reality questioned

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The reality of threats, surrounding us with extinction, makes that so. This message calls you: to prove it isn’t so! Because if you are wrong/ earth dies. So says the evidence, by its truth!

AS IS constant in politics, verbal discussion is irrelevant/ proven worthless in nearly all encounters. Which means the reality of investigation and decision MUST be carried out with a written, disciplined demand for order. That takes every claim, and reduces it to the most simple knowledge base possible: “SUCH AS all people can understand”! When the decision is plain and simple: there shall be a vote!

There is no place to hide/ no second chances.

OUR entire world, is threatened with extinction. Proven sufficiently true, to demand TRIAL.

Only a fool bets with an entire world/ only an idiot or child “hides in the closet of a burning house”.

WAKE UP OR DIE. It is that simple!

Investigate, or be killed with your own ignorance.

We begin again with, a review:

  1. tired of overcrowding”/ don’t want to share: war will fix that? “kill a billion people”/ and today there are still almost 7 billion more to take their place; growing at a rate of 110-120 million more every year. So a war won’t fix anything/ instead, it will merely destroy everything you need to survive. Instead weapons of mass destruction will be used, ending life on earth. So get over it!
  2. NO nation in the world, is poorer (you owe over 153 trillion dollars) than America today; because the “university diploma” ransacked/ raped/ and ravaged this nation to its knees: federal reserve accounting proves that. But they did not do it alone: media propaganda/ leadership fantasies/ religious failures/ the organized crime of a courtroom/ educational brainwashing/ traitors against democracy (we, the employees: are the government)/ extreme public greed (I want mine too)/ and endless “I don’t care” from the majority required it to happen. ETC!

Even so, the reality of being poor (just money) is: one group forced promises from another group which they didn’t deserve/ causing mayhem to erupt. The reality of poverty however is the resources are all gone, and there is no possibility to recover.

  1. EVERYTHING/ EVERY RESOURCE/ EVERY POSSIBILITY, for a future is truly and completely under attack. Soon there will be no options but death, for our world, and every life in it. Because human pressures are that severe. It has taken fifty years to double the population/ to over one person, standing on each acre of agricultural land on the planet. The assault on ocean life is just as severe. The population will double again in less than thirty years, IF IT WERE possible to survive those numbers. IT IS NOT, which means we stand on the precipice of our own extinction.
  2. The “dead meat” of a university brain; decided long ago, that they were not leaving this earth without everything they wanted; and by taking control over the treasury of this USA: they counterfeited everything they wanted/ lying/ cheating/ stealing/ committing treason/ and terrorizing life. Demanding the rest must be slaves. In an effort to survive/ because medical realities have increased human population: extreme experiments exist. All are bad/ not one is less than complete fantasy, and outright “horrifying”. Considered “OK” because we are going to die/ as we are! So they gamble with our entire world, instead of accepting: THERE MUST BE CHANGE, which nobody wants to make. Even so, without true change: THERE IS NO FUTURE. The children are dead.
  3. The courtroom of organized crime, as is consistent with most trials in America today; MUST BE ENDED. No more traitorous acts against democracy/ no more discarding constitutional law/ no more making examples out of anyone: “other than you”. To destroy informed consent, is to attack democracy itself! To refuse the constitution in a courtroom, so as to avoid and destroy its purpose in defending a nation and its people: is anarchy! To allow extreme peddling (nothing matters but me)/ extreme stealing (let the lawyer own the court)/ extreme theft (hell no justice doesn’t matter here)/ extreme corruption: “nothing is fair/ BEG me”. Immunity for the judge, & lawyers; regardless of the crime. Etc 

Instead there must be constitutional law/ democracy in action/ justice without the opinion of the judge/ fair play; and law that matters to life, rather than money rules society. To accomplish that: the court gets publicly graded every single time, and every single trial/ fail the grade, and both lawyer and judge are removed from the legal profession. Trial is necessary to impose penalties on them. There must be laws we all understand/ and limited rules to protect freedom. There must be reality, and a purpose for law which is greater than self: called liberty. None of which is greatly evident in a courtroom today; because the conspiracy of a university diploma is: “we are superior/ we are gods; let the damned be slaves”.

  1. A vote, for someone to vote for me: is a lie/ long past its usefulness! We need very few laws, so that we can enforce them ourselves, with the law we can support and defend in a courtroom for life/ rather than power, corruption, destruction, mayhem, theft, lies, cheating, and rebellion. Which means: WE MUST MAKE THE NEW LAWS, that will then govern our democracy; for ourselves. So that we the people regain the power of our own democracy. That cannot be done without change.
  2. There is no legal or constitutional support for the blatant lie that suggests: I can take everything I want/ with money! Nothing is more ludicrous, or destructive to a nation than that. Money is not a weapon/ money is merely a tool, intended to make life easier. Money is not intended to be an “army invading our lives”/ because the nation itself “makes money” for itself: NOT JUST YOU. Consequently we the people own the money/ not you; and we will do with it as we please/ not you. That in no way means: like a democrat “we want everything we want/ give it to us now”. Nor like a republican “we want money to be our god/ and we won’t care or share”. It means: with limited capitalism (we control the extremes of wealth and poverty; by our recurrent vote), everybody gets a fair opportunity to do for themselves. With currency numbers tied to the population count: WE KNOW, where we stand in relation to our reality as a nation. Stability results. Which means the whore-mongers of greed, are unhappy/ and will always seek to displace peace, with an attack “I WANT more”. So these are constitutional laws; and recurrent votes, to ensure they cannot.
  3. Work is a right, because we must all participate in our own survival, as an individual/ nation/ or world. Therefore nobody is excluded, nobody is excused. Without resources, which means sustain nature and environment in all its ways, INCLUDING stop MOST what you are doing/ and help nature recover for life and a future. The scream is: “we will all die/ can’t live that way”. Well you can’t live for long as you do/ so its a choice: a few more minutes for your fantasies to end/ OR LIFE for the future of this world. One or the other will occur/ both cannot, they are opposites.
  4. When we have food, water, realistic shelter, adequate (not extreme) healthcare, freedom, and opportunities NOT tied to “excessive” money: we have life in society that can be happy. Control over these requires the enforcement of constitutional intent: read the preamble, and accept what is a duty as a nation. Therefrom when these realities are functionally apparent and valued: nobody gets, to act like “god (I can do anything)”. We share the authority by vote! The decisions we share as a society, regarding what is otherwise described as “optional” exist for work and life then come forth. Optional means: WE DON’T have to allow or do this/ because it is not required for life to survive. So its a choice, a freedom, or a right:  a decision that we will all make, as a democracy! But historical reality says: independent male groups will then create armies for the singular purpose of getting what they want (as history proves). They want slaves/ they want everything for themselves: its called power. Another group wants pride: “I am the winner/ YOU are the loser”. Another group wants greed: “mine is not enough/ I will take yours”. These three, are the primary disease infecting every society: do you see the similarity? They want everything for themselves, and you must pay!

    1. Controlling the armies throughout all of history, means: ONLY THE LAW CAN DECIDE!
    2. Controlling the law means: ONLY WE THE PEOPLE SHALL DECIDE.
    3. Controlling the people who refuse to participate in peace or harmony means: NOBODY gets excessive control over anything, particularly resources required by all. That means we the people must own the natural resources, and all resources which affect the majority. But NOT by “government: as in our employees decide”. But by our own vote, respecting the value of work/ the value of people who are honest/ the value of independent decisions which do not harm, but help both society and environment. Etc.
    4. controlling the vote means: INFORMED CONSENT requires the most simple and plain definitions and explanations possible. UNLIKE university chaos, as is the descriptions they create to “use as many big words as possible” to confuse and destroy understanding. Reality states: understanding is based upon key critical components, and a fair and literal assessment of what this means for our future: by the evidence/ NOT a damn theory. Reality explained and expressed by truth known. In ways we all understand. Until that level of information exists: no vote will be taken/ and no profit to any group involved in this question will be allowed. Make it clear, or stop what you are doing, until it is. Intentional Liars shall go to prison/ there own resources confiscated: as a traitor!

  1. Leaders fail! Democracy corrupts itself with power! Money is counterfeited EVERY time the possibility exists. Manipulation is constant. Temptations are the disease, that infects a brain. Pride is the destroyer of peace. Want is the foundation of every lie. Selfishness assumes “I have a right”. Lust doesn’t care, “about you”. And so on. To counteract these failures in humanity

leaders must be replaced with teachers, so that we can all make a decision that we then live for better or worse.

  1. Democracy must give power only to the people themselves/ removing it from the employees as much as is humanly possible.
  2. A politician CANNOT increase the debt/ they can only spend what the people give them. NOR can they increase taxation, ONLY the people can decide that. NO EMPLOYEE can demand inflation, as in increasing the currency supply. More simply: HANDS OFF the money in all ways/ “its ours”, not yours!
  3. Control over all public communication SHALL be exercised. “the free press” shall return to its constitutional roots: which means your job is to inform about all things that matter to life, nation, and world. NO MORE ENTERTAINING. Only what is, or is not important by the evidence. No more mass ownership of media/ rather every individual location shall be completely independent; and those people who provide significant research and informational help to society SHALL be paid. No more “excessive ownership”/ or anything else that detracts from a true society, growing in peace.
  4. NO MORE LIARS, no more using resources that do not fulfill a true and realistic purpose for society. NO MORE DISRESPECT, or manipulation over society in entertainment. No more using mass communication for greed, power, pride, or selfishness: which means, the entire purpose of advertizing SHALL BE, “TO HELP PEOPLE, in support of an honest life/ WITHOUT stealing, cheating, or lies”.
  5. LIFE IS NOT A GAME, therefore any assertion there is, “a trophy” to be won: is considered an opportunity to remind people, with that assertion/ are those who lose. Because you cannot make a winner, without first making someone else a loser. A fan: is someone who says to themselves, “I AM going to win at something/ I have lost too damn much”. But take away the game, and we all remain equal. Equal means, “a right to play”/ not a right to win. Equal means: our choice is simple, “to play” has no real repercussions or rewards. However to make life itself a game, does! To separate humanity into winner or loser, destroys harmony, and should not be done. Games are the opportunity to gather (express understanding)/ socialize (expand knowledge)/ compete (test yourself)/ and meet other people we could expect to meet in any other situation: for life purposes (finding the right person, for marriage or friendship or work), NOT pride/ equal. We are in this together as one world/ because it is the only solution left. WE ARE, “too many people” for any other way. Its the truth.
  6. Everybody wants, when you refuse to learn: life in society is about what everybody needs! The disciplines necessary to achieve and create order/ therefrom acceptance of law: are fundamentally created within the values of sharing (I know you have needs too), caring (I value your contribution to life, and to me), justice (society requires law/ but needs freedom and liberty to survive), and respect (you have a right/ you built a life with honor). Desire means: the value and treasury of our existence, comes from accepting LIFE is not “just time”/ but love and all the relationships in value that prove we are ALIVE.
  7. Selfishness is the blatant tantrum: “I am superior, or even if I am not; I deserve everything I want/ because I am someday going to die: so give it to me NOW”. LIFE ITSELF however is not a body or its mind (measure this). Consequently everything about selfishness, is a lie. Therefore do your best, to be alive (freed, in miracles of existence, we could never have earned or built for ourselves) instead of selfish.
  8. Sex is never a game/ rather it is the critical relationship between male and female that makes life intrinsically more valuable. The potential that is romance, love, honest laughter, and all that is elegant and true to life itself; comes from our interactions as male and female together as one. Therefrom the value of sex, is never truly physical/ but exists only as the intensity of “love shared, with respect”. Value then increases the possibilities of “home”. A vasectomy, removes the chemicals that make men desire sex: proving participation is not only “spiritual (if you can)”/ but physical as well.

  1. By combining all business, and industry into a tiny few conglomerations: the competition is removed. Proving this is just a monopoly on “steroids”. By creating international conglomerations/ trade/ or business: the ability to unionize disappears. By demanding “like unions do”: WAY TOO DAMN MUCH”/ like all thieves, politicians, and especially the university diploma: they destroy nations, while the wealthy destroy a world by combining all wealth into an endless lie, which requires counterfeiting to survive. By controlling the media, courts, education, and elections: the “dead meat” of society infiltrate our lives, and destroy our future. Influencing the world with their fantasies, and proclaiming “its all, the nations’ fault”/ when caught, those who believe they will be caught; scamper like rats. So the question is: how do we return our lives, our world to a life and reality we can survive/ a society, wherein we can be happy and safe?

Business is: the community intent to provide for ourselves, by separating into various efforts which isolate certain types of work, to this individual, group, or other.

  1. Industry is: societies intent to collect, distribute, and use natural or man-made resources in one form or another; for purposes which should or do include us all.
  2. Conglomerates are: hiding the direct intent, to control life and society by lying about the influence only a tiny few people have over life or society.
  3. Monopolies are: the efforts of those who have destroyed their own lives (nothing but work), by choosing to manipulate business for the deliberate purpose of attaining excessive wealth. Steroids are simply a current term asserted by members of society, used for excessive growth.
  4. International conglomerates/ trade agreements are: people employing other nations for the purpose of “union busting”/ and resource devastation. Either for its value to reduce costs, by removing jobs;  or a lack of “governmental influence: TRASH here”. Cheaper goods for those without a job/ does not replace a fair, job for myself.
  5. Trades are: the people of a particular profession, who have managed to collect a tiny few principles or methods which keep the others primarily out. Particularly with the aid of UNREASONABLE “certification: or you can’t work”.
  6. Unions are: the intent of a small or large group to control the competition from all other workers, and thereby control their own wages and conditions. Greed takes over, and then they kill “the goose which laid their golden egg”; so to speak. Nearly every time, greed wins. But without them “thieves take over”.
  7. Most Thieves are: “you owe me/ I have a right”/ even if not a law. Politicians are: “I owe you/ therefore if I steal for you: its OK”; vote for me again! The university diploma is: “I DID, what I was told to do/ PAY ME, like a god”.
  8. The failure of all sides in the current malaise of stupidity, assigned by greed, power, and pride: IS only want and money get to decide! To assemble any other way, REQUIRES that the money is no longer allowed to rule. Which means that want, “the liar released”/ must also be defeated with reality by its truth. No you can’t/ because life needs a better way!

  1. Religion is like the university: we are gods/ we are superior/ we should be the rulers here, of all life; because “we believe”! So when asked what do you believe, all are the same: we believe WHATEVER WE WANT to be true! Actual truth has nothing to do with belief. Which is the appeal of all religion and university: we can fantasize! Nobody can prove us wrong, when we absolutely refuse to believe anything, but what we want! Since want (whether I deserve this or not) is the foundation of every lie/ liars exist.

          Religion is: the disciplines created by various societies, to “put your life back together again”. Therefrom religion establishes order in personal space, and social space by confronting the various levels of corruption with “what you cannot defeat in us”. That having worked, they move on to what we can defeat about you, by proving we CAN GET; whatever we want.

          Religion with more value is: the recognition of love, the relationships which create value, and the respect deserved “even if we don’t know how”, for being recipients of the miracle called life: from a deity we cannot truly know!

          University is: by creating some degree of knowledge, in pursuit of an understanding which gives people control over nature, and more/ the value of change seems superior. Therefore they claim to “be gods”/ because they play with life, changing whatever they can: regardless of the consequences. Such as “medicine makes us gods over life”. Which then immediately turned to medicine makes over-population a catastrophe. Which then caused: “life is dead/ get all you can get”. While maintaining the lie: “we can have whatever we want”/ all we need to do, is lie; steal; cheat; terrorize; control; and pretend.

          We are gods: assumes superiority by changing something/ doesn’t matter what. Superior presents: I changed something/ doesn’t matter what. Ruler presents: do what I say/ regardless of the consequences to you. Because belief means: we CAN expect “great things”/ even if its all a fantasy.


          So we confront belief and fantasy in the same dialogue, are accept the reality: even though you want what you want/ when fantasies create the evidence that our nation is in trouble, and our world is threatened with extinction. THEN YOU MUST DISCARD THAT WANT, and investigate all fantasies: PROVING ONLY TRUTH WILL DECIDE, from this moment forward. As best we can! Because life, needs this to be so! Not a game, no second chances are left. “its live or die for our planet/ and every life, or future life, that could exist.”


            as the saying goes: “you can lead a horse to water/ but you can’t make him drink”. The reality of this work is: even though the evidence proves you MUST accept reality/ people all say, “I only want, what I want”. So the work became a “newspaper”/ and the reality of our existence has become: EITHER CHANGE, or we all die. The proof, is very easy to understand. 

            The extreme problem  is: fantasies WON’T keep any of us alive!


            How DO YOU PROVE THAT, to yourself?

 Look beyond yourself, and let truth decide!

Fight for your world.


And everybody says: “If I change/ or we change”, it means all the anchors I depend upon will come loose/ and I WON’T know how to survive anymore.

BUT REALITY SAYS; if you don’t let truth decide the future, all these lies will destroy this entire world: CHOOSE!



IF THERE IS: anything left to be said. Reality states: this world shall no longer be controlled by force; not policing or armies! Because we are simply too many people to make that work. Or more distinctly: “the stones (things not easily moved)” by which men built and controlled society throughout the world. Have been disassembled by over-population. It won’t work anymore!


ONLY LAW IS LEFT; to achieve a working relationship with human society at all levels of participation: THAT LAW, MUST be simple/ plain/ and effective for justice; proving that fair play is in fact “the choice we made, for each other”.

Anything less is war. With 8 billion people “even one in a million means over 8,000 individuals”.


 OUR FOOD IS, the life or other living creatures and plants, which we sacrifice to sustain ourselves. Once the balance of what nature can create for “our food” tips (can’t do it anymore)/ only cannibalism is left, or world war 3:  with weapons of mass destruction. WE MUST stop the possibilities of world war. We must end weapons of mass destruction. We must make decisions we can survive. We must stop leaders from creating war! By world law.

When we run out of drinking water: only three days, exist to find a replacement: which means you will drink blood. Choices MUST be made.

A dead ocean means: that food supply has ended, for a humanity that already has over 1 billion people “hungry or less than full”. The reality here is: the only food we can spare, is dead human bodies “shredded up, and fed to ocean life”; so they can produce/ so we can eat. Like it or not; reality will not be denied anymore.

Etc/ etc/ etc!


I am not your leader: TRUTH IS!

I am not your enemy: the evidence shall decide.

I am not your scape goat: my choice is clear/ I HAVE fought for this world.


My quest is simply: to sustain life for this planet!

It is not “more complex”.


As with force: time has run out for “believing whatever you want”. Truth demands assistance.


Correct law: is truth decides for the benefit and safety of life!


Decide your future, NOW!

OR IT WILL simply be “too late”.



The rules for changing government are simple:


  1. take control by legal means! That initiates in America with the first amendment redress of grievances. Our legal right as “WE THE PEOPLE”, TO INVESTIGATE, and examine the realities of what our employees have been doing! To consider the penalties we will impose, if their oath of office is not kept.
  2. The investigation of facts MUST be consistent with reality! That would include WHERE THE MONEY IS SPENT/ WHAT WE WERE NOT INFORMED ABOUT/ WHO KEPT the free press (our critical information) from us/ WHY, WAS THE CONSTITUTION FAILED/ WHEN, did theories, experiments, fantasies, failure, counterfeiting, anarchy (the constitution is not allowed in court), betrayal (we are being dispossessed), treason (employees claiming to be our government),  debts beyond reality (CANNOT pay it back) inflation (American currency claimed as assets: equal over $28,000.00 per human face on the planet) BECOME THE RIGHT of an employee to decide?
  3. By examining the refusal to allow INFORMED CONSENT; all forms of money and resource has been spent to idolize and worship evolution as god. Experiments to bring nature into chaos/ and our lives into HORROR. By refusing INFORMED CONSENT experiments which LITERALLY GAMBLE WITH OUR ENTIRE PLANET! Bringing atomic fire here, just like on the sun/ with the same physical result: RISKING EVERYTHING/ every life/ every future life; by the assumption “this sun fire, will just extinguish itself”.
  4. Realities of money/ hidden debts/ counterfeiting & thereby destroying our securities/ throwing this nation into potential economic chaos, etc. Are all forms of betrayal; even when the people want to hide from the truth, and run away from the facts. The future does not exist as a fantasy. The children do not survive, “games, with life/ planet/ nature/ future/ food/ water/ resources/ oxygen/ oceans/ environment/ climate/ chains of life/ ETC.”


  1. SO AFTER the owners demand a hearing and have collected their “charges against our employees and their insurgency”/ and identified who will answer.
  2. The right to make choices for the nation is removed from these leaders: all things are either stopped, for immediate hearing (CAN’T WAIT). OR they remain as they are, to keep the nation stable, by & FOR our choice.
  3. All forms of communication and complete open access, without delay is initiated: controlling media, so that NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH shall be allowed. Nothing but what is important to the nation SHALL be allowed broadcast by any and every claimed “news source”. We own the air, we own the right, this is our democracy not yours/ and we are in trouble now, aided and abetted by propaganda media instilled.
  4. With attention gathered, and the extreme nature of this hearing identified: THE COURTROOM IS CALLED.
  5. We the people ARE JUDGE/ employees do not rule us!
  6. CLEAR, SIMPLE, AND PLAIN is the demand that will be carried out. So that every citizen can either understand, or be told by those who do: exactly what our true situation is. What our future will be. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN EXPERIMENTS OR FANTASIES OR FAILURES OF ALL KINDS:  GO WRONG. The truth as best we can is identified. Every or any liar is punished severely.
  7. The nation itself, then discusses OUR solutions/ and when there is a consensus: by the construction of laws. The reduction of words, until the people themselves can enforce the law in a courtroom/ WITHOUT a lawyer, because WE KNOW what the law is, and its simple enough to understand what must be done.
  8. Then a vote is taken; over fifty percent accepted/ moves the nation for one year. Then another vote is taken, and another, and another: UNTIL YOU GET TO over ninety percent agree, THIS IS OUR CHOICE. This is what our nation will do. No vote that does not exceed the percentage, establishing the last vote which made the ruling enforced; shall have an effect. Nothing shall be changed until you get a higher percentage of the public to vote: CHANGE THIS. After ninety percent is reached, the public may decide for themselves when another vote is necessary. Once every twenty years is advisable, if nothing more than to reintroduce the need for our participation in government and law as a society.
  9. Simple and plain, decides a truth!
  10. Without truth there is no law, or future.
  11. Without the enforcement of law that is FAIR/ there will be no planet or life.


The “easy days” of men will just take whatever they want, are over!

But that means: every decision that does not RESPECT our realities of this day; enlarges death on this planet! FAIL “atomic fire/ mutilation/ oceans/ etc, etc, etc………………………….ETC”, and all will die. Because that, is what your leaders (university knows) chose;

  and you followed, as a cult!


LIFE IS,  not “believing”. Life is learning, acceptance of reality, identifying truth, and living as equals who share a common love and respect: for time.

 Our chance to build for an eternity!

          Every day, people choose with government assistance in various places on earth:  to attempt igniting an atomic fire on this planet “just like the sun”.  Extreme machines have been built;  the universities promise they will ignite that same fire as is on the sun.  WE KNOW that can happen, because the sun proves this reality of energy release by fire;   is so.  Consequently it is prudent and wise to believe “these scientists” shall in fact ignite that fire:  with the tools already built or under construction.  Why would you doubt;  do you not believe in the universities? Of course you do;  simple and plain!

          HOWEVER, although they NEVER say it:  all the people involved in gambling with our planet by bringing a ten million degree fire here;  that obviously burns atomic bonds for fuel is.  THEIR ONLY PLAN:  for how to contain the fire after ignition is “that fire will just extinguish itself”.  Supposedly by their estimation:  not enough gravity here on earth.  Our world lives or dies:  COMPLETELY DEPENDENT upon whether the fire will simply extinguish itself.  Your scientists theorize:  we added fuel and energy to start the fire/ so why shouldn’t the fire go out when we take that fuel and energy away.  Even though they expect to awaken a much greater energy release/ as that is the purpose of the entire experiment;  and what is now probably a trillion dollars spent.  Nearly all with counterfeit American money:  IT DOES MATTER, when you take a bribe, and let traitors do whatever they want, with your money!

          Nonetheless, again what matters is not even the ignition of a ten million degree atomic flame/ BUT WHETHER IT WILL GO OUT!  One look at the sun, says NO!  Same flame/ same result:  NO second chances.

          As you look at the sun, examine it through video:  and ask yourselves, how is this sun fire fed with fuel?  It burns fuel, or its not fire.  We know, that if all the fuel is on fire at once, then there is nothing left once the fuel is gone.  We know that a supernova represents a sun on fire, that is throwing more fuel into the flame:  because it grows.  We know, when the fuel supply of a supernova goes “unstable”/ the next thing is an enormous explosion:  we know then, there must be fuel to explode.  That then produces asteroids, with its outer surface.  

          None of that suggests a fire that can be put out, until the entire sun explodes.  Once your scientists and government intellectuals ignite an atomic fire.  A sun fire, that clearly releases energy, as from atomic energy:  by what is real.  Energy released that heats our entire planet from 91 million miles away, and gives you a sun burn in summer.  That fire being ignited:  has no extinguisher.  Therefore it has no possibility of extinguishing itself either.  That fire, which clearly burns atomic bonds (the energy holding atoms together):  uses atoms for its fuel.  Which means absolutely everything on this planet is fuel.  HOW can you expect a fire ignited on top of an unlimited fuel source:  to put itself out?  They don’t even know what gravity is, they have proven fusion is:   a lie.  At Lawrence Livermore laboratories.  They continue on, and people continue to walk away from this reality:   because “university knows” has become a cult.  They are your gods.

          But let’s talk reality, instead of fantasy.  Which means no matter how much you trust a “university expert”:  there are NO SECOND CHANCES once ignition of an atomic fire occurs.  Either we all die with our planet/ or, they get their wish, which is free energy.  There are no other scenarios:  either our planet dies in fire with us/  or everybody gets what they advertise, will be free heat.  In one single instant, life or death for our planet, and every living thing forever:   will be decided.  No one can prove the outcome/ because only thought can conceive of it.  BUT WE ABSOLUTELY CAN DETERMINE:    the ignition of atomic fire IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS EARTH.  A gamble that deserves NOT LESS than a decision by every human being on the planet, before it is made!  Your courts/ universities/ media/ governments/ leaders of all kinds say NO.  Let the people be blind and ignorant, “they know nothing”.  While “their foreign language” makes it impossible for the majority to know, exactly what they are doing.  ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE ABOVE 3 YEARS OF AGE OR LESS;    CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND, WHAT IT MEANS TO BE WRONG.    BURNED ALIVE, one and all;  including the future, and even the solar system itself!

          People hate to be told anything they don’t want to hear:  so they malign, even hate the messenger;   and walk away before they accept what is so clearly true.  Cowardice means your dead.  Cult worship means YOURE DEAD.  Simply being wrong, by one tiny little infraction of truth;  AND YOURE ALL DEAD.  Including your children, and every other living thing on earth.  GET INVOLVED, AND “question you’re gods” immediately.  Because truth says, we are already almost dead:  their experiments are beginning to work!  Take it to heart, and remember this:  “the messenger is absolutely irrelevant/ TO THE THREAT”.  This threat exists, and cannot be stopped without true human communication, work, and decisions to be involved.  To investigate and demand WHY, should we believe the university:   when an entire world lives or dies, based upon the idea “AN ATOMIC FIRE, will just extinguish itself”!  The fire on our sun, DID NOT extinguish
itself:  is that not so?

          These extreme terrorists GAMBLE WITH
         YOU ARE INVOLVED, like
it or not/ its your life the courts and every leader says:
   HELL NO, the people shall not interfere, we
alone will decide!
 Or more distinctly, “the university is god/ and cannot be questioned”. Which is a deliberate cult. 

          HOWEVER, although they NEVER say it:  all the people involved in gambling with our planet by bringing a ten million degree fire here;  that obviously burns atomic bonds for fuel is.  THEIR ONLY PLAN:  for how to contain the fire after ignition is “that fire will just extinguish itself”.  Supposedly by their estimation:  not enough gravity here on earth.  Our world lives or dies:  COMPLETELY DEPENDENT upon whether the fire will simply extinguish itself.  Your scientists theorize:  we added fuel and energy to start the fire/ so why shouldn’t the fire go out when we take that fuel and energy away.  Even though they expect to awaken a much greater energy release/ as that is the purpose of the entire experiment;  and what is now probably a trillion dollars spent.  Nearly all with counterfeit American money:  IT DOES MATTER, when you take a bribe, and let traitors do whatever they want, with your money!

          Nonetheless, again what matters is not
even the ignition of a ten million degree atomic flame/ BUT WHETHER IT WILL GO
OUT!  One look at the sun, says NO!  Same flame/ same result:  NO second chances.

          As you look at the sun, examine it through video:  and ask yourselves, how is this sun fire fed with fuel?  It burns fuel, or its not fire.  We know, that if all the fuel is on fire at once, then there is nothing left once the fuel is gone.  We know that a supernova represents a sun on fire, that is throwing more fuel into the flame:  because it grows.  We know, when the fuel supply of a supernova goes “unstable”/ the next thing is an enormous explosion:  we know then, there must be fuel to explode.  That then produces asteroids, with its outer surface.  

          None of that suggests a fire that can be put out, until the entire sun explodes.  Once your scientists and government intellectuals ignite an atomic fire.  A sun fire, that clearly releases energy, as from atomic energy:  by what is real.  Energy released that heats our entire planet from 91 million miles away, and gives you a sun burn in summer.  That fire being ignited:  has no extinguisher.  Therefore it has no possibility of extinguishing itself either.  That fire, which clearly burns atomic bonds (the energy holding atoms together):  uses atoms for its fuel.  Which means absolutely everything on this planet is fuel.  HOW can you expect a fire ignited on top of an unlimited fuel source:  to put itself out?  They don’t even know what gravity is, they have proven fusion is:   a lie.  At Lawrence Livermore laboratories.  They continue on, and people continue to walk away from this reality:   because “university knows” has become a cult.  They are your gods.

          But let’s talk reality, instead of fantasy.  Which means no matter how much you trust a “university expert”:  there are NO SECOND CHANCES once ignition of an atomic fire occurs.  Either we all die with our planet/ or, they get their wish, which is free energy.  There are no other scenarios:  either our planet dies in fire with us/  or everybody gets what they advertise, will be free heat.  In one single instant, life or death for our planet, and every living thing forever:   will be decided.  No one can prove the outcome/ because only thought can conceive of it.  BUT WE ABSOLUTELY CAN DETERMINE:    the ignition of atomic fire IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS EARTH.  A gamble that deserves NOT LESS than a decision by every human being on the planet, before it is made!  Your courts/ universities/ media/ governments/ leaders of all kinds say NO.  Let the people be blind and ignorant, “they know nothing”.  While “their foreign language” makes it impossible for the majority to know, exactly what they are doing.  ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE ABOVE 3 YEARS OF AGE OR LESS;    CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND, WHAT IT MEANS TO BE WRONG.    BURNED ALIVE, one and all;  including the future, and even the solar system itself!

          People hate to be told anything they don’t want to hear:  so they malign, even hate the messenger;   and walk away before they accept what is so clearly true.  Cowardice means your dead.  Cult worship means YOURE DEAD.  Simply being wrong, by one tiny little infraction of truth;  AND YOURE ALL DEAD.  Including your children, and every other living thing on earth.  GET INVOLVED, AND “question you’re gods” immediately.  Because truth says, we are already almost dead:  their experiments are beginning to work!  Take it to heart, and remember this:  “the messenger is absolutely irrelevant/ TO THE THREAT”.  This threat exists, and cannot be stopped without true human communication, work, and decisions to be involved.  To investigate and demand WHY, should we believe the university:   when an entire world lives or dies, based upon the idea “AN ATOMIC FIRE, will just extinguish itself”!  The fire on our sun, DID NOT extinguish
itself:  is that not so?

          These extreme terrorists GAMBLE WITH YOUR LIFE/ GAMBLE WITH YOUR CHILD/ GAMBLE WITH YOUR FUTURE/ GAMBLE WITH EVERYTHING, FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE;  no exceptions!         YOU ARE INVOLVED, like it or not/ its your life the courts and every leader says:   HELL NO, the people shall not interfere, we alone will decide!  Or more distinctly, “the university is god/ and cannot be questioned”.  Which is a deliberate cult.

          HOWEVER, although they NEVER say it:  all the people involved in gambling with our planet by bringing a ten million degree fire here;  that obviously burns atomic bonds for fuel is.  THEIR ONLY PLAN:  for how to contain the fire after ignition is “that fire will just extinguish itself”.  Supposedly by their estimation:  not enough gravity here on earth.  Our world lives or dies:  COMPLETELY DEPENDENT upon whether the fire will simply extinguish itself.  Your scientists theorize:  we added fuel and energy to start the fire/ so why shouldn’t the fire go out when we take that fuel and energy away.  Even though they expect to awaken a much greater energy release/ as that is the purpose of the entire experiment;  and what is now probably a trillion dollars spent.  Nearly all with counterfeit American money:  IT DOES MATTER, when you take a bribe, and let traitors do whatever they want, with your money!

          Nonetheless, again what matters is not even the ignition of a ten million degree atomic flame/ BUT WHETHER IT WILL GO OUT!  One look at the sun, says NO!  Same flame/ same result:  NO second chances.

          As you look at the sun, examine it through video:  and ask yourselves, how is this sun fire fed with fuel?  It burns fuel, or its not fire.  We know, that if all the fuel is on fire at once, then there is nothing left once the fuel is gone.  We know that a supernova represents a sun on fire, that is throwing more fuel into the flame:  because it grows.  We know, when the fuel supply of a supernova goes “unstable”/ the next thing is an enormous explosion:  we know then, there must be fuel to explode.  That then produces asteroids, with its outer surface.  

          None of that suggests a fire that can be put out, until the entire sun explodes.  Once your scientists and government intellectuals ignite an atomic fire.  A sun fire, that clearly releases energy, as from atomic energy:  by what is real.  Energy released that heats our entire planet from 91 million miles away, and gives you a sun burn in summer.  That fire being ignited:  has no extinguisher.  Therefore it has no possibility of extinguishing itself either.  That fire, which clearly burns atomic bonds (the energy holding atoms together):  uses atoms for its fuel.  Which means absolutely everything on this planet is fuel.  HOW can you expect a fire ignited on top of an unlimited fuel source:  to put itself out?  They don’t even know what gravity is, they have proven fusion is:   a lie.  At Lawrence Livermore laboratories.  They continue on, and people continue to walk away from this reality:   because “university knows” has become a cult.  They are your gods.

          But let’s talk reality, instead of fantasy.  Which means no matter how much you trust a “university expert”:  there are NO SECOND CHANCES once ignition of an atomic fire occurs.  Either we all die with our planet/ or, they get their wish, which is free energy.  There are no other scenarios:  either our planet dies in fire with us/  or everybody gets what they advertise, will be free heat.  In one single instant, life or death for our planet, and every living thing forever:   will be decided.  No one can prove the outcome/ because only thought can conceive of it.  BUT WE ABSOLUTELY CAN DETERMINE:    the ignition of atomic fire IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS EARTH.  A gamble that deserves NOT LESS than a decision by every human being on the planet, before it is made!  Your courts/ universities/ media/ governments/ leaders of all kinds say NO.  Let the people be blind and ignorant, “they know nothing”.  While “their foreign language” makes it impossible for the majority to know, exactly what they are doing.  ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE ABOVE 3 YEARS OF AGE OR LESS;    CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND, WHAT IT MEANS TO BE WRONG.    BURNED ALIVE, one and all;  including the future, and even the solar system itself!

          People hate to be told anything they don’t want to hear:  so they malign, even hate the messenger;   and walk away before they accept what is so clearly true.  Cowardice means your dead.  Cult worship means YOURE DEAD.  Simply being wrong, by one tiny little infraction of truth;  AND YOURE ALL DEAD.  Including your children, and every other living thing on earth.  , AND “question you’re gods” immediately.  BGET INVOLVEDecause truth says, we are already almost dead:  their experiments are beginning to work!  Take it to heart, and remember this:  “the messenger is absolutely irrelevant/ TO THE THREAT”.  This threat exists, and cannot be stopped without true human communication, work, and decisions to be involved.  To investigate and demand WHY, should we believe the university:   when an entire world lives or dies, based upon the idea “AN ATOMIC FIRE, will just extinguish itself”!  The fire on our sun, DID NOT extinguish itself:  is that not so?

          These extreme terrorists GAMBLE WITH YOUR LIFE/ GAMBLE WITH YOUR CHILD/ GAMBLE WITH YOUR FUTURE/ GAMBLE WITH EVERYTHING, FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE;  no exceptions!         YOU ARE INVOLVED, like it or not/ its your life the courts and every leader says:   HELL NO, the people shall not interfere, we alone will decide!  Or more distinctly, “the university is god/ and cannot be questioned”.  Which is a deliberate cult.

        HOWEVER, although they NEVER say it:  all the people involved in gambling with our planet by bringing a ten million degree fire here;  that obviously burns atomic bonds for fuel is.  THEIR ONLY PLAN:  for how to contain the fire after ignition is “that fire will just extinguish itself”.  Supposedly by their estimation:  not enough gravity here on earth.  Our world lives or dies:  COMPLETELY DEPENDENT upon whether the fire will simply extinguish itself.  Your scientists theorize:  we added fuel and energy to start the fire/ so why shouldn’t the fire go out when we take that fuel and energy away.  Even though they expect to awaken a much greater energy release/ as that is the purpose of the entire experiment;  and what is now probably a trillion dollars spent.  Nearly all with counterfeit American money:  IT DOES MATTER, when you take a bribe, and let traitors do whatever they want, with your money!

          Nonetheless, again what matters is not even the ignition of a ten million degree atomic flame/ BUT WHETHER IT WILL GO OUT!  One look at the sun, says NO!  Same flame/ same result:  NO second chances.

          As you look at the sun, examine it
through video:  and ask yourselves, how
is this sun fire fed with fuel?  It burns
fuel, or its not fire.  We know, that if
all the fuel is on fire at once, then there is nothing left once the fuel is
gone.  We know that a supernova
represents a sun on fire, that is throwing more fuel into the flame:  because it grows.  We know, when the fuel supply of a supernova
goes “unstable”/ the next thing is an enormous explosion:  we know then, there must be fuel to explode.  That then produces asteroids, with its outer

          None of that suggests a fire that can be put out, until the entire sun explodes.  Once your scientists and government intellectuals ignite an atomic fire.  A sun fire, that clearly releases energy, as from atomic energy:  by what is real.  Energy released that heats our entire planet from 91 million miles away, and gives you a sun burn in summer.  That fire being ignited:  has no extinguisher.  Therefore it has no possibility of extinguishing itself either.  That fire, which clearly burns atomic bonds (the energy holding atoms together):  uses atoms for its fuel.  Which means absolutely everything on this planet is fuel.  HOW can you expect a fire ignited on top of an unlimited fuel source:  to put itself out?  They don’t even know what gravity is, they have proven fusion is:   a lie.  At Lawrence Livermore laboratories.  They continue on, and people continue to walk away from this reality:   because “university knows” has become a cult.  They are your gods.

          But let’s talk reality, instead of fantasy.  Which means no matter how much you trust a “university expert”:  there are NO SECOND CHANCES once ignition of an atomic fire occurs.  Either we all die with our planet/ or, they get their wish, which is free energy.  There are no other scenarios:  either our planet dies in fire with us/  or everybody gets what they advertise, will be free heat.  In one single instant, life or death for our planet, and every living thing forever:   will be decided.  No one can prove the outcome/ because only thought can conceive of it.  BUT WE ABSOLUTELY CAN DETERMINE:    the ignition of atomic fire IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS EARTH.  A gamble that deserves NOT LESS than a decision by every human being on the planet, before it is made!  Your courts/ universities/ media/ governments/ leaders of all kinds say NO.  Let the people be blind and ignorant, “they know nothing”.  While “their foreign language” makes it impossible for the majority to know, exactly what they are doing.  ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE ABOVE 3 YEARS OF AGE OR LESS;    CAN FULLY UNDERSTAND, WHAT IT MEANS TO BE WRONG.    BURNED ALIVE, one and all;  including the future, and even the solar system itself!

          People hate to be told anything they don’t want to hear:  so they malign, even hate the messenger;   and walk away before they accept what is so clearly true.  Cowardice means your dead.  Cult worship means YOURE DEAD.  Simply being wrong, by one tiny little infraction of truth;  AND YOURE ALL DEAD.  Including your children, and every other living thing on earth.  GET INVOLVED, AND “question you’re gods” immediately.  Because truth says, we are already almost dead:  their experiments are beginning to work!  Take it to heart, and remember this:  “the messenger is absolutely irrelevant/ TO THE THREAT”.  This threat exists, and cannot be stopped without true human communication, work, and decisions to be involved.  To investigate and demand WHY, should we believe the university:   when an entire world lives or
dies, based upon the idea “AN ATOMIC FIRE, will just extinguish itself”!
  The fire on our sun, DID NOT extinguish
itself:  is that not so?

          These extreme terrorists GAMBLE WITH YOUR LIFE/ GAMBLE WITH YOUR CHILD/ GAMBLE WITH YOUR FUTURE/ GAMBLE WITH EVERYTHING, FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE;  no exceptions!         YOU ARE INVOLVED, like it or not/ its your life the courts and every leader says:   HELL NO, the people shall not interfere, we alone will decide!  Or more distinctly, “the university is god/ and cannot be questioned”.  Which is a deliberate cult.

      The critical question is not: “what do I, think you can do about it”.  The critical reality is: once ignited, if gambling with this whole world goes wrong/ then every single life dies.  

      Your option is to do something, as best you legally can/ OR, simply let the cult of “university knows” complete its mission “to destroy life on earth”.  Not a hard choice: simply let them gamble with EVERYTHING/ OR, make them stop!  There is no middle ground.  Once ignition occurs, there is no turning back. If it continues to burn, our planet and all its life, including you dies.  Just like in a similar sense: the university genetically mutilates, saying “no problem”.  BUT once a problem exists, there is no turning back;  forever.  Therefore gambling with all life on this planet.

Your option is to do something, as best you legally can/ OR, simply let the cult of “university knows” complete its mission “to destroy life on earth”.  Not a hard choice: simply let them gamble with EVERYTHING/ OR, make them stop!  There is no middle ground.  Once ignition occurs, there is no turning back. If it continues to burn, our planet and all its life, including you dies.  Just like in a similar sense: the university genetically mutilates, saying “no problem”.  BUT once a problem exists, there is no turning back;  forever.  Therefore gambling with all life on this planet. 

 youtube videos,  for simple most “people don’t read” anymore.

Truth and value exist in the finite world, of what can be law
to govern our lives.  Without law, there
is no existence, because chaos reigns instead. 
Without truth thought cannot function, because there is no plane of
ascension through understanding, knowledge, wisdom, or love.  Without the distinction of value, as in this
is worth living for/ worth fighting for/ worth loving for;  there is no discovery of life itself.

youtube videos  because most people won’t read.    

THE PURPOSE OF THIS WORK, these sites, EVERY VIDEO, AND EVERY FACET INVOLVED, including inventions which are intended to elicit the idea “that I can see what most others do not”!  ARE
in communicating the fact, “OUR WORLD IS THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION AND GREAT CHAOS”; without true change. Believe it or not, the evidence is true.  Any film festival/ any alteration of video, whatever you choose to do:  understanding “I can only give you what is mine”.   James Frank Osterbur.  If you need a signed release, simply ask:  you will find my address if you look. This work is free, and without restraint:  I will not change my mind. DO, whatever you can do.



        The answer is:   you believe, in fantasies! You let liars/
thieves/ and traitors decide;  because
they control the words, thereby your lives. You only want, rather than live.



there is a
detail, before ending


         FIRE is chaos released,  to sustain itself by consuming whatsoever is fuel. It is controlled only by the removal of fuel.  Heat itself,  is the organized release of an elemental bond, that is removed through an orderly means. An explosion is the result “of war”/ and exists through the deliberate action of colliding forces.

         Given these facts, the foundation of fire as is chaos created, becomes the religious description called Satan.  The fundamental making them the same is:  “it consumes whatsoever is fuel”.  Thereby in men, “satan is” whatsoever chooses chaos rather than order;  cowardice rather than discipline;  selfishness rather than balance; and hate rather than love. 

 “Fire consumes”/ until the fuel is removed.  Given the planet itself, is fuel for an atomic fire, by burning the bonds which hold atoms together:  the only removal of that fuel is as a supernova star.  I remind you again:  not one single experiment has ever been done with an atomic fire.  Not one single instrument of any kind, can see within the sun to determine what is within.  Not one single theory of men and their university can withstand the reality of law, discipline, order, or the rules of physics.  They merely fantasize, because with your money “they get to play god”;  and that, is the only thing they want to do.  This world will die, unless you stop all extreme experimentation.  So says all the evidence, and every form of truth law can present.  Liars, terrorists, thieves, and traitors do NOT make “good leaders”.  Yet you follow them like little puppy dogs, wanting a treat;  on your way to the death


I HAVE, TOLD YOU FOR DECADES NOW:  that horror is coming, “with a university disguise”.  NOT because I hate them, I don’t.  Because
the fantasies some represent, WILL EXTERMINATE LIFE!  
LIFE, and WORLD are not
a game for fools to play with;  HOW,
could that not be clear?  

The fire, that burns
your skin from 91 MILLION MILES AWAY, in the summer:   IS BEING BROUGHT TO THIS EARTH.
By your universities and leaders! 
IGNITION OF THAT FIRE, which is attempted every single day in several
locations around this world;  will occur
   Therefore no further excuses exist. You have
had your warning/ and you are making your decision for an eternity.  You know, that is true.

The game is over,
reality now decides.

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