for the work/ for life on earth

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=     The method throughout all of
university:  is ten thousand people in
ten thousand places, do the same or similar experiments for one million times/
before they come up with even the smallest usable information.  There are NO EXPERIMENTS with atomic fire,
because there has been NO atomic fire created as of yet here on earth.  Fire is noted by its
ability to sustain itself, when fuel is present.  In an atomic fire:  the heat released is from the burning of what
bonds the atoms together.  Which means
everything is fuel.
 Once ignited, an atomic fire never runs out of fuel, until the entire mass explodes.  Likewise, there are NO experiments which prove what is internal to the sun itself/ because there are NO possibilities to see inside, NOR can that situation be re-created here on earth without an atomic fire.  Which makes this a one time only experiment:  and that fact destroys ALL assertion of “we will get it right, one step at a time”!  instead, a fire that cannot be put out, consumes us all.

                                              DUTY SAYS:  

For the work
of saving this world, from its extinction:
I am now telling you, to give a little for
this work
/ let’s call it a dollar, or ten. 
You decide.  Not for me, but to
communicate with this world as is needed, or there is no possibility you will
  nobody will survive, without true change.   WE MUST COMMUNICATE A NEED TO UNDERSTAND THESE THREATS!

 EVERYTHING, I provide is free, and without restriction.  YOU may post it on any website, display it on any forum, claim it (as is consistent with my contribution) on any film festival, or do anything else with the text, content, invention, or whatever I provide.  Some miniscule background material on the videos “is less than mine”/ so these statements do not apply there.  Fighting for a world, does not stop “for incidentals, or the denial of duty”.  The purpose here is entirely based in communicating:  OUR WORLD IS IN DANGER/ nothing else of any public interest,  matters to me.  James Frank Osterbur 9/25/16.


         I do not get paid, all money received will go to the work of identifying what threat must be dealt with, and why.  The reality is, even after all this time:  YOU have done nothing. And that includes not a single penny, so that I could enlarge and continue this work.  So at this time, with the end of this world in sight:   WE, must do something/ or simply surrender to the fact, “humanity simply does not care”.  The cult, cannot be defeated.  In contrast to that, I WELCOME YOU, TO DO SOMETHING,    FOR LIFE!  On your own, with your money, whatever you can legally do:  simple as that.

         Regardless of the fact, that you do nothing/ or more clearly only a tiny few do something.  The reality is:   IF YOU won’t care/ THEN, it is pointless to continue trying to make you understand “this is not a game”.  We all will lose equally, “our world dies”.  Still can’t believe it?  Well, believe this:  ignition of an atomic “sun fire”, which will come.   Because the machines are real!   Turns our world into a sun, UNLESS a ten million degree fire, that obviously burns the bond in atoms:  SIMPLY EXTINGUISHES ITSELF.

         Fusion has already been proven wrong.  By the national ignition facility at Lawrence Livermore laboratories; “they gave up”.   Want to bet your entire world, the next theory “not enough gravity here”:   IS WRONG?   When the fire erupts, there is NO GOING BACK.  Humanity can’t:  nothing can,  extinguish a ten million degree flame/ extending miles high into the atmosphere/ which burns atoms!   Even you “know” that!

         Not a game, life or death for earth

         No second chances.


 EVERYTHING, I provide is free, and without restriction.  YOU may post it on any website, display it on any forum, claim it (as is consistent with my contribution) on any film festival, or do anything else with the text, content, invention, or whatever I provide.  Some miniscule background material on the videos “is less than mine”/ so these statements do not apply there.  Fighting for a world, does not stop “for incidentals, or the denial of duty”.  The purpose here is entirely based in communicating:  OUR WORLD IS IN DANGER/ nothing else of any public interest,  matters to me.  James Frank Osterbur 9/25/16.


Category: Uncategorized

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