real world

In the real world: Hate seeks an enemy to prove: “power (yes I can) and pride (look at me/ listen to me)_ over you”. Hate wants to possess (shouting I own); thereby to achieve the trophy of being superior/ the trinkets for saying “you want me”/ and the toys, to...

grow up

The tragedy of men, “its a man's world”; is evident in the results. A multitude of species already extinct, with an entire world on the brink of extinction due to the decisions of men, and their universities, of which women provide much. Too bad for you; that you world has...

begin here

CHANGING THIS WORLD, requires an understanding that is significantly different than male in charge. Or more distinctly: to remove the human animals from our lives: we must remove “want/ pride/ and power”; as the beginning ascension beyond self. Self is the essence of greed, selfishness, arrogance, apathy, hate, disrespect, fantasy,...


Electric vehicles will not be your saviors;  what you save in fuel, will be spent to by a new battery/ while copper is essential in building the cars, it is also essential in every form of "green energy project"/ and your charging stations:  real world production is limited and ending....

right to rule

THE RIGHT, to rule; can be examined very simply. NO, group of human animals (herd) volunteers to be led into unhappiness/ starvation/ slavery/ or any other form of want that is not desired by the vast majority. NO group of people, some of whom are alive as humans being alive...

covid speaks

Since nobody gets the flu or a cold, or has allergies, or asthma, or any other disease but covid; it is only fitting that you consider the possibilities of propaganda, as constructed by those collecting trillions of dollars; by releasing a biological weapon against you (as we know covid is...


It does seem to me, that goodbye is an acceptable closure to this work/ if it turns out to be true; that I am allowed to stop. Therefore I will try, to assemble something of value; as I say goodbye to whomever finds the work, and then uses it for...

grain drying

Grain drying; the fundamentals which do need to be fully investigated by USDA and others to determine exactly at which points in the storage of grain a real life scenario of additional fan usage is necessary. Since this is work: they haven't done it/ will never do it; as is...


We MUST assemble: the methods of changing society in order to keep it alive. YOUR lessons from history, are confined to island life/ and the realities of this is all we have. Some of those islands chose cannibalism, and war, and rape/ some became a primary lesson in “paradise” on...


As we address the construction of what can be left, for us all to become: when this planet is so damaged/ and nature is threatened with horrors/ and child needs a future too/ and life must be shared, or there will be only war, and cannibalism left. The cost of...