Such is the reality of failure and fools/ rebels and traitors committing treason against us.  They want “your soul”/ and it takes a religion to do that, “so they don’t tell you all their failures, they don’t show the majority of, lazy worthless lives revealed”.  Only the occasional trophy (which they may or may not have stolen from someone else), that does not make our lives better/  “only your toys”.
The realities of fighting for rights already owned, by the citizens of this USA/ GRANTED BY the US constitutional agreement that is our government: is failure.   By Our employees!  They ARE NOT “the government”/ they are employees, in open rebellion against us.  The primary leaders SWORE OATHS, that grant punishment for failure: defying the entire people of this USA, and their true government/   “has costs and penalties”!  IS THAT not so?  The foundation of every fight, every demand “for our rights, thereby claiming JUSTICE”: IS, to understand why we can claim ownership of that right, and declare for ourselves what is justice.  That ownership is called DEMOCRACY.  That democracy is defined by constitutional law and intent.  That intent is declared in the preamble of the US constitution:    READ IT.
These are the purposes and declarations, of a nation defined as THIS UNITED STATES.  The command given to our employees;   the oath sworn to obey, as the purpose of our lives and our union is.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The rest merely presents a framework within which our employees are to operate and preform the various functions and duties which we have given them.  The most serious in terms of society is: article 3, section one “..the judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior..”
Which means anything less than “good behavior; staying within the bounds and framework of constitutional intent”, REQUIRES that they be thrown out, and/or punished or imprisoned as the law called justice defines.   Justice is: the earned (rewarded or punished) acceptance of what truth demands.  Truth is the essence or elemental foundation that made this happen.
To deny us our democracy, our guaranteed rights, our work or our lives are equal: TO DESTROY foundations that give sanctity and truth to the saying, “YOU CANNOT gamble with our lives, our NATURE, or our planet WITHOUT our informed and true permission”.   Is treason!

         You have everything you need, except time; that is quickly running out for this entire world.  You can do the best you can, and change this world:   to methods and realities and respect as is required for life to survive, and even thrive again.  But you CANNOT have what you want most: “just leave me alone/ and give me everything I could ever want; for free”.  We are 7 billion people and growing at 2 million more each week;  THE WORLD has changed, because of that fact.  We ARE threatened with extinction, it is not a game; and every child, every living thing depends upon you: to do your best.  It is your responsibility/ or it is your failure that decides the fate of this world.  Do nothing, and every horrible thing will happen.  Wait too long, or do too little; and nothing can stop the death of this world.  Because of what people, and in particular “universities” have chosen to do.  I have done everything required of me, to assist you in understanding these facts.  That means, I have finished this work.  Even though, if you are serious and do not play, I WILL help you keep this world alive, and build for happiness, truth, love, and respect.  A future worth having.

        The foundations of our very lives, the sanctity and safety of our very world/ the planet upon which we depend/ the reality of environment, water, food, and even the air we breathe/ the ocean and all its life; every single living thing is threatened.  And still the people yawn and say, “lets watch tv; because if our propaganda press don’t tell us its true; then how could we be so threatened”.  Still the people ridicule me, laugh, or just run away and hide; because they DON’T want this to be true, and no amount of evidence will give them the courage to face a reality that cannot be defeated without their own, true change.  All say, “I will never follow him/ he is a fool, trying to scare us all”.  But I NEVER asked you to follow or believe:   I demand  only, that you recognize the evidence of university experimentation/ realities of life and planet desecrated;  is a threat, that will make you extinct: THEREFORE INVESTIGATE for yourselves, before it is too late.  Believe, what you own mind can understand.  But you refuse, “just too many wants & too much pride”.  You believe, “university knows”/ even though the threat is absolutely obvious; as is mutilation of life/ bringing the same fire here as is on the sun; and much more.
So then we come to the last days, the time sacred:   for one last breathe/ one last look at the scared relationship we all share with nature;   a disciplined, balanced, prepared, fully functioning body of life;   and this planet:   to say goodbye.   As mutilation will soon take over the entire world of living creatures;   courtesy of your gods’ and their religion “university knows”.  The reality, THEY did this on purpose; nothing more than a yawn and a nap for you.   We come to the last moments, when “university knows” will ignite this world on fire/ and all the earth burns, just like the sun.  (Even that, you could not find the courage to fight against.  Fully knowing what fire is.) We come to the end of all possibility of life, even if you manage to contain that one threat.   Because fantasy and delusion leads, “your gods, the university priests” being consumed by greed, power, want, and so much pride they cannot breathe life; they  are dying, to be in control.   But, Life is not a game/ not a machine/ not a toy. And still you worship them
In these failed states of america;   the reality is, that your military can be defeated with a single gunshot; all done: except for weapons of mass destruction.  Still think they won’t be used?  In these failed states of america; the reality is, that a single incident (and there are many) of “tiny proportions” can wipe out at least one fourth of your economic nation, and cause millions to move/ even though there is no place for them to go; and that means war.  In these failed states of america; the reality is, that with guns in nearly every hand, the day is coming when the bullets will reign, when every mind says “kill them/ before they kill us”.  The biblical prophecy of blood spilled, “to the height of, a horse’s bridle,” will then prove true; as everyone is considered an enemy; fear grips all.  Once the bullets begin, it will grow like fire.  In these failed states of america; the reality is, you fear your “government employees”/ as they have made rules, and every rule is to gain control, and steal both democracy and freedom; from you.  By removing justice so they can gain power over you.  And still the people say; “I will prepare for civil war”/ because I cannot defeat them, and if I try they will steal everything I have, and NO ONE will help me.  So I REFUSE to be a target.  Fully knowing civil war means you are a target/ most will be killed/ and a majority of the rest mutilated or facing starvation.  But still you won’t work for peace today; because you are afraid.  Won’t fight for your future, because it means you must surrender your want.  Never accepting the truth: this entire planet and every living thing/ everything called “value” is about to go extinct.  Which literally means, there is nothing to fear! And only little to lose. But you are believers, in the religion called “university knows”; they stole your money/ lied continually/ sold your nation/ threaten your world/ and are about to incinerate or assassinate your children.  And still:  You want them to be gods; so they tried, and became fools: knew better/ just wouldn’t stop.  A religion, because you are believers because you want to be, for a few toys, and less trophies; all wrapped up in bribes. Believers, because they hide the truth from you; as all religions do.
If this was for “money”/ humanity would be climbing all over each other for just a chance to participate;  “to be rich”.  Rich simply means, in most cases: “I made the others poor”.  Shame on you.  Won’t fight for your children, because it requires YOU get less/ not more, “trophies and toys”.  Won’t fight for your society, because it means the game of men is over/ the reality of trophies and toys, the PRIDE OF WINNER;   WILL BE destroyed, for the sake of friendship and peace.  So that all will survive and know happiness, working for life:  rather than to play the game of men: “I will rule/ you must obey me”.  Men say, humanity CANNOT lead itself, we CANNOT be free; it would be chaos.  Truth says:   with respect, reality rules itself/ with friendship people are invited to participate in the law that rules their lives/ with peace,   “happiness follows” in grace and harmony;  because there is room for all who desire it honestly.  Do you see the difference?
These are the last days before everything falls over the edge of no return from here/ because that is what the evidence says. If you searched for yourselves, you would know it is true. The reality of human failure is so grievous, that only the grave will be, the only thing that survives for you.  Even then, you won’t be buried. It will be a time of such insanity, a reality of cannibalism and rape (of everything) so extreme, and a consequence of mutilation so horrific; the terrorists of today “will seem like saviors/ kill us please”.  Will, become your chant “make us die”. That is what your cowardice buys.  Or, if you are lucky, before these days are fulfilled;   the earth itself will be destroyed.  So that you die quickly. Before the majority enter eternal torture;   because you chose to kill, or would not protect or defend LIFE ON EARTH.
Nonetheless, I cannot make you work for life.  That is a decision only you can make.  The time allotted for that decision is now coming to a close; your failures are destroying you/ your gods’ and their religion “university knows”;   are going to “melt your brains” into oblivion; can’t think anymore.   All for nothing more, than want and pride.    Shame on you all. 
Your religions cannot save you/ how little, did you, or they do: FOR LIFE!  The answer is “nothing”.  So nothing is what you get.

        As for me;  Discipline demands, that I must stop all activities in defense of this world: so that you CANNOT use me as an excuse anymore.  So that they your leaders, cannot avoid the truth:   these are real and true threats.  “The messenger (me)” which delivers them, is completely irrelevant to that fact/ as is all your want and pride.  Either you choose for life first, and change immediately/ or you die, every conceivable biblical prophecy is about to come true.  Whether you believe that or not/  stops nothing.  What is true decides.  Lies won’t save you.  Simple and plain.   The majority will construct all manner of reason, “why I”;   should be considered “evil/ just trying to make you afraid”.  But I, am NOT a threat/ just one person, that is all; how is that threatening you. Rather, Every threat is a reality that can be found; a consequence of human decisions, that you, or someone else did make.  Therefore it is you, or the university diploma, or the failure of humanity to RESPECT life and planet; that is at fault. They threaten you, and you worship them.   I am just as irrelevant to your decision to work for life or not/ as is your want or pride.  Life is either worth the price TO YOU, or it is not, to you.  Your decision; your truth; your eternity.

        You are now alone, to decide:   if you believe, humanity can be god, or not.  To decide; if your gods called “university knows” can replace the truth.
        To decide, if you can RESPECT LIFE and change for life first; or not?   THAT DOES MEAN: To work for new beginnings in peace, hope, happiness, and love; as truth will allow.
        To decide:   if you will give the rest of humanity the tools, and the information to MAKE THIS DECISION for themselves; particularly regarding all these threats:   or not?      Or accept, the price of refusal is:  FACE ETERNITY IN HADES:It means simply endless torture, because you chose to destroy GOD’S CREATION/ and in absolute evil, you chose that other lives should experience the same.  No choice for them, “balanced is”:   Now, no choice for YOU.
To decide: if all the evidence of extermination is real/ NOT because you are told to believe or disbelieve: but because you know it is, or is not true.   I ask you to investigate.  Your leaders all demand: THEY must NOT know.    The difference is: power.  The reality is:   gambling with every life on earth.  THEREFORE DO YOU AGREE: THAT EVERY LIFE ON EARTH SHALL HAVE ITS SAY/ ITS RIGHT TO BE HEARD, AND MAKE THIS DECISION FOR THEMSELVES;  to let arrogance and insanity risk an entire planet on theories (fusion will put itself out), religious belief’s (as is evolution, we can mutilate anything, even everything):   or NOT?   How about the rest: do you want to die, within the next decade/ next few weeks or months (because they failed):   or not.  It is a simple question.  You are allowed only “yes or no”.  There are NO maybe’s, the end result is:   to fail exterminates, mutilates, or just plain destroys us all.  That is the gamble they now take with your lives/ with everything.  IS IT FAIR?  Make your decision.  Either stop them, or die.
It ain’t a choice, after its too late to change the facts.  We cannot fix fusion.  We cannot fix genetic chaos.  We cannot fix the water or oxygen supply or anything else that is absolutely necessary for us all to survive. Past the point of no return.  Your universities say, “TO HELL WITH YOU”/ IF they are wrong.
They are wrong, and I have proven that, beyond any real need to go farther!  They are wrong; consequently you, your child, your future, everything valued will die.   OR, YOU STOP THEM NOW!   Not a game.  Our reality.
Young or old, sick or not, married, etc NOT AN EXCUSE;  even in prison, you must do whatever you can do.  The planet needs us all.  It is that serious.  Every single day, experiments in fusion/ energies beyond our ability to control or stop them go on.  Every day, the guarantee of fusion which is construction of  the ELI lasers gets closer.  Everyday the mutilation/ the crucifixion of life as nature itself goes on; they bring you birth defects/ pandemic’s/ starvation/ and horrors literally beyond your imagination.  Everyday the realities of tragedy come closer in all aspects of environment, nature, food, air, water, war, extinction of species, ocean life, global warming, ozone depletion and all the rest; each fail a little bit more, every single day.  Not a game.  Past the point of no return, there will be complete collapse of all possibilities called life. That means NO second chances; all life is dead.  That day is NOT long in coming.   It is “up to you”.  I AIN’T, your savior.  You must save yourselves/ because you (humanity itself), ARE the problem.
        Change or die, it is that simple.  So says the evidence, by its truth, and reality.  Life or death of a planet is not so simple as “I want”/ the experimentation  of extreme life ending consequences;   is beyond insane.  Your universities are determined to find a way, to execute us all; by not stopping, not respecting LIFE MUST COME FIRST. Not “trophies and toys”.  They will not stop on their own. We must make them; we must take away their freedoms, their money, and their tools; at a minimum.  Or the day will come, when all life on earth is lost;  entirely because of what they do. This date is 12/ 21/ 12
NOT about religion, nobody wins or loses:  simply life or death of a world.

        I do, wish you well/ but I cannot save you, I cannot make you change;   it is your choice.  This is now YOUR WORK, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY That is YOUR reality. That means it is a reality unchanged, if I die before this is done.  I am irrelevant to this message:   “the world will die, if you don’t change”.  I simply delivered it/ you, are the humanity that must change.  You MUST CHOOSE,    LIFE FIRST, for the planet!   OR, YOU fail, and go extinct.
That is my job done.  While life itself is too important to simply quit:  I am however tired of your disrespect/ completely errant judgment/ endless failure, fantasy, delusions, and insanity.  Your failure to work, or share the burden of fighting for life.  Tired of:  The want that knows nothing else:  than “selfishness”; and a pride that believes life can be a game.  The religious zeal of “university knows”: even though they GAMBLE AN ENTIRE WORLD, ALL ITS NATURE, AND ALL ITS LIFE;   taking NO responsibility for the future.  SHAME ON THEM/ shame on you for letting them.  And that doesn’t even include:  The stealing, the lying, the cheating, THE THREATS of weapons of mass destruction/ and the failure to accept world law!  I am tired of being your crutch (what you think of me/ what you believe about me/ what you fear or accept about me, etc is worthless; because it doesn’t matter), “can’t walk, or work freely for myself/ don’t you see my crutch; it is my excuse.”  I am irrelevant to the threats that will exterminate your lives; and you know it!  I am an excuse, YOU can no longer use.  That becomes true, when I stop writing.  I stop, unless attacked/ or the courts open up.
          GROW UP/ WAKE UP, WORK FOR YOUR LIVES/ FIGHT FOR YOUR WORLD:  or die.    You want an answer for life?  It is your life, “the test” of what would YOU do, with freedom, and responsibility! What will you choose:   love or hate?  Those answers, are your truth, and they do become your identity.

        Change, or receive what you deserve.  Your leaders chose chaos instead of discipline and order, balance and life/ LIES instead of truth: and you let them.  The clock continues “to tick”; everyday, every minute, the realities we need to survive are diminished.  Make up your mind.
Do, whatever you can do.  There IS something you can do/ even if it is just to inform others about these sites, coupled together through

I remind you plainly and simply: if you fail to accept the legal limits required by this work/ you simply create a distraction that then becomes a further delay, in confronting the truth about these threats.  That means even more of life and planet die.   I remind you as well; that male in me found no answer “how to keep this planet alive/ found no method to make you listen: became confronted with the need to stop this now.”  IT IS ONLY, opening the door, “to the spiritual truths” of woman, that changed my direction; and returned me to the law. A reality that occurred, a consequence created which I cannot turn back; from reading Revelation 12 in the bible (I am not, “religious: defined by a need to let life be determined, by a book, an assumption, a belief, or a leader”).  Truth testifies to me/ liars, are a disease.  Nonetheless; initiated by, A question developed from: is this the end of the world or not?  A reality with consequences for me/ but a truth for you that understood, “can’t force them/ they must choose for themselves”.  Time soon ends, if you don’t choose for life.  
Not a game, not a religious statement or belief, just a reality proven by the evidence that is real.
As to democracy itself: a number of leaders have been “gathered together” so that you can see:   who wants to rule you/ instead of be employed by us.  They know, “other names”.  The game, and the participants: “of ruler and slave” can then be found.  What you do with that information is up to you.
As to the book called Revelation in the Bible; the end times are determined by who leads: male or female.  The first part of the book identifies basic realities determined by male leadership.  The second part divided, at Revelation 12, determines what happens if woman leads.  So says the biblical testimony of the book called the Bible, and its prophecy called Revelation. 

        GOD IS GOD, all the evidence/ all the truth of, LIFE, nature and environment prove:   THOUGHT IS HERE.  Because nothing less than thought could build it.  Nothing less than love, hope, and honor would build it: FOR US.   The failure to respect that, is a judgment that says:   we don’t want “our GOD”.  That reality means: then you have chosen, that very thing.
  The elemental reality of a university diploma;  that tries to destroy it all: IS NOT “thought, nor truth”/ it is merely arrogance, want, and pride. A vocal little army so opposed to GOD, and all things connected; that it is impossible to believe “they search for truth”/ simply they do not. They search for power, manipulation, and control. A lie, wrapped up in a desire and demand, to play god as   “SATAN”.   Destroyer of worlds/ because the rest didn’t care enough to stop it.
OR YOU WILL stop all these threats, by choosing both life and truth first!  Because if not, “you’re dead”.  Simple and plain. The foundation of that reality, that prophecy or its judgment by the evidence of our truth:  is NOT the university diploma itself.  Which is merely the evidence of time spent, and memorization completed.  Rather it is want/ arrogance/ pride/ power/ hate/ and greed; that make people decide:   “To play, with the lives of others”.  To pretend, or enforce the violence: “they believe, they can be god”.  It is a disease that exists throughout human society, in all its diversity.  However in this day, the simple truth is that “an occupation army” called the university diploma has taken over leadership of most of this world.  Has become many threats of extinction all on their own.  Has been proven to bankrupt nations, and even a world; because their greed is never enough.  So they counterfeited/ they sold nations/ they stole lives/ and they pretended to be “superior” to justify why, they were allowed to enslave the young, destroy nature itself, and make extinct life on this planet.  That is not superior, it is plain tyranny disguised by numbers, elevated by lies, and traitorous for too many reasons to count.  The masses run to participate, “Make me rich too/ or at least my son or daughter”.  But instead debt drowns you now, and most become slaves instead. You wanted MORE:  but toys and trophies end in the garbage/ resources gone/ a future dead;   all for nothing, but your pride.  Now the future is either much less (for a long time), or forever lost.  The university says, “we are going to die/ we cannot survive; SO I WANT EVERYTHING, NOW”!  That is their excuse, and they are correct: because without true change, no possibility exists for life on earth.  Population growth all by itself insures that completely.  True change is up to you; the demand “live within the boundaries of what this planet can give/ work with life itself on this planet and stop killing it/ stop destroying the environment:   IS, A TRUTH you cannot avoid anymore.”  Cowards run and hide in greed, gluttony, and pride; because they refuse to face reality, and make the decisions required.  Want lies continually, because it seeks and does, “only for me”.
Your children have no real say, they depend upon you:   as of this moment, they have no future, which means you stole their lives, and killed them.  How is that fair?  As of this moment, the university diploma has stolen your lives, and killed you:   because the evidence of their experimentation and failures prove, “can’t survive this”.  They absolutely refuse to give you ANY option or information to make your own choice; for the future.  Which means they have chosen to assign you death, by their own failure.  How is that fair?
Not a game; every threat expressed by the evidence here is real; and there are more.  If you simply surrender, the planet dies very soon.  Every potential horror comes true.
Make your decision to fight for this world;   not with violence, but law and democracy.   “We the people” choose!