ˈplazmə/  noun    an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons in proportions resulting in more or less no overall electric charge, typically at low pressures (as in the upper atmosphere and in fluorescent lamps) or at very high temperatures (as in stars and nuclear fusion reactors).

What is plasma and how is it formed?
To put it very simply, a plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species, ions and electrons, to coexist. The funny thing about that is, that as far as we know, plasmas are the most common state of matter in the universe.

How plasma can be created?
When heated, the atoms in the gas either gain or lose electrons (ionization) and the end result is a charged particle plasma. Packed full of charged particles (positive ions, electrons, or negative ions), the plasma can also be created by breaking any molecular bonds with a magnetic field via a device such as a laser. Jan 25, 2014

Is lightning a plasma?
Plasma is when the electrons are “freed” from their host atoms for a short time, due to high temperatures. Fire is plasma, it responds to electric fields. Lightning is also plasma. When a column of electrons flows from sky to ground, the air that it passes through lights up with energy.

A more deliberate description is: when hydrogen gas us introduced as a plasma in a tokomak the basic mechanism is to force a circular motion within the gas by computer controlled electromagnetism. The gas separates into an ion state primarily or initially due to magnets pulling electrons from their nucleus, apart. To create a stronger; two opposing magnetic fields. “Much like the opposite of how an electric motor works”. A tokomak uses the resistive effect of electric forces working against each other to create heat. Working the gas by electric current against the magnetic forces opposing it. Much like a motor will overheat if there is too much resistance.

Humanity believes it can ignite a plasma that will simply dissipate and go out. BUT once they ignite an atomic fire “just like the sun”/ there is no reason to believe in that 4 million times more increase of energy; that the plasma will be anything but self sustaining.  which is how the sun operates, and sustains itself over time.  “biblical SATAN” is the prediction “humans” will ignite their world into a “lake of fire”.  as would be exactly what humanity is trying to do;  right now.