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WHAT WILL YOU DO:  WHEN THE IGNITION OF ATOMS, “just like the sun”/ turns this planet into a “lake of fire”? because that is exactly what they are trying to do. Lying about their fantasies/ deluded about playing god. And claiming whatever you might believe about everything:  so the universities can take whatever they want; in an intellectual maze you become distracted with through media involvement. Just like covid;  the evidence of truth is lacking/ because when you don’t know: then you must either believe or start searching for yourselves until you do know: what the evidence will prove true.

the evidence does not prove evolution:  the entire excuse for genetic mutilation of everything. the crucifixion of every life, by humans playing god.

the oceans are dying, and you know that is true. Yet you refuse to do anything/ screaming not my problem. But a billion+ people are going to starve when that life ends/ and then they come for your food; in a world that will be in crisis for water/ and everything else. Because overpopulation of humanity is  very real.

the resources are dying/ you throw them away

the world is overheating; and one degree too much: MAKES EVERYTHING DIE/ and then so will you. The cause is air conditioning. the cause is vehicle use. the cause is EVERYTHING HUMANS DO;  which means you too.

the list is long; but throughout this work and its companion  www.brainfirst.info  these things have been noted; and you run away.