past time truth

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Past time for reality to decide, what the future can be;  as allowed by truth!


Aside from all the threats which “university knows everything” has created to destroy our world;  a foundation threat created by people themselves across this world is:  within ten years ANOTHER ONE BILLION PEOPLE, over deaths will be asking “for everything they need and want”. And in less than;  the next decade, another billion, etc.  already one billion go hungry repeatedly. Already the ocean life is nearly extinct/ the water supply is nearly exhausted/ the resources, are being thrown away “for a job, just for today”. And a thousand other tragedies, all of which add up to only one conclusion:  HORROR, WAR, AND HELL are coming. Because there is no possibility at all:  reality can survive the massive human population increase.  After all:  WE EAT LIFE, to survive/ and everything humanity takes; is that much less for the life we need to sustain our own lives:   TO SUSTAIN THEIR LIFE, “so we can then eat them”. There is nothing about this picture, than a brain cannot foresee/ even yours’.  Which means the only method of keeping you delusional enough to be INSANE, and not take steps to stay alive:   is to control and manipulate humanity itself, with propaganda:  established through media. Whose outright zealous worship of:   “university knows everything” is unbounded.  Believe/ believe/ believe/ HOW DARE, you question and NOT simply believe!

But apart from all the mutilation of nature itself, the tragedies of poison by the trillion ton being dumped across this world. The endless fantasies, and countless trillions spent by university on their toys. The tragedy of corruption/ the diseases truly conceived of and instigated, weapons of mass destruction,  and economies broken and dismantled by university greed. Utter failure in every part and every purpose that is to sustain life;  released by university, in their quest to exterminate us all.  The reality is:  WITHOUT THE HUMAN CONTRIBUTION, THAT IS POPULATION CONTROL/ the plague of a university diploma, is just another “nail in your coffins”.  Dead anyway;  indeed, it may well be that igniting atoms on fire, could be more merciful that what will come instead.


So, what is humanity to do;  AGAIN?  The answer of course is, VERY SIMPLE:    PUT LIFE FIRST, for this planet, as it was intended to be/ as NATURE designed. Throw away all the fantasies and delusions;  and return to truth, as the evidence will prove.  Even then, you have gone so far into the sewer, peering today out of the graveyard:  that humanity itself; will be “lucky (we had little to do, with this success)” to survive at all.


The second part of that very simple mandate of putting life first:  comes the truth, particularly with robotics and computers/ THERE WILL NOT, be enough jobs for this humanity. Because there will NOT be enough resources for even a decade more; at the current rate of disposal. That brings you into the garbage dump/ and it means serious amounts of pollution and energy spent to recover small amounts of useful materials.  NOT your savior.

None of that obviously includes the oxygen consumption of humanity which is clearly and without doubt FAR BEYOND what this planet produces. Because of all the fossil fuels being burned (needs oxygen). And we now have a scenario that is critically defined by one single truth:  YOU CANNOT continue to do what you do.

The reality of society,  is then very simple as well.  Every solution possible to reduce transportation OF EVERYTHING that uses fossil fuels for propulsion/ MUST BE USED. Your battery cars are far more polluting than the small gasoline engine/ because the fossil fuel power plant, is not efficient.  Or more simply:  like in the past, tiny villages must be created once more.  So that everything you need, including jobs;  is within walking distance.  Extreme insulation, and limiting size and uses of building;  must be employed to limit heating. Very little if any air-conditioning can be allowed;  because it is the primary cause of global warming/ and you don’t need it, properly designed.

NO MORE urban sprawl/ NO MORE single family dwellings shall be built (high-rise only)/ NO MORE depending upon agricultural practices that are not fully sustainable. NO MORE fishing practices that are not sustainable. THERE WILL be dead human bodies used for “feeding the fish”/ NO MORE feeding the fish close to shore, or in captivity (to keep them healthy)/  so that the living humans can eat. NO MORE artificial intelligence or robotics in warfare of any kind:  BECAUSE THEY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU!  THE LIST is VERY long.

So then the question remains:  WHAT about a job?  Even after all the changes are made/ when we know, there just plain is not enough work to be shared by all;  in the current fashion!  So what then?

The answer is, primarily to be designed by women:  they are different, which does mean they can come up with different answers.  Instead of assigning you something to be used; which is to lead.  It is a certainty, without clear and truthful participation, and a deliberate decision to do what reality and truth alone will allow.  Every solution will fail, regardless of its ability to solve your problems. Therefore ITS YOUR LIFE/ which means, YOU MUST RESOLVE AND ACCEPT YOUR SOLUTION.  Or find another.  How you share/ and what or why you are willing to care:  IS YOUR DECISION.  Failure is your failure.  Success, is your future, because you made that come true.  Did not humanity always want to be “god”? indeed they did/ now you must accept your decision, to follow and worship “university knows”{ had consequences }.  In fifty years, you came from “many possibilities”/ to a very limited few, because the true threat, of extermination:   surrounds us all.  In those fifty years, “university led/ controlled/ manipulated/ chose/ stole/ failed/ deceived/ terrorized/ and betrayed LIFE, NATION, AND WORLD!   SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE, and it will not be defeated.

So now, with no time left to play games;  reality says to every human being alive:   EITHER CHOOSE BETTER FOR LIFE AND LIVING/   OR YOU WILL ALL DIE.  Because that, is exactly where the university diploma’s led you.  Believe it or not is absolutely irrelevant/ because truth does not care. Truth is truth, and it will take the path you chose:  UNLESS it is adequately changed.  Too damn little change, and you die.  Therefore you are cautioned:  err on the side of too much instead, and fight for your world.


Forty years of fighting with you, proves you chose this too:  worshiping university, instead of asking questions or accepting evidence or defending your world, children, etc because the cost of being WRONG was just too damn high!  BEYOND numbers, nearly every single soul chose to take the information that defends our planet:  and BURY IT, “in the backyard” so to speak;   chanting NEVER let me hear of this again. Never let me see it, or ask it, or believe it, or accept the price of it:  because THAT IS JUST TOO DAMN MUCH/ I, won’t do it!  I WANT, WHAT I WANT/ and I don’t want NOTHING else. Period, end of life be damned/ let the children solve this mess.   THE END.

TODAY, your options are over/ playtime for fools has ended:   reality stands at your door, and it will not be betrayed. It is, what you and your leaders made it to be!  Simple and plain.

Not a game.  Never was it a game. The consequences were always clear/ and you refused to hear them, or hated them to the point of delusion:  refusing life has needs. That is your reality.  The future is dead, unless the children force change!  Unless women, who are different than men:  decide to stand up, and make a difference for life.

And every American stands up yelling:  HELL WE ARE RICH/ WE DON’T HAVE TO STAND FOR THIS:   WE HAVE MONEY, so we are safe!

But alas for you:  the university thieves have been counterfeiting for decades. Evidence (assets claimed, for the nation) proves it true. During the last 8 years, inflation has averaged $91,000.00 per each and every American one hundred million strong.  So unless you made more than 91,000 after taxes ($728,000.00 in the bank, over the last eight years: just to stay EVEN)  or, YOU lost that much buying power. You just didn’t know it; because you want the fantasy more than reality.  Reality proves you, ARE POOR;  even if, it was not fair/ that is what your university leaders did! Yet you worshiped them anyway; because you think “they are gods”.  Or more simply;  by the evidence, did you not worship “devil” instead?  Go search for the truth.


Forty years of fighting with you, proves you chose this too:  worshiping university, instead of asking questions or accepting evidence or defending your world, children, etc because the cost of being WRONG was just too damn high!  BEYOND numbers, nearly every single soul chose to take the information that defends our planet:  and BURY IT, “in the backyard” so to speak;   chanting NEVER let me hear of this again. Never let me see it, or ask it, or believe it, or accept the price of it:  because THAT IS JUST TOO DAMN MUCH/ I, won’t do it!  I WANT, WHAT I WANT/ and I don’t want NOTHING else. Period, end of life be damned/ let the children solve this mess.   THE END.

TODAY, your options are over/ playtime for fools has ended:   reality stands at your door, and it will not be betrayed. It is, what you and your leaders made it to be!  Simple and plain.

Not a game.  Never was it a game. The consequences were always clear/ and you refused to hear them, or hated them to the point of delusion:  refusing life has needs. That is your reality.  The future is dead, unless the children force change!  Unless women, who are different than men:  decide to stand up, and make a difference for life.

And every American stands up yelling:  HELL WE ARE RICH/ WE DON’T HAVE TO STAND FOR THIS:   WE HAVE MONEY, so we are safe!

But alas for you:  the university thieves have been counterfeiting for decades. Evidence (assets claimed, for the nation) proves it true. During the last 8 years, inflation has averaged $91,000.00 per each and every American one hundred million strong.  So unless you made more than 91,000 after taxes ($728,000.00 in the bank, over the last eight years: just to stay EVEN)  or, YOU lost that much buying power. You just didn’t know it; because you want the fantasy more than reality.  Reality proves you, ARE POOR;  even if, it was not fair/ that is what your university leaders did! Yet you worshiped them anyway; because you think “they are gods”.  Or more simply;  by the evidence, did you not worship “devil” instead?  Go search for the truth.

Reality demands:  that a clear and true investigation MUST be established, so that what is real/ the consequences of being WRONG/ and the realities we will face, because there is no other choice, in our future:   WITHOUT their damn fantasies.  Are accepted by the vast majority!  Nothing less will do, that cannot be done here in America:   without FIRST AMENDMENT REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.  The place all these failures began.  Therefore you must establish that form of democracy, as its core reality called WE THE PEOPLE OWN THIS NATION/ and we will demand of our employees, “truth and nothing but the truth”. Or we will put you into prison, and throw away the key.  Truth alone will help us survive.

Within that truth, is the truth of man:  when male finds no other solution, to make the others do “what he feels they need to do/ male turns to war” as history proves throughout all of time. That is the answer of men;  and we face in our future, a great many moments with no clear solution:  because of what the university did do, and what they lead other men to do.  Consequently, and because this is the last “gasp of air”, humanity will ever breathe;  if we fail.  WOMEN MUST LEAD, it is their right!  It is also their own duty, because as established:  population control MUST be NO MORE population growth, from here on!  Only women, HAVE THE RIGHT to make these decisions:   BECAUSE IT IS THEIR BODY, that delivers a child!  A vasectomy merely ends sexual intercourse for men;  because it ends chemicals that make sex pleasurable. Ending sex for women in a relationship as well. It is not an answer. When simple male birth controls exist, that will change things. Until then, like it or not;   women bear the burden of population control.  Because even if you castrate a million men:  just one male, can produce an amazing amount of children;  because sperm, and current methods allow it; and women want it (just ask the sperm banks).  Making real birth control impossible with men. They should however bear the burden of paying women, for their solutions.  And everyone says: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT/ DAMN YOU!

But reality says:  say anything you like, because it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever/ to the truth, population control WILL OCCUR and be what is necessary:  or this planet and all its life will go extinct.  Simple and plain, TRUE!  Your want, is garbage.  Life or death: make your decision/ there is no going back! That too, is the truth.

The critical essence of man and woman, is the horror and tragedy called want; along with its pride, these two destroy our world, attack life, disease reality, and corrupt society itself.  Regardless of the cost for being wrong;  both man and woman are a relentless excuse called “I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT & I DON’T WANT nothing but what I WANT”. Throughout the decades I have fought for life and planet called earth;  this is the one clear truth regarding nearly every human being found:  NOTHING MATTERS, BUT WHAT I WANT!  Not evidence/ not consequences/ not truth/ not reality/ not children/ not money/ not life itself, “unless death is knocking at your door”.  Only then can you find “a brain”/ because the universities stole it, or more correctly “you simply gave it to them:  because they demanded with words, fantasies, and delusions; that, we are smarter than you”. Media enforced that endlessly, and told society in every possible way:  “a gun, bomb, etc; (weapon of mass destruction)  is your savior”.

The end result of that, is the monkey of university education rules;  having no conception of life/ the monkey pushes and pulls and tears at the fabric of life itself; so that it can proclaim “I am really a gorilla”. Bigger and meaner and stronger than I appear.  Having destroyed democracy in America, the monkey turned to our world; corrupting everything it could with counterfeit money (inflation that is hidden is counterfeit)/ stealing every single penny americans had made, to throw it away on the singular purpose of a university monkey:  to make toys, and thereby play god. The endless theft of a university diploma (debts which cannot be paid/ which absolutely are known to be so extreme:  NOT EVEN all the money the great grandchildren, could ever earn;  can pay them) IS THEFT. But then we all know: you stole their resources, to assassinate their lives and their world;  so you could sneak out of time, before they knew. Alas what can you expect from people who “eat monkey shit”/ and say NEVER question our “university monkey gods”. And yet all the people say:  NO, NO , NO;    GOD NO/  DON’T MAKE US PAY OUR DEBTS.  We don’t deserve ALL The debts these DAMN monkey brains made! WE CAN’T stand the burden/ WE CAN’T surrender everything we sacrificed our entire lives to earn:  WE JUST CAN’T!  So instead of remaining nothing greater than a university monkey brain, they were eaten by worms (insanity crawling into the cracks and crevices, to destroy foundations called truth).  TO HIDE from truth, the monkeys needed “a great cause”: let us bring the same fire here as is on the sun.  The result for life, will be; causing the next great event in human history, which is turning our world into the gas chambers;  to burn human flesh:   just like Auschwitz/ only making the entire planet that furnace instead. That (more than one) furnace exists, the people are trapped, and we all simply await ignition of “atoms on fire”!  Do I really need to tell you, this entire planet is fuel?      So rejoice all you who wanted a fantasy instead of reality:  your wish to avoid truth and reality;  is ready, “for the fire”.

Does not the university say, “a monkey is your daddy”/ a monkey is your predecessor/ a monkey made you a human by mutilating nature with “we just decided this was better”;  picked a human being right of the shelf. Nothing to it, after all even a monkey was made one piece at a time, from whatever a lower form of life SHIT OUT!  Even a dead brain knows better. Which does make humanity nothing more than a cult;  because you must be religious (question NOTHING/ just BELIEVE), to be so damn dumb as this.  Which truly does make the university diploma   “your god”.   The sun has quit shining in effect upon this earth, because your brain is so dull.  Even so, I leave a candle burning in this night of fools, at the door;  for those who can find their way out of complete stupidity and disgrace. Hope must exist.

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