects applied to this lawsuit confirm rather than control the various destinies before us/ therefore as a witness, they are included. The interpretation of revelations IS UNDERSTANDABLE, it does "fit this moment in time", and therefore in the questions of life & death, a prophecy almost 2000 years old, that could NOT be applied or understood at any other moment in history, DOES become a witness either to you or against you.

The other applications confronting the government & "so-called science" position of evolution, CLEARLY DEMAND: show me your PROOF!

Therefore they do stand, in this legal trial, as "sufficient, based upon the reality of evolution" to stand before any court of law and demand RESPECT. The RIGHT to DEMAND an end to the crucifixion of life itself, by genetic mutilation IS DISTINCTLY A RIGHT OF TRIAL. Therefore prove the right of evolution is nothing more than a LIE, or STOP everything associated with evolution including genetics, global warming, and the manipulation of children into the lies of your own deceit.


This is then the substance of the lawsuit; that sufficient evidence exists "to see the future"/ that sufficient evidence exists to recognize important truths/ that we ARE choosing the destiny of ALL life, RIGHT NOW!

The meaning of this day is then simple/ you can hide from reality or pretend it doesn't exist or even blame me for the decisions you don't want to make/ BUT TRUTH DETERMINES EVERYTHING, BECAUSE ALL LIES DO DIE!

The reality of economic control, is again approached as a necessary burden, to establish all apparent and simple aspects of a realistic life. When access is gained, the truth says; competition shall grow (this is the bane of all business, the primary activity of business is "to keep the competition just right/ not to much for me, at maximum pricing"). The result of all legitimate competition is equality, the result of a people with many more human resources, for helping themselves is an independence, that freedom makes a happy people. The burden that comes with access is then "the truth, that people WANT to be more than the others". This reality assumes & confirms, that some shall work very hard for very little extra gain, while others will gamble because they want ease and more pride, still others will plot & plan & swindle because they view you of little worth. Therefore the true test of any society IS: can you encourage these people to appreciate their lives? LIFE is not work! LIFE is the possibilities born of order & discipline. Order says: to belong within the composition of social structures means to accept HARMONY as the basis of your actions/ therefore it is necessary to understand the needs of all people and react properly; and it is important to justify the bonds which strengthen our lives together. Discipline says: to accept the responsibility of social participation means to appreciate the blessing of what we do for each other and participate in the fulfillment of LIFE, as best we can. Birth says: the miracle of life within us all (are you alive) EXPANDS "moments" into love, and life responds beyond the knowledge of simple self, to become family.

The failure to RESPECT your life (the MIRACLE that you are/ the MIRACLE of your world) means you "have chosen something else". More simply: you have turned against your life & chosen WANT. From want, life is depicted as "have or have not"/ from here gluttony (I crave all that I can get)/ from here pride (winner or loser) / from here to arrogance (you are nothing compared to me)/ to hatred (I will not accept you) to power (you MUST do, whatever I say) to death (dust is all you have been). This is the basic descent from life to death, a passage into eternity which reflects only the existence of yourself/ a wall of separation where you shall be "your only god, to yourself": eternity replies, "since you are god, build your own universe, sustain your own existence, & live in the covetous reality of your own desire. In contrast to this, humanity expects "lights out, dead is dead, nothing left"! The immediate question is then; what is true?

This answer relies upon thought, & the existence of wisdom, as it explains eternity in the understanding of life! Thought is the expansion of reality into its every conceivable dimension. Wisdom applies this reality to the distinctions of home & family & very specific desire. The reality of life then translates each dimension of its existence as a NEW birth & a NEW relationship, within the expressions of an expansion of that life, to a reality that conceives or new & different meanings. Time is the first dimension/ it exists in the developments of action & reaction but cannot conceive of eternity because energy & destruction PROVE eternity does not exist (destruction & dissipation ARE the perceived reasons)! Time ends, is the distinct reference/ and destruction follows.

The second dimension of life, or more clearly the introduction of perceptions based upon an identity of recognized as isolated from the body itself, is a separation from time establishing the initial process of thought. Thought explains the expansion of life from the simplicity of time, to the boundaries of possibility that include the definitions of MIRACLE!

The third dimension of life, is SOUL! Where the identity we have chosen to become, is granted the concepts & responsibility of FREEDOM, & the opportunity to search beyond ourselves, within the relationships of time & miracle & life.

The fourth dimension is SPIRIT, wherein the quest for answers HAS GIVEN us a relationship with CREATION itself. WE are now woven into the fabric of eternity, "as if we were always destined to be here". Isolation has ended, & WE ARE JOINED within an expansion of life, that can ONLY be accepted, not understood.

The fifth dimension is THOUGHT it is here that MIRACLE begins to be revealed! Time & destruction both pass away and reality becomes a "place defined/ an understanding exists within us".

There are at least 7 dimensions, within the grasp of our lives/ eternity is a composition of EACH dimension, it is conceived most simply as: the wonder & majesty of an EXPERIENCE explained as "the universe itself"/ the OPPORTUNITY of life, to PARTICIPATE/ & the LIBERTY to encounter "enegy"( to understand the ORDER of its ways, & DISCIPLINE our relationship with "enegy", in the ways of truth!

"enegy, is an energy so extreme, no reaction can exist to it".

LIFE is then: the realization of these basis truths and the joy of participating as family, within the HONOR OF RESPECT!


(if you fail respect, you WILL encounter HELL, or it appendages)

There are many who will say, "this is NO proof of eternity"! They are correct/ ONLY eternity can prove of its existence/ therefore only your death can become the absolute, that you propose. Death is the ending of your participation in time, therefore the beginning of your eternity! Whatsoever IS TRUE, for you encounters, WHAT IS TRUE OF LIFE, and there is no turning back.

The explanations that allow, "conceptions of eternity to be born in you, without their actual knowledge" ALSO allow you to question the life that has been GIVEN TO YOU! If you choose "to ask, seek, knock", at the doors of all that life is/ then I will tell you true: JESUS OUR SAVIOR will answer you!

This CLEAR & certainly "religious" assurance explains the fundamental difference between the conceptual reality of thought (an UNDERSTANDING rather than a distinct presence) & the human reality of time & mass (defined by presence, rather than understanding). Our relationship in time constitutes a beginning. Our relationship with "I" constitutes a reality of concepts & decisions & choices. Our relationship with HONESTY chooses the journey of our lives, based upon reason, that conceives our future. Therefore understanding IS THE KEY TO LIFE.

The physical presence of your body DOES NOT constitute a life/ is a house alive, it does have a physical presence? Thought is the essence of life, without thought you truly are "nothing but a rock"! Do you remember genetics, "6 billion Instructions, and that's only the blueprint of the design": instructions and design must be conceived BEFORE your life or the life of ANY living thing can begin. Genetic structure IS disciplined order, conceived of and in perfect harmony with the environment to which it belongs. DO YOU still not understand, the mass you inhabit IS NOT your life, IT IS YOUR GIFT!!!!


Be honest with yourself, and pray.

Be honest with your world, and pray

Be honest with your life, and respect it.

Only because some WILL interpret (find their own meanings) RATHER than learn, I add this:

There is little difference between my life & yours. There are NO voices, NO "religious" experiences, only understanding & the appreciation for my own opportunity as life! LEARN AND RESPECT AND UNDERSTAND,





